Pandora 38

Page 28

Trip to London English corner

YES!!! We did it!!! Last March a group of 48 students from 4o ESO went on a school trip to Wimbledon-London accompanied by their teachers Mariem, María Teresa and Liana. We were very lucky to be able to go on this long-awaited trip before Covid-19 turned everyone's world upside down! Although we didn't know much about this pandemic then, we followed all the hygenic measures to the most and we all used and carried our hand sanitizers in our pockets. Our trip was just for a week but we managed to visit the most important landmarks in this bustling city where our students could feel the multicultural diversity and had an amazing experience. It was very gratiying for us to see how they enjoyed and learnt about life in England , from visiting museums and art galleries...; from the adventure of taking the underground, trams and buses; sharing their lives with their host families; practising their English not only on the school but also on the streets; bargaining at Candem Town; going up to stand on Greenwich Meridian after walking through a tunnel under the Thames.......... well we'd rather let them speak out about THEIR TRIP!! I have never experienced anything like my London trip before. I was so excited to get there and meeting my host family, as well as speaking English in order to go to the groceries or ask for some help. Every place we visited seemed to be magical and it took me to the “Old London” times. I really enjoyed walking through streets we did not know before holding my friends hands, laughing and enjoying every moment we spent there. In conclusion, I would love to comeback and visit even more places. Ana Hermoso 4ESO B 26


I had not been in England before this experience, but anyway I think it has been the best way to visit this incredible country. We stayed in a native family house and they were so good and funny people, they treated me so well and they were very understanding when I wanted to chill out with some friends, but being responsible! The teachers and the company planned the trip so well that we had enough time to enjoy as much as possible our short stay in England. We visited a lot of cool places and also had some free time to enjoy on our own. We also learnt a lot of new vocabulary talking with the family. It was the best way to visit this place and I will repeat it thousands of times! Mario Echevarrías 4o ESO B Last March, we had the opportunity to travel to London, which is one of the most exciting cities in the world. Our trip was quite short, only for one week, but I’m sure that it was one of the best experience of our lives. From my point of view, one place that is a must for tourists is Camden town, where there are loads of shops. All the shops are so different from each other that you won’t find two equal. It’s geared towards everyone but mostly for teenagers. You can also find real bargains there. In addition, Big Ben and the London Eye shouldn’t be missed. Both of them are the most popular tourists attractions in London. They offer a unique experience. Paula Odriozola ( 4o ESO C)

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Articles inside

Por favor mantenga la distancia de seguridad

pages 48-49


page 47

Breves Donación de sangre

pages 50-52

Un libro en mi maleta. Care Santos

page 46

CTM ¿Quién no ha plantado un árbol en su vida?

page 45

Consejos para un IES sostenible

page 44

GD Patrimonio

page 43

Monstruos de Campotéjar

pages 40-41

Taller de fotografías 360ª

page 38

Conoces tus lagunas,mójate

pages 36-37

La sociedad civil y el medio ambiente

pages 34-35

La biblioteca informa

pages 32-33

Tryp to London

pages 28-29

The storyteller

page 30

Halloween 2019

page 25

British dessert competition

pages 26-27

La Chandeleur

page 24

De visita a la Asamblea Regional Oh la la

page 20

Une excursion magnifique

page 21

Visita al Museo de Arte Ibérico El Cigarralejo

page 19

Semana de la Ciencia y la Tecnología

pages 16-17

MASTERCHEM. Nuestro equipo pasa a la final

page 18

La ventana gris Actividades Extraescolares

page 12

Querida Pandora

page 13

Una huella de Kafka. Mi madriguera

pages 10-11

El consumo de música en periodos de confinamiento

page 7

El coronavirus no puede con el Instituto Cañada de las Eras

page 5

Qué día es hoy? ¡Lunes! No hay clase

page 6
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