The Voice of Temple Shalom - May 2014

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PFLAG Interfaith Convocation

Machzor Piloting

May 4 at 3pm

May 6 7:00 pm

Unity of Naples Church

Memorial Day May 26 Preschool and Temple offices closed

A Service of Confirmation For The Year 5774

Annual Meeting of the Congregation

Sunday Morning, June 1 10:00 AM

Sunday, May 4 10:00 a.m.

3 Sivan, 5774

The Voice is published monthly. June/July are combined issues. Editor / Layout ......... Jo Icaza Advertising ......... Maxine Gould

Volume XXXIV Number 8 May 2014 Iyar/Sivan 5774

From Rabbi Miller Counting the Days When I was young, May was a time for counting the days…until the end of school. I remember several teachers who started countdowns on the wall after Spring Break. Each day taking the number down, until finally the freedom of summer vacation arrived. I still find myself counting days in May, but in a different way. For millennia, Jews have counted the days between Passover and Shavuot, with the ritual of the omer (a sheaf of wheat). Every day the omer would be counted, numbers ascending, until they reached 49 days. The 50th day marked Shavuot – a transition from focusing on the grains that first appeared at Passover, to the first fruits of the late Spring harvest at Shavuot. Later, the rabbis would use the omer to count the days from Egyptian Exodus to our holy moment of revelation on Mount Sinai. Whether counting down, or counting up, keeping track of the days in this fashion alters our awareness of the passage of time. Today’s digital calendars may keep us better organized, but they also withdraw us

from the physical and tangible task of changing our calendar. Not long ago one needed to remove the prior day from a daily calendar, or flip the month on a larger one. Counting rituals return us to an awareness that each day is itself special. Working toward an end goal, we also start to think in terms of the big picture. Both the school countdowns of my youth and the omer lead one to the summer months – a time of warmth, joy, and blessing. My summer looks to be full of blessing, as I will be celebrating Eli’s first birthday in July, serving on faculty at Camp Coleman in June, and traveling to Kenya in August on a social justice mission with American Jewish World Service. The days of summer are the longest of the year – filled with more daylight hours than any others. I will mark each one as sacred, on my journey to those wonderful events. I cannot wait to share those experiences with you, and hear about your summer journeys as well. May your summer be filled with joyous occasions, sacred celebrations, and meaningful days. L’shalom!

From Cantor Azu As a Cantor, I am constantly reviewing new music, thinking of new liturgical possibilities, and along with Rabbi Miller envisioning how to bring the message of the High Holy Days to our community in ways that will enrich all of our lives and touch our souls. One of the challenges Cantors face in the planning of our High Holy Days services is the incredible wealth of musical material from which to choose. The palette of Jewish music is ever widening and broadening as each year new compositions are composed. One of our roles as shalichei tzibur – messengers of the congregation is to determine which musical settings of our prayers meet our needs and the congregation’s in best portraying the text. An ongoing question as I prepare for the High Holy Days is: “Does the setting of this particular prayer meet the specific needs of my community at this moment in the liturgical arc of the High Holy Days?” This requires that I sort through many musical settings of these prayers in an attempt to find balance between tradition and modernity, contemporary music and Mi Sinai tunes, the familiar and the unknown. At the present time, the Central Conference of American Rabbi’s (CCAR) is in the process of creating new High Holy Days machzor. This new High Holy Days prayer book will feature substantial changes from Gates of Repentance and is the first High Holy Days prayer book written for the Reform Jewish community in over a generation. Based


on the layout of Mishkan T’filah, the new machzor features the now familiar multi-vocal approach to prayer by featuring Hebrew text, an English translation, interpretations of the prayer, as well as additional explanation and illumination. The new CCAR machzor not only presents modern interpretations of many of the High Holy Days prayers, but it also includes many traditional ancient and medieval liturgical poems (piyyutim). As we approach the publication of this new machzor I can’t help but wonder, how will the addition of new text and new prayers affect the music and the melodies of the High Holy Days? Fortunately our Temple Shalom community will have an opportunity to pilot selected sections of this new machzor. We will pilot the Rosh Hashanah morning service on Wednesday, April 30 at 7pm and Kol Nidre on Tuesday, May 6 at 7pm. All are welcome to participate. Following the two pilot dates we will have the chance to share our feedback with the CCAR committee and make suggestions that will hopefully impact the finalized edition. The new CCAR machzor will present us with considerable and exciting challenges to our High Holy Days worship, and as a community we will meet these challenges by re-imagining tradition while considering the new. As we look forward to publication of the new machzor perhaps the words of Rav Kook may serve to guide us: “May the old become new and may the new become holy.” B’Shalom!


President’s Message by Yale Freeman A few weekends ago there was an ad in the New York Times for a local hospital. The headline said: Amazing Things Are Happening Here Seeing those words made me think of Temple Shalom…maybe I’ve been in this job too long! I have watched us, as a congregation, begin to transform. I have seen that we are feeling closer to one another. I am watching new

leadership come in and blend with our existing leaders to tackle many of the thorny issues that face our congregation. I see new staff coming aboard, in the near future, to join the stellar staff we have working hard for us now, and all partnering with our clergy, volunteers, Board members, and entire Temple family as we envision and create our future. At the end of the day…Amazing Things Are Happening Here. Be well. I look forward to seeing everyone at services and events this year and in the coming years. L’Shalom!

Farewell Dinner to President of the Board, Yale Freeman

PLEASE DO NOT FORGET US We have just celebrated the holiday of Freedom Are our ancestors in Ukraine free? Please let them know that we are thinking of them. A donation, payable to Temple Shalom with “DNFU” in the memo means the world to them. We who are so lucky need to think of those who are not. Five, ten, or twenty dollars quickly adds up for those who have so little. Please do not forget them!


Above & Beyond The following have contributed (as of JFebuary 14) above and beyond dues by the amounts so designated. Torah Circle—$18,000; Rabbi’s Circle—$12,000; Board of Governors—$7,200; Sponsor—$2,000; Patron—$1,000; Friend—$500; Partner—$250

Torah Circle

Vickie and Truly Nolen

Myra and Mort Friedman Paula Brody and Merrill Hassenfeld

Rabbi’s Circle

Fran and Rob Nossen Janet and Howard Solot

Board of Governors

Aileen and Michael Pierce Linda and Dan Carp Karen and Martin Cohn Caroline and David Goldstein

Anonymous Sheila and Howard Agranat Honey and Shelly Berkle Florence Chelm Barbara and Leonard Cutler Barbara and Stephen Druckman

Iris Abel Carol and Les Appel Phyllis Barolsky Sheila and Alvin Becker

Shirley and Robert Bassin Marcy Cotton and Natalie Justa Suzanne and Jonathan Gopman Joan Green


Lanny and Gil Rashbaum Susan and Nat Ritter Phyllis and Michael Seaman Yale Solomon


Eileen and William Ertag Merrylee and Joseph Kandel Gracia Kuller Barbara and Robert Levine Judi Palay Mae and Morton Riefberg Phyllis and Michael Seaman


Mardelle and Bennett Berman Bonnie Bodin Lori and Ed Cohen Carole Greene


Carol and Michael Levy Harriet and Merlin Lickhalter Gloria Rosenzweig

Arlene and Robert Subin Helene and Bernie Weiss Nancy and Jack Wiadro

Judi and Dan Spintman Betty and Sheldon Starman Mary Beth and Jack Strom Stuart Warshauer Nancy White Michal Wiesler

Gene and Bobbie Katz Scott and Patricia Newman Sheryl and Lee Spielman Beth and Brian Wolff

Deana and Paul Rosofsky Rena and David Rutstein Ruth Halperin and David Weil Susan and Jay Weiss 5

From the Religious School Director by Caren Plotkin On Sunday, June 1st our tenth graders: Maxine Cox, Eli Lauber, Eric Marks, Jonathan Newman and Benjamin Thalheimer will participate in the Confirmation ceremony on the holiday of Shavuot. Many of us were also confirmed as young adults, but others were not and are not familiar with this life-cycle event. “The Jewish Home: A Guide for Jewish Living” by Daniel B. Syme explains Confirmation with the following information: What Is Confirmation? Confirmation is a Reform-originated ceremony for boys and girls that is tied to Shavuot. It constitutes an individual and group affirmation of commitment to the Jewish people. How did confirmation originate? Confirmation, one of the “youngest” Jewish life-cycle ceremonies, began less than two hundred years ago. Most scholars attribute the creation of confirmation to Israel Jacobson, a wealthy German businessman and a nominal “father” of Reform Judaism. In 1810, expending more than $100,000 of his own money, Jacobson built a new synagogue in Seesen, Germany. He introduced a number of then radical reforms, including the use of an organ and mixed male-female seating. Jacobson felt that bar mitzvah was an outmoded ceremony. Accordingly, when five thirteen-year old boys were about to graduate from the school he maintained, Jacobson designed a new graduation ceremony, held in the school rather than in the synagogue. In this manner, confirmation came into being. Slowly, confirmation moved into the synagogue and girls were also included. When was confirmation tied to the holiday of Shavuot? Beginning as a simple graduation ceremony and then as a substitute for Bar Mitzvah, Confirmation gradually became a synagogue-based ritual, held on either the Shabbat of Pesach or of Chanukah. In 1831,


Rabbi Samuel Egers of Brunswick, Germany, determined to hold confirmation on Shavuot, the festival of the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. Egers saw a powerful spiritual potential in associating the affirmation of faith by young Jews with the most significant historical faith affirmation of the Jewish people. Egers, then, effected a synthesis between antiquity and modernity, cemented the bond between Shavuot and confirmation, and invested both with a new spiritual dimension, When did confirmation come to North America? The first recorded confirmation in North America was held at New York’s Anshe Chesed Congregation in 1846. Two years later, New York’s Congregation Emanu-El adopted Confirmation. The ceremony grew in popularity, and in 1927, the Central Conference of American Rabbis recommended confirmation as a movement-wide practice. Why would Jews need to “confirm” their faith? According to Jewish law, if one is born a Jew or converts to Judaism, no further “proof” of membership in the Jewish people is required. The ceremony of confirmation, then, is not a “requirement,” but an opportunity to follow in the footsteps of our ancestors; Moses, Joshua, Josiah, and others “rediscovered” their Jewish roots at different times in their lives. So, do our youths stand before the congregation as the ancient Israelites stood at Sinai, recommitting themselves to a people as old as the Torah, and as modern as today. At Temple Shalom, our students are taught by Rabbi Miller during their Confirmation year. The class is designed to help the students develop a more adult understanding of Judaism. Discussions include Jewish History, life cycle and holidays and views on God, ethics and traditions and practice. The students also create a special service which includes liturgy, reading of the Ten Commandments from the Torah and their personal statements about the Commandments and how they live by them. Please join us on June 1st as we celebrate this simcha together.

The Congregation of Temple Shalom Cordially invites you to attend

A Service of Confirmation For The Year 5774 3 Sivan, 5774

Sunday Morning, June 1, 2014 10:00 AM When Our Children

Maxine Cox, Eli Lauber, Eric Marks, Jonathan Newman and Benjamin Thalheimer Will Confirm their Commitment to the Faith and Heritage of the Jewish People 7

Preschool on Parade by Seyla Cohen, Preschool Director Another school year is soon coming to an end. At this time of year parents and teachers reflect on the year gone by and projections are anticipated for the year ahead. What every parent is seeking for his child is the best education he or she is able to provide. It is the goal of Temple Shalom Preschool to satisfy this objective.

Experienced teachers foster a true sense of self-esteem and confidence, individualizing programs to meet the needs of each student. The curriculum and philosophy promote a sense of community through civic program involvement and celebrating traditional annual events. The school’s faculty is comprised of seasoned, educated, experienced, and caring individuals who have a long-standing relationship and devotion to the preschool and its students.

The endeavor is to offer a quality education, setting a solid foundation for strong future academic and social development and success. Basic fundamentals of early childhood education including reading readiness, language, math, science, and social studies are offered. In addition, students participate in many enrichment programs including performing arts, puppetry, art, story time, science, music, movement, and technology.

Over the years, Temple Shalom Preschool has proven to be a tried and true program about which Naples kindergarten teachers rave. Admiration and compliments are continuously being received from community educators regarding the quality education provided at TSP. Graduates of this program have gone on to become community leaders, National Merit scholarship winners, and straight A students; they have been involved in the NASA program, film production, gifted programs, and leadership positions. Temple Shalom Preschool has a track record to be proud of. We continuously strive to learn from the past and make adjustments and improvements to keep TSP’s reputation as the premiere school for Naples area preschoolers.

Temple Shalom Preschool strives to instill a genuine sense of love of learning in a nurturing Jewish environment with great emphasis placed on honesty, respect, kindness, cooperation, and tolerance.

Camp Day! 8


Sisterhood News by Sandy Stone, Sisterhood President By the time you read this, our April programs will be over. We have had a very busy season - lots of programs that I hope piqued your interest! We have had everything from a visit to the Shy Wolf Sanctuary to “arts and crafts” at Masterpiece Mixer to two wonderful programs featuring our congregants Bobbie Bassewitz and Jim Sernovitz. We had our annual Chanukah Tea featuring the children of the Temple Shalom Preschool, who had everyone “oohing” and “ahhing,” we had our Opening Program with many of our brand new Temple babies, we had our Stay-at-Home Tea to give you all a break from going to so many events in our busy season. We even had an evening program! A Movie Nite to get together and see the very famous movie “Sunset Boulevard” starring Gloria Swanson and William Holden. We finished off our season in late April with a lunch at Roy’s, which included the installation of the 2014-2015 Sisterhood Officers. At this same event, we enjoyed a shopping spree at Evelyn and Arthur, where our women received a 10 percent off on their purchases. Last, but not least, we had a wonderful Women’s Seder, where we celebrate women with song and dance and pot luck appetizers; we had our Sisterhood Shabbat, where Sisterhood and our women take part in the service; we also had a very busy book club – with many woman attending the 3rd Thursday of the month – with books chosen and facilitated by our members.


As you can see we have tried to tempt you with all kinds of programs at Sisterhood. As I have said many times, we are always looking for new and innovative programs, so please call me with your ideas at 597-1553. Sisterhood is still saving pop tops from our cans. These pop tops go to Ronald McDonald’s, and the money they make goes to benefit children with cancer. Please don’t throw them away! Put them in a plastic bag and bring them to us at Temple. We at Sisterhood would like to wish all of our snow birds a very happy and healthy summer! We will look forward to seeing you all in the fall and we will be ready to entertain you with exciting, educational, unique, and fun evening and luncheon activities. We are hard at work planning these fantastic programs with wonderful speakers and lots of surprises, so don’t forget to read the Voice in the summer. Hopefully we will be giving some hints along the way as to what we are planning! You all recently received an email about baking for the Friday night Onegs. Remember: Sisterhood puts on these fabulous receptions 52 weeks a year after services. The homemade delicious cakes and pies are always the first to be eaten and the most raved about, so please bake for us! You have no idea how much it is appreciated! You can bring it in any time! We thank you in advance for your contributions. Sisterhood is a very friendly group. We would love to have you join us as we are a very large and loving family. Call me at 597-1553, if you have any questions.

A Meaningful Mother’s Day Gift for Loved Ones and Women in Need Temple Shalom has again joined Jewish Women International (JWI) in honoring the 45,000 women and children who will spend Mother’s Day in battered women’s shelters. Through the annual Mother’s Day Flower Project, JWI sends bouquets of flowers, as well as beauty products from OPI Products, Inc., to 200 shelters across the United States. By participating in the Mother’s Day Flower Project, we can make a difference for these survivors of violence while we celebrate the women we love. The Flower Project lets you give a gift that honors everything Mom has given you - and the person you have become because of it. Here is how it works: • You choose an amazing woman in your life - mother, sister, wife, daughter, friend - to receive a Mother’s Day card • You make a meaningful $25 donation to JWI in honor of this special person • JWI sends a beautiful card, which will arrive by Mother’s Day, to each designated recipient, stating that a charitable contribution has been made in her honor • JWI uses proceeds from the sale of these cards to send beautiful bouquets of flowers and baskets of beauty products to domestic violence shelters on Mother’s Day • Your donation funds JWI’s work year round, and a portion also goes back to Temple Shalom Contributions to the Mother’s Day Flower Project can be made by phone at 202-857-1300, or online at Be sure to note Temple Shalom as your partner of choice! For more information, please contact JWI at 202-857-1300 or

B’nai Mitzvah Mazel Tov to Kyle Mellman May 10, 2014

Reed Mellman May 10, 2014

Jacob Klein May 17, 2014

Joshua Braverman May 24, 2014

Brooke Flegel May 31, 2014

Dylan Flegel May 31, 2014

My name is Kyle Mellman and my parents are Gloria and Mark Mellman. I have three siblings, Rebecca, Reed and Aaron. I attend North Naples Middle School. I enjoy drawing, football, basketball and playing video games.

My name is Jacob Klein. My grandparents are Ron and Arlene Klein, and my younger brother is Max. I am a 7th grader at Gulfview Middle School.

My name is Brooke Flegel and I am a 7th grader at Gulfview Middle School. I am the daughter of Jason and Carole, and twin sister of Dylan. I enjoy reading, photo editing, rock climbing and skating.

My name is Reed Mellman and my parents are Gloria and Mark Mellman. I have three siblings, Rebecca, Kyle and Aaron. I attend North Naples Middle School. I enjoy football, basketball, playing video games with my brothers and spending time with my fmaily.

My name is Joshua Ryan Braverman. My parents are Stacy and David Braverman. I have two younger brothers. Justin (11) and Zachary (8). I am in the 7th grade at Community School of Naples. I played on the golf, basketball and tennis teams at school. I also play piano and drums.

My name is Dylan Flegel. I am the son of Jason and Carole, and twin brother of Brooke. I am a 7th grader at Gulfview Middle School, and I likechess, music, science and skiing.




7TH ANNUAL PFLAG INTERFAITH CONVOCATION Sunday, May 4, 3:00 p.m. PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) invites persons from all faith traditions to attend this special Convocation to be held at Unity of Naples Church, 2000 Unity Way, Naples. Participants from 20 Houses of Worship will blend music and prayer in an inspirational program with a celebratory reception to follow. Further information at: www.PFLAGInterfaith.Com or

We Need A by FPerry ew Good Pilots! Switzen No…not airplane pilots, but Temple members who will pilot sections of the new, twovolume Machzor (High Holy Day prayer book), that is being developed by the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR). Our present Machzor is over 35 years old and contains language that has become obsolete. Reform Judaism has evolved over these many years and a new prayer book is needed with liturgy that is inspirational, traditional and innovative, reflecting the aspirations of our people today. The new Machzor is being designed by a committee of scholars from the URJ rabbinical and cantorial schools, as well as input from professors of Judaic studies, pulpit rabbis, and cantors from across the United States and Canada. Temple Shalom is honored to be a part of the piloting program for the new Machzor. We will be piloting the sections for Rosh Hashanah morning, Kol Nidrei, and Yom Kippur afternoon. The piloting program will take place on two evenings in our sanctuary. The first is scheduled for Wednesday, April 30, 2014 at 7 p.m. The second will be on Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at 7 p.m. There will be no speeches or fasting; however, the piloting group will provide feedback to the CCAR Machzor committee on their experience. Please join us…be a pilot. Help to finalize the new Machzor that will be available for the High Holidays of 2015 and beyond. If interested, please contact Michael Rubner, Worship Committee Chair, or Randi Butterworth, Rabbinical Secretary.


Religious School Model Seder



Contributions to Temple Shalom Showing We Care

Contributions made to the various Temple Shalom funds are wonderful ways to show your appreciation of family and friends, to celebrate happy occasions and to honor the memories of loved ones. We suggest a minimum donation of chai ($18.00). With a minimum donation of $18.00, a notice of your gifts will be sent to the honoree and mention will be published monthly in The Voice.


General Fund: Donations used for operating expenses. Tree of Life: Each ‘Rock’ and ‘Star of David’ is a donation of $540.00; each ‘Leaf ’ is $240.00. The contribution must be received in its entirety before engraving is ordered. Burn The Mortgage Fund: Established by Gerry and Pearl Sugarman to reduce payment of any existing mortgage.

Religious School


Religious School Enrichment Fund: Donations augment the Religious School budget to enrich the education of our children.

Scholar In-Residence Endowment Fund: Supports the endowment established by Shirley and Henry Kraus. This fund enables Temple Shalom to bring visiting scholars to the Temple as an educational benefit to the membership.

Religious School: Donations purchase supplies and support activities for Jewish learning in both Sunday and Hebrew Schools.

Polster Religious School Scholarship Fund: To purchase or supplement Sunday and Hebrew School scholarships for students in need. Ben Calmenson Fund: Donations will be used to create sponsorships to send children to attend Camp Coleman. Rabbi Abraham Shusterman Children's Center Memorial Fund: To support our Religious School and Preschool. Sisterhood Religious School Scholarship Fund: To provide Sunday and Hebrew School scholarships for students in need.

Memorial Fund: Donations made in honor of a loved one who has passed.

Joseph S. Weinfeld Faculty Development Fund: Donations support both curriculum and teaching skill enrichment activities for Sunday and Hebrew School teachers.

William Freschel Kiddush Fund: All donations help provide Kiddush Lunch each Saturday following worship services. A $150 donation is considered to be a sponsorship to honor a special someone or occasion.

Youth Activities Fund: Donations provide financial support for children of our congregation to attend Camp Coleman, to take part in regional/national youth conventions, and to experience a summer in Israel.


Prayerbook Fund The new minimum contributions to purchase a plaque are Shabbat and High Holiday Books: $50.00 / Pentateuch & Haftarah books: $100.00


Flower Fund: Provides Bimah flowers each Shabbat. A $150.00 donation is considered to be a sponsorship in memory or in honor of a special someone or occasion.

Preschool Enrichment Fund: The enhancement of curriculum, educational programs and experiences.

Mitzvah Baskets: A $100.00 donation will purchase several hundred dollars of food for JFCS. Dr. Philip & Shirley Gilbert Music Fund: Donations are used for the enhancement of music at Temple Shalom.


Preschool Fund: Donations purchase supplies and support activities for the Preschool.

Arby Lipman Children's Library: Children and adolescent books and magazine subscriptions, and supplies are purchased. Jack and Charlotte Ward Family Children's Music Shelf: Audio and video musical tapes for children.

Endowment Fund: Donations help to secure the future, enrich the programs and provide for emergency needs of the congregation.

The Herbert & Ruth Abramson Fund: To supplement the general operating fund and to provide enrichment for Temple functions.


Rabbi Miller’s Discretionary Fund: For tzedakah, charitable purposes, and general enhancement of the Rabbi's work. Cantor Azu's Discretionary Fund: For tzedakah, charitable purposes, and general enhancement of the Cantor's work. Leadership Fund: Donations are used for the enhancement and enrichment of leadership programs at Temple Shalom.


Rabbi James & Jane Perman Library: Books, magazine subscriptions and supplies are purchased.

Social Action

David and Lillian Thalenfeld Fund for Social Justice: Provides support for Temple participation in social justice events and activities.

Oneg Shabbat: Contact Sandy Stone (Oct. 15 to May 15) or Evelyn Cole (May 16 to Oct. 14) for sponsorship in celebration of an event or to honor someone. This fund is administered by Temple Shalom Sisterhood.

Contributions General Fund

In Memory Of:

Joseph Gropper by Peg Geller Abe Price by Elaine Kreiger, Abe Zubrow Sam Rubin by Beth & Gabi Feldman, Bonnie & Jeffrey Whitman, Patricia & Joseph Walsh, Carla Morris Miriam Rosenthal by Rosalie & Perry Switzen Mindy Baha el Din by Gloria & Lyle Rosenzweig Helene Klein by Lin & Ron Klein Leonard Levy by Carol & Michael Levy Audrey Rubner by Evie & Ralph Ruebner Samuel Marcus by Aileen Marcus

In Appreciation:

By The Yiddish Club By Suzann & Steven Yussen By Gloria & Jim Saag

Religious School Fund

In Memory Of:

Murray Binderman by Beth & Gabi Feldman Sima Oshry Steiner by Dr. Samuel Oshry

In Honor Of:

Sylvia Brams on the birth of her great granddaughter Maddie Ella by Cary & Dr. David Goodman

Religious School Enrichment Fund

In Memory Of:

Miles Kuperman by Caren & Ron Plotkin Bianca Ganzman by Wendy Riedel Lawrence Shapiro by Bobbie & Dr. Gene Katz

In Honor Of:

Amanda VanSlyke by Frances Olick & Michael Krakow Charlotte Atkins on her Bat Mitzvah by Janet & Howard Solot

Polster Religious School Scholarship Fund

In Memory Of:

Sandra Andrea Mena Navarro by Beth & Gabi Feldman

In Honor Of:

Connie Krotick on the birth of her granddaughter Sarah Lynn Krotick by Janet & Howard Solot

William Freschel Kiddush Fund

In Memory Of:

Esrael Bassewitz, Tina Kramer, Jules Bassewitz, Ruth Bassewitz by Bobbi Bassewitz

Harry Zubrow by Abe Zubrow

In Honor Of:

Michigan State victory of Wisconsin Badgers by Gene Helfand Cindy & George Rubin on the birth of your grandson Parker Ryan Lerner by Dr. Michael Rubner

Flower Fund

In Honor Of:

Charlotte Atkins on becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Charles Atkins

Food Basket Fund

In Honor Of:

Bella Nicolau on becoming a Bat Mitzvah by The Turkel Family Charlotte Atkins on becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Beatrice Antzis

Rabbi Miller’s Discretionary Fund

In Memory Of:

Sam Rubin by Sugar Rubin, Sandy & Maurice Raizes, Marlene Oshry by Dr. Samuel Oshry Sandra Navarro by Sheila & Howie Agranat Ida Kass by Marcy Cotton & Natalie Justa Aaron Goldstein by Caroline Beasley & David A. Goldstein Sophia Rollins, Martin Rollins by Jane & Michael Rollins Richard Bodin by Judi & David Pendergast

In Appreciation:

By Eleanor & Gerry Bonder By Shellie Specter & Robert Davidson By The Mah Jongg Group By Joan & Byron Krantz By Ruth Dorfman By Ellen & Ed Wollman

Cantor Azu’s Discretionary Fund

In Memory Of:

Charlotte Kwasha by Mardelle & Bennett Berman Saul Helfand, Vivian Tobias by Gene Helfand

In Appreciation:

By Dorothy Teitelbaum By Florence Hertzman

Rabbi Abraham Shusterman Children’s Center Memorial Fund

In Memory Of:

Abe Price by Muriel & Irv Berzon

Prayerbook Fund

In Memory Of:

Nathan Albert by Helen Nori

Rabbi James and Jane Perman Library Fund

In Memory Of:

Lucille Katz by Cary & Dr. David Goodman Rosetta Moskowitz by Bonnie Bodin Ada Rubenstein by Judi & Dan Spintman Sandra Andrea Navarro by Judi & David Pendergast

In Honor Of:

Connie Krotick on the birth of her granddaughter Sarah Lynn Krotick by Judi & Dan Spintman

Arby Lipman Children’s Library

In Memory Of:

Amy Feiman-Behar by Len & Donald Feiman

Jack & Charlotte Ward Family Music Shelf

In Memory Of:

Jeanette Rauch by Midge & Lloyd Rauch

Dr. Philip & Shirley Gilbert Music Fund

In Memory Of:

Reine Elbhar by Dr. Lydia Bond Laurence Banco by Judi & David Pendergast

In Honor Of:

Cindy & George Rubin on the birth of their grandson, Parker Ryan Lerner by Dr. Lydia Bond

Scholar-In-Residence Endowment Fund

In Memory Of:

Sadie Wolinsky by Sylvia & Irving Wolinsky

Endowment Fund

In Memory Of:

Max Becker by Sheila & Alvin Becker Richard Bodin by Stan Lipp Enid Baker by Evelyn Cole

Burn The Mortgage Fund

In Memory Of:

Annette Pearl by Susan & Joel Pittelman

Shalom Preschool

In Memory Of:

Paul Cohen by Bobbie & Dr. Gene Katz


Contributions Youth Activities Fund

In Memory Of:

Lilian Weber by Nancy & Dr. Terry Meyer Charles Riedel by Wendy Riedel Irving Chelm by Florence Chelm

In Honor Of:

Charlotte Atkins becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Dottie Lipschultz

Celebrations and Commemorations Birthdays

It is with pleasure that we extend Happy Birthday wishes to the following memb ers: 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18

Beth Adelman Jane Friedberg Robert Bassin Linda Carp Michael Feldman Warren Ratner Sandra Yuil Mitchell Dannenberg Mark Feinberg Barbara Rubin Dennis Schaab Laurie Albanos Judith Anchel Daniel Carp Merlin Lickhalter Ivan Seligman, M.D. Daniel Spintman Michael Greenberg Martha Gross Corky Kaplan Tracy Ornstein Karen Cohn Melvin Rubenstein Tambra Wolfe John Zelahy Jeff Deering Edward Rosenthal Evelyn Cole Meredith Frankel A. Stephen Kotler Ita Paquette Bruce Sherman Jane Waltzer Marcelle Kott Sylvia Wolinsky Lisa Mair Pearl Sugarman Kyle Cohen Kelly Fogel Jane Schiff Irving Wolinsky Rochelle Smulowitz Heather Front David A. Goldstein

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Beth Seyburn Dena Sklaroff Burton Cohn Barbara Cohen Scott Levy Harriet Lickhalter Lanny Rashbaum Cynthia Sherman Robert Subin Nace Cohen Mary Strom Carol Thompson-Finn Paula Brody Donna Egdes Beth Sommerfeld Charlotte Milavsky Randi Barr Jessica Martin Bunny Levere Elinor Locketz Mitchell Petusevsky Neil Heuer Wendy Wolman Lisa Kohan Helen Nori Geoffrey Porter Joshua Siwiec Edwin Lyons Loren Rosenbach Mignon Farb Cynthia Rubin Barbara Zion William Butterworth June Paley


We offer congratulations to the following members on the occasion of their wedding anniversary: 4 5 7 8 9

10 14

George and Cynthia Rubin Ed and Marlene Lyons Joel and Jane Waltzer Marvin and Carol Lader David A. and Caroline Goldstein Shelly and Honey Berkle Elliott Singer

17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Barry and Debbie Zvibleman Albert and Roslyn Katz Nace and Cindy Cohen William Maltby and Nancy Brown Anthony and Ashley Solomon Patton and Lauren Corrigan Alan and Corky Kaplan Kyle and Rachel Cohen Mark Malone and Frances Kline Elliot and Eloise Kaplan Jeff Butzke and Wendy Wilson Mike and Dana Wexler Eric and Kim Hochman Matt and Alicia Kelley Jason and Sandra Korn Rosie Liebovich-Hyman Benjamin and Judith Peltz Darren Samuel and Tammy Strohl Samuel Mort and Myra Friedman Harvey and Maxine Brenner Nelson and Geraldine Glueck Mark and Anne Rubin


With great respect we honor the memories of the following loved ones: 9

Michael Barter Dr. Morton Block Jack Bonder Samuel Brooker Rose Cahan Mary Caviar Anna Colbus Harriet Field Tillye Friedman Gilbert Goldman Jennie Harris Max Katz Betty Keyser

16 23

Morris Kuller Evelyn Lipp Leonard Mendelblatt Sadie Milavsky Morris Packer Herschel Rifkin Rose Rosen Florence Rosenbach Jason Schleien Benjamin Sklaroff Miriam Spintman Margaret Stern Samuel Strom Herman Teitelbaum Abraham Weiss Esther Adler Madeleine Benmax Shirley Bloom Katie Brodsky Helen Brody Agnes Carson Robert Carson Bernice Chazen Jenni Cohen William Cohen Helene Fischer Lew Jaffa Zelda Jaffa Louise Kuller Michael Landy Camille Larios Phyllis Levin Norma Nauman Ernest L. Nay Sarah Reiss Ronald Rosenbach Harry Rubin Irving Schmidt Myna Schwartz Lena Sokoll Myrtle Symons Maria Szcsekowska Leonard Berliss Joseph Cheslowitz Samuel Frankel Anne Gurman Alvin Heuer Irving Katz William Kramer

Celebrations and Commemorations

Leo Larios Jay Lashinsky Ruth Levin Miriam Malkin Harry Pearson Harry Peltz Rose Pianko Sydney Samuel Gerda Sweet Adele Switzen


Bessie Teitelbaum Sally Zelinger Philip Zelman Shlomo Azu Philip Bellow Abraham Berman Paul Brizel Rose Cheslowitz Marjorie Cohen Frances Goldstein

Maurice Gordon Elise Hecht Sam Kapor Rae Katz Cynthia Kaye Olga Klein Edna Krusch Joseph Krusch Hilda Kuperman Doris Nash

Milton Newman Morris Oshry Louis Pastor Raymond Rosenblum Ethel Seaman Sophie Treiser Teresa Weisel Zelig Yellin Ethel Zdanowicz

Mitzvah Corner Mazel Tov to:

Marcelle and Mel Reiss on their 36th Wedding Anniversary

News Worthy Get Well Wishes to:

Sid Diamond, Gale Lazarus, David Pendergast, Jane Waltzer, Josh Isenberg, William Butterworth, Cameron Buxton, Anna Cotton, Arlene Yedid, who were recently ill or hospitalized

Condolences to:

Lori Brown on the death of her sister-in-law, Dara Lanset Jo Icaza on the death of her great aunt, Rosa Victoria Paez Debra LaFevers on the death of her nephew, Aaron Walker Florence Levin on the death of her significant other, David Friedlander Dorothy Lipschultz on the death of her sister, Ada Rubenstein




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3/4/13 6:51 PM

Calendar Sunday




Thursday 1

Friday 2

Preschool Art Auction 6:00 p.m.





Sunday School 9:30 a.m.

Yiddish Club 10:00 a.m.

Annual Meeting 10:00 a.m.

Machzor Piloting 7:00 p.m.

8 Hebrew School 4:30 p.m.

3 “Shir” Joy, HS Seniors and Camp Shabbat Service 6:00 p.m.

9 Preschool Lions’ Mothers’ Day Brunch 10:00 a.m. Shabbat Evening Service 7:30 p.m.

PFLAG Interfaith Convocation 3:00 p.m.

Saturday Torah Talk 8:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service 10:00 a.m.

10 Kyle and Reed Mellman B’nai Mitzvah Shabbat Morning Service 10:00 a.m.

Unity of Naples Church

11 No Sunday School

18 Last Day of Sunday School 9:30 a.m.




Jewish Caregivers Support Group 10:30 a.m.


26 Memorial Day Preschool and Temple offices closed


Hebrew School 4:30 p.m.

20 Hadassah Study Group 1:00 p.m.



Shabbat Evening Service 7:30 p.m.


Yiddish Club 10:00 a.m.

Board Meeting 7:00 p.m.

23 Preschool Pre-K Graduation 10:30 a.m.

Exec. Cmte. Mtg. 7:00 p.m.



Shabbat Evening Service 7:30 p.m.


29 Ambassador Action Group Mtg. 7:00 p.m.


17 Jacob Klein Bar Mitzvah Shabbat Morning Service 10:00 a.m.

24 Joshua Braverman Bar Mitzvah Shabbat Morning Service 10:00 a.m.


Preschool End of Year Celebration 10:30 a.m.

Brooke and Dylan Flegel B’nai Mitzvah

Shabbat Evening Service 7:30 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service 10:00 a.m.


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Naples, FL Permit No. 127

4630 Pine Ridge Road Naples, Florida 34119-4063

Adam F. Miller, Rabbi Donna Azu, Cantor James H. Perman, D.D., Rabbi Emeritus Religious School Director …............................................………..….. Caren Plotkin Preschool Director ………….………….......................................................… Seyla Cohen Music Director ………….…….....................................................................….…….… Peter Lewis Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Phone: (239) 455-3030 • Fax: (239) 455-4361 Preschool direct line: (239) 455-3227 Religious School direct line: (239) 455-2233 E-mail:

Board of Trustees President Yale Freeman First Vice President Bobbie Katz S econd Vice President Tracey Albert Third Vice President Debra Antzis Financial S ecretary Scott Newman R ecording S ecretary James Knafo I mmediate Past President Donald L. Shapiro S isterhood President Sandy Stone M en’s Club President Ed Cohen Trustees Shelly Berkle Alicia Kelley Stan Lipp Susan Ritter David Rutstein

Michael Feldman Merrill Hassenfeld Suzanne Low Michael Rubner Helen Weinfeld

Have a

GREAT Summer! Going NORTH for the Summer?

Please call the Temple office at 455-3030 and let us know if you are leaving Naples for the Summer. Some of our mail is not forwarded (like our newslet ter), and we want to make sure we can keep in touch until you come back!

Thank You!

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