1921 01 31 The Tan and Cardinal

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&..- ' !dtna _~"'

Sept. lttl \Ve~t College "/\v.e · .t;

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~OL. 4.





SocietY,_ Renders Splendid Program on , Ph:.lophronea Enjoys Pleasant Informal Reception After Regular Second Inaugural OccasionFast Green and White Quintet Out­ Musical Numbers Enjoyed. Installation Program. Colleg~ o re h estra Renders Local Pro- · plays Local Five in Scrappy Phi lomath ea rendered her usual A mo st plea ant program, fro111 the gram-M:sses Robinson and Wright Co;test Here high standard program la t Friday standp oint of both entertainment and and Prof. Strothers Assist. ·night before an intere ted audience of of literary value, was enjoyed in PhiloDAVIS IS HI G H SCORER P~OF S members and friend s. phronean Hall last Friday night, Janu. TROTHERS DIRECTS [ '!'he m·usical number s by th e Phi lo- ary 28th. Alldience C· . . . mathean orcbe tra wer e e pecia lly The -o ration by D. D. Brane, 0. A. Tan and Cardinal Meet Fast Aggre­ gation :n Down-State Confec.:-ence , a~~ivated by Miss Robin- good. Thorough preparation and excel- Jaynes and E. E: Harri , witnout ex50 n s Rendition of "Ave Macia"knt leader hip on . th e part of fhe ception, evidenced profound thought Contenders -A.ttendance Is Good. leader, johnson, B. L., is making the and careful preparation. Musical H · I t ·t l1 111l>er· co11 1·st1·ng of c I J b Ohio University had an ea y tin1e ue1 p1te the £ . . sixteen-piece ore 1es r a qm e a va t - nu a vo a so o y · Week d press O exammatwn t:h · D. A. Harri , .and elections by fhe in d.ispo ing of the ·::rau aud a-rdin al 1.. t . et out uties, t •a great many people turn- abl e a set . to_ _ , e _soc.. e Y- h I · ., d orchestra and P hilophron.e an Glee basketee..r last aturday night in t)1e 1 given o oTehnJoy the Orchestra Concert Howe, M. L. g~bv_e f 1:,~0 · ap a~or~'; Club all contributed their bit toward local gyrnn'a ium. 11 ursda,, . evening by the col- dre s 011 th u Ject , ' making the - sess io11 an unquestionable I t wa c.l ea r l Y Oh i~ game. fr m ege h Vur I d" f I di" ecltng. _ore e tra, P rofe or· trother "The while Te the t President s a e ic wa ory, s ucce s . ofAmecicanism", tart to finish . Their team was hea,·y 1 Po_p • • •. . . h A S ·"Revi 1011 or After the : regular es ion, Philo- and faster than Otterbein ' quintet'. 1-{" .!I 1ar elcc~ion 'fro111,_ '"Mary" by given by ic O Is, · : . phronea taged a unique affafr in" the and proved to be clever pa ers. th e subJ e.ct of t~e form of. an informal r eception. for al! Their shooting was extremely accnrb~sh comprised th fi"r t number Re.versio n"' wa


o ration given by Pace, L. E . thee uk1- society member af\d guests. ,Light 00 co 111ing president . G · Mrs. H"II R. 0d , De rtha' refreshments and a free get-together 311 W · A · Kime · k rac et 1poraneously l opened th' after-p rogram. Tni was Hancock spo e ex em · I fo)lowec,I by two delightful readings from the play "R iQ Van \1 inkle" hv Glee Club To Travel. .,.. -11 Prof. . A. Fritz. Otterbein's Men's Glee Club w.i Fin.ally, Prof. Charles Snavely and reiJder their six th · conce rt of• the seaI President Clinpinger, speaking E'xtem, o n o11 next Friday evenu1g w 1en :f, · poraneously ,. . co11cluded an evening tlley ai>pear at Logan. The o 11 ow-mg . g our .troupe of faucy song- rich in unu ual ocial al)d Ii.terary eveiun . . . /. value. t s er w1-11 entertam agaU1 111 their . . reg' --------t1lar concert at Lancaster, Oh10.~. . R ect:·ta l T o B e G.1ven _________ - Musica . 1 Loui Robin ti otl e. . El d The regular recital of the cboo l 011 ' a istant on th progran 1e :P , i , of M.u 1c . w1·11 b e ouere ~ d t(l . t h e a ud1 . B ig Ra11 y .£anne tb .easoil will 1• ang , r 01 11 Y O • · h b1go-e t ra e f L b H 11 ' trothe You rs own compo ition-' Don't o i the col lege chapel on tormm o . am ert ~ o.n \iVednes ~ Sp Bear Mc Calling,, and hake- be tagep. u . F b ua ry 3 Sbow day eve01ng, ebrnary 2, at : Ou lea re's ''It Wa a L'o d ..,..,... Thursday evenmgk, . e rd n~t to in- o' clock. The pro ra.m will1 a usual, as " . ver an n1 at 8 o'clo c 111 or er . . . . Ber I w 1llch th e. director et to mu i t. op-~n "th girl ' societie . Tbei:e. will be a ya,n d one. n1,clu~111g_ c hoi ce and \Ir" h ast nun be r_ w "A "!!.l . , l ter.,1-er e wi . d 11 abmJd- r pr enta b ve contr 1but1ou from 1 11 violin obligatoa .._ vep _,._fa n a' b unique enterta~m e.ntaln ~ 'student each "depar tm ent r. of the School . vY ro es or of " pen'' .,ic..very oya . •· , . . . ) a nee "'" · b d to·~how- Mu 1c. Everyone I cord1ally m,r,ted (Cont1nued on p • age even. -11 b ·pected to e on Irnn: ~ • · 1 l.Q,.,. - - - - - w e ex . , col lege , sp irit to attend. The p(ogram will be 11111 "lBARD t uch his or 1er . . 111 DUO ENTERTAINS '· m1oewa11 s · Don ' t forget the hour, mensel~ mterestmg. 1 ____ ~

:ialch wa received :,,vith great . apuse. f Otl1er number were '')3a1Jet Musi Prise c S rom F· aust,, , G ounod, ·'S ur''Gav Ytnphony An-dant~• Hayden.; 1 Gtucko~tc ,,from Ipbigenic. en Au lide" M Haucte'I : enuet from Berenice•·, l-\ ' w 1th accompaniment. . r rofe O r S trot.l1e• l d t · l111 group w·"tl wo v1~• 1 , •. Paye d 1 nient h . v1zar accompau1v\ right ; the. .fi.r t Beethov en YS Mi nata v O . d co 1151· ting' . p. 24,. t1JC sec.on , h, . 0 nu111bers M· • , ½ t ree •deltght£ul h_ght



ate ometimes being fairly uncanny. F rom their work in thi • game it seem as t h oug h the.y tand ceJlent chances of fini bing at the head: of the. hio nf ~('J\ e <'r e.i1: age column. The loca l team fought well at t im es but eemed unable to make any headway in floor work. 11 pas in , they were wild and when they had ai opportunity to boot . it wa to through low work · or maccuracy_ The con,tes was •rough from ~bl s~ar t and \\_,as low and draggy at t 1mes. D av1 was the big man for the · · v1· itor cagmg the ball nine times while Van Sickle was successful in w i ~ing th 11cf fiv . Myers, by hi fi I t f • ~ 1_mg u:1:P hed ome r ai "'r- r • ta1n1no- excitement. (Continued on page even. ~' --- FIELD SECRETARY EN GAGED




"' p resents Pl . V . d .,_Yccu... p easing and ane

r ,""7"""

rograrn of Light and Classi\ cal Numbers. .... he thi d lectur _r nun1ber 911 the. Citizens' 1



the Lo:baoudr e, the entertainment by I th e Coll r om • • pany. wa given 111 eve • ege hapel I t W d d I of ~~ng_ The a e J1es ay , "lr co mpany wa made up &rarn ~/lid Mr . Lombard. A proby the twUnu ual variety · wa rendered J Th o. fr e evening' . 01~111 Plea ing ~ntert~1n111 ent rang_e d ''C lire 1·de iii el ad. aptat1ons 0£. quaint 0 1e to elections from arrnen " a111u i" ug.in1pers and fron"). light readii1gs and ' o " . Biawatha'; or~at1ons to adaptations u Tl 11 11lber · 1ou h most of the Pro &"rarn Were w a hof . hi a 1·1g Iiter nature the a 1"" Y ntertaining. Th .f ct that it-, much cl J IVa . cvernes and o riginal- ! tnad . combined \v"th . . · 1 real. ab1hty e 1t tntere f1 ng and pleasing. I



THE COLLEGE WEEKLY I am the COLLEGE WE - -K1:-Y. . I am for and of the college1 I hve m its life, glory in its good a n d gr :eve for its ill. glad h l my scl:ool, the carrier of I tl:e friends of a 11 w . '.l ove . am · f . d . I speak 1·n the glow of the even ng fire"d" from other nen s, t : ngs in the glare of the br~ght-lit st udy. . . side Ianadm the r_ecorder of happ y events, the reminder of past Joys, h f future attainments. the prop et O h I e our halls. tho ugh they go to greatness I follow those w o etahv m ':'t-he thriil of old days, the fragrance or to obscurity I take to e ori·es of tender mem ·· d for every sincere man; my audience r. ommon groun I am t .e c . ty or a ny class· I stand for all who stand for is broader than any soc1e . • . I: r d my sc .oo 1• h the histo ry of the year, the recor I arn the word of t e wee '.<; . h . h and -wholesome an d happy. o f o u Alma Mater. t of all that is •g I am the exponen .EKL y COLLEGE WE . · I am the ·

~l;==~==========;;;.;=~~====;;;;;;;==~;::;====-:=:) .

· R ep re sen t aV. L • Phillips , ' 17 , New


t !ve- Pl ans Developing for D" ' .amond Jubilee. prel iminary step in preparation for Otterbein' great Diamond ]Pbilec ce lebration which to hC'

I :'\

held in l!J22 ha rec. ntly been taken • the securing of a , pecial fie ld f secretary or pubhcity work- in connect'ion with that event. Vernon L. l'hillip graduate of the class of 1917. is t h c new representative and will not I I 011 Y- 1a vc a pei:ial part in tbe Diamond Jubilee campaign but will do I ge_n__ral pu_blicity work for the coll ege. v1 1t111g high schools and churche . so lic 't" tg t d t s u en ., organjzing and . i II 1 a~. st111 g alumni a oc1at1 011 . ancl boosting the interests o[ the co llege . a ·general way. • Ill Mr. .Phillip i well cruali fied t·o r l li~ .. [ " po ,t,on. rom hi pr viou c.e. ll eiit 111

ontinue~ on pa c

even .






0 ;:.:~,~~:, ::·:d~~::R .::ssy-

w ~,:ANb :::B:;::,~N:, .l"Signet'; pencils

foot'-' will arrive h-:>1!1e Saturday, after young man he ran for t he L gis la- 1 a strenuous speaking tour in the Brit- tl'.re in l lli11 oi , and was defeated. He jl · ish Isles. he arrived in New Yo,k nex.t en te red busine 'failed, and wa City, January 18. Since th~t time seve nteen years paying his debt . 1 his time has been taken up with con- , He wa engage d to a beau t ifu l ferences and committee meetings in young woman-she died. the east. Followi:.1g a r es t of a couple En tering po li tic a gain, he ran for i of weeks, he will start on a speaking ~ongres , and wa again defeated. 1 tour of the tates fo r the Anti-Sa loon , He then tried t~ g et an appo in t$1.d0 $3.50 League. ncn t m the 111 ed tate Land O ffi ce, hut failed. st Urgan. s Banquet. H.e becam e a cand idate for the . Professor G. G. Grabill a tt e nded U nited State enate, and was ba dly the annual banquet of the Lentra , beaten . Ohio Chapter of the Associate I He ra n fo r vice- pre ident and was Am ericau Gui1d of Organists at the once more defeated. »onday even ing . 1, ro- 1 When you think o f your hard luck, 1 Mara.no r Mr. ·A. H. Moon. ' t~ sso r Grabill re ponded to a toast. think of Lincoln.- merican Legion is a distinct pleas ure to us to H e wa s also re- elected for anoth e r Week ly. de,·ot~ a littl e pace to one of th e mo t enu.ine friends of our college term of three years a a memeber of P.olly-e-" Shall ' I go for th e ma ·1, and her students. ''Dad" Moon has th e executive committee. · Ohio• ,i,ill mother?" 27 ·W . Main St. W esterville, . Miss Agnes Wright of Otterbein co m e to be al.mos t a p:J. rt of our in. hil repa:r your shoes w e Y011 wait. Mother-);;o, it i n't fit for a dog . . . you. tit ut io n. H( fam iliar face wi ll call College, Mis He len Vance . ol G ·.ve us a tr '.al, it will convinc~ back happy memories to ·hosts of Reynoldsburg and Mis May Sellma.i1 to he out, let your father go." Men's sewed half-sole same price a5 alum ni w ho in their day enjoyed hi of Toledo, are membe r s of this nailed. Lad:es' .2Sc· extra. Beau Bru:nmel at in the parlor, fo via l drollery and his cheery word. A sociation , having receiveJ their nd he aid unto the light ; Stce Sh:ne Parlor for ladies and gents. . !wa y ready to do" a helpful tur11 training under P rofe so r Grabill. ·' Either you or I , old hap or to pa s a cheerfu l greeting " Dad" Wi ll be turned down tonight." ine,·i'tably ·become the friend of

Propel, Repel and Expe


. the Lead.





Hoffman's Rexall Store


The Star ft.aP.id

.Shoe Repairing


e,·ery Otterbe in tudent. He is the ort of w hole- oul ed human individual , ith whom it i a joy to meet and W l are g-lad to hand him a few flower-s a s a ke u of present appreciation. fr. .\ . FL '·Dad " Moon , gentl ema n an1 fri nd. w~ :.ilute you!

Fallow the Trail to

MOSES & STOCK This week

32 inch for 35c 32 inch_ for ......"'.................................. soc 32 ·nch for .................... - ............. ~ .... _ 90c 20 o Discount on all our Hosiery.

THE OLD RELIABLE SCOFIELD STORE Corner o{ State and Main Streets




G. W. Henderson, Mp. · Westerville, Ohio

By Appointment

=====~=~ W. M. Gantz, D. p. S. Music Registrations. Profe or Crabill w ill be in his office J ue day morning and all day \\"edne day to ign pupil intendin g to regi ter for the ec'o nd eme ter. Remember th e day .


'· avvy,''-"Th e denti t ay I ha ve a large cavity, that need fi !Ung." Menke-"W bat cou rs e o f tudy did he ugge t?'' ·


East College Av ,nue

PHONES Citizen 26

Jell a4-ll

Page Three





no confidence !11 h :m- =_§. elfWhen nor inhehihasfellow men. When he va,ues succe s more than character and s_e lf-respect. § ' When he loves his own plans and


interests more than _hum~nity. When his friends hke bun for what he has more than for what he is. . . Wh 1 he becomes o absorbed 111 his w;~k that he cannot say that life . . t r than work. rs grea e . 1 v\fhen he lets a day go by w1t1out ome one happier and more k. ma rng s f bl com orta e. . . Wh tries to get ahead 111 tne en I, e Id Id b lim bing over the s hou e rs wo r Yc of others. When he ,;alues wealth above d health, self-respec t and the goo


Vale.nt1·nes! Valent1·nes! ________

Se.e our



t e1egan t

d•lSp 1ay

for the J-1

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fV 1 ;; . a-

Card ' of the bride near Bren::::on, Ohio, _Mis Myra Bele : G. Cl was married to Mr. Virgil emons of L . . • Miss Carrie M ' l OUl~Vl 11 e, Ken_tucky. I es, Ohio 15, of F mdlay, , sang t _ cere wo so Ios before th e mony and M · v·d . 'ls f rs s 1 a Van Sickle. ' o Ak ron Oh. I d h IYeddi . ' io, p aye t e _ M ng march from " Lohengrin". r. Clem elect . on completed a cour e in enginee ring at Bowling Gr eenrical K t as ' en ucky; and is now engaged Babgovernruent ma chinist f~r the opinion of hi fellow . . . cock d . When he is o l>urdeued· by hrs bu Itha t he fi nds no tia1e for re t Barberton anOI _W rlsohn Company at 110 , w ere the youn g ness coup) .' and rec reation . e will make th eir home '18 . W hen he envies others because · George L G I t or Gi lead . Ol. · launer of Mt. they have more ability, ta en : state bar ~1;, s~cc~s fully passed the wea lth than he has. and . ammation last December When he doe s not ca re wh~t read rs now a f u 11 - fl edged lawyer, h en to hi neig hbor or to b 1 to begin practice in thi s tate. fr~~~d so long a he him elf is p ro Ile ope as not Yet dec ided w·here he will n an office. perou . o btt Y doing work_ 'Ill When he i d · Edgar L Weinland of Columno time for smiles an h h , bus, Ohio . · that e a tnittee ap' '. s a member of a com- cheerin" word . - elected . _ arid Pomtcd by the city conncil 1 h of a snnrl "The Melancho JY D ay s ·" . · • ar committee of the . on amb a .er of omm rce to decJde upIf oJ1IY an out I.d r cou W. be • -an 10- . "'b rte for th.e new city hall in ol. f ochran Hall dJmng-room -,_ ' U"' u t mate o . tb hetero- r : • .. • " • "" .G. I ~ • · _ tat So take tlie place of- tbe one on these· days and lt st en to e trce t f1 ·ty of co11 vers3.tio 11 that crea tes a fire. recen y ·ae troyed by gen 1 . . t th , , per£ t hubbub and vt\ 111 .reng ii1111t1lllllll ..llllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliii 1 8~. Mrs. W with the macaroni and c e e . d I · tayed up a ll 111ght toner (Myrtle an Miller ) of . D · ''Say g1r 1s, . b t 111 I II III II IIII II III III IIIll I IIll II III II IIIII 1111111111111111111 H111111111111111111111111111111111111II I!_ at day s la t Jet:;• . !1'.o, spent sevher- tu died! - You , may not believe rt . u and . . . · 1 1tmg her mot er I d 'd,. "Who aid Liberty, Equality, Every Body Eats-Why Not Eat at the s 1 ter O . Street, Wes1 n W e t Mam · . , v,/a it Peter t h e Grea t tervitl s e. Frater.nity. ,, "I don't even know '18, or apol Oil? th 10 . k I' ll 1 1a R • T · Do you , 111 p • Evan of rona plu Y 111 ng. . • of h,enon Ylvania, i pr s ident of the new~ ? •-"That awful conJ ugatron J rganiz d • pa . dJ ott kno, what the Pany that . cona Drilling Com- 'pa.rler'l Jan e, o Y . . ; I _ 1 t . . . ?"-" hat' a v1tamine • well . in th e O pufit down several ga parttcrpleJ • ut-'"-"l know I Private Dining Room-Banquets, Parties and Feeds at reasonable rates land C ga eld of e tmore- used to kn w , ):> • I didn 't , ounty in th e vicinity of rona. Bunked in Drama bccau e 1, _ OO. Profe. . k a tJ1i11k abo ut B n Jon on. of th or Glenn Grant Grabill now Ad and Eve were e Ott I . Co 'Do you thi.nk am . d one f er Je111 11 ervatorf wa . cience or acquire : 0 o the f d' 1,>orn with a c n L" "1 ·u t th e an a ter- inner peake.r at on , Dr. 11avely say-. -M tJh IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii 11 · . J - will a k who hio Chua 1 banquet of the ntcal e uof O ~Pter of th A ruerican Guild )qiow Dr_- one d he probably didn't !!Jllll lllllll illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!! ~ h rgan1 ts I Id • aleh's wife wa an b t "tond 1e at the Ma.ram.or la ( ,, , What do you know a ou 111 ef ay even ing. At the busio bav ?ne. I and c ntrifugal nerve-cur~ fe ing following the ban.quet Pro- centrip ta · g to take h:i.k eor GratJ1·11 w t?" " r yo u OJJl t errn f a re-e Iecte d f or a r nare- 11 . t eme. ter.?" ,, " O th th.e re year as a memb r of P " uri earned in rement , ca.r, xecut' ThenI "":He·rrik lb,1 ive comm itteee "" opboc e , · 2: Charl e bo-hydrat " z ad infiinitum! And J, lrn · " buzz, ,., uz · . f ~'r o1 ' wa th e)l ' h . a ll the odoriferou ra••1 a tlu;ong it .! \V . nd Mr . in . £ chee e and macro111 e tervill grance o ~ - - - - - - 1'1:r a hort t1m la t weeK. hipped a car · and er 1· "M Jolin rou e . earch 01111 ect d with th e Rer. ek Three of )11s HA-RRY fREEMAN NOBLE SMITH § 13 of 1,. ur ea u in the adverti iug firm load of bog la ~ wc_th· l1 im to make " 11 tchell . b went 111 W 1 %aqe . and I:'au t with head~ f neigh or h ew 111 ,11111,1 111111111111111111111111111111111~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111 r 111 hi cago. I up the load.' -Sc 00 1 • ''D oe n't . . . t ay prohi bition ake _!! 1111111111 Ill 111111111111 i11 i111 ii I I IIIII II II II III III III IIII I IIII 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 !£ pe JlllJ 1'f , h cheer should h rt eem trang that a man av · : ';:, .f Chine?" e inven ted the tal!<ing ma- t h 'sun hine o ut of r _e. . . ',, up, we have the 1119011 hrn e ~111., A complete line always in stock. ' ?'' de"1'he O • " re you la~ghing at me. " tri ch wh. . . d. R·. M. JOHNSON, 55 W. Park St. "'"'lld tak . impe r . 111 1 tre f er ternly. : · STUDENT AGENCY ' 111 anded the pro e ~ hat he e Lt .r~ther ill, " o sir" came th e reply. ii1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 111111111ff 1'he '. Poor thlllg, i .killed to dre ' t gh at." "I ee nothfog el e to au girl th at' dr es ed to kill."



e·nt1nes ever.


= = = = =

Art Materials, Canvas $1.50 _ = = per y~rd, Shellac Brus·hes. =

New Otterbein Stationery, : = Tablets, Theme Pads, Loose­ ·Leaf Note Books and other== = = College Supplies.



u• n1vers1•1I

B00k store· =

= =

= =

w·,, ·




= = I= =






J. C. ROACH, Prop.


Fresh Lettuce and Celery Oranges, Bananas, Grape F r uit Staple and Fancy Groceries. Chickens-. Alive anq Dressed


= = =


= _

= = = =

= n



= = = = = =

l'agc Four


never do and should not be so·. It is A a mu ical critic we plead guilty · ,r.== =============71 to be regretted that the college has to qualifying a a fairly good blackDIARY OF A COCHRAN mact e the fata l mistake of not secur- mith, but we do know that we enjo HALL GIRL --~---~---~---~-◊ -£ ing some of these individuals to direct \ those beau tiful organ p reludes tyo Publi hed Weekly in th e interest Otterbein by the By "One of 'em." her athletic wo_rk but since it has ~ot _which the chapel as e mbly is so 1 OTT ERBE IN PUB L ~SH I NG see n fit to hire th em for the Job I r egularl y trea ted . We congratu late l!::========:=:=:=:=:=:;::;_... . BOARD wou ldn't it be just as we ll to let those our co ll ege on its School of Music. 1 It 1 We te r vi lle, O hio 111 charge worry along wtthout the , ____ Monday 24. Pre-War Pe riod. I Member of the Ohio College Press extra advice?That profes or must have ove rlook- was a · beautift1I sp r ing day but Association Let's .. snap out" of thi fake eel u completely when he sa id to the couldn't enjoy the beauty thereof beloyalty and show a littl e real college gentleman in the back row, ". ow if cause the profs assigned several th ousSTAFF pirit. And above all if we don·t I Mr.--- will kindly r emove his hat I and pages in review and I had to de. · John · ue and point out a con-' I vote so me time to my stu d ie Editor-in-Chief .... J. Rusk.:n Howe, '21 know the differen~e be tw een a free •, wi·11 cont111 A istant Editor .... J. G. Howard, '22 throw and a field goal let' not how crete example." waylaid me and walked home wi th me Contributing Editors--~after chap el. Esther Harley, '21 our elves up by attempting to ex· t o a su ff enng · Note on blackboard in Dr. Jones' A. W. Elliott, '23 p Iampu bl.1c h ow t 11·111gs Tuesday 25. The W ar Clouds . Business Manager .... J. W. George., '22 ought to be run. class-room, "20,000 tests arranged in Thicken. Dr. Scott opened hostilitieS A istant Business Managersord er of difficu lty." Judgi ng from by giving us a p r e-examination test J. P. Schutz, '23 Make Yourself Count. on e we recently SUffe red he must be ove r the French Revoi;tion. I h~kp e T. E. Newell, '23 Circulation Mgr . .. Marvel Sebe1·t, '21 It has been aid that there are two getting along towards the end of the I h I f humor h e list. ave a twink y sense o the A istant Circulation Managers­ typ es of student , the one who leads Dr. cott has when I ' ve been in f Harriet Hays, '22 teaching profes sion that long. P ro · I h Lucile Ewry, '23 and the one who follow , the one who n t ese str uggling times when, as Schear Jed Y . w. C. A. and gav e hust Athletic Editor ............ M. N. Funk, '21 ees a tas k an d con fi dently steps forL ocal Editor ·········-·· H. W. Troop, '23 ward to its execution and the one who o~eone put it, th ~ wolf i already some valuable informatioi1 as to W a Alumna! Editor ...... Alma Guitner, '97 h ·t . h f f d uty for some- eat111g the door J·am(b), we fe·e1 a young men like to have gi r Is ' vear ' Exchange Editor ........ P. K. oel, '22 es1 ates 111 t e ace o b~-~d ,~ Y:Upa th y for the fellow who do, say, think, etc. Cochran Hall Editor, Alice Abbott, '21 one el e to blaze the way. te ·t b ." 1 ' . ere to our income,-we can't H re U nfo t Literary Editor ........ J. W. Seneff, '23 h. r una as I may e we are I Wednesday 26. War Almost e . f orced to admit that a compa rativ ely iv_e wit 111 it or witho ut it." h. emester Went to my last class t 1s s _ . g Address all communications to The d h I d ntil evenlll number of student invariably They ay that one of o ur ex-.A.. E. F. Otterbein Tan and Card inal, 103 W. small bear the bu rdens of all extra-curricuh an t en cramme u h el College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. mat student keeps giving h imself when John and I went to th e c ~pd b terta1ne lum activities whi le the great majority b h . Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Year, a:,,vay Y s ak1ng a piece of cha lk in and allowed ourselves to e en . k if paid before November 15; other­ are content to f ollow where they lead. his h d • h t h at distinctly "seven- by the Lombard Co. · We n1 ade b1ac an s w it Thi is an injustice both to the willing . k O we wi e 1.75. 1 coffee that ta ted llke ill We leader and to the many equally capa- come-e even" movement! Entered as second class matter ble students who hould be develop- . After looking over the cloth · g ads couldd tay awake and , cram. eptember 25, 1917, at the pos_toffice ing their talents. There i no rea 111 taye awake. 011 at Westerville, 0 ., under act of 111 our . newspaper, about the only F. ht I Qn. why a few outtanwng per onalitie t Thursday 27. The 1g e March 3, 1879. ugge ion we have for those who re- Th d e had oil e enemy advanced an W e cceptance for mailing at special should continually be permitted to pleni h d th . . all the honor -and bui- would ebe "Peir d wardrob e's la t fall . k.i rm1· h . I retreate d to c ram som , . ·t1y rate of po tage provided for in Sec. walk off with . h monotoaou regularity, while , em and weep" 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, auth orized d ens wit _' ,.,ea____ •, more. I trust p rov1.d ence imp hc1 a April 7, 1919. the great number of potential I ader s We coul d never ui1 d t d h ~ut l believe that one shopuld -~:.:e's are atisfied to it back and look on. Dodge car sho Id er s an w Y a little so as not to wear out rovi tra , . . u carry a horn wh en good nature. Went to the orchc_s et EDITORIAL The last th111g we would wish to ad- 1t has that sign on the front , "Dodge the swe College Spirit. vocate wou ld be that anyone osten- Brother ." concert and listened to tterbein ha always prided her- tatiously put him elf or her elf forst ra ins. f ight. elf and rightly o, on the genuine­ ward on eve ry po sible occa ion with QUEER QUIPS Friday 28. Thick of the and n e of her college pirit. It ha el­ a elf-adverti ing air o f importance. ____ Faced through battle manfu lly a d m b en aid that any athletic team That i not nece ary. _ bility plu " You're fired ," said the janitor as he o nly got killed. But I feel free/:nd or any pha e of college activity lack- quiet_ willing_ ne to erve will ot long slammed the furnace door. lark now because I ' m all throug bleS cl entbu ia tic upport from the remam un d1 covered. But the import"Th· . . • can II. ten to the growls an d gruJll is is mdeed food for reflection" tud ent body. ant point i just thi , that the call to muttered the goat as he d d , of other people with reli sh. However there is a certain thought­ ervice, when it come , find u read · f evoure a Saturday 29. Rested. piece o the shattered mirror. autobiog· Je · cla of tuden t who eem to and willing to meet the ituation, as Y a Sunday 30. Wrote an . st 1 " I'm t 1re · d of hanging around h n1i the real ignificance of college challenge to the be t that i in us. ., raphy to my folks coveri ng the ~all pirit. To their notion it consi t of College i pas ing. Career are grnwled the governor as he order:~e,a two weeks, for I ha ven't ,sen \heY nothing more nor less than a blar of b~ckoning. Will you be forever ati fied h_alf dozen electric chairs. epi tie during that time. Guess liege noi e, a wild demonstration at th wi th a econd-be t life bccau e you bewonder if I've gone to another co "That' · . s Just as clear as mud " gam e and then, it tbe_ team doc n' t came u ed to taying where you were pla ned the professor, " but the~ thex- or what I win, .an all-absorbing grou ch tli;.t "put" in college? Then make your- covers the ground." at - - - - -----:::::;, R' u ually erve to keeQ their littl e(f count. ~et u ed to doing ome"Y AND YET WE WONDE . b d · ou tell 'em bearm· s " b ut hammer bu y and_ their otherw1 e lhmg and being ome o Y 111 chool front sprocket "l'Ug b' groaned the --- . II a o unoccupied mind entertained for an or you will hardly do O in aft r life. , m a ailed up." ay, what' thi Baffaire a kt10''°' indefinite period of time. They fail anyWay? obody seem to, th~ to und er tand that loyalty to the what it 1u an and it i n·t 10 CALENDAR ': e ~ugbt to congratulate ~urselves chool i the very essence of college on havmg uch friend a Mr . M ary dictionary." yoll• "I' m ure I couldn ' t en ligh tet1 fron1 pirit and that only a traitor would Ga~t and the Grafton Tith r . Their Wedn~day, February 2be gui lty of adding a knock to the al­ pra1 es are con tant ly being su ng by R~g1 tration day fo r School If my brain were not so wearY ready heavy burdens that mu t be ~veral hundred grat ful 'OtteTbein Music. of j exam · I'd try to figure it out. eti1ti 01 borne. girl . And now if the spirit wou ld ~u ic Recital, Lambert Hall. ''I'll bet it' ome dr y old \ tell f cour e it i ea y to critici e only . move some benevolent friend to Friday, February 4or maybe a box ociaJ. You can Giee Club at Lo when the cores are again t our provide the long-needed Victrola f me it a thriller!" t rve B k gan . d bU team. ome of our garrulou wi e­ the cla se in Mu ic Appr ciation ; : a et Ball at Capital "Well, don't tell anybo !.• to bC acre know just what ought to be /ould feel certain that the day of Saturday, February 5- . got a hunch that it' going d here done. They would have a champion- 1teral an wer to prayer i not pa t. F ?lee Club at Lanca ter about the biggest thing aroun ts and hip team within a we,:k if only they riday, February 11· thi year-pretty girls a nd ~a about 111 were doing things. They overlook ket Ball at Mt U . And now under the obering in­ s Ba all kind of fun I Coming off turd . 11 100 the rather important fac t that Otter­ fluence of a half dozen trange- look­ a ay, February 12- · three weeks." . ? Well, bein i playing the hardest schedu le in ing exams we recall with bitter re­ Basket Ball at Canton " o that's what a Baffaire. is­ her hi tory with the nucleu of la t morse those s quandered eve nings Thursday, February 17__: well!" year's team gone and with all new :",hen we sa id to our r oommate, " If F ?te Club at Cincinnati mat rial ineligible to p lay. nd of ,t head we go to bed, if it's tail ri ay, February 18· Weekly Prove~b-heY start cour e they can point out plenty of we play rook, and (thi a bit nervou S Glee Club at Centerville "When Greek meets Greek t thing that they_are perfectly sure will ly) if it tand on edge ve tudy." . • aturday, February 19- . a re taurant." Glee Club at Dayton. ---:;-rs! Patronize our adve,.., THE OTTERBEIN









Literary Department (This page will carry each week a representative production from th e Program of one of the four li t erary societies, selected in such manne_r as each may determine. The rotation will be regul ar unless censors fail to ubmit productions in proper time for publication.) · BILLBOARDS-A SATIRE Philophronea. One of th e g reatest far-reaching and mo t indispensable mean of adveni mg · · . great land of Ill this th ance and opportunity is the Ame ri­ can bill-board. Whether one stand s in th 1110 e t crowded thorough-fare of our large t muni cipality or be stranded in the h cart o f t-he wildest . tract of Ian d in th r· . greeted by . e ar west, he 1s th1 ver Y e ff ect1ve . . . r eminder that there 1 a ce rt · · C am cigarette which '"satisfies." fa n You not recall that never-to-be­ o~gotten night when seated in some quiet Pot alone except for the Pre ence of "one o th er" you .felt Pre d. ed t o put the que tion and to iscovet whether - life from thence \Va to be a vertible heaven or an einpry void? he was seated beside Yhou intently watching Diana drive er ch · anot of gold across the great expan f r e O tarlit sky. Do you not ecall how unconsciously you looked over her shoulder and aw staring at Yfou in beautiful Engli h cript that amou Ph rase. " Eventually, why not now?" . And th en next night a f ter th " h. gr at refu al," remember 0 •V You tried to find olace on that an1e be 1 nc t and con templating an nd e to all a rthly trouble how your eye . traveled unwittingly to th at again ·111 1• d pen able in trument of . brm· th ging American produce befo re e Public eye and you declared that II ev ·r h Fl ould a ack of Gold Medal our" ar cro your thre hold in the ~ ?f the grocery boy? a gain, recall the time when off on Peaceful ride among the bill-boards You aw b" a h" a it of landscape one>! in w tie a d . cu 111 b. n JU t a you were ucthe lllg to the bea uty of the night Pre Po ter of a rear tire made it Wit~en~e known and the little fc' low ca ndl e in hi hand, tanding 011 0 t wa/ ~ of the hill announced that it tow lime to re-tire. You drove into 11 1 ~o ~mediately and bought a ' Fi k n- kid Tir ,, There i v no doubt that this ery iin . ' 1nank· Pre 1ve mean of informiJ1g 1nd WorJd of activity in the bu inc s ad vi b~ nd it certainly would be in­ bi11.1. a e to di pense with ten-foot uoard ou . · 1 ndeed, it was a gener­ p irnpu[ e that prompted the o ter Ad Ye vertising s ociation, thre e ar a or', . go, to erect many hundred u1 11-bo d . \\>he ar 111 very ffec.tive spo ts re ma f at th n elt the need of glan cing contc:tm, and there-on urging the Port th· of the melting pot to sup­ I ty B government and buy LiberA Ond Wh at . 1ovmg . "Iller· libertybill.b ican citizi:n would object to a Oard b . Yard t tng erected i.n the front O \\>orth be u ect in upport of such a in th Y c~u e? Tl)ere is little doubt e mind of the Amer:ican citizen

Sit down to study and you just couldn ·t because _the page of the book was just as wiggly as could be and you couldn't concentrate for any good at all and the words all ran toget her, and yo ur eyes were sort , and the light poor, and your sea t was uncomfortabl e, and you couldn' t hnd any chair that you could. sit in and keep your feet on the floor, and you co uld just imagine the rest of the bunch out skating or at the movies or enjoying a sing or making fudge or eating strawberries and cream with gooseberry sauce and you just knew some one else was out with your best beloved and you didn't know ,vhat to do about money because you couldn't possibly stay in school if you qidn't get some more and then you just kinder gave up the ghost and said to yourself looka here fella things rea lly aren't so doggone rotten for if you can't study you can go to bed, and if someone else has go t · your best ever he can have it and take it for ever. You always did know a better one, and the money will co·me tomorrow sure anq anyway the world';, a pretty good place a nd you decide to go out for a short walk and on the way you see your " B. B." out with a crowd of her own sex and yo u go right back to your room and "ye Gods" how you can study! 'Cause if yu never had the same sen ation you ure can't be human It' grand and glor-ee-ou feeling! -Dynamo.

Page Five


Ienough Too many diamonds alarm clocks.


no t . Too many silk hirts and not enough flannel ones. Too many pointed toe ·and not eno ugh square toed ones. Too many serge suits and not enough ove ralls. Too many decollette gowns and not eno ugh aprons. Too many satin upholstered Jimousines and not enough cows. Too many consumers and not enough producer . Too much oil stocks and not enough sav ings accounts. Too much envy of the r es ults of hard work and too little desire to emulate. Too many desiring short cuts to wealth and too few willing to pay the price. Too much class consciousnes and too littl e ·common democracy and love of humanity. Too much of the spirit of "get while th e getting's good," and not e nough of old-fashioned Chri tianity.

today, that, had not this patriotic sacrifice been made by these promul­ gators of American industry, Em­ peror William would be flying kites over Washington today and we would ha ve entertained our children with German made toys these last three Yu letides. Again can you cens ur e the advertising magnate for using th ese same sign-boards in _th~ front yard for private enterp~1se . hould edifices which con ta111ed enough lumber to rebuild war- trik_en Europe and which were covered with ufficient paint to camouflage the en­ tire , !lied Kavy, be left to rot? Why should not be proclaimed to the world, there-on, the exi tence of "Heinz' Fifty-seven Varieties," ~.~ "Aunt Jemina's Pancake Flour: What matters if they were placed m conspicuous places, possibly u,1der false preten e, whic;h must be pro_ved, Mathematical Romance. business i busines • o other reason can be assigned 2 lovers sat beneath the shade And 1 un 2 the other said, as the cause of the failure of what " How 14- that you be-9 promised to be one o~ _merica's Ha ve miled upon this suit of mine. greatest industrial organ1zat1ons . If 5 a heart that palps 4 you -Had Henry Ford employed the b1l~­ Thy voice is mew 6 melody. board and by this means placed ~ts 'Tis 7-2 be thy loved 1-2, improved invention of the au_to'.11'!b1ie peak up nymph, wilt thou marry before the Amedcan people it is afe me?" to say that this vehicle would be " I. A. mith, the merchant, is having Then lisped he oft, "Why 13-ly." u ed by many people today and Mr. Ford would not be comp 11':d _to hi block painted. It will be a great W atch for the BAFFAIRE I pend the remaining years of his h~e improvement."-Ex. . the poor house! But alas, he did f . t t r in not learn that axiom o pnva ~ en e_ - !! 111111111111111 I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I II 1111111111 II 1111111 IIIIII I I I III I I III I I I I I I I I I 1111111111111111111!! . pon which ucce s or failur e 111 . prt e u . h hinge "Bu ine s wit out . bu 111e ,. bill -board spells disaster. hi my humble Ii tener, Jet us be · t Let us feel that bill-boards conten . . . ece ary evil and that this 1mare a n . d by . in trument d1scovere pre s1ve . h . For epaw for filling t e1r Barnum an d . tent in the good old days, carcu dare not perish. Let us not i kt a . protest. • How,. for a •·en _ fing r 111 would we b without ~ur ham?1on k Plug" near u 111 th e dehgbtpar . d'r ive in the moonlight and ful vemng . how lonely would we feel af we were . <led eve ry mile and a quarnot rerrun d d re are over one bun re ter tha t tlle . · "H ud on Super-sixes JO thou an d · e r vice" an~ possib ly some of th em 111 worse condition than our own. Let u be thankful that we have the • such wonderprivilege of gazmg 011 . · works of art and do not 1ive Ill when the construethe tone ge . 'bl tion of a bill-board was imposs1 e. tent with the old Let u be con world a it i ' and Jeep on. Paul v. prout, '22.





$50 -and $55 Men's Suits§ and Overcoats in the-: Union's Clearance Sale --



Such fine clothes as Hart, Schaffner !& Marx and other.high-grade makes at less than to-day's = wholesale cost.


Ikey (looking up from_ hi b~~k ) ·s d r meaning of vo r­ "Fadder, Vot l t ex' ?" dots der Fatber,-"Why, Ikey, 011 movies extra cent they charges and ice cream."


ii- 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 11111111 ii=

Page Six




• \ ( t,.~, 5~~

O'-< ~i


N OTED " GRAD" EARNS TRIBUT E E . S. Barnard, Class of. '95, Ach ieves Dist inction-Now Business Man­ ager of World's Champs...




Prominent among th e g raduat es of fA~J GA'fi:. Otterbei n who have won distinction 0 • ' 1-\\M j O MVCI-' i O · ~ ~ ____..,,,-:::..-.--:in one line of endeavo r or another is E rn es t . Barnard, pr esen t busine s ~ C IN -n-\l:, O{=-y\Ct ~~~;: ' - - ;-~, manage r of the Cleve land American 1¥.~i ~ Ne.~t\t 1-\/').0 < . . , baseba ll club, who gradu at er! from -n t-i\E TO LE-Al/e. ~\';) PO~i Otterbein with the degree of P h. B. in th e clas of 1895. " Barney" a, lie -"'T\'c ti\lQ1Mh '-N~Rt COl\\~Ai lN<:i ~'c;.\Q has co me to be fa miliarl y kn ow n to avvoNBNiS ON i~E i) lAMOND the eatir e porting wor ld was an a ll ­ I / \ round ath lete in his own student days an d as acting coach for th e Otterb ein \-\t: (Ou 1-0- 1't:.l\. ~'-4 _ eleven put out teams that defeated 1 ':\t:. f t>.C.t:S Of JI t-,\_ • such sc hools a Ohio State a well as ho lding a clean record agai ns t 'OuNN AN~ 01\-\'e'lS mos t of the chool of th e st.; te. j _: A~ -n-\e.'i "£-r.J",&Q&U After his graduation " Barney" rose ~\-\B-l from one position of respons ibility to anothe r until 1898 when he became 1.; -'\-\~ c9tff~51 WA~ sporting edito r of th e "Columbus Di ~NQ'cO patch". ome tim e later he wa call­ ed to Cleveland a secretary of the Cleveland "Ind ian s" a nd sho rtl y after­ ward became Business Manager of the team that now ho lds th e worl d' championship bunting. Otterbein may well be proud of Erne t Sargent Barnard and his en­ viable record. We quote from a ketch from the CleveJand Plain. Deal­ er of recent date on the work of Mr. Barnard : "It was nearly eighteen year ago that "Barn ey" came to the "Indians" as tr-a v ling ecretary. He held that position seven years and th e n became bu ine s manager and vice-president of the " ap ". When Dunn purcha ed Charles W. Somer's interests. Bar­ narrl acted as a si tant to Robert le­ =o=u=r=t=es~y~ o=f=C ; ;; le~v~e~la;n;;d~ P~la;i~n~D;e;a~le~r~.)~ = = = = = = = = = = ~ Roy who was vice-preside-nt and =============== ~ (=C BOARDING CLUB LEAGUE bu in e manager, but upon McRoy's his free "Between a girl dragging along in "Who dares not peak te death, he became the B. M. again. unbuckled galoshes and a boy wearing Results, January 29. thoughts is a slave."-Bona.P~ "Barnard i a West Virginian by trouser creased in four directions th e McRill,-29-1Mattoon, 8. birth, th e plate of his nati vity being a.vera?e sq ui rrel must have a fearful Priest, 10--Reed, 8. West Colu mbia. When he was still a time m choosing."-Ex. Town, 33-Cook, 11. youngster, hi folk moved to We Bishop, 23-B lendon, 6. tervill , s Otterbein College r in Geology- " Th e g eo .o. instructo . 1 i - in that town, Barnard became a Schedule, February 5. gigt th mk ·in term of centuries.' McRill vs. Town. b1dent there. He acquired a . Fro h ( bitterly)-"Gosh and I R eed vs. Blendon. theor tical knowledge of football and Just loaned him five bones." Prie t vs. Bi hop. while a tudenJ, acted as coach of the Mattoon vs. Cook. Otterbein eleven, the fin an ces of the '.'One of the painters tepped off a college not permitting the engag Standing of the Clubs. th~~ty foot ladder backward today." ment of a paid coach. While "Barney" W. L. You don't ay ! Did it kill him,,, Pct. wa tutoring Otterbein that lit tle Town ··--······-·······-··- 3 0 "No, he was on the bottom rung.'; 1000 team beat O hio State, 22 to 16 IcRill ......--.............. 3 0 1000 pon gradua tion with the degree of Bi hop .................- ... 2 1 .667 Ph . · B. he went to Columbu to be­ Prie t ....- .................. 2 1 .667 come the ecretary of the Builder's Blendon - ···-·--·..·•·.. 1 2 .333 Everybody eats candy, why not buy I Exchange of that city. In 1 9 he be- Reed ....... ·-····-··-·- 1 2 .3.33 ame porting edito r of the "y,lum., Mattoon --·-····-···· 0 3 go \::ndy? .ooo bu Dispatch", a po ition he held until Cook ··-···-·····-·•-·..··· 0 3 000 he cam to Cleveland to affiliate himThe league game did not change vet1Ut 1£ with the Cleveland ball club. the tanding of the club a each of the 145 W . Home St. · "Getting out the port pages of th e was ucce ful in copping a :=:::::============= = Di patch, however, wa not his only leaders victory. j b. He al o coached the crack foot­ The 1:cRitl and Town Club each ball team of th Ohio Medic ., and piled up a goodly sco re on their oppo­ rved one year a president of th e nents w hile the P rie t e caped defeat Western s ociation. which wa com­ by but one basket. posed of Loui ville, Indianapoli , Some of the best game of the ea­ T H E TAI B Grand Rapid , Fort W.ayne, Dayton, on will be seen next aturday as the o lumbu . Toledo and ewca tie.' leading team s will play each other. State and Main ·s eetS

w~ ..

i J-n,~ ~r\Cc



WOLFE'S MEATS Are good to eat. ·

Phone your Of<ler.

Bell 46-W

H onie Made Chocolat es

Citizen 92





soN .

The College A


A, A. RICH T~e In urance Man b tract , Loans otary Public


B. W. W.~ -LS . d Pressing Clearuni an

Page Seven


I contrary

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ill llll llll llll llllllllllllllllllllllllll Ill IIIIIIIII Ill 1111111111111111111111111111_11 TOILET ARTICLES-Face Powders, Toilet Waters, California Perfumes, Vanity Boxes, ing are not made to plea e the norFlesh Brushes, Etc. ma l man's id ea of bea uty because th e opposite sex would rath er see women Eastman Kodaks and Supplies of all kinds. dres e el neat ly and becomingly and FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED in harmony w ith cu-s tom than in th e UP-TO-DATE PHARMACY ,·cry latest' fashion . The keen inter- est manifested throug hout the meetOPTICAL DEPARTMENT ing wa ample proof 0 '. its uccess. : Eyes Examined Free, Eye Glasses and Spectacles of all styles. : to common

J'f I






j va le n t tyles and modes of hair dre • - _


= = l ontinued from page one.) § RITTER. f:.. UTLEY ' training and experience a secre_t~ry ' : U : I f · he Inter-collegiate Proh1b1t1on , : = t . . • I · h capacity he has '1ii111111llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll FIELD SECRETARY ENGAGED

Satisfaction Guaranteed.


I' A

DCI A"l"fD


_,_____;;;~":.:.l.;.1.;i:::.;.;;.a '

. oc1at1on 111 w 11c I . pent seve ral years among the co l- , =============================== ~:~1~:t r / n cl busi11 ess men ~ f. t ~ e ~ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ I

I The e ngage ment of Mr. Phillip I: only a preliminary tep toward the §

1I•ty FI Owers == Qua = =

0h Ja • . I to Pend ave went home to Lancaster § th e week-end. I Dia>1lond Jubilee celebration to be I : A numb e O f I ·. Th Board of Trustee r00 r change in rooms and J he ld 111 1922. e I= __ nl-mat . F b 22-23 to conth e e are bemg made now that I is to meet on e ruary . : I: ;nd of the eri-1 ter is here .ider definite plan fo;a~aa;e:c~~l~1~~~ I§ § 11 1 0 g ,;,t:t ;!~~:er A tti ca was a ado hi~e;x~:r:h::":f;~ specific ~o~I :§ ,. n Ho!1 a th1 week-end. tee! for the new and endowment nve 1 : Dun ca n" th P b ·1d · funds Th e "\\· e '.\ ew Arrow Co ll ~.r. and addition a l t11 mg · . .1 E. J ~cot~" th e New Soft Co ll a r. p lan s will not be fi nally adopted until . § .. orr1 .-Ad v. aft er the meeting of the ~e~era l o1;- 1§ Q Blanche Will ' feren ce in the spring, as it is th elpu_ t. ' 0 Um US, • 1 Ch r1 tm am on who ince f h • • • 0 liege to work on y m : O 0tter1i/ Hha been teaching at th e po e t \~ the plans laid by that : fini h' in o1ne at Laba non i her e harmony w1 = th Ing e eme ter work • body. -------lialel 13 • · = \\'edne d ar~grover gave a push 'OHIO IS VIC-r;OR CAL FLOOR § ay night, ON LO :: Joseph Joh ' (Continued from page one.) ).lile of \ 11 of idney and Albert : F ·day night th e Otterbein : • • • th gue Vitt 11 b I . extt .n play Capitol in th e L oy -= ~ -1s of g erO' Coll eg e , were qu1nte w1 11 ·. • : ,.. Unday ne and Mar I ryon . - at Co lumbus. Thi 1 a : 1 • , • y111nas1u111 'tal Virg·1 change in th scheduJe a Saapt1ur.- =-i nia • Blag 1 here on n a Push g entertained by giv- 1wa upposed to Pay [ =raturday night. • do day. : I h renc R The Score. . . : Orne eed who went to her I . ) p ( 4 7) Ohio 1111v. : ca'lle ~t A bville, becau e of illne Otterbein l13 o ·. Davi = t Jack unday. Ranck- ch~tz-B ra~nc~ ~ King Dup- ! E§ he dinne , White- o lh er-Wh1 t e, . !er = llnday in r ue t at Coc hran Hall s· kl : I n~r. ~arg~r~~ed Mr. and Mr . Burt!b right-Priest C. Van E~-~~he § 1ole1 Pa t and Edmund Burtn er , Lehman- chretk G. : ~ar.riet B_a;erson, Mr . Hays and George-Ba rnhard G. Meyer ' ;illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllmlii • \lhite, Ed ' Gladys West, Kathle e n ~urkett ~ = = = = = ~ = = = = = = = ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = and na Dell' • J I Field Goals-D av1s, · 9 · K in g 3; ::: Alhett ,, . mg er, oseph J ohn I ' 1,· :\targ "ll 1 • Va n ick Ie, 5 ; Meyers, 3; ~~\:r, ; .!,!111111111111111 lllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllll llllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllll 111111111111111111 ~

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a her ~::// ~er P~nt the week-end 1 al I ve land. \\> e Pri ce eek. E. J ~on . · hoe continue thi D .. Orn . - dv. Co kean M. cFadd c atte 11 ded then and Bertha Hano · ntere nc e tudent Sec retary t· ct n ay aft at th e outhern Hotel h ernoon . "lar,, \\t J h an1b erlain is . pending the eek. f lie1:~: ~th friend in Wooster. or B aer i 1 . T d owr eavmg ue ay I ake Up in g Gr n, where he ·11 ch 0 Work ·111 Wl ot. th State Normal

p ---J:· tof. Sch - - -

.,; indi ng car Addresses Girls. ..,rJ out h . w at men think vf . and w Pr1\' l 01ne · l;is I ege of th n 111 genera l wa the ,,..,.1 IVeek o-ed at Y W A ~h · ln t · · · · ·• ~he Man' V · reating his s ub ject, th ear di vid e iewpoint," Professor ~ ''low b cI men into three classes P~Od row ,, , lloihtUcer ' and 'th th_ middle class or 1h " ed e 1dl •ff out h e wea t y and of ected by ti°w merican wom~n ar e each cla le attitude and opinions Th e leader stated that



White. 1; A lbright, l ; chutz, 1. . h Fou l Goal lbng t, I . King, 5. B

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ne ' ,: chreck,

eche r of Swarthmore. Referee, r T t minutes. Time _ of _ Halve wen ____ _y_

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the only thing your friends = cannot buy.

. d [rom page ·one.) = (Cont111ue · . . and organ accompan1- : tr 0th er 'P'.aooW • ht and Prof. Gra- 1= One dozen Photos make 12 appreciated presents. _ m nt by Mi ng ith great kill : "d ·t va ung w Have the Best bill, an . I ' d a very highly appre- , : aud gen1u . an w ·= . . · [: ber the orche. - : c1ated. . As a concluduig num Lil tudent : THE OLD RELIABLE I d , oUege e tra P aye . . h tirring medley : g " H e1nnc , a d f on · 'th "We'r e Prou O · = 1: which ended wi ~ Our Alma: Mater." I =~ - - -- -~--:~ in the hand : • · : ' The t~t li}s ~~\~;;rofessor after ~ o f the printer, sa h any que _ _ COLUMBUS,O. : "Ar e t ere = hi last lectu r e. ==== _ tion ." the Th. n a voice from State and High Streets ilence. e ?" back row. " Who's the printer. = - -- - - - ~ : - =llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii our advertisers! Patronize





Page Eir:




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\lfo~~";:l:•~h;~: ,?J~:;:,·~: '==IIUVllllllllllll~AIIIIIIIIIIIRIIIIIIIIIIISIIIIIIIIIllll;lfy"'""""'''''ollllllllllI'' · Dr. Clark is be ing celebrated all over the nation , by the settin g a$ide of this week as Ch ristian ·Endeavor Week. In th e meetin g Sunday eve n-



was presented as a review;;1d~~\~i~~;s" of th e forty === ~~c:::pl~~~:e::~!Jr~~:n years of Chri tian E nd eavo r and what it has meant personally to its many members. The short snappy leader's talk by John George was fol-




. '] ::Sp'a·Id·,ng G00dS as yo' u neeu : them :_

lowed by tes timonials fr o m many as to th eir appreciation of th e organiza- :::_ tion. Miss Clara Sellman sang "Ivory Palaces" accompanied by violin opligata by Miss ·Cridland. _ The meeting next Sunday evening will be a most important one, closing _ . Christian ·Endeavor Week with a Decision Day Service.


Rev. E. E. Turner of College Hi_ll church, Cincinnati, visite~ Otterbein • Wedne day. Rev . Turner ,s. ecretary and Treasurer of th e Miami Conferen~e Ch ri tian E nd eavor . Friends of J . R. Williams who is now in Grant Hospital, Col un:ibus, will be glad to learn of his rapid improvemen t. The Trail of a Torturous Test or " teero" Howard and "Beef Te_a" Ten Rejlsons Wny l Flunked. E ll iott have arranged several parties Mr. Handem A. Line for their friends during the week. ( 1) The alimentary canal is located _ Ervin ash and Robert Morrison in the north ern , part of Indiana. _ were at their hon;ies in Dayton over (2) The government of England is a the week-end. limited mockery, : C. L. Fox, '20, attended the gan~e (3) A mountain range is a large § t da night. Fox wa t h e captam coo kstove. o: ~at; t ;ear's quintet. I (4) Achille ~ipped the river . d friend s Styx to make 1m 1mmora . : Lenore Rayot, '!9, vi s ite (5) Gravitation is that which, if there §

: :_ ::


, ;::


Spaldino and Bradley E, Sweaters S ld" pa Ing arstty _N eek _an_d Bradley ·s = ti t E Sweaters $13.s··o to here aturday and Sunday. were none, we sho uld fly away. : $17.SQ Roy Peden ha ju t invented an ap- . (6) The tomach is just south of the E pliancc that will be very uselul to stu- n b . = dents Tho who hav ga -healea (7) pem1anent et of teeth con- § Reduc-ed to $10.00 room should be intere ted. ee Peden i ts of 2 molars, 8 canines, 6 cupid :



for particulars. and cuspidors. Carl mith, ex, '20, now a tudent (8) braham Lincoln wa born in · Wes - an old log cabin which he helped hi tate, spent unday m at Obio fath er build. terville. (9) hake pear' best comedies are J. R . Goodrich and W . o!~l;~c~~~ ; ~thi:;_..Much Doing" and "Ju t As berg::r are vi iting Mr. 0 home in Dayton. (to) The fi r st great e Iec t n.can was W. \ . inkl e who went to !}is 1 oah- he made th e arc light on Mt. home becau e of illne s ha not yet Ararat. returned but i expected back soon, AMONG THE COLLEGES Mr. Jo eph John wa a gu t of Mi s Agne Tryon and Mr. lber t Mile of Mi Mary T ryon on unday .

v • v



Support the





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E J NOD'I\:;RIS ' -westerv1•11e, 0 :i , ., ., :::

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CLUB TALK Editor Tan and Cardinal. J u t hQw ca n we h Ip t hat team of our to wi.nJ hy not som ;nore enthu ia m and roo ing at the gam ? Date are uot a llowed at our .rallie becau e they hinder entbusia m and tha t i ri ght, but at games w e see more date than nlhu ia m. \ by not follow th e experience of ome of our ister college and have 'the men in a group and the g irl in a g roup at th e game and ee how co nta giou pep will grow? :Moreover we do not hav Te erved seat for all anoth er rea on why we up. Why not take your gi_rl to th e game, and then go and root with the "gang?" Anything, any way, to help that coach and the team to win . Let go , Otterbein! Student ' 23.


The tud nt Council at imp on College, Iowa, ha adopted the Honor Y. tern. immon ollege, Texa i another in titution where the ~me Y t m ha be n adopted. In the lat­ ter chool th e vote wa 448 to 40. alpa_rai o nivei:: ity, Indiana, r~orgamzed, elected a representatwe .board of tru tee • lec..,,ed a new pre 1dent, and i out for a million dol ­ lar endowment. This mark . a new poch 111 a remarkable chool.


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