2024 Spring Issue

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Exercises for Women Office Workers



FROM THE EDITOR Dear Vision Made Magazine Readers, I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. As the Editor-in-Chief of Vision Made Magazine, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our latest edition. In today's fast-paced world, finding balance and prioritizing wellness has become more important than ever. That is why our team at Vision Made Magazine has dedicated this issue to exploring the intersection of wellness and personal growth. We believe that true success and fulfillment can only be achieved when we take care of our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Through captivating articles, inspiring interviews, and expert insights, we aim to guide you on a journey towards holistic wellness. From mindfulness and self-care, we have curated content that will empower you to make positive changes in your life. But what's wellness without a little indulgence? That's where wine comes into play. We understand that enjoying a glass of wine can be a delightful part of a wellrounded lifestyle. In this edition, we delve into the world of wines and the health

BOOK ON THE SHELF Here are my recommended books for the season. Check these out and join me on my podcast for more in depth discussion.

benefits of moderate wine. At Vision Made Magazine, we strive to bring you the best of both worlds - a comprehensive approach to wellness and the appreciation of life's little pleasures. We believe that by embracing both, you can achieve a state of harmony and fulfillment.

THE GARDEN WITHIN In this game-changing book, trauma therapist and mental health expert Dr. Anita Phillips reveals how embracing emotion is the key to living your most powerful life. Just as gardens thrive in good ground, the abundant life you’ve been seeking can only be grown in the soil of your heart.

I would like to express my gratitude to our talented team of writers, photographer and designers for their dedication in bringing this edition to life. Their passion and expertise shine through each page, and I am confident that you will find this magazine a valuable resource on your journey towards a balanced and enlightened life. As always, I encourage you to actively engage with our content, share your thoughts, and let us know how we can continue to serve you better. Your feedback is invaluable to us. Thank you for being a part of the Vision Made Magazine community. Together, let's embrace wellness, indulge in the pleasures of life, and create a vision of a brighter and more fulfilling future. Wishing you health, happiness, and endless possibilities. Warm regards, Pamela Stone Editor-in-Chief Vision Made Magazine

NOTHING IS MISSING A MEMOIR OF LIVING BOLDLY Ever felt like something’s missing in your life? Dive into Nicole’s journey and uncover the truth about your own inherent value and potential.

EDITOR IN CHIEF Pamela Stone | ART & DESIGN Rhian Tomassetti | CONTENT EDITOR Vision Made Magazine Staff| CONTACT Visionmademagazine@gmail.com


CONTENTS 4 Vision Made Out & About

5 Create Your Vision Board

6 Personal Roadmap to Self-Improvement

Editor's Note | Book on the Shelf


Page of Reflection


EMPOWHER WORLD 8 Soulful Soft Life of Tweety 10 Desires of the Heart 12 Behind the scene of Little Give TV EMPOWHER HEALTH Healthy Living Healthy Life


Get Up and Move: Exercises you can do at the office



10 Desires of the Heart Understanding the mind vs. heart connection or missed connection.

4 Ways to Come to Terms with Your True Self


It's Time to Embrace the Power of Belief


4 Tiny Habits to Break Procrastination


EMPOWHER BUSINESS Vision Made Magazine is a captivating , motivating and inspiring magazine that is themed around the concept of vision boards. It showcases a power powers, thoughtprovoking articles, and personal stories that is targeted to ignite and manifest the dreams, goals, and aspirations of the readers. With a focus on self-discovery, growth, and visualization, Vision Made Magazine serves as a powerful tool for individuals looking to harness the power of their dreams and turn them into reality.


Business Directory


Sittin’ with TV Host Kelby King


Harmony & Vines: Interview with Stephanie B.


Building a Summit


Envision Me Talk Show Vision Made TV Streaming channel Channels that can be seen on Vision Made TV Envision Me Talk Show A Moment of Motivation Wellness and Fitness with Coach Pamela








"Where dreams become reality, and every step forward is a testament to the power of belief and determination."




Building a Vision Board: Your Personal Roadmap to Self-Improvement There's a universal truth about success – it’s easier to reach your goals when you can clearly envision them. Enter vision boards. These are potent visualization tools that encapsulate your dreams, hopes, and ambitions in tangible form, empowering you on your journey of self-improvement. Wondering how to create one? Read on as we provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to build your vision board.

Step 1: Reflect and Define your Goals The first step involves some soul-searching. What are your personal goals and ambitions? Take some time to reflect and decide what you want to manifest in different aspects of your life – it can range from health, career, relationships to personal development. Be as specific as possible; your clarity will pave the path for the subsequent steps. Write down everything that comes to your mind. This list is your primary guide.

Step 2: Gather Your Materials Once you have a list of your aspirations, you'll need the following tools: 1. A poster board, cork board or any large paper to place your images. 2. Magazines, printed pictures, quotes or

Step 3: Look for Visual Representations Flick through your stack of magazines or scroll through the internet to find images and words that represent your goals. Keep your list in mind but also allow your instinct to guide you. When a particular picture resonates with you and aligns with your goals, include it in your collection.

Step 4: Create a Layout Before you begin to glue, arrange the cut-out images and words on your board. Designing your layout first gives you an overview of how the vision board will look. Play around until you find a layout that feels right - the most significant goals can be in the center or at the top, and the supporting ones scattered around.

anything that aligns with your goals. 3. Adhesives (glue or pins). 4. Optional: embellishments such as glitter, stickers or fabric to make it aesthetically pleasing.

Step 7: Use your Vision Board Simply creating a vision board won’t materialize your goals overnight. But when viewed consistently and mindfully, the board serves as a potent reminder of your life's aspirations, motivating you to strive towards them relentlessly. Remember, a vision board is a tool for inspiration, not just a craft project.

Step 5: Assemble your Vision Board Start gluing or pinning your items onto your board. Remember, there’s no right or wrong way. Let the board reflect your style. This is your journey and you get to decide what works best for you.

Step 6: Place your Vision Board Strategically After your vision board is assembled, place it somewhere you’ll see every day. This keeps your goals constantly in mind, reinforcing your aspirations, and driving you to action.

Building a vision board is more than just a fun activity, it is a journey towards self-discovery. Through the process of creating it, you understand what you truly desire in life and start visualizing it. Keep revisiting your vision board regularly, let it motivate you and very soon, you’ll start witnessing the transformation in yourself. Good luck on your journey towards self-improvement!





Soulful Soft Life of Tweety interview with (Tee) Elitou

Q: Can you tell us about yourself and your BrownStyle? My name is Tweety Elitou, and I am the Editor-in-Chief of BrownStyle Magazine— a lifestyle and luxury magazine for women of color (WOC) who want to unlock a Soulful Soft Life. I was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA. Growing up, I was fortunate to have amazing parents who supported my dreams of being in the media industry. When I turned 13, I started one of the first fashion and beauty blogs written by a teen called Young, Hip, and Chic. While running my Onsugar (an affiliate of PopSugar) blog, I had the fabulous opportunity to sit front and second row during New York Fashion Week at shows like Noon by Noor, Mark & Estelle, Cole Haan, and more. This was back when NYFW was under the tents and when I say it was an experience, it was an experience! #IYKYK When I turned 18, I retired from my blog and began to invest in my education and expand my writing from fashion and beauty to lifestyle in general. During my time as a freelance writer, I wrote for publications like XoNecole, InStyle, CosmoGirl, and Women.com— just to name a few! However, it was an article in BET that took my career to the next level. I had a fantastic time working at BET! In six years, I advanced from Junior Writer to Senior Lifestyle Editor. I learned so much and met so many wonderful people. Although it was filled with amazing highlights and fun experiences, I soon found myself fatigued with the non-stop hustle culture of the corporate world. I felt like the world was whizzing by me. I didn’t know it yet, burnout was looming around the corner. Thankfully, I decided to slow down or I think I would have truly regretted it. After countless conversations about self-care and soft living during the pandemic, my sister Emerald [Elitou] and I came together with the idea to design an online publication that served as a communal vision board for WOC who want to live a Soulful Soft Life. In September 2023, we launched BrownStyle Magazine! Q: Prior, you worked at BET among a wide range of other publications. What inspired the creation of BrownStyle Magazine? Was it a specific moment in time that prompted the vision and need or was it a gradual realization of your purpose and mission? Though several reasons inspired the launch of BrownStyle Magazine, burnout stood out as the primary motivator. At BET, my day was consumed with keeping up with social media, celebrity news, and other topics. It left me with little to no time to prioritize my self-care and wellness routines. I was losing out on special moments with my family and friends. I was someone who never took a day off and I finally came to a point where I was exhausted. It wasn’t until I took off for two weeks that I noticed how much peace comes with slowing down and living in the moment. During my brief break, I was able to truly experience the “soft life” that we’ve all heard so much about. I had no idea I was stressed, but in those short amount of days, I found myself able to relax my shoulders. After conversations with other professional women, I soon realized I wasn’t the only one who found peace in a softer lifestyle. It was that we just weren’t talking about it. It instantly clicked that we needed a space that reminded us that it’s okay to take off our superhero cape and slow down sometimes. We needed a community that encouraged us through conversation to define our own soft life— whatever that may look like. BrownStyle Magazine is a reflection of this need!


Q: The term "soulful soft life" is mentioned in your mission. in a small tip or strategy, how can someone begin the journey to living a soulful, soft life? At BrownStyle Magazine, we believe your “Soulful Soft Life” is up to you to define. For some, it’s all about meditation, journaling, and lighting a candle when they need a moment of peace. For others, it’s all about traveling the world, meeting new people, and enjoying a solo date at their favorite restaurant without feeling the need for company. As you can see, it’s all about finding what makes you happy. Love the spa? Book that appointment! Does your soft life consist of a home filled with your favorite decor? Go for it! Q: Here at Vision Made Magazine, we are intensely passionate about the value of Vision Boards. At BrownStyle, you, too have an affinity for Vision Boards because your magazine serves as a communal vision board for women of color, incorporating the elements of S.O.U.L. (Self-care, Opulence, Unity, Love). Why did you select those specific elements? What is the symbolism? No matter how your vision board looks, it will always include elements of selfcare, opulence, unity, and love. Who doesn’t want to have a soft life that allows time to prioritize your self-care routine? Who doesn’t want opulence in their lifestyle? And love and unity…it’s the core of soft living. Since we launched BrownStyle Magazine in September, we’ve spoken to a long list of professional women of color who all use S.O.U.L (Seulf-care, Opulence, Unity, Love) as pillars to living their Soulful Soft Life. Our platform is truly a vision board! Q: What is next for you and Brownstyle? How can our readership follow along and support you? We are excited about 2024! We have so much planned for our beautiful supporters— from in-person events to podcasts and digital content that speaks to the mind, body, and soul. Be sure to follow us on all platforms (@brownstyle) to stay updated!

Subscribe Today As low as $12 a year visionmade.biz/vision-made-magazine


Desires of the Heart Interview with Tara Haislip

A topic that has been at the foundation of my growth for many years has been understanding the mind vs. heart connection or missed connection. As a kid, I’m sure you may be able to relate, I always knew with every fiber of my being when something was right. I didn’t question why or how. It was the adults that questioned the logic behind my desires as a child. Until I was about seven or eight years old, their questions never phased my internal compass. People say that seven years old is a magical age. Based on my experience as a seven-year-old, I have to agree. It was a time when I was more aware of the world around me as well as my intuitive gifts. Life felt more magical but it was a delicate balancing act. Being more in tune with the world around me meant I was tapping into an adult's questions about how and why. It was not long after seven that I too started to ask myself the same questions when I had the idea to do something I felt strongly about. The question of how gained so much momentum over the years that by the time I was an adult in the depths of my professional dance career, it had become a huge roadblock for me. This one little word created immense self-doubt about my career choice and the future I was forging as a professional dancer. I questioned my skills, my talent, and my ability to make it as a professional dancer. All because at every opportunity I asked how. I had been taught to rationalize every opportunity or potential opportunity with the how-tos and what-ifs in fifty different ways even before I knew if the opportunity would materialize. I killed the dream before it could become reality and then was disappointed the dream didn’t materialize. Into The Heart It wasn’t until my late twenties that I began to wonder where the seven-year-old me went. I wanted my wonderment and internal knowing back. I wanted to trust my gut instinct or intuition. I wanted to enjoy the journey. I didn’t want to kill my dreams with questions about how. I dove into traditional therapy which eventually led to holistic therapeutic practices. The holistic therapeutic practices led to practicing things like meditation, journaling, reiki, and reciting affirmations to help me shift my mindset out of a place of lack and into a place of abundance for where my life was in the present moment. The more I practiced my own combination of these tools the more I learned how to get out of my head and into my heart. What do I mean when I say get out of my head and into my heart? It started with meditation. I’m extremely calculated when it comes to making decisions. Except for an occasional wild hair. I used to spin around in my thoughts trying to rationalize an idea for months. Oftentimes, I talked myself right out of my desires and regretted it. The wild hair got me when I decided to leave corporate to pursue my dream of being a successful entrepreneur. Immediately, I began to question everything. For a few weeks, I instinctively thought, what the h- did I just do?! Followed by leaning on my therapeutic practices - meditation, journaling, and affirmations to help me stay grounded in my decision. A headspace meditation flipped and changed everything for me. I had been struggling to stop my thoughts during meditation which only frustrated me and led to me fidgeting for the entire meditation session.


Turn Down The Volume The mind is like a computer. It’s calculating, problem-solving, and coming up with solutions to the matter we’re asking about.However, with every new question comes fifty new outcomes that take you down a twenty-five-mile road that ultimately ends in some form of failure based on fear- a fear of the unknown. Even though we may not be happy with our current situation, there may be a certain level of comfort in knowing the outcome of our every day. When we start to travel down that road of the unknown it is very easy to succumb to the fear of - what if I fail? When you, as I like to say, turn down the volume of your thoughts through breathing as mentioned earlier, you’re able to tap into your heart space or chakra in that relaxed state. Your heart chakra is connected to your sacral chakra which is the heart of your desires. It’s within the stillness of ourselves, the calming of our minds, that we’re able to see or feel the next step toward achieving our desire. No matter how many times you ask your intuition how it will give you the same answer every time. The more you practice getting out of your head and into your heart, you’ll start to ask yourself- what if I succeed? Over time, your childlike joy, and wonderment will return as you journey on your adventure toward your desire. Here are three tips for getting started on your practice for getting out of your head and into your heart: Tip #1. Sit in your favorite space. Tip #2. Practice breathing in the early morning or evening when your day is at its calmest. Tip #3. To start your practice, take only 1-2 minutes and notice the difference in how you feel.

JOIN Tara and The Grounded Community for more inspiration, access to summits, in-person events, and workshops to help in the advancement of finding and living your definition of work-life balance:


This particular headspace meditation explained that our minds are like cars on a six-lane highway. If we try to step out into traffic to control it, we create a massive pile-up. Instead, allow the cars (your thoughts) to pass by while focusing on your breathing, and whenever you find yourself following a car (thought) come back to your breathing. The longer you do this the slower the traffic (thoughts) become and you can relax. I was now able to slow down my thoughts to the point that I was able to start leaning into my intuition.


Behind the scene of Little Give TV Interview with Cindy Witteman

Cindy Witteman is a multi-faceted individual with a diverse set of roles, including being a business owner, three-time best-selling author, host of the "Little Give" TV Show, entrepreneur, non-profit startup coach, speaker, beekeeper, and the Founder/CEO of Driving Single Parents Inc. She's a passionate advocate for single parents and is dedicated to making a positive impact in their lives. Cindy's journey towards starting her own company and the non-profit that provides vehicles for single parents was a combination of gradual realization and specific moments. Her background as a single parent played a pivotal role in shaping her purpose. She recognized the challenges single parents face and saw the need for practical support to help them regain their independence. Over time, her purpose has deepened and expanded to empower single parents by putting them back in the driver's seat of their lives. You have been impacting and changing the lives of single parents for over six years now. Is there a particularly touching or impactful success story that stands out to you? One of the recent success stories that stands out is from 2020 when we provided Latieka with a vehicle to help her and her son on their journey to a more successful life. Since receiving the vehicle, Latieka graduated from college and significantly improved her financial situation. As she found herself on the path to success, she decided to join the Board of Directors at Driving Single Parents. Through her dedication and hard work, she played a pivotal role in our growth and improvement, eventually earning the position of VP of Philanthropy in 2023. Not only did she excel in her career, but she also found love and got married. With a stable foundation in place, she was able to purchase a new car and generously donated the original vehicle back to the nonprofit. In July 2023, that same vehicle brought blessings to another single-parent family, illustrating the profound ripple effect that can be achieved through the gift of giving. In addition to all of your amazing work, you are also a TV Host of the "Little Give" TV Show. With a focus on highlighting ordinary people doing extraordinary things, what motivated this initiative? The "Little Give" TV Show was motivated by Cindy's desire to showcase ordinary people doing extraordinary things to help others. She believes in the power of positive narratives and wanted to provide a platform where these uplifting stories could be shared and celebrated.


Choosing just one is a challenge! Among the remarkable individuals I've interviewed, April Chang, the Founder of The Mitchell Chang Foundation, stands out. The Chang family faced the devastating loss of their 3-year-old son in a tragic drowning incident at a San Antonio swim school. Despite their grief, they chose to transform this heart-wrenching tragedy into a beautiful, custom, all-inclusive playground at a local park. The depth of kindness and compassion expressed in this interview was so moving that it nearly brought tears to Cindy's eyes multiple times during the conversation.


What is the best story you've ever had the pleasure of sharing via your show?

With all of the negativity in our media and world, how do you believe "Little Give" changes the narrative on media to provide an uplifting, positive voice. How do you intentionally curate that experience for your audience and guests? "Little Give" changes the media narrative by focusing on uplifting, positive stories that inspire hope and change. Cindy intentionally curates the experience for her audience by seeking out and sharing stories of kindness, generosity, and selflessness. By highlighting these stories, the show provides a refreshing alternative to the negativity often found in the media. What goals or projects are upcoming for you? If someone wanted to get involved with your nonprofit organization or support the cause, what are the ways they can contribute or participate in your mission to help single parents regain their independence? In October 2023, Cindy Witteman released her latest book, "Is Manifesting Bullshit?," which rapidly achieved international bestseller status. Concurrently, she launched the "Is Manifesting Bullshit Podcast," where she continues to conduct interviews with individuals worldwide, whether they identify as skeptics, believers, or possess their own manifesting stories to share. Looking forward to 2024, Cindy has three upcoming book projects in the works, and she is actively involved in bringing more nonprofit organizations as guests on the "Little Give TV Show." Currently, Cindy is passionately engaged in assisting individuals from around the globe in unlocking their full potential through manifestation coaching, life and confidence coaching, and nonprofit startup coaching. Upcoming goals and projects for Cindy include further expanding the impact of her non-profit organization, Driving Single Parents Inc. Those interested in getting involved or supporting the cause can contribute by donating, sponsoring a giveaway or even spreading the word about the organization's mission to help single parents regain their independence. They can visit the website DrivingSingleParents.org to learn more about how to get involved and make a difference.

The Overwhelming Need The pressing need is evident. For single parents who have potentially experienced life-altering circumstances, the journey is already challenging. Without reliable transportation, the prospects of improving one's education and financial standing can seem nearly insurmountable. A common misconception is that government assistance is available to aid those in need of transportation, but this is not the case. Currently, there is no government support for individuals in this regard.


Healthy Living Healthy Life Healthy Living Questions 1. What activities or practices do you engage in to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being? 2. How do you ensure that you are getting enough rest and relaxation in your daily routine? 3. What are some strategies you use to manage stress and prevent burnout? 4. How do you practice self-compassion and self-acceptance in your daily life? 5. What hobbies or activities bring you joy and help you recharge? 6. How do you set boundaries and prioritize your own needs in your relationships and interactions with others? 7. What are some ways you practice mindfulness and stay present in the moment? 8. How do you nurture and care for your physical health, including exercise, nutrition, and self-care rituals?

Welcome to Vision Made Magazine-EmpowHer Health, where we believe that a healthy body and mind are the foundation for living a vibrant and fulfilling life. In this fast-paced world, it's easy to neglect our well-being, but we're here to inspire and guide you on your journey towards a healthier lifestyle. Healthy living is not just about following strict diets or intense workout routines; it's about finding balance in all aspects of our lives. It's about nourishing our bodies with nutritious food, engaging in physical activity that we enjoy, and prioritizing self-care to nurture our mental and emotional well-being. In each issue of Vision Made Magazine, you'll find expert advice, practical tips, and inspiring stories that will empower you to make positive changes in your life. From simple steps to incorporate more movement into your daily routine, to stress management techniques and strategies for maintaining a healthy work-life balance, we cover it all. Join us as we explore the various dimensions of healthy living, including nutrition, fitness, self-care, mindfulness, and much more. Together, let's embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. Get ready to transform your vision of what it means to live well.



Get Up and Move: 3 Simple Chair Exercises for Women Office Workers Office life for most women means spending long hours sitting at their desks. Long bouts of sitting are not just bad for your posture, but also significantly increase your risk of obesity, heart disease, and other serious health conditions. But the good news is, you can easily overcome these health hazards by practicing a few simple exercises right in the comfort of your office chair. Let’s get to know these effective workouts: 1. Chair Squats Firstly, Chair Squats! One of the easiest and effective exercises, chair squats help tone the thighs and glutes, perfect for those aiming for the best desk-to-dinner date look. Instructions: Stand in front of your chair, keep your feet shoulder-width apart. Push your hips back and lower yourself down until you touch the chair, do not actually sit. Keep your knees in line with your feet. Now, stand up straight. Try to repeat this for about 15-20 times during your short work break. 2. Desk Push-ups Not as intimidating as they sound, Desk Push-ups can help you target your arms, chest, and shoulders without hitting the gym. Instructions: Stand at your desk, keeping your arms length distance. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on the edge of the desk a bit wider than shoulder-width. Lower your body towards the desk. Push your body back up till your arms are straight but not locked. Try doing sets of 10 push-ups, two or three times a day. 3. Seated Leg Raises Our next exercise, Seated Leg Raises, not only tone your leg muscles but also strengthens your lower abs without making you sweat. Instructions: Sit up straight in your chair. Straighten your left leg out and hold for 10 seconds. Lower it down without letting your feet touch the floor. Repeat this with the other leg. Keep doing the alternate leg raises for about 10 times with each leg. Squeeze in these workouts throughout your workday and you'll find yourself feeling more energized, productive, and stress-free, without sacrificing your precious time. Remember, a few simple movements can go a long way in maintaining your overall health. It's important to note that all these exercises can and should be adjusted to individual fitness levels. It is crucial to maintain the correct form to prevent injuries. If at any point you feel discomfort, please stop immediately. We understand how taxing a nine to five office job can be. But no matter how busy your schedule, there is always room to move. So, ladies, let's turn those work chairs into your workout tool and bring in some action amidst all that typing and swiping. You'll feel and see the difference guaranteed. Here's to a healthier you!



4 Ways to Come to Terms with Your True Self

As human beings, we all have moments when we are unhappy with who we are, what we have achieved in life, or the direction in which we are heading. But coming to terms with your true self is essential for your personal growth and wellbeing. Accepting yourself for who you are can boost your confidence and help you capitalize on your innate skills for your own benefit and the benefit of others. Accepting yourself for who you truly are can also boost your confidence and help you take advantage of your innate skills for your own benefit and that of others as well. Try these strategies to achieve contentment with the skin you are in: 1. Know that you are special. It is important that you look at the person you are as a beautiful creation. You were not made this way by mistake. Your beliefs, likes, and dislikes are all part of a magnificent design. 2. Look at the bright side. Often, you feel that someone else’s situation is better than yours because they have more, seem to be happier, or appear better off than you. But if you take a moment to look at the circumstances of others who are "less blessed" than you are, you will realize that there is a bright side to your life. Do you know anyone who could not find work for so long that they have given up on it? Is there anyone around you who is suffering the pain of losing a loved one? When was the last time you noticed how many homeless people live under the freeway? 3. Consider your accomplishments. Throughout your life, you have probably achieved lots of things, both personally and professionally. Whether you accomplished a stronger bond with your parents, or completion of a project that won your workplace a new contract, those things all took place while you were in the skin, you are in today. Remember that the person who has those accomplishments is the true you – you did it with your own strength, abilities,and sensibilities. You are a winner in your own right by merit of what you have accomplished, and no one can take those victories away from you. 4. Avoid underestimating yourself. One important factor that may be causing you to feel less than happy with who you are and where you are in life is the fact that you may be underestimating yourself. It is possible that you do not have what you want because you have not really tried to get it! Instead of wishing you had what somebody else has, why not put some thought into how you can achieve it for yourself? Make a detailed plan of achievable steps to get what you want. Stop and consider that there is really nothing separating you from your goals because you have what it takes to work towards them. Remember that you were created with unique talents and skills, and you can create a fulfilling life for yourself. By accepting yourself for who you truly are, focusing on the positive, recognizing your accomplishments, and avoiding underestimating yourself, you can come to terms with your true self and design the life that you want.

FIND ME AT: Instagram/Facebook/LinkedIn @Pearl Chiarenza Podcast: YouTube/Spotify @Conversations with Pearl ON MY WEBSITE AT: WSLiving.com



by Shannon Jackson


It's Time to Embrace the Power of Belief We all experience moments in life where we feel stuck, hopeless, and lost. Doubting ourselves. Doubting our dreams. The feature appears bleak. But if we take a step back and really look at our situation, we can start to see the power of belief. In my life, I recall a time when I was a teenage, single parent of two children, feeling suffocated and stuck in a cycle of hopelessness. I didn’t understand who I was or what my purpose in life was. One day, a profound moment occurred. God touched my mind and healed my heart, igniting within me the transformative power of belief. I began to discover the deep effects of belief in my own life. Reflecting on the beliefs daily, I was propelled off welfare and into a journey of personal growth and success. At the age of 22, I achieved my dream of becoming a registered nurse. It feels like a lifetime ago, but the lessons I learned during that time continue to inspire me to this day. Embracing the power of belief is a journey that can lead us towards personal growth, success, and fulfillment. Life’s challenges and setbacks can be transformed into stepping stones towards greatness. Through a few easy to implement and simple steps, we can all remember to embrace the power of belief. Through acknowledging the darkness, rediscovering self-belief, setting realistic goals, cultivating a resilient mindset, and surrounding ourselves with support, we can tap into our true potential. Life's challenges and setbacks can be transformed into stepping stones towards greatness. Let us all remember to embrace the power of belief. Belief is a powerful force to unlock potential and reach your goals. When we believe in ourselves, we tap into a deep, internal well of courage, ambition, and strength. Breaking through our self-imposed barriers, we achieve things we never dreamed or thought possible. There's no denying that our beliefs shape our lives. They dictate how we think. The choices we make. But what is belief? Simply put, belief can be defined as our faith in ourselves and our convictions. It’s the power we have to create our own reality. Although the power of belief is not a new concept, it’s often overlooked or undervalued. We are told to be realistic within our expectations. To not get our hopes up. But this type of thinking only serves to limit us and keep us from accessing our full potential. Belief can help us overcome obstacles and become more successful; inspiring us to take risks and make bold moves. It can help us stay focused and motivated when the going gets tough. And it can give us the confidence to take action and get things done. Let’s walk through some of the steps and strategies for embracing the power of belief and making positive changes within your life.

Believe you can and you're halfway there. -Theodore Roosevelt.

I. Acknowledging the Darkness During our journey through life, there are times when we may find ourselves confronted by darkness. These moments can manifest as personal failures, setbacks, or the weight of societal expectations. It's crucial to acknowledge these difficulties rather than avoiding or ignoring their existence. Embracing the darkness allows us to dig deep within ourselves and find the resilience needed to push forward. II. Rediscovering Self-Belief One of the first steps on the path of embracing the power of belief is rediscovering self-belief. As we face challenges, doubt clouds our thinking. It causes us to question our abilities and potential. However, by reminding ourselves of past accomplishments,talents, and strengths, we can reignite the spark of self-belief within us. It’s essential to surround ourselves with positive influences, affirmations, and support systems to nurture our confidence. III. Setting Realistic Goals Having dreams and aspirations is essential. However, it’s equally crucial to set realistic goals along the way. Breaking down our bigger dreams into smaller, actionable steps not only makes them more attainable but also builds a sense of progress and achievement. By setting achievable goals, we can maintain focus and momentum, which further fuels our belief in ourselves and our dreams. IV. Cultivating a Resilient Mindset Throughout our journey, we will inevitably face roadblocks, failures, and disappointments. To embrace the power of belief, it’s necessary to cultivate a resilient mindset. Resilience allows us to bounce back from setbacks and view our failures as opportunity for growth. We take valuable lessons along the way. Nurturing a resilient mindset involves practicing self-compassion and developing a proactive problem-solving approach. V. Surrounding Ourselves with Support No one can achieve great things alone. Surrounding ourselves with a supportive community is vital in embracing the power of belief. This support can come from friends, family, mentors, or even online communities. These individuals understand our dreams, provide encouragement, and provide guidance when we need it most. By surrounding ourselves with positive influences, we create a nurturing environment that fosters belief in ourselves and our abilities. As we approach the end of this year and prepare for a new one,let us remember to seek the strength to overcome adversity and reignite our dreams. Let’s forge a path of purpose and fulfilment. It's time to let go of self-doubt and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead. It's time to embrace the power of belief and unlock our true potential.


Four Tiny Habits to Break Procrastination by Julie DeLucca-Collins

I always knew that I wanted to write a book. I have loved writing all my life and figured it would be easy. As I got closer to completing the first few chapters, I started finding reasons not to work on the book It was always so easy to put it off until “later.” When I submitted my first draft to the editors and got their feedback, my procrastination became ever more pronounced. We all occasionally put off doing something. When waiting becomes a habit and pattern in our lives, it becomes a problem. I don’t feel like … I don’t want to … I’ll do it tomorrow… With the demanding and busy lives that many of us women have, these phrases naturally come out of our mouths sometimes! Especially when faced with a challenging task to be done. Procrastination happens to everyone, even those who are highly productive. Throughout my life, like many business owners, I have been known to suffer from procrastination. In the last few years, however, I have made great strides in overcoming this behavior. In my journey to become a more productive person, I began to gain the ability to recognize procrastination and the excuses that would creep up from time to time when a deadline was looming. Learning to beat procrastination using a calculated approach that included understanding why I procrastinate. Then, applying strategies to overcome and beat it! Procrastination is more than just poor time management or laziness. It often comes from negative emotions that keep us hostage from taking action. People put things off because they’re not in the right mood. Then they distract themselves with other tasks. Then when they realize their avoidance, feelings of guilt arise for wasting so much time. Your mood worsens because you feel guilty. Your task deadline gets closer. The cycle makes you feel worse. This continual loop of self-destructive behavior can only be broken when you discover what is causing you to procrastinate. Most of us experience guilt when we procrastinate. We know what we should do and what’s in our best interest, but we struggle to follow through, becoming our own worst enemies. The trick to beating procrastination is recognizing the habits and patterns that cause you to procrastinate and making changes that stop the behavior, even if difficult at first. Here are some reasons why you procrastinate and how it can be harmful. I want to dig deeper into recognizing your procrastination habits and patterns and finding ways to halt them. Why Do We Procrastinate? Fear of failure • Many people procrastinate because they are afraid of failing. They may feel that if they don’t try, they can’t fail, so they put off taking action. Lack of motivation • When people don’t feel motivated to do something, they may procrastinate instead of forcing themselves to take action. Overwhelm When faced with a large or complex task, it can be easy to become overwhelmed and unsure where to start. This can lead to procrastination.


Perfectionism People with high standards may procrastinate because they want to do things perfectly. They may feel it’s only worth doing something if they can do something perfectly.

Distractions • In today’s world, many distractions can lead to procrastination, such as social media, TV, and video games. Shortly after completing my book, I knew that I wanted to continue to overcome my procrastination tendencies. After reading the book Tiny Habits by Dr. BJ Fogg, I became a certified Tiny Habits Coach with the goal of stopping procrastination in its tracks. The Tiny Habits method is a simple and effective way to break bad habits and create new, positive ones. Developed by BJ Fogg, a behavior scientist at Stanford University, the method involves starting with small, easy-to-do habits that can be built upon over time. Here are the steps to using the Tiny Habits method to overcome procrastination: Step 1: Identify the Task You Want to Complete The first step in using the Tiny Habits method to overcome procrastination is identifying the task you want to complete. This could be anything from writing a report to cleaning the house. Once you have identified the task, break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. Step 2: Choose a Tiny Habit Next, choose a tiny habit related to the task you want to complete. This should be something that is easy to do and doesn’t take a lot of time. For example, if you want to write a report, your tiny habit could be to write one sentence. If you want to clean the house, your tiny habit could be to put away one item. Step 3: Anchor the Habit to an Existing Routine The next step is to anchor your tiny habit to an existing routine. This means choosing a time and place to make your tiny habit that is already part of your daily routine. For example, if you want to write a report, you could write one sentence after opening up your computer for the first time in the morning. If you want to clean the house, you can put away one item whenever you walk into a room. Step 4: Celebrate Your Success Finally, celebrate your success every time you complete your tiny habit. This could be as simple as saying “Good job!” to yourself or doing a little happy dance. By celebrating your success, you reinforce the habit and make it more likely that you will continue doing it. Over time, you can build upon your tiny habit and make it bigger and more challenging. For example, start by writing one sentence and gradually increase to writing a paragraph or a page. By starting small and building up gradually, you will find that you too can overcome procrastination, leading to confidence in all areas of your life. To learn more about my methods or book a complimentary coffee call, visit: www.goconfidentlycoaching.com


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Sittin’ with TV Host Kelby King Who is Kelby King? Do you have a few hours? LOL. First and foremost, I am a proud mother of three beautiful children. They are my entire world and a big source of inspiration for me. The other part of my world is my husband of nine years, my parents, and all those who have impacted my life in one way or another. The part of me that gets into trouble is my constant, nagging mind that is always coming up with new ideas, goals, and projects. Trust me, when I turn to my family and say, “You know what we could do?”...they all start running! There are just too many things that I want to accomplish in life. The other defining part of me is the amount of care I have for others. I believe this is why I have had success interviewing all the amazing people on my TV show; they are incredibly inspiring and their stories completely move me. I laugh with them. I cry with them. It is a journey. I want viewers to hear the stories and “go there” with me and experience the journey. That’s where the magic is. 2. You are a popular TV and Radio Host in Central Ohio who recently had the opportunity to interview Vision Made's CEO, Pam Stone. How did you begin your career in Broadcasting and Media?

I’ve been active in radio and TV broadcasting for years. I was a Director of Marketing and Public Relations for a majority of my career, so I commonly used television and radio as a marketing avenue because it reaches a lot of people. This is how I met so many people in broadcasting. The start of my TV show was actually on a whim, ironically. After filming one day at WMFD TV back in 2017, I had an off the wall conversation with a station employee, Jerry. I made a wisecrack about becoming the next big talk show host…you know, the next Kelly Clarkson, but on a local level. We both laughed out loud. ‘Yeah right. That wouldn’t happen to a girl like me.’ A few days later my phone rang and it was Jerry. He said, “You’re well known. What would you think about having your own talk show?” I think I laughed again. But I soon saw this as a chance to make a difference. A few weeks later, we had a concept for a new TV show, focusing on people with inspirational stories, achievements, and/or talents. It was time to celebrate people! Never in a million years did I think it would take off like it has. But my guests are incredible. Folks criticized the idea and told me I couldn’t do it. That’s the last thing you should tell me. I went into overdrive and used those words as fuel, which is something I’ve taught my children to do too. It’s been seven years since the first episode of "Sittin' Down with Kelby King" and I’ve worked really hard to make the show enjoyable and inspiring. 3. Shining a spotlight on your local community has to be intensely rewarding. Has there ever been a particular moment that stood out to you? A moment that made all of your hard work intensely worth it? The moment that stands out to me the most was at the premiere of the movie I wrote, “The Final Contestant” this past November. If you’ve ever written and produced a movie, you know what I’m talking about; it’s mind-numbing exhaustion from start to finish. I physically hurt from head to toe and could barely function through 11 intense days of filming. There were over 500 people at the premiere, all seeing the movie for the first time. As the writer, I was opening myself up to a lot of criticism and I feared what people would think of the film. I do that with my TV show too, but this was on another level. Why do I do this to myself? LOL. When the ending credits began scrolling after the movie, the entire room gave a standing ovation. You know, I just sat there in my seat, overcome. I had a great team working alongside me as it takes an army to create something of that magnitude. I was so proud of us all. I knew that the movie, which was about bullying, impacted a lot of people in that room. It was that moment when I knew my years of hard work, that mind-numbing exhaustion, was completely worth it. We all have a right to feel pride after achieving something so great. 4. Being an exceptional host is no accident. From extensive training to "reps." How do you keep yourself mentally and emotionally ready? Have you ever struggled with imposter syndrome or performance anxiety, and if so, how did you combat that? When I was a little girl, my father used to write small skits for my brother and I to perform in public. They were cute skits with funny punchlines. I remember worrying and thinking, “Nobody wants to see us perform these!” But, we did because we wanted to make our dad proud. I quickly became very familiar with standing in front of people and being in the spotlight. Thinking back, I’m very thankful that our dad made us do this as it kick-started my public speaking and performance skills at a very young age. Keeping mentally and emotionally ready as a TV host can be challenging. I’ve done it so much that I typically don’t struggle with performance anxiety. However, there have been a handful of guests over the years with content that was very hard for me to talk about. For instance, one of my guests lost his high school aged son. He was recommended as a guest and I agreed that the episode could show viewers how to find strength and inspiration after experiencing unfathomable loss. I struggled preparing for the show. I struggled filming the show, hiding it from viewers. As soon as the interview was over, I sat in my car and broke down crying like a baby. So many emotions. I am a mother of three and I was emotionally triggered throughout this interview. I will celebrate with my guests. I will laugh with my guests. And I will cry and mourn with my guests just as much.


5. We would be remiss if we did not mention your other creative endeavors! You recently produced an Anti-Bullying Film with a powerful message. What inspired you to shift into the world of production? Was it a gradual realization and extension of your purpose, or was it a moment of divine inspiration? I have always been a writer. I wrote my first book, if that’s what you call it, when I was around 9 years old. It was NOT good. LOL. As a child, I loved words in general and enjoyed putting them together to elicit emotion. Words are powerful. I was bullied as a young girl. I think most of us have been. I’ve always been very passionate about the issue and feel it can be overlooked, especially in schools. When my daughter was in high school, she came home with a candy bar with “Loser” written on it that had been left in her locker. Not funny. So after this instance, and all the other times my children were bullied, I sat down and started writing a story. It’s not a true story, but the emotions within the film are real. As for divine inspiration? I believe we’re all given a gift. We should discover that gift and use it to do good in the world. 6. If you could be remembered for one thing, what would you want to be remembered for? Well, of course I want to be remembered as a loving wife and mother who would do anything to help and protect her family. Those will be the people sitting next to me when it’s my time to leave this earth. But to those who are not closely connected to me, I want to be remembered for inspiring others, whether it’s through a TV episode, a movie, a book, public speech, or even a funny Facebook post. If I can positively impact or change just one person, then it’s all very much worth it. 7. Someone as multi-passionate as yourself must have a self-care and wellness routine to support the great work you do! What is your best wellness and self-care strategies for a busy, on-the-go lifestyle? It’s true, I’m constantly on the go and need the energy to keep going. Typically, I go on high speed until I crash and burn...I’ll admit it! Like, 100mph and then I crash into a wall. I’ve recently started consuming greens and superfoods each day as well as a supplement regimen. I can feel a difference. Unfortunately, with Covid Long Haul after a long bout with Covid pneumonia, I don’t get the aerobic exercise as much as I would like to as it’s physically too taxing. But, I’ve had to be creative to find alternate sources of self-care.

8. What is next for Kelby King? How can our viewership connect with you? Do you have another hour? LOL. I want to write another movie and I have several concepts in mind. I thoroughly enjoyed the mind-numbing, physical exhaustion filming the first one, so why not do a second?! LOL. I do want to write a book soon as well…a REAL book, not a book like I wrote when I was nine. I’ve had this goal for a long time, and I am inspired to see it through. Other than those personal goals, I will begin focusing hard on the public charity my son began. He’s a college baseball player and started “The ChangeUp Charity” to help financially burdened youth ball players the chance to play by offsetting associated costs. It’s just another way that I can help do some good out there in this crazy world. The easiest way for readers to connect with me is to find me on Facebook. I have a lot of people who reach out to me on social media who have a guest idea for my show. I’m on other social media outlets as well, but not very active. You can email me as well….kelbyking12@gmail.com.


Imposter Syndrome is real; I’ve struggled with this in the past. I think this is what keeps people from trying something new; afraid of being judged or feeling as if you’re not good enough. But you know what, you can’t put yourself “out there” without being judged in one way or another. It’s just part of it. Today, I actually love the “haters”. I don’t have many, but they’re out there. It’s time to focus on ourselves and have confidence in what we are capable of, rather than allowing those who are casting judgment to have the “say”...especially when they aren’t the ones in our shoes and taking that leap with us. So my advice? TAKE THE LEAP!


Harmony & Vines:

The Perfect Blend of Wellness and Wine with Coach Steph B

My name is Steph. I am half British- half French: born in the UK, raised in France and have lived, worked and traveled around the globe. I now live between Napa (California) and Narbonne (France) where I am pursuing my passion for wellness and wine. I have had an intense sports curriculum in my youth-- everything from Ballet Dancing to Snowboarding and Track and Field. Ironically, I used to hate running anything longer than 400 meters!! I say ironically because I was only when I was told I wouldn’t be able to run long distances that I turned my focus towards the marathon distance. After a 20 year dual career between corporate marketing and fitness training I had a burn out; and needed to take time out. It was during that time that I realized I needed to live with true purpose and intent, by helping myself and others to live a more balanced life. Thus, I did the work needed to brush up and recertify in all things fitness, wellness, nutrition as well as physiology to better understand biomechanics of the human body. Over the past decade, I supported women achieve their running goals through a balanced wellness based lifestyle with moderate wine consumption, as I believe these are not mutually exclusive: wellness doesn’t mean wineless!! Throughout this journey, I discovered how misunderstood wine education was by the rest of the world and how misrepresented women were in the wine world. My passion is to facilitate women access wellness, wine, and nourishing food in moderation without deprivation. 2. Your journey from corporate marketing to wellness coaching for women forty and beyond is incredible. What inspired you to make this shift? Was it a gradual realization of your purpose, or was it a specific moment in time that touched you? SB >> I think it was a little bit of both gradual realization and a couple of clear-cut specific moments. As mentioned, I had a burnout in 2013, that year I had healed my bulimia, discovered the marathon distance and taken on a new role as a VP for a large advertising agency. While I had healed my eating disorder in reality, I had shifted my problem with food to work and running. I was training too much, working too many late hours and sometimes taking conference calls through the night. One day, enough was enough. I needed a full reset: physical, mental, emotional. I was already committed to the Sydney marathon so I took the opportunity to test out different training methods, learning as much as possible along the way, all while doing the work of self-development. I discovered yoga, meditation, the power of plant-based foods. As I was going through this process, I realized I could become the “one stop shop” for women. I’d been there, done that, crashed, burnt and risen from the ashes-- so I could now share what I had learned and could tailor the process to each individual. 3. Life feels different when you are pursuing your purpose work. How has your life shifted since actualizing and realizing your dream? Oh my goodness, so much! When you are pursuing purpose work and you are in alignment, there is no more resistance. Everything feels smooth-- as if it was meant to be. The famous adage “Do what you love, love what you do and you will never work a single day in your life” is somewhat true. In fact, sometimes I get asked “Which day do you work? Which day do you take off?” I struggle to answer the questions because I feel everything is seamlessly integrated-- I don't need to process my schedule in a binary fashion now! But really there are 2 key messages I want to pass along here: First, is the importance of being in alignment with yourself, you have to know who you are, be clear on what are the building blocks to your wellbeing, your value system and adhere to it; Second, you have to understand that as living beings we are in constant evolution, so you have to remain open to change, opportunities and be able to adapt and evolve your purpose and your mission; 4. Your background in physiology and anatomy informs your work. How does this keen eye assist you in guiding women aged 40 and beyond toward empowerment in their fitness and health journey? Does your background impact the way you see both the world and your work? Every single body is unique. When I start working with someone I observe their movement patterns and how they move in space; from there, I am able to identify any imbalances that could be either a hindrance to progress or an injury precursor. As a result, I can then help women understand their body better and teach them what will facilitate access to their goals.Appreciating and loving themselves exactly the way they are. I teach people to celebrate their body, their personality, their achievements, and to unlock their true potential. Most women I start working with are barely tapping into 25% of their full potential. Preconceived ideas about why they can’t or should not or will not. A lot of the work we do is mindset based.


Wine Matters

Running Matters

The only downside of having an eagle eye for anatomy is when I see someone with poor posture, it makes me queasy. Especially if I see a runner with inefficient running form I want to chase them down to help them--haha!! Although I am getting better at ignoring such things, it is still hard when deep down you want to make the world a healthier and fitter place-- one body at a time.It drives my husband nuts as I am always commenting on his posture!!


Because of my history with injury, eating disorder, corporate career, and entrepreneurship I have the added advantage that I can identify or understand what women are going through. My background constantly fuels the work I do and the way I see the world. Because I know the warning signs, I've been able to work with a handful of women on the verge of burnout… and succeed In getting their life and health back on track!

5. As a culture, we are leaning toward a holistic approach to wellness. Do you have a specific tip or strategy that is particularly effective in empowering women to take charge of their health? How does running fit into the equation when we talk about a holistic approach to wellness? Having a holistic approach to wellness means you are looking at, and giving equal importance to, every aspect of your physical, mental and emotional health. From sleep, to hydration, nutrition, movement, laughter, work, you have to look at all the different components of your life. Effectively, study who you are as a person. To take charge of your health and feel empowered in the process the first thing is to be clear on why this is important for you and what exactly do you wish to achieve. I work with women who love to run, who enjoy wine, and who have a demanding career. Together we work on enabling them to function at their optimum performance level without ever risking being in the burn out zone. What I like about running is the positive effect on lifestyle and the transferrable skills it teaches you: It can be very meditative if you focus on your steps and breath which helps with your mental game; You can choose to be alone or in a group, community is important as is time to yourself; To run strong means you need to fuel your body and hydrate, as a result this makes wanting to choose healthy nourishing foods almost instinctive; Running provides a routine which requires discipline, commitment and planning which are transferrable skills to other areas of your life It’s a fun and very effective way to go site seeing and you can do it any where It promotes healthy sleep It’s a great excuse to get a massage and a pedicure: self-care is key! 6.You mentioned working alongside physical therapists and naturopaths to support your clients in running and living pain-free, both physically and mentally. Could you elaborate on some of the most common challenges women in their forties and beyond face in this regard? How do you address them? Once we hit our forties, we go through reverse teenage years physiologically. Our hormones go out of whack. Sometimes you wake up not recognizing your body. Chronic pain from old injuries seeps back in. Weight fluctuates uncontrollably. The list of challenges goes on! Observing movement patterns, identifying muscular imbalances and addressing chronic inflammation are the foundational building blocks of seeking better health. I have my clients fill an extensive intake form where I establish a fitness assessment encompassing mobility, balance, muscular strength, muscular endurance; we speak about lifestyle, habits, routines, work, nutrition, hydration, sleep, health history. Almost guaranteed after every session they leave having had an ah-ha moment, and after a few weeks I get messages such as “wow, I can run again pain free” or “can’t believe how I managed to ditch the bloat”. Usually it’s just a few tweaks here and there, in fact, that’s one of the little secrets I’ll share with you: In our 20s and 30s we’d hear things like “go big or go home." The opposite for our forties; what we need to be doing is “a tweak a week. " If you try to do everything all at once you’re not going to set yourself up to success, but if you start one element at a time then you can keep building on your progress. 6. How can our viewership connect with you and support your work? Is there anything new on the horizon for you? I would be delighted to connect with your audience! So much has happened in these past 6 months. e sold our NYC apartment and moved to Napa, California as I have been expanding the wine side of my business activity. You can go to the website www.stephbouv.com from there follow the menu: it’s my holistic website where you can then access all things fitness, wine matters etc. I recently co-authored a book “Don’t Wait in the Wings” where I talk about creating your own starting line to living your dreams. You can find the link to the e-book on my website! Anything new on the horizon? This is such a timely question, as a matter of fact there is, I have 2 new businesses, one in wine consulting and education (StephB Wine) and another along with a business partner (Tailor Made Tastings) which we are about to launch; but the big news of the week is I got word I was admitted into the Institute of Masters of Wine Study program as a Stage One MW Student (www.mastersofwine.org) which is to wine studies what the Everest is to mountaineering! If you are not familiar with the IMW’s work, I highly recommend you to check it out. It’s an enormous challenge! I am both extremely excited as well as terrified but I will give my all and do my best. It’s a long few years ahead of me but I am ready to work towards this next goal. I mentioned you must remain open to opportunities and your own evolution. My passion and purpose is to facilitate women'saccess to wine and wine education regardless of their background by creating greater awareness of the MW title. I have since been asked: “So does this mean you are quitting running?” And the answer is no! Everything I have mentioned here is going to be key in enabling me to succeed: finding balance, leading a holistic wellness lifestyle, transferring the skills developed through running and leveraging running as my go to sport to keep me strong, fit and healthy physically, emotionally, mentally. The only difference is I will be taking time away from long distances and focusing on shorter distances, shorter workouts; what I trade out in time though I will trade back in with interval training, power work and higher frequency. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to share my story, my experience and please keep in touch, I’d love to share my journey with you.


Building a Summit

1) When I was just 15 years old, I had my first taste of what it means to be a connector. My mother introduced me to Steve Wynn, the renowned casino mogul. Back then, I didn't fully grasp the significance of this encounter, but it all clicked when I was 19 and in pursuit of an internship in the fashion industry. I leveraged this invaluable connection to secure my entry into Ralph Lauren's Paris office. The rest of my life, I was able to leverage every connection I made to help myself and others. 2) The idea behind BossTalks stemmed from my own struggle to find female mentors when I embarked on my entrepreneurial journey. In 2014, I initiated a speaker series in Los Angeles, running for six years, where accomplished women shared their entrepreneurial journeys, warts and all. During this time, I observed that many women faced the same challenges I had encountered – a lack of mentors, limited access to capital, and difficulty making the right connections for success. BossTalkswas born out of this pressing need for support among women. My ultimate objective has always been to empower women to connect with one another and seize opportunities, understanding that women play a pivotal role in driving economies and can collectively enhance the global economic landscape. 3) The primary mission of the Building a Boss Summit in Tampa, Florida, on March 2nd, 2024, is to equip women with the connections, mentorship, and educational resources necessary for success in both their personal and business endeavors. This event will serve as a platform for women to create meaningful opportunities, not just locally in Tampa but also on a broader scale. The summit promises a unique experience that sets it apart from typical events. 4) Attendees can anticipate immersive learning experiences with workshops and panel sessions, lunch and learn sessions and keynotes with top women entrepreneurs, covering topics like mindset, leadership, PR, branding, marketing, productivity, and community building. With 23 inspiring speakers, our intimate event fosters deeper connections and greater opportunities for all participants. 5) At our events, connections take center stage. Upon entering the venue, attendees will have the chance to meet women from various backgrounds and stages in their careers and businesses. Every woman present, including our esteemed speakers, is committed to sharing their knowledge and connections with fellow attendees. This summit offers access to an extraordinary network of women you might not encounter elsewhere. 6) The overarching theme of the event is "reinvention." Women possess the incredible ability to run businesses, manage households, and be mothers – we're natural multi taskers. Each speaker, from keynote presenters to panelists and workshop hosts, has their own story of reinventing themselves. Personally, I've undergone numerous reinventions in both my life and business, but my core mission remains unchanged: connecting women to one another and to opportunities. Attendees will leave with actionable tools and a profound sense of connection. Our speakers won't just talk; they'll provide the keys to success. 7) Women from all over the country are converging on Tampa for this event. To all Vision Made Media readers and supporters, we're offering a 15% off discount on tickets with the code "Vision15". You can register and find more information about Building a Boss Summit on our website www.buildingabosssummit.com


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For digital ads please submit artwork files in 72 dpi, RGB format Word documents are NOT accepted Ads sent in are subject to final approval by the Chamber Business Connection magazine editing staff

VISIONMADE TV ADS Starting at $75+


MARCH 29,2024

Celebrating the Legacy of Women in Politics Honoring Congresswoman Joyce Beatty with the WomeNomic$ Legend History Maker Award for political excellence. Join us in paying tribute to women pioneers in politics. These are the women who have significantly impacted our nation. Be part of our gathering which includes lunch, an exclusive Keynote speech by the esteemed Ray Miller, and a celebration dedicated to the significant role of women in politics. ADMISSION

cy of Celebrating the Lega Women in Politics


Lunch & Reception

The WomeNomic$ Awards


Get Your Face on the Back Cover of Vision Made Magazine Full Payment Required: To secure a spot for your face on the back cover of Vision Made Magazine, a full payment should be made for either of the two options: $500 for the cover and logo on social media, or $700 for the cover, logo, and 2 page spread. Quality Images: High-quality professional photographs should be provided by the person seeking to advertise on the back cover. If you do not have professional photos we have partners who can take your picture for you. Information and Content for 2-Page Spread: If you've selected the $700 option, we will need all the required content for your 2-page spread. This may include a business bio, product/service description, or company mission. All content must be truthful and align with Vision Made Magazine's principles. Artwork for Logo: For the logo to be featured on the magazine's back cover and/or social media, provide high-quality, scalable digital artwork files. Your logo must be in a format acceptable for print and digital media, ideally vector EPS, AI or high resolution JPEG. Approvals: Advertiser must be available for approving final designs/layouts before printing deadline. Legal Restrictions: The advertiser assumes responsibility for all content provided and agrees to adhere to any legal regulations associated with their advertisement. This includes having appropriate rights and permissions for any images, logos, and content used. Directory Listing and Website: Along with the back cover feature, your business information will be included in the magazine's directory and on the Vision Made Magazine's website.


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