The California Lumber Merchant - May 1957

Page 1

Stock Fast-Mou'ing

Gordon-MacBeatlr, Mould'ings

Your profit picture will look especially bright when you stock our easy-to-sellquality mouldings. By ordering 250 ft. or more, you save 25/o. Keep our full line on hand. Space requirements are small. Write or phone today for complete price list.

/--'jt----,/\a/-\ /\ t( . .0,%d I onlA paid t, r'- I i $ 11.25 for 250 ft. of I I t ^ . N t ^a .t. . I i %" x 7r" PLLilwp'i,ne i ll ',, panel molrld .r' \- / -\ -/ ---,\rrr -a' e-a / 1/ J-r .F .F .F- L L I I
I a a a JJ
Gordon-MacBeath Hardwood division of L. J. Carr & Co. oSocromento 2727 -65th *. Phone Glodstone 2-2657 oOoklond 8400 Boldwin St. Phone L0ckhoven 8-2578 oBerkeley Hqrdwood Co. 2546 Son Poblo Ave., Berkeley Phone AShberry 3-9224

Sponsored bV T. M. Cobb Conrpdny

O Service Truck qnd Jqck Boslrom will be inyour qreq soon qnother T. M. Cobb Service for Southern Cqlifornio Deqlers. Soles Monoger Chuck Corwin sqys: "This is cr service we feel hqs long been needed by declers."

Our Field Representotive, Jock Bostrom, will moke iob-site demonstrol,ions of .TYCO PRODUCT$-ond the nome brond moteriols we distribute io Retoil Deolers ONtY.

He will contoct Architects, Bu'ilders ond Clients selected by the deolers ond will exploin the solient feolures of R.O.W. Wood Window Units, Tyco Aluminum Cosements ond Pqtio Doors.

This new DEALER SERVICE is NOf intended to conflicf with normql trode proctices. lf hos been estoblished os o ioint venture wilh our deolers to bring our products to the qttention of the consumer. Also to help in the soles promotion of oll moteriqls ot the building level.

We Feature fhese Fine Building Products

Colifornio Pine Mouldings

sosh-wood windows_Doors

Hol lywood Combinotion DoorsShutters-Louver DoorsR.O.W. Wood Window Units

R.O.W. Horizonlql Sliding Units

Tension-fite Screens Aluminum Frqme Screens

"fYCO" Aluminum gnlls-Qqsemenls-Polio Sliding Doors-Horizonlql Sliding Units fwo Worehouses fo Serve You

'5 '--_J-E- --
gl,,.t5 ''l!, ?./i il:i{:rtl 1411,t \.. : I ?;t .i rya
?,li{:.g"tt,rgw 1*Jock Bostrom (left, obove), field repieseniqtive. ond Chuck Corwin (righr), soles monoger of T. lrl. Cobb Compony. displcy rhe new IYCO Producfs service truck now colling on progressive deqlers. "TYCO" Brond
tOS ANGETES I I 58OO S. Centrol Ave. ADoms l-1117 T. TI. COBB COTIPANY WHOI.ESATE MARYSVITLE, CAIIF. Highwoy 99-E Phone: 3-4253 SAN DIEGO I 4rh & K Srreer BEfmont 3-6673


Jack Dionne, Publisher

Subecription Price, $3.00 per Yecr

Single Copies,25 cents eqch


Crow's Lumber Price Index was down all along the line in the week ending May 4 compared to two weeks previous. Green Douglas Fir studs, framing lumber, plank and timbers were rveak but studs were not easy to buy. Standard-grade k.-d. D.F. dimension and 2x6 and. wider lower grades helped pull that segment down. The supply of 12" No. 2 and 3 P.P. boards has eased. Plywood sheathing continued firm and most mills have raised prices. There is no industry-wide attempt to boost prices.

Lumber shipments of 491 mills reporting to the National Lumber Manufacturers Assn, in the week ended April 27 were 0.5/o below production, orders 0.4/o below. Production was 2.4Vo and orders 0.9/o above the previous week. For the year-to-date, orders are 0.6/o above production . Shipments of 126,590,628 feet were 3.8/o above production at 163 mills reporting to the West Coast Lumbermen's Assn. in the week ending May 4; orders were 1.3/o below production Orders of 78,497,000 feet were 5.8/o below production at 1Z2 rrrills reporting to the Western Pine Assn. in the week ended April 27; orders were 1.7/o below the previous week when shipments had climbed 6.9/o above production Orders were 1.05/o and, shipments 3.08/o above production of 19,206,000 feet at 99 mills reporting to the Southern Pine Assn. in the week ending May 4 Orders of 111,201,000 feet climbed 3.4Vo above production in the week ending May 4, reported the Douglas Fir Piywood Assn., and were nearly l/o higher than the previous week and 24Vo above the similar 1956 week. While production dropped 2.47o from the previous report, it was 5.2/o higher than the similar 1956 period.


In this issue, we welcome these new advertisers into the family of California Lumber "Merchant-isers":

And we are also happy to welcome back the return of these former

lloy 15, 1957
I. E. Mf,RTIN (On Lecve)
Ilcorporcted uader tbe lawg ol Cclilomic J, C. Dioue, Pres. qtrd Treqs.; I. E. Mqni!, Vice Pres.; M' Adcrms, Secretcry Published ihe lst and lSth ol ecch month qt Booms 508-9-10, 108 Wegt Sixth Street, Los Angeles, Calil., Telephone VAndike 4565 Eatered cs Second-clcre uctter Septenber 25,1922' ct the Post Olnce at Los Angelee, Ccliloraic, ulder Act ol Mcrch 3, 1879 OLE MAY Soulhern Calilornicr Newg cnd Adverlising SAN FBANCISCO OFFICE MAX M. COOr 'ff10 Mcrhet SL Scs Francisco ll YUkoa 2-4797
Airtrol, fnc. . .....Page 32 Hallinan Lumber Company ... 7l Isbrandtsen Co. of California ....... 52 Shaw & McClellan Mill & Lumber Co. .. 65
Avram Lumber Company .. ... 62 Ostrom Lumber Company .. 77
Pcgec 33-tl8 ln This Issue Fun-Focts-Filosophy 58 Vogobond Editoriols . 4 My Fovorite Story ...... l0 25YeorsAqo. ...54 Personqls Wont Ads The A-LMA-NAC ol NoCol Deqlers 2 NRLDA Recommendqtions on Lumber Stondords . 6 Ooklond Hosts Arecr Hoo-Hoo Concqtenotion . B Diqmond Motch Co. Yord Sells Steel-Frome Job 14 Son Diego Deolers Host Wcyne Mullin ... . 16 Big-MiU Thinking in Smoll-mill Operotion ... ... .. iB New Sales-troining Film for Retoil Employes .. 20 For Your In{ormotion (New Products) . . 26-27 Civis Romonus Sum-An Editoriol . . 28 The AD\rEnflSERS INDEX will be lound on Ptrge 80 DIAL RYAIT t-ArAl P. O. BOX 73I. ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA TWX ARCADIA CAL 726I
HAL A. BROWN (lefr), presidenr of the Woodheod lumber Co., Los Angeles, congroluloted by his predecessor, Woyne F, Mullin, Mullin lumber Co. heqd, on eleclion lo the SCRIA presidency. Complete convenlion coverqge Herb ltleier Andy Jones

Survey of Business Conditions -1957

First Gluorler

(Compiled from questionnaires submitted by members of the Lumber Merchants Association of Northern California)

1. Compared with first 3 months of 1956, volume of busi- ' ness for the first 3 months of 1957 is :

24o/o reported an average increase of. l2o/o

760/o rcported an average decrease oL 25o/s

2. Compared with April l, 1956, dollar volume of inventory on April 1, 1957, rvas:

40o/s reported an increase of. l3o/o

36o/o reported a decrease of.ZLo/o

24o/o reported same as last year

3. Compared with first 3 months of 1956, net profits for the first 3 months of 1957 were:

180/6 rcpofted an increase oI 9o/o

680/o rcported a decrease of. 3lo/o

l4o/o rcpotted same as last year

4. Compared with first 3 months of 1956, construction activity for the first 3 months of 1957 was: llome Building:

82o/o reported down 280/6

l3o/o rcported about same

5o/o reported up 5o/o

Farm Construction :

79o/o repotted same as last year

Z|o/o rcported down 27o/o

Commercial-Industrial :

38/o repofted increase of. 19%

l4o/o rcported decrease of. 22o/o

48o/o reported same as last year

Repair and Modernization:

23o/o reported increase of l4o/o

23o/o rcpotted decrease of. l4o/o

54o/o reported same as last year

5. Predictions for balance of 1957 \\'ere :

Home Building:

33o/, said Up

25o/o said Down

42lo said Same

Repair and Modernization :

3316 said Up

l7o/o said Down

50/o said Same

6. Compared rvith April 7, 1956, Accounts Receivable on April 1, 1957, were :

l2o/o repofted Accounts Receivable higher

t7% rcported Accounts Receivable same

7to/o reported Accounts Receivable lower Average age is 48 days

7. Funds for financing are


vA . 13% 87% Title II .... 23% 77% Conventional .... 70% 30% TitleI... .s7% 43%

8. Construction Loan Funds : 610/o 39o/o

9. The prevailing Discount Percentage on mortgage loans rvas reported as:

FHA-5-10 pts; VA-7-12 pts; Conventional-2-6 pts.

10. Have you or your lenders used the facilities of the Voluntary Home Mortgage Credit Program in your area ? 100/o reported No

37o/o Yes; 63% No

Has the OHI Program increased the Repair and N[odernization business in your community?

42o/o Yes; 58/o No

Percentage of dealers ansr,vering questions in the field of Merchandising and Promotion: Yes No

1. fncreased advertising expenditures. 37o/o 63o/"

11. Have you as an individual, or jointly with others, attempted to derive any benefits from the OHI Prograrn? 72. 13.

2. Added to sales force 26/o 74% Has your cost of doing business gone up this cluarter over the same quarter last year?

Yes, 76o/s; No, 24o/o

lrq BoundsTqkes Over Woods Lumber Co. qt Sqlinos

\\roods Lumber Company,933 E. Market St., Salinas, u'as purchased by well-known Retail Lumberman Ira L. Bounds on May 1. Bounds, a long-time Edward S. Hines Lumber Company employee at Chicago and more recently manag'er of Chase Lumber Company at Salinas, will do business under the name of Ira L. Bounds Lumber Companv.

JACK POMEROY, cxecufive vicc-prerident of the Lumber Merchonfs Assn. of Norlhcrn Ccliforniq (laft foreground); Wotson i/lolone lll; Deyo W. John:on; T. l/lerrirt Ludwig; H. R. Northup, executive vice-president, Notionol Retcil Lumber Deolcrs Assn,; H. W. Black:tock, Seottlc, tred3urer; Pqul V. DeVille; Robcrt B. Brown, NRIDA Moteriols Hondling director; Mortin C. Dwyer, NRIDA Exporition dirocfor; NRIDA Prosidenr Poul R. Ely; Aren Koslcnder; R. A. Schoub ond Robcrt A. Joncr. The deolcr reprca.ntotivo3 shown left to right here mckc up rhc 1957 NRIDA Exporirion Commitlee which mer in Philodelphic Mqrch 6 fo plon onnuol Costa Mesa. Calif.. councilmen authorized a 61-home subdivision on Wilson street west of Fairvierv road.

When cuslomers uTont lo blend

Only wood sidings offer the combination of charm and durability whilh create distinctive homes, garages and summer cabins. This is a strong point in selling architects, builders-, and home prospects who are seeking ways to personalize today's home.

Weyerhaeuser 4-Square sidings come in several patterns, te'ftur-es' and species for horizbntal or vertical application. They can be finished-with varnishes, stains, or paints. You can show customerg many of these interesting variations in your Weyerhaeuser 4-Square Home Building Service Book.

Like all products bearing the Weyerhaeuser 4-Square brand name' these sidings are precision manufactured, scientifically seasoned, accurately graded, and carefully handled to prevent damage, to-the finished product. When customers ask about siding material,_show them the lumber patterns, textures and species which you stoc\-and the attractive efrbcts which can be achieved on exterior walls of their choice. For full information on how Weyerhaeuser 4-Square wood sidings, red cedar shingles and shakes can increase your profits, see your Weyerhaeuser District Representative.

Matnill SElt
I'SQUARE wooD slDllrc

ONE OF THE BEST timber stories in &ristory was told on himself with much gusto by the late great forester, Col.


He said that when he got his first forestry job, righ,t out of cqllege, he adopted the forest in w&rich he worked pretty ' much as his own, and practically said so.

ft became a habit *i.f] hl in di."o""irrg his work to ' refer to "my forest." Once he encountered a crusty old lumberman in conversation, and several times he was heard to refer to "my forest."

Finally ttre lumber*.rl "iru *,o ,orrrg Greeley: .,you know you remind me of a Bible story." The young forester expressed his interest in the subject, so the old man said: ***

"I mean the story of how Satan took the Master to the top of a high mountain and showed Him all the wealth of the world, and said to f{im, 'All this I will give you if you will bowdown and adore me.' "

What was ttre interesting part, young Greeley wanted to know? Said the other: "Well, all the time Satan was offering to give it a'way, the lying rascal never owned an acre of it." Greeley saw the point and stopped talking about .,my forest" from then on.

But he never stopped telling the story on himself and recited it often to enliven one of his very practical and learned discussions about forestry.

Col. Greeley was one of the originators of the tree farm plan of perpetuating our forests. It started small, but today there are hundreds of thousands of tree farms raising commercial trees on a scientific basis, and ranging in size from a few acres to those enclosing hundreds of thousands of acres'

One American tr€e farmer on the Pacific Coast actually planted some 35,(X)0 acres in young trees during the past Year' * * r<

So we know that there will always be a large supply of commercial trees for the American builders and that this wonderful material, so amazingly versatile in its uses, ,,shall not perish from the earth."* * *

A poet of great gifts wrote that "Only God can make a tree." But the timber industry has learned the wondrous lesson that wise and practical men can certainly assist the

work of Providence by scientific forestry. They do not make trees, but they can certainly prepare and direct, and assist their proper growth

IT HAS BEEN recited in this column before, but may bear repeating, that in the growth of a young and wellarranged forest of softwood trees, it is demonstrated almost beyond doubt that there is no socialism in Mother Nature. Ilere's how:

Young trees in a well-cared-for forest grow straight and tall, the lower limbs fall off leaving a well rounded trunk and straight timber for the cutting of lum'ber.

A sister tree, growing outside the forest and getting all the sun and moisture available without competition, grows short and squat, with limbs growing from the ground up, and only gnarled fiber in the trunk.

Because this tree has no battle for sun and moisture, it produces littl,e if any straight and clear timber. While the forest-grown tree, fighting always upward for the necessities of tree life, and losing its early lower limbs because of the forest shade, becomes a tree of quality and usefulness.

Thus demonstrating ,i*, trl the tree world, Mother Nature practices no socialism, and gives the quality to the forest tree that must battle for existence.

THE \VALL STREET JOURNAL gives this idea of what a billion is: "A man starting in 327 B.C. to give away $100 an hour, working 12 hours a day 365 days a year, wouldn't yet have run through a billion."

A GREAT FAMILY is the Success F"amily. The father of Success is Work. The Mother is Ambition. The oldest son is Common Sense. Some of the other boys are perseverance, Honesty, Dependability, Foresight, Cooperation, and Enthusiasm. The oldest daughter is Character. Her sisters are Cheerfulness, Loyalty, Courtesy, Care, Economy, Sincerity, and ffarmony. A stout familyto Yo*.

The Why Family is a great gang, too. Many men had known that when an apple fell from a tree, it fell down. One fell on the head of Newton, and he went to work to find out WHY. And so was discovered the law of gravitation. "Why" men have played.*-ior* in the world's history.

WHEN YOU write a business advertisement of any sort, put at least one thing in it that will stick in the mind of the reader.

\V. B. Greeley.
{< {<
* * *
"rU r"f. * *
* ,<


We ship direct fo your customers. o. foryou

To sove you the time ond expense of inventory, extro corloge ond extro hondling, we con ship your orders of "Hill-ond-Dole" Fence directly to your retoil outlet or controctor customer, for you, with overnight delivery on the Pocific Coost. Avoiloble for vorious fence heights, with "Hill-ond-Dole" ponels in 3, 4, 5, 6, ond 7'foot lengths, with robbetted posts ond roilings to correspond, in proper sizes.

Write, wire or cqll our neqresl oftice

NO NAltlNG NEEDED, except for top ond bottom roils. Ponels ovoiloble in 6 ond 8-inch widths with "Hill-ond-Dole" potiern, which holds them snugly logether in robbetted posls ond roilings. Mony voriotions possible with "Hill-ond-Dole" Fence from ColPocific Redwood Soles, lnc.

Conisc] our neqresf ofice:

l/tcy 15, 1957

Greqler Volume and CATAVERAS

NRTDA Sfqndqrds Committee lssues Recommendqfion in Controversy

wirh Increosed Profits

The Standards Committee of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association has submitted a recommendation to the American Lumber Standards Clommittee u.ith respect to the thickness of one-inch boards an<l trr'o-inch dimension u,hen identified as American Lumber Standard in size.

In transrnitting the recommendation, Chester T. Hubbell, chairman of NRLDA's committee. saicl : "Our Committee believes that the attached recommendations :lre for the ultimate good of a majority of all parties concerned, and l'e thereiore respectfully urge the American Lumber Stan<larcls Con'rmittee to carefulll' and seriously consider these recommerrdations n'ill be 'appropriate in the public interest.'"

NI{Ll),\'s reconrmen<lation reads as follcxvs :

"The Anrericarr I-umber Standards for Softn.oocl Lumber. :rs defined rrnder Simplified Iiractice Recommendation 1(r-53. inclrrdes nrinimum rorrgh dry thickness and tvidths of finish. common boards and dimension. r\lthough the n-ord 'dry' is not n.rentioned in conrrection u'ith the finished sizes in these three items, the inference must be assumed.

"We endnrse the recornmendation that 24/32 inches be established as the minimtrm dressed thickness of all one-inch items norv required to be 25/32 irrches, ancl r.,-e further endorse the sizes of tl.o-inch dimension specified under Table 'D' o{ the Simplified Practice Recommenrlation nrentioned ab<tve. \Ve think, hou,er-er, that these sizes shorrld lte the minimum based on l'hat they n'orrld lte l.ith a moisture content as defined under paragraph 3.2 of the Jr.rterim Fecleral Specifi cation NI M-L-00751 d.

"This Comn.rittee feels that a moisture content restriction should not be placed on the mills or on the purchasers. Ar.ry mill should be allon'ed to ship, and any purchaser to buy, Iunrber in an1. state of dryness, or in any size they choose. llorvever, if the Anrerican Lumber Standards are to appll' tltere must lre rrrinimum sizes.

"Our interest in uniformity is based on protecting the distributor and his cust<imer. Both have a right to this protection.

"It is not our intention t() sug'gest anv changes in mannfacturing;rractices or the sale of lumber that does not meet minimum American l-umber Stanclards recluirements.

"Horl'ever, u,e dri think that if a nrill cuts lumber to sizes lr'hich, l hen dry, n,ill be less than the established sizes in American Lumber Standards, they shoul<1 clescribe the product exactiy or risk being cluestioned."

United lumber Yqrds

Buys Out Riverbonk Deoler

Unitecl Lumber Yards (California), r,r'ith headclrrarters in Modesto, announces the recent purchasc of Kelle y's I.umber Yard in Riverbank. Formerly operate<l lty \\rillis Kellev, the yard u'ill non' be run as a br:rnch of United [-umber at Modesto.

$eO Afillion Torrqnce Shop €enrer

Negotiations \\'ere completed for a $40 million shopping center in Torrance to serve the peninsula, south coast and harbor areas. It 'ivill lte createcl on 85 acres of the Del Amo estate bounded by Harvthorne avenue, Sepulveda boulevard, and Carson and N{adrona avenues.

CETUIENTS Pick yourself 7,9 o WINNER! Hundreds of lumber and building materials dealers are cashing in on the popu- larity of Calaveras qriality cements. Calaveras gives you a full line of cements under_one brand name, from a single source of supily: l. Regulor 2. Plo$ic 3. White ,IIADE 'N THE WEST Top qgality Calaveras prod- toaT"t wEsT ucts give you another advantage-rapid delivery to all parts of Northern California (and in tlre case of Calaveras white, throughout the eleven Western states). Start stocking eahveras today! .f4l$y"F B*l @ c F.l!:H .gg, lelephone DOuglas 2-4224 PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO ENterprire t-2315 or DQugtat 2-4224 At OUR EXPENSE ClllcO-Flreridc 2-1826 frtODESTG-lAmbert 2-9031 OAKlAND-GLencoun l-7400 FRE5NO-3-32Z, SANTA ROSA-IO2|Z STOCKION{tOwoti! 6-7994 SACtAritENrO-c I tbcrt 2-899t

Attractive as a good volume and profit builder; attractive, too, for its supreme qualities as a building product. Nothing surPasses the enduring beauty of Rockport's Certified Dry Redwood Bevel Siding and Finish. Rockport Redwood is always well up to grade.

Iltot 15, 1957 T ruly sttractive R.OCKPOR.T R.EDWOOD.,
ROU]IIIS TUTIBER G(lTIPffIY Generol Oftice, Crocker Bldg- San Froncisco 4' Collf. YUkon 6-0912 Teletype SF-898 Specily Rockport Look for the End StamP-"RockPort" 9233 Denton Dr., Doltot, Texsr - 43O N. Woco Ave- Wlchito l, l(on
Rounds Lumber Compaoy is exclusive distributor for Rockport Redwood and sales agent for other leading Redwood mills. Rounds also represents producers of top quality Douglas Fir, White Fir and Ponderosa Pine.

lnternotionol Initiqtes

l9 qt Oqklqnd Areq Concqtenqtion

.\rr ( )rLlilrLrrrl lLrca ('onc;rtcrlrti()1r, stlrged bY the lntcrrlr titin:tl ( )rr1cr oi Ilri,r Ilo(). \\'rrs hclrl Ilarch 29 at the I_;rke \Ierritt hotcl irr ( )trkltLrrrl. \'isiting ofllcer Suprone (ir.rrdon I'],rrl, ( ilLll:Lg'hcr. rii \r'l llcxico 'I'inrlrer Co.. _\llru(1uer(lue. .\rr:Lrrgentcrtts [or tltc ('onclLt, :rt l-hich l1] Greater I'la,r'area lunrlrr:rnrcrr n'crt'initi:L1url, u.crc <lircctecl ltr- _J:rck IJerr-r-. Statc I)c1iut_r'Snlrrli Ior Nortlrcrn t'lLliiorrriu, rvith the :Llil e' assistance of Viccgcr-cn t SrrlLrks .f crr--r' \I rLshtl<. \\-cnrlcl 1 l):tclltettc. -f inr Itanrsc_r,. LlLrrl' I)cr-r arrtl I)on \\'ilson. ()tlrcr local lloo-lloo leaclcrs 1)rcsclrt inclrrrlcrl Ilug-h I,cssncr. pre sirlcnt oi San l,-rarrcisco ('lrrlr () ; .\rt ( ,rc-r'. prcsirlcnt r ii SuntlL ('l:rrL \-zLl1cy ClLrlr 170, ltnrl lllLck ( iilcs. lrresirle nt r:i li.ctll ootl Irntpirc lloo-I]oo Clulr tr5.

'l-hc l)cgrce 'l'canr. consisting' rn:Linlv oi "( )lrl (':rts" ir,rrr

SlLrr lirancisco lr-rternatior-ral I,loo-lJrio'l'c:urr. u lLs hc:Lrlctl lr_r'llrilr l',onncr. nith ltrl I)reessen in clrarge oI tltc \\'irrln ul) terurr. 'f hc l ntcrrurtiona'l Jlenrlrership contnritlrc e .rsistcrl oi -f rLck ('r-ane , Iir:rnli llill, t'hris Sechrist, Franli 'l-irnrrrr:rs rLrrrl,[crr_r- \l aslrcir.

'l'hc list oI liittcrrs irrit.ilLtcrl irL thc "long-forrl." h()u]'-:ur(l:t-h:tli e crctttol-r'. ioll,rl s:

( )al<lrrrrrl .\rcrt : | )orutlrl \\ clch, ]rlnrer To1np.,,r :trrrl (icorgc IIrLrp,rlc.

.,SlLntrL ('llrlL-Srrn .f osc .\ r-crr : ( hlu-lcs K ccsliirg, -lanrcs Hitt, I:rrgcnc ( iocllcr. .f ohn Iir-;Lnlilirr. \lltri,rrr \\'rirrl :rrrrl :tllulev lioss.

S:ur lirancisco .\rt':t: ('h;rrlt's tli ('ristirrt. L,uis I-h1ing, L'l.rr.rck l'orro, I',i11 Stcurrrt rLrrrl .\r't \\';rll.

IirLlph -NIcCullotrg-h, \rt (irc-r. (irL-r llr:r11t, -l crr-r (iritlirr ;rrt,l -lrrtttt'. \Jr ', rrt' \\ ('l'( r( i'r:l;rl('rr( rrl>.


CATIFORNIA LUMEER MERCHANT :& $"."i fr.iii** $ &:# r@i( .= Kl& ,$
DEGREE TEAM (1. to r.): Bob Gollogher, Ben Word, Horry Merlo, Fred Ziese, Hoo-Hoo Mock Giles, Lionel stott. Bob Kilgore, Bill Johnson, Herb Schour, Jr., Bo Shibley thc
6 ;l
l. Visiring Officer Gollogher (stonding). Dovis, Jim Romsey ond Art Grey. 5. Ed ond Chris Sechrist, Sun Volley cieoler. 7. 2. Kittens owoit the works. 3. Dreessen (second from right) ond The boys wotch proceedings. 8. Concoi "wheels" Jerry Moshek, Wendell Pqquele his "worm-up" teom. 6. Floyd Elliot, relired S. F, Chorlie Schmit, Phil Gosslin, Wendell Pqque?re. Jock Berry. 4. Rqmeses '48 Dove wholesoler now moyor of Foirfox, 9. Remembering THEIR initiotion



on pneumqfic tires

TOOO lbs. copocity qt 24" lood center

Power sfeering qt no exfrq cost

Also available with:

LP-Gas fuel system

Diesel engine

Dual wheels

Plus a comPlete line of lumber and building mlterial handling attachments.

TUMBERMEN! This is the truck you've asked for..-built especially to handle your kind of loads under cond.itions found in your yards ... indoors and outdoors...with greatef driving ease than youl auto.

No other TOOO lb. pneumotic offers oll these odvonced feolures:

O Shortest turning rodius (by for) mokes pos- o works inside q boxcor (the only 70oo lb. sible norrower oisles, more sloroge oreo. Pneumotic lhol will do this)'

O Power steering qs slondord equipmenl,

O Single lever hoisl ond tilt control, speeds

O Lorger engine provides exfto power to climb hondling' sfeeper grodes-keeps truck going in bod

O Low overheod cleoronce, wiih full ronge of

O Powerful brokes {lorgest broking oreol. uprights (including free-lift) lo suit your individuol requiremenls.


ruilr'EqysTER Ar{t{oul{cEs A l{EW TRUcI( DESIGI{ED ESPECIATTY F(|R TUMBER Al{D BUILDI]{G *..6#Tffir'.;;ffir;i:T-
HYSTER CO'NPANY 4445 3rd Slreel, Sqn Froncisco 24, Cglii. Mlssion 8-0680 HYSTER, COilIPANY 2425 So. Gorfteld Ave., Los Angeles 22, Co'lil, RAymond 3-6255 Catl your HYeter Dealer today. He ls llsted In Your tetephone dlrectorynTrucks-under

Jim said to Slim:

filV 6]atorlifp Shrul

Bf /e Siatuna

Age not guaranteed---Some I have told for 20 years---Some Less

"Who you writing that letter to ?"

Said Slim: "To my gal."

And Jim asked:

Reoson Enough

"What are you writing so slow for?"

And Slim said: "She can't read fast."

(Tell them you satl it in The California Luntber Merclnnt)

Chorles Denhqm Ends 48 Yeqrs With Centrql lumber Compony

Hanford, Cali{.-Charles S. l)enham this spring ended 48 r'ears of service u'ith the Central I-umber Company, having l-atched arr entire community come into being from his \-antage lroint rvith the oldest lumlrcrt-arcl irr the vicir-rity. He left the strentrous f:rrm u.orli in Guernsey in 1909 to go to u.ork for the late John ltoss, Sr., then nranag'er of the lunrlrer c()mpany. His first assignment u,as bookkeeper at thc Lemoore y:rrcl. l3y 1911 he ha<l a ltetter position ancl returned to llanford, renrairring there the p:rst ,1(r years.

Successively, \{r. Denham has served under J. P. and S. 1'. Ross, sons of the first employer, and. in turn, S. P.'s son, Stephen H. Ross. \Ir. J. P. Ross severed his connection u.ith the Hanford yard in 1930 and opened a yard in Modesto. Fourth-generation member of the Ross family in the business is James N. Ross, Steve Ross's son, rvho joined the staff earlv last year.

Charlie Denham rose in the ranks to beconte vice-president ancl secretary of the corporatittrr, luhile rvatching it grorv from a smzrll franre building housing the oflice next to the yard, t<i tu'o modern equipped facilities that non, stand on Douty street between 5th ancl (rth on the site of the old S. I-. depot. I)ealer l)enh:inr pians to devote his leisure to fishing, traveling and visiting.

USP Closes Green Veneer Plont

Redding, Calif.-U. S. Ply.r,r'ood Corl-ror:rtion's green \reneer plant in Anderson, Calif., u-as closed last month and emplo1'es transferred to other departments, the c<tmpany said April 12. Tools and equipment n.ere moved to the main plant for storage. Ken N{orrotr', Shasta division manager, saicl there seenrecl little chance the veneer rnarket rvould impror.e soon enough to permit pla.nt reopening.

Trntrn, WmSTER & JoHNsoll WHOTESAIE DISTRIBUTION YARDS GIVE RAPID SERVICE ON AtL lumber a Lumher Products O NATIONAT CITY 1640 Tidelonds Ave. O FRESNO 4582 E. Horvey Avc. O NEWARK Americon Forest Products Corp. Cedor & Smirh Avc. IIIRECT FROM MILI SHIPMENTS llR AMPLE YARD ST(ICKS O tOS ANGETES 42OO Bondini 8lvd. OVAN NUYS 15050 Erwin Ave. O RIAITO 555 We:t Riollo Avc. O STOGKTON Stockton Box Compony 1800 Morrholl Ave. o o ':"Y;:::74

PR(DFITABLE: You'll find new sales opportunities every day when you stock Exterior-type fir plywood (EXT-DFPA) in an adequate range of grades and thichnesses. Sell EXT-DFPA for construction uses, fences, outdoor furniture, boats and other marine applications, farm structures, signs-for any use requiring permanent exposure to weather or water.


sALEABLE : Exterior-tYPe (EXTDFPA) has the full range of fir plywood sales points-Iightness, strength, rigidity, impact-resistance, workability-plus the added feature of a completely waterproof glue-line. There's a full range of appearance grades, including the new premium solid core MARINE EXTERIOR, made especially for boat-hull building.

PR(IMOTABLE: Get DFPA sales helps-boat plans, farm plans, outdoor furniture plans. displays, ad mats, envelope stufiers. Catalogs and data for your contractor and industrial customers, too! All are designed to tie-in with DFPA national advertising, to help you sell more. Write for samples, complete information.

Itioy 15, 1957
EXTEFI('R.TYPE (EXT-DFPA) fir plywood is mo& wirh lfllo/o woleiprwf olue for pgimdhenl expolute to weolher or iqrer.Thd EXi-DFPA Ldnd on fte ponel edge f roiider positive-idpn?ifisqris. took for it ! ;OR GOMPTETE INFORilATION obout {ir plywood soles tools, including somples, write (USA Only) Douglos Fir Plywood Associolion, Tocomo 2, Wosh.

SCLSA Hecrrs Willord Prott

A meeting of the Southern California Lumber Seasoning Assn. was called to order April 4 by President Herb Geisenheyner atB:20 p.m. after a delicious steak dinner at Curries Santa Fe. He introduced the speaker of the evening, Willard E. Pratt of the California Redwood Association.

Mr. Pratt spoke about the need for quality kiln drying, showing as examples the ,concerns who are now, during slack times, experiencing "business as usual or better."

He graphically showed what happens to a piece of shim stick that is kiln dried and milled but was not conditioned. He brought out the fact that the shell is in compression and the core is in tension; that, during milling when more is taken ofi one face than the other, the result is a cupped board.

Pratt showed where the California Redwood Association is concentrating a lot of their promotion work. There is a great need for promotion work when you consider that in brick sided residences they are experiencing each year a 4/o to 5/o increase,'he said. A great deal of the promotion work is being done at the architect level, also through advertisements, pictures, etc.

After Bill Pratt's talk there was a fine discussion with questions and answers, and the SCLSA appreciated his coming down and giving this splendid talk.

The May meeting will be held in Eugene, Oregon, for the West Coast Dry Kiln Conference May 15-16-17 at the Eugene Hotel; next Association meeting will be June 6th.

Those who attended April 4 were Jack Johnson, Cort Mason, Downey Kiln Dry and Milling Co.; Frank Keuski,

Associated Molding Co.; Earl Simon, Simmons Mill & Lumber Co.; Arthur Furcron, J. L. Moody, Consolidated Lumber Co.; Bob Goetze, Ray H. Benson, Western Mill & LumbelCo.; Louis Kunert, Tropical & Western Lumber Co.; L. G. Wilford, Coast Kiln Co.; R. G. Swift, Island Timber Co.; Harland Walters, Penberthy Lumber Co. ; Rex Wall, Wall Dry Kiln Co.; Harold R. Cole, Bohnhoff Lumber Co. ; John Kurzhals, Sun Lumber Co.; Bob Inglis, Associated Molding Co.

Weslern Pine lssues Grcding Rule Supplements Effective Moy I

Portland-The Western Pine Association has announced the publication of supplements No. 2 and 3 to the 1956 association grading rules, effective on May l,1957.

Supplement No. 2 clarifies reinspection provisions of the association grading rules, adds a new grade called "pitch select," provides alternate rules for grading Hemlock and/or Larch, and makes changes in optional moisture content standards. Supplement No. 3 revises stress grades for Douglas Fir and Larch, making five standard stress grades now available instead of the previous three. This enables mills manufacturing these species to furnish products for the increasing demand for structural materials to be used where stress ratings are required.

The supplements may be obtained free of charge by writing the Western Pine Association, 510 Yeon Building, Portland 4, Oregon.

(Tell them you sazt) it in The California Lumber Merchant)

l2 .t , , .r ' -_ cAUFOnNn rulucR rlErcHA[l
lUnilnililo-NaTHAN . . a n&rne that has meant Sincere Seraice in lumber since 7974 o lryTNDl,Iilfi. o a W holesalers o:f NilTHAN COilIPANY West Coast Forest Products Main Office 564 Market St. Otber 2185 Huntington Drive SAN MARIN.O 9. CALIF. San Francisco 4 Ofices / Pittock Block PORTLAND 5, ORE.

free! redwood information Chaft #I"'Tfliit:I,

O As a service to lumber dealers, architects and builders, Simpson Redwood Company is now publishing a series of practical wall charts that will help you sell more redwood and make more profit from it.

REDWOOD INFORMATION CHART NO. I "Grades and Their LIses" o A handy reference wall-chart, size 'l't x 22t' pnnted on heavy card stock o Lists all the common redwood uses and the gades recommended for each o Gives you extra space to add your own special uses and recommendations. Send for your FREE Information Chart today liust fiIl out ioupon anO mait.

redwood fact:

The Heartwood of redwood is one ofthe most durable woods known. Its natural preservatives make it uniquelt resistant to termites and decay.

pipe lines built out of redwood over IOO Years ago are still giving excellent service.

Illatch for Simpson full page, full color ads in the Satwday Evcning Post.

toy 15, 1957
' ' Ilnderground


IHE i/IANTECA 'YARD of The Diornond ,tldtch Co., m,anoged by lliko Trout, ir q frqnchised deoler for Pruden Fromes (left)

SUIVEYING CONSIRUCIION ol tha 3toit of the second dcy orc School Superintendent Blonchard ( ond fom Bqrron of rhe T. E. Borion Co,, Oqklond, rhc Gqlifornio dirtributor of Pruden Frqnes

, IWO tlEN, uring onc lmoll lift truck, complefely fromcd lhe 4dx 84' ,lrudlure in iurt onc doy (lcfi phoro)l

tNiftlo C)F convcntionql opening in cnd of building, rix side door:

'. wcrc inrtolled bctween Prudcn Frqm.3 ret on 12' centerr; thir

' .providee llth'x40' rtorogc for ccch

: of tft. di$rict/r rix rchool burcr (right). fhc lo3r 12' section otolhcr ond of building wor cnclored for oficc rpocc. Building mcy bc cxpondcd otony tim. by rcmoving cnd ond.odding odditionct fromcs

Pruden Frame Building Erected for Mqnteco School Bus Goroge

The Diamond Match Company yard at Manteca, Cali- chandising because all materials needed for construction of the building may be supplied right out of yard inventory. Therefore, a Pruden job is not just a matter of supplying frames; it's a matter of supplying the entir€ "package"from cement to roofing nails.

fornia, recently franchised Pruden Frame distributor for that area, sold its first builidng to the Manteca High School District just a few weeks following its franchising by the T. E. Barton Company, of Oakland. The job, a 4Ux8{ allmetal building, was sold by Diamond Match on a competitive bid basis to the School District for storage of its six school buses.

Materials for the entire job, including eight sets of 40 clear span Pruden Frames, corrugated steel for building exterior, lumber for framing and hardware, were supplied right out of Diamond's regular yard inventory.

The Pruden "package" lends itself to lumberyard mer-

In addition to the Manteca school job, Diamond Match Company has since sold another job-a 4Ux60' truck terminal building-currently being completed for Navajo Freight Lines in Manteca.

Pruden Products Co., of Evansville, Wisconsin, is the manufacturer and designer of the Pruden system which again puts the lumber dealer in a solid bidding position on all types of low-cost industrial, commercial, farm and storage buildings-buildings which were formerly constructed

{t'l :$ : ,;,i



Upsrarns downstairs all through the house

Weyerhaeuser 4-Square Particle Board, when used as a floor underlayment, smooths out the cracks and other imperfections found in both new and old subfloors. Helps to reduce sound and heat transmission. It's resilient, too. Because it is made from wood, it can be cut and fitted with regular woodworking tools. It is designed for use on wood frame subflooring in any room above ground level, including the attic shown above.

Whether your surfacing material is tile, linoleum, cork or carpeting, 4-Square Particle Board Underlayment can be laid directly over subfloor or old floor for a fraction of the cost of a finished flooring base.

Standard Panel sizes are 4'x8', 4'x4', or 4'x2'. Canbe ordered from warehouse stocks of Distributors or in mixed car shipments with other lumber products.

Weyerhoeuser offers Hordboords, loo. , to meel d wide ronge of needs. Write for descriptive literoture.


z Uniform rmoolh sonded V surfoces

^ 7 Rcnge of thicknesres to Ol t floor level requiremenls

,, Con be cul cnd fitted with V corpenler lools

^ 7 Strong surfqce bond for v ndhesiveinstollotions

Moy t5, 1957
Firsl Notionol Bonk Building r 5t. Poul I, Minnesolo

almost entirely by one of several factory fabricators of allsteel buildings.

In addition to its original 40-clear-span frame, Pruden Products Co. is now manufacturing 5C}, and 60 clear-span frames; each of the three types of Pruden Frames is engineered to withstand 30 ibs. per sq. ft. of roof space-nearly twice the minimum load set by California building codes.

Son Diego Lumbermen Hosf Mullin

Wayne Mullin, then president of the Southern California Retail Lumber Association, was guest of the Lumbermen's Luncheon Club of the San Diego Lumbermen's Association April 16 at one of their regular weekly meetings at the Lafayette hotel. President Mullin was introduced to the

San Diego group by local President Bob Sutton.

Those attending the luncheon were Mearl Baker, Ed Boise, V. M. Capesius, Bill Cowling, O. J. Evenson, Rex Hall, Larry Ingraham, George Johnson, H. G. Larrick, Sr., Harry McGahey, Bob Reid, Syd Smith, Paul Stake, Jim Sullivan, John Sullivan and Bob Sutton.

have been issued for a 16-home tract at Del Amo boulevard west of San Gabriel river in Lakewood: valuation was $204.500.

Woyne llullin (lefi) is welcomed lo Scn Diego by s.D.t.A. President Bob Sutton The gdntlemen lisred in fhe 3tory obove moy be idenrified oround ihe luncheon toble in these lwo photos
Uulrrbor llo' incorporated RESPONSIBLE \THOLESALE DISTRIBUTION OF WEST COAST FOREST PRODUCTS 39Ol Grond Avenue Ooklcnd lO, Colif. OlymPic 8-5121 IIAIIING ADDRESS P. O. BOX t88 DOWNEY, CAIIFORNIA lT PAYS To DEPEND oN Sinrro $7e Ship From CRA Mills Exclusively "For Better RED$fOODBetter Call Sierra" DISTRIBUTOR OF BEVEL SIDING Sierro Redwood Compqny SHIPPERS OF FINE IU'II8EI Domestic and Ex|ort 7I2I IETEGRAPH NOAD IOg ANGELES 22, GALIFORNIA PArkview 8-7379 Also

"Babe, this here's a ree-tort,' ' explained Paul Bunyan to his faithful Blue Ox. "Fer pressure treatin' wood. Them Baxter folks never dunk it, er spray it, er paint it. They got a real fancy process: They stick the wood inside this ree-tort' lock her up fer zo hours. and when she comes out she's BAXCO pressure treated-chock full o' presarvatives." The great logger scratched his head with a pine tree. "I dunno how they do it, Babe, but them Baxter boys shore treat wood good-they make it last forever." $


$ Xot quiteJoreuer, Paul-but wood, properly ' pressure treated, does last up to ten times longer. For maximum long-life protection against insects and rot, authorities agree that wood preservatives should be applied by pressure treating-and BAXCO! Forest Products are a/walts pressure treated. As \Vest Coast pioneers in the wood preserving industry, our experienced engineering staff can assist in supplying you with the right preservative' the proper treatment, for any job. For a prompt quotation-inquire todaY.

Preseroatiue tleatments attailable: Creosole, Crcosole'Petroleum s o Iuti o n, Creos o! e-Pen ta s o luti on, P enta, Chemo n ite, Chromated' Zinc-Chloride, and Protexol fre retardonts'

Moy 15, 1957 L v
'\ J
@ J. H. Baxter & Co' t956
BAXTER & CO . r2o Montgomery srreet, san Francisco 4, California SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT OFFICE: 345O Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 5, Cqlif.

'Big-fUlill' Thinking


Operotions Brought Hollow Tree Lumber Co. to Presenr Position

In recent years the lurnber inclustry has n'itnessed a series of mergers and a startling grorvtl.r among several already huge lumber concerns. Along u.ith this growth and acquisition of vast stands of timber has come big mill efficiencv and competitiveness, a condition which no longer may be ignored by smaller sau,mill operators. No longer may they operate r'*'ith a minimum investment in timberlands anci machinery rvhile they rvhittle away on a piece-meal basis. For if they do, they'll soon find themselves cut off from timber and squeezed out of the market by the big operators who are looking far ahead of just next year's production schedule.

It might rn'ell be that smaller sawmill operators could learn much and profit immeasurably by transplanting some of this big-mill thinking into their own operation. While it may rvell be that there is a shortage of credit, and quite certainly money in many cases, there's no limitation on ideas. Many a small sawmill operator has reached the big time, not necessarily due to his capital, but rather to his foresight and timing-his ability to recognize r,vhat mnst be done and w'hen to do it.

Bill Moores qnd His Associofes Put'Conrrolled Exponsions' Progrom to Work for Them

Hollor'v Tree Lumber Company in Ukiah, Californi:r, headed by young and energetic William M. Moores, is just such an example. While Hollow Tree can hardly be considered in a small-mill class at this point, it certainly was just that some 12 years ago vvhen Moores and 35 employes first turned the rvheels of what norv is Mill "A" in Ukiah.

But that's all water over the dam now, because Hollo.iv Tree has since reached a position of growing importance in the redwood industry-a position earned by big-mill thinking and a program of controlled expansion strikingll' similar to that of its "bigger brothers."

While the firm continues to operate Mill "A" in the Ukiah foothills, together l'itl.r a modern 67-acre remanufacturing

HOI,LOW TREE'S 67-ocre Remqnufqcturing Plonf iusi north of town, whare lumber is finished from Sowmill A. New Mill B hos planing mill plur the sowmill TOP PHOTO: Williom H. Moores (left), president of Hollow Tree lumber Compony and Cloverdole Redwood Compony ond vice-presidenf of Hollow Tree Redwood Compony, with his good righr-hond, ,tiqx Bqrnette, president !n chcrge of Hollow Tree Radwood Compony. CENTER Photo: Hollow Trea Redwood execs (left to right)-Jim Hennessy. Colifornio solesmdnoger; G. S. "Red" Brown, in chorge of green soles; F. [. Brown, eoslern solesmcnoger, ond Msx R. Bornefte, presidenf ond generol solesmcncger. Mirsing from photo is John Stegemon, soles qnd lioison befween Mills A ond C. BOTTOM photo: Mox Bqrnette gets his kicks tooling oround in his Porsche Speedcter (not recommended for deoler colls) on weekends FfNAL UNIT ol "Yee" troiler shipment heoded Rustic is ploced on mixed truck-ondfor ratoil yord cuslomer

Mlt[ "A," locqtad in rhc Ukich foorhills, wor stqltod by Bill Moorcs ond 35 employer iust 12 yearr ogo. fodoy the combined produdtion of Hollow Trec's Mills A, B ond C totols 6,00O,000 feet of redwood monthly

plant just north of (CLM l2/I/55), the firm has since irdded to its grou'ing timber reserves and facilities with the purchase of the mill and timberlands of California Timber Co. at Annapolis. This operation, lvhich includes complete remanufacturing facilities, nor,v operates as Mill "8."

Continuing his "forlvard motion," William M. Moores, who is president of both Hollow Tree Lumber Company and Cloverdale Redwood Company, as well as a vicepresident of Hollorv Tree Redrvood Company (the sales company), announced on March 1 that Hollow Tree Redu'ood Company \\.ould hereafter handle sales of all green and dry redwood produced by Cloverdale Redrvood Company, now referred to as Mill "C."

The combined production of mills "A," "B" and "C," representing 6,000,000 feet of redrvood monthly, brings to bear zr powerful spotlight on the sales company, Hollow Tree Iledwood Company, and the men \vho move this production.

At the helm of this company is Max R. Barnette, president and general salesmanag'er, and long time associate of N{oores. Other officers include F. L. Brorvn, eastern salesrnanager, ancl N{oores, both vice-presidents; L. D. Courtright, secretary-treasurer, and W. H. A. Smith, assistant secretary-treasurer. Ably backing up this group are Jinr Hennessy, California salesnanager, G. S. "Red" Brorvn, l-randling green sales, and John Stegeman, sales :rnd liaisnn man betrveen N{ills

With the acquisition of N{ills "8" and "C" and the expansion of remanufacturing facilities at Ukiah, Barnettc notes : "\\re are nol' in a l)etter position than ever to sttpply our customers n.ith just about anything in redu'ood. ail of rvhich is graded under specifications of the Californi;rRedrvood Association, of rvhich \ve are full members. And this versatility extends to orlr method of shipments as well-either green or dry redn,ootl, in mixed or straight 1oads, by truck-and-trailer or rail.

"A1ong rr'ith versatility of operation," Barnette con.. cluded, "Bi11 Moores insists 1lpon the best of service to all customers alike, and the highest of quality in every board."

lltoy 15, 1957
HIGH LEAD IOAD|NG of redwood logs from deck to liuck in preporolion for irip to Anncpolis Mill B DRIVER his lood REIIiOVES BINDERS os Mill B crew gels sel to remove REDWOOD IOG on corrioge being cut inro slobs by bond sow EDGERIIAAN sqws for bert-grode recovery from cqnt

Wood Conversion Compqny ProducesSqles Troining Film For Refoil Lumber Yord Employes

One of the nrost important, yet most neglected, asl)ects of running a retail lunrber yard is the matter of adequately training the nr:rn behind the counter . . the man lvho, in most c:rses. determines u'hether the s:rle is rvon or lost. The losses u'hich retail lumber yarcls suffer each year, clue to lack of competent sales personnel, is staggering. Most iumber clealers are perfectly s'ell aware of this fact yet rlnsLrre of horv to correct thc siluation.

That is rvhy the nes' film, "Chuck Woods-GoGi\.er," rvhich \\rood Conversion Company has produced, is of such importance to lumber dealers. "Chuck Woods-GoGiver" is the first film of its kind in the industry concerned

solely rvith the problem of helping the man behind the counter in a lumber yard to increase tlie effectiveness of his selling techniclues.

As John Egan, sales training rlirector of \Vood Conversion Compan1., puts it, "Better training of ret:til personnel in the lumber yzrrcl is a logical approach to one r-rf the basic recluirenrents of ltusiness success today. The most important point of proper cllst()mer relationshilts hou. to serve the customer u'ho u'alks in the front ckror is a technique everl' lumber yard emplciyee should understand."

The film u'as u'ritten and directed by John Driemen in conjunction u,ith Continentai Films, Inc. of Nlinneapolis. It stars Jack Hastings, Kenneth Senn and \Varner Lahtinen. all u-ell-knon'n televisicrn personalities. The movie is in 16mm. sound and runs |or 26 minutes. It is available through \\rood Conversion Company sales representatives.

Wood Conversion Company, manufacturers of Balsar.n\\'ool insulation and Nu-\Vood insulation boarcl. se11s it! products througl'r lumber dealers on1y. Companv headcluzrrters are in St. Paul, s-ith plant facilities located at Clocluet. Nlinnesota.

N{onror-ia, Calif .-Ciity Council subdir.ision tract at Ilraclbury ancl the nerv school.

has appror-erl a map for a l.enr,,rr a\ enrle ad j,,inirrg

Stock ond Detqil Flush Doors CRESCE]IT BAY II(l(lRS With Microline Core THE WEST'S FINEST FTUSH DtlORS $old Through Jobbers lo lumber Yards Only REDV/OOD DOUGLAS FIR 2959 Corlsen St. OAKTAND 2 PHONE ANdover 1-7260 & Trailer Shipments Mill or tan/,t Senden Truclc or Rail Exclusiv e Representofive EUGENE-WIILAMETTE TUMBER mber Sales co. Placement Transits
P.O. Box 385 Monufocturers

4.//^dz/ .Lr^lrn, ano( P/ywooo( eo.

Stqte 6-4112

6l OO Sepulvedq Boulevqrd, Vqn Nuys, Cqlifornio


STqte 6-2505




Inventory of over 4,OOO,OOO BM of High'Gluolity Moteriols qvqilqble for Consumers who demqnd Quoliry qnd Ropid Service

Distributors of WEYERHAEUSER PTYVENEERlhe New, Low-Cost "Mircrcle Product" for Building ond IndustrY

We hqve moved lo new locqlions giving us qn rrreq exceeding five qcres, with under-cover sheds cqpoble of housing over five million feel of moferiql.

The ltsllmqrk Lumber crnd Plywood Co. is pleosed to offer the Lorgest PTYVENEER Inventory in 5o. Ccllif. to its consumers-

Note some of irs Applicorions qnd Uses:

Moy 15, 1957
Ptf-VENEER is eosy lo sow, drill punch or die'cut; hos mony monufocluring opplicotions in furniiure, luggoge
(.) K
Theotre, movie ond TV sets eosily ond economicolly built of fhe versotile PIY-VENEER, os used in fV houses obove PIY-VENEER used os moteriol for interior furniture componenl3i sirong, light, eosy lo cover in bottoms, bocks, side pods A weother-proofed pockoge of Pqils is lowered inio c siurdy PIY-VENEER shipping crcle PIY-VENEER'S light weight, strenglh fovorobly com' bine os excellent moteriql for contoiner, croling opplicotions

Srroble Lumber Co. Gets the Spoce lt Needs in New Worehouse

Strable l_umber Ciomp:rny bid farervell this March 1 to its l)ort of Oakland warehouse, locatecl just north of lJroadway, rvhich the company ha<l occupied since 1906. Strable, for srinre time przictically "splitting at the seants" for thc

neecl of more room, is now starting its seconci half-century of serving Northern California ret:ril lumber clealers from brand-nen,quarters constructecl by the c()urpany at ar.r :ipproxirnate cost o[ 9+50,000.


View of new offices lrom entronce qnd woiting rooml wolls sre <ombinotion of "S" Brqnrl

Philippine l/lohogony

Pcneling ond Pegged

Prefinished Morlite

Generol IVlonoger Jomes B.

OVERCAST in his new ofiice striking ly poneled in wolnut

Exlensive use of Pegged

Prefinished Morlite in fhe new Stroble offices culs down noise qnd office mochine disturbonce

Oftice of H. R. 'Doc' IIND, veleron sqlesmon ond softwoorl lumber buyer, is poneled in Sen Knolly pine cobinets, brighr color ond modern fu rnishings cdd displcy soles cppeol os well os usefulness to Stroble's lorge, wellfurnished lu n cheonroom kitchen ovoiloble to 42 employes

Huge new wqrehouse hos ospholt floor, comelbock roof supported by steel girders ond secondfloor sloroge (reor) of items oiher thon hordwood ond softwood lumber

ne\\' ln()(lern \vttreh()11sc. 'located :tt 2.55 Secon<l


Street in Oakland, is served by a new three-car spur track at First & Alice Streets (Southern Pacific) and is also rvithin easy access of the Eastshore Freeway.

James B. Overcast, general manager of the firm, in reviewing the growth of Strable Lumber and the construction of the huge warehouse, noted:

"We are all grateful to our many friends and customers who have helped make this improvement in our facilities possible. Our new facilities are more than ample to meet present-day standards of proper inside storage-as well as efficient loading of our customers' trucks, an added bonus because our new loading system will save them both time and money."

J. Y. Long and Associates designed the 52,000-sq. ft. warehouse under the direction of T.W. Power. Ernest Flener, Oakland, was the general contractor, and the following sub-contractors also helped create the new building: Acoustics, Inc. of Northern California (ceiling) ; Raymond Concrete (piling) and O. C. Jones (grading and asphalt paving). Materials rvere supplied by the following firms: Concrete material: H. W. Gentry, Henry J. Kaiser and Rhodes Jamison; Structural steel : Moore Drydock; Reinforced steel : Ilf cGrath Steel Co. ; Roof : Eastshore Improvement Co. ; Plumbing: J. A. Freitas; Electrical : Wertz & Lenheim ; Rolling doors: Pacific Rolling Doors; Glass: East Bay Glass Co.; Sprinkler system: Robinson Sprinkler

Co.; Railroad spur: Industrial Railway Co. (San Leandro).

F. A. Thomas Co. supplied and installed the Dial Intercommunication System.

Hogan Lumber Co. furnished the timbers and some of the softwood on the job, and Western Door & Sash Co. supplied the doors.

Strable, from its own stock, completed the materials list, including: hardwood and softwood lumber, flooring and plywood; Marlite Prefinished Wallboard, Upson Wallboard, Masonite Perforated Presdwood, Pioneer-Flintkote Canec Insulation and Acoustical materials, "S" Brand Solid Philippine Mahogany Wall Paneling-T&G, and Bradley Brand Hardwood Flooring.

The walls of the warehouse are of poured concrete construction, and the main floor is asphalt. The building has a camelback roof, wood partitions and wood stairways. Strable Lumber Company serves all of Northern California and employs 42 people living in Metropolitan Oakland. Salesmen include Ralph Bacon, H. R. Lind, C. E. Dame, John Enright, Frank Timmers, Ralph Meyer, Donald McDonald and David McClain. F. G. "Fritz" Klingmann, veteran of 39 years, will continue as yard superintendent and Gretchen Berman as credit manager.

Permits at $205,500 have been okayed fc,>r 2O single-family units at Romneya drive and Balsam avenue in Anaheim.

Moy 15, 1957
50-YEAR HOME of thc yord (obove) wos photogrophed in lhe '20s. New homc (righr) occupied this Morch t cosr $450,000 for lond, building qnd fixlure:
JAPANESE ADams 1-4SAlImporters and BrokersPLY\T/OOD & LUMBER o 204 East 32nd Street o Los Angeles 11, California
l. W;ll;ono Botle Co*pana

Pqul Shoemoker Visits Fidler's on Occcrsion of Southlond OHI Visir

Paul Shoemaker, vice-president and director of N{asonite Corp., Chicago, and national chairman of Operation Home Improvement, \\'as in California last month as principal speaker at the Hardboard Association joint meeting at the Biltmore hotel s'ith the Southern California OHI committee and the Building division of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce.

He took the occasion to visit l'ith Harry Perry and Louis Fidler, r,vhose operations constitute one of the largest combined outlets for N{asonite products through the jobbing outlet at International Lumber & Plyr,vood and the door outlet at Perry Door and Fidler's Mfg. Co. This rvas the first opportunity NIr. Shoemaker had had to personally vierv

the expanded, 3@0-plus doors per day activity at Fidler's in Ingleu,ood and he expressed his congratulations to Southern California industry for its ever-increasing portion of national door volume that this industry is delivering.

In the photo above, Mr. Shoemaker is sholvn (second from right) u,ith Louis Fidler, secretary of Ficller's NIig. Co., left; Harry Perry, president cif Fidler's, lnternational l-umber & I'1y'r'n'ooc1, and Perry Door of l3nrltank, second from left, and H.A. Kindness, Southern California representative for Nlasonite, right.

NIr. Shoemaker very optimistic about the 1957 prospects for building in general on a national as lvell as local basis, and especially optimistic about the OHI irnpetus to remodeling and the do-it-yourself project type of activity, reported J. Don Hanauer, sales manager of Fidler's Mfg. Co.

Bqkersfield Building Moteriqls Sold ro King Lumber Compony

Bakersfield Building N{aterials, an operation of long standing in the community, rvas purchased by King Lumber Company of the same city on April 15. The announcement u'as made jointly by Walter Peterson, manager of Bakersfield Building Materials, and Edwards H. Metcalf, general manager of King Lumber Company. Besides Peterson, other personnel u'ho rvill transfer to.King Lumber Company headquarters include Ross Foster, Ervin Smith and Clillord Gordon.

--=-t--C--:;:-r--.-:=l I55O ROYAL
Truck-and-Trailer .ft {o \'r7 \/? ;ria ('\h -rt'YL" \\- , ,-ilt ',1'\'rS .ir,il\ JVDUSTRIAL LUMBER l/ I.
CHapman 5-5501 Rail CHapman 5-5501
S. Brown

since the advent of color! Amazing three-dimensional effect. . strikingly beautifulthat shouts "A Fry Roof!" from as far as you can see it. Prospects look admire. then wantit. Yes, the new Fry "Shado-Bilt" is its own salesman. About all you have to do is teII the home-owner about Fry's FULL-VALUE 20-Year Bond . . . and the deal is clinched!


Moy 15, 1957
World's largest manufacturer of asphatt roofing and allied products1g roofing plants strategically located coast to coasf GENERAL OFFICES: 5a1a Archer Road, Summit (Argo P.O.), lllinois i{ _w o" ,r\ -q ir R Y) 't, Y .<' p'

H- Yu* I*'*MATI'N o

All inquiries regarding NE\U7 PRODUCTS, New Literatrue or booklets and other items mentioned in this section should be addressed to THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT, Room 508, 108 West 6th St., Los Angeles 14. Your inquiries will be promptly forwarded by us to the manufacturer or distributor, who will then answer your inquiries direct.

from the requirements of standard grades of Exterior type for permanent outdoor exposure. These require a high quality "C" veneer or better throughout the panel.

The new sheathing panel was devised to eliminate difficulties encountered where regular Interior type PlyScord is subject to unusual exposure conditions.

nesses in the bond because of the 21" knotholes and 2x4-inch pitch pockets found in "D" veneer. The added roughness of this grade of veneer may also be a contributing factor in potential glue-bond weakness.

C. J. Daverson, owner of Arcadia Linoleum Co., Arcadia, Calif., tells customer to "take 'em home and try 'em outr" as she examines sample chips on Coralite display board. Coralite sample chips now are "walking ads" for dealers. As a new service, the Coralite Co. now imprints individual dealers' names and addresses on the back of each sample chip on Coralite display board. The company has also launched advertising programs in both trade and consumer magazines, and plans other additional aids to dealers to boost sales of the popular pre-finish wall paneling, announces Vic O'Donnell, vice-president and salesmanager, Los Angeles.


A new, improved sheathing panel with lW% waterproof glue for use under difficult exposure ,conditions or in areas prohibiting Interior-type plywood sheathing has been announced by Douglas Fir Plywood Association. The new panel is trademarked "PlyScord With Exterior Type Glue."

Performance requirements call for hot-pressed synthetic phenolic resin glue-lines but they permit "D" veneer for inner plys and backs. This differs

It is also intended as an alternate in areas where local codes arbitrarily demand only panels with

As a result, the association declares, the new sheathing panel is recommended primarily as an improved PlyScord to be used with discretion in any application where it might be permanently exposed to severe conditions of weather and moisture. It can, however, be used as a calculated risk in the less critical class of exterior exDosures.

waterproof glue in structural applications, such as sc&rool building requirements in California.

In other cases, misuse of Interior type PlyScord has caused complaints. Examples-use over improperly ventilated crawl spaces or attics, exposure of subfloors and roof decking to rain and snow over long periods of time, and permanent semi-exposed applications such as cornice soffits and exposed roof decking on overhangs.

The association points out that the glueline test requirements for PlyScord with Exterior glue are the same as those required for standard grades of Exterior. At the same time, the association cautions that the use of "D" veneer may cause some localized weak-

New Sliding Gloss Door Folder

Full-size detail drawings, complete data table and specifications of the new d'Cor Aluminum Sliding Glass Door are contained in a new folder prepared by Nudor Manufacturing Corporation. The folder also describes the many new and exclusive features of this luxury addition to the Nudor line. For your free copy, write: Nudor Manufacturing Corporation, Departmen t ll3, 7 326 F ulton Avenue, North Hollywood, Calif.

'lr:. ,,- .:1. I:rr..1.':.l;r.":i 25 ', t-'' " ., tr-J CAIIFORNIA IU,IIBER, ilETCHANT ,1".;,,,!l ,ti
ALIFORI{IA SUGAR & WESTERN PINE AcENCY,fne. SUGAR PINE _ PONDEROSA PINEWHITE FIR _ DOUGTAS FIRCEDAR Door JombsKiln-dried Pine & Fir Mouldings, Lineql or Cut-to-length, cleor or iointed P.O. BOX r53 1448 Chopin Avenue BURTINGA'YIE, CALIFORNIA PHONE Dlqmond 24178 IWX SAN IAATEO, CAIIF. 7{

Plan Hold Verticol Filing line

Data-File has been added to Plan Hold Corp.'s line of Vertical Filing Equipment which already includes: Wall Racks, Rolling Stands, Carousel Units, Filing Cabinets and the Standard Plan Hold which may be used in "home-made" racks. Holes and other mutilations are eliminated with the all aluminum Plan Hold friction type binders.

Ask for new l2-page catalog No. 6, Plan Hold-52M Chakemco St.. South Gate. Calif.

Pre-honging Doors in Mill Goining in Populority

The KVAL Routing Boring Machine No. 990 is a tested new approach to the business of pre-hanging doors in the mill rather than on the job. fn some localities, this method has made such inroads in the construction field that it has forced lumber yards to supply prehung door units in order to maintain their sales. This method has also been responsible for specialized companies to manufacture these units. Both the door and jamb are placed in the machine and are not shifted during the following operations:

( I ) The door can be bored for lock by use of a vertical and a horizontal drill press arrangement; the drill strokes are actuated by foot pedals. (2) 'r'he face plate area can be routed after the horizontal drill has moved in the required amount. (3) Both door and jamb can be routed for hinges by use of precision routing mechanisms. (4) 'r he routing area may be changed from 3% by 3l to 4 by 4 and to al by arl merely by turning dials. (5) 'l'he machine handles doors ranging in width irom 18 inches to 42 inches and up to 7 teet in length. (6) Hinges can be applred while the door is on the machine.

KVAL machinery is produced by Kvalheim Machinery Company, manufacturers and distributors of non-ferrous and woodworking machinery, Petaluma. Calif.

... New Literoture ..

HARBORITE BEVELED SIDING, a new 4-page brochure illustrating application methods with specific data on packaging, coverage, weight, size, thickness, etc., on this first overlaid beveled siding on the market with a rabbeted lap to assure automatic alignment of courses, applied by one man, is available from Harbor Plywood Corp., Aberdeen, Wash.

..DO-IT-YOURSELF WITH PHILIPPINE MAHOGANY," NEw booklet by the Philippine Mahogany Assn., has been prepared primarily for the home workshop enthusiast and to assist in remodeling projects; covers wall paneling, types of installation and instructions, furniture and boats. Copies from Philippine Mahogany Assn., 1017 Fair Oaks Ave., South Pasadena, Calif.

New Pocket-sized Diol Chqrt Tells "How Mqny Bosrd Feel?"

A new shirt pocket-sized dial chart 1 that gives fast answers to that old question, "How many board feet?" is announced by Lumber Dealers Mer. chandising Service, creators of the popular "Lumber Pricing Calculator." Free samples are available to our readers.

The new device, with its accurate "answer dial," takes all the figuring and wasted time out of converting thickness, width and length into board feet. It makes a welcome gift for a lumber: dealer's valuable customers, reports the Merchandising Service.

Using the new dial chart, an estimator, contractor or weekend carpenter can quickly find the number of board feet in any of 38 different board sizes in any of the popular lengths. It's a simple matter, reports the Merchandising Service, to figure lengths shorter than 8 ft. or longer than 22 ft. by halving or doubling one of the given lengths.

Here's a typical operation suppose you want to know how many board feet in a piece of. 3"xlV', 16 ft. long. Set the "answer dial" so 3"x17' appears. In the window opposite 16 ft. ; it says 48 board feet. The device also includes a common nail reference table ior sizes 2d to 50d, giving the length in inches of each, and the approximate number in a pound.

Generous space is allowed for imprinting the dealer's name, address and. phone number. Your free sample and complete information on quantities and prices (imprinting included) may be had by writing the Lumber Dealers Merchandising Service, Eighth Floor, Palace Building, Minneapolis l, Minnesota.

IMPORTERS OF HARDWOOD PLYWOOD & LUIrIBER qlfuffirtQur %e* ESTAELISHED I925 579 HOWARD ST. S. N. IIA'ZLEY SAN FRANCISGO lmport tdn.g€r Notlomf Satct Agcnl. ilATHIS HARDWOOD 3ALE3, Son fronciscoi Phone GArlleld 14294 Sourhara Colllornlo & Atlzorc Sdtat Agan t Thc "8U5" tcNElL CO., Phone ANgelur l.O6O6 6'II SOUTH ATLANTIC BIVD. IO5 ANGEIES. GATIF.

Civis R.omqnus Sum

When Rome was in the &reydey of her glory, the proudest boast of the Romans was: "Civis Romanus Sum." Which means "I am a Roman citizen." No empty title was th,is. It meant something, and was plainly and clearly understood

An Editorial

to mean something in the way of character, responsibility, service to the state.

And so it mig&rt well be with the title "Lumber Merchant," or "Building Material Merchant." It should mean specific th'ings to every adult person in his town. It should be much more than a mere name if he is really a merchant.

It should mean to the prospective builder or building material buyer of the town-building specialist, building expert, building thinker, building servicer.

It should carry the impression of one who knows his business thoroughly, and who uses that knowledge actively and intelligently for the benefit of the ot&rer fellow-the man who buys or thinks of buying. It should mean more; it should mean honesty, integrity, knowledge, and courtesy.

"I am a lumber merchant" should carry the sarne sense of high honor as did those old-time words: "Civis Romanus Sum." And, if he is really a merchant-they will.

los Angeles Gify Building Goins

But County Volume Drops in April

April construction in the city of Los Angeles headed on toward another all-time annual high but building volume in the unincorporated area is dropping with more numerous incorporations of former open-county areas. The city issued 6737 permits for $57,095,189 valuation, while the county's 3440 permits totaled $24,935,000. The city was over but the county was under the April 1956 figurbs'

IHE nECENt IIOVE of Gelz Bror. & Co. to new Southern Coliforniq ofices sr 563 E. Gre€n St., Porodeno, wcr promptcd by o need for morc of,ice spoce due lo increosed lumber ond plywood soles. Storting with on ordinory ttore-type building without ony portitionr, ond with concrel' floors ond wolls, Getz Bros. builr cn othoclive ruite of oficcr, showing on inleresling contemporory dcsign, by clever uge of Philippine mohogony trirn cnd plywood poneling of various rpecier of imported hqrdwoodr. Thc rolcs confcrence room w63 done in Teak ond Sen, while thc generol oftccs orc done in Philippine mohogony motchcd ponelr.
Dontl Tle t DollqrsPLYWOOD Depend on lnterncrtionol for your working invenfory cur ro srzE ffifui,ooon',,o.,,,",,HAR,DBOAR,D UV ond Ccbinet Mcnufscturers $t,ooo,ooo ,NYENToRY AT YOUR COMMAND - AT ALL T',MES AI THE IOWEST PR'CES WHOLESALE ONIY 82O lSlS AVENUE . INGLEWOOD I, CALIF. Cofl Collect ORegon 8-7151 OF IMPOR,TED & PLYWOOD AND DO'NESTIC HAR,DWOOD, SWEDISH HAR.DBOARD Trqiler Monufqclurers Furniture Monufscfurers tblu$n l,lllt AGENTS . IMPORTERS . WHOLESATERS DISTRIBUTOR OF AtL MASONITE PRODUCTS

Where c concrete of hiqh quality is desired in orft 0R Two ltaYs





Reduces construction costs by lcrster worldng schedules cnd quicker re-use oI torms.

Allows mqrked scvings to the concrete products manulqcturer by reducing curing time, curing spcce, and inventories.

Pcrticulcrrly crdvcrntagreous in pouring traffic intersections, repcdrs in opercrting lcrctories and stores, mcchinery loundctions, tunnel liningrs, AIYD

Xloy 15, 1957 PHONE, WRtfE or fELETYPE lorc Douglas Fir Red Cedor Shingfes Royof Ook Flooring Reglonol Sofes Offlces BEVER]Y Ht[3, CAllF, FRESNO, CAllF. SACRAMENTO 21, CAtlF. ARCATA, CAllF. 319 S. Robsdron BIvd. 165 Firrt St. P.O. Bor 4293 P.O. Box 413 Brodshsw 2-4375 Phonc 2-5189 Wobosh 5-8514 Vcn Dykc 2.2936 Crestvicw 6€164 TEIETYPE: FR 147 IEI'ETYPE: SC 178 IETEIYPE: ARC 96 IELETYPE: Bev. H.7521

Hollmork Lumber ond Plywood Fills Unique lndustriol Need in rhe SoCol Building Field

An unusual lumber operation, conceived primarily on a highly technical plane and believed to be the only operation of its type in the Southern California area inasmuch as it is a yard designed to accumulate products of the forest for experimental and industrial purposes in the industries that command ever-changing problems, is the Hallmark Lumber and Plywood Co. This is apparent in the pioneering that Hallmark has shown in the field of military packaging, the entertainment industry and other manufacturing fields which require high-quality softwood products.


Hallmark is a quality and service yard, boasting facilities to handle 5,000,000 feet of forest products with an excellent staff of highly trained personnel, in sales, yard service and customer relations. This unique yard is managed by Owner-

Operators John and Mary Frederick. John Frederick, as president, heads the selling, buying and research division, while Mary Frederick governs the operational, service and financial end of this unique operation.

John Frederick,39, was born in Sanger, Calif. He attended Fairfax High, Metropolitan High, graduated president of his class and editor of the paper, attended Los Angeles City College and USC, worked for the Los Angeles Times for seven years, was awarded the Ebell scholarship for three years till he entered the Navy.

Following separation from the service he spent five years in manufacturing store fixtures as owner of this operation, where he was thoroughly schooled in the use of all types of lumber and plywood from a manufacturing standpoint. Seven years ago Mr. Frederick entered the lumber business in the capacity of sales manager. After four years he conceived the idea of a specialized yard of his own, which is now the Hallmark Lumber & Plywood Co.

Mrs. John (Mary) Frederick, 33, was born in Omaha, Nebraska, moved to Los Angeles in 1937, attended Los Angeles High, Metropolitan High, Los Angeles City College and UCLA. While working for the May Co., Mrs. Frederick was selected by Charm magazine as Most Beautiful Dept. Store Sales Girl in the Los Angeles area in 1941.

Since the war, Mrs. Frederick has worked closely with her husband in the lumber business, visiting mills, observing timber operations, plywood manufacturing, even to the extent of piloting lift trucks, lumber carriers and delivering and dumping loads of lumber on Hallmark trucks.

,i"' _il CAIIFOINIA lUtriBER rli,ElCHANl
INSE(T WIRE SCREEN ING "DURO" BRoNzE "DUROID" El".tro Galvanized "DURALUM' Cladded Aluminum Pacific Wire Products Co. COIIPTON, CAIIFORNIA .glunlten Ealrd 7rr44o/il Aoa/pl Uiil&ltf Seln / 4a OAI(, BEECH, ond IIIAPLE FIOORTNG Brcdley Unit Wood Block
Higgins lomimted Block Floodng Oqk Threshold ond Sill Gedor Glosel lining Truck Body lunber cnd S0okcs GALLEHER, HAR.DWOOD CO. 6430 Avqlon Blvd. los Angeles 3, Colif. wHorEsArE Flooring ond Lumber Phones: PL 2-3796 TH Or83


vEilflufloil il( saililER

Irol.clr .t.ln.i DUSI. ... iAlN . .

Hollywood Jr. Twins Are All-Purpose Doors

Say goodbye forever to old fashioned screen, sash and storm doors,, for here are two all purpose doors...COMB|NATION SCREEN AND METAL SASH DOORS that fit all types of wall construction and harmonrze with any interior styling.


a The Hollywood Jn Twins pemit mo.e light In kitchen end snie porch6.

o Givc ad€qulte eastr wntilation.

a lnsect.tight, rust-pmf sc@ns.

a Sash Glas3 may be cleaned with ease.


a No mce detourlng around a superflu- oui ertra door with rn.rmful of bundlcs.

a No norc aaggin& iim3y 3crcen doorg utlch invitc intrude.3.

a Act3 rs rn additlonal prct ction tor herflite Shc may @nrcE with ilt. sidar thrcugh rlsh olEnlng with@t unlcldnE tha dq.

a Burgl.r.pruf. A slmplG touch of tln. ge6 lck! $3h.

Sf Economy

a Sevs buying a, Scrocn and Storm Dor. Hdlymod J6. are all 3 combined into I d@r.

a Saves on hardware, hanglng snd painting.

a Saves on expensive replacements.

a Saves spae The HolllN@d Jn Twins may b€ hung to swing in or out Leav6 avallable lloor space which b usually lGt in Ntchen or entry way.


Ponel or tlush

a Hollyrood Jr. Twinr givr ttou yout choico of a penal or flush d@r to hlrmonlze with any styh lrchitecturc or interlo. dcaign.

O Fluih d@6 .vailable In PhilippinG Luaun, Oricntrl Ath (Scn) tr

a P.nel doE lval|lblc In plnc only.

May 15,1957
Xollywood Jr. showing m.t.l,jj:ll:i1ll
lhese 4-ln-l ADI|ANTAGES
, COLD l(..F cd fllEs.. IOSQUITOES.., IXSECT tESTs Wile tot lree illpslrolcd lilerolwe WEST
I,IANUFAC'UIEIS OF SCTEEN DOOTS, tOUVtl DOOIS & SHUIIEIS ll27 Eost 63.d Strcet, los Angelcs. Coliforniq ADqms l-II08 * Al, Coo.l c.a dishibut.d bl r.puloblc dcolers notioowidc { ... fruut tW iugr uf rutltng xtyipx... Zrwr sL Co, INc. 106 Years on Calilornia Street PIONEER IMPORTERS of Philippine Mabogany and. lapanese Hard,uood' PLY\T/OOD and. LUMBER 230 CALIFORNIA ST., SAN Phone YUkon 2-O2lO . . , to modern liners FRANCISCO Teletype: SE 457 11, CALIF.

Exclusive AIRTROI Feqlures Provide lulony Advontoges in Incinerotorc for Fqst, Efficienr DISPOSAI of lunber Wosle. Does your incinerqlor neel the requiremenls of oir-pollulion outhorltles? AIRIROL is designed to meel lhe slriclesl requirernenls!

AIRTROI hqs built ils repulolion on QUALIIY ond PERFORIIANCE. AIRTROL lncinerqlors qre SUPERIOR to oll other rypas. AIRTROL is o longestoblished custom builder of incinerotors-co why not enlrusf your problems lo our engineers? We qre ql your Service.

Get ',Jusl Whot You AIRTROT
End Your Wqste Disposql Problem with qn You
IN CI N ERATOR Designed for Strictest Air-Pollufion R equirements
PGly For. o o No More! , The Lumber lndvstry m{gf,t fg(;e this ;' issrrc tOW! lRrRol ir',:, lf,CltlERAtORg
AI RTR,OL INCOR.PO R.AT ED 76O South Porkview o Los Angeles 5, Callf. Producers and Wholesalers ol Western forest Produsts DOUGTAS FIR PONDEROSA PINE SUGAR PINE ENGETMANN SPRUCE REDWOOD HEMTOCK PIYWOOD vtA CARGORAnTRUCK crnd TRAILER 247 Sovlh Beverly Drive Beverly Hills, Colifornio Jock Finnegon BRodshow 2.o126 CReslview 6-3040 THE VOLTSTEDT KERR LUMBER CO

THE ,,OID-TIMERS, BREAKFAST,,, os olwoys, wos one of the most populor of oll the events or the SCRLA's 40th Anniversory Convention ond Trqde Show ot the gothering lqst month. Here ore the nomes to motch the distinguished fqces in this hondsome Photo by weover Service: (first row, kneeling, left ro right)Sreven HATHAWAy, Bill CUZNER, Al ROGERS; (second row, seoted, left to right)-C. c. GANAHt, A. E' FlCKLlNG, John W. FISHER, A' J. MocMll'[AN' Poul HA[' LlNGBy, Everefi C. PARKER, pork ARNOID, Kennerh SMITH, Leslie LYNCH; (third row, stonding, left ro right)-woyne MULIlN, President Hol A. BRowN, RusSEII MUI,IIN, FrOdE KILSTOFTE, Arr PENBERTHY, ROSS BTANCHARD, FrEd E' HOIMES' JOCK CI.INE, H. G. IARRICK' 5T" DON SUTHERIN' GEOT9E JOHNSON' ONd Orrie W. HAMI1TON,SCRLA executive vice-president; (bock row, left to right)-Percy ERUNER, Edd HOUGHTON, J. W. FITZPATRICK, Emil SWANSON, Wolter SplcER, D. C. ESStEy, Ed R. sTONER, 5r., Fronk GlBB5, Chesrer KNIGHT, ond Poul E. KENT. Mosl of the lumbermen in this group ore deolers wirh the required 40 yeors of service moking them eligible for ,,the club," but some of the ofiicers of rhe scRLA, the speokers of the breqkfost ond wholesolers with outstqnding service to the industry olso ioined in the picture. pork Arnold of the Fox-woodsum yord, Glendole, wqs mqster of ceremonies ot the breqkfost ond reqd oi rhe.o-plete list of ,,old+i."rr," severol of whom were unqble lo ottend. But olmost oll of the men shown here ore still octive in their yords'




( Special Cont:ention' Sectittn -- Pages 33 - 48 )

Moy 15, 1957 :i. i.l $i .S. ly $

Southern coliforniq Deqlers qnd Suppliers Join in Memorqble 4Ofh Anniversqry Convention

From N{aster-of-Ceremonies Sterling H. Wolfe's "Aloha, you-all" at the pre-Convention Han,aiian Dinner.Pa_rty the evening of April .22, to the last flip of the can-cin girls' skirts in the "C'est la Vie" spectacular at the Moulin Rouge night club that concluded-the ccnvention, the 40th Anniversarv Convention and Trade Show of the Southern California Retail Lumber Asrociation at the Ambassador hotel in Los Angeles rvas one.swell gathering of fun, f rolic and good-.fellowship salted with plenty of education, too.

The 40th annual meeting held April 23-25, 1957, with the Hawiiian reunion a sort of convenrion "previen " the night of the 22nd for those 1uckr. indir.icluals ivho made the recent SC.RL\ Hau'aiian Islands junket in late February lrnd earlv XIarch, l'as attendecl L.y more thar.r 2,000 clealers, suppliers, their l'ives, yard enrployes anrl guests. Roth tl-re attentlancc :r.t, anrl interest in, the clisplay exhiltits <.rf neu- ltrorlucts irr thc Elr.rbassy and Colorrial roonrs of the hotel this vcar \\-as flrr grcater than ever before.

Pror-ing the SoCal lnmber rlealers rv:rnt and approve product displays at thcir conventions is the nrrmlter of letters from exhilritors that Ifxccrrtirrc Vicc-I'resiclent Orrie \\-. Hamilton had receir.ed by last u,cek. In fact, r.e can cluote from one letter that he receivc<l later last month, shortlrlufter conclttsion oi the currvcrrti,,rr:

"The contacts we made at the convention are 'payingof in the form of deals for our products. Many visiting dealers left their business cards or phoned us promptly to send a salesman to their yards, which resulted in sales and orders to us for the products we displayed.

We are well pleased with the results of our exhibiting at the meeting."
The 1956-57 officers and clirectors u'ho u cre rcsronsible
ORRIE HAMILTON greets Sronley Tolbort, his speoker ot rhe April 25 luncheon

ior tl-rc success of the ,lOth :rnnttal nreeting, conclrt<lir-rg no t:r'lrle tcrnrs olt ol1jce for several oi thcr-n, tverc \\-rt,vnc li. Nf ullin, prcsirlerrrt; llr. Hantilton: Ilal --\. Bron'n, t iccr-prcsi <lent ; t.. (iilrrrorc \\-ar<1. r'ice-lrresidertt; Harrv ('. IIc( itLhcr', lrcirsurcr. antl Stanler- (i. f IcI)onald, -secrctar\' ; I )ircrct()rs ll:rl1rh N. Ilalicr. llcn \\'. Il:trtcls, Carl llauer, [-..\. I"erck stronr, Jr.. Sturrlr:r- l'-. l),ron tt. I lomer l{. Burnally, \rllu.qh:Lrr .l)ar.ies. 'l'honlrs lr,. Iilcrnirtr:, 'I'hom:is -J. Fox, Ilexf orcl 1,. I'l:111. Stu;rrt lllrrris, Lltthr,r1r li. l-cishmltn, \\Iiler- O. JIannir-rg. 1'-clrvur<l \\'. \Irrvcr, (':trr ll. \{ cL.lLrrlev' Itrrssell H. \icCo1-, ltalph I). li.usse ll ;rrr<1 \\'illirLrl l'. \IanlIatre.

Also c:rrriecl or.r tl.rc SClil..\'s Olficers-l)ircctors list are the Presidents llmerittts I'ati1 J tallinglry, (icorge I-ottusberrrand Everett C. Parker.

The follorving ofhcers and clirectors \\'crc electetl b1' thc


l. Deon Jones (righr) tolks to the Hyster mon' 2. Morsh Meyer (left) of rhe Herb Meier lumber Co. "piiches" the Butte-Pok Mouldings produci to o couple visiting firemen.3. Mrs. Jqck Cline, Mrs. Ole Moy, Mrs, Don Bufkin. Mrs. Poul Fritchey ond Mrs. Orrie Homilton moke os ottroclive q group os we've seen since we lefi Hollywood. 4. The exhibits were monned by well-informed ond pleosont solesmen.5. Sqnto Monico Deoler Tom Fox meels some friends ol rhe littrell booth. 6. The W.C.t.A. boorh exploined ihe qssociqtion's splendid services. T. Rex Oxford looked over the Plywood Distributors'Hqndbook ql rhe John Eells booth. 8. Floyd Scotl stopped ot the some booth, sneoked o peek ond bought o copy. 9. There wqs no doubt whose booth this wos. I0. The Johns-Monville ex-hibit wos o moslerpiece of convention disploy of J-M products. ll. The Kochton stsffers were qs well-informed os olwoys. 12. Jim Newquisf like mony olhers, mel old friends ot the show ond found it o stimuloting convenlion. I3. Jim Block, o wesl coqsl represenfqlive, greeted old qnd mqde new friends for Celoter. 14. Tom Fox got oround eorly ond often ol rhe exhibirs, brought John W. Fisher (lefi) of the Sqnto Monico yord of thqt nqme thqt Tom heods up, to see the U. S. Plywood Corp. disploy


board Tuesday morning, Aprll 23, ata pre-registration breakfast meeting, to head the association for the fiscal year ending April 1958:

1957-58 Officers, Directors Elected

Fresident-Hal A. Brown, Woodhead Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Vice-president-Homer H. Burnaby, Sun Lumber Co., San Pedro; Vice-president-Harry C. McGahey, San Diego Lumber Co.; Treasurer-Ralph N. Baker, Barr Lumber Co., Santa Ana; Secretary-Ralph D. Russell, Consolidated Lumber Co., Wilmington; Executive Vice-president-Orrie W. Hamilton.

Directors-at-Large (elected by Board to serve fiscal year) : John Ganahl, Ernest Ganahl Lumber Co., Anaheim; Robert R. James, Macco Lumber Co., Paramount; Frode B. Kilstofte, Rossman Mill & Lumber Co., Wilmington; Harry C. McGahey; Kingston McKee, Forest Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Phil J. Stillwell, Hammond Lumber Co. Division of Georgia-Pacific Corp., Los Angeles.

Directors (carried over or elected by organized area groups as Board members for fiscal year) : Ralph N. Baker; Ben W. Bartels, Peoples Lumber Co., Ventura; Carvel D. Brown, Orban Lumber Co., Pasadena; Hal A. Brown; Stanley E. Brown, Chandler Lumber Co., Van Nuys; Norbert Bundschuh, Myrtle Avenue Lumber Co., Monrovia; E,. Vaughan Davies, Thompson Lumber Co., San Bernardino; Thomas B. Fleming, Fleming & Hightower Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Thomas J. Fox, John W. Fisher Lumber Co.,

J!l ECKARDT of rhe Wrightron Lumber Co., North Hollywood, wo: firsi on the progrom wltl his terriftc color slides ol lhe recent Hawoiion trip. The young deolei, o mc+ ler of showmonrhip, pul on o recl."produclion"relling o stoly with hil slides snd bocking fhem up with diclogue ond musicol bockground on o lopc rccordrr, looking over his rhouldcr qio Verc and Poul Fritchey, who followed him on the program with romc rcn. sotional rlid* of their own



Santa Monica; Stuart W. Harris, Lounsberry & Harris, Los Angeles; George V. Johnson, National Lumber Co., National City; Wiley O. Manning, Manning Lumber Co., El Centro; Edward W. Mayer, Ambrose Mill & Lumber Co., Santa Sarbara; Carr E. McCauley, Ontario Lumber & Hardware Co.; Russell H. McCoy, McCoy Lumber Co., Hemet; Wayne F. Mullin, Mullin Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Ralph D. Russell; W. Stewart Russell, Russell Lumber Co., Whittier; Raymond L. Schuler, Anawalt Lumber & Materials Co., Pacoima; Robert M. Sutton, Airline Lumber Co., San Diego; Laurence Van Order, Blue Star Lumber Co., Lynwood; C. Gilmore Ward, Ward & Harrington Lumber Co., Santa Ana.


at the Ambassador

Orrie Hamilton had an inspired idea when he got the delegates to the recent SCRLA Lumbermen's Hawaiian Conference earlier this year together for a reunion at the Ambassador hotel the evening before the convention's start. There were very few who made the trip to the Islands in February who didn't come back to refresh their happy memories this April22 occasion.

With the dealers in their laundered Hawaiian sport shirts and the ladies in their flowery brightest, it was exactly like living the trip all over again. A convivial period preceded the tropical style dinner in the West Venetian room as friendships were renewed among the dealers whose yards hereabouts are far removed from one another's, and then some happy l{ula entertainment followed the exotic food. The hips-swinging, hands-weaving artists were Moani and Leina Lei and the Max Reid Hawaiian Trio. These kids can give their Islands counterparts spades (to bury their grass skirts rvith).

Sterling H. Wolfe of the Marquart-Wolfe Lumber Co.; Los Angeles, hosted the entertainment and the showing of color slides and movies of the Hawaiian junket that followed. The younger of the two wholesaling Wolfes (his dad lforace is the big bad one, we guess) proved a very adept m.c. and delighted the crowd of almost 100 persons

It is no mere flattery to say that many -of the SoCal lumber dealers could have made their name and fame as professional photographers if their film exhibits at the party are any indication. The slides and movie film were genuinely superb. It is to be hoped that no one is overlooked in this listing of those who displayed their prowess in the camera att at the showing, for all the work was just great, real great:


lizing in fruck-and-frailer
. . . Old-Growlh Bond-sown REDWOOD from Boiock lumber Co., Monchester Old-Growth DOUGTAS FIR from Spocek Bros. Lumber Co., Monchester REDWOOD pOSrS ond FENCTNG Wholesqle Only Southern Cqliforniq Ofilce: Russ SHARP P.O. Box S5-Altodenq, Cqlif. IWX: Pqso Cal75tO Phones: RYan l-OO79i SYcomore 8-6845
Fred HOIMES / Corl FORCE P. O. Box 987 Fort Brogg, Colif. TWX: Fort Brogg 49 Phone: Y(lrktown 4-37OO
and Roil Ship menls


Jim Eckardt, Charlie Darnell, Sid Mercer, Steve Hatharvay, Carr McCauley, Bus Blanchard, Paul Fritchey, Wilbur Barr and, last but far from least, NIrs. "Steur." Russell, rn'hose excellent color subjects came last in the lengthy but fascinating shou'ing.

The party broke up near midnight rvith every appetite sincerely rvhetted for the gala 40th anniversary convention to start on the morrow. -

and Down to Business

The directors gatherecl in the Lido room of the Arnbassador at B a.m., April 23. for a breakfast board meeting as the first offjcial business of the '10th convention. Registration was started at 10:00 in the main lol>by bv the efhcient, hard-u'orking staff of N[r. Hamilton's exectttive office, :rnd

t5, The Colifornio lumber Merchnnl edilor met on old friend from the Hswoiion trip, Corr McCouley (righr), ct the Hoo-Hoo booth on q tour of the exhibits. 15. Ihe Horbor Plywood rqlesmen hod o choice spot-the heod-on booth in the Embossy Room. 17. Dee Essley, Rocs Blonchord ond Don Comstock (left to right). oll good men in their difierent fields, gor logether al Don's Weslern Pine Associotion boorh.. I8. Jim Cooper (right) ond his dod, Chorles Coopcr (center) of rhe W. E, Cooper Wholesale Lumber Co. stopped to look ot o Wostern Red Cedor display. 19. J. W. Fitzpalrick ("in 'rhe middle") eniertoined lhe lcdies at luncheon. 20. Chester Knighr. the Sqn Fcrnondo deole:. stopped in ot the lum,bermen's Mutuol Cosuolty Co. booth ond got one of those grcnd mops they distribute qt every convention. 21. A bunch of the boys lined up for o picture or rhe Visodor dirploy. SAY! let's move in for o-22. closeup of thot clegonl exhibir. 23. John Fisher (lefi) looked in on the Moconite men, loo (rhor kid sure gels oround!) 24. Monrovio Deoler Norbelt Bundschuh, who prasided ot the Wednesday luncheon, poses wilh one of his speokers, Chorles Hcrper (left). 25. Yep! lnsullte sure does! 25. The Hyster Co, exhibir, like ir docs every yeqr, ollracled q horde of deslers' 27. Fi & Pine Lumber Co. had one of ihe cotchiesl disploys of fhe convention. ?8. Al Frost, Jr. ond Eddie Glqsson of Son Diego with their wives


The follou'ing manttfactttrers, u'holesalers and suppliers exhibited their proclucts, u.ith l.ell-trailetl salesmen and/or principals manning the booths, in the Itmbassv zrr.rcl Colonial rooms of the An.rbassaclor hotel for the SCRL.\'s 40th annttal last r.nontl"r. The displavs zrnd clem,,trstr:ttions \\'ere expertly done and the dealcrs in uttenrlance aclded to their business knou'ledge or learnecl neu' tricks and tools for their trades: (the firm names listecl in boldface tvpe :rre those u'hose prodttcts or services are regttlarly advertised in these columns and generally better knotyn t6 6ur tlealer srrlrscribers )

Arrorvsn-iith Tool & Die Corp. ; The I'hilip Carey NIfg. Co. ; The Celotex Corp.; Douglas Fir Plywood Assn.; John Eells, Inc.; Extension Drau-er Support Corp. ; Fir & Pine Lumber Co. ; Ed Fountain Lumber Co. ; Lloyd A. Fry Roofing Co.; General Pl1'u'ood Corp. ; Georgia-Pacific Corp.; Haley Bros.; Harbor Plywood Corp.; F. L. Hearin Lumber; Hoo-lloo Clubs of Southern California;I{ung-ltite Door, Inc.;HysterCompany;Insulite l)ivision, Mando; Johns-Manville Sales Corp.; Kochton Plywood & Veneer Co.; Littrell Hardware Lines; Lumbermen's N{utu:rl Casualty Co.;NIantz Const. Supply Co.; Masonite Corporation; Herb M,eier Lumber Co.; \Iillers Falls Co.; N{ol>i1e Irrcinerator Corp.; I'abco-Fibreboard; Parmco, Inc.; l'ittslrurgh I'late Glass Cg.: I,o1-ernail Co.;Pruden Products Co.; Sani-Top, Inc. ; So-Cal Building Materials Co. ; Sunset Floor Coverings Co. ; Timber Engineering Co. of California; United States Plywood Corp.; The Visador Company; Warren Southwest, Inc.; Washington Steel Products; West Coast Lumbermen's Assn.; Western Pine Association, Zegers, Inc.

the doors of the huge Tradc Shou. rvere thron-n open at 10:30 in the Embassr- and Colonial rooms. I,-riends met. business problems were talked and stage \\.as set for another dealer meeting.

The kick-off luncheon at n<ion in the ltmltassv room got the meeting don'n to its first trrass-tacks. An inr-ocation \\-as delivered by Dr. tluebner of the Ingleu.ood First Nlethoclist church and organ music l>y Nfa<leline \\-iley made a u-elcome background during the first meal.

Presiclent N{rrllir-r :Ls officizrting offrcer told the audience of the morning's directors session and association martters. He introduced the alrvays capable Lathrop K. Leisliman of the Crou,n City Lumber & NIill Co., I'asadena, u-ho, ir.r turn. listed for the audience the ncu. ollicers ancl directors chosen in the morning's election ar.rd then olliciallv introcluced the nerv llresident, Hal Brou'n, u'hc> tt.rok ()\.er :rs the ltresicling officer for the luncheon.

\Vith his credo of Americanisln ringing in ev€rv u'ord he

THE BOARD OF DTRECTORS of the Southern Cqlifornio Retoil Lumber Assn. obligingly posed for The Merchont in rqther cromped quq.ters ot the conclusion of their onnuol convention session, The othar shots "oround-the-iqble" were roken while the boord wqs in session. There's q lot of broin-power shown here. The direclors ore listed on Poge 35 of fhis running convention repo/t

Retoil-Thof is

rltters. President-elect Bros.n said a fer.l' u'orcls and introcluced the convention's first sl)eaker, Joseph F. Leopold, public relations organizatron collncil and malraf{ement. Dallas, r:hose subject \\.as "Your Cr>mpetitor-Urrcle Sam."

With good humor, pleasant voice and effortless lilatform manners, Speaker I-eopold put the :ru(lience in the nrood to receive some sharl) t'isdom and halnmered home again the evils of g"overnment in big business, motlnting tax iosses and other all-too-n current business headaches. He urged the importance of \\rriting and \\'riting and s-riting some more to your congressmen, and clreN a bluePrint of hou, to go about it.

Hal Bron'n put \\''ayne Nlullin on stage next for the annual President's Report. Called "It's Your I'roblem, Too," Dealer NIullin's second such report ciuring l.ris tenure rang true and hit home \\'ith e\.ery meml)er present (the talk u'ill be carried almost in its entirety in the next issue).

The luncheon crou'd \vas dismissed arottnd 3 p.-. for their attenclance at the equil)ment and prodtlcts exhibits, \\'here salesmen manning the booths made them \\'elcome, and industry hlms rl,ere shon'n in the little theatre of the Frenchette room.

Large Evening Crowd at Trade Show

One of the largest crowds that has ever attended one of Orrie Hamilton's annual Open House-Trade Shotvs was

Just Whqt He Needed-

L.V. "Larry" Ingraham, manager of the Home Lumber Co., Chula Vista, was the lr''inner of the free copy of John Eells' new Plyu,oocl Distributors Handbook at the SCRLA's 40th convention and trade shorv at the Ambassador. Orrie Hamilton drel'the u'inning card for the attendance at the exhibits.


Manufacturel rnd Distributor

lrtoy 15, 1957
CONVENTION CANDIDS-Top left: The ofiice stoft of the SCRIA dropped their duties for a moment fo lef fhe comeromqn ger lhis shot. Shirley Corvolho (righr) wos working her lost Gonvention ofter four yeors with fhe ossociotion; she hod to resign to ioin her huCbond in his new iob ot Ridgecresf. ToP cenler: Hol Brown (lefi), who'll Le moking it nexi April. lisiens to Woyne Mullin for o few pointers on "the President's Report." Top right: As likelyJooking o bunch of deolers os you're lioble ro find in ony on" ploce oi ony one rime-Bob Sutton, Hol Brown, Herschell Lorrick, Sr.. Woyne Mullin ond Horry McGohey. Lower left: Pork Arnold (center) hos iusl introduced Sfeoker Kenneth Smith (ot the mike) ond is returning to his seot olongside Everett Porker (lefi) ot the Old-rimers Breokfsst' Lower center: John Northqm (leff) of HorLor Plywood Corp. greets the Wqrd (Gilmore) of Wqrd & Horrington, Sonto Ano. in front of 'the Horbor sign lhot proudly boosts: "We do not sell YOUR Business." lower right: Joseph F. leopold (or mike) wos lhe firsl speoker oi first session
High Altitude, Soft Textured Growth MODERN MOORE DESIGNED DRY KILNS


Harhorite is the miracle overlaid fir plywood



. has rabbeted lap for automatic alignment

EASY WORKING! Harborite Bevelcd Siding is easiel to apply. easiet to l'oi'k l'ith stanclarcl tools. No furling strips, l-eclgcs or shims are rcquired. No chaililining or measuling is neecled the labbetecl iap plovicles automatic alignment. Nailing ancl caulking are easier'. Joints are smooth and rvoq fh olfi oh f

EASY PAINTING! Harborite Bevelecl Siding has a super-smooth ovellaicl face. paint goes on easier, lasts longer', looks better. Harborite Beveled Sicling is completely ResinSealed. Overlay c.liminates checking minimizes grain raise !

LOwER COST! Ease of handling, u'orking and painting gleatly recluces plecious man-hours.. slashes time ancl costs I No l'aste effort or matclial.It's re-humiclificcl... shrinl<age and rvalpage i:educecl to an abso]utc minimum ! Maintenancc costs cut, too the hard snlface \\'cal's fai' longer than ordinaly siclings!

EASY HANDIING! Harborite Beveled Siding is light rvcight. One man can apply it quickly, accurately. Easy to fit around all openings. lt's packed in stnldy, casy-to-handle cartons. 14 pieces, 72" x 96" to the carton net cor,elage 105 squat'e feet.

. . lasts longer . . . looks better. . . costs less !
Auailable at your lumber dealer
@ 1957 llarbor Plyvootl Corporatiott


super-resistant to wear, weather and water!

HARBORITE. the building product of 1001 uses !

$"The house that we have just completed owned by Torai Neishi and designed by Guy L. Rosebrook, Architect, specified the use of Harborite Beveled Siding. Our lobor, painting and motefial cost wos reduced by ot leost lhiily percent. In ovr opinion, no siding ftos the quality oppesronce olter painling thot this maleilal has."

)1-tz' e /.4LuJ

TRERTCHS & ToMut{SoN 0akland. california

Harborite is also available in standard 4'x8'panels, and over-size panels on special order. Overlay on one or both sides. Two grades:

Speci,al HARBORITE (C grade core) and HARBORITE Super-Grade (Solid rvood core).




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I Name l l- l
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if*Ei€*ss€H:i s r*lsesgsfi*:; ;; €nr g; i€#i g; jEifiiiffru;i =;; E;EtE; Hut 3 ifr a€ ai P€Efligj ;E:ii;i! rgll; Sii$iiEiiiIii i=LE€i{ ai fr rss; EE;Fi;rJi:3fls $t ilif$;E#EEg! Effiil$Er$ii[:A IEiIiiiiII3iEf E IE flIi€ flif f E EE EE I i:iFsSEFnI E EgEi;iiEt;iEi} ,l@il i,: jj

Woyne Mullin Hqiled

Several of the speakers at the SCRLA's 40th annual took occasion to call attention to the tremendously successful terms of office that Wayne F. Mullin was concluding at this convention. During his 1955-56 and 1956-57 terms as president of the Southern California Retail Lumher Association, Mr. Mullin, who in workaday life is president of the growing Mullin Lumber Company yards in Los Angeles, its suburbs and Arizona cities, brougtrt many new ideas and innovations into SCRLA activity. In his May 2 Bulletin to the membership, SCRLA Executive Vice-President Orrie W. Hamilton, who ought to know from his historic vantage point, wrote: " . .. President Mullin's two-year tenure in office will go down in the Association's history as two years of continuous progress." Many of President Wayne's predecessors in the ofEce were loudest in their praise of ttre way he conducted the office and himself in it. Now well-known are the early-year membership meetings with the Associate (supplier) members he inspired in 1956 and, this year, the recent dealer-supplier (and wives) businesspleasure trip to the Hawaiian Islands. These are the more public of his good works, but the SCRLA dealers who know also acknowledge the larger, industry strides on which .he has started the SCRLA's feet during his two years at its head; the reforms and movements he has launched. Wayne Mullin's name will stand bright among the many good men who have preceded and those who will follow him in that high and muchrespected office in our industry.-The CALIFOITNIA

out in force Tuesclay ever-ring to study the product displar.s and see some tremendously good entertainment. Ourners and principals of SCITLA retail yards and the Associate u'holesale mernbers had lteen especially urged to turn out their yard personnel and office people for the Open House this 1.ear fr.,r the manv advantages inherent in their attendance. Turn them out they did, and the big cror,vd of lumberfolks not only learned a lot about current and coming building materials but had a rvonderful time rvatching the talents of the Doris Crane l\{usical Trio and Nick I-ucas. the famed old crooning troubadour. Excellent refreshrnents \\.ere serve<l and attendance prizes au'arded. The entire evening

u'as under the direction of llobert K. Leishman, general manager of l'asaclena's Crou.n Citv l-umber & \fill Co.. and he hosted a memorable time.

The Old-timers Breakfast

Once again honoring those actir.e and associate members of the SCRLA rvho har-e u'orkcd .10 or more years in the lumber and allied products industry, the almost-annual Oldtimers Breakfast n'as staged \\'eclnes{ay morning, Aprll 24, this year in the Venetian room of the hotel, rvhere an ample breakfast rvas served before \\ra1'ne N{ullin introduced H. Park Arnold of Glendale's Fox-Woodsum Lumber Co. and he rvent into action as presiding officer. Never one to let mnch rnoss grorv under his lumber stocks, Dealer Arnold got the shon on the road.

Hailing them as the real "rugged individualists" of our industry, NIr. Arnold read the present roll of some 25 such ,10-1.ear members and allou'ed a ferv ll.ords to each of them present l-ho u'ished them.

Amor.rg the "old-timers" whose names rvere callecl s-ere L. A. Beckstrom, Itoss lllanchard, Percy Bruner, NIr. De Nicolai, Hayu'ard and Charles Dill, Asa Fickling, John W. Fisher, Connie Ganahl, Iirank Gibbs, Paul Hallingby, Walter llarris, Steve Hatha\\:a)', Fred Il. llolmes, Edd Houghton, Paul Kent, Frode Kilstofte, Chester Knight, Herschell Larrick, Sr., Herman Loehr. Andreu. James N{acMillan, Percy N{eritheu', Russell XIullin. Leslie Lynch, Chester Pontius. Art Penberthy. Albert I:. Rogers, Roy Sandefur, Charles Sommes, \\ralter Il. Spicer, Ed It. Stor,er, Sr., John Strickland, Don E. Sutherin, Emil Su'arrson, lTor.vard Ware, Horace E,. \\ro1fe, Dee C. E,ssleJ-, H. L. Miner, H. Iired Anau'alt, \Villiam Cuzner. J. \\-. Fitzpatrick ancl Jacl< Cline.

Toastmaster Arnold, u'ho is reported heading for high offjce in Kiu'anis International, made a \rery notable cvent out o{ the breakfast, srlre oi himself, 1.ris audience ancl bril1iant11' n-e11-r'ersed s'ith the men he rvas honoring fcir the :rssociatior.r ancl this industry.

Highest Honor Awarded Everett Parker

The association made its third au,ard of a President Emeritus honor on this occasicln. The signal tribute u'ent to Er-erett C. Parker of the l'atten-Blinn Lurnber Co., Los Angeles. rvho now joins only Ceorge Lonnsberry and ltaul Hallingby on this "exclusive" roster. Veteran Dealer I-ounsberry has been an invalid for tu.o years but Paul Hallingby, just back from another rvorld cruise. \\'as in the audience and hale and sharp as ever.

Park Arnold presented the h:rndsome :ru'ard tci NIr.

l/toy 15, 1957
I- U N{ I} lilt NI ITI{CH-\NT.
7O,tS V. Huntington
Arcadia, Calilornia Phones : Hlllcrest 6-3707. 6-4437 I01O G Street Telephone VAndyke 2-360I

In Groteful Appreciotion to EVER.ETT G. PARKER

for his many years of loyal devotion, outstanding leadership, and faithful service to the LUMBER INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA as President of California Retail Lumber Assoication, Chairman of the Board of Lumber Employees Council, and twice President of Southern California Retail Lumber Association, the Board of Directors of Southern California Retail Lumber Association meeting in special session the 4th day of April 1957, bestowed its highest honor upon h,im by unanimously electing him PRESIDENT EMERITUS * SENIOR DIRECTOR ANd LIFETIME MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION in recognition of his long, able and inspiring leadership, which has been of great value and of lasting benefit to our industry.

Confirmed this 24th day of April 1957.

Wayne F. MULLIN, President

Orrie W. HAMILTON, Executive Vice-President

Parker, who rose from his seat to the standing applause of the audience and gave a touching and sincere response. There was no doubt he was happily overwhelmed by the rare honor and on the point of being emotionally choked-up.

Parker's few words in response included his own tributes, one to Wayne Mullin, of whom Mr. Parker said he had been much impressed by his two current years in the SCRLA's highest shair, and another to Orrie Hamilton-"As for Orrie, he's just Tops as association manager," Parker said.

Park Arnold called on Paul Hallingby to arise so Everett Parker might pay a belated tribute to him on the similar honor accorded Mr. Hallingby at Palm Springs last November. Mr. Parker had been scheduled to m.c. that event but. having been called out of town on business, Park Arnold "did the honors" then, too.

Arnold next introduced the speaker of the morning, none other than one of this industry's very best, and also bestknown, Kenneth Smith, vice-president of The Pacific Lum-

ber Company, San Francisco. The inimitable Mr. Smith, who has macle as many fine speeches in his worthy career as there are sticks of lumber in the best-stocked lumberyard. made one of his best in the morning's talk, which he called "Getting Industry Off the Ground." Highlights from it will appear in the next issue and other highlights will be excerpted for publication from time to time.

Ken Smith, who knows the Los Angeles industry 'ivell from his years in it and his vantage point at his TPL desk, added his own personal tributes to Everett Parker and other lumbermen present and absent.

Park Arnold brought the breakfast occasion to a close with a salute to President Mullin, Executive Vice-President Hamilton and the staff of the association for their prodigious tasks in assembling such a mammoth but smooth-running convention.

Attendance at the always fascinating exhibits o; tts$, products and catch-ups with long-absent friends occupied the

EVERETT C. PARKER (lefi) qnd H. PARK ARNOID, borh long leoders in 'the retoil lumber industry of gouthern Cslifornia, ot the momenl of the President Emetilu3 Plesentqtion fo Mr. Pqiker, who was os visibly touched by this signol honor from his qlsociotion qs fhis photogroph su9ge3rs. The ceremony highlighted rhe "Old-rimerr' Breokfssl."
INDUSTRIAL SPECIALISTS lN FOREIGN ond DOMESTIC HARDWOODS ond SOFTWOODS for every requirement Direct Car ShipmentsTruck & Traileror LCL from Yard Stocks OUR MOTTOz Quality and, Qaantitl GUARANTEED BBU$H INDU$TBI.{T TUIIBNB COIIPANY AT YOUR SERVICE 7653 Telegraph Road, Montebello, California One to Tuo MILLION FOOTAGE Under Cooer RAvmond 3-3301 RAymond 3-33oL

rnembers the balance of the forenoon until the second day's luncheon.

Association President Wayne F. Mullin extended greetings to the 200-plus lumbermen, their wives, guests and friends who attended the Wednesday luncheon in the Embassy room. He gently "chided" the members about the congestion 'round the bar lr'hich caused the meeting to get a very late start. He facetiously suggested the board of directors at future conventions have a portable bar placed in the dining room to avoid delays of this nature. In introducing the luncheon chairman, Norbert Bundschuh, he gave a brief resume of his experience ancl background in the lumber business from his school days to his present position as manager of the Myrtle Avenue Lumber Co., Monrovia.

Chairman Bundschuh introclucecl the principal speaker,



29. Somebody turned the tobles ot the Wednesdoy luncheon ond photogrophed Photogropher Ole Iltloy (center). 30. Well, fhere's no doubr whose exhibir THAT one is! 31. Hcrry McGohey, V. ii. Copesiur ond Bill Cowling mode lt an oll-Son Diego toble. 32 .President-elect Hol Brown mode time to visit fhe exhibirs, like rhis DFPA boorh; whose stqfters-33, oro shown closer-up. 34, Solecman Orbie "Senotor" Cleghorn points out'rhe Textolite disploy ot tha Sunset Flooring Coverings Co. booih. 3'5- Son Diego's Copesius wa: intrigued by rhe hondsome disploy of Worren Southwesf; qnd so qre we, so lel's-36. move in for qnother close-up (like they roy in the movies). 37. Norhing like o preily girl ro doll up o disploy (ond when she wosn't busy, she moved ccrosg ihe oisle ond helped John Eells move his Plywood Disfributors' Hond-book), 38. Horbor's John Northom (cenidr) ond his sons, Tom (left) qnd Dove. 39. Ontcrio's McCauley (left), wheeling ond deol+r-ing. rook in cll the boorhs. See! There he is ogoin-4O. in the middle of the l,loyd A. Fry Roofing Co. disploy. 41. The Ed Founloin Lumber Co. exhibit qttrqcts o lot of ofention every convention, ond lhe 1957 wos no exception, snd-42. we were iust woiring for Orrie Homilton (center) to come olong io show you the exhibit dnd Ed Fountqin (left) in o: close-up.

&1i14 q 5

Charles E. Ducon-rrlun, and outlinecl the vast experience of this outstanding business leadcr of the Southland who is president of the manufacturing firn'r tl.rat bears his name and 1957 president of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. N{r. Ducommun, one of the great industrialists of Southern California, covered his subject, "The Point of No Return," in :r thorough manner. He touched on vital subjects of grorvth and demand r'vhich u-ill be reported in the next issue.

The next speaker to be introduced by Chairman Bundschuh kept the gathering in stitches. Charles Harper, merchandising manager of Kierulff and Company, Los Angeles, covered his subject, "Selling Attitude," cornpletely and most thoroughly along with well-timed jokes and side remarks. There were many words of wisdom interspersed in his talk that carried a message of how to train all personnel to be sales conscions from yard order man to the executive echelon of the business. There is no doubt about it, Nlr. Harper .w'as familiar rvith sales promotion and he rvas rvell informed on his subject. His delivery rvas perfect and he knetr, exactly what he n'as talking about from personal experience. He stressed ADVERTISING as the Number One key to successful selling.

Outgoing President Mullin u,'elcomed more than 350 gucsts to the annual banquet \Vednesday evening. He introduced Andy Beckstrom, Arcaclia Lumber Company executive, who acted as chairman this year of t'he annual affair. Before the entertainment festivities got underway, Andy presented two beautiful pieces of genuine cowhide luggage to Mr. Mullin in appreciation of his service as president of the association for the past two years.

"This wonderful gift u.ill sec immediate service," said President Wayne. "You see-Hal Brown, your next leader; Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Mullin and I will leave next month for a holiday in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest and they will go right along with me, as they will the rest of my life, because I am sure they will last that long." He then thanked the membership for such thoughtfulness and expressed his genuine appreciation.

With the brief business l'iped ofi the board, Chairman Beckstrom au'arded the attendance prizes and then launched one of the finest evenings of entertainment to be enjoyed in many years.

Cecil Stewart's Singing Su'eethearts-The lloneymooners -were wonderful; their clelivery of oid and new songs \vas received with enthusiasm. Dell O'Dcll was in unusu:rlly goocl form; she kept the lumbern-ren (an<l their wivcs) guessing with

And 25 Yeors Ago-

The "25 Years Ago" colttmn in this issue is a report of the Southern Calif ornia lumber dealers' anntlal meeting \n 1932. Ile sure to follow your reading of this current convention coverage with a dip into the p:rst. It's on 1':rge 54.

her funsation magic. Leo Diamond and his harnlortica was sensational, but the gal who really stopped the sholv was Rose N{arie; this little star of stage, screen and radio has everything. She has that "certain something" that only a ferv entertainers achieve, she does everything perfectly frorn singing to story-telling, and her audience loved every minute of her per'formance. She was truly sensational and Orrie Hamilton added another jewel to his crown of successful convention promotions.

The Hoo-Hoo luncheon on Thursday came ver]' close to breaking all attendance records. Co-chairmen \\ravne llullin ancl Jim Forgie extended the hand of welcome to over 400 lumbermen and their ladies, Hoo-Hoo-Ettes of the pioneer Los Angeles club No. l, visiting out-of-town exectttives and their rvives, and "Black Cats" from San Diego, Los Angeles and all sections of the state. Past Snark Dave Davis flerv dorvn from San Francisco to attend this event and Herschell Larrick, Jr., Deputy State Snark of Southern California, headed a delegation from San Diego which included Club President Al Frost, Jr., Eddie Glasson and their u'ir-es'

The revue of fashions was enthusiastically received by the rrren as well as the women. Frorn bathing suits u'ortr at the turn of the century to modern day beauties, frotn sports ancl afternoon wear to cocktail and evening gowns, all lvere outstandingly presented by Rita Brady and her Blue Book l{odels.

Bob Gallagher, president of the New Mexico Tir-nber Company, Albuquerque, ancl Gurdon of the Supreme Nine of Hoolloo, gave a timely talk on the future of lloo-Hoo and its relationship to the lumber industry. He had words of commendation for Orrie Hamilton, executive vice-president of the SCRLA, and The California Lumber Merchant for the cooperation of the association and the lumber trade publication in prornoting the popular training-for-management cotlrses presently being sponsored by Los Angeles and Riversiclc Hoo-Hoo clubs in cooperation with the SCRLA.

Gurdon Gallagher asked for the support of all lrrntbermen to n-rake Hoo-Hoo the mediurn of leadership' for tlrt inrlustry.

ond glod of it I

room to

Jusl o few months ogo INLAND TUMBER completed lhe move to ils new 30-ocre locotion ot the Son Bernqrdino Freewoy ond Riverside Avenue. And olreody the firsl sloge of hordtop developments hos been oufgrown. As lnlqnd exponds, seleclion qnd service fo its deoler customers improves. lnland is e-x-p-o-n-d-i-n-g ond glod of it.

|l{tAl{D Distribution Lard: BLOOMINGTON TRinity 7-2001

He declared "now is the time" for all good lurnberrnen to stand up ancl be counted. \\re are on the threshold of a new nTerchandising era in this business where it w-ill be the survival of the fittest, he intimated. His rernarks were well received by all in attendance and rr.ill be reported more fully in an early issue.

Club 2 Snark Jim Forgie introduced Dr. Wenclell C. Closc of the Retail Lurnber Trair-ring Institute from Ontario, California, who presentecl certificates to the students who completed the various courses f rorl San Bernarclino, Riversicle and I-os Angeles counties.

Dr. Close had words of praise for his students. He commended them for their diligence, aptitude ancl application to study in order to improve their position in the lumber industry.

Just a few of the graduates were able to attencl this cere-


43. Ken Conwoy of the Holmes Eurekq Lumber Co. proved he wos o righl guy by helping Clu'b 2 hong its bqnner. 44. President Woyne Mullin, Rsmeses ,4g Dove Dovis, Supreme Gurdon Bob Gollcgher ond Club 2 Snork Jim Forgie moke this o mighry ofiiciol Hoo-Hoo phoro. 45. Note Porsons, Herschell Lorrick, Jr. qnd J. W. Fitzporrick (lefi ro right) found the boo'th o meeting plcce. Thot,s the bonner of Riverside Club ll7 qt lefr, which wos reoctivoted durino Fitz's tenure as Club 2 5nork. 46. Bueno pqrk Deslei Bud Nelson (for lefi) ond the Essley roble hear fhe Hoe.Hoo progiom. 47. Heod fable ot Hoo-Hoo Dqv ot the convention. 48. Hol Brown, Dr. Wendell C-. Close ond Woyne Mullin iust before young Close pre- sented the certificotes to the future deolers in his Retoil Lumber Troining Instifute which hos been qoino on in Riverside and L, A, these posf f"* ."-"-.t"ri 49. Thot's o whole toble of rhe RtTl future (cnd present) deolers qwqiting their certificates of com- pletion of the course. 50. Whenever Wayne Mullin ond Rolph Boker (righr) gef rogerher, good f"llo*. get together. 51, The Roddis lumber division loble (lefl foreground and oround the tuble): Bill Brolev. Pete Speek, Doug Mople ond Joe petrosh, plus somt lodies. 52. Bob Neimqn ond Roy Sedoll. ii. E"en os hord-working o bunch os rhe SbRll offce srafi hqs to hsve q little lunch. 54. Horoce Wolfe, Hoo_Hoo_ Ette ldo Cunner ond Floyd Mullen mode it an oll_ Morquort-Wolfe tsble. 55. Herschell torrick, Jr., BiL Gollogher, Dove Dovis, Stork Sowers ond 'Don Bui kin.o_re qlso some mighry high Hoo-Hoo; oir, St.t ond "Hersch" ore, respectively, fhe 195.i, fgse oiJ

1957 Deputy Stote Snorks for Southern Colifornia. 56. Hoo-Hoo Sterling Wolfe (lefr) ond Snork forjie

Ft 1{i l!xa**-


Because the venerable old Cocoanut Grove of the Ambassador hotel, the usual scene of the SCRLA's annual dinner-dances, was being "press-previewed" that night following its remodeling (OHI, we trust!), the Association moved out to Frank Sennes' justly famous Moulin Rouge in Hollywood this year for their annual frolic April 25 with the ladies. We guess it rvon't be the last time for the popular Hollywood night spot either, {or the dealers and suppliers had a rollicking good time there for a change. The food was fine, the price was right, the show was great, the drinks were eloquent and it was "one of the nicest affairs the Association has ever sponsored," said Exec Veep Hamilton of his Moulin Rouge selection as dinner-dance domicile.

mony due to distance and working conditions, but their certificates were presented in absentia if they were unable to be present. Dr. Close not only commended the students but also management and all who had a hand in bringing this outstanding educational program to a successful conclusion.

Following Dr. Close came Stanley Talbott, advertising and sales promotion consultant, Los Angeles, who talked on the most timely subject of "Equip 'Em 100 Per Cent." It was a very appropriate conclusion to a perfect afternoon and Orrie Hamilton could not have done better for his selection as the closing address of the successful 1957 conclave.

"You must have knowledge of the problems that confront you in your daily work life to be successful in the business

you have selected," Talbott said. Be practical, thorough, prompt and efficient and, above all, equip yourself to cope with the workaday world we live in, he concluded.

Before adjourning the final business session of. the 1957 convention, outgoing President Wayne Mullin installed incoming President Hal A. Brown, along with the officers and directors for the 1957-58 fiscal year who will serve with him.

And then the convention was adjourned to the Moulin Rouge, where fun and frolic reigned supreme at the annual dinner-dance. Robert R. James, manager of the Macco Lumber Co., Paramount, presided at this final social function of a tremendously successful convention arranged and produced by Orrie Hamilton.



OAKLAND HOO-HOO CLUB 39 ANNUAL REVEILLE, Castlewood Country Club (old Hearst ranch), Pleasanton, Calif., I0f.ay 17.

LOS ANGELES HOO-HOO CLUB 2, Fox Hills Country Club (Los Angeles), Golf and dinner meeting, May L7.

RIVERSIDE COUNTY HOO-HOO CLUB 117, Annual Ladies' Night and Golf tournam.ent, Wonder Palms hotel, Palm Springs, Calif., May 25.


DUBS, LTD., Annual Weekend Tournament (lvives invited),, Pasa Tiempo Inn, Santa Cruz; Sam Nigh, host, June 7-8.

NATIONAL-AMERICA\I WHOLESALE LUMBER ASSN.65th annual meeting, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, June 10-11.

NATIONAL PLYWOOD DISTRIBUTORS ASSN., annual convention, Edgewater Beach hotel, Chicago, June 13-15.

LOS ANGELES HOO-HOO CLUB 2, Lakewood Country Club (Long Beach), Golf and Dinner meeting and Election of 1957-58 Officers, June 21.


NORTHWEST HARDWOOD ASSOCIATION (3253 Commodore Way, Seattle 99) quarterly meeting, Hotel Leopold, Bellingham, Wash., luly 20.

ENIIREIY SURROUNDED by rhe "Old-rimers," Kennelh Srnirh mokcs his rtirring rpech, "Gctfing Industry Ofi'the Ground," qr lhe onnuql breokfosl

Crry ts@T4rxx & Conmparly WWII

whof esqrers oli:#Jli'i ru mherproducrs

TWinocrks 3-9866

Ooklqnd, Colifornio

HOmesteqd 2-7544

Ukioh, Golifornio

371sr TII Ployed ot Lokeside

The 371st Terrible Twenty Tournament was held at Lakeside Country Club, April 16, with Tom Fleming our host. Lakeside was at its best and the weather perfect. Our group seems to be well named-half of the players couldn't break 80 with their handicaps. Carsten Woll won first place, 80-1169, and. Frank King won second place, 8O-9-71. In the match play, Osgood beat Bowen 3 &2, Alcorn beat Bauer 2 & l; these matches in the upper flight. Gartz beat Bohnhoff 3 & 2 in the second flight. Due to a postponement of match play at Hacienda in January, there will be a three-way playoff in the first flight between Osgood, Alcorn, and Rodeckbr. (Rodecker won the first six months flight). In the second flight Gartz plays Pierce. (Pierce won the first six months

match play, and plays in the finals of the second six months tournament, but he wins only one prize).

Frank King did not get his ash tray for 2nd place at Oakmont in December. Look over your trophies and see if you have it.-H. M. Alling.

Bob Niemon Speoks to SIPMHE

Bob Nieman of the Nieman-Reed Lumber Co., Van Nuys,-spoke on "Types of Lumber and Plywood to Meet Crating Requirements" at the May 6 dinner meeting of the Society of Industrial Packaging and Materials Handling Engineers at Rodger Young auditorium. Lumber and Crating was the theme of the program, at which a new color movie, "The '!r Modern Paul Bunyan," was also shown, courtesy of the '.: l Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. f

EXECUTIVE OFFICEg llll U. S. Notioncl Bonl Bldg. PORTIAND, OREGON Sofes Representotives: FORTUNA SAWIIILLS, lNC. RAI t CARGO
RAndolph 5-443r Fortunq, Cqlifornio
IEuneka IRedwood Company DOWNEY, CATIFORNIA REDWOOD L.C-L FROftT YARD TOpoz 9-0993 LUdlow 3-3339 WHOTESATE DISTRIBUTORS DtnEct llllt SHlPllENTS lUffIBER O P1YWOOD By Ccrlood fruck ond Troiler DISTRIBUTION YARD l33Ol Burbsnk Blvd. Van Nuysl Ccrlifornio '.'.r'i"i';;.,.i.i,.ti tHE MEASUnE OF GOoD LUilBEn' rl ta tt STste 5-8873 STcnley 3-lO5O NEITNAN I REED IUMBER. COilTPANY TARGE tOCAt INVENTORY - OVER 2,OOO,OOO FEET UNDER, COVER

Smqthers' Bill Could Answer Foll-off in Housing Sforts

ln the Serr:rte, n'here the 11 ousing Srrbc<>mnrittee rvill soorr n.rake its recontrnencl;rtiorrs, il nc\\' lrill (S. 1898) introducecl l:Lst rnonth lrv Scn. (ico.,\. Snrathcrs (I)., Itla.). It lrrovi<les a scl'redule of lon'er I,-l IA <lon,rr p:Lyrnents th:rt shorrlrl go far ton';trrls lrrovirlir.rg counter-actiot.r to thc serious fall-off in housing stlrrts arr<l I.-tl.\-VA applications, sar.s thc Natior-ral r\ssoci;rtior-r r>f I lonre l'ruilders.

li}-lA dou.n l)avments u'oul<l lre set lrt 2%, of thc first $10,000 of r,alne, plus li/r oi the next $5,000, plus 25(y' of the excess. The maximum mortgage r'orrld tre increasecl to $25,000. The FH-\ hrm ct.rlnnritnrent to brril<lers t,ould be raise<l from 85/2' tct 9OlL of the am()tlnt of ioan ar.ailable to brryers. The onlv other irill before the Senate Committee is the Administration's proposal, u'hich has a clou,n-payment schedule substantiallr- higher than the Smathers bi11. Here is :r comparative table shou-ir-rg the differences at six key

points bettveen the ltresent lau' and proposals to re<luce FH.\ tlos'n I)trvnrents

Gordon-MqcBeqth Appoinfs Wymon

(iorclon-\laclle:rth Hardrvoocl Co.. harcln'oo<l <1ir.isior.r of L. J. Carr ancl Co. of Sacramento, has ilppointecl \\/r'man Aclr'ertising. San Francisco, as its adr.ertising ag-encv. (]orclon-XIacReath, Iumlter l-holesalers, serve the territories of southern C)regon, \\'estern Nevada and N<>rthern (-:llifornia. Trade publication advertising, direct mai1. public relations and sales promotion actir.ities n'i11 be handled br- the agency.

Jones Group Buys F&M

SiLn Frar-rcisso-;\ gr()ul) hearled lrr- ^\elsorr Ir. Jones, longtime l-os Angeles ancl San F-rancisco lumbermiut, last tnonth purchaserl the F & XI Lumber Co., 352 Ocean Ar..e.. succcssor to thc oltl Spring Vallev I-unrlrer ('o., ir-onr llicl'urrrl liricccro. f oncs, u'ho h:rs lrcen in thc h:rr<lu oorl lurrrlrcr :Lrrrl 1rl1.n'oorl lrrrsincss sinec 1913, s;tirl hc plarrncrl to nrotlcrnizc thc prolrertr. into tr "lunrlrer store." The yar<l n.ill lrc liept operr Satrrrclav :rncl Surrd:L-v mornings for corrvenience to Irrr:elsirle horneon.ners ;rrrrl corrtractors arrcl 24-horrr "cmergencv" lurnlrer cle_ lir.ery rvil1 be maintainecl by phone. USI, \\-elcll-ood products n'ill lte handled on :tn e_rclusir.e basis.

$4 Million Long Beqch permirs

Blue Diqmond's uniform quolity chorocterislics ore importont lo crqflsmen os well qs owners.

UNIFORM CORE in hondling ond noiling

UNIFORM TAPER in ioint lreolmenl

UNIFORM SURFACE in decorqlion

All odd up to improved opplicotion ond betler wolls ond ceilings.

The Long Beach, Calif., brrilding permits for XIarch totaled $.1.3(r1i,675, of u'hich $1..530,020 u'as for housing. Single-family clu.ellirrgs acconnted for $213(r,.500, <1tr1r1exes for $192,150. anci trl)artllrent structures for $1,0.i1,520. I{e1,;Lirs arrcl alterations (alu,:rys a lrig itenr in I_ong Ilcach pernrits) irmotrnterl to .l 118 pcrnrits :rt $1,r97,125.

Nomed R. E. Commissioner

Iire<l \\'. (iricsineer, lrronrirrent .\rc:rrlilr rc:rl_ tor, has lrecn n:rme<l (laliforni:L licrtl I,_state L'onrn'rissioner lry (ior.. Krright :rrrrl tooli olficc l.Iar'1, succccrling I). I). \\I;Ltsorr n-ho resigr.retl after nilre vears in the office.

Sonto Bqrbqrcr R. E. Goins

Santa Barltara, Ca1if.-Real estate sales ir.r this citv totalecl $2,686,000 in Felrruarr-. an ir.rcre:1se oi 11/c or-er the 1956 month and ll2/c, <rr-er Felrruary 1952. Countr- sales totalecl $5,0ir-1,000, 5/c above Febmarv la-st r-ear.

(Tcll tltcnt yott, -razv it itt Tlte Calif ontia Lumbcr l,[crchorrt)

s. t609 PRESENT ADMINISTRATION S. I898 SCHEDUTE PROPOSAI (SMATHER5) $ 700 $ 400 $ 200 r,450 850 440 1,950 I,150 600 2,700 1,900 1,350 3,200 2,s00 1,850 5,000 5,000 3,100 FHA VAI.UE $r 0,000 r 3,000 15,000 l 8,000 20,000 25,000 H.R. 7024 (TAt rE) $ 4O0 700 900 1,600 2,too 5,O00
E !
F E ffi D E l I D*,**,fi I ArilOilD CORPORAtIOIr
rIInaanwffiEmsil B 1U E

for Your Lumber Reguirements, ,, GaII ETLAS

HARpwoops - [!!!LPB!Eg











Securlty Bldg. llth Co.

lo3 Ane.lct, Ccllfornlc

Stroblc lumber Compony

Ooklcnd Z Gollfoenlo

Sierrc ltill & lldg. filtlr. Go. Socomonto, Collfoanl.


Plastic- Finished Panels

Anericcrn Produclr, Inc. son Dlego l, Callfornlq

J. E. Higginr Lumber Co. 5on Frqnclrco 24, Collfornlo

BokerrThomns-Woolrey Whslrr. Phoenlx, Arluonc

Bsker-lhornqc-Woobey Whslrs. lucron, Arlzono

Pqlncr G. lewir Cornpony S€attl€, Wcrhlngton

Scvogc Lumber & ilfg. Go. tipokonc, W.3hlngton

Northwcrt Productr Compony

Portlond 3, Oregon

Southw.rlcrrr Soth & Door Co. Albuquerque, Ncw llsxlco

morriron-ncrrill & Gompony lokc, l&ho

R. W. Fronk & Conpony Pootcllo, ldoho

R. W. Frqnk & Gompony Solr loke clry to, uroh

Stcrling lbr. & lnvst Co. Dervcr 2, Colorodo

llcy 15, 1957
-Stepping -Flooring FIAT cRAIN-Finis|n-4/4 to t6/4 -Flooring K. D. DIffIENSION Construction & Btr. 2x4 lo 2xl2 PONDER,OSA PINE KTAIAATH STOCK-CIEARSSHOP-BOARDS
GRAIN-FinisH/4 ro 16/4
Y{rile, vire or pfione for immediole se rvice lrom our new los Angeles Worehousd Marlitd

ln currency it's the dollor

ln REDWOOD if'g ...

Cqliforniq Building Contrqcfors Heqr Brighr Business Future Predicfed

"We will continue to have 'tight money' but the peak has probably been reached," Dr. Lorne D. Cook, Pomona College economics professor, told members of the Building Contractors Assn. of California at the recent spring conference in Disneyland. The author of a book on the next 15 years in Southern California and also member of the Claremont City Planning Commission added that building n ill pick up as soon as our economy becomes adjusted to higher interest rates.

By L962 we will have passed the low point in family formations resulting from the low birthrate of the 30s and SoCal building should reach further record &reights, the economist declared.

"Souod as a dollar" reflects a high standard in moneary values. In Redwood, NOYO brandof Union Lumber Compann likewise has established a high standard of value through three-quarters of a century of quality performance. IThen youf custotners want the 6nest in Redwood sell them NOYO-

Certified Dry Sidings Pottern lflouldings

Unexcelled milling facilities-susained timber supply6nest workmanship.


Carcfal loadittg aul cbecAirg belp heep hse'tonce aNOYO Dealet-alata1s" !

Nels Severin of San Diego, BCA ex-president and first vice-president of the NAHB, also spoke, saving that the chief problem of home builders today is the need for legislation to offset tight money, and also a need for increased merchandising of homes. He told the BCA state board of directors that he expects legislation will soon be passed in Washington to ease restrictions on credit.

Board members voted to hold the 1958 convention aboard the Lurline enroute to Hawaii for a 15-day cruise available to 2000 members of the BCA and wives. Bob F. Roberts is current president of the BCA, oldest and largest association of builders in the country, with 2000 members and 18 chapters in Southern California. 'i

(Tell them yow saw it in The California Lumber Merchant)

ii; { l 'i't' ' \:,i::: r' 'i .-; :'., CAI,IFONNTA TUMBER MENCHANi g.{: .r ": i.lll 52
.i: ljt r, ri :iu, .4j., 3rr '.'r!' .::1| i' r,,l :,::. ;,!,.t .1,, o a a o
ia Redutood Associa
IMPORTERS o EXPORTERS Hardwoods Teak Seraya Padouk Oak IN Rosewood Sapele Oriental Ash, etc. teletyPe: sF-696 TSBRANDTSEN -f Companv of California. Inc. 150 California St. SAN FRANCISCO o FOR FINE IMPORTED PRODUCTS Mahoganies Limbo Birch fhone: EXbrook 2-6+t4 LumbersPlywoodVeneersLogs ALSO Window GlassFigured GlassMirrors White,/Grey Cement o 'CALL, WIRE, TWX or WRITE
Moy 15, 1957 CUSTOM MIttlNG.DETAIt MOUTDINGS. IN.TRANSIT'UIILtING-KItN DRYING Serving Southern Cqliforniolumber Yqrds - Cobinet Shops Furniture Mqnufqcturers qnd Wholesqle Distribulors Adiocent To Hqrbor - Greoter Industriql Areq ond Freewoys Jrlsu/-tyl6cls16 All-Electric Mill Mochinery Eight-Cor Pocific Electric Spur Trock Kiln Copocity 120,000' Chorge rltutual Mculding and Lumber tDc. SINCE 1928 - . GIUATIFIED BY EXPERIENCE TO BE OF SER,VICE 5i Hqnnon DAvis 4-4551 621 West l52nd Street Los Angeles, Cqliforniq John Brewer FAcufry l -0877 Tf;ffr',li# ,$;;,!l,'itt''.'Htt".' Iiilfiifi'Fri*""n *l*$*'}:u"*"r*li:' RePresenlolives: Phoenix i:\1":#ili:ii"'"'Fi#;"""J;:; i-"J m"'i "o-riii"l,i"'lr" ;


As repo*ed in The California Lumber Merchant May 15, 1932

r The California Retail Lumbermen's Association met :, April 23, 1932, at the San Diego Athletic Club for a dis,!,eussion of dealers' problems. Jerry Sullivan, Jr., Western

Iumber Co., presided and President Harry A. Lake outlined the general business aspects in California. A vote

thanks was extended the state association directors who

present at the meeting, including Earl Johnson, Pasa-

dena; Ross Blanchard, North Hollywood; Fred Chapin, r"San Bernardino; Henry Adams, Anaheim; A. J. Stoner, ir ,West Los Angeles; Orrie Hamilton of the Lumbermen's

.Service Bureau, San Diego; C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier;

Paul Hallingby, Los Angeles; Charles Curran, Pomona;

: F. Dean Prescott, Fresno; Roy Myers, Ventura, and Mr.

':,,- Dee Essley, field manager of the association, Oakland, i'discussed lumber conditions and association activities in

'the Northern California districts. Frank Gibbb, Anaheim, ' announced that H. B. Bowers. "the dean of Southern Cali-

.fornia lumbermen,l' was ill in a hospital and the convention moved to send a telegram and flowers. Harvey Atherton, San Diego attorney, gave an inspirational talk to the


"Economy Measures in Running Our Operations" was . the subject of a general discussion next on the program. r Partieipating were Dealers Johnson, Curran, Pinkerton, ;, Hallingby, Chapin, Sullivan, Blanchard, G. F. Nolan, Frank , Curran and Mayor Fickling of Long Beach. "fncreasing 'i Business by Sales Promotion and Displays" was discussed -i next by Harold Peterson, San Diego; J. R. Jahrans, La",,'guna Beach; H. E. Whittemore, San Diego, and W. C. Cowling, San Diego, who told how their yards stimulated ,,,' sales by promotion.

H. G. Larrick of Solana Beach gave an excellent address called "Moses, Lead Us Out of the Wilderness,',r which was reported in full elsewhere in the issue. Kenneth Smith of ,Los Angeles talked on trade promotion and urged deal-

ers to contact the consumers direct, saying that housing in

the future would be sold in units. President Lake reported on his trips through various districts of the state.

In the evening, a dinner-dance was held at the Athletic Club.

In addition to the various dealers mentioned above, the following retail lumbermen were also registered at the 1932 meeting:

R. Nelson, Buena Park; D. F. Park, La Mesa; H. C. McGahey, San Diego; H. L. Miner, San Diego; R. S. Walton, San Diego; W. H. Frey, La Jolla; J. Paul Ely, Fallbrook; C. H. Garner, Escondido; J. W. Cooley, San Diego; George Macfarlane, San Diego; W. T. Spears, Long Beach; S. M. Ransom, Ramona; J. E. Pinkerton, Eagle Rock; F. P. Sappington, El Monte; Arthur A. Jensen, San Diego; W. B. Bennett, San Diego; T. J. Butcher, Chula Vista; P. H. Gurney, San Diego; Will B. Taylor, Coronado; Jack Restine, Ocean Beach; Paul Rabsahl, Pacific Beach; C. F. Reeder, Fillmore; E. Steffensen, Santa Ana; G. E. Gavin, Oceanside; D. H. Fickling, Long Beach ; George L. Riley, Pasadena; H. E. Milliken, Covina; W. A. Viney, Covina; F. K. Peil, Fresno; S. P. Ross, Hanford; Scott Klng, San Diego; Tommy Walsh, San Diego; A. A. Maas, Encinitas; Owen S. King, San Diego; R. C. Behrens, San Diego; L. B. Neil, La Mesa; H. L. Sullivan, San Diego; C. D. Collom, San Diego; G. G. Wilkins, Solana Beach; R. S. Watt, San Diego; W. H. Hall, San Diego; Frank D. Gibbs, Anaheim ; Robt. W. Baird, Carlsbad; G. M. Rodecker, Azusa; C. E. Williams, Azusa; O. J. Evenson, San Diego; Bud Rinde, San Diego; Carl O. Duehn, San Diego ; L. L. Conley, San Diego; B. R. Julien, Los Angeles, and J. E. N{artin, The California Lumber Merchant.

lumber Firms Win AIM Awords

United States Plywood Corp., Olin Mathieson Corp., Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. and Powell River Co,, Ltd. have won the American Institute of Management rating of Excellent Management for 1956, it was announced at New York City. A total of 410 companies were named for 1956.

CAllFOm{|A lUtrllEr |$EICHANI
ATJBERT A. KEIJI.IEY Uhaldak.guilen REDWOODDOUGI-AS FTR _ RED CEDAR SHINGI.ESPONDEROSA d SUGAR PINE A Medford Gorporation Representative 2125 Santa Clcnc Avenue AIAMEDA, CALIFOBNIA P. O. Box 240 Telephone Lchehur* %27il r.':i,l


Osfling --The Gluolity Door Thqf

lioy 15, 1957
New dealer aid-from nou) on euery color sample chip on your Coralite display board g will carry your name and, address , bringing "liae" prospects back to you to "call lor Coralite". ,n. @onZbcompany 812 East 59th Street Los Angeles I AD 2-8101 ".*1."); CORALITE o CORATETHER o OTCORA ri*",# Adhesiues c Matched Metal Moldings '",!"'-.^ Insulation & Acoustical Materials Har tlboard,s U nderlayments
Gives You More Time qnd numbers hove proyen the durqbiliry of the Ostling Hordboqrd Flush Door. One-quorler of o million of these Hqrdboqrd doors hqve been honging for yeors in the mounlqins, by the oceqn, ond in the heqt of the deserf proving their obility fo stqnd up under exlreme weqther condilions. As o low-cost, trouble-free, poinf-grode Guqrqnleed door, ifS vqlue is unchcrllenged. Union Mode 0stling Manufacturing Go. 2430 North Chico El Monle, Cqlif. Gllbert 4-2635 CUmberlond 3-4275

Armsfrong to Offer Decrler Aids

A new service intended to help lumber dealers merchandise building products is announced by the Armstrong Cork Company. The Bureau of Lumber Dealer Merchandising was announced by J. O. Sampson, Armstrong's manager of the Lumber Dealer Products department, to some 400 guests attending the tenth annual convention of wholesale distributors of Armstrong Building Products. F. W. Huffman is newly appointed manager of the Bureau.

The purpose of the new service, Iluffman said, is to help the dealer realize maximum profit, regardless of the class of trade he has elected to serve. It will deal with salesmanship, advertising, display, customer relations, installation and any other subject that can logically make a contribution to the dealer's volume and profit.

Discussing some of the results of a survey made among dealers who have been successful in attracting the consumer trade, Mr. Hufiman said the successful dealers included Juniel Lumber Co., Houston, Texas; Singer Lumber Co., New Orleans, La., and Norton-Phelps Lumber Co., Santa Crsz, Calif..

As a part of the Bureau's first-year program, lumber dealers will be offered the use of three films previewed at the convention. One discusses proper pricing; another is intended for showing either contractors or "do-it-yourself" consumers how to install acoustical ceiling material, and the third is designed to give countermen some tips on how to sell to the retail trade. In addition, a booklet on retail advertising principles will be distributed to interested dealers.

Huffman also said that Armstrong sales representatives

Your orders ore greotly opprecioled. We con serve you from one of fhe lorgest, finesl ond most complete slocks on the Pqciftc Coqst. New ond irnproved focilities ol our new locotion.

,a"j;:,iili'r r?, E"'l CAI.IFORNIA IUMBER MENCHANI
,IIR. DEALER,. , .
For sending
| 905
Blocks Eqst of Jqck London Squorel
Phone: TEmplebor 2-5584


Guaranleed to be the last word in aromatic red cedar closel lining, manufacfured in lhe finest cedar closet planf in America, we are mainlaining our repulation o{ years pasl {or furnishing lhe best only' Locatld in lhe heart o{ the iedar counlry, only lhe highest quality logs are selecled {rom which lo make our lining. Available in lwo sizes, 2tfr" and3tfr" wide and 31" thick, packaged 50 board feel, wrapped in heavy krafl paper.

We are also manu{acfurers of sofl-texlured, precision-milled, quality-made Chickamauga Appalachian oak flooring, Every board lhat goes into our flooring musl meel exacting requiremenis and every board is seasoned for a minimum of three monlhs.

Lorge slocks, promPt sfiipments.


'r.r'ill heip dealers stage homeol'ner clinics, one of the devices used by nearlv a1l the successful dealers cited at the convention.

Other Armstrong executives l'ho spoke to the audience rvere D. J. Duy, l.nanager of Building Nlaterials Advertising; J. A. Butler, Jr., assistant to the manager of the Lumber Dealer lrroducts departrnent, and E. B. Sterrett. Jr., nervly appointed assistant manager of the Bureatt of Ltttrrber Dealer \{erchandising.

I-a l)uente, Clalif.-A major tract involving I38 acres south o{ I':rlrn aventle and rvest of Haciender bc,ulevard have been :rlrproved for I-esser Enterprises to sulldivide into zl22 resiclential lots.

Hoo-Hoo-Ette Club 3 Hos Big Evening

Program Chairman \finnie Wicklund, L.lnion Lumber Co., planned an evening of fun and gaiety for Hoo-Hoo-Ette Club 3 on April 9 at the Bellevue hotel in San Francisco. After a briei business meeting conducted by President Tilo Tretheu'ey of Santa F.e Lumber, Inc., the lucky u'inner of a highly successful contest was announced. He u'as Don Dassonville, husband of Emily Dassonville, Simpson Redn'ood Co. Another highlight of the evening rvas the thoughtful invitation of Trudie Smith, of Tarter, Webster & Johnson, Inc., to the n-rembership to be her guests at llussian River on the u-eekend tif Nfay 25. Follorving dinner, an e\:ening of community singing and joviality r'v:rs enjr yed.-Janet Johnston, Ilobert Dollar Co.

Moy 15, 1957 57
. Stevenson , Alobqmq o Esr. 1923 o
CALL LUdlow 3-2375 o o o w he n Yo u N eed H"r,ff j j.?T:::' :.n:',: :"T i #l.l i::,y,: "' PAN E tr N G by Personnel with Retoil lumber Experience -AlsoCuslom Kiln-Drying & Milling in Tronsit TnoprcAl, s WnsrERN LuMspn CouPANY WHOTESALE ONLY LOS ANGETES 58, CATIFORNIA 4334 EXCHANGE AVENUE Representing "Greot Eostern lumber Compony" in Southern Colifornio E. BirchMopleBeech MAIL ADORESS: P.O. BOX t5422 VERNON SIAIION qABLE ADDRESS: "TROPICO" CoDES: AqME,BENTLEY'S


A Morksmcrn

A judge was hearing a wife's charges of assault and bat- Two farmers at a county fair were fascinated by a booth tery against her mate. where little celluloid balls bobbed on top of water jets. One

"After he struck you," sh€ was asked, "did he express of the farmers spent six quarters in a vain attempt to pick any regret?" off one ball. Finally his friend pushed him aside and picked

"No, sir," was the reply, "he didn't say a word the ambulance took him away."


- When you see a run-down stable Or a barn that's hardly able To keep up a fallen gable or a shed that's fallen throughDon't just stand there and defame it Or pass on your way and blame it Or the owner. List it. Name it As a job that's up to you. And before you fall in slumber, Figure out the bill of lumber; Yes, and get the owner's number, So that you can carry through. ***

No Vote

before up a rifle.

"Watch how I do it," he said.

He took a singl,e shot. All six balls disappeared.

As they walked away from the booth laden with prizes the unsuccessful one marveled.

"How did you ever do it?" he asked.

"It just took knowing how," explained the winner. "I shot the man who was working the pump."

Americq the Beoutiful

O, beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties, Above the fruited plain ! America ! America !

God shed His grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood

Pipe Peddler: "Why, I wouldn't vote for you if you were St. Peter h,imself."

Candidate : "IfI were St. Peter, you couldn't vote for me. You wouldn't be in my district." ***

Seminory Students

Seminary students decided to have fun at the expense of an old professor who wore a full beard. Seeing him approach, they conferred a moment and, as he drew near, one young man doffed his hat and said, "Good morning, Father Abraham."

The second did likewise, but said, "Good morning, Father Isaac."

And the third followed with, "Good morning, Father Jacob."

The old man stopped, removed his own &rat, bowed and said, "Thank you, young gentlemen, but I see you have made a mistake in identity. I am not Abraharn, I am not fsaac, I am not even Jacob. I am Saul, the son of Kish, sent to find my father's asses. Lo and behold, I.have found them."

The Modern Deqler's Song

I'll do your painting in the sp'ring time, - I'll do your fixing in the fall, And in the winter when the chill comes, I'l1do your building, best of all.

Summer I'11 show you lots of swell plans, Porches are just the thing, No need for building shrinking, I'll do your building thinking, Summer, and winter, fall and spring.

From sea to shining sea !


You ask me for something original and I scarcely know where to begin for there's noth,ing original in me unless it's original sin.

ffr"f, *r"

"Why don't you ever get to work on time?" growled the fashion photographer.

Answered the mannequin: "I'm a late model."

The lnner Mon

"FIe says 'I seen'and 'I have sawr'

'To boil' comes out'to bile,'

But when som€one needs ahelping hand He is there with a cheery smile.

"IIe wears old clothes and a battered hat, He has no cas.h to spend.

But he'll walk four miles in a blinding rain

Just to comfort and help a friend.

"Don't judge him by the c,lothes he wears, Or the way his words are sai<i.

If you would truly know a man

Look into heart instead."



Notwithstanding the life of a paper dollar is only eight months, we &rave never had one of them to die on our hands.

-Toledo Blade

-i al!. ' 5a ' :..* .' ,:. '.: ,': ''. '-' r,1 l CAI.IFORNIA IUIIBER TENCHANT
li '': ii, t'' i't l,.l


cemenl floors, drives, wolks ond sleps brick or slone wolls, romps & thresholds.

wolls with new lexlures. floors with colored cement. . worn ond broken steps. cinderblock or concrele'

rrrcr ES florD -



Adhesive troweled into the cement mokes the {loor lougher, more resilient. Prevenls dry-outs ond dusling.

Rough textured plosler, row concrete or brick csn be given new beouly by opplying o light coot of ploster over Adhesive Cooting.

eosier io srYeep. eosier to polish eosier lo poini

AD #1006-1

TOS ANGE1ES 3I, CAIIF, cHtcAGo 44, tlr.

Adhesive Cooting ond Adhesive Mixed-ln fo fhe morfor mokes coppings, rills ond trim strong ond gecure. ..



The following mills prtldrce

'CRA Certified DRY' redwood


P. O. Box 218, Arcata, California

HAINMOilD.CALIIORIIIA REDWOOD GO. 417 Montgomery St., San Francisco 6, California


P. O. Box 178, Ukiah, California

HO]TIES EUR,EKA ]UTIBER COMPATY Redwood Sales Company, Eastern Distributor

1430 Russ Building, San Francisco 4, California

IHE PACIFIC 1UNBER COTPAIIY 100 Bush Street, San Francisco 4, California


P. O. Box 611, Willits, California


3100 Russ Building, San Francisco 4, California


620 Market Street, San Francisco 4, California


Hobbs-Wall Lumber Company, Sales Agent 405 Montaomery St., San Francisco 4, California


576 Sacramento Street San Francisco 11. Galifornia

lloy 15, 1957 59
= -'--
ur;; ;l CnA nl ood,..the 1: ,.: t,. *H ". ,*! I t..# -$ ilffi

Housing Heqlrhy in SoCol Consfrucfion Figures

The first three months of 1957 sau' the start of more than $600.000,000 n'orth of construction in Southern California, despite a spotty building picture that had highs in some localities and clecreases in others. And clespite a nations'icle gloonrv outlook for home building, this Ilarch alone registered building permits for 8,369 du,elling units in the Los Angeles metropolitan areii (I-. A. ancl Orange counties), thc largest vriiume ior anv month since llarch 1950.

Of srrch units, 3544 n'ere in private multiplc-housing projects, reported the rese;rrch department of the Securitv-First National Bank of Los Angeles.

The clu-elling-unit permits issuecl in N[:rrch \\'ere at a riite eclrrir-aient to about 89,000 per )'ear, alutost neck-and-neck

PLYWALL ! Sensationalnew panel

now distributed by WESTERN

o Silver gray or Limed (lak

o Black or Blonde Walnut

3 J r

u'ith the 90.000 total for 1956, reportecl The Los Angeles Times. In the citt'. I-os Angeles issucd 1386 perrnits at $20,809,6'+9 r.:rluation for single-family dn'ellings; 21 perrrrits frrr $243,21I for <luplexes, ancl 190 peru'rits at $10.99'1,820 for :rpartment structure s.

The Nfarch activit,v strengtherre<l the belief that Sorrthern ('alifornia rr'il1 be alrle to' a $2,500,000,000 or bctter ctrnstruction r-oluure ior 1.957.

In this year's first quarter, T0 Southlarrcl citics issuecl $303,862,00rr in permits, anrl pcrmits of $158,2()2,877 were issued in the rrnincorDoraterl areas oi nir-re other Sorrthlartd counties.

Asks Heoring on Plywood lmporfs

Washington, I).C.-Senator Thurtnond (I).. South Carolina) said earlier this nronth that he has asked the Senate Finance Committee tt'r hold an early hearing on the matter of U. S. plvu'ciod impcirts and hear the testimonv of all interested parties. Thurmontl's figures use<i irt a \Iarch 1,1 speech rvere challenged by importers oi Japanese plyt'<totl alrd others. He h:rcl said that irnport cotnpetitior-r forcecl the shutd<in'n of 28 American plvu'ood plants. irrclucling l0in North Carolirra. in the past three vears.

r Fruitwood

o Plain or vee-grooved

.4 x^7,4 x 8, or 4 x 10 panels

.118" ,3f 16", 0t lf 4",

Door skins ovqilqble soon Phone today for sdditional inlormotion


The importers, in turn, hacl pointerl orrt that of the 10 North Carolina plants-four never existed. tn'o burnerl dorl'n, one is operating fullv, another n()\\- makes furniture, one was dissolved for personal reasons an<l the tenth u'as closed for re:rsons of contlranv trolicr-.

Northwesf Lumber Co.Sold

Legal r.rotice recentlv appearine irr the \tar.r Nuvs, C-alii.. Neu-s said thiLt JtIlLrv Haclcla<1, I'acoinra, intended to sell to I'hilip Friednran, 434 N. Croft r\r,e.. Los -\rrgeles, a1l fixtures, ecluipment arrcl goodu'ill irr the lunrlrervarrl busine ss knou,n as North r"'est Luml>er Co.. 11301-33 .\etnzr, Van Nuys, as of April 22.

$8 tvtitlion llcrrbor Areq Permifs

Cost:r Nlesa, Calif.-Building permits issuecl in the IIzrrbor area for 1957's first three nrorrths totalc<l nearly$8,000,000, of u'hich Cost:t IIes:r's sharc u'as $5,198,1381 ar-rd Neu'port l)rcach ran rrp $2.rr,l(r.418.

They're in the Swim

Iriesta Pools of South Gate. C--alif.. ann()unces the sionitto ',i tlrn l:rr,'c<t re<i,ierrli:rl srvirrr ...- .b.....b ......llllng poc>l contr:rct e\.er let in Sotrthern C:rliforr.ria. The deai is for 7,1 pools in the Vista T,os Palmas tract of I'alm Sprirrgs.

Passenger cars were involved in nearly 80o/o of all U. S. traffic in 1956-850/o of traffic injuries.


RAymond 3-4727

Complele Stock of Redwood Uppers - Priced Right STANDARD PATTER,NS ANZAC SIDTNG BEVET

7227 Telegroph Roqd, los Angeles

Forest Fiber Products Go. Nomes Jocobsen Generql Solesmqnqger

The appointment of Henry B. Jacobsen as general salesmanager of Forest Fiber Products Co., Forest Grove, Ore., is announced by F. M. Hughes, general manager. Jacobsen was salesmanager for the Southwest division, with headquarters in Los Angeles, and moves to Forest Grove to coordinate all sales.

Henry Jacobsen was the first salesman hired by the 8-year-old company, which produced its first Douglas fir hardboard panel in 1949. He moved to L. A. in 1952 to concentrate on industrial sales and became division head in 1955. He is German-born, was brought to the U.S. at 14, attended college and served inWWII with the 4th Armored, in

which he won the Bronze star when his tank combat team with four men captured 3,000 Germans.

Glub I l7 Plons lodies Night

Riverside County Hoo-Hoo Club 117 will stage its annual Ladies Night and Golf Tournament May 25 this year, at the Wonder Palms hotel five miles south of Palm Springs. The regular dinner dance (door prizes as usual), cocktail hour and swimming in a spacious pool are on the calendar, with the golfing at Tamarisk, a short putt from the hotel. This year the club is forced to limit non-member guests to one couple per member.

The dinner-dance price will be $6 including tax and tip. Cocktail hour is 6-7 p.m., poolside. Attire will be informal.'

i tfr.#?JT' ryf '"i1ti pr1] i iI,| fi,
lmmedisle PIck-up WIIOI,DSATE OT{LY il LC.L I.OTS
Milled fo Potlern Stock Avoiloble For
Gentrolly Loccted
"lfo Order Too Big
rr lfo
Order Too Small"
Unlimited Gopocity COMPAl{Y 22, Goliforniq
. CAR UNL0ADlt{G . LUMBER ST0RAGE . 11{-TRAN$IT MltLll{G 7r2s TETEGRApH RD., rOS ANGETEs 22, CALtF. . a RAVnOnO 3-3221 a


Aberdeen, Woshington

fllsnufocturers ond Distributors of West Coqst Forest Products

525 Boord of Tradc Bldg. PORTLAND 4, OREGON Phone CApitol 8-4142

'I,IENLO PARK Bob lVlocfie, Jim Rossmqn 1618 El Comino Resl DAvenport 4-2525

ENT. l-0036 from Bay Areo & Son Jose

451 South G Street Arcqls, Cqlifornio VAndyke 2-2971


C. P. Henry & Co.

- - Colifornio Represenlqlives - - 714W. Olympic Blvd. Rfchmond 9-6524 Rlchmond 9-6525

Plocerville, Colif., Lumber Co. Instqlls Moore Cross-Circulqtion Dry Kiln

One of the latest modern kiln installations in California is thzit of the I'lacerville Lumber Co., nhich consists of one double-track and tu-o single-track \Toore Cross-Circul:rtion ktlns 72' l<ing. All of the equipment n'as frtrnished from thc



"We offer personofized service qs well os q complete line of on-grode producls"

\orth l)ortland, ()regor.r, factory of the Nloore i)rr- Kiln Comiranr-.

A largc volrrme of rrniform air circulation is ltror-icled in the kilns rvith a series o{ 72" <liameter, special clrr'-kiln i:rns mounterl on a longitrrdinal shaft. The fans in the ckrrrbletrack kiln are l)o\\-ered u'ith a 30-H. I'. ancl those in the sir.rglc-tr:rck kiln u-ith a 25-H. P. motor .The kiln nrotors Are the special slou- accelerating type. This air circtrlation is :rutonraticallv rer-ersed at periodic time intervals u'ith an automatic time-rer-ersal su'itch n'hich elimirrates the uecessity of an operator mar.rualll' reversing the fan svstenr by hand.

l)rying conditions in the kiln arc :rut()ntaticallr. controllecl u.ith a Moore-Ki1r'r m:Lster autt.rgr:rphic controller n'ith 3 recording pens ancl clrutl rlr,r'-lrrrllr svstems. These instrurnents not only control ancl rcgulate the temperatrlres at both encls of the kilr-r lrrrt rilso :rutomatically regulate the roof damper ancl stcam sl)ray t() assrlre the most eltcient drying resrrlts.

Llefore starting oper:ttiot.r, thc intcrior of the kiln ltuilclings \\':ts protected n,ith lToorc-Kiln Non-Fibrous \\'al1tite. l'hich is a special lrairrt pro<luct manufactrrred b1' ]Ioore Drr- Kiln

MOORE Cross-circulotion dry kiln qt Plocerville (Colif .) Lumber Co. is one of lhe mosi modern kiln inslollotions in stoie
birect Sl"ipmentt 9i, Pin" tll."llirgr anl. Spe"iol Setail AVRAIUI tU M B E R CO IUI PANY P.O. Box 1282, [q Cqnqdq, Cqliforniq BROWNIE MARKSTROAA DON GOW RYon l-7164 TED AVRAM SYlvon 0-5545

This is o?rr" 64th Uear of Reliable Seruice

lo asrltL LutuBER DEALERIs,.. with shipments of quality lumber products for your particular needs . .

to t-ulYlBER MrLLs... with proper distribution and honest representation of your products

W. E. Cooper Wholesale Lumber Company, lnc.

Co. for dry-kiln use. The paint u,as economically applied u,ith a spray-painting outfit.

Special fabricated steel trusses support the roof and also the air circulating systems in the kilns. The control roonr is also supported by steel. Each kiln is equipped .lvith jumbo sprinkler system for automatic fire protection. The heavy, solid piled kiln loads are power pulled rvith a X{oore Electric Car I'uller. The cribs of lumber consist of 6 stickered -n--ard units placed in the kilns rvith a fork lift. Steam is furnished by a Cleaver-Brooks 250-H.P., 1S-pound boiler using P.S.400 oil.

The dry kilns at Placerville are operated by Joe Gibson. 'w.hci u'as formerly u'ith Fruit Grou,ers Supply Companv at Westrvood. California.

COMAC Appoints Publicity Firm

Appointment of Richard N{. \Vilkes, Public Relations, as public relations counsel to COMAC-Los Angeles is announced by Harvey Laughlin, director of the Construction Materials Center to be located at Sixth Street and Serrano Avenue. The unique product display and service center in Los Angeles u'ill be one of the largest of 24 such centers throughout the United States operated by CONTAC of America, Inc. Conrpletion in the early Fall rvill concentrate u'ithin its ultra-modern building services and facilities available to the building and construction industry, including exhibit areas for hundreds of manufacturers of building and allied products, product research and information services. ar.rd technical data on a u,ide varietv of building materials.

ltoy 15, t957 63
Established 1893
lames W. Cooper . Nortnan A. fuIinnrs Arlene Price c Sidney Beaoer
4848 West Pico Boulevard, los Angeles 19 . Phone tlEbster 6-8238 . TWX- LA 443 WE SPEC,ALTZE lN STRATGHT CAR-IRUCK E IRA| I.ER SHTPi,IENIS Ponderosa Pine and Cedar Yard Items Available LCL Our Yard
Charles M. Cooper

IGEP IT UPwAtt 000

llews &fiefs , ,,

wit H(lBBS REDtt

A ricklish busineer-keeping cutlomers hoppy yeor ofter yeo?. Bui ir pcys ofi in rolisfa.tion ond repect sqles.

For over 90 yeors, Hobbs Wqll hos stood for the !9jlj@g'od' for grode, size for size. And for over 9O years, deolers everywhere hove been coming bock for more.

Why not put this business-building quclify to work lor you?

Coll, write or wire Hobbi Woll for prompl service.

Marysville, Calif.-Police here late last month arrested Ollen Steele, 39, painting contractor, as the man they said they saw setting a fire in the local Diamond Match Co. lumberyard after following him and rvatching him start a fire with crumpled paper and kindling wood as they r,r,ere investigating minor fires set during the night at the Union Lumber Company yard.

Dr. Howard D. Salins has developed a treatment which he claims completely ends the ravages of Dutch Elm disease, Elm Pholem Necrosis and Oak Wilt. It is called Trelife and commercial marketing of the product is going forn'ard.

Stanley Brown, president of the Chandler Lumber Co., and the San Fernando Valley Building Contractors Assn. are sponsoring their fifth annual plan drawing contest among students from eight Valley high schools. Dealer Brown is a director of the SCRLA.

W. P. Van Den Bosch, formerly of Dant & Russell and other west coast lumber firms, has taken his 30 years' experience in mill management sales and wholesale to N{orrill and Sturgeon Lumber Co., Portland, which he joined last month as mixed cars, industrial and cutting representative, replacing George Young. Dave Gowans will handle the Neal Creek operation, plus green commons, and Robert S. Mee continues with other species.

W. W. Gamble was elected president of the Maple Flooring Mfgrs. Assn., at the recent 60th annual to succeed D. S. DeWitt, who served five years.

Harbor Box & Lumber Co., Los Angeles, suffered a $54,000 loss last month in a fire that destroyed $36,@0 in lumber and three trailers. W. E. Arblaster, general manager of the yard, said cause of the fire was undetermined.

Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., Tacoma, Wash., is again offering college scholarships worth up to $1200 a year to ten sons and daughters of employes. Sixty such awards have already been made.

The third annual Western Plant Maintenance and Engineering Show and Conference will be held June 11-13 in San Francisco.

Benjamin C. Bowker has been appointed director of public relations for the United States Plywood Corp., announced President S. W. Antoville. He succeeds James J. Dunne, who retires af.ter 27 years with USP.

The 1957 Los Angeles Home Show will be held June 20-30 at Pan Pacific auditorium, announces President Donald E. Reed.

Lloyd Milne has been appointed general manager of the Palo Alto, Calif., business of Traynor and Silver, announced the partners in the building materials firm.

Gilbert E. Morris, general manager, Los Angeles City Dept. of Building and Safety, recently received the annual Building Industry Achievement award presented by the Hardwood Flooring Council of So. Calif. It was presented by Dave Ferrari, retiring president of the Council. New officers are R. T. Brassell, Jr., president; Thomas Stephens and J. H. Neece, vice-presidents, and Charles Cole, secretary-treasurer.

Central States section, Society of American Foresters, will hold a symposium on Hardwood Sawlog Grades, June l0-1 1, Hotel Warren, Indianapolis.



Wholesole lrom Yard Stocks

Direct Shipmenfs

| 8 Films for Mosonite Deolers

Six new movie playlets have been produced by Masonite Corporation for the use of its dealers in presenting themselves to local theater audiences as home modernizing headquarters. All told, 18 such filrns, all in color, now are available on a rental basis through five film distributors:' , Basement Game Room, Kitchen Remodeling, Attic Spare Room, Bathroom Remodeling, Living Room, Extra Storage Space, Utilizing a Garage, Utility Room, Siding, Shadowvent Siding, Peg-Board, Primecote, Room Plans, "Shorts," E,mbossed Panel, Panelgroove and Ridgegroove, Masonite Panelply and All-Purpose Farm Board. One-third of each film is devoted to the local dealer's firm name and address. Black and white 16mm versions of these films also are

49/(i Disfridt Boulevqrd

P.O. Boi 126, Veihbn Brqnch los Angeles 58, Cqllfornia



LUdlow 8-214t



Since 1887

l/loy 15, 1957
Til$ OAI,Itr'OBilIA DOONCOil|PINT of Los Angeles
cAtt SHAW clnd McCLEttAN IUllLt & ,, M,,c,, r.a?i,l"t" t lonq Streel' I ir glewood' Gol if orn ia
LUMBER. Bob thow 'i
cusToM MlttlNG...
ORegon 8-1066


Dod/th 8ar7 /qrzclrsc &, ?ac, Wh"ltnle


MAIN OFFICE: (Mock Giles)

Box 7l I o Son Rofoel, Colif. o Phone Glenwood' 4-1854 . TWX Son Rofoel 25


Highwoy 101 . Cloverdole, Colifornio . Phone TWinbrook 4-2312

available free to any N{asonite dealer rvho will use them on local television stations in connection rvith his orvn commercial announcement, according to Clarence E. Sutton, sales promotion manager. Requests should be sent to Masonite Corporation, 111 \V. Washington St., Chicago 2, Ill., or the lt,cal Masonite representative.

Qvality Redwood

George Monnier Wins Dubs I O2nd qt Orindcr; Pqso Tiempo Nexf

The 102nd monthly tournament of Dubs, Ltd. tvas staged April 19 at the Orinda Golf & Country Club u-ith Jack Scammell, Scanrmell Lumber Co., Oakland, hrist for the day. -\pproxin.rately 50 Bay Area lumbermen turned out for a sunny day on the greens, among them George llonnier, n'ho registered a lorv gross of 71 Ior his efforts. Thirty-fir'e stayed on ior an excellent banquet zrt the Orincla Countrv Club and the follou'ing men u,ere arvarded prizes in :rrr aiterdinner ceremony:

C)ne to eleven hiindicap-Jinr Nlaher (69), Chet I)ennis (70) and C. \V. I-arsen (70) ; Trvelve to trventv handicapArt Bond (fii), R. \\r. Danieis (68), Jean Destrual (72), '\l Boldt (72) and llill Johnson (72) ; Trventy-one to thirty handicap-Dubs I'resident Gran Geisert (64), Tonr Grav (66), Bill Bonnell (68) and Bill Ingram (68); Thirty-one and over-Jim Ramsey (70), Ev Ler,vis (71) and Jack Crane (7q.

In the Guest Flight division it rvas Walt Hjort. -\. To1-ley and V. Faye in first to third position, respectivelr'.

The next Dubs function rvill be its big annual tournament, to be held at the Paso Tiempo Inn near Santa Cruz, June 7. Host for this meeting rvill be Sam Nigh, Hebbron-Nigh I-umber Co., Santa Cruz, and arrangements are under the direction of Hollis Jones, \\,'estern Door & Sash Co. \\'ives are urged to attend as there u'ill be a special ladies program for their benefit. Room reservations for an or-ernight stay-or for the rveekend for that matter-ma.v be placed through Hollis Jones in Oaklan<l, or Sam Nigh in Santa Cruz.

Gustqfson lo Heod €eco Sqles

Elmer T. Gustafson has been appointed vice-president and general manager of sales of Ceco Steel l)roducts Corporation, Chicago, announcecl Itresident Ned A. Ochiltree. He replaces Harold D. Jolley as general manager oi sales.

711 D
Jor ail purposes t.C.L. or Direct Roil or Truck-&-Troiler direct shipments from SITECTED MlttS of qll species of Pocific Gocrsl Lumber . . CAtL WESTERN MILL &, LUMBER. CO. 4230 Bqndini Boulevord, Los Angeles 23, Cslif. ANgefus 2-4148 TWX tA 1846 Doug. Fir Redwood Sugor Pine Ponderosq Pine wooDslDE Fir Plywood Cedor Shqkes Joponese Plywood Philippine Mohogony LUMBER #1 DRUtfltrA STREET . SAN FRANCISCO co. PHONE EXbrook 2-2430 . TWX SF-l132

The Only POS|TTVE Woy to




Show the public with Warren Blse*

Pressure-frealed Lumber thot you ds a lumber desler ore vitally interesfed in sofeguarding your luture and your cusfomerts investment.

'In combination will chtomatcdz,inc arccna]a-opproved hy aity, counly, stolte and Fedctal rpccif,cofions.

Sell REDWOOD IANKS for Economicol Storoge

Automqtic Wctcr Systoms do foil, cnd thcn watcr ir ct o premium. lcdwood Storogo Tonks src thc mort cconomicol. Iniiiol cort ir lower, ond lhcy hove o longer lifc. Rcdwood hos high insulotion volue; keepr wolcr cool. Redwood ir recistant lo fungi cnd inrccl ottack. Furlhcrmor!, wa con give immediotc delivery.

Complete Your Line with REDWOOD TANKS

' The Above Brqnd, Plus the Worren Blue Color, is Your Assuronce of Moximum' Prolection : il -.,l



g,nd lnsured Quality Look 7o

llloy 15, 1957 57
For Better Service
eorge indeler omPanY TIMITED "ouR 72ND YEAR'' 22ll Jerrold Ave. o VAlencia 4-1841 SAN FRANCISCO 24, CAIIFORNIA M6bd ol -nD?rr., ZE'A--rt


Barbara and Bob Kilgore returned to San Rafael (and Bob to Fairhurst Lumber Co.) April 22 af.ter vacationing in southern California and Palm Springs for a fortnight.

George Bonitz, general manager of Regal Door,'Co., El Monte, leaves next month on an extended business-andpleasure trip to the midwest and will visit Wisconsin relatives the early part of July.

J. E. Higgins, Jr., and Mrs. Higgins are enjoying a threemonth vacation in Florida, the Barbados and Trinidad. They plan to return to San Francisco and the J. E. Higgins Lumber Co. around the first of June.

According to Allan Hufr of the Huft Lumber Co., Los Angeles, production has increased more than 1@/o since Jerry Clough joined the firm a few weeks ago and was placed in the important post in charge of "precision-cut" load stickers.

Bob Patrick, head of Emsco Plywood at Oakland, rvas in Los Angeles (business) and Las Vegas ( ?) for an early April week

Roberta Kinkade of R.egal Door Company, the "bride" of six months, will become a "grandma" within a few weeks when her daughter Myrna becomes a mother. Myrna, too, is a "Regal gal."

Mr. and Mrs. Edric Brown left San Francisco April 27 for a 3-week vacation in Hawaii. He is manager of TPL's by-products division in S. F.

Mitzi (Mrs. LeRoy, Jr.) Stanton ir,vas the winner of the "Most Original" classification at the spectacular Headdress Ball given by Las Floristas in the redecorated Cocoanut Grove, Los Angeles, last month. Her headgear was the "Diamond-April's Jewel," and it was pictured in a recent L. A. Examiner photo and writeup.

Del Travis, head of Travco, Inc., San Jose, spent two April weeks calling on Texas accounts.

Alan Shively has returned from a Pacific Northwest trip calling on sources of supply and visited S. F. Bay area friends enroute home to his Glendale business.

Rolf Stolesen, salesmanager of Durable Plywood Sales Co., Menlo Park, spent,the week of April 22 at Durable's Arcata plywood mill.

Jean Parrish, SoCal lumber veteran with E. J. Stanton & Son in Los Angeles for the past three decades, and his wife Belle celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary April 30. They have raised a fine family of one girl (Pat) and two boys (Lyle and Dick).

Lou Nora, Folger Lumber Co., Berkeley, and a partner in Builders Emporium, Fl Cerrito, is recovering nicely from a heart attack suffered during mid-April.

Ada and Dee Essley spent the latter part of April and first of May vacationing in Palm Springs so D. C. could catch up on his "rest" following a heavy winter and spring season of business, civic and social projects.

The boys from the Lumber Sales division of Roddiscraft, fnc., in Los Angeles, Palo Alto and Arcata, joined in sponsoring a "1ast-supper" event for Bob Eldredge, head of the Ukiah office, at Jack's in San Francisco, Aptil 26, before he was "taken" from them by Terry McAuliffe of The City at Saint Monica's church.

r$41 $".
'1] 'ai trl

lmportonr Bill in legislofure

Under date of April 23, the Lumber Merchants Assn. of Northern California sent its members notice o{ Senate Bill 72D in the California Legislature, authored by Senator Abshire (R., Sonoma) that would add Section 924 to the Labor Code. The LMANC said it reads as follows:

"It is unlawful for any employer to enter into any agreement which will deny to a majority of the employes employed by him at the time the agreement is being negotiated or is executed, the right to choose their own bargaining agents."

The bulletin said this bill would give employes who are not now members ofa union protection against being coerced into joining a union by either the union or the

employer. It would also give the employer a basis fo, p.on tection through a restraining order against coercive acts on the part of unions.

The bulletin adds that the bill deserves the support of every member of this industry and urges letters or wires to Senator Presley Abshire, Room 4066, State Capitol, Sacramento, or Chairman Robert L Montgomery of the Senate Committee on Labor, State Capitol.

Creighron Anfinson Stsrts Firm

Creighton Anfinson, until recently one of the top salesmen with Eureka Redwood Lumber Co. in Los Angeles, has established his own lumber sales firm with headquarters at the Martin Brothers plant in Compton, Calif.

lloy 15, 1957 New Hos Been 24 Hour Telephone Service
9-t t 85 SERVICE OUALITY oll.oyt Specifs 81"-W""1
SUGAR PINE-PONDEROSA PINE WHITE FIR-INCENSE CEDAR. SOUTIIER]I CA]IFOR]IIA 1UMBER SA1ES Wholesqle Distribution Yqrd 815 SO. IVY AVE. - MONROVTA - EIUOTT 8-t t 5l 5o. Gqlif. Representqtive IVORY PINE COMPANY Mills ot Dinubq, Cqlifornia

MERCHANT tl-rat \\''e were reestal>lishirrg the manttfacture and distribution of pine mtlttlclings to rctail lurnber clealers, our sales have shou'n a steadv gnrlr,th," s:rid (ieorge F-ubank. partner in the firm of L. H. I.lubank & Son, pioneer Southern California millu'ork concern. "Our products have been receiled u'ith enthrrsiasm and u'e contemplate adding a sl'ing shift to ()tlr 1)resent schedule in order to meet every demantl Promlltlv arrd effi ciently," he continued.

The modern mill and storaqe \\'archotlses of L. H. I'-ubank ct Son are located in the industri:ll zrre:r of lngleu'ood. adjacent to all communities and cities in thc co:rst cotlnties, San l-ernando valley, Orange, l{iverside. Sarr LJernarclino and Kern county. As productit>n is increlrsccl it is expected tcr s'iden the sales territorv to include San l)iego and -\rizona and Nevada cities, it u'as s:rid.

\\-illiam Stuart, "\'lr. N[oultling" to the dealer trade' is in

sow-filing deportment, ond lifi lo in

With R.eodyAcceptonce

R.etqil lumber Deqlers

charge of the sales cleparttnent, rvhich also inclu<les clistrilrrrtiolr o[ built-in su'ivel ironing boards, boxes and crlttcs, it.t acldition to pine mouldings of all sizes for ever-t' l)tlrl)')se.

According to Il. \\Iillard. partner and general manager of firm. neu'and modern renlanufacturing machinery has been installecl in the mill ancl the latest in moclern moulding racks, for proper storage, have lreeu con.rpletcd in the rvarehouse facility.

"From all marketing indicatiotrs thcrc u-ill bc :r stea<ly demand for our products dtrring thc lralancc oi this vear ancl n'e shall gear our prodttction to Ilect this clcntand lrnd ship on schedule," Willarcl cleclarcd.

Kern County Boomed in | 956

Bakersfield. Calif. 13trilding pernrits in the unincorporated areas of Kcrn county clinrberl to $2(r,'153.135 in the first 1l nronths last vcar, coruparerl t<t $22,197,383 in the samc 19.55 span.

GEORGE EUBANK, E. Willord qnd Bill Stuqrl ore shown (lefi to righr) finished slock, quolity stock, Hysfer hondling in lhe worehouse (lower
the irnnouncement three mcinths ago in The
C,\1-lF-OItNIA l,UNlllEIl
the bin show lruck scenes qcross lh e lefi), rhe (rop lefr working bottom right): the moulding Eubonk Mouldings Meeting
HERON LUN/ttsER COMIPANY INCORPORATED Wholesole Lumber ond /ltloufdings pondeross Pine . Sug.f r Pine White Fir o Douglos Fir o Redwood 3522 Geory Blvd., SAN FRANCISCO-SKy|ine l-5263 3757 Wilshire Blvd.' LOS ANGELES-DUnkirk 3-69t3
center ponel. The sticker,


Manulacturers & W ho leso Iers


lnvenfory ot L. A. Horbor of Boqrds qnd Dimension


long Dimension - Timbers - lnduslriql Cur Stock


Los Angeles Soles Office:

P.O. Box 225, Son Gobriel

Phone: CUmberlond 3-5981

Brownie Mqrksfrom Now Wirh Avrom

"Brolvnie" N{arkstron.r, popular Southern Californizr lrrmber salesman, has joined the saies staft o{ Avram I-rrmber Co., La Canada, announced Ted Avr:rm, owner of the rvholesale lumber concern.

Brou'nie started his lumber career <luring high school vacations at I'ris home town of Chehalis, \\rashington, u'orking for various sau'mills and remanufacturing concerns in the northern timber country. After grzrcluation, he secured a job with the Rainier Crossarm Co., producers of rvocicl products for porver and light firms throughout the u'est. In 1947 llrorvnie n'as assigned the important post as head of the grading department at the neu' Cali{ornia plant of the Eureka Lumber and Crossarm Co., u'here he later

ilill ond Heod Office: Porllond, Oregon

Ponderoso ond Sugor Pine

Cleor Fir and Redwood


*lcy 15, 1957
o Coll o
Speciolizing in lfltll llRlEll LUITIBER
58 2316 5. Sontq Fe Ave. LUdlow 75-l0l

A.L.llooltER. C(D.

became buyer and tiurlter crttiser for the concern.

Realizing the opportunitf in the S<iuthland u'ith his miil experience in the north. Brou'nie u'ent to Los Angeles firte vears ago to make his home :rnd enter the sales end of the business and. due to his complete knon'ledge and production experience, has met u'ith immediate success. His position rvith Avram is head of the l)ouglas fir department, contacting the retail lumber dealers. This firm also distributes, to clealers only, s,hite fir, pine and other softu'ood species.

Sierrq Lumber & Plywood, Inc. Reorgonized qt Top level

Acccirrling to Harry Rreurner, vice-president and treasurer o{ the concern, Sierra I-tttuller & Pl1'rvood, Inc., with hea<lqrrarters in Van Nrrl's, California, has reorganized its top flight echelon, remocleled the general olhces and formulated a ne\1r policy of action for procureulent and sales.

\\talt Steurmer, sales manager tif Speckert l-umber Co', \farysville, has been elected president of Sierra Lumber & Ply',voocl, Inc., and lld Dursteier, l'el1 knou'n throughout the Southern California lumller industry, remains zrs general

I Jon Tnntr-WnousAtE Lutilsrn I wholesqle ond Gommission

Representing some of ihe best mills in the counlrY' qlso wholesqle conneclions.

From my vqrious sources, I con furnish onYthing thqt comes from o tree-IMPORTED or DOMESTIC

I Office: 67OO South Alomedq Streel I

I tos Angeles I'Cqliforniq I

I fhone Collect: LUdlow l'O778 |

manager :rncl secretarl' oi the lvholesale distribution firnr' Harrv l3remner, formerlv located in the Sacraurento sales oflices, has rnoved his heaclcluarters tcl Varl Nuvs, lthere he rvill be assisted in the sales promotion department by Phil Char.rtland, who is also rvell knotvn in lun'rber sales irr the Southland area.

Bremner is no stranger in the sottthern part of the state' He $,as raised in I-os Angeles, graduated from Htllly$.oocl High and USC. Retu-een 19'11 and 1946 he sarv service irr the South Pacihc as a major in the USAF' He settled in

Horry Bremner ol the Von Nuys worehouse Sacrzrmento to study the lrrrnber business from manttfacture to the finished products. Living close to the picture in the Nfarysville-Sacramento area, he has studied all phases of prodrrction and sales. He came tcl Van Nuys to aclminister the nerv company policies and to take charge of sales.

Sierra Lumber & I'I1'n'ood, Inc., represents the Fir l'ine I)roducts Company exclusively in Sorrthern Caliiornia and also stocks the products oi Kelsey I-ttmller Co., Hedlund Lumber Co. and Speckert Ltlmber Co., specializing in I-CL and direct shipments. "\Ve also furnish the products exclusively in this market of the Harris Tlrothers mill at Springville, California," Bremner said'

"\.\re intend to carrv a complete inventorv of all Pacific Coast so{ttvoods and maintain a goocl stock of lrlv$'rlods and various specialty items for the trade," he declarcd

CAIIFORNIA TUMBER MERCHANI Gus Hoover - RYqn l-9321 ATlontic 9-4176Representing in Southern California:The PACIFIC LUMBER COMPANY \T/ENDLING.NATHAN COMPANY
2185 Huntington Drive, Sqn Mqrino 9, Colifornio TWX: Pqso Col 7320 Bob Hoover Stuort Jones Dick Hoover
TRIANGLE LUMBER CO. WIIOT.F-qAIE LI'UIBm Pccific Bldg., 610-l6th Street, Ocklcrnd 12, Ccrlilornia Phone lEmPlebcr 2'5855 Teletype OA 262 PINE


lloy 15, 1957
Doors, Shutters and Inserts in Various Species of Imported and Domestic HARD\UTOODS and SOFTWOODS
ubl " -in Stu. d ard an d Special SizesStyles for Every Purpose
ttttoogh r.g,rlar channels only to Retail Dealers
nf'nlCfnNf SERVICE
l4 West Hodley St., Whiltier, Cqliforniq
| |
OXford 5-7218

Simmons Hordwood Lumber €ompqny Celebrqtes

"\\re har,e enjoyed a steady gror'vth during the past seven years bv trying to ciffer that little extra service and little bit more c1uality," said Sid Simmons, president of the Simmons llardu.ood l,umtrer Company, u'hen intervier'vcd :Ltthe 7-year mark celebrated last month by executives anrl sid empl,.,yes of the firm. "\\,'e believe in a clean operation frotrl

start to fir-rish, and it definitel1' pavs off in the long run." hr. flonked bv declared.

Sicl Simmons has been around Sontl.rern California for a "',l:il;* k-'ng time in the harch,vood business. For many years. prior llitJil' to the establishment of his own conlpanv, he l'as secretarvtreasurer for the Bohnhoff organization. He is prominerrt in Los Angeles business affairs, a memller of the Terrible Tu'entv Tottrnaments, various civic ancl fraternal organizations and Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Clt.b


Pictured u'ith Simmons in the rnoclern up-to-date plant are Roy Stills'ell, general man:lger; M. S. N{clemore, sales soles ond fiianager; Clare I'arsons. auclitor ancl credit manager. ancl :I:t|"i:.6 sales staff tnembers Rob Krabill, Flovd Beatty, George \[c- simmons Manus, E,rrest llro*'nell arrcl N{arsh "St.nervall" -}acksort. ffi Also "Girl Friclay" Betty Goodfellorv, a sharp young lad1' lumber co' rvho hantlles nt.rt onlv the sales staff llut aiso the llilling. ;'*I: (ce nte r )

M' s'
R.W. llAtT0ll & c0. Wholesqle Lumber
Huntington Drive Sqn Mqrino 9, Cqlif. R,Yqn l -2127
Representatives in Afizona and New Mexico
Seventh Anniversqry
T}|E CROW}I TUMBER COMPANY RAymond 3-8955 BERT W. LeCRONE 7l 19 Telegroph WHOLESALE Rood, los Angeles 22, Colifornio REDWOOD-FIR.PINE
Betly Goodfellow (right) hqndles rhe sqles stoft ond doubles in billing

Oronge Gounty Acreoge Sold

Fullerton, Calif.-The entire assets of Sunny Hills Ranch, Inc., have been sold to Warren Wrieden, Inc., Laguna Beach, for $4 million. Included are 650 acres of Orange county's most valuable homesite and industrial property, part of the 6000-acre parcel once owned by Domingo Bastanchury, who operated the Southland's biggest sheep ranch there after the turn of the century. Buyers plan to develop the 200 vacant acres of residential land available on the ranch.

Santa Barbara, Calif.-Rollefson Construction Co., Angeles, announces plans to build 62 homes at Goleta lowing purchase of a large tract at Stow Canyon road N. Fairvierv avenue for $80,0OC in a $1 million project.

Los foland




Ook Stoir Treods-Threcholdr

Door Sills-Hordwood lflouldings ond Pqnel-Wqll

cnd Domestlc-Philippine-Jcponese Hardwoods

Watchousc Dclivery or Codocd Shlpmcntr

610I SO. VAN NESS AVENUE los Angeles 47, Co,llf. AXminster 2-9181


Wc Solicil lour hquiries for Wolnenized rnd Creosoled Ltnlcr, Tirnbers, Polcs arrl Piliry

Spt"ialty jlillw"rle,- Quolitg jlnrtlranlire

Koll's Columns - Roils - Turned Bqlusters - Stondord pqtterns


Odrqhul frfillrrrar,j, eo,

Forncrly W. A. Koll Ploning tlll

1463 EAST 223rd STREET


NEvodcr 6-9674


xoLl,s columNs

iloy 15, 1957 Phone Bob: EDgewood 2-7536 Phone Arl: EDgewood 2-7536 fepresenling FAY LUMBER CO/lIPANY-Portland, Oregon; BONN|wGTON LUrllBER COiIPANY-Sg n F r anci sco, Calilor nio Shipping DOUGTAS FIR - REDWOOD and PINE vio RAIL ond TRUCK-ond-TRAIIER tlAtE & PARKII|S r Wholescle lumber P.O. Box 373, Govinn, Golifornio
.! "!
Phone: CApitol 2-1934
ohstsrEhT ENFORlnNhCE

TALYi,IYN RAILWAY P]eservotion Society recently outhorized Hobbs Wall Solesmon (SoCol) Don Bufkin lo qttend the Roil' fqn Excursion of the Southern Colifornio Chopter, Roilwoy qnd locomotive Historicol Society, on the Soufhern Pocific Norrow Gouge R. R.. orronged by the Colifornio-Nevsdo Roilwoy Historicol Society (top photo). On the trip, Bufkin picked up rhe voluoble relics shown (lower photo) for Tolyllyn's Norrow Gouge Museum in Towyn, North Wolel. Greoi Britoin, where they were shipped rby Americon Agent Clorence E. Bruce. The 5. P. Nqrrow Gouge, more fomilicrly known os "The Slim Princess," is the remnonl of lhe color' ful Corson & Colorodo R. R.. c link originolly conneciing Virginic City, Nev., dnd Owens [qke, Colif., borh of gold rush fome in the goy 90s, occording lo Lumbermon Bufkin

JAi/tES WEBB, who recently retired qs supervisor of lhe Homer T. Hoywcrd Lumber Compony. wqs honored on fhe occosion qnd his 65rh binhdoy by o surprise porty ond q new cqr from Mrs. Nellie M. Hoyword (righr), vice-presideir of the lumberyord ftrm. The Porly wos held ot the Reselsr hotel in Wofsonville, Colif., for Jim Webb, who ioinedlhe compony in 1940 ond monoged the Wotsonville yotd 12 yeors unlil he wos ironsferred to Sqlinos qs super' visor in 1955. Besides the cutomobile from Mrs. Hoyword in "oppreciotion of long ond sincere service," Webb received o gifr of luggoge from fellow employes, with Mrs. Webb ond children. Lois ond Jomes. Jr., giving mctching pieces. Guesls oi lhe reliremenf Pdrty included: from Solinos-the Homer M' Hoywords, Glen Tuckers, Sherwood Cousleys, Fred Jocobsons, Hol Hcilnesses ond M.r. Nellie Hoyword; from Seoside-Mr. qnd Mrs. Fred Voltoire; from Pocific Grove-the Jqck Russells ond fhe Niel Keefers; from Poso Robles-Mr. ond Mrs. John Fisher; from Hollister-Bill Alsip ond the Lester Cronks. ond from Wotsonville-the Lloyd Slys ond the Eorle Johnsons

RANCHO HARVEY KO[[, o mile ond o-holf from Fullerton. wos complefed lcsf Foll 'by rhe prominenl los Angeles lumberman ond Hoo'Hoo. tocoted in Lindo Vistc Hills, Mr, Koll stood with his hsndsome house during its six monlhs' construction, rhen built his own fences ond did rhe londocoping on his ronch, where he stqbles four horses ond roises his own beef. The upstoirs living room, dining room, holls ond stoirwoys ore wolnul; the exposed beqme were veneered in wolnut, too. Downstdiis. the specie wos'the Joponese speckled elm, muinly in rhe fcmily room. The oubide specie wqs redwood (lxl2)' on on ongle with boils for the rustic ranch efiecl; the roof is Hollywood shokes. lt's o dreom come ttue. iusr like it looks in lhe photos obove, os ony lumbermon lucky enough to vish it will ditest


Quality Redwood


So-Gol Building Mqreriqls Co. Joins

Golumbio Mills in Screen producfs

Promotion ro Aid Deoler Soles

So-Cal Building Materials Co., Inc. has taken on the distribution of the Columbia Mills nationally advertised line of window screens and screen doors, adding to its already .impressive list of nationally advertised products a brand name that has been well and favorably known on the west cost and throughout the country for over half a century.

Through the arrangement, So-Cal, backed by the extensive facilities of Columbia's Los Angeles plant, is in a position to offer the dealer immediate service not only on the famous Columbia-Matic Tension Screen but also Columbia's com_ plete line of window screens and screen doors.

This line, said to be the most complete on the west coast, includes in addition to Columbia-Matic two new lower-price tension screens, offered under the brand name of TRAK & GARD; aluminum tubular and steel full frame screens, the El Dorado extruded aluminum and the Crest anodized rolled frame screen door. The latter product, known for ,,beauty without extravagance," is designed to retail at $29.95 and has, according to Dick Freeman of the So-Cal corhpany, met with immediate and enthusiastic trade acceptance.

This well-rounded line of products is being supported by a very extensive offering of merchandising aids and pointof-sale material including window display and background sets, action displays and other items designed to assist the dealer in attracting customers and in increasing his sales in the large and lucrative screen market.

Overnight delivery is commonplace in California .. by courteous, competent, company-employed drivers.

We aim to build friends as well as customers. Once you've sampled friendly, efficient Ostrom service, you'll be an Ostrom customer from then on! Let the BIG "O" fill your next big order!

ffi{i-rrffiffr:ll ,; --. 'tIlcy 15, 1957 "Jii,i "='' " if{idt' Ti-lF.--r:.1-":f .I-
7l5l Telegroph Rood, Los Angeles 22, Cslifornio RAymond 3-3454 RAymond 3-t681 BOB BUSS \ SHIPTUIENTS G0. PArkview 8-4447 HOWARD S. OATES
MARQUART.W0LIE LUITIBER C0MpAIfy DIRECT SHIPfIIENTSHlGH.llIAIlll SPRUCE o D0UGLAS fIR o nHtltr00D Roil or Truck-ond-Trqiler Horoce Wolfe Sterling Wolfe l58O North Vine Slreet, Los Angeles 28, Cotifornio HOflywood 4-7558 TWX LA lt52 ind PII|D
Green Douglos Fir K. D. Sugor pine K. O. ponderoc; Pine . K. D. Whate Fir Incenie Cedsr

Bate-Position wcmted $2.00 per column inch

All others, $3.00 per colurnn inch

Cloriag dctcr lor copy, Sth ond 20tb




EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for high - type, experienced Wholesale Lumber Salesman to ioin stafr of well-established Te:ras company presently expanding Wholesalc Division. Must have knowledge of West Coast -forest lroducts and capable of selling .dg99t- mill shipments to retail anil jobber trade. Splendid potential for right min. Kindly submit complete personal resume and business balkground with fuil assurance lhat ail correspondence will be held in strict confidence.

Addrcss Box C-2639, California Lumber Merchant ' 108 West 6th St., Room 508, Los Angeles 14, Calif.


Well-established Ptywood Wholesaler needs a high-type salesman with some clientele in the San Fernando valley area. Write giving age, cxperience, and salary expected.

Address Box C-2630, California Lumlcr Merchant fOS W. 6th St., Room 508, Los Angeles 14, Calif.


WHOLESALE SALESMAN for San Bernardino and Riverside counties. Salary-Car-and all expenses. Prefer a man living in that area.


4186 E. Bandini Blvd. Los Angcles 23, Calif. Phone: ANgelus 3-4161


Well-established Plywood Distributor nceds a high-type salesman with experience in So. Calif. area. Write giving background, age and salary expected.

Address Box C-2589, California Lumber Merchant 108 West 6th St., Room 508, Los Angeles 14, Calif.


Coll YUkon 2-0945 or Tol SF 530

Noner of Advcrlim in thir Dcpcrtmcnr uring o blind oddrcss connot bc divulgcd. All inquiricr ond rcplio rhould be oddrcsod to kcy rhown in tho odvcrtironrnl


Experienced, LUMBER SHIPPING CLERK. Must know lumber in Los Angeles. Contact:


Owens-Parks Lumber ComPanY 2100 E. 38th Street (Vernon) ADams 2-5171


L. A. Wholesale Distributing Yard has opening for Sales Manageq with thorough knowledge of Hardwoods and a clientele. Good salary plus -percentage if profits to right man. Correspondence treated confidentially.

Address Box C-2604, California Lumber Merchant fOB W. 6th St., Room 508, Los Angeles 14, Calif.



RESPONSIBLE LUMBERMAN, being freed by company now going out of the industry and formerly running buying ofrce in Northern Calif. more than 10 years with one firm, will be available in June (earlier if needed) to buy in this territory for a Southern Calif. account on corn'mission or sa'lary-or-would prefer to work in sales dept. of wholesale company or mill producing Pine or Douglas Fir and allied woods. I have a following of mills and customers that will be of help to any wholesaler; extensive experience buying and selling these woods, and as sales manager or assistant. Know T-&-T to SoCal market, know retail yards and needs. References present employer.

Address Box C-2642, California Lumber Merchant 108 W. 6th St., Room 508, Los Angeles 14, Calif.


Young man with seven years' experience in lumber manufacture (all phases) desires position with reputable firm. Have good southern Oregon contacts for buyer. College education and willing to return to Northwest. Available June lst.


1925 No. Landis Street, Burbank, Calif. Phone: THornwall 6-7340

DESIRE MILL REPRESENTATIONSeeking Oregon connection for specified tim,bers and long lengths for Southern California coverage. Good following of high-caliber accounts.

Address Box C-2641, California Lumber Merchant 108 West 6th St., Room 5O8, Los Angeles 14, Calif.



We have some good, long-established yards to offer for sale,. If you want to sell your yard, give us a ring.

TWOHY LUMBER CO. 714 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles 15; Rlchmond 9-8746

herfudev tlith tts
Wholesle Pacifrc Coosf Lumber Prodvds 9538 Brighton Woy - Beverly Hills, Cslif. - - Ted Olsen - - BRodshow 2-7943
- Don Jewelt - -


For the Flush Door Mqnufqcturercsbinet Shops - Industriql users

Speciolizing in Furniiure Dimension ond Drqwer Sides


Fosl, Efficient Service

rmperial Lumber oompany'",'f,fi[i;:,'llH-,ffi,:?-'



TETEPHONE CApirol 2-0261


For sale at cost of inventory & equipment, approx. 935,000, a retail lumber yard and general building supplies. Located in one of the fastest-going areas in Nevada. Doing approx. $200,000. Owner will carry land and buildings on ten-year contract or lease.

P. O. Box 661, Fallon, Nevada


Well-located San Francisco office, private entrance; suitable for wholesaler or plywood broker. Warehousing and space also available.

356 Ocean Avenue

Phone: GRaystone 3-4400


Complete lumber remanufacturing plant, all-electric. 120 miles north of San Francisco. Eighteen acres of ground.

Address Box C-2566, California Lumber Merchant 108 West 6th St., Room 508, Los Angeles 14, Calif.


HYSTER FORK on term contract,


LIFT in excellent condition. Attractive rental

PHONE: SYcamore 2-5595 Los Angeles, California


Plate, Beams. and Angles suitable for Incinerators and Buildings. Attractive Prices.


5920 So. Alameda Street Huntington Park, Calif. Phone: LUdlow 2-7141


Late model Lumber Carrier<xcellent running condition, 66" Blocks, can take 56" Blocks. TERMS.

1027 Terminal Way, San Carlos, Calif.; Phone: Lytetl 3-7881

Two million feet A any Patte'rn. In Lift


and Clear Dry Redwood. Rough or Run to Packages or Car Loads.


2ll S. Beverly Dr. Beverly Hills, California

Phones: BRadshaw 2-4167. CRestview 4-5103




Used Good, Reconditioned or Rcbuih & Gfd. 2,OOO-I5,000 lb. cop. Gibson 6,000.1b. Copo€ity, hyd. ttrg, pncu, ti.e! Clork, '1951 6,000-lb. Copocity, pncu. tircs Ross l9 HT 6,000-lb. Copocity; rocondilioncd Clork 6,000-lb. Copocily; robuill ond guoronteed Clork . , 3,000 ond i1,000-lb. Copocityr rccondition.d Towmofor LT56 . , 6,000-lb. Copocity; rcbuilf ond guorqntcod Big Discounts on New Surplus Pqrts for All Makes ond lYlodels of Forklifts


17 CFM Port. Comprcssorr, Rebuilt



Reconditioned late model 8-ton capacity Gerlinger; like new, 90-day warranty. Other used equipment. Also rentalJ available.



Moy 15, 1957
BURNABY and WILLIAMS STate 5-6561 15i220 Erwin St., Van Nuys STanley 3-2060
GAL- PAG I FI G AhoJerah P, O. Box 1 * Phone GLenwood 4-5945 * TWX 18 SAN RAFAEL, CALIFORNIA TUMBER GO.
AIAN A. SHIVETY WHOLESALE 1525 €levelond Rood L. A. phone: GLENDAIE 2, CAtlF. CHopmon 5-2O83


Experienccd crews for fast, eftcient lumber handling. Flat rate for dimensional lumber car*$47.6E pcr car. Sorting to width or length at car-Sl0 additional. Call for yard sticking and sorting rateshourly or contract.

'RAY'S CAR UNLOADING (Formerly Ray-How Co)

llSLGtl So. Main Street

Plymouth 6-7356 or 5-9410 Los Angeles 6


Expericnced lumber crews available for car unloading, sorting & sticking for air-dry. Labor dispatched to your yard on a board-foot basis. Can unload & haul from any R.R. spur<ne car to 30 cars per day. Printed rates upon request. Established 1943.

CRANE & CO. Agency

5143 Alhambra Ave. Los Angeles 32, Calif.

Phone cApitol 2-8143, collect


Fork Lifts and Straddle Trucks. Complete shop and fielal service. Portablc Welding, Spccid F'abrication, Stcam Cleaning and Painting. Service Availablc 7 Days a Wcck All work guarantced.


1115 North Alameda Strcet, Compton, Cdif.

Phones: NEwmark Ia269, NEvada 6-4805


Mr. and Mrs. Orrie W. Hamilton left May 15 for the spring meeting of the NRLDA in Washington, D. C', and a meeting of the American Lumber Standards Committee in his capacity of executive vice-president of the SCRLA.

John Eells, author and publisher of the Plywood Distributors' Handbook, has returned from Chicago and New York City, where he addressed the membership of the National Plywood Distributors Assn. at spring meetings. He also addressed the meeting in Los Angeles at the Hilton.

Ilorace'Wolfe, who puts the "woof" in Marquart-Wolfe Lumber Co., Hollywood, left April 21 for a few days up north and the U. P. R. R. stag at the Sutter Club in Sacramento. He returned in time for the windup of the SCRLA's 4oth anniversary convention April 25 at the Moulin Rouge, a couple blocks from his office.

(TelI them, you saza it in The California Lunrber Merckant)


Lor Angeler Lmbcr, Inc. -...--..---.----------'--*

Founloln Lumber Co.' Ed -----.-.-.-.-...--..--...--. * lumbq 5oler Co. --'.--..--..----------.---.-'.-.-...-... t

Forest Fiber PFduGtt co' I ilo.B.oth Hordwod conP@y ....--..---.------ 'l

!ree1ro_ & co., stcphen _G. ..^: ;i;i;;';"ilir-, .1 .:.....................7s / Fry looflng co.. tloyd a. -.......................2s ;i;;t;;;. :....... .._..._...-. *

Gqll€hs Hordwood Co. ..-.-----.--..--........-...3o ,$qquort'Wolfe Lmber Co. --..--------.'---.----77

GomeBton & Green Lumber Co. .--...--..,...-rt ltorh Woll Productr, Inc' .---.--.--'..--.--".-"51

Gorehime Corp. ..--.--.---------- * llcon Sup,pller' l!,.. "-"-"-.'---"' """"- | Getz Bror. & Co. -----------.--..---..-...--..-....--.--.73 ,|l6onite Colpotclion --...--..--.---..-'..--.--...--.-*

Georef ePqciic Com. .---.-..-..-..--..--...---.-- * itcCloud lmber Co. --..--.--...----.--..- ----'-------67 clob; lnrl. of Colii., Inc. ......-...--..---.---.--69 lleier lcmber Co., Herb ---..---'.-.----.---.--..--. I Golden Goie Lumber Go. * ltiddl.lon Lunber Co., Bob -----..--.-.....'.--'..' r Gordon-r$ocBqath Hddw@d Go. .-......O.F.C. ltlorchke Srud ,ltlllt' Inc. ---.----.---.----.....-. I

GorlirHordlng lumber Co. ..--.....--...--..--8O lttoore Dry Klln Co. -------.---.-------.------..-....-.. *

Grcqt B..y luriber Soler 'l llomt-Whltney Lumber Co. ---.-'-'..-'.......-l

Hot.y Br$. ...-..--...-...--.-.20 lrlufuol ituldlng and Lumber co' """""-'53

*olt'€o., Jms L. ------.--..- '* Nqtl"Americotl Whlrc' lmbr. Arn' """"'* Hottl*'t*b". Co.1--.-..--..-...-..---.-...-.--71 Neimm-Reed I'mber Co. .""""""'-"""""'49

;1oiiinon ncfi. tmier Co. * New. Horold A. ...........* Hollmark Lumber & Plywood Co. .--.---..---.-2I Ncwquitl, Jmer W. ----.'--"'..'-""""""""-' * Hmond-Colif. Redwod Co. - O;!.!: (1ren Gonpony, t. E. .,_..._...-......-..---.--.----.7A

H*',',F"T's".";'r1':.'t-t-..-...-.r-r*ll glt{::: *#f!.-.:::::::...::..:...........:...::7i

Heorin, F. L. Lmber ..,------...-.-.-..--.-.-......._: Oritine'noWqcturing Co. ......-..-...-...-....-.55

Hedfund Lumber Sqler' lnc. -...........----------68 Ortroni Lumbcr Co. ]..---..-....-...-.-...-...-...--..77

U. 3. Plywood Corp. --...-...-...-...-..----.-----....'|

Union Lumber Co. -.-..---,---,-----...-.......--.....--52

Virodor Co., The,---.-,--.,-------,--.,.-.-...-...---..*

Vollitedt K.rr lunber Co., The .-...-...-....-.32

Worren gouthwert, lnt. -,-..,'-..-...-..--..------.--67

Helmr-Brwn Lunber Co. ..-.-..... ........- -_l Oxfoid Lmber Co., lex .--...-..-.--.-.....,--._-.- ,t

Heron Lunbcr Compony .........-...--.-----.......7O --'-

Hliia monon, InG. -.--..-...-. t9 Pociff' Fil 5olq -"""""""""""""'-""""-"-' *

Xiggim tmts Co.', .1. t. * PotifiG 9:-:"! & A99rs9ot6' Inc' '-"""""73

Hobbr wotl lunber Go. .......::::::.:::.:.:.:.:.::ei loclnc lumber Co', rhe """""-"-""""""'-'t

ii"g*"ii rUg. ttt"r".i"t. Go. .-,. 'i Pqclf,c l-mber Deolen-Supplv' Inc' -"--"--:r

Wendling-Notho Co. ---.*.--................1 2 Werl Coqrl lumbems'c Arn. --..........-.-. *

Wett Coot 5sreen Co, ---...-..-..-......--....--31

W€rt C6t limber Productr Agency -,-...--78

W.3len D@r & Sqh Co. -...-...-.......-...-.-*

Wettem Dry Kiln -.,.-,-.--..-...-.....................-*

Holme Eweko lwb.r Co. * Po(lfic Wood Productt Co. ---''-...------------'-*

Hoilry tree Rertwood-Co. ---....-..-.---...... * le!!t WirG.Producti Co. ---.---..-----------------3O

Holmq lmber Co., Fted C. ""---'------ '- ' ra Pck River Trec Fom Produclr --------------''" *

WeltGm lmber Co. ----.-.--...-.--.-..........-...-.--'l

Wsrforn llill & lmber Co. .-...................---66

Wcatem Plng A.o(iatid .--....................-.... t|

Hoo"ji Co., A.'t. :-...-..-.--------- -'-' -" '-.'.'...'-lz Peqlel Lumter co' "-"'-""'-"""""""""" *

Hmqole cmpdy .------.--..--.---.--.:.-...--..--.:; Pot- Bunvo-Lumber Co' """"'- ------'---"---'39

Hufi lumbei Go. ..-.-.--....--..--..-- a Peirce Co..-Al --'..'.""...'..-..--...--.---.-------------' *

riirr"i co-p*i ...............-.....:.................... c f9!.-b9'thy [mb* co' --"'-"'-"'--'--'--"'--"'-" * - Phillipr lmber Co., G, C. -...-.....-.....-...-.-- ,r

lmperiol Lmber Co, .....-...-............-.---.------79 Phippr Co., Ihe --------.--.---..--..--..-..--..--...-...* fndurtriof Lumber.-..........................-...-....-..24 -lnrond tmber c.. ..............::..:::...:...:...:..; Red cedqr Shinsle Bureo ' - - - : Intemctlmql_Lmb!r_& Plywood co., In<. 2E I:#i tffb.',"8,1frI,-i;;:-.:::............:...:... ; IrbrodBtr Co. of Colif., Inc. .........-......52 iil;j'd-i;;; Lumbsi co. ........................-.7r

Joffy Giot lmber Co. .-..--..--...-...-...-.-..----76 Rebert. Lumb€r Co.' Frilr .-,-.-,-,---,,--.-...-...*

Johnr-Monville Cqpo.ctid * Roddircroft, Inc. .-..--.-.--------,-------------.-....-..-- 'i

Jocr Hordwood & Plywood Co. .-...--..--..--- :t lound: Lumber Co. ----...----...-......-...-...-......7

Joncr llothinery Corp., Frok E. --....-.-.-- * Roy Forert ProduGts Co. .-...--..-..---.-.-.--...--. *

Wertern Pine Supply Co. --..--..--...-.-.-...-....-- 'l

Wertern Stots Plywd Corp, ..---.-..---.--,.-60

Weyerhoeurer 5olq Co. ---...-...-......---.-..3, l5

whlte Bro., ...-.,.....--..---.*

Windeler Co., ltd., Gmrge .-.......-...-...--.--67

Winfree & Tyno .,-..-.-..--.--..........--.------,--,-- l.

Winlon Lmber Sqler Co. --..-....-..--..--..------ {t

Winton Lmber WhlJe, Di:lrt., Inc. .-...-.-'t

Wood Conve.iion Co, .-..-...............-....-....-- :3

Wood Lmber Co., E. X. ...-..-...-.--.---.-----..-- 't

Woodride Lumber Co. ..-........-.--...--..-...--.-..66

Zeermon Pllnrood €o. .-..--...-...---..-.----.--...-.71

Ziel & Co., In<. -...-....-...-.......-...-.......-...-.-.-31

3 ,'tr:
'tAdverti3ing qppeon in ollchole itrues Eolt A5iotic Co., Inc., fhc .--..--.---.--,-..---.-- * Xolrer Gyprum Co., Inc .-....-.----------,--.-.---- 's Eckrtrm Plywood & Door Co. -.-...--...--.-.--74 Kelley, Albert A. --..-.---------.-...-.....-------.----54 Edwardr Lmber od llfg. Co. .-------..-..--- * Xoehl & Son. John W. -...-.-.-...---...--..---.-,-.-* Ecllr' John ' ' .: L. A,
Inc. ..-...--.-------'t Enrco Pfyurood ---.---.-.-...o2 :' " -,' !lij.r.iia-ii;. 0. .: ...:::::::::.:-; lg3?":iliPil:' .::.::::::: :. . .:..:: I E#* f"fi}.'.1: ..:............ .: ..rX F;-"diJ{i"; cb. ... ..... ---5t Exchose Somillr 5oler c". ....................'i Pg?:Il-Y'-lntl' Pqer co' """"""-"' 'r tsp Lmbcr t lltlll Co. .........---..-.--.-....---*
Mfg., Inc. -...--...---.-----,-.. *
Co. ..-...-..---..-...-.-.-.----------. I Fisk
Drv Kiln & 5toro96,
Lor-Col lmber
& ltoon
REDWOOD AND DOUGTAS FIR TUAABER Phil Gorlln Phonc-Ycf lowr tonc tt-E771 Wholesole P. O. lo: 32f, Wolnul Crrck, Colif. telotyp. Wolnut Crcck l[16 S,




Bcxtcr, t. H. d Co.. ......DUnkirk 8-!591

Wcnen, lDc.. ..NEvcdc 6-2983


Araerican Sisslttrclt Corporctioa..WEbster l-lQSl

.f,rtegiq Door Co. Iac. .IlNderbill 5-1233

Associated Moldiac Co...........RAvnond 3-3221

At}ias, Kroll E Coi.. ...Mldisoa 8-t1757

Ccliloraic Door Co. oI L. 1.....

Intl. Lumb-er d Plwdod Co..... .OReroin 8-7151

tohas-Mcnville Scies Corp. .Mlqhigcn 60tl

lones ltrlcchinery Cnrp., !rcnk E.... .VAndike 9132

Koehl, lohn W. 6 Son. ...ANqelus 9-8191

Mcple Bros, (Whitl!or). ...OXbow3-6060

Mcrsh Wcll Products, Inc. ........ANgelus l-2155

Moson Supplies, hc. .INgclus 9-0657

Mqsonite Corporction ....ANgelus3-6191

The Bus Mc\eil Co, ....ANgelus l-0606

Mutual Moulding cnd Lunber Co..FAculiy l-0877

Originol Millwork Co..............NEvcdc 6-9674

Osiling Mcnulccluring Co.... .CUmberlcnd 3-4276

Pccilic Lumber Declers Supplv Co,...ZEaith l156

Pacific Wood Products Co.-.-..-.... ...MUtucl 7261

Regcl Door Comocav.

Boberts Lunber do., Frit2........ .ANgelus

Roddiscrclt, lac,, Lumber Sqles......RYcn

noy Forest Products Co.. .Slcic

Sculord-Lusier, !ac....... ..f,Xnhstcr

Sbcw 6 McCletlca Mill d Lbr. Co. ORegon 8-1066

Alcn A. Shivelv. ........CHcpnca 5-2083

Sierrc Lunber -d Plvwood, Inc..... ..STqte 5-1196

Sienc Redwood Compmv. .PArlcvtew 8-7379

Sinnons Hcrdwood d- Lbi. Co.......LOrcia 9-7125

Snith, Hera! tr.. .CHcpnqn 5-6145

Soutt Bcy Lunber Co,. ...ORegon 8-2268

Southem Cclilomic Lunber Sclcs. .Elliott 8-ll5l

Slchl Lunber Co...... ...lNEelus 3-6844

$tcndard Lumber Co., !ac....... .. .ORegon 8-21{l

Stmlon, E. I. 6 Son. ......ADqns i!-9ll

Tcconc Lunber Scles, Inc. ,......Hlllcrest 6-3107

Tcrdy, Ioe. .LUdlow l-0778

Torter, Webgter 6 lohngol, lnc....ANselue 9-?231

Tropical G Western Lunber Co.....LUdlow 3-2375

TwiL Cirv Lumber Co, .BRcdshavr 2-7723

Twln Hcrbon Lunber Co. (C. P. Hearv & Co.).......... .Rlchnold 9-6524

Urion Lunber Conpoy ....miDity 2282

Vollsiedt Kcrr Lunbcr Co........BBcdshcw 2-0126

Wendliag-Ncihcn Co.... .....RYcu.l-9321

Westen Mill d Lunber Co.........ANgelus 2-4148

Weverhceuger Scles Co...... .Rlcbmoad 8-6181

Wilion, Forreet W. .SYccmore 9-5788 (MccMillaa 6 Bloedel; B. C. Forst Products)

Wirion lunber Whsle. Digtrs', Inc...TOpcz 2-2186

E. f,. Wood Lumber Co.. .RAyuond 3-4801


&UMBER Americqn Hcrdwood Co.........Rlchnond 9-'1235 Angelus Hcrdwood Conpcny. .LUdlow 7-6168 Atcctc BEdwood Co, (I. I. Rec)...WEbster 9-1109 Atlcs Lumber Co...... .......TBinity 2926 Dclton 6 Co., R. W, '.BYca l-2127 Dcnt d Russell, Inc...... .ANgelus 9-0174 Essley, D. C. d Son ...RAymond. 3-1147 Eurekc Redwood Conpcny........LUdlow 3-3339 Fisk d McEon (So. Pcsqdeua) ......BYcn l-1197 Founlcin,
Ltrnber Co. LUdlow 3-1381 FreEmqn 6
Mcle & Pcrtring ........EDgewood 2-7536 Mcrqucrt-Wolfe Lumber Co.....HOllywood 4-7558 McCloud Lunber Co.. ....VEnont 8-4963 Meler, Herb Lunbcr Co., (trrccdic)...8Ycn l-8181 Mlddletou Lunrber Co., 8ob .......S?cutey 7-i!1169 Mount Whitngy Lunber Co. ......4l{gelus 8-017I Noiman-Reed Lumbet Co. .STcnley 3-1050 Htrrold l. t{ew-Whlge. Lbr...... ...BYcr l-8829 Jcneg Newqulst lunber Sqleg .......RYql l-0646 Olaen Conpcny, T. E. .....BRcdshm 2-79t!3 Oscood, Robert S.. .DUakirL 2-8278 Oxiord, 8ex Lumber Co..........f,Xninster 3-6238 Pccilic Fir Sclee... .RYm l-8lltit Pccilic Lumber Co., lbe. ....BYm l-9321 Pccilic Wood Products Co........ .MUtucl 7261 Al Peirce Compcny .NEvada 6-2'l'!6 Penberthv Lumber Co.. ..f,Udlow 3-{5ll Phitlipa Lumber Co., G. C. ......Slcnley 3-2{16 Retcil Lumber Buvers, Iac,... ....WEbgter 6-1136
Co,, Stepben ci.....-.....lIcrbot9f24
LUdlow 8-2lll Cclilornic Pcnel d Venaer Co........TRinity 0057 Ccrlow Compcnv...... ....ADcro 4-0159 Ceco Steel iorol... ......f,Ncelus 8-67tll Cobb Compcny, t. U.. ...ADcns l-lll7 Corclite Compcnv, The.............ADcns 2-8101 Del Vctle, Ec'hmda d Co,..........Clintou 7-8209 Ecst Asictic Co., Iac,, The ...........TRinity 8103 Eckstrom Plwood d Door Co.......ADaras 3-O28 L, H. Eubcdk d Son ...ORegon 8-255 Fidler's MIg. Co., Inc, ...OBegon 8-8991 Gelz Bros. 6 Co.... ....... .BYo l-0267 Globe Intl. ol Cqlilornio, Inc.. .TExcs 0-6456 Hqlev Bros. (Scntc Monicc) ...TExqs 0-{831 Hqrbor Plywood Corp. Mtchiccn l85il
Cllnberldnd 3-6216 Security Blds. Mtls. Co. .HOllywood 5-6191 Security Pcint Mls. Co............ANqelus l-0359 So-Cql Bldq. Mqlericls. .....TBinitv 5304 Southwest Plywood Corp. ...ORegon.3-4058 Slmton d Son, E. 1.. ......ADcms 4-9211 Steiner and Mcteer, Inc.. ..OXbow 5-7218 S'ewcrl. O. W. Plywood Co.. .LUdlow l-2t49 Slrcit Door Mlq. Co. .CUnberlod 3-5488 Sunsel Floor Coverings Co.........I.Udlow 7-3101 Swestera. Portlcnd Cemeat Co. ..MAdison 6-8711 llnitcd SlcteE Plwood Coro........LUdlow 3-3il4l U, S. Ptywood Corp, (Culvir City)..TExcs 0-5866 U. S. Plywood Corp. (Glendcle). .Cltrus 4-2133 U, S. Plywood Corp. (Santc Anc).Klmberly 7-1691 West Cocst Screen Co.. ..ADcns l-1108 Weslen Statos Plywood Corp.. .OXlow 8-1296 Wilhold Concrete-Adhesive ........Clpitot S-220t Wood Conversion Co. .. ....Elliott 8-2896 Zseenqu Ptywood Co...... ...Ludlow 7-5101 MITNIALS IIANDLING Behr d Sons, losepb ....NEvadc 6.9?ll Bumcby cnd Willicms .....STcte 5-8561 Tomoior-Gerlingsr ....STcto 5-6561 H1'ster Conpcay ........RAynond 3-G255 Phipps Compcny, The.. .RAynond 3-53i16 SPECIAL SERVICES Aittrol, Inc, (Incinerctors) ........DUnkirk 4-2192 John Eells (Plywood Handbook). .RAymond 3-3467 SAN BERNARDINO RIVERSIDE LUMBER_BUILDING MATERIALS Anowhecd Lunber Conpcay. .l-?5ll Inlcnd Luaber Compcny. ..TBinity 7-2001 Zeesmcn Plywood Corp.... ........g-ml
BEACH LI'IUBER Cal-Pacilic Redwood Scles .IlEmlock 7-7431 Corsolidated Lumber Co..........IlEnlock 6-7217 E. L, Reitz Co.. .......HEmlock 6-06{7 BUILDING MATENIAIS Dolco McnulccturinE Co. .........GArfield 2-6596 SAN DIEGO BUILDING MATERIAI.S Cobb Compcuv, T. M.. ...BElo6t 3-6873 United Stcies ?tywood Corp.......BElnont 2-5178 SAN FRANCISCO LI'MBE? GqmerstoD 6 Grcca Luabcr Co.....JUniper 5-6083 Hcll Co., lcnes L.... .......SUtler l-7520 rfqlliacn MccLin Lunbpr Co........IUniper 4-6262 Hcuoad-Cclil. Redrxiod Co. ....DOuglcs 2-3388 Hedlund Lumber Sqles. .DAvenport 3-0029 HeLns-Brom Lunber Co.. ..YUkon 2-0{28 Heron Lunber Conpcny ..SKyline l-5263 I. E. Hicqius Lumber Co..........VAlencic 4-874{ ilobbs Wqtl Lunber Co.. .GArfield l-7752 Holrais Euroka Lumber Co. ......GArlield l-0126 Lqttton Lunber Co...... YUkon 2-{376 Long-Bell Div.-Iatl, Pcper Co'...EXbrook 2'8696 Lunbqr Sales Co....., ....IUniper 6-5700 McCloud Lumber Co.. ....EXbrook 2-7041 Pacilic Lunber Co., Tha. GArlietd l-3717 Ricci G Kruse Lumber Co.......:...Mlssion 7-2576 Rounds Lumber Conpcny. .YUkon 6-ff1!2 RoddiEcrqtt Lunber ScleJ .DAvenpod 2'2l5l Scatc Fe Lunber, Iac...... .......E2f};ooh, 2-8Il Sinpson Redwood Compcnv. .YIJkon 6'6724 TcrGr, Websler d lohnson, Inc...PRospect 6-{20n Trinitv River Lumber Scles Co. SEvliae 2-2040 Twin-Citv Lumber Co.. .ENterprise l-2292 Twin Hcibors Lunber Co........DAveqport 4-2525 Wendling-Ncthqu Co.... ....SUtter l-5363 West Cocst Timber Products Ageaqv YIIkon 2-09,!5 Weslem Lumber Co.. 16-5o16 6-3105 Weyerhceuer Scles Co. ..Plczc 5-6781 white Brolhen. ATwcter 8-lt!30 Windeler Co., Ltd,, George. ...,..VAlencic i!-!!!! Winlree G Tyn<rn.... .YUkon 8'5392 E. f,. Wood Lunber Co'. .EXbrook 2'O7tF Woodside Lunber Co. .EXbrook 2-2{30 CRESOIED LI'MBEn-POLES Ba:*er, J. H. d Co.. ........YIIkoa 2-0200 Hcll Co,, Janes L.. .SUtter l-7520 Wendling-Ncthcn Co.... ....SUtter l-5363 MtrTENIALS HANDLING Hyster Compcny. .Mlssion 8-0680 BAY AREA I,UMBEN Prtf ELS-D o ons-sAsH--scnEENs PLYWO OD-MILLWORT_EI'ILDING MATERIALS Calcvercs Cenent Co. ;........Glencourt l-7{00 Emgco Plvwood ....KEUoEI 6-fl:13 Hoccn Whsle. Bldcr. Mtls........Tenplebcr 4-8767 Uniled Stctes Ptywood Corp.....TWinocks 3-55ltl Wesler! Door I Sagh Co..... -..TEnplebcr 2-8400 MATERIAIS HANDLING Bumcbv cnd Williams ..... ....TEmplebcr 2-8198 Towmotbr-Gerlirger ....TEmptebcr 2-8{93 SACRAMENTO LUIIBER L. I. Ccr d Co.... ....Glcdstone 2-2657 Goidon-MqcBEath ...........Glcdstore 2-2657 Hedtund Lumber Scles. ..Hlllcrest 7-6513 Hill 6 Morton. ...WAbcsh 5-85ltl llfeverhceuser Scles Co.... .Gllbert 3.7461 Winion Lumber Scles Co.. .Gllbert l-6491 BUILDINC MATENIATS Calcvercrs Cenenl Co. ..Gnbcrt 2-8991 United Siates Plywood Cotp.....Gladgtoac l-2891

Is easier to seII

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Hammond beveled Redwood siding is carefully bound with tape. into dealer packages for protection and ease of handling, All beveled sidings are double end-trimmed on automatic bundle trimmers to assure a precision square cut.


From log to car, Hammond Redwood siding is supervised through all phases of manufacture in sawmills, dry kilns, and planing mills. Our own laboratories constantly measure moisture content in specially designed ovens.


Good customer relations have been as important to us as a good product.,. and good distribution. Today, Hammond Redwood siding is shipped in straight or pool cars, and is in stock in most territories at local wholesale yards. For information contact your nearest Hammond offrce.

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417 Montgomery Slreel, 5qn francisco, Colilornio 35 Eqrt Wocker Drive, Chicogo, lllinois Soulhe.n finonce Building, Auguslo, Georgio 60 Eosl 42nd Slreel. New York, N. Y.

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Beauty, durability and dimensional stability
]|A]Y|]||Ol{D I CAl.ITORI{IA REDtlJOOD CO. Asubsidiatyot (]tttltteta-Ita(]Il,'It; co R po RAT I o N

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Articles inside

rmperial Lumber oompany'",'f,fi[i;:,'llH-,ffi,:?-'

pages 81-82

Quality Redwood

pages 79-81


pages 75-78

A.L.llooltER. C(D.

page 74


page 73


pages 69-72

Dod/th 8ar7 /qrzclrsc &, ?ac, Wh"ltnle

page 68


pages 67-68

wit H(lBBS REDtt

page 66

W. E. Cooper Wholesale Lumber Company, lnc.

pages 65-66


page 64

Housing Heqlrhy in SoCol Consfrucfion Figures

pages 62-63


pages 59-61


page 59

rfowfunt Osfling --The Gluolity Door Thqf

pages 57-58


page 56

for Your Lumber Reguirements, ,, GaII ETLAS

pages 53-55

Crry ts@T4rxx & Conmparly WWII

pages 51-52

ond glod of it I room to

pages 48-50


pages 43-48


page 42

Southern coliforniq Deqlers qnd Suppliers Join in Memorqble 4Ofh Anniversqry Convention

pages 36-41

H- Yu* I*'*MATI'N o

pages 28-35


pages 23-27


pages 20-22


pages 17-20

free! redwood information Chaft #I"'Tfliit:I,

pages 15-16


pages 13-14

filV 6]atorlifp Shrul

pages 12-13

wirh Increosed Profits

pages 8-12


page 7


pages 3-6
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