Wylie ISD Back-to-School Guide | Fall 2021

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a letter from Dr. Vinson

Welcome Back!

It’s that time again, when our kiddos trade swimsuits for school clothes and prepare to learn, the Wylie Way! Fine arts, athletics, JROTC and many other groups have already reported, and words cannot describe the joy we feel to see them back to school in what could be the most “normal” environment since February of 2020. Wylie ISD is prepared to welcome everyone back with new classrooms, desks, chairs and buses. As construction wraps up on seven different campuses, more than 150 new staff members are being introduced to the Wylie Way and teachers are busy setting up their classrooms. Our attention to health and safety also remains a priority, and we are ready to safely receive our students. Kids love memes, and I believe the one below accurately describes Wylie ISD’s current status. Our health and safety protocols will be continuously evaluated with data from state, county and local agencies to guide our pathway back to school. The biggest reason for our success last year was

great communication and collaboration between our families and the schools. This is our school, and keeping our kids healthy and safe is most effective when this partnership between school and home thrives! As with the We cannot wait start of any new school year, to get this school especially one year started and where there help each other are so many new families, thrive, the Wylie we know how Way! important it is to provide simple reminders of how everything is supposed to work. That is why we have created a backto-school guide to answer your most frequently asked questions. This guide also highlights changes, schedules, and who to call for support and guidance as the new school year approaches. Welcome back, we cannot wait to get this school year started and help each other thrive, the Wylie Way!

2021-2022 Back-to-School Guide |3

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