Winter Issue 2023

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From the Editor Dear Vision Made Reader, I hope this letter finds you well, filled with joy and inspiration as we embark on this exciting journey together. As the Chief Editor of Vision Made Magazine, it is my pleasure to extend my gratitude for your unwavering support and dedication to our publication. First and foremost, I want to express my appreciation for your trust in us. Your continued readership and encouragement have been the driving force behind our relentless pursuit of excellence. We strive to provide you with captivating content that stimulates your imagination, challenges your perspectives, and ignites your passion. At Vision Made Magazine, our vision is to be more than just a publication; we aim to be a source of inspiration, a platform where creativity knows no boundaries. We believe in the power of storytelling and the impact it can have on our lives. Through our thought-provoking articles, stunning visuals, and compelling interviews, we aspire to create a tapestry of ideas that sparks innovation and fosters personal growth. As we move forward, we are committed to exploring new frontiers and pushing the boundaries of what a magazine can offer. We will continue to bring you engaging features on art, fashion, travel, wellness, and everything in between. Our dedicated team of talented writers, photographers, and contributors will leave no stone unturned in their quest to bring you fresh perspectives and unique experiences. But none of this would be possible without you, our incredible readers and supporters. Your feedback, suggestions, and encouragement have been invaluable to us. We are always eager to hear your thoughts and ideas, as they shape the future direction of Vision Made Magazine. Together, we can create a vibrant community where creativity thrives and dreams come alive. In closing, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. Your passion for art, culture, and all things visionary truly inspires us to reach for the stars. We are committed to delivering a magazine that exceeds your expectations and leaves you feeling inspired, uplifted, and ready to make your own mark on the world. Thank you for believing in us and thank you for being a part of the Vision Made Magazine family. We look forward to embarking on this incredible journey with you, as we continue to celebrate the beauty and power of our shared vision. Warmest regards,


Pamela Stone Chief Editor - Vision Made Magazine


Reflection of the Day


Vision Board Tools


Power Words


In This Issue








Holiday Stres Relief


Celebrating Life


Embody Beauty


The MIDDLE is Messy




Insights with Sarah White




Holiday VISION Guide


Passion Into Purpose

EDITOR IN CHIEF Pamela Stone | ART & DESIGN Rhian Tomassetti | CONTENT EDITORS Katie Browder-Person | CONTACT





running a car without oil is even more apt. As women, we often focus on doing for others until our own oil runs dry. We keep pushing ourselves until our body and mind eventually seize up and can no longer function properly. This may take the form of physical illness, emotional breakdowns, or chronic stress and exhaustion. How often has this vicious cycle happened to you? For me, it came to a head when my youngest son was two. I woke up one day to take care of my children and tackle my evergrowing to-do list per usual. But I could barely walk—I limped painfully into their room to get them up and ready. After getting them up, I looked around and realized I was seeing double. I knew something wasn't right, but I pushed through the day, making sure everything was taken care of before I could make an appointment to be seen. By the time I got to the doctor, my


e all desire happiness. But it feels fleeting. Elusive. Difficult to obtain and even harder to retain.

Did you know there are three main pillars when we talk about happiness? The first is a pleasant life, filled with positive emotions and experiences. Secondly, a good life filled with engaging and stimulating activities

vision had returned to normal and I was limping less. But the warning signs were there. Looking back, did I have balance and fulfillment across those three pillars of happiness and wellbeing? No. I was just stuck on autopilot, headed for a crash landing. As a caregiver, mom, and nurse, was I taking care of myself? No. I was utterly depleted but felt like I had to keep going no matter what.

that create a sense of deep fulfillment and accomplishment. The

After many tests, it turned out I have an autoimmune disorder that was exacerbated

third pillar is a meaningful life, using our personal strengths to serve

by stress. This health crisis forced me to realize that I absolutely needed to take

a larger purpose beyond ourselves and create positive impact within

care of myself before I could take care of anyone else. I had never made myself

the world at large.

a priority before—I felt like I had to push through and keep going no matter

When one or more of these elements is missing, or simply out of

what. But I knew something had to change.

balance, people feel unsatisfied. This where we see people constantly

After researching and drawing on my experience as a nurse, I realized how

searching for the “next big thing.” Looking for a solution that will

much chronic stress can silently impact our body, mind, and overall wellbeing.

make themselves happier—even for a fleeting moment in time. We

I decided stress management would be the first step to finding more balance

also see people getting so wrapped up and lost in one aspect of life

and contentment in my life.

that we lose overall perspective.

Easier said than done, of course. How could I possibly focus on myself when

I experienced this imbalance many times throughout my life. I was

I was expected to be the selfless caregiver, mom, and nurse? It went against

probably in my late forties before I realized what I was doing and

everything I thought I "should" be. But I realized the only way forward was to

intentionally focused on finding more balance and fulfillment for

let go of the pressure to be a superwoman who could do it all. I had to give

myself. I kept taking on more and more responsibilities yet feeling

myself permission to ask for help.

less and less satisfied. There's a saying that you can't pour tea into someone else's cup if your own cup is empty. I think the analogy of


Happiness continues on page 41...

So I started delegating more. Yes, my husband stepped up to share the load—he learned to cook, do dishes, help with the kids. The worst backlash came from my mother-in-law who tried to shame me, saying my husband was doing more

VISION MADE MAGAZINE than all the other sons and sons-in-law put together. I had to set a boundary in that moment. I explained that as a working mom taking care of kids, home, her son, and my ailing mother, he needed to contribute more or else what would I need him for? No one could do it all alone—it takes


a village. She didn't like it, but the message sank in. With experiences like that, I knew finding more balance started with giving myself permission to focus on my needs too—not just others' happiness. I observed how other women carried themselves when they were happy versus stressed. You can notice a lot through subtle body language and facial expressions. I realized I needed to actively and intentionally pursue happiness and fulfillment in all three pillars—a

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pleasant life of positivity, a good life of fulfilling activities, and a meaningful life through contributing my strengths.

Pam Stone

Here are some ways I worked on each pillar:

Vision Made

Positivity and pleasant experiences are so important. I

realized when you're around negative, complaining people, it brings you down too even if you don't realize it in the moment. Even just overhearing negativity raises your cortisol, the stress

Katie Browder- Person

hormone. Our health is tied to what and who we surround

Katbro Consulting Agency / GETKNOWN

ourselves with, what we consume, and what messages we

repeat to ourselves. Making an effort to surround myself with positive, uplifting people (even if not perfect) has been crucial for my mental health and resilience. I also started declaring positive affirmations, writing down what I'm grateful for, and filling my environment with little reminders of hope. In terms of a good, fulfilling life, I've focused on activities that fill me back up and make me feel good about who I am. I love helping people, so finding small ways to educate and nurture the health and wellness of others has become a passion. I've even become a Certified Laughter Yoga teacher in the past five years because I believe strongly in all of the physical, mental, social and wellbeing benefits laughter provides. Seeing people embrace the practice has brought me tremendous joy and boosted my own fulfillment and sense of purpose. Lastly, using my strengths for meaning has been a journey as I've learned I can't just ignore my own needs and burn myself out in the process. I've had to shift my mindset to "I deserve to take care of myself too" rather than just focusing on making others happy at my own expense. I enjoy empowering people to find their own balance and sources of happiness. It starts from within. I don't believe in shaming people (or myself) for falling short of perfection. I remind myself that progress, not perfection, is the goal.



CELEBRATING LIFE By Monica M Madden (614) 434-8491 |

Celebrations are for more than just traditional occasions; they tremendously impact our lives, help us create true happiness, and achieve goals. Our days should be spent looking for things to celebrate. Think about the beginning of life, when most babies are born; there’s a celebration of life, then celebrations for every little positive initiative, holding a bottle, lifting their head, rolling over, sitting up without back support, and praises as they are potty training. But, at some point, the celebrations stop. We get busy and consumed with life. Even after achieving a goal, we start planning for the next one. We congratulate others for reaching their milestones; however, on rare occasions, do we stop to celebrate ourselves. Most of us lack understanding of just how much our mind, body, and spirit yearn to be praised, even if it is just for a moment. Keep reading if you desire to know just how much self-praise can make a difference. We’ll start with how celebrating impacts the brain. Celebrations Impact Our Brain Celebration’s impact on the brain can provide insights into the importance of festivities and goals in our lives. From birthdays to cultural festivals to praises for reaching a goal, celebrating is deeply ingrained in human culture, and its effects extend beyond mere enjoyment. Because the human brain is a complex organ and celebrating impacts brain health in many ways, we’ll cover a basic understanding of celebrating and the brain. At the core of the brain’s response to celebration lies the sophisticated network known as the reward system, which releases dopamine, a “feel-good” chemical associated with pleasure and reward, reinforcing behavior. When we celebrate, whether a personal achievement or a communal event, the brain’s reward system is activated, leading to a surge in dopamine levels. The brain interprets the celebration experience as positive and rewarding, encouraging us to repeat similar behaviors in the future;


VISION MADE MAGAZINE the brain loves repetition. Think about a toddler being

an online university for my master’s degree in marriage and family

potty trained; after using the pot, adults do something

therapy. Every Thursday, we’re required to post a discussion. I find

rewarding, such as clapping, high-fives, or a treat; they praise

myself celebrating every time I post. I chuckle and nod. I anchor the

the child for their behavior. What happened? The toddler

celebration by saying, “That was a great job; I did it; I turned in my

gets excited, the brain’s reward system is activated, and

assignment on time.” I anchor good grades by saying, “I did it, I got

dopamine is released. The brain enjoyed that celebration

another ‘A’!” Anchoring the celebration, makes completing the next

so much that it created another praise opportunity by

post easy, fun, and achievable. Anchoring the grades, encourages

using the pot again. Before you know it, the child is potty

me to do quality work to receive another good grade. My brain is

trained. Not only for humans, but celebrations also work

looking to complete the following assignment so it can hear, “You did

for animals; consistently giving your dog a treat for using

a great job, you got another A.” Our brain looks to recreate those

the lavatory outside conditions them to go outside because

celebratory moments.

they associate going outside to use the lavatory with getting a treat, so guess what? They do more of it. In addition to the brain releasing the “feel-good” chemicals, celebrations also reduce stress. The brain’s response to celebrating includes decreasing cortisol levels, the hormone associated with stress. When we engage in celebratory activities, our bodies enter a state of relaxation, promoting overall well-being. This stress reduction effect is not only immediate but can also have long-term benefits on mental health. Celebrate Daily

Celebration Reflection Think about the last 24 hours. Write or mentally note: what have you accomplished? What task did you check off your list? It could be a microtask like dishes, cleaning out your suitcase, reading a book chapter, getting 7 hours of sleep, or drinking more water, or the task could be a macro-task, completing a class assignment, or finishing a work project. Now, for each thing that you have identified, anchor a celebration to the accomplishment, go down your list, smile, and tell yourself, “Good job, you completed _______________________,” “Nice work accomplishing _____________________.” When you learn to celebrate the small things, the result adds to

Because the brain’s neurological response helps solidify

the big things. When unexpected things happen, you have already

the importance of celebration in human behavior, we

conditioned yourself to look for things to celebrate. So, the next

need to celebrate the behaviors that will help us create

time you find yourself celebrating in the moment, remember that

our desired lifestyle. Just like in children, celebrations help

you are not just enjoying the present but also shaping your brain

us repeat desired behaviors and get results. When we

for a brighter future.

celebrate a milestone or goal, we feel good, so our brains look to repeat behaviors to feel good again, and before we know it, we’ve reached significant goals. Celebrations can be short and sweet. When I complete a task, I grin and say “yes” to myself. Sometimes, I do a little silly dance or pat myself on the back; sometimes, I imagine God saying, “Well done, Monica.” When I achieve big goals, I may treat myself with a material reward. Celebrating is rewarding; it gives me different energy and makes me feel good about myself. When we learn to celebrate ourselves, we don’t look to or wait for others to praise us; we automatically feel good about what we’ve done. When celebrating comes from internal versus external; you become happier with yourself and create a reward system that motivates you to achieve what you want in life. Anchor Celebrations When celebrating, anchor those celebrations to help your subconscious mind and brain remember what behavior yielded the reward. Celebrations are anchored by acknowledging the behavior that is being praised. I attend


THE MIDDLE IS MESSY By Shelly R. Clark |

The middle is messy, y’all. Whether you’re talking about a house under construction, baking a cake or life itself, the middle can get messy. There are mountain top and valley experiences, beginning’s, endings and yes, the middle. It's often in life’s middle moments that we find ourselves tested, tried, and pushed to our limits. One minute you’re living life like it’s golden and then suddenly all hell is breaking loose. And when it’s your life, there’s no escaping it. Do you all remember the “Scandal” series starring Kerry Washington? That was one of my favorite shows. When someone of influence found themselves in a crisis, stuck between a rock and a hard place, Olivia Pope, and her team of gladiators would swoop in and save the day. But real life isn't a scripted

S - Steadfastness: The middle may be messy, but our steadfast commitment to purpose will lead us through. Don’t lose sight of the vision that’s before you. Make up your mind to be driven more by your dreams than by your memories.

drama; there are no gladiators in suits, and Olivia Pope won't miraculously

O - Overcoming: When faced with turmoil, remem-

appear to help maneuver through the mess. So, what do we do when the

ber that we are not just survivors but conquerors,

middle of our journey becomes a tangled web of challenges? PRESS ON.

capable of overcoming even the most formidable

I have an acronym for “PRESS ON” that will help you when things get tough. Let’s begin with… P - Perseverance: The middle is not the time to quit. It's tempting to throw in the towel when everything is falling apart, but we have the power to run with perseverance. R - Resilience: We are empowered to stand firm and resilient. In the middle of a mess sometimes friends become foes and allies become enemies but still you must press on knowing that you are not alone. We are in this together!

challenges. N - Nourishment: Just as we need physical sustenance, our spirits require nourishment. Seeking out uplifting and positive affirmations, especially in the messiest of times, provides us with the strength we need to persevere. The middle of a mess is not devoid of purpose. Some of life’s most valuable lessons can be found right there in the middle. It’s simply a chapter in

E - Endurance: Endurance in the face of adversity strengthens our character

your life. It’s not the whole book. Yes, the middle

even when the cracks in our lives seem impossible to mend. Don’t get lost is

can be messy, but it’s also the place where miracles

the day to day of just living. Remember, we are building a legacy for those


that follow us. S - Surrender: Surrendering our worries, fears, and anxieties allows us to find peace amidst the chaos.


Press On – There is no other option.



FALL 2021


BEYOND THE PRETTY FACE Before we begin the interview, please give us a snapshot of who Shelby Brown is: both in the professional and personal sense. What is the cliff notes version of yourself and your journey? - As a full-time CEO, business owner, and international model, I always tell people that my journey and lifestyle brings happiness, fulfillment, and growth. My smile is my logo, my personality is my business card, and how I leave others feeling after an experience with me becomes my trademark. By doing what I truly love, I can truly inspire and awaken the hearts of others. Your "Beyond The Pretty Face" initiative is deeply inspiring. Can you tell us how the idea for this initiative came about and what drove you to focus on redefining beauty for young women? Was there a specific moment where you realized this was needed, or was it more of a gradual calling or purpose? ✓I planted the seeds for Beyond the Pretty Face during my college years 10 years ago. Have you ever been told your face will get you far in life? Or should you just solely rely on your appearance? Or even better, it must be nice to be pretty and get everything you want. Well, I heard it all and more. I thought of "Beyond the Pretty Face" eight years ago when I was told, "Do you realize how pretty you are? I’m positive you get everything you want in life with that pretty face of yours. "If I were you, I would just rely on my beauty in life. I'm sure that’s how you’ve gotten where you are in life and gained the success you have. Throughout my life, I have been told I have a pretty face, that I am gorgeous, or that I’m extremely stunning. Despite the flattery in these remarks, it has always disturbed me that some people attribute my success in life to my outer beauty. People mistakenly believe that the things I have in life or how I have advanced in my career are because I hold myself to society's ideals of beauty. Incorrect. ✓ In 2015, I followed my heart, making "Beyond the Pretty Face" a reality. For women of all ages, I decided to create a movement/ brand that would genuinely redefine what beauty is. My mission is to let women know that beauty is no longer just a physical attribute. Instead, it is about looking beyond physical attributes and stereotypes as a way to define beauty and, better yet, utilizing self-evaluation as a source of empowerment. Working with women of all walks of life, all faces that bring together all cultures and all women. It's time to break and redefine the stereotypes and stigmas that society has created for beauty, and I'm doing that one day at a time. Over the last eight years, I have been able to redefine and dispel the stigmas and misconceptions society has constructed about our beauty. From our international workshops that have been to 10 international locations to our Zoom meetings and worksheets that cultivate confidence, Beyond the Pretty Face collaborates with organizations like the National ACHI Women Support Women Foundation,



Women in Power Organization, schools all over the world,

Arena? How has Pageantry sharpened your skills and what went

and numerous companies to empower women all over the

through your mind when you were crowned? I know first-hand

globe. In 2022, we celebrated the 7-year anniversary of Beyond

what a powerful and humbling experience that is.

the Pretty Face and introduced the new brand ambassador program for state and international representatives. This year, we were honored to have a proclamation for "Beyond the Pretty Day" for the state of Georgia in the town of Columbus on July 7th, 2023.

✓Honestly, I entered pageantry late. Many women who are seasoned pageant girls have been doing pageants since they were little. I participated in my first pageant at the age of 16. A high school teacher of mine told me I speak exceptionally well, I'm very beautiful, and that I should give it a shot for the local county pageant. At the time, pageants were

You've mentioned that beauty goes beyond physical at-

not on my mind; I had just started my modeling career and was heading

tributes. How did you learn this lesson? And how do you

to NYFW. I remember telling myself, Why not try it and see how it goes?

seek to share it with young women?

For many years, I watched Miss America, Miss USA, and Miss Universe

✓ My mother taught me at an early age that beauty stems beyond someone's physical attributes. Most importantly, a person's outward beauty should not be the only asset one relies on. These inspiring life lessons led me to an immense

and loved what these women stood for and how beautiful they looked doing it. So, I entered the pageant, and to my surprise (as someone who had zero pageant experience), I won the interview award and was the 1st runner-up! From there, my pageant journey took off.

amount of self-reflection about what my definition of beauty

✓ Pageantry has given me so many skills and lessons over the last 13

should be. If it weren't for me truly believing that my beauty

years. In retrospect, I feel pleased to have learned so much information.

was actually on the inside and that the most beautiful thing

From the coaching sessions to the runway workshops to the perfect

about me is my mind, I wouldn't have the success that I have

wardrobe stylist. It has become a bootcamp for me throughout the

today. I have broken so many barriers and obstacles that

years, preparing me for "real life" and business. You discover more about

people wouldn't even realize. I was the first African Ameri-

yourself, what comes naturally to you, and what you’re most interested

can student to win homecoming at my high school, the first

in (and more). These are your gifts and passions, and you can leverage

African American representing as Miss North Carolina in

them elsewhere (i.e., in extracurriculars, at work, or even when starting

several state pageants and international systems, and I've

your own business!). My skills have assisted me in understanding that

walked in NYFW shows for designers that don't even book

pageantry provides a healthy perspective on participating in a competi-

diverse models. Installing these values opened doors for me

tion. As you present your best prepared self, you realize you can still

that I couldn't imagine, all because I embraced who I was and

help another contestant who is also competing, knowing it doesn’t affect

not how I looked and never settled for anything less than I

your outcome. Everyone brings something unique to the table. On a

deserved. I never let society dictate my beauty or define it.

different night with different judges, there will be a different winner. I

✓ I seek to share it by letting young girls know that it's time to raise the bar on women's empowerment. Society and

can truly say I come out of each pageant stronger, smarter, and better prepared for whatever life throws my way.

pretty marketing campaigns should not dictate our beauty;

✓ It is such a humbling and fulfilling experience to win. The first thing

WE should be doing that for ourselves. Not a day has gone

that goes through my mind when I do win titles is knowing that all my

by that I haven't changed lives across the country, installed

hard work, through my compassion and service, truly got me to this

confidence in young ladies, and been an example of a positive

moment. Not only that, but understanding that a title is just a title and

role model. This is truly my life's calling, and peer pressure

that you can still be the best regardless of the outcome. Winning is

for ladies has never been greater than it is now. Beyond the

such a huge stepping stone to really opening doors for your dreams to

Pretty Face is changing and truly saving lives every single day

flourish, but it's always about the legacy you will leave and the impact

across the country. From our Zoom meetings to cultivate

you make in this world, whether you win or lose.

confidence to workshops that build self-worth, self-love, and knowledge to our affirmation books that teach you to love yourself and create your own definition of beauty, I have never been more motivated and inspired than I am today. Vision Made Publicist, Brooke, is a Former Pageant Com-

As a model and business owner, you've achieved remarkable success. How do you balance your modeling career, running a business, and dedicating time to empower and mentor young women? We are inspired by your fortitude. What are your techniques for staving off burnout and incorporating self-care?

petitor as well. What led you to entering the Pageant



✓ As women, we have the ability to do so much and still achieve our dreams all at the same time. As a full-time business owner, international model, and CEO, I use two planners to schedule dates, meetings, deadlines, etc. I am a firm believer in organization for a productive life. I have also been blessed with an amazing team that keeps me on my toes. It's been said that it's hard to pour into other people's lives unless you take the time to pour into yourself. Self-care is an important part of my life. One of my favorite ways to do that is by grabbing a book and a sun hat and enjoying the sound of the waves on the beach. Can you talk about how your experiences with organizations like Special Olympics, Autism Speaks, and the Autism Society of America have shaped your commitment to service? How has that commitment to service impacted your career? ✓ Special Olympics, Autism Speaks, and the Autism Society of America aren't just organizations that I support and love; they have been a part of my life for the past 18 years. The organizations are special to me because they allow me to keep being an advocate for autistic individuals, but most importantly for my brother Nicholas. A lot of people don't know exactly what autism is. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)


is a neurological and developmental disorder that affects how people interact with others, communicate, learn, and behave at an early age. I feel that if more people were aware of exactly what autism is, people who are autistic would feel better accepted in society. ✓ The commitment to serve has inspired me to make an impact in this world and has truly led me to create a legacy. And that legacy starts with ending the stigmas and stereotypes that tell women today that they must look a certain way or be something else. It led me to create a movement/brand that is needed in this world. To empower women to love their God-given beauty from within. Working with women of all walks of life, all faces that bring together all cultures, and all women. Truly breaking and redefining the stereotypes and stigmas that society has created for our beauty. Looking forward, what are your aspirations for the "Beyond the Pretty Face" initiative? How can our readers connect with you further? ✓ My aspirations for Beyond the Pretty Face are to continue traveling the globe, presenting my state and international workshops, mentoring women from all walks of life, and growing our brand ambassadors to cultivate confidence and redefine the meaning of beauty worldwide. We will continue equipping women with the necessary tools, resources, and opportunities to enhance women's sense of self-worth, their ability to determine their own choices, and their right to influence social change for themselves and others. This concept of "redefining the meaning of beauty" goes beyond simply providing women with basic rights and opportunities; it focuses on enabling them to develop their own skills, knowledge, and self-confidence to achieve their goals and contribute to their communities. ✓ We love hearing from our supporters all across the world! If you'd like to contact us regarding speaking opportunities, workshops, additional information, or questions you can connect with me further by following us on Instagram (@beyondtheprettyface_) Personal: (@shelby.brownn) and our website





INSIGHTS WITH SARAH WHITE 1. Before we begin, for those who are not aware, give us a glimpse into who Sarah White is. Thank you so much for having me! I am thrilled to be a part of the October issue. I am a native of northeast Ohio, growing up here, on the border of Springfield Township, Mogadore and Tallmadge. I graduated from Mogadore HS and then from Kent State with a bachelor of Music in Voice performance. I am a mother of three girls who are an inspiration to me every day. Charlotte is 11, Brooklyn is 8 and Madison is 2. They are amazing people, and I love being their mom. I have been married to my husband, Ben for 19 years and we share a passion for God, loving others and caring about our community. I also have two fuzzy members of my family, a beabull named Rubble and an orange tabby named Daisy. We live in Akron, and love our city. 2. You recently embarked on a new adventure as the Host of Good Morning Akron. Share the inspiration behind that journey. Absolutely! I am so excited for this new adventure hosting Good Morning Akron. This is a passion project of mine and Dan Mosher, who runs WAOH television, the internet TV station behind Good Morning Akron. We used to run a similar show under the name Akron Buzz. We were ready to revamp and start a network where there could be multiple shows, with my show, Good Morning Akron, being one of them. We will have local non profits, community leaders, and business owners on the show. I am thrilled to host this show for the Akron and Northeast Ohio community. 3. Shining a spotlight on your local community has to be intensely rewarding. Has there been a particular moment that stood out to you? How do you plan to expand and grow the show in the future? It is. My FAVORITE thing about it is the connections not only that I get to make, but the connections that I have been able to help others make! Just this past week, two non profits came on the show and I was able to connect them, realizing that they both worked out of the north hill area of Akron. I also had another friend recently tell me that someone saw my interview with them and their non-profit, and that person had decided to come and volunteer because of my interview. That's what it's all about, making those connections. I would love to keep moving the show forward, get some more sponsors and turn this into a career for myself! It is my professional goal to eventually be able to do this work consistently & full time.



4. You've worked as a Professional Host; Actress; and

During my time hosting at Radio Disney we had many

Model in the Ohio area for years. There is a common

events out on the plaza outside of Progressive Field. I

and pervasive misconception that the Midwest is not

was asked by the then Cleveland Indians to audition to

full of opportunities in Entertainment. How did you

be the Kids Fun Day host. I took the job and started to

begin your career within the Entertainment Space

work there in 2011. My husband then got a job in New

and what has kept you coming back time and time

Hampshire and we moved there. When I came back to

again? What would you say to someone who wants

the Northeast Ohio area in 2015, I started back at the

to become involved in Entertainment in Ohio?

ballpark as a sub in 2015 and then went on to host in-

I basically "fell" into hosting when I got hired to host a Nickelodeon show called "Slime Time Live" at Kings Island the summer I was 18. Then at 25 I auditioned and got the job of host for Radio Disney Cleveland and then Radio Disney Boston. I worked with Radio Disney for 6 years, 3 in Cleveland and 3 in Boston. I have worked with the

game from 2016-2019.

I have worked as a weekend

host, day game host and then again as a Kids Fun Day host. I am now a special events host for the Guardians, as I have been from 2021-2023. That means you don't see me in game currently, but I come in to host special events like VIP workout days with various companies.

Cleveland Indians/Guardians as a host for 9 seasons

6. Being an exceptional host is no accident. From

which I love. I also am an actress and model with The

extensive training to "reps." How do you keep yourself

Talent Group (Cleveland/Pittsburgh) and Heyman Talent

mentally and emotionally ready?

(Columbus/Cincinatti). I have loved all of the opportunities I have been able to get working with both agencies, from things like Vitamix and Nestle ads, to promotional and spokesperson videos for various local companies. Its always a new and fun opportunity to jump out of my comfort zone and learn something. I am a host with a local entertainment company called Fusion Live, and I get to work live events in the area for kids and families to enjoy. I also work as a reporter/host for 330TOGO which is internet edutainment tv. I interview local people, companies, and non profits on this platform as well. I have always loved the entertainment space, I told my mom since the time I was 5 years old that I wanted to be

It absolutely takes time and practice. I am a much better host now than I was years ago. I also have a good short term memory, and can quickly memorize and spew out lots of facts very quickly (but don't ask me about it weeks later ha ha!) Also I have to be a very good listener. I can never tune out. When I am interviewing someone, I am taking in the information so that I can come up with the next best question. I used to use notes to interview, but now after lots of practice, I really like not having any notes so that the interview can be more natural, but I do have to be very engaged with the person and what they are saying.

the voice of a Disney Character on one of their movies,

7. What is next for Sarah White? How can our

so there hasn't been a time where I can remember not

viewership connect with you?

loving this space. I keep coming back because it is what I love to do and what I want to continue to do to serve my community. I especially love to be able to tell people's stories via hosting & reporting on local internet TV. To someone who wants to become involved in entertainment in Ohio, I would say "just start doing it"! Do one small thing every day to move yourself forward! Eventually those small things will add up. 5. Many of the members of the Vision Made Team are Major League Baseball Fans. Tell us about your time working with the Indians/Guardians.

What is next? I'm going to keep plugging away, and like I said before, I hope to make this into a career. It's what I am passionate about, so if I could eventually do this kind of work full time, I would be thrilled! But for now, I am excited to get to do what I love, and I will keep sharing local people, businesses and nonprofits with you! You can connect with me on my social media which is: Facebook: @sarah.white.31508 (Hit the follow button) Instagram: @sarah.jayne.white Thanks for following along on my journey!


Are you like me, thinking about what am I going to get everyone for the Holiday. Well we’ve found a few that would make perfect gift or gifts.

Gratitude Journal with Prompts Are you ready to take your business from good to great? We all want our businesses to grow and thrive, but too many of us settle for a “good enough” mentality. You shouldn’t have to settle for anything less than greatness.



Where heritage meets culture! Founded in 2021, PJ's For The Culture is a Black family-owned sleepwear company. Led by the dynamic son and mother duo, Dallas and Vanessa, PJs For The Culture aims to provide representation for families of color seeking comfortable and stylish pajamas. The two styles of pjs pictured here are: •

Santa Baby available in Black and White Buffalo Print and Green and Black Buffalo Print. Family sizing available from 3months -3xl $30.00-Adults, $25.00 children

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own worst enemy.

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“A Father’s Love” is based on


The Scarlet Medusa

my childhood interactions. The book focuses the significance

Price: $61.30 USD

of personal motivation, having

Purchase Item ➪

a positive role model, establishing healthy relationships, and

Ever heard of the little black dress? Well, I present the equivalent in red. The Scarlet Medusa is the goto for all special occasions.

highlights the importance of quality time with parents and loved ones. A Father's Love is $20 Buy at

The Hera Dress Price of Item : $189.49 USD Purchase Item ➪ Brief Description: Plus-size boho beachwear is no longer a myth. Hera is a beautiful midi dress with a 3/4 circle skirt bottom and a highly elastic waistband. The butterfly sleeves, bodice and top layer of the skirt are made of a stunning flower print cotton crochet lace. The dress is also lined to create the optimal opacity. To top it all off, it has pockets!

The holiday season, while joyous and vibrant, can also bring


about a fair share of stress and anxiety. Balancing family

During times of stress, it's vital to shift our focus to gratitude. Take a

gatherings, gift shopping, and year-end work responsibilities can

moment each day to reflect on what you are thankful for, whether

leave even the most organized individuals feeling overwhelmed.

it's the presence of loved ones, good health, or simple moments of

However, fear not! In this article, we will explore effective holiday

joy. Expressing gratitude can help cultivate a positive mindset and

stress relief techniques to help you maintain your sanity and

reduce stress levels. Consider keeping a gratitude journal, where

truly savor the magic of this special time of year.

you can jot down three things you are grateful for each day – it's a

PRIORITIZE SELF-CARE: Amidst the hustle and bustle, it's crucial to prioritize self-care.

powerful reminder to appreciate the small blessings. DELEGATE AND COLLABORATE:

Take time for yourself to recharge and rejuvenate, ensuring

Remember, you don't have to shoulder all the holiday

you're in the best mindset to handle the demands of the season.

responsibilities alone. Reach out to family members and friends to

Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as

share tasks and responsibilities. By delegating and collaborating,

reading a book, taking a warm bath, practicing mindfulness

you'll not only lighten your load but also strengthen the bonds

or meditation, or simply unwinding with a cup of herbal tea.

of togetherness. Whether it's preparing meals, decorating, or

Remember, self-care is not selfish; it's a necessity!

organizing events, involve others to create a supportive and joyful

SIMPLIFY YOUR SCHEDULE: One of the primary sources of holiday stress is an overloaded


schedule. Learn to gracefully decline invitations or commitments

Financial stress can often intensify during the holiday season.

that may overwhelm you. Instead, prioritize the events and

Plan your budget in advance and stick to it. Consider creative and

activities that truly hold meaning for you and your loved ones.

heartfelt gift-giving ideas that don't necessarily involve excessive

Simplifying your schedule will afford you more time and energy

spending. Remember, the value of a gift lies in the thought and

to enjoy those cherished moments without feeling stretched too

love behind it, rather than its price tag. By staying mindful of your


finances, you'll alleviate stress and focus on the true spirit of giving.



Often, we create unrealistic expectations for ourselves during

As the holiday season approaches, remember that you have the

the holidays, leading to unnecessary stress. Recognize that

power to create a stress-free and enjoyable experience. Embrace

perfection is not the goal and embrace imperfections as part

self-care, set realistic expectations, practice gratitude, and lean on

of the beauty of the season. Set realistic expectations for what

your loved ones for support. By implementing these tips, you'll find

you can accomplish and don't be too hard on yourself if things

yourself navigating the holiday chaos with ease and discovering the

don't go exactly as planned. Remember, the true essence of the

true joy that lies within this magical time of year. 

holidays lies in the love and connection we share, not in perfectly executed events or extravagant gifts.




You can create a physical vision board that you can hang anywhere in your home or office following these steps: • - Take some time to clarify your vision. • - Gather your materials. • - Find images and objects that represent your vision. • - Arrange your materials. • - Place your vision board where you'll see it often.


EMBODY BEAUTY AND LIFESTYLE : AN INTERVIEW WITH DR. BRIDGET build confidence. My empowerment coaching eventually 1. Dr. Bridget: Thank you for joining us here at Vision

spread to clients outside of the medical field. Supporting

Made. We are so thrilled to have you. Before we dive

and empowering women to gain their voice and thrive is

in, tell us, why do you chose the Buckeye State?

important to me.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of such a fantastic

3. What did you take from your experiences at the

publication. I have been living in Ohio for 22 years. I moved

Cleveland Clinic to incorporate into your coaching?

here from Michigan to start my family medicine residency at the Cleveland Clinic and I never left.

Being a black woman in a corporate America can be incredibly stressful and isolating. We have gained the skills

And, for a little fun, do you have a favorite attraction;

to make it appear flawless but black women in the United

eatery; or store?

States face substantially more stress resulting from our

I feel like I work so much I really have not explored Columbus as much as I would like, however, I love the diversity and bustle of North Market. Superchef’s in Gahana is fantastic for breakfast and Hoyo’s kitchen is great for somalian cuisine cravings.

membership in multiple subordinate groups that require acculturation to adapt. I saw this stress occurring in myself, my patients and colleagues. I learned at the Cleveland Clinic that imposter syndrome can be significantly harmful psychologically and as black women we have to let down our guard and support one another. We have to particularly

2. Your journey from board-certified family physician to

support the woman that appears to be the “strong black

life coach is inspiring. Could you share the moment or

woman” because psychologically and physically they tend

experience that solidified it was the right path to take?

to actually to be the one that is suffering the most.

There is not a lot of structured support for medical

4. Cannabis is a touchy subject. Before we dive into

professionals and I saw particularly women that were

a conversation around your book, what are some of

medical students all the way to seasoned physicians

the most common misconceptions around medical

struggling with life balance, losing their voice in a stressful


and competitive environment. My undergraduate studies were in psychology so I have always been interested in how people think and function so I wanted to gain training in coaching to help my colleagues to avoid burnout and

People’s understanding of cannabis is flooded with stigma, racism and propaganda. The true purpose of this plant has always been medicinal. We have to create a new narrative that educates people on the medical possibilities and teach

There are always challenges when you decide to go against the grain and voice a less than mainstream opinion. However, I have been a physician for 22 years and I am seasoned enough to not care what opinions my colleagues have about my work. 22


responsible use for the recreational aspects. The biggest misconception is that you have to get high when using cannabis. Cannabis can be used without ever being high. The majority of my patients began their medical cannabis use without ever experiencing the side effect of an altered state. 5. "Courage in Cannabis" is a profound title. And your patient's stories have had a profound impact on you. If you are able, is there a particularly heartwarming or transformative patience experience that encapsulates the essence of your mission? When the medical cannabis program opened in Ohio, the conversations were related to social equity, policy, home grow and other political issues. However, I was giving patients their first medical cards and grown men and women had tears in their eyes as i passed them the card. They had struggled with the shame and guilt of cannabis use and finally were affirmed that cannabis use can be medical and the Ohio Cannabis Program allowed them to be legitimate patients. I knew I needed to document these stories as well as so many other stories that show the courage of the patient, educators, doctors, lawyers, and activists that have paved a way to reclaim a medicine that never should have been demonized in our culture. 6. Have you encountered any challenges along the way, and how have you navigated them while continuing to provide the best care and guidance for those you serve? There are always challenges when you decide to go against the grain and voice a less than mainstream opinion. However, I have been a physician for 22 years and I am seasoned enough to not care what opinions my colleagues have about my work. I have been at the corporate tables and realize everything that is culturally mainstream is not always for our financial or psychological benefit or for our overall wellness. 7. What is next for Dr. Bridget? Any exciting projects? I am committed to doing the book tours and engagements for our newest release, Courage in Cannabis Volume 2. Regarding my patient care, I will continue to consult with patients for medical cannabis guidance but also I am opening a weight loss clinic called, Reset Integrative Care in October. I am thrilled to grow Embody Beauty and Lifestyle brand, which is a CBD beauty brand I developed in 2021 and its newest add on which is a hemp derived cocktail mobile event bartending service called The Blossom Bar. It's a fun endeavor providing elevating cocktails for weddings, celebrations and party events. Email:



SELF LOVE WITH K. MICOLE 1. Before we dive in, can you share the "Cliff-Notes" Version of who K.Micole is? K.Micole is the best friend you've always wished for - someone who tells you the truth and helps you rebuild when you've been torn down. She is genuinely honest and wants everyone to reach their full potential. K.Micole is honored to assist others and is a natural nurturer. She loves fearlessly, as if she's never been hurt, and her ultimate goal is to save the world by starting with herself. She’s extraordinarily unapologetically her because she apologized to herself, for all the time she apologized or shrunk her extraordinary and un-ordinary self

did not happen to me, but it happen for me. I changed my way of

to make others feel better. Now she just wants to ignite the

perceiving things with me and changed the way I received things.

flicker to a flame in everyone she meets.

I can share that my purpose is to assist and support individuals in

2. Becoming a holistic guide for self-love is no small

their journey towards holistic self-love and mental well-being. This

accomplishment; and one large mission as well. What

purpose stems from a recognition of the importance of mental health

personal experiences or moments, or what did you witness,

and self-love in leading a fulfilling and balanced life.

that inspired you to dive into the mental health and love conversation?

Mental health challenges and the need for self-love are prevalent in society, and I aim to contribute to addressing these issues. Witnessing

Honestly, life in general, and I was born to a single mother, who

the impact of mental health struggles on individuals and communities

I literally saw my whole life trying to truly find love for herself

has highlighted the importance of providing support and resources

and fighting a battle of being able to find love when the love

in this area.

that she truly sought was in her all along…. or I’ll even going to step further, the fact that she was raising three girls and all of us have battled some form of self-esteem, emotional and or mental battle. It literally took me, taking a moment to finally see my flaws, and all the good, the bad, the ugly, the absolutely amazing to give myself room to be flawed to understand that even my flaws have purpose and intentionality. realizing that no matter what I had gone through it didn’t change that I was purpose in the earth that there were changes in the world that only I could do because God was just that intentional with my creation, and

Additionally, the growing conversation around mental health and self-love in recent years has shed light on the need for accessible and inclusive guidance. I strive to be a part of that conversation by offering a helpful and compassionate presence to those seeking guidance and support. While I have many personal experiences or moments that have inspired me, I am driven by the desire to make a positive impact and assist individuals in their journey towards holistic well-being. I believe that it is part of my God-given purpose, or my methods may not be traditional, too many, any things can work if you work it.

then allowing myself the grace to understand that I deserve

3. How does your approach to holistic self-love differ from

peace, and then no matter what I had gone through it did , it

the shallow concepts of self-love and self-care that we see on Instagram? How does it challenge the take a bubble bath, or


VISION MADE MAGAZINE band-aid, mentality to create fundamental change in the

core values and beliefs? What topics or causes ignite a sense of purpose

way someone views themself?

within you? By exploring these aspects of themselves, clients can gain

Holistic self-love goes beyond the surface-level practices

insight into what truly matters to them.

often portrayed on Instagram. While taking a bubble bath or

2. Strengths and Skills Assessment: I help clients identify their unique

using a band-aid can provide temporary relief or relaxation,

strengths and skills. This can involve self-assessment tools, feedback

they don't address the underlying issues that contribute to

from others, or reflecting on past accomplishments. Understanding

someone's self-perception.

their strengths can provide clues about the areas where they can make

Instead, holistic self-love focuses on understanding and

a meaningful impact and find purpose.

accepting oneself on a deeper level. It involves recognizing

3. Exploring Interests and Curiosities: I encourage clients to explore

and embracing all aspects of one's being, including strengths,

new interests and curiosities. This can involve trying out different

weaknesses, emotions, and experiences. This approach

hobbies, volunteering, or taking courses in areas they find intriguing. By

encourages individuals to explore their values, passions,

exposing themselves to new experiences, clients can discover hidden

and purpose, fostering a sense of self-worth that goes beyond

passions and potential avenues for purposeful work.

external validation.

4. Values Alignment: I guide clients in aligning their purpose with their

To create fundamental change in self-perception, holistic

core values. This involves examining their values and determining how

self-love encourages individuals to engage in practices that

they can be integrated into their work and life. When their purpose

promote personal growth and self-awareness. This may involve

aligns with their values, it creates a sense of authenticity and fulfillment.

activities like journaling, meditation, therapy, or engaging in meaningful conversations with trusted individuals. By delving into one's thoughts, beliefs, and patterns, individuals can challenge negative self-perceptions and cultivate a more compassionate and empowering view of themselves. Holistic self-love also emphasizes the importance of selfcare practices that nourish the mind, body, and soul. While bubble baths and band-aids can be part of this, they are not the sole focus. Engaging in activities that promote physical health, such as exercise and proper nutrition, can contribute to a positive self-image. Additionally, nurturing emotional well-being through self-reflection, setting boundaries, and

5. Experimentation and Reflection: I encourage clients to experiment with different activities or projects that align with their potential purpose. This can involve taking on new responsibilities at work, starting a side project, or volunteering in a relevant field. Through these experiences, clients can gain valuable insights and refine their understanding of their purpose. 6. Support and Accountability: Throughout the process, I provide support and accountability to clients. This can involve regular check-ins, providing resources and tools, and helping them navigate challenges or setbacks. Having someone to lean on and hold them accountable can be instrumental in the purpose-discovery journey.

practicing self-compassion can lead to long-lasting change

By combining these steps, clients can gain clarity and direction in

in self-perception.

identifying their purpose. It's important to note that purpose is a dynamic

Ultimately, holistic self-love challenges the superficiality often associated with self-care and encourages individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and personal

and evolving concept, and the process of discovering it may take time. Patience, self-compassion, and an open mind are key elements in this journey.

growth. It aims to create a foundation of self-worth that

5. Personal development is a lifelong journey. As I mentioned above,

withstands external influences and fosters a genuine and

it's not a band-aid solution but a long term adventure one must embark

lasting sense of love and appreciation for oneself.

on. What mindset and lifestyle shifts does one need to make to lead

4. Purpose is something many of us wrestle with. How do you work with your clients to identify their purpose? When working with clients to identify their purpose, I take a holistic approach that combines introspection, exploration, and reflection. Here are some steps I typically follow

a more empowered life? During de-motivating days and experiences, how do you challenge your clients, and yourself, to keep embarking on the adventure of personal development? To lead a more empowered life and embrace personal development as a lifelong journey, several mindset and lifestyle shifts can be beneficial. Here are some key shifts to consider:

1. Self-Reflection: I encourage clients to reflect on their values, passions, and interests. This involves asking questions like: What activities bring you joy and fulfillment? What are your


1. Growth Mindset: Adopting a growth mindset is crucial. It’s literally

connect to people who have the same traumas as is but

why I do a massive Monday on my Instagram every Monday no

have not been healed or even decided they want to release

matter where I am in the world. It is a commitment that I have

and move forward, and if that’s who you begin to surround

made not just to myself, but to God and my Mindset Mondayers.

yourself with you will fight in the area.

This means believing that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and effort. Embracing challenges, seeing failures as opportunities for learning, and persisting in the face of setbacks are all important aspects of a growth mindset. Honestly, mindset is a really big one for me. It has completely changed my life. 2. Self-Awareness: Cultivating self-awareness is essential for personal development. This involves understanding one's strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs. By being aware of oneself, individuals can make intentional choices aligned with their authentic selves and personal growth. One thing I constantly say is be mindful of others, because in being mindful of others, it helps you to be mindful of yourself. I say

When clients or I face de-motivating days or experiences, it's important to acknowledge and validate those feelings. Something I always say is, feel your feelings, it’s OK. They are valid. They are yours, feel them. Allow them to feel hurt and felt addressed. However, it's also crucial to challenge ourselves to keep moving forward. Here are some strategies I use: 1. Reframe Challenges: This helps clients and myself to reframe challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Encourage them to see setbacks as temporary and as stepping stones toward their goals.

that on the self-awareness part, because when you are self aware,

2. Celebrate Progress: I remind clients to celebrate their

your awareness of others is in my opinion more understanding, and

progress, no matter how small. Recognizing and acknowledging

empathetic for others and yourself.

the steps taken can reignite motivation and provide a sense

3. Continuous Learning: Embrace a mindset of continuous learning

of accomplishment.

and curiosity. Seek out new knowledge, skills, and experiences. This

3. Find Inspiration: This encourages my clients to seek

can involve reading books, attending workshops, taking courses, or

inspiration from various sources, such as church, books,

engaging in conversations with diverse perspectives. Embracing a

podcasts, or success stories. Sharing stories of individuals who

learning mindset keeps personal development alive and thriving.

have overcome similar challenges can provide motivation and

honestly, I truly believe that we should be for our students learning

a renewed sense of purpose.

different ways to do and be if nothing else being open to seeing if it’s something that you are even drawn to often times people clothing sales how to things because it’s not their natural nor their nature, but the truth of the matter is it stops you from again in my opinion, truly experiencing life. 4. Goal Setting: Set meaningful and achievable goals that align with personal values and aspirations. Break them down into smaller, actionable steps to maintain motivation and track progress. Regularly review and adjust goals as needed to stay on track and maintain

4. Revisit Goals and Values: Regularly revisit goals and values to ensure they are still aligned with personal aspirations. Adjusting or refining goals can reignite motivation and provide a fresh perspective. 5. Practice Self-Reflection: This has encouraged clients to engage in regular self-reflection to understand their motivations, fears, and desires. This can help you reconnect with your purpose and reignite the passion for personal development.

momentum. One thing I always say is learn to celebrate the mini

6. Accountability and Support: I provide ongoing support and

M-I-N-I and the many M-A-N-Y things no matter how big or small .

accountability to clients. Regular check-ins, setting milestones,

5. Self-Compassion: Practice self-compassion during challenging times. Understand that personal development is not a linear journey,

and providing resources and tools can help them stay on track and motivated.

and setbacks and de-motivating days are normal. Treat yourself with

By embracing these mindset and lifestyle shifts and employing

kindness, acknowledge your efforts, and learn from setbacks rather

strategies to overcome de-motivating experiences, you can

than being overly critical and allowing the setback to sit you down,

continue embarking on the adventure of personal development

instead, allow them to strategically set you up for a major comeback.

with resilience and determination.

6. Surround Yourself with Supportive People: Surround yourself

6. What is one piece of advice you would offer someone

with individuals who support and inspire your personal development

who is ready to prioritize their mental health?

journey. Seek out mentors, coaches, or like-minded individuals who can provide guidance, accountability, and encouragement. be mindful that I said, like mine did not like trauma’d because often times we


VISION MADE MAGAZINE If you're ready to prioritize your mental health, one piece of advice I would offer is to start with self-compassion. Treat yourself with kindness, understanding, and patience as you navigate your mental health journey. Here's why self-compassion is important: 1. Acceptance: Recognize that it's okay to prioritize your mental health and that you deserve to take care of yourself. Accept that you may have challenges or struggles, and that seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness. 2. Be Gentle with Yourself: Avoid self-judgment and self-criticism. Instead, practice self-kindness and understanding. Treat yourself as you would treat a close friend who is going through a difficult time. 3. Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that progress in mental health is not always a straight road. Be patient with yourself and set realistic expectations. Celebrate small victories and acknowledge that setbacks are a normal part of the journey. 4. Practice Self-Care: Prioritize self-care activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. This can include activities like exercise, meditation, spending time in nature, engaging in hobbies, or seeking out social support. Find what works for you and make it a regular part of your routine. 5. Seek Support: Don't hesitate to reach out for professional help or lean on trusted friends and family members. Seeking support from mental health professionals can provide valuable guidance and tools to navigate your mental health journey.

Remember, prioritizing your mental health is an ongoing process, and self-compassion is a key ingredient in that process. Be kind to yourself, take it one step at a time, and know that you are deserving of the care and attention you give to your mental well-being. You can stay connected with me through my website,, and find me on social media @KMicole. I appreciate your support, not only by following me on social media but also by inviting me to be a part of your events, workshops, panels, shows, conferences, and booking my mindset coaching services. Let's collaborate and make a positive impact together!

Subscribe Today As low as $12 a year 27



ENTREPRENEURSHIP WITH OANA 1. Before we begin, are you able to share the "cliffnotes" version of who Oana is and her journey? I was born in Sibiu, Romania and moved to the U.S. at the age of 5. I grew up spending summers in Romania and traveling abroad quite a bit with my older brother. Those early years really opened my eyes to the best of both worlds living among both cultures, American and Romanian. Moving into my adulthood, I graduated with high honors from the University of Houston with a bachelor’s in Hospitality Management from the Hilton College and a minor in Marketing from the Bauer College of Business. In my last semester, I received my Level 1 Master Sommlier Certification which jumpstarted my career in the beverage industry. I sold wine on-premise for one of the largest national distributors. From there, I started working in event sales and local store

2. As a Romanian Immigrant who came to the United States as a child, how has that experience impacted and colored your worldview? Do you believe that impacts your business journey?

marketing for a national brand that owned upscale restaurants,

I have seen what it means for someone to make an enormous

hotels and nightclubs in all of the biggest cities in the U.S. The

sacrifice, to pave the way for a better life and opportunities. It’s

training and experience I received really opened my eyes to a

something that I do not take lightly and will not take for granted.

whole new level of marketing and service and inspired me to

Growing up in a household that had experienced life during a

venture into the marketing agency side of the business and take

communist regime gave me a completely different perspective on

my career to the next level, which was brand marketing and

life in America. The stories my grandparents (and my parents) would

events for national chain accounts and national liquor, beer,

tell us are about a world most people don’t know about or think it

wine and non-alcoholic brands.

only exists in movies. I came to the U.S. when I was five years-old,

Ultimately after taking some years learning from others, my entrepreneurial dreams became my next goal and I launched EVOKE Experiences in August of 2018. One hit of a pandemic and one revenue injection of the self-taught promotional products industry, and EVOKE: An Experience Agency was born as a rebrand, bridging together experience driven marketing approaches of promotional products, corporate gifting, product campaigns, customer experience strategy, brand activations and events into one wholistic agency endeavor of “impacting the experience your customer has with your brand.”

not speaking any English at all. I was placed in ESL (English as a Second Language) to learn. I was bullied by kids and was absolutely miserable. However, as every kid usually is, I was resilient and I am a stronger person for it today. I learned the language and have never stopped talking since! It has absolutely impacted my business journey in every way possible. The fact that I can have a business journey is incredible and what the American dream is all about. I learned my hard work ethic from my parents and have been told that the only limit to my success is not wanting it badly enough. The reality is that we have every opportunity and privilege afforded to us simply by living in the United States and ultimately what we

Today we work with brands spanning many industries with

do with it is what directly correlates to our success. I always have

varying scopes of work while still bringing our creative hospitality

and will continue to walk through every door of opportunity that

foundation into the root of every project.

opens itself to me.


VISION MADE MAGAZINE 3. Your client list includes nationally recognized brands like Red Bull and Hooters. Can you share a story of how you've used your expertise to elevate these brands and the lessons other women entrepreneurs can draw from your experiences working with such prominent clients? When I first started working with larger, nationally recognized brands at a much younger age, it was humbling to think anyone was listening to my consultation or ideas, and frankly always made me nervous ‘if I don't deliver.’ The best way I knew to approach that fear was to be ultra prepared. Do as much legwork as possible; doing deep dives into the brand and what they are all about, understanding their culture, goals, approach, etc. Beyond that, I knew I needed to use all the resources available to me. Today, even after more than a decade of working in a consultative role with brands, I still take the same approach to every client and project. I deep dive into the brand, make sure I ask the right questions, do the research (remote and market) and utilize as many resources as possible at my disposal. Most importantly, I always ask the question of WHY with everything. When you understand the brand fully, even the smallest projects (or seemingly small ideas) can make a huge impact. Not to mention, when you become an expert on a brand even when it seemingly is a small undertaking, the client trusts you and the relationship can continue to evolve. 4. What advice would you give to young women who are considering a career in entrepreneurship or leadership, especially in industries where gender diversity may still be a challenge? During your time, have you seen a shift toward more inclusive spaces for women? I have never been raised to believe I am in any way limited due to being a woman. In fact, I never saw challenges until I was told they exist somewhere else. That being said, I have never believed myself to be limited, and likely due to that, I am blind to any gender discrimination coming my way (not to suggest it doesn’t happen but rather I choose to ignore it). If a challenge exists, it is just a challenge I will overcome regardless of the issue. I believe this approach is needed going into entrepreneurship or leadership of any kind. Do not ever make excuses or believe something isn't possible. The only thing holding you back is your own self limitations. My best advice is to simply believe that you can. As for inclusivity for women, yes, 100%. There are more resources and support for women in leadership and entrepreneurship than ever. Find your mentors and surround yourself with the right community of women that will help propel you forward.


5. EVOKE is known for crafting creative and experience-driven marketing strategies. What has been the most exhilarating or exciting campaign or project you've had the pleasure to work on? My absolutely favorite project to work on has been the Aspen House Party yearly events hosted by the Better Beverage Bureau (BBB), a beverage marketing agency. It is, in simplest terms, a networking event for national account food and beverage industry professionals during the Aspen Food & Wine Classic weekend. The purpose of the event is to bring together buyers with supplier partners to samples their products and build on their relationships together. When BBB first called us for their second year of the event (after a successful inaugural year), they mentioned it was the "party of the year" and they expect the event to grow. This event not only brings together buyers with suppliers, but it also helped propel BBB's business forward by making a buzz in the industry. EVOKE took over in year two and now are going into year four of our partnership. Each year has seen massive growth in the event from both attendance, participation, budget, output, ROI, entertainment and experience factors. Going into our 4th year for the 2024 event, our focus has shifted from not just creating a greater experience but to adding additional ROI to our sponsor partners and greater professional impact for the attendees, all while throwing an exceptional unforgettable party. We went from creating a "buzz" to being the "talk of the town" and the "most sought after private event" of the F&W Classic. We love a good challenge, and this one stimulates both our creative and strategic brains. Each year has presented new challenges and new ways to creatively improve the event experience. My personal favorite part about it last year was hosting the event at Kevin Costner's Dunbar Ranch and staying on property for it! Absolutely stunning property! For anyone interested, our event reels can be viewed here: 2022 featuring Busta Rhymes: 2023 featuring 311: 6. In a contemporary world that moves at the speed of light, how do you take time to indulge in the creative nature of your company? How do you believe creativity drives the vision of EVOKE forward? Creativity is the hardest part to hold on to when we are swamped and, as you say it, moving at the speed of light. Every day is extreme multitasking, multi-thinking, but creativity truly is at the core of our business. Even when we are coming up with ideas for a tradeshow giveaway in the promo distributorship side of our business, we take a creative approach to think of the ideas others may not consider. We come up with taglines for giveaway ideas because sometimes the right tagline makes even the most dull gift be suddenly an experience. When we create event themes or think through a theme décor, we never rush through it. When we come up with creative gift campaigns, we set team brainstorms to ensure we give each project proper creative attention. When we develop start to finish, I personally have to find time to work in a tunnel where I work during weekends or off hours, with no distractions, to mentally dive into the creative process. There are many promotional product distributors out there and there are many event companies as well, so our creativity and strategy-driven approach is our true differentiator on both sides of our business as we bridge those together for a truly experience-driven marketing solutions. Creativity is something we will never sacrifice or cut corners on! I'd love to hear from you! Main Website: Searchable Promo Database: LinkedIn: Instagram: @evokeexperiences


A SEAT AT THE TABLE WITH AMANDA WEBSTER 1. Before we begin, are you able to share the "cliffnotes version" of who

feel in your first experience being a leader and decision maker within

Amanda is? Give us a bit of background!

such a male-dominated industry?

I am currently the Vice President for a financial company (Fund&Grow).

As a woman in power you have to be very intentional in everything you do.

I manage the company's day-to-day operations, as well as the strategic

You have to intentionally be loud at that table. You need to step up and be

planning for the growth of the company and brand. I have always wanted

heard for your ideas, despite your gender. Arriving at the table is only half

to lead and inspire others, so business management has just always been

the battle. Presence without a voice is far worse than not being present.

a natural path for me. I am a visionary and strategic planner at heart, so those qualities were always there. I just needed the correct outlet to shine. Ari (our CEO) was the last in a line of amazing mentors I have had the blessings to have. 2. I'm sure you have witnessed profound shifts in the management and business space. What trends are you currently seeing within the management and business space overall? Have you witnessed a shift in attitude toward gender-related struggles, or can management still feel like a "Boy's Club" at times? I think the biggest shift I have witnessed is that more and more of the “Boys” are welcoming women to the tables. I believe women will continue to have an uphill battle in management and business, however I think the gap is becoming smaller. In the financial world it is still a boy’s club, but I think that shift is on the horizon. 3. Your role as Vice President at Fund & Grow positions you squarely in a male-dominated industry. What strategies have you employed to foster diversity and inclusion within your organization? What gender-related strategies do you employ?

I can honestly say that when I was able to sit down at the decision-making table, I was prepared and confident in my abilities. I have had some strong female mentors show me the way. That is the best advice I can give, find a female mentor to show you the road to success. You can learn from their mistakes and be able to overcome your failures with their wisdom. 5. As the editor-in-chief of Prosperity Pulse Magazine, you're not only a leader in finance but also in media. How do you balance these two roles, and what unique perspectives do you bring to the editorial process as a woman in a field often dominated by men? The entire vision, creation and editorial process is done in house. This allows me to have creative control from the idea to completion. The best way to balance as a leader is to find the best people and then delegate projects to them. I am fortunate to have built that team, which is actually all women! 6. Leadership often involves mentoring and inspiring others. Have you had a mentor? And secondly, how do you pour into other women trailblazing the way in their professional careers? I have had a couple of amazing mentors, of both genders. They are not names you would know, as they are local to me and truly amazing business owners. I personally make it my mission to develop growth plans for all of

Above the standard HR policies to encourage diversity and inclusion, our

the employees I manage, regardless of gender. I will note though, that when

company has the ability to not only allow but encourage all employees to

I see a woman I am leading be elevated, that is truly my proudest moment.

come to work as their true self. We don’t have client’s in the office so we are able to allow employees to color their hair in extreme colors, can have visible tattoos and piercings, and express their style through their wardrobe. 4. As a woman, we sometimes struggle to get a seat at the table where decisions are made. When a woman arrives to the table of power and decision-making, what advice would you share with her? How did you

7. What is next for you? How can we stay connected to, and keep up with Amanda? Next for me is to continue to build and grow the Fund&Grow brand, as well as the operations. On a personal side, to help grow and foster as many employees as I can. You can connect and keep up with me here



TURNING YOUR PASSION INTO A PURPOSE-DRIVEN BUSINESS According to the 2019 State of Women-Owned Business Report by American Express, there are 13 million womenowned businesses in the U.S., of which 4 million are mom-owned. These numbers are astounding! Women-owned businesses generate $1.9 trillion in revenue each year. In 2019 alone,1,821 net new businesses were started by women every day. Furthermore, 50% of U.S. businesses are women-owned, with an estimated 6,417,400 women-of-color-owned businesses employing 2,389,500 people, constituting 25% of the total women-owned businesses employment and generating $422.5 billion in revenue. It makes up 23% of the total revenue of women-owned businesses. With such impressive statistics showcasing the thriving landscape of women-owned businesses, it's clear that there's a significant opportunity for moms to start and thrive while on their entrepreneurial journeys. However, within the realm of parenting, especially for busy moms raising special needs children, this path enters a unique and demanding dimension, requiring unwavering dedication and love. EMBRACING UNIQUENESS The journey of raising a special needs child is marked by its distinctiveness. No two children are the same, and their individual requirements can vary significantly. Those in this position are obliged to embrace the uniqueness of their child, recognizing that their experiences can serve as a valuable source of insight and empathy. IDENTIFYING AND DEVELOPING HIDDEN SKILLS Many of the moms raising a special needs child may not fully recognize the impressive skillset they've cultivated along their journeys. These skills evolve organically as a result of the unique challenges and demands associated with caring for a child with special needs. For instance, the typical constant advocacy for your child naturally nurtures powerful negotiation skills. Coordinating therapies, medical appointments, and daily routines sharpens time management abilities while the necessity of finding creative solutions to unforeseen challenges fosters problem-solving expertise. Additionally, the unconditional love and patience required in caregiving serves to expand empathy and resilience. TRANSFORMING SKILLS INTO A PURPOSE-DRIVEN BUSINESS To embark on a journey of turning one’s passion into a purpose-driven business, the first step is identifying the skills you've honed as a caregiver to your special needs child. Moms possess incredible leadership qualities. They are naturally resourceful, unshaken by challenges, and adept at juggling multiple responsibilities simultaneously. Consider this scenario: you are on a field trip with a group of elementary students who are unfamiliar with you. Typically, you're assigned a group for whom you're responsible throughout the entire day. As the


VISION MADE MAGAZINE leader, you must quickly establish rapport with the students, inspiring them to listen to you, ensuring their safety, while guiding them throughout the field trip. No doubt, you've acquired an exceptional problem-solving acumen. As a mom raising a special needs child, you are equipped to handle a

Remember to align your passion with your core values; a genuine connection to your values can make your pursuit of passion more meaningful and fulfilling. TURNING YOUR PASSION INTO A BUSINESS

multitude of problems and emergencies daily. This skill is invaluable as an

Turning a passion into a business is a journey of self-

entrepreneur. Starting and running a business shares parallels with raising

discovery and entrepreneurship. It begins with a deep

a family. In many ways, motherhood itself is a form of entrepreneurship,

understanding of what truly drives and excites you. Once

although the rewards may not be purely monetary. The experience of

you've identified your passion, research the market to

being a mom is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding, as it allows you

understand the potential it holds…and the competition.

to witness your children's growth, knowing that you've played a pivotal

Define your niche within your chosen field, as specialization

role in shaping their lives.

often leads to a more distinct and successful venture.


Crafting a well-thought-out business plan is essential. It should

Growing up, I had big dreams; however, being a Mompreneur (a mom who is an entrepreneur) was not one of them. When someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer was, “I want to be a professional

outline your objectives, strategies, target audience, and financial projections, providing a roadmap for your passion-driven business.

dancer on Broadway.” I was incredibly passionate about dance. I started

Building your passion into a business also involves creating

dancing at the age of five, taking ballet, tap, and jazz classes every week.

a strong brand identity that authentically reflects your

I loved singing and dancing in school musicals, and I proudly served as

values and mission. Networking and collaborating with

the co-captain of my dance squad.

like-minded individuals should open doors to opportunities

However, my dreams of becoming a professional dancer slipped away at the age of sixteen when I became pregnant and was a teenage mom in my senior year of high school. I made a life-changing decision at that time:

and partnerships that support your venture's growth. Always prioritize offering genuine value to your customers, addressing their needs, and solving their problems.

no one should give up their dreams in the face of adversity. I embarked

Then, maintain a robust online presence through a

on a path to help others create businesses they love while taking care of

professional website and active engagement on social

their little ones.

media platforms. Continuously update the knowledge and

Fast forward to today: I've recently launched the Mompreneur Conversations Show™ & Network, a purpose-driven business born from my experiences as a mompreneur raising a special needs son diagnosed at the age of six

skills related to your passion, and be prepared to adapt and persist while understanding that success may take time but is achievable through dedication and commitment.

with Chronic Intestinal Pseudo Obstruction, Autism, and more. Throughout

If you're a mom raising a child with special needs who is

my caregiving and entrepreneurial journey, I found the tips I’m about to

seeking to redefine balance and well-being while starting

share incredibly helpful when it came time to step into my true purpose:

a purpose-driven business, I invite you to join us at the

inspiring and guiding moms raising special needs children as they embark

Mompreneur Conversations™ Show on Amazon Fire TV.

on a life-changing journey of entrepreneurship.

Here, you'll learn how to gain more confidence and balance

Our show and coaching programs aim to assist them in reclaiming their identity, finding balance and fulfillment, and starting purpose-driven businesses that align with their passions, bringing them a sense of joy and success. DISCOVERING YOUR PASSION Discovering your passion begins with introspection and self-awareness. It entails reflecting on your life experiences and interests while considering the moments that have brought you the most joy and fulfillment or the greatest challenges and pain. These experiences often hold clues to your true passion. Additionally, explore new interests and engage with inspiring

in both your personal and professional life. Take the next step in your journey of personal and professional growth by scheduling a 30-minute discovery session with me at Let's embrace this journey together. Michele A. Wilson, Founder & CEO of Mompreneur Conversations™ A division of Velocity Global Group, Inc. Business #: (307) 459-2294 | Cell #: 805-304-5088 Email:

individuals or resources that will help you uncover new areas of fascination.



DISABLED COOKING AND THE PATH TO SUCCESS By Stephanie Piercea | +33619387606

up yet again, not in a rest home with a lovely garden, but in an in-patient program dosed up on lithium to catatonic doses to try to curb what ended up being diagnosed as bipolar disorder. In this time, I did some speedy growing up, namely cooking for me and my father during these increasingly long stays in the psychiatric ward. Food became a source of comfort for us both, and what used to be fairly silent family dinners were now dotted with the odd dusty My name is Stephanie Pierce and I am a dyspraxic chef. Dyspraxia, as a

Fleetwood Mac record in the background.

relatively unknown and certainly hidden disability, is challenging to live

Still, my speech was out of control, I alternated between

with. It affects a number of aspects of life, such as verbal communication,

talking a mile a minute and stuttering to the point of preferring

sense of direction, penmanship, and social and motor skills.

silence rather than trying to overcome the blocks. The early

My diagnosis took place quite late, at the age of 15. That merry year, I spent two days at the neurologist being told to tell stories based on pictures and place small screws in a peg board to receive a file filled with Bell curves and statistics was of no comfort at all. I begged my parents to send me to the school speech therapist, which they begrudgingly did. That ended after a few months of speaking alongside a metronome with little to no results.

university years resulted in my dropping out and falling into culinary school. This experience lasted all of one semester, after which I got hired to cook at a San Francisco homeless shelter. This triggered a career as a line cook: I spent 5 years shuffling between Bay Area restaurants, learning all about California cuisine, to be sure, but mostly fighting my dyspraxia. By this time I’d also received my own bipolar diagnosis (whoop whoop!) and the mood swings, anxiety,

The following year, tragedy struck in the form of a drunken motorcyclist

and impulsive behavior were in full force. My struggles with

killing my grandmother on a sunny Saturday morning in the French

organization and following directions didn’t fare so well in

Riviera. That triggered all sorts of events, namely my mother, who by this

restaurant kitchens, and so the time came to go back to school.

point had already edged far beyond socially acceptable eccentricities, completely losing it and being sent by dashingly handsome rescue staff to a rest home outside of Paris. That day was when the last Harry Potter book came out, my teenage self greedily read it on the grounds while dad spoke to the doctors in terribly accented French.

I decided I wanted to become a speech therapist, but instead of applying to grad school once I’d gotten my bachelors, I went traveling through Europe. This three-month rampage landed me in London, where I found a job teaching cooking to adults with learning disabilities. The role was a great fit,

My dismembered family traveled back to our Bay Area home with

so great, in fact that I threw myself into the position and

everyone walking on porcelain eggshells. A couple calls to the police

wound up suffering from severe burnout that led me into a

station later courtesy of my desperate father, and his wife was locked

month-long outpatient program. Still, in my mind it was still



worth it, I got to follow my passions and help people who otherwise

My current project, which has been dragging since the

might not have learned these new skills.

pandemic, is called “Picky Tongue: Lockdown” (I like jokes

Sometimes good things come to an end, and besides Israel was calling, promising a free master’s degree. I answered enthusiastically, and a month later was on a plane to Tel Aviv airport, incredibly unsure of what the future was offering next. I first joined an intense Hebrew course in Haifa, Israel. There, I met my now fiancé, and we moved to the Central District to embark on our respective university programs. The grad school experience went swimmingly, and I was one class short of graduation when COVID

in poor taste). It is an ode to slow food, the food that we had time to make during Corona and haven’t gotten back to yet. To complement this, I am back to teaching cooking, not to people with disabilities this time, but to asylum seekers in a neighborhood center. A diagnosis doesn’t have to be an obstacle to living successfully. Instead, harness your strengths and use them as a tool to give it your best shot.

took over. I suddenly had no job and was stuck with lots of spare time. This is when the idea for “Picky Tongue: The Cookbook” came to be. I started writing my recipes on the bus, pulling from numerous cooking


experiences and family stories to create a very special little book. I

Nothing says Thanksgiving more than celebrating winter squash.

worked with photographer Erin Erb Cohen to create a feeling of joy

This timeless pairing is an excellent vessel to hold warm, com-

and sunshine through a series of delightful pictures.

forting flavors. The butternut squash’s touch of sweetness is only

But that wasn’t quite enough. At the end of the day, though I manage to bring joy into my life despite my constantly fluctuating moods, cooking wasn’t all about telling heartwarming stories. Instead, I chose to create a book designed to help people with real challenges in the kitchen and in life. What initially became a book for beginners pivoted massively into one designed for people with developmental disorders. Step-bystep photographs of each dish with pictures of the finished dishes in more somber, complex tones work together with clear language and explanations of the various cooking terms to create a resource that can be used by people of varying levels of abilities and literacy skills. The name? “Picky Tongue: Idiotproof”.

emphasized by the sage’s gentle heat, with a delightful base of caramelized onions to bring it all home. (Serves 4 ) •

2 butternut squash, halved through the stem, seeds and guts removed (a metal spoon works great for this)

1 onion, medium dice

3 cloves garlic, roughly chopped

2 carrots, peeled, medium dice

½ tsp salt

½ tsp pepper

¼ tsp ground coriander

3 tbs olive oil, divided

But Israel was becoming way too much for me, and my mental health

1 sprig sage, leaves picked

suffered. I was becoming increasingly unhappy with myself and went

½ tbs sherry vinegar

through a slew of antidepressants that somehow made things worse.

3 qts vegetable stock

When my fiancé got a job offer in Montpellier, France, I was the first one to say yes please. Coming from a bilingual background, I was already

Preheat the oven to 350F. Drizzle the butternut squash with 1

fluent in French, which, unlike my terrible level of Hebrew courtesy of

tablespoon of olive oil and a pinch each of salt and pepper. Roast

a massive stutter attack during the intensive program, made it possible

skin side down for 30 to 40 minutes, until soft. Cool slightly, then

to live a fuller, more satisfying life rather than being on the fringes.

scoop the flesh of the squash into a bowl. Dispose of the skins.

The thing about living in France as a mostly untrained chef is that you end up feeling like your food doesn’t match with the culinary capital of the world. My current battle is no longer with my dyspraxia, nor my bipolar for that matter. Instead, it is with coming to terms with the fact that, no, I am not classically trained, my sauce skills are rudimentary at best and I’m slow at butchering, but my food is global, comforting, and full of flavor and soul.

Heat a large pot to medium heat with the rest of the olive oil. Add the onions and stir for 10 minutes, or until lightly caramelized. Stir in the carrots and garlic, then the salt, pepper, and coriander. Sweat the vegetables for 5 minutes, then stir in the stock, sage leaves, and roasted butternut squash. Cook for a further 30 minutes and add salt to taste. Finish with the sherry vinegar. Blend using a stick blender until very smooth.


A LOOK BACK AT 2023 As 2023 draws to a close, it's hard not to reminisce about the incredible memories created at Vision Made alongside Brooke Young. This year has been filled with exciting milestones, inspiring achievements, and unforgettable moments. One milestone was the first Vision Made Summit. Women from all walks of life shared a passion at the Two Day Vision Made Summit. On day one at the VIP Dinner. We met at Rossi in Downtown Columbus in Blue. We did a scavenger hunt as an ice breaker then closed the night out with networking. Then led to the next day online Summit. The connections and friendships formed during the event made Vision Made even stronger. Looking back at all the memories in 2023, it is clear Vision Made is not only about transformation but about empowering the What’s Next. I am proud of what has been achieved and can’t wait for 2024 memories.





Power Words How many times in a day would you be looking for motivation? While working 9 to 5 that would be me. Take these power words and cut them all or a few of them and post where you see them. Better yet tear the whole page out and hang them in front of you.



EMPOWERING YOUNG GIRLS WITH CUSTOM DOLLS 1. Prior to beginning, please give us a brief overview or

USA. I had these Unique female firefighter logos that I use on different

"cliffnotes" version of who Lieutenant Tina is: both on the

products already. I was thinking how I could use these logos to show

professional and personal scope.

little girls and educate the public that women ARE firefighters. I

Tina Guiler is a Lieutenant for Miami-Dade Fire Rescue, has been a firefighter/paramedic for 24 years. •

Spent 18 years on a truck & works as a fire inspector now for MDFR.

So the doll idea was born. 3. How do you envision Triple F Dolls influencing and empowering young girls as they play and learn with these firefighter dolls? How do you hope it will impact their long-term professional

Runs the private Triple F facebook group page with over 7,100

ambitions and goals? And, most importantly, when you were

female firefighters from over 58 different Countries.

a young girl, how would dolls like Tripe F have impacted you?

Travels the country to different events to show the Triple F

I truly believe, if they can see it, they can be it! I know if little girls see

dolls and educate people about female firefighters.

this doll they will now see they CAN be a firefighter. Representation

She battled Breast cancer in 2018 and at the same time took care of her mom dying of cancer and her two grandparents in their 90's. Tina is cancer free now and takes care of her 99 year old grandmother who lives with her.

wanted to show little girls they CAN be anything, even a firefighter!

I became a firefighter because I had 4 older women close friends who were already firefighters and told me I could and should do this job.

2. Shifting to Triple F Dolls, What sparked the idea to create firefighter dolls specifically for young girls? Was it a specific moment or was it a gradual realization of your purpose?

matters so by seeing this doll it will definitely help bring more women into the fire service. The doll comes with many removable parts so that kids can dress the doll and see what a real firefighter wears. They can learn how the different parts of the gear protect the firefighter inside the gear guide. I know these dolls will empower young girls to follow their dreams, because if they think they can be a firefighter, they will think they can be anything. When I was a young girl, I didn't know I could be a firefighter, but loved seeing the fire trucks as they drove by. In fact, my father was a firefighter when I was young, and he never even told me I could be

As a firefighter for the last 24 years, I still get asked by kids and

a firefighter. He retired in the 1970's. I don't remember ever seeing

adults, are you really a firefighter, or I didn't know girls could be

a woman firefighter. When I was older, I told my dad what I wanted

firefighters. I would take my mask and helmet off after fighting a fire

to be a firefighter and he was shocked. If I had seen a doll that was

and I could hear from bystanders around, hey it's a girl. Like they

a female firefighter, I wouldn't even have to ask anyone if I could do

are surprised. I have around 250 women in my fire department,

it. I would know that just by seeing this doll.

we have the second largest number of women firefighters in the US. In general, Women only make up 6% of all firefighters in the


After I beat breast cancer, I started a foundation to help other female firefighters who are battling cancer or on the job injuries. I wanted to


donate a portion of the doll proceeds to help other firefighters.

6. Your career is a rewarding one. Seeing Triple F Dolls

We have already helped over a dozen firefighters with cancer

come to fruition, I'm certain, was very rewarding as

or injuries. It is very rewarding to be able to help others in

well. Have there been any touching moments, stories,

the fire & Ems services. .

or photos that you have received from consumers? If

4. Representation matters, and your dolls showcase women

so, how do those reviews motivate you to keep going?

and girls in the role of firefighters. Can you elaborate

I told my Mom back in 2019, that I had this idea to make

on the importance of providing diverse role models for

female firefighter plush dolls. She ended up passing away

children, especially when it comes to traditionally male-

from cancer in January of 2020, and never saw my dream

dominated professions?

come true. There are no dolls on the market that look as

Representation is extremely important in every job but especially for professions thought to be male dominated. I feel one reason some jobs are more male dominated is because as little girls, society tells us we are not strong enough to do that job, or because it’s too dangerous for women. I had a mom come up to me at an event with her, maybe 5-year-old, daughter, and tell me her daughter wants to be a boy. I said, why did she say that? The mom said she wants to be boy so she can be a firefighter. The little girl thought she had to be a boy just to be a firefighter. That made me instantly cry. I was wearing my bunker gear and I went up to the little girl and told her that I’m a firefighter and she could be a firefighter

authentic as these and I am the only firefighter to have made them. I have received so many messages and emails from customers that have touched my heart. I have had a lot of Dads & grandfathers contact me stating, "thank you so much for making this doll, she sleeps with it every night and just loves it." I have had moms and dads contact me and say their child loves the doll because it looks just like her. The kids are really envisioning themselves as firefighters. I have had firefighter moms contact me saying their daughter loves her doll because it looks like mommy, and she can hug it when she misses mommy while she’s gone at the fire station.

too! She smiled. It broke my heart that she thought she had

7. How can our readership get involved in supporting

to be a boy to even be a firefighter. When she saw the doll,

your mission? How can we connect with you via social

she lit up like a Christmas tree. She said look mommy, she


looks like me. She was so excited. THIS is why I made the doll. Representation really matters.

It would be great if you could share the dolls with your readers and that by spreading the word about these dolls

I think these dolls will show and teach little girls that they

they can empower young girls all over the world. Show

can be anything! I want to change the old way of thinking

young girls and boys that women can be anything

and make women in the fire service just a normal sighting

they want to be, while helping firefighters in need.

around the world. 5. What are your hopes for the long-term impact of these dolls, both on an individual level for young girls and on

My social media is listed below. Facebook- @TripleFFabulousFemaleFirefighters

a broader societal scale?


#1: I am hoping these dolls will forever change the fire service.

tik tok-

I hope little girls see these dolls on the shelf and get excited because the doll looks like them. There are not a lot of female


firefighter items out there for kids or adults to see. When little


boys see these dolls, they won’t question a woman being a


firefighter anymore. This will change society. #2: My hope is that this doll will inspire young girls to become firefighters. “If they can see it, they can be it”. And little girls have real women role models to look up too besides the typical superhero characters.



Navigating Your Emotions In Relationships as an Empath

By Dipal Shah

Being an empath is a gift that brings unique challenges,

My parents' overprotective nature led me to believe that I was incapable of

especially when it comes to maintaining healthy relationships

making decisions for myself, and I allowed their opinions to dictate my choices.

with loved ones. Empaths are highly sensitive individuals who

Similarly, I encountered difficulties in my marriage, often feeling overwhelmed

have an innate ability to feel and absorb the emotions of others.

by my husband's beliefs, thoughts, and actions leaving little room for my own

While this can create deep emotional connections, it can also lead to emotional overwhelm and a struggle to preserve one's

Recognizing the impact this was having on my emotional health, I embarked

own well-being. There are 3 people in you life who will trigger

on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. I realized the importance of

you, love you, support you and dishearten you.

setting boundaries and learning to speak up for myself. I learned that asserting

This is where empaths need some control and I am going to show you just how to do that. In my journey as an empath, I discovered that my relationships with my husband, parents, and children were unique and required different approaches to maintain harmony. In my

my needs and preferences was not selfish, but crucial for maintaining my emotional balance and preserving my well-being. It was a challenging process, but as I started voicing my thoughts and opinions, I began to feel more empowered and found that my relationships became more balanced and fulfilling.

early years, I found myself playing the role of a people-pleaser,

As an empath, I discovered that each relationship required a unique approach.

always eager to meet everyone's expectations but neglecting

With my parents, I had to learn to appreciate their concern while asserting

my own emotional needs.


emotional well-being.

my independence and decision-making abilities. It was essential to communicate my boundaries clearly, allowing them to understand that I valued their input but needed the space to make my own choices. In my marriage, open communication played a pivotal role. I began expressing my feelings and needs to my husband, enabling him to understand the emotional impact of his actions on me. This fostered a deeper emotional connection, as he became more mindful of my sensitivities, and I felt more secure in our relationship. And last but not least as a mother, I realized that my empathic nature heightened my intuition and connection with my children. I could sense their emotions even before they spoke about them. While this was a precious gift, it also presented challenges as I sometimes absorbed their negative emotions, leading to emotional exhaustion. To establish healthy relationships with my children, I had to develop a delicate balance between emotional connection and self-preservation. I practiced grounding techniques to release any absorbed energies, enabling me to maintain my emotional stability. I also encouraged


My parents' overprotective nature led me to believe

that I was incapable of making decisions for myself, and I allowed their opinions to dictate my choices. Similarly, I encountered difficulties in my marriage, often feeling

overwhelmed by my husband's beliefs, thoughts, and actions leaving little room for my own

open communication with my children, teaching them to express

emotional well-being.

their emotions and needs while learning to set their own boundaries. Here are my favorite tips specifically tailored for empaths to balance emotional connection and self-preservation in their relationships: 1) Embrace Nature as a Nurturer: As an empath, nature can be your sanctuary and source of renewal. Spend intentional time in natural settings to recharge your emotional energy. Whether it's walking

with yourself, strengthen your intuitive insights, and cultivate self-preservation.

barefoot on the grass, sitting by a flowing river, or hugging a tree,

5) Engage in Energetic Cord Releasing: Regularly perform energetic

connecting with nature can ground you and cleanse your energy field.

cord releasing exercises to cleanse yourself from emotional

2) Create an Energetic Sanctuary: Designate a space in your home as an energetic sanctuary. Decorate it with calming elements, such as soothing colors, soft textures, and objects that hold positive

attachments that drain your energy. Visualize cutting energetic cords with love and compassion, freeing yourself from any emotional entanglements that do not serve your highest good.

energy for you. This sacred space can serve as a refuge where you

Being an empath in relationships can be both rewarding and

can retreat and rejuvenate when feeling overwhelmed.

challenging. By recognizing the importance of establishing

3) Practice Intuitive Eating: Empaths often absorb emotional energy through their food choices. Practice intuitive eating by mindfully selecting foods that resonate positively with your body and energy. Pay attention to how different foods make you feel emotionally and physically, allowing your intuition to guide your dietary choices. 4) Set Intentional "Me-Time" Rituals: Create personalized "me-time" rituals that honor your empathic nature. Engage in activities that bring you joy, whether it's journaling, painting, dancing, or simply sitting quietly in meditation. These rituals will help you reconnect

boundaries, embracing open communication, and prioritizing self-care, empaths can achieve a balance between emotional connection and self-preservation in all their relationships. Building healthy connections with parents, spouses, and children allows empaths to harness the power of their empathic nature while maintaining their emotional well-being. Empaths should have the unique ability to create profound emotional connections while honoring their own needs, leading to fulfilling and harmonious relationships. 


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