Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Nordic Architecture and Design – Sweden
Architecture for everyday life An educational hub north of the Arctic Circle, an artistic outdoor gym, and a sports venue in a new urban development: these are just a few of Liljewall’s recent projects.
Sami artworks, the six-storey building combines wood, steel and concrete, to tell a story about its location and culture.
By Malin Norman | Photos: Anders Bobert
One of Liljewall’s most exciting designs, located in Gällivare, north of the Arctic Circle, is part of a unique metamorphosis, where two city centres will become one. Gällivare’s neighbouring town, Malmberget, must relocate due to mining and the increased risk of collapse. This is one of the world’s largest urban transformations and a massive investment. 72 | Issue 136 | November 2021
Together with MAF Arkitektkontor, Liljewall has created Kunskapshuset (House of Knowledge), an educational hub for an upper secondary school and adult education. Great emphasis has been put on creating a flexible and beautiful environment that can meet future demands for change and development. Inspired by the mine, Arctic nature and
“Connecting Kunskapshuset to the Sami culture has been an important aspect,” says Niclas Sundgren, CEO at Liljewall. Three local creators from different disciplines have joined forces in creating the art that makes a key component of the characteristic red school: textile artist Britta Marakatt-Labba, glass artist Monica L Edmondson, and artist Anders Sunna.