WFCSA newsletter September 2021

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Terras Times The newsletter of Weymouth FC Supporters Association.

September 2021

2018/2019 Southern League Champions 2019/2020 National League South play off winners. It was a-ha who sang so wonderfully in the 80’s “The sun always shines on TV”. Now there will be some who say their career peaked with debut single “Take on me” but we aren’t here to debate that. It's more whether I am a curse to the Terras having watched us on tv from up north again this last weekend and seen us not win the game (Playoffs were streamed so don’t count). Not that we didn’t deserve it second half. By presentable chances it could have been Weymouth 6 Dover 4, and I am happy to say I thought the referee got the penalty right as their forward had a lot more of Tyler Cordner’s shirt than he did of his. As the second half unfolded I found myself getting more and more irritated by what I felt was a bias from supposed expert co-commentator Adam Virgo. It wasn’t until someone on the forum reminded me that he was an ex-Yeovil player that it all started to make sense ! What it did highlight was that in Ben Ashelford and “Super” Johnny Waldock we have some of the very best in the business and a commentary team that remain as unbiased and objective about the match in front of them as possible. We are rightly very proud to have them. I just hope when he commentates on his first FA Cup final for SKY, Ben mentions the Terras. That’s assuming we don’t make the final that year of course! That time of the year is coming around again and I am desperate for us to get to the first round proper and face a football league club. It’s so long overdue that I would even accept it not being Peterborough United. Pete covers the topic of the FA Cup further into this month's newsletter. We also take some time to catch up with Mark Golsby to talk about the challenges the club faced during the height of the Covid pandemic and how things will need to be managed equally as delicately going forward. As is standard with any board member who gets interviewed for the newsletter we ask the killer question “Home kit or Away kit”... Read on to see where Mark’s heart lies. In the meantime stay safe all, keep enjoying these heady days for the club and rest assured that next time we are on TV live I will tune in to Radio Terras instead to avoid cursing Brian and the lads! Next month we will have a special on the Women's team with interviews and features. James

Terras Times The newsletter of Weymouth FC Supporters Association.

Chairman's Update Hello everyone and welcome to the latest edition of your newsletter. Something a little different from me this month, my thoughts on our away trip to Grimsby! Firstly, can I say a huge thank you to Pete Pavey for putting on the away coach to Grimsby. He put a great deal into that in more ways than one! Thank you to all the sponsors, the marvellous fans who travelled and for our two Bluebird Coaches drivers who took great care of us all. It was so nice to be able to go to an away game. Our hosts at Grimsby were superb, so thank you for the warm welcome and the hospitality shown throughout. The game itself was entertaining enough. I felt we took 20 minutes or so to settle into it, and whilst our keeper was the busier of the two, there were only a couple of serious threats on our goal, plus we fashioned a couple of half chances ourselves. The second half almost got off to a flyer for the home side who missed a sitter and immediately claimed a penalty, more in hope and frustration than anything else. The Terras really grew into the game and for a good 15 minutes, put the home side under real pressure, though we probably only really threatened the goal the once, but it raised our hopes that we might just nick something. But sadly, some good one touch play from our hosts and a lapse at the back from us saw them take a lead with 15 minutes to go that, to be honest, they never looked like relinquishing. At the final whistle, it was a disappointment for us. Classic post-match thoughts would be the home side would feel they deserved the win and we felt we deserved a point, but that's how footy goes and opinions differ depending on the colour of your scarf! We were not outclassed, we gave a good account of ourselves and can all be proud of our efforts. There are clearly areas we need to improve, for me it would be the wayward passing and dwelling on the ball too long! I know it is not deliberate, and easy to criticise from where I was sat, but at this level, it gets punished so much more. But should be easy to fix, but what do I know? Anyway, lost 1-0 away to Grimsby Town! Just dwell on that last bit for a moment! We lost 1-0 away to Grimsby Town! Talking to our hosts, here are some numbers for you. They have 3000 season ticket holders. They have approx. 400 staff working on a match day. In their hospitality suite there were between 150-200, at a guess, families and groups of friends sat down enjoying fish (Haddock, not Cod, very forceful in emphasising that point!), chips and mushy peas! A pint was £4.50 (I don't drink so don't expect me to debate the cost of beer, no idea), programme £3 and everyone got a free scarf as a welcome back after over 500 days away! Think I would have had a meltdown if I was tasked with getting that many scarves, never mind paying for them! (I order 100 at a time and they may last us about a year before we need to re-order, just for some context). That we are even in this league is incredible! There are potentially another nine such visits as this to come, to former Football League clubs, no disrespect intended to the rest of us! We are a very small fish in a very big pond with some serious predators about! So think about coming along for the ride, it is certainly going to be a seaside roller coaster of a season, so strap in and enjoy! To continue running coaches to away games we are going to need more Terras fans to take the plunge, so please give it some thought and if you can, jump aboard, it will be fun!

Terras Times The newsletter of Weymouth FC Supporters Association.

Before I sign off for another month, just a reminder if your membership is coming up for renewal, please consider staying with us! Maybe even take advantage of our offer of 5 years membership for only £20! Remember, after season ticket holders, Terras Supporters Club members are next in line for priority tickets for those big cup games which surely can’t be that far away now? We are long overdue a run to the 1st round proper! Until next month, when we will have information about the Christmas draw, take care, stay safe and see you at the football soon. Best wishes, Pete Nash Chairman, Terras Supporters Club

Pitch Sponsorship 2021/22 now launched. To buy, please see Jo Walkinshaw, or drop an email to PRICED £10 PER SQUARE FOR PITCH MAINTENANCE or £40 FOR STANDS/CORNERS/DUG OUTS/GOALS. Cheques payable to Weymouth FC Ltd

Membership update - with Ken Willis Membership is holding steady with currently 358 including family members. 120 of you are now on the 5 year deal at £20 where you get a year free. This is up by 100 over the past 18 months. A big thank you to all for your continued support. Remember there are monthly prizes in the free members draw plus 10% at the Club Shop. As well as the recent two winners of season tickets shown in last month’s newsletter, we’ve now had two winners of the new away shirt. Congratulations to Dave Archer and Doug Simmons both from Weymouth. The September winners of gift vouchers to spend in the Club Shop are: Aaron Kiely of Weymouth The Austin Family from Exmouth Steven Jones of Brislington COYT Ken Willis

Terras Times The newsletter of Weymouth FC Supporters Association.

Interview with Mark Golsby - Director and Covid Officer at WFC 1. I want to start by asking about how the last year or so has affected your work at the club and what additional tasks and duties behind the scenes were needed to get a game on at the BLS? MG: As with everything else in life over the last 18 months, there have been additional demands to everything we have done. We had to adapt quickly to having no fans at matches and on a personal level I took on the additional challenge of being the Club's Covid Officer, a task that was much more difficult than I imagined when I agreed to do it and it's a role I still have as we speak. I'm proud of the efforts made by the club and the fans to reduce the risks at the Bob Lucas Stadium and around the club in general. For every match we had to list every person who was at the ground with numbers strictly limited for both teams and then when we had limited numbers of fans we had the obvious issues with distancing etc. We didn't get everything right but I'd like to think we did a pretty good job overall. 2.If we are coming out of the pandemic, in what shape do you feel the stadium and processes are at the club? MG: Fingers crossed on the end of it being nigh, but we must not be complacent. Overall the club is in a good place, people will have seen that there have been changes to match day with stewarding and ticketing etc. There have also been changes so that when we segregate away fans they can still get refreshments and a pint. There will be other changes announced shortly, we are aware that there's still plenty to be done. 3. What has been your favourite memory of that Conference South and first National League season, despite it being mostly behind closed doors? MG: Dartford's third penalty 4. Looking longer term, who has been your favourite player in your many years at the club? MG: There have been a few, but for me David Laws was the player that excited me the most. That said there are a few in the current squad that have the potential to match him. 5. If you had to narrow it down to one match that has been the best you have seen the Terras play, which would it be? MG: The one I enjoyed the most would be a toss up between Forest and the Dorch 8-0. Most complete performance would be Farnborough for promotion. 6. Home kit or away kit? MG: This seasons away kit. A thing of beauty. Boost the playing budget by joining the Wessex Fantasy Football this season. Click here for more.

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