Kitchenware News • December 2024 (2025 Buyers Guide)

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editor from the

Now that 2025 is here, industry insiders and curious media folk like me are busy scoping out the trade shows, meeting up with familiar faces showing new products and checking out all the new stuff

As for the biggest trade shows, they’ve been busy innovating themselves, with ANDMORE’s Atlanta Market enhancing its gift sourcing and the International Housewares Association’s The Inspired Home Show celebrating its 125th show while lighting up a candle component along with unleashing pet products

Already the nation’s largest collection of gift merchandise, Atlanta Market kicked off the year with two dozen updates to more than 700 sales agencies and branded showrooms

“Atlanta Market connects buyers with top-tier gift brands across a wide variety of categories,” said Dorothy Belshaw, ANDMORE president “These updates enhance our position as the nation’s leading destination for gift sourcing, while highlighting the latest innovations and emerging trends in the industry ”

AmericasMart Atlanta offered expanded gift sourcing on 19 floors across Buildings 1, 2 and 3 in January Atlanta Market presented general and specialized gift resources, including tabletop, housewares, gourmet, outdoor living and seasonal

The Winter 2025 edition of Atlanta Market brought nearly 10 updates to permanent home furnishings showrooms, showcasing a variety of brands and enhanced resources

“The inclusion of new home furnishings brands enhances our buyers’ ability to explore fresh products and expand their retail selections,” Belshaw said

Atlanta Market introduced a curated lineup of home décor and furniture exhibitors, aimed at fostering engaging discovery and purchasing opportunities, Belshaw said

The January 2025 Market brought nine new, expanding and relocating updates to more than 300 resources in the home furnishings category

Meantime, IHA planned special events and celebrations honoring the 125th edition of The Inspired Home Show Last year, the IHA reconfigured the layout using the North/South building complex at McCormick Place in Chicago and returned to a three-day format IHA also introduced a travel goods section, which expanded into a Travel Gear + Luggage Expo in the South building for this year ’ s show

This year, the IHA cruelly enabled (I’m joking) my inclination to say, “I’ll take one of everything,” by adding a Candle Pavilion, with the National Candle Association, as well as a Pet Pavilion, with the American Pet Producers Association – with a strong focus on higherend giftable products Thanks, guys

“Gift and specialty retailers specifically are looking for trade events that offer a wide assortment of brands and products, and pet product suppliers are looking for access to those buyers – both can be found at The Inspired Home Show,” said Derek Miller, IHA president and CEO “GMMs, DMMs, buyers and distributors from more than 125 countries attend the show each year, making it one of the leading trade shows in the world ”

“We are pleased to be partnering with IHA to create an unprecedented Pet Products Pavilion at The Inspired Home Show,” said Peter Scott, president and CEO of APPA “This prestigious event attracts an impressive audience of retail industry leaders and decision-makers, providing an unparalleled opportunity for APPA members to showcase their exceptional offerings The popularity of pet products found within gift and specialty stores continues to grow, and this collaboration allows our members and retail partners to develop transformative relationships ”

One of my personal favorites of TIHS is the Debut section, IHA’s incubator program for new and emerging companies and their innovative products, which returned and expanded to include 24 exhibitors at this year ’ s show

We wish safe travels and successful deals to everyone at the trade shows this year!


Kimberly Oser



PRESIDENT OF SALES Anthony Socci anthony s@oser com


SENIOR EDITOR AJ Flick aj f@oser com

EDITOR JoEllen Lowry

CUSTOMER SERVICE customerservice@oser com

CIRCULATION MANAGER Jamie Green jamie g@oser com

EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Heather Albrecht heather a@oser com

Kitchenware News & Housewares Review is a publication of Oser Communications Group Inc


Teaware, Everyone!

e v e r y d a y, ” s a i d Ad a m T h a t c h e r, C E O o f C o n n e c t i c u t - b a s e d G r a c e Fa r m s “ Pa s s i o n a t e t e a d r i n k e r s a re l o o k i n g f o r t r a n s p a re n c y, n o t o n l y t h e o r i g i n o f t h e t e a i t s e l f, b u t a l s o t o w a t c h t h e b re w i n g

s i z e, o n - t h e - r u n w o r l d , t e a re m a i n s o n e o f

t h e s p e c i a l i n d u l g e n t m o m e n t s t h a t c a n a n d s h o u l d b e p a r t o f

t a k e p l a c e, ” h e s a i d “ T h a t ’ s w hy w e d e s i g n e d o u r s m a l l g l a s s t e a p o t a n d s i p p i n g g l a s s e s T h e s e t i s p e r f e c t f o r s h a r i n g a m o m e n t a n d e n j oy i n g t h e p u re t a s t e o f t e a . ”


Continued from page 7

i o n s i n d i c a t i n g

c o n t i n u e d s i g n i fi c a n t e x p a n s i o n f ro m 2 0 2 3 t o 2 0 3 1 , ” a c c o rd i n g t o Ad v a n c e M a r k e t A n a l y t i c s . “ T h e p o s i t i v e

t re n d i n m a r k e t d y n a m i c s a n d t h e a n t i c i p a t i o n o f

f u r t h e r e x p a n s i o n s u g g e s t t h a t t h e m a r k e t i s o n t r a c k

f o r ro b u s t g ro w t h r a t e s i n t h e f o re s e e a b l e f u t u re.

“ To p u t i t s u c c i n c t l y, t h e s t a g e i s s e t f o r n o t a b l e

d e v e l o p m e n t , ” t h e a n a l y s t s s a y

C o n s u m e r s a re a l s o d r a w n t o t r a d i t i o n a l t e a - m a k i n g

d i s h w a re.

“ C e r a m i c t e a p o t s a r e p a r t i c u l a r l y u s e f u l f o r t e a

b re w i n g s i n c e t h e y a re e a s y t o m a i n t a i n a n d o f f e r

e x c e l l e n t h e a t re t e n t i o n . T h i s t e a p o t i s t h e p e r f e c t

c h o i c e f o r t e a e n t h u s i a s t s , ” a c c o r d i n g t o A M A

R e s e a rc h

C e r a m i c t e a p o t s a re g e n e r a l l y u s e d t o b re w h o t t e a

a n d c o n s i d e re d n o t i d e a l f o r i c e d t e a s , t h e a n a l y s t s s a y.

“ T h e c e r a m i c t e a p o t i s t o C h i n a w h a t t h e J a p a n e s e t e t s u b i n

i s t o J a p a n e s e t e a d r i n k i n g. T h e s e t e a v e s s e l s a re e s s e n t i a l t o t h e

t e a b re w i n g p ro c e s s , e s p e c i a l l y f o r C h i n e s e t e a s . Tr a d i t i o n a l l y,

c e r a m i c t e a p o t s w e re u s e d i n C h i n a t o b re w d e l i c a t e t e a s s u c h

a s g re e n t e a a n d w h i t e t e a ”

A M A R e s e a rc h e x p e c t s t h e g l o b a l c e r a m i c t e a p o t m a r k e t t o

s e e a c o m p o u n d a n n u a l g ro w t h r a t e o f 4 3 p e rc e n t

S o, t h e s t a g e w a s s e t f o r m a n u f a c t u re r s s u c h a s Te a

Fo r t é, w h o s e n a m e s a y s e v e r y t h i n g, t o i n t ro d u c e a c e r a m i c

c o l l e c t i o n t h a t h o n o r s t h e h i s t o r y o f t e a w i t h

c o n t e m p o r a r y n o t e s

Te a Fo r t é s a y s F i o re S a k u r a i s i n s p i re d by t h e b e a u t y o f

n a t u r e . W i t h e n c h a n t i n g f i r s t b l o o m s o f s p r i n g , t h e

t e a w a re re c o l l e c t s a t i m e f o r re j u v e n a t i o n a n d re n e w a l

“ S a k u r a b u i l d s o n o u r e v e r - p o p u l a r c h e r r y b l o s s o m

d e s i g n s w i t h re d a n d p i n k b l o s s o m s t h a t a w a k e n t h e

s e n s e s a n d e v o k e t h e j oy o f s p r i n g, ” a c c o rd i n g t o Te a Fo r t é.

“ C h o o s e a n y l o o s e t e a t o s t e e p i n t h e S a k u r a F i o re Te a p o t

o r S t e e p i n g C u p a n d t a k e a m o m e n t t o re f l e c t o n t h e

b e a u t y o f n a t u re a n d s a v o r a p e r f e c t s t e e p. ”

T h e 1 4 - o u n c e c e r a m i c Fo r t é S t e e p i n g C u p w i t h I n f u s e r

i n c l u d e s a s t a i n l e s s - s t e e l i n f u s e r b a s k e t a n d a c e r a m i c l i d

t h a t c a n b e u s e d a s a t r a y a f t e r s t e e p i n g T h e 1 4 - o u n c e

c e r a m i c Fo r t é S t e e p i n g Te a p o t f e a t u re s a d r i p - f re e s p o u t

a n d s n u g l i d t o k e e p t e a w a r m

O n t h e m o re m o d e r n s i d e, Ve r i fi e d M a r k e t R e s e a rc h

s a y s t h e s t a i n l e s s t e a p o t m a r k e t w i l l g ro w a t a n a n n u a l

c o m p o u n d g ro w t h r a t e o f 4 . 0 1 p e rc e n t f ro m 2 0 2 3 t o 2 0 3 0 .

“ T h e g l o b a l s t a i n l e s s t e a p o t m a r k e t i s g a i n i n g p a c e d u e

t o t h e i n c re a s i n g c o n s u m p t i o n o f t e a w o r l d w i d e c o u p l e d

w i t h r i s i n g p ro d u c t i n n o v a t i o n by k e y m a r k e t p l a ye r s , ”

a c c o rd i n g t o a n a l y s t s .

W i t h c o n s u m e r s p a y i n g a t t e n t i o n n o t o n l y t o t h e t y p e s

o f t e a s o n t h e m a r k e t , m a n y a re d e m a n d i n g a p p l i a n c e s

t h a t p r o p e r l y p r e p a r e t h e w a t e r u s e d t o b r e w t e a s .

M a n u f a c t u r e r s i n c l u d i n g S a l t o n a r e r e s p o n d i n g w i t h

k e t t l e s t h a t f e a t u re v a r i a b l e t e m p e r a t u re s e t t i n g s

D i f f e r e n t t y p e s o f t e a a n d c o f f e e r e q u i r e s p e c i f i c

t e m p e r a t u r e s f o r o p t i m a l b r e w i n g a n d e x t r a c t i o n ,

c h a s g re e n

o r w h i t e t e a t h a t re q u i re l o w e r t e m p e r a t u re s ; t h e y l o s e

f l a v o r a n d n u t r i e n t s i f t h e w a t e r t e m p e r a t u re i s t o o h i g h

T h e S a l t o n Te m p e r a t u re C o n t ro l K e t t l e ( G K 1 7 5 8 )

c o m e s w i t h a re m o v a b l e Te a S t e e p i n g l i d t o s t e e p v a r i o u s

t e a s a n d l i g h t s i n d i f f e re n t c o l o r s a s t h e t e m p e r a t u re o f

t h e w a t e r r i s e s T h e t e m p e r a t u re c a n r a n g e f ro m 1 0 5 - 2 1 2

d e g re e s Fa h re n h e i t

T h e k e t t l e h a s a n a u t o m a t i c s a f e t y s y s t e m t h a t e n s u re s

s a f e o p e r a t i o n : s h u t t i n g o f f w h e n t h e w a t e r s t a r t s b o i l i n g,

i f p l u g g e d i n d r y o r w h e n l i f t e d o f f t h e p o w e r b a s e

T h e Va r i a b l e Te m p e r a t u re K e t t l e 1 . 7 l i t e r / q u a r t c a n

h e a t t e a , c o f f e e, o a t m e a l , s o u p a n d b a by f o o d . I t f e a t u re s

a n e a s y - t o - r e a d w a t e r l e v e l w i n d o w, t h e t h r e e - l e v e l

a u t o m a t i c s a f e t y s y s t e m a n d a d j u s t a b l e t e m p e r a t u r e

c o n t ro l w i t h a k n o b o n t h e s i d e o f t h e u n i t t o s t e e p a

v a r i e t y o f t e a s a t t h e p ro p e r t e m p e r a t u re

S a l t o n ’ s E l e c t r i c G l a s s K e t t l e 1 7 l i t e r / q u a r t Va r i a b l e

Te m p e r a t u re w i t h Te a S t e e p e r ( G K 1 7 5 8 ) b o i l s o r h e a t s

w a t e r t o t h e p e r f e c t t e m p e r a t u re f o r a v a r i e t y o f t e a .

Pre s e t t e m p e r a t u re s s t e e p a v a r i e t y o f t e a s a t t h e p ro p e r

t e m p e r a t u r e I t f e a t u r e s a k e e p - w a r m c o n t r o l t h a t

m a i n t a i n s t e m p e r a t u re.

W i t h a n a t t r a c t i v e g l a s s d e s i g n a n d a 3 6 0 - d e g re e b a s e

a n d a h e i g h t - a d j u s t a b l e s t a i n l e s s s t e e l t e a i n f u s e r, t h e

k e t t l e a l s o f e a t u re s LED l i g h t s t h a t c h a n g e a s t h e

t e m p e r a t u re r i s e s . T h e k e t t l e i s s o l d w i t h t w o l i d s , o n e t o

u s e a s a s t a n d a rd k e t t l e a n d o n e f o r s t e e p i n g

t e a

A t t h i s m o n t h’s T h e I n s p i re d H o m e S h o w,

VQ – t h e B r i t i s h a u d i o a n d s m a l l d o m e s t i c

a p p l i a n c e b r a n d – w i l l s h o w h o w i t ’ s

s t re n g t h e n i n g i t s p re s e n c e i n t h e U S m a r k e t

w i t h i t s l a t e s t d e v e l o p m e n t s , i n c l u d i n g a

n e w l y l a u n c h e d p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h L a u r a

A s h l e y

A t t e n d e e s w i l l s e e t h e n e w VQ & L a u r a

A s h l e y C h i n a R o s e & W i l d M e a d o w S DA

r a n g e a t t h e VQ b o o t h , N 8 2 0 9 T h e

c o l l e c t i o n f e a t u r e s a c u r a t e d s e l e c t i o n o f

k i t c h e n e s s e n t i a l s t h a t b l e n d s t y l e, i n n o v a t i o n

a n d f u n c t i o n a l i t y. Fr o m v e r s a t i l e k e t t l e s ,

t o a s t e r s a n d s l o w c o o k e r s t o s o p h i s t i c a t e d

s t a n d m i x e r s , e a c h p i e c e i s d e s i g n e d t o e l e v a t e

t h e c u l i n a r y e x p e r i e n c e w h i l e e m b o d y i n g t h e

t i m e l e s s c h a r m o f B r i t i s h d e s i g n .

E a c h i t e m i n t h e C h i n a R o s e & W i l d

M e a d o w r a n g e i s m e t i c u l o u s l y c r a f t e d ,

b l e n d i n g t i m e l e s s d e s i g n w i t h i n n o v a t i v e

f e a t u re s , a c c o rd i n g t o VQ Ad d i t i o n a l l y, w h a t

t r u l y s e t s t h e c o l l e c t i o n a p a r t i s t h e

c o m b i n a t i o n o f h a n d - a p p l i e d L a u r a A s h l e y

d e s i g n e r p r i n t s a n d a c o m p e t i t i v e p r i c e r a n g e.

T h e e x c l u s i v e c o l l a b o r a t i o n o f f e r s t h e b e a u t y

a n d c h a r m o f L a u r a A s h l e y d e s i g n s a t a n

a c c e s s i b l e p r i c e p o i n t . KN

bodacious Lamborghini’s

Luxury Kitchen Project

F irst, there was a Lamborghini on a farm. Later, there was a Lamborghini in a Ferrari Now, there is a Lamborghini in a kitchen

We’ ll explain

L ong before the name Lamborghini became associated with the high life, there was a mechanically inc lined boy born to Italian vintners named Ferrucio In his ear ly 30s, Ferrucio developed his first business, constructing tractors. Thanks to the success of selling tractors and his love of tinkering with cars, Ferrucio could afford to buy luxur y cars – particular ly Ferraris

“He had one Ferrari for ever y day of the week,” said Juan Fernandez, head of sales at Automobili Lamborghini. “ Those Ferraris had a different c lutch that became a problem

Ferrucio approached Enzo Ferrari and said, ‘Excuse me, I think

your cars could benefit from a c lutch design that ’ s more reliable.’”

Lamborghini pitched a c lutch he used in his tractors.

“Ferrari turned him down and said, ‘ You should stick to tractors,’” Fernandez said

Af ter Ferrucio shrugged off the insult, he went on to construct his own luxur y cars, inc luding the legendar y Countach, which Fernandez calls the “epitome of sports cars, ” among many others

In his lifetime, Ferrucio Lamborghini was a mechanic, Wor ld War II soldier, winemaker and, of course, businessman, among many other pursuits He died wealthy at the age of 70 in Perugia, Italy

His legacy of innovation lives on

“ The Lamborghini brand thrives as a leader in the unexpected,” Fernandez said, “also in providing informal luxur y in nontraditional ways ”

It began when Porsche broke into the SUV market with its Cayenne model, which immediately became a best-seller

“Lamborghini followed suit with its Urus, which became the best-selling Lamborghini of all time,” Fernandez said. “It opened the door to a new kind of c lientele ”

The company says Urus merges “the soul of a super sports car with the functionality of an SUV.”

“Lamborghini has been a male-focused brand and now, for the first time, there’s a woman behind the wheel of a Lamborghini ”

Imagining a Lamborhini parent returning home from a Costco run with the children in the second row and groceries in the back, the idea of developing a luxurious kitchen for the family to stock the pantr y, make meals and congregate arose.

“ The heart of a home is the kitchen,” Fernandez said

“As leaders of the unexpected, we know that these guys who drive the sports cars expect great engineering,” said Maria Jacobo, head of communications for Lamborghini ’ s The Bodacious Kitchen, “and they also expect to have a lifestyle that ’ s outside of the ordinar y, exc lusive

“ W hy not have a one-of-a-kind kitchen? We call it a masterpiece of kitchen engineering ”

“ The Automobili Lamborghini Bodacious Kitchen is a projection of Lamborghini ’ s DNA into the heart of the wor ld ’ s most distinguished homes,” said lead designer Massimo Colella “ We’re committed to the brand ’ s values and offer the same unlimited Ad Personam customization experience.

“I’m particular ly excited about designing with Automobili Lamborghini ’ s signature Forged Composite Carbon F iber, bringing it into an outstanding kitchen,” Colella said Each Bodacious Kitchen is craf ted with Italy ’ s finest m

show-stopping futuristic angles The sleek, marble countertops are designed to stand the test of time with state-of-the-art acid treatment and 4D natural texture, making the stone feel alive, yet more resistant than ever

The c abinetr y is accentuated with a premier selection of metal and sustainably sourced wood, ever y detail curated to push the kitchen space into new frontiers of elegance

Just as the hexagon has become an iconic style element of Lamborghini ’ s sports cars, the ec lectic

embodied in the island and other elements such as cabinetr y silhouettes. An optional wine fridge is designed as a hexagon on its side, which Fernandez described as a “statement piece ”

“It ’ s the same design translated into a kitchen,” Fernandez said.

Na t u r a l l y, t h e b e l o ve d L a m b o r

go i s embossed on hand les and doors

Bodacious Kitchen has plenty of options to make a kitchen to the homeowner ’ s desires

“ We’re not constrained by the amount of colors you can have,” Fernandez said. “Just as if someone wants to customize a car to inc lude his wife’s favorite nail polish, if it isn’t made already, it will be mixed

“It ’ s important to us that our customers have the best experience possible.”

“And it ’ s much more important for a kitchen,” Jacobo said “A kitchen is something you see ever y day It ’ s part of your home for 20 or 30 years.

“ We don’t want to think of it only as a kitchen,” she said “It ’ s a

Cont. on page 10

Continued from page 9

part of ever yday living space and when you see it in person, it ’ s unbelievably gorgeous. ”

Conceived pre-pandemic, the Bodacious Kitchen came to fruition with Lamborghini L ounges in New York and Tokyo. The lounges are usually reser ved for L a m b o r g h i n i ’

customize their vehic les with the brand ’ s signature Ad Pe r s on a m p ro g r a m . T h e Ne w Yo rk l o u n ge features an example of Lamborghini ’ s latest models, an Ad Personam room showcasing multiple steering wheels, seats, rims, leather finishes and at its heart lies the first Bodacious Kitchen in the United States.

But as lockdown protocols were enacted across the wor ld, the kitchen rollout was put on hold

This year, Automobili Lamborghini has gone full throttle on introducing the Bodacious Kitchen to a m b a s s ad o r s , c on s t r u c t i on a n d

a t e professionals who will disseminate the concept across the United States. On May 2, the company invited industr y professionals to its New York Lamborghini L ounge featuring Chef John Delucie

“ The launch was fantastic,” Fernandez said “ You know what they say about New York, if you can make it there you can make it anywhere. Also, Frank Sinatra says if you want to be somebody, buy a Ferrari If you are somebody, buy a Lamborghini ”

The rivalr y conceived by Enzo Ferrari and Ferrucio still thrives in the 21st centur y

Automobili Lamborghini will hold similar events ac ro s s t h e c o u n t r y, i n t ro d u c i n g t h e B o d

s Kitchen with the help of gourmet chefs featuring Italian cuisine One such event was held at the exc lusive Spanish Oaks Golf Club in Austin, Texas

The Bodacious Kitchen is being offered exclusively through the members of the Automobili Lamborghini Bodacious Kitchen Brand Ambassador Club – industr y leaders in the fields of luxur y architecture, design and construction in the United States and Caribbean W hile there are only a handful of ambassadors in

F lorida, Texas, Illinois and Las Vegas now, new members are encouraged to qualify through the corporate office.

Fo r i n t e


o b i l i Lamborghini will put them in contact with area ambassadors.

“At this level, you can only work with the b e s t , a n d we h a ve a go o d a m o u n t o f experience in that with La Dolce V ita in Miami, working on some of the city ’ s most exc lusive houses on the market,” said lead designer Colella “O ur vision is to have a fully i n t e g r a t e d n a t i on a l e c o s y s t e m o f ambassadors where we become a hub for d e s i g n i n g a n d c on s t r u c

projects ”

Information about upcoming events will be posted on the company ’ s social media. For such an elegant concept, the Bodacious t a k e s i t s n a m e f rom on e o f t h e m o s t dangerous rodeo bulls in the United States, Bodacious. Still, this is a longtime tradition in the Lamborghini family, stemming from Fe r r u




cast in

Composites Grow as Home Surfaces

W hether it ’ s for aesthetics or some primordial urge, natural stone is a multimillion-dollar industr y for home surfaces According to the Natural Stone Industr y, imported stone was valued at $2 43 billion in 2016, with granite accounting for most of it, and valued at 468 million for domestic stone, with marble the most popular

Yet the global manufactured stone surfaces market was valued at $23 42 billion in 2022 and expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 5.8 percent by 2030. The growing popularity of quartz-based engineered stone is one of the market drivers

This year, Vadara Q uartz Surfaces expanded its portfolio of handcraf ted quartz surfaces with seven designs. Vadara found inspiration in the natural beauty of such places as W hite Sands National Park in New Mexico and the Okavango Delta in Botswana The new designs advance Vadara’s expansive colors and patterns.

The new colors demonstrate the brand ’ s ability to manufacture patterns and colors that are as beautiful to see as they are easy to live with Each design is pure, natural quartz, but whose nonporous surface is resistant to stains

The new collection inc ludes Gossamer Sands, a marble-inspired quartz, featuring a bright white background with flowing light brown veining; Scandi Blue, a Calacatta marble-inspired quartz, featuring a bright white background with bold, dynamic blue, brown and rust veining; Desert Blush, a Calacatta marble-inspired quartz, featuring a bright white background with dynamic rust veining; and Safari Delta, a Calacatta marble-inspired quartz, featuring a bright white background with bold, dynamic taupe and brown veining

A l


Continued from page 11

featuring a bright white background with bold, dynamic tan and blue-gray veining; Moonlit Lace, a Calacatta marble-inspired quartz, featuring a bright white background with dynamic cream and taupe veining; and Terra V ista, a Poanazzo calacatta marbleinspired quartz, featuring a white, tan and gray background with flowing beige, gray and rust veining

“ We continue to strive to capture the essence of nature in our surfaces,” said Ed Rogers, executive vice president of US Surfaces, the parent of Vadara Q uartz Surfaces. “Scandi Blue, Desert Blush, Safari Delta, Golden Scribe and Moonlit Lace are on-trend additions to our already successful lineup of wide-vein designs, such as W hite Aurora. Gossamer Sand is a neutral white that calls to mind a c lassic marble and the thin-veined design of Terra V ista with its flowing grays and rust veining is a key product in any lineup in today ’ s market ”

Each design has at the core an inspiration from natural quartzite a n d m a r b l e, a n d f e a t u re s b o l d , s t r i k i n g d e s i g n s t h a t a re complementar y in color, ranging from blue-gray backgrounds and veins with hints of green, maroon and rust.

The natural stone slabs from which Vadara draws inspiration have limited supply, can var y greatly between bund les and are expensive These designs could be viable, cost-effective alternatives to those natural stone slabs with the performance characteristics of quartz.

“ We continue to add more warmth, more color and more dynamism, thereby solidifying our position as a leading quartz brand,” Rogers said. “ These new patterns have the ability to transform entire rooms without drawing undue attention and that ’ s the real achievement ”

All designs are offered in 2- and 3-centimeter thicknesses

The Italian natural stone processor Antolini recently unveiled an interior design project that prominently features natural stones. In Malta, architects Sabrina Soldà and Keith Pillow transformed an apartment over looking the Mediterranean Sea

The architects chose Antolini ’ s Patagonia Original “Extra,” Cristallo Lumix, Cristallo Traslux, Dover W hite and Invisible Light for the dining and kitchen area, the living room and the bathrooms

Later this month, those stone products will be among those Antolini will feature at Marmomac, the Verona, Italy, based Marble and Natural Stone Fair

As guests of the pavilion designed by Alessandro La Spada, visitors will experience the wor ld of natural stones up c lose, as if they were traveling for a day. By simply walking through the booth, visitors will see as many as 32 varieties from around the wor ld and experience nature’s exceptionality and versatility up c lose Wa

Antolini ’ s Exc lusive Collection, composed by over 90 natural stones for which the company holds exc lusive rights to the best materials and quarries around the wor ld, will also be part of Marmomac, due to the featured stones as Amazonite and three new entries for Verona’s exhibition: Q uarzite Amazonia, Cipollino GreyWave and Invisible Sunset.

Antolini recently unveiled Azerocare P lus, a process designed to protect surfaces in marble, onyx and sof t quartzsite The process protects against etching and staining caused by acid-based organic substances such as lemon and wine

Now, kitchen countertops and bathroom surfaces are even more resistant and durable, for a simple and trouble-free ever yday living.

The research process developed by Antolini is permanent, suitable for food contact, reflection free and gives a tactile feeling to the involved natural stones Marble, onyx, sof t quartzite and tr aver tine become resistant to UV r ay s in indoor settings, preventing light damage.

Maintenance also becomes easy : a nonabrasive washc loth and a mild, natural soap is all that is needed to c lean the surfaces No other products or extra effort is needed.



Xlight is Porcelanosa’s large-f or mat porcelain that recreates

extr aordinar y realism. The wide r ange of large f or mat tiles is ideal f or wal ls and floors with excel lent qualit y and a visual continuit y that c an ele vate the aesthetics of any space

The porcelain tile is offered in four finishes: polished, silk, textured and natural

Xlight c an be used as floor ing or c ladding, but also as exter ior elements such as fac ades and is well suited for kitchen and bathrooms. Xlight is pr iz ed for its lightness, water proof and stain resistance, as well as easy c leaning KN


Franmara Magnetic Block Cheese Set

The 1052 Magnetic Block Cheese Set with 3 Knives+1 Fork features four built-in magnetic posts to hold each of the four tools to the block The block is made from environmentally green bamboo

The set includes a hard (Parmesan) pointed cheese knife, a medium cheese chisel knife, a small chisel knife and lastly, a fork to place or pass cheese to others. All knives have holes in them to cut soft cheese without it sticking to the knife blade Indents are for a better grip

These tools var y in length from 4-5/8” to 5” long Hard, medium and semi-soft cheese knives + fork Block, at base, 3-1/8” square and 2-1/2” high

Starting around $16 retail for the set

Logos in four color, single color and laser engraving available on the block.

For more cheese accessories, see the online catalog at https://viewer zoomcatalog com/franmara-2020-no-pricing,


800 423 5855

Zoku Cocktail Ice Sets

Zoku’s latest innovation, Cocktail Ice Sets, are designed for those looking to elevate their drink experience These stylish ice molds allow you to create eye-catching ice cubes perfect for cocktails, mocktails, and more

Ideal for hosting events such as “girls’ night in” or upgrading your ever yday drinks, Zoku’s Cocktail Ice Sets add a touch of sophistica tion to an y occasion. These large, decorative ice cubes melt slower than standard ones, ensuring your beverages stay cooler for longer without losing their flavor. Plus, the h i g h - q u a l i t y , food-safe silicone molds make ice cube release easy and mess-free

The Daisy Cocktail Set includes two molds that create beautiful 2-inch daisy-shaped ice balls, perfect for cocktails or mocktails. The set also comes with two lowball glasses, adding a fun, feminine flair to your drink presentation

The Crown Cocktail Set features two molds that create regal King and Queen crown-shaped ice cubes Paired with two lowball glasses, this regal set is ideal for cocktail lovers or as a gift for special occasions

Both sets come beautifully packaged in Zoku’s signature “party in a box” gift packaging, making them the perfect present for cocktail enthusiasts Zoku

www zokuhome com

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Las Vegas Market is the West Coast’s premier wholesale destination where the furniture, home décor and gift industries come to do business

Held twice each year and hosting 3,500+ brands, Las Vegas Market offers a one-stop experience for wholesale commerce. Manufacturers, sales reps and brands connect with retail buyers and interior designers to source unique products, build strategic partnerships, and stay ahead in an evolving industr y

Attend the next market and discover more opportunities to expand your business, make connections and have fun – all in one convenient and world-class environment.

Next Market: Jan 26-30 Learn more and register: www lasvegasmarket com

Las Vegas Market

702 599 9621

www lasvegasmarket com

Studio Tigress VIPs

Known for stunning calendars, Studio Tigress leveled up with this luxe new release: VIP (Ver y Important Plates) collection, a set of five beautifully crafted enamelware plates, each with a message perfect for any celebration Talk about ser ving up style!

These VIPs are more than just a dining accessory; they’re a symbol, a statement that shows gratitude and appreciation for those you care about most

Each box features five exclusive plates with timely messages: Good Luck, Congratulations, Happy Birthday, Thank You and Special Guest – perfect for celebrating life’s special moments

The plates, designed in Oregon, are made from premium enamelware with a durable steel base and porcelain enamel finish

Studio Tigress is 100 percent woman-owned and operated

Studio Tigress

www studiotigress com

Las Vegas Market


Ver ve Coffee Roasters Dwell Dripper

Ver ve Coffee Roasters, a specialty coffee company that offers some of the world’s highest quality craft coffee, launched its first brew device, the Dwell Dripper This silicone pour over dripper has a bottomless design that enables a free-flowing brewing process, producing a beautifully crafted cup of coffee in less than three minutes

Ever y Dwell Dripper kit comes with a brewer and a precise measuring scoop, available in seven colors

Inspired by the elegant simplicity of Japanese single-use brewers, Ver ve’s Dwell Dripper fea tures a design tha t suspends the coffee filter within the brewer, eliminating the unwanted restriction commonly found in other pourover designs that often result in inconsistent coffee This unrestrictive design enables a free-flowing method, creating an aromatic brew, whether at home, on the road or an ywhere

Crafted from BPA-free silicone, the Dwell Dripper is the ultimate unbreakable brewing companion

Created in collaboration with Bould Design, a design studio known for its modern smart home innovations, Ver ve’s Dwell Dripper combines functionality with style

To guarantee the perfect brew with ever y use, Ver ve has developed the innovative 3x3 brew method for the Dwell Dripper This simple yet precise technique involves adding three scoops of ground coffee and filling the water to the designated line three times This approach not only streamlines the brewing process but also enhances it, ensuring exceptional quality and consistency in ever y cup.

With a suggested retail price of $24 99 and seven vibrant colors, the new Dwell Dripper allows coffee aficionados to match their mood, kitchen or camping setup

Ver ve Coffee Roasters www ver vecoffee com

Stasher Bowls

Stasher, a leading brand of reusable silicone bags, is expanding its lineup by adding Stasher Bo wls to its portfolio of premium products This launch celebra tes the company’s biggest innovation since it crea ted the best-selling bags that reinvented the food storage categor y

Ever y bowl allows you to store, safely rehea t and ea t from the same bo wl The entire set easily nests without ha ving to worr y about finding the matching lid

This product was made for anyone who has tried (and failed) to pour liquids out of a regular bowl and experienced a messy result

Stasher Bo wls are a vailable in five sizes ranging from 1 cup to 8 cups and come in both clear and rainbow colors

Stasher www stasherbag com

Excelsteel 4 Cup Gold Tone Egg Poacher

Take the strain out of poaching the perfect egg for breakfast with Excelsteel’s bestseller, 4-cup profe ssional stainless steel egg poacher Designed with a vented lid and non-stick egg cups, this egg poacher is easy to clean and use ever y time. Built with an encapsulated base, a riveted silicone covered handle and a rustresistant stainless steel Impress your friends and family with a wonderfully cooked weekend brunch Included is a free silicone spatula to get started the day it arrives Dishwasher friendly and induction ready

Cook Pro Inc.


Tineco Pure One Cordless Vacuums

Tineco’s Pure One Station 5 and Pure One A50S combine advanced technology with smart features, while offering an easy and efficient cleaning experience With these vacuums, cleaning floors becomes almost a pleasure – simple, quick and without compromising on style

The Pure One Sta tion 5 does more than just vacuum – it revolutionizes the way we care for floors Equipped with a 3-in-1 sta tion tha t cleans, charges, and stores the vacuum, this device becomes a daily ally With a 70-minute batter y life, it covers the entire house without interruption, while its iLoop Smart Sensor technology automatically adjusts the suction power based on the level of dirt for a customized clean

One of its standout features is a 25-liter integrated dustbin that can store dust and debris for up to 45 days, eliminating the need to empty it after ever y use Additionally, its compact and sleek design is crafted to fit seamlessly into any home, even the most stylish ones

The Pure One A50S is the ideal model for those who want maximum cleanliness with minimal effort With 185W of suction power and the 3DSense smart brush, it detects dirt and automatically adjusts the suction power for impeccable results

Its 180-degree foldable design makes it easy to clean hard-to-reach spaces, while its wide-angle LED light ensures optimal visibility under furniture or in dark corners With a 70-minute battery life, it’s perfect for extended use without needing to stop and recharge

With these two models, Tineco strengthens its position as a leader in intelligent vacuum cleaning Their sleek design, combined with practical and efficient features, makes them essential for those who seek both performance and aesthetics in their home



Wisesky W-Cat Air Purifier W i s e s k y ’s

Focusing on the health needs of pet families, Wisesky is driving this trend with the launch of its W-Cat air purifier, providing a more comfortable home experience for people with allergies.

Consumer demand for a healthy life is increasing all the time and small appliances are gradually becoming a must-have for modern families Especially in the fields of air quality and pet health, small smart appliances have brought new solutions to family life through technological innovation

In pet-raising households, especially during the shedding season, cat hair can scatter all over furniture, clothing and food surfaces and for people who are allergic to pet dander, allergy symptoms such as sneezing, tear y eyes and breathing difficulties greatly reduce comfort in the home

Pet dander and odors disrupt air quality and ordinar y air purifiers struggle to deal with these issues effectively, resulting in constant odor and poor air quality in the home, which can bring serious discomfort to family members.

Wisesky’s W-Cat Air Purifier is the ideal choice for providing triple protection for pets and family members with the following features: powerful adsorption of cat fur, UVC for cats health, WiseHEPA filtration system, wide 360-degree visible grille inlet

Wisesky is committed to creating a healthier and more comfortable home environment for families through the utilization of innovative technology in the home. From improvements in air quality and the protection of pet health, the W-Cat air purifier is the ideal choice for pet families

Wisesky www wisesky com

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French Door refrigera

with a convertible middle dra wer, Signa ture Kitchen Suite's versatile and high-performance appliances deliver the ultimate precision cooking experience

Signature Kitchen Suite Mark & Graham Bark & Graham

tion options and visualize the final product prior to check out

The Bark & Graham collection embraces an elevated design aesthetic for pet products and embodies the same optimistic and timeless sensibility that defines the Mark & Graham brand.

Colorful block prints, plaids and bold stripes are featured on Bark & Graham’s new collection of custom pet beds, bowls, collars and apparel that are all designed to be both functional and beautiful Each item is specially designed with personalization in mind to prominently feature a pet’s name

Customers shopping the Bark & Graham collection will be able to utilize Mark & Graham’s innovative personaliza tion preview technolog y to easily review a product’s customiza-

The Bark & Graham collection also includes festive pet sweaters and trendy puffer vests perfectly timed for the winter and holiday seasons The collection will be updated with additional seasonal drops in 2025 and beyond

Mark & Graham markandgraham com/pet


Vizio MicMe

Vizio is redefining the entertainment experience once again – this time transforming the living room into a sold-out arena with MicMe. A customizable karaoke experience that will demand an encore, MicMe continues Vizio’s histor y of raising the bar for high-impact, immersive audio technology by inviting users to turn up the volume and take their soundbar experience to the next level

MicMe, which integrates additional technology optimized for karaoke into the Vizio Soundbar and paired with two wireless microphones, is available online at retailers for $349 99

MicMe transitions from a powerful soundbar to a crowd-pleasing karaoke experience as soon as a microphone is picked up, seamlessly blending voice and song Users can fire up their fa vorite music or karaoke a pp directly from their Smart TV or stream via Bluetooth to begin their performance set This includes the all-new MicMe Karaoke App – a free app powered by Stingray, which has access to over 85,000 karaoke songs on iOS and Android devices

Users can adjust select settings directly on the mic or control advanced settings in the Vizio mobile app, which offers six voice enhancements and nine mic ambient color options With up to eight hours of batter y life on the wireless microphones, users can perform their favorite songs until they are content

Once the encore performance is complete, users can place the mics back on the charging dock and MicMe will continue to support TV audio, without any additional steps

Not only does MicMe pack a powerful punch from an audio experience, the fresh, matte frost white finish with premium gray fabric enhances the design of the soundbar for a sleek look. Paired with two wireless microphones and a compact wireless subwoofer, MicMe blends handsomely together to create harmony in any home decor setup In addition to the modern design, the wireless satinfinish microphones feature colorful ambient light that changes according to each user’s voice levels – adding personality to any performance

When not being utilized for entertaining karaoke performances, MicMe maintains the same level of cinema-inspired sound quality that consumers have grown to expect from Vizio’s Soundbar lineup With Dolby Atmos and DTS:X technologies bringing powerful bass and room-filling sound to MicMe, users can transform any living space into their own movie theater, or concert venue


Fikabröd Gift Boxes

Baking has never been this thrilling and packed with adventure! A subscription to Fikabröd means being gifted a themed box of carefully cura ted gourmet ingredients, products from different global cuisines and small businesses

The idea for Fikabröd was born from the Swedish concept of Fika, or taking a coffee break to commune with others Owner of Fikabröd and baking enthusiast Becky Clutter took this idea to a whole other level. By creating an easy and accessible way for people to explore different ingredients and recipes in the kitchen while

Built for families with busy lives, the Rubik V Cloud Modular Couch offers cloudlike comfort with its plush cotton and high-density foam cushions Its modular design means consumers can rearrange the couch to fit the space – whether it's a cozy corner for reading or a spacious setup for entertaining guests Plus, the removable, washable covers make it easy to keep the couch looking fresh, no matter how hectic life gets

Available in Charcoal Grey and Cloud White, the Rubik V complements any living room with its modern, sleek design

Durability meets style in the Rubik V Couch Made with a sturdy plywood frame, this couch is designed to handle ever yday wear and tear – whether it’s from kids, pets or daily lounging. The high-quality linen fabric is breathable, eco-friendly, and designed to be highly durable and resist fading, ensuring the couch looks great for years to come

The Rubik V is perfect for families who value both comfort and flexibility Its modular design can be transformed into various forms such as loveseat, sofa bed, or gaming footrest

Whether watching TV, working from home or hosting a game night with friends, this couch adapts seamlessly to any lifestyle Its spacious design offers room for ever yone, including pets, while maintaining its cozy, inviting feel

But that's not all – the Rubik V includes versatile matching modules to enhance the living experience The Versatile Console adds extra functionality with built-in cup holders, charger and storage – perfect for keeping essentials within arm’s reach.

The Pet Bed module ensures your furry friends can enjoy their own space, while the Storage Ottoman helps keep the living area clutter-free with hidden storage for blankets, games or anything else to tuck away

Crafted with high-quality materials and featuring washable fabric covers, this couch offers easy maintenance, making life simpler no matter how busy things get.

Linsy Home

pausing from the hustle and bustle of life to share time and delicious baked goods with those we care about most

The boxes are accessible to bakers of all skill levels, from beginner to seasoned chefs Ever y box has a new theme with ingredients and tools, all of which are gourmet, imported, or small-business inclusions

The packaging is recyclable Recipes are posted to the company’s website to inspire new ventures in the kitchen. Subscriptions start at $44.95.


Linsy Home Rubik V Cloud Modular Couch


Männkitchen Pepper Cannon

Sleek lines, a formidable build, and 10X the output Finally, there comes a device after a true steak-lover’s heart: the Pepper Cannon by Männkitchen

The Pepper Cannon is the best and only pepper mill you’ll ever own

As the Ferrari of pepper mills, the Pepper Cannon can get a large steak from pepperless to fully seasoned in seven cranks instead of 70. While ordinar y mills can only grind in the 12 to 28 mesh size, the Pepper Cannon boasts an eight to 60+ mesh range for complete control of spice levels This isn’t an ordinar y pepper mill!

Highlights include 10 times the output of top-rated mills, milled from a solid chunk of aerospace grade aluminum, crafted with hardened high-carbon stainless steel burrs, fitted with a double-bearing supported drive shaft, push-button top makes it easy to remove and replace without changing the grind setting, pre-grind up to one-third cup into the base for easy one-hand seasoning and holds a half cup of whole peppercorns.

Männkitchen, meaning “my kitchen” in old Norse, is on a mission to help consumers take back their cooking space with gadgets that get the job done Pepper Cannon retails for $199 99


Jägerhund Antler Chews

Discover Jägerhund’s Antler Chews – the ultimate solution for long-lasting fun and happiness!

Sourced from naturally shed elk and moose antlers, these durable chews are packed with nourishing marro w They support brain function, boost immunity, clean teeth and help relieve stress, while providing endless fun and nutrition for your best friend

Starting a t $12.99, no animals are harmed in the making of these incredible chew to ys since they are not har vested and acquired through fora ging for na turally shed, wild antlers – fully natural, renewable resource that is sustainably sourced within a circular economy

Antler Chews are no mess, no odor and hypoallergenic with no artificial ingredients or preser vatives They last for two to three months

These treats improve a dog’s brain function and support a healthy immune system

Jä gerhund partners with local rescue shelters to provide necessities and needed supply to help animals and promote adoptions

Jägerhund was born out of a love for pets and pet health By using the highest quality ingredients and taking large measures to ensure the antlers are humanely sourced, pet owners can relax knowing Jagerhund has them and their pets’ happiness in mind


www jagerhundantlers com

Vankyo Performance V700G Projector

Vankyo, a leader in affordable projection technology, is set to revolutionize home entertainment with the release of the Vankyo Performance V700G projector The V700G marks a milestone as the first Google TV projector designed by Vankyo to be sold in brick-and-mortar retail stores across the United States

The Vankyo Performance V700G provides an all-in-one solution with superior picture quality and immersive audio Vankyo is honored to be listed as one of the smart projector brands highlighted in the expanding selection of Google TV devices

Alongside other Google TV and Android TV partners, Vankyo contributes to enhancing the entertainment experience for 270 million monthly active Google TV and other Android TV OS devices With no need for external streaming devices, users can enjo y a seamless and simplified viewing experience right out of the box It offers an ideal solution for creating a premium home theater experience, whether it's for cozy movie nights, streaming holiday classics, or sho wcasing slideshows of family memories.

With Google TV, users can enjoy ever ything they stream all on one screen With 700,000+ movies and TV episodes, live TV, and more available across 10,000+ apps, Google TV takes streaming to the next level – bringing together users’ favorite entertainment from across their apps and organizing it all, just for them


De’Longhi Magnifica Start

De’Longhi’s Magnifica Start espresso and coffee machine is a premium model designed to bring the customized coffeehouse experience to consumers’ kitchens in an accessible, easy-to-use home countertop coffee machine Headquartered in Treviso, Italy, De’Longhi is an industr y leader in the coffee maker and small kitchen a ppliance space with an extensive portfolio tha t ranges from manual espresso makers under $100 to fully automatic luxur y models.

De’Longhi’s Ma gnifica Start espresso machine delivers a pod-free “bean to cup” experience for a full menu of coffee beverages, including iced and hot lattes and coffee, single-shot espresso, Americanos and more The machine freshly grinds whole coffee beans for each cup and then uses intuitive technology to eliminate all guesswork and mess by automatically measuring, tamping, brewing and finishing each drink.

The easy-to-use milk frother adds a hands-on element to the experience, allowing users to control the level of froth from milk or milk alternatives

The new Magnifica Start is available for the suggested retail price of $499 95



PowerXL Stirmax Multi-Cooker

PowerXL’s Stirmax Multi-Cooker is set to redefine convenience and efficiency in home cooking with its advanced features and versatile functionality The Stirmax Multi-Cooker features a powerful stirring mechanism, making it ideal for preparing a wide range of dishes – from hearty stews and attention-demanding risotto to delicate sauces

The innova tive 360° Automa tic Paddle stirs and shreds and nine pre-programmed cooking presets are designed to make almost any delicious, flavorful and hassle-free meals that practically cook themselves

The built-in 360° Automatic Paddle ensures even cooking and prevents food from sticking or burning, providing consistent results with minimal effort It also shreds pulled pork for easy hands-free cooking

With multiple cooking presets, the Stirmax Multi-Cooker is designed to handle a variety of recipes, allo wing users to seamlessly transition from one cooking method to another Stirmax and Braisemax Smart Presets sauté, sear, and brown first before automatically switching to simmer for perfectly cooked meals in minutes – juicy on the inside and evenly browned on the outside

The intuitive digital control panel offers easy navigation through nine preset cooking programs and customizable settings, making meal preparation straightforward and efficient

The large cooking pot accommodates family-sized portions, perfect for preparing meals for gatherings or meal prepping for the week Cook and ser ve in the same pot with a premium design that looks great on the table

The removable, non-stick inner pot is dishwasher safe, simplifying cleanup and ensuring that users spend less time scrubbing and more time enjoying their meals


www powerxlproducts com

Netgear Orbi 770 Tri-band Mesh System & Nighthawk RS300 Router

Netgear expanded its WiFi 7 mesh and standalone router lines with the Orbi 770 Tri-band Mesh System and Nighthawk RS300 Router Netgear’s most affordable WiFi 7 products to date build on the company’s promise to provide powerful WiFi performance and secure connectivity.

WiFi 7 unlocks 2 4 times faster speeds than WiFi 6, delivers lo w la tency and better handles WiFi interference for families to seamlessly enjo y next gen 4K/8K streaming, video conferencing, gaming, and more Since the launch of Netgear’s first WiFi 7 offerings – Nighthawk RS700 and Orbi 970 – multi-gig internet speeds have become more affordable, work from home demands have remained steady, and more devices such as AR/VR headsets or AI-focused pla tforms like CoPilot+ ha ve been introduced tha t require extreme lo w la tency and higher throughput

Orbi 770 offers a robust WiFi connection using preamble puncturing which selectively blocks interference for a stable connection, keeping the home network functioning flawlessly

Steelport Knife Co. 4-Piece Steak Knife Set

Steelport Knife Co.’s 4-Piece Steak Knife Set has been a highly requested product since launching in 2021 This set with accompanying handcrafted walnut box follow the same award-winning iconic design, superior functionality and American craftsmanship that all Steelport knives are known for

Most steak knives have a serrated edge in an attempt to make up for their inability to stay sharp, especially on a hard surface like a dinner plate, but a serrated blade can also lead to tearing rather than slicing cleanly through meat and cannot be maintained by the customer The new Steelport Steak Knife’s 4 3-inch blade features an easy-to-hone straight-edge blade for cleaner, smoother cuts, making it a rare find in today’s market With the market-leading hardness and life-time free sharpening, there is no concern with a dull edge

Like all Steelport knives, these steak knives are American drop forged 52100 carbon steel with a proprietar y differential heat treatment that achieves a remarkable 65HRC hardness at the edge This provides unmatched sharpness and edge retention, while the softer spine ensures durability and flexibility

The knives’ resin stabilized and contoured Oregon Big Leaf Maple Burl handles offer an exceptionally comfortable grip and an iconic aesthetic Each knife is handcrafted in Portland, Ore., with all U.S.-sourced ma terials, ensuring the highest quality and performance

The latest addition to Steelport’s award-winning lineup, the 4-Piece Steak Knife Set reflects the brand’s commitment to Craftsmanship Without Compromise The set complements Steelport’s existing line of heirloom knives, including the 4" Paring Knife, 6" Boning Knife, 6" Chef Knife, 8" Chef Knife, 10” Slicing Knife, and 10" Bread Knife, as well as thoughtful accessories, such as Steelport’s GoodDesign award winning magnetic Knife Block, customizable magnetic wooden sheaths, and 12" Oval Ceramic Honing Rod

The STEELPORT 4-Piece Steak Knife Set is $980 for one 4-Piece Set in a Walnut Box and $1,730 for two 4-Piece Sets (eight total knives and two walnut boxes)

Steelport Knife Co.


Âme Atrende Gifting Tote Bundle

How about a tote that you can gift and use? From luxury home goods and decor brand

Âme Atendre is the gifting tote bundle, which is great for a heavy gifting season

Âme Atrende is a luxury home goods brand that brings new meaning to the simple act of setting the table and living our daily lives. The mission of the company is to elevate the “everyday” with well-crafted objects that enhance living spaces, inspire gatherings and create connection As a result, the Gifting Tote is designed for a seamless transition from a gift wrapper to an everyday bag It is a practical and elegant gift in itself, designed as an elevated alternative to single use wrapping paper

The gift tote is made from sustainable deadstock cotton based fabric and comes in two colors – cobalt and mustard. The fabric is sourced from Los Angeles. Each bag is made by a small-batch production studio in the area

Âme Atendre prioritizes minimizing waste throughout the entire production and design process, from ideation to the doorstep The company cares deeply for the well-being of the planet and all of its customers, so it strives for ever yone to receive their packages safely, with as little waste and inconvenience as possible.

Âme Atendre

3Doodler Chef

3Doodler’s 3Doodler Chef, is an award-winning culinary tool that lets chefs, bakers and food enthusiasts craft intricate 3D designs using candy Recognized as one of Time’s Best Inventions of 2023, the 3Doodler Chef brings a new level of ease and creativity to dessert decoration and food art

Engineered for effortless use, the 3Doodler Chef allows professionals and home bakers alike to create eye-catching designs in minutes, with minimal cleanup or skill level required By simply loading the pen with vibrant candy capsules, users can start drawing detailed, flavorful decorations with the touch of a button, making culinar y artistr y accessible to ever yone

With the 3Doodler Chef, users can create elaborate candy art and cake toppers or even add unique 3D accents to their desserts. Perfect for professionals and novices alike, the 3Doodler Chef removes the hassle from traditional candy work by replacing labor-intensive methods with an intuitive, handheld tool

Each 3Doodler Chef comes equipped with custom temperature and speed settings to tailor its output for various levels of detail Combined with ergonomic design for prolonged comfort, it lets chefs craft ever ything from delicate filigrees to bold, three-dimensional forms without the strain or time limitations that typically accompany candy sculpting

Key features include quick heating technology, ergonomic design, user-friendly interface and effortless reloading

Crafted with care, the 3Doodler Chef’s candy capsules are gluten-free, vegan, and diabetic-friendly, allowing anyone to enjoy their delicious, candy-based creations Available in five natural, vibrant colors, these capsules not only enhance visual appeal but also ensure a delicious, food-safe experience suitable for every palate


www the3doodler com

FinaMill FinaPods

FinaMill and its new FinaPod GT were selected for Time’s annual list of Best Inventions, featuring 200 groundbreaking innovations that are changing lives Each year, TIME editors and correspondents from around the world evaluate products submitted through an online application process, focusing on key factors like originality, efficacy, ambition, and impact

The award-winning FinaMill is a reinvented spice grinder, boasting over 35 patents Each pod is designed to grind or grate specific dried herbs and spices The collection includes four pods, with a goal of expanding to 12 by the end of 2025

The FinaMill spice mill represents a new, disruptive categor y of cooking tools that will make salt and pepper single spice mills a thing of the past Use one hand to lower the FinaMill base over a pod and push down to secure it in place Push down again to release the pod. No more two-handed cranking. Each spice has its own dedicated pod Flavors stay fresh and distinct

Refillable pods provide a green alternative to disposable, one-time use glass and plastic jars One charge via USB provides at least one month of normal use



Midea America Freestanding Ranges

Midea America, a global leader in home appliances, has created a lineup of freestanding ranges, designed to offer practical conveniences at an attractive price point Available in both gas (MGR30S2AST) and electric (MER30S2AST) models, and in three finishes – stainless steel, white and black – these ranges feature a sleek back guard, intuitive controls and an edge-to-edge oven window, creating a contemporar y look that blends effortlessly into any kitchen decor 4

These new ranges are the perfect complement to Midea’s full kitchen suite, providing homeo wners with style and thoughtful features, to help make lives a little easier

The large 6 1-cu ft capacity (gas) and 6 3-cu ft ca pacity (electric) ovens provide ample space for cooking multiple dishes a t once, making them ideal for family dinners or entertaining guests The adjustable oven racks offer versatility.

Both the gas and electric models are designed to accommodate various cooking needs With four burners or elements, the cooktops provide precise hea ting control, allo wing users to go from ra pid boiling to a gentle simmer with ease The gas range includes four powerful burners with 12K BTU, while the electric range (MER30S2AST) features a versatile four-element cooktop, allowing users to adjust the diameter of heating elements to suit any cookware

Midea’s freestanding ranges are designed with convenience and safety in mind The eco-friendly steam cleaning fea ture uses steam to soften baked-on debris, allo wing for easy cleanup without harsh chemicals or fumes By simply a c t

minimal effort.

For added safety, the control lock function prevents accidental use by disabling the control panel and locking the oven door, giving families peace of mind Additionally, the pull-out bottom storage drawer provides extra space to store pots, pans, and other cookware, keeping the kitchen organized

Midea America

Humidor Supreme Desktop Humidors

Quality Importers, the leading supplier of premium cigar accessories, announces a groundbreaking initiative to enhance the experience for cigar smokers Xikar Boveda 60g 84 percent RH Seasoning Packs are no w included with Humidor Supreme Desktop Humidors, simplifying the setup and maintenance process This enhancement applies to current Humidor Supreme Desktop Humidors, meaning each desktop humidor will come with the added benefit of Boveda’s renowned seasoning packs, ensuring the optimal environment for your cigars from day one Humidor Supreme Desktop Humidors include a Spanish cedar humidification panel interior and are tailored to accommodate the Xikar Boveda seasoning packs, which offer several key benefits:

● The Seasoning Packets make it effortless to season the humidor, ensuring optimal storage conditions for cigars from the outset Boveda works automatically to precisely raise the wood’s moisture level, so it will be in equilibrium with cigars. Seasoning the Spanish cedar interior with Boveda is a crucial step to prevent moisture from evaporating from stored cigars

● After the initial seasoning, maintaining the desired humidity level is straightforward Consumers can replace the seasoning packets with Xikar Boveda 2-way humidity control packets, which are sold separately The packets are a clean, hassle-free way to maintain the ideal humidity level for cigars for months by replacing

PackIt Freezable Wine Cooler Bags

PackIt, maker of solutions-oriented products tha t streamline routines, has expanded its premium product collection with the addition of two items: the Freezable Wine Cooler and Freezable Wine Carrier

Both products are engineered with Ecofreeze Technology+ – a triple layer design for added insulation, protection and durability. This innovation keeps bottles cool for hours without the need for ice or gel packs

Say goodbye to bulky ice buckets with the freezable, reusable wine cooler Wine will stay perfectly chilled for hours thanks to the state-ofthe-art Ecofreeze Technolog y+ With a seatbelt webbing handle strap for easy carr ying and pouring and a unique stretch design, this cooler fits most standard wine and champa gne bottles Grea t for dinner parties or an y al fresco event and it's the perfect host/hostess gift

Created to keep wine cool on-the-go, the carrier is perfect to bring to parties, picnics or anywhere the day takes you Designed to fit a standard 750mL bottle, it features an adjustable and removable crossbody strap, wristlet handle with seatbelt webbing and a slip pocket Easy to use: just freeze it overnight and it will keep wine chilled for hours It’s a great gift for wine lovers

PackIt, a Tenth Avenue Holdings, LLC brand, was established more than a decade ago with a singular mission: to impact health and well-being through delivering solutions-oriented products tha t empo wer consumers to make healthy lifestyle choices The company’s breakthrough innovations in lunch bag cooling technology rapidly expanded into ever y viable consumer lifestyle segment PackIt provides smart solutions that encourage eating and drinking well, optimizing routines and enjoying life’s journey


the need for foam, PG solution or distilled water

● The packets are available in various relative humidity levels (65, 69, 72 and 75 percent) for use in the humidor Xikar Boveda 69 percent RH replacement packets are recommended for most cigar storage Glass-top models should use 72 percent replacement packets.

Humidor Supreme desktop humidors are designed for a seamless and worry-free experience Specific models such as the Aria, Aria Glass-top, Dane and Oro are crafted with a built-in decorative panel, perfectly designed to hold Xikar Boveda 60g 84 percent RH Seasoning and replacement packets.

Quality Importers


www qualityimporters com


Cook Pro 13" ExcelSteel Lightweight Cast Iron Chinese Wok

This lightweight cast iron cookware offers excellent heat distribution and responsive temperature control without the weight and discomfort of traditional cast iron cookware With it, you’ll be able to cook a wide selection of foods in the kitchen and experience the advantages of cooking with cast iron

This wok allows food to cook faster, maintain superior heat retention, and adds another layer of quality to your meals For added convenience, this cast iron wok comes pre-seasoned so you can get cooking as soon as it arrives at your door

With proper maintenance and care of your cast iron work, you will be able to extend the lifespan and use and turn it into a reliable kitchen companion Suggested retail price: $74 99

Cook Pro Inc.


J.K. Adams Co. 1761 Collection

seminal year, and of the man y talented craftspeople w

ash with the brand’s exclusive driftwood teak oil fini s h

J.K. Adams Co. 802.282.9765

4Ocean Last Straw Bracelet

4Ocean’s captains and crews recover an average of 15,000 single-use plastic stra ws from the world’s oceans, rivers, and coastlines ever y week

Made with the straws and plastic we collect, the Last Stra w Bracelet helps fund daily cleanups and acts as a reminder to skip the straw or swap it with a reusable or more sustainable alternative

By purchasing this product, consumers will remove five pounds of trash from the world’s oceans, rivers and coastlines

The bracelets are handcrafted on the tropical island of Bali by local artisans Recycled material content is verified by GreenCircle Certified Guilt-free shipping is carbon neutral and plastic free



www andsales com

1WolfChen Absorbing

Diatomite Bath Mat

The Absorbing Diatomite Bath Mat uses high-quality natural and environmentally friendly material diatomaceous earth from Changbai Mountain The diatom remains have numerous tiny pores on the surface of the microscope that provide up to 90 percent porosity surface absorbs excess moisture quickly – providing conditions for super absorbtion of the bath mat

Within a few seconds, the moisture on feet is quickly absorbed and dries quickly The obvious brushed texture on the surface of the bath mat effectively prevents the ba th ma t from slipping on the ground when stepping

Diatomaceous earth has the function of absorbing odors, which is safe and environmentally friendly It can effectively adsorb formaldehyde in the air and protect the health of users If there is a stain, simply wipe it do wn with a wet sponge/cloth For deeper stains, lightly sanding away the stains with sandpaper can give it a new look and feel

ProCorp Canada


www procorp com

MÜkitchen Designer Print Towels

MÜkitchen’s design team brings on-trend fresh looks to the collection – multicolor and oversized towels in cheerful and unique personality designs. The la test looks meet the functional bones of a hard-working kitchen staple

The 100 percent cotton towels are oversized to dry even more dishes, spills and hands The towels are hemmed on all four sides for durability, with a hanging loop for convenience



Spectrum 3D Novelty Pop Molds

Lively 3D Pop Molds create delicious frozen treats in fun popsicle shapes Fill molds with favorite fresh ingredients, insert sticks and freeze

The flexible silicone makes removing popsicles a breeze and creates incredibly detailed shapes Hidden skeletons are revealed in the sticks as the popsicles are eaten

The 3D Novelty Pop Molds are Mermaid, Ocean Friends and Zoo Crew Each set includes a storage base, four silicone sleeves, four pop handles and instructions.

Spectrum Diversified


Franmara Jolie Square Spirit Decanter

This square classic spirit decanter is simply beautiful. Display a bit of elegance with this lead-free cr ystal liquor decanter A handsome addition for any bar Fitted with flattened square stopper with leaf motif design It’s 10¾ inches high, 3½ inches square and weighs 3½ pounds. Easily engra ved (an additional charge) with your private mark, logo or design The 9420 retails for around $26 or more

Franmara, Inc has recently enlarged its spirit decanter selection, some with matching glassware

Look out for the new catalog with over 300 new products. Call or email for your free copy.



Honey-Can-Do Deluxe Gullwing Dr ying Rack

Honey-Can-Do offers a wide range of dr ying racks and laundr y dr ying solutions for both indoor and outdoor The gullwing dr ying rack offers a large amount of dr ying space, special holders for dr ying shoes and easily folds for quick storage

Honey-Can-Do International 708 240 8100

Cuckoo Cool & Warm Mist Humidifier

Introducing Cuckoo’s Cool & Warm Mist Humidifier, all-season solution for home comfort With a 1 8 gallon (7 liter) capacity for up to 35 hours of continuous operation, built-in humidity sensor, one to 12 hours timer function, remote control, and water filter with UV steriliza tion, it ensures optimal humidity levels while keeping the air clean and healthy Experience year-round comfort and convenience with our advanced humidifier

Cuckoo America 323 433 7606

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