The True Inventor of Stuffed Crust Pizza
BOOTH #4347
Formaggio Italian Cheese
O S D : W h
Stuffed Crust Pizza?
AM: It all started back in 1980 when my friend’s mother asked me to make a pizza As a Brooklyn native, I was no stranger to pizza-making, but I never attempted it myself When I pulled the pizza out of the oven, I noticed the crust had swelled to an unusual size When I cut it open, I discovered it was hollow That's when the idea hit me – why not fill the crust with delicious ingredients? And thus, Stuffed Crust Pizza was born
OSD: What challenges did you face while developing your invention?
New Look Tofutti Still Going Strong
Fans of Tofutti might have noticed some changes recently In August 2022, the company, which began producing dairy-free products in 1981, debuted brand-new packaging – the first rebrand that Tofutti has undertaken in its more than 40 years of operation As the popularity of plant-based products continues to grow, the company feels that the rebrand puts Tofutti in a better position to compete in a market becoming increasingly crowded with rival brands
“Today’s natural foods market is flooded with competitors, so we knew it was time to reassess our branding,” said Chief Executive Officer Steve Kass in the company’s August 2022 press release “We want consumers to recognize all Tofutti products as Tofutti products ” Kass, who has been with the company since 1986, is confident that Tofutti’s new packaging will make it easier for consumers to
Indulge guilt-free with Simply Desserts, where both flavor and wellness are a priority Dessert isn't just a temptation; it’s an opportunity to savor without compromising on your health journey Welcome to the world of healthy guilt-free desserts, meticulously crafted to fulfill your sweet desires while supporting your well-being with just 5g of net carbs and a satisfying 10g of protein per serving Driven by a commitment to authenticity, Simply Desserts tailors its desserts to suit your dietary preferences and lifestyle choices
Embrace the sweetness without the guilt; Simply Desserts treats are free from preservatives, added sugars, artificial flavors, are low in carbs and entirely plant-based Each refrigerated delight offers a creamy, wholesome experience Available in five decadent flavors: chocolate, butterscotch, banana, salted caramel and vanilla
Five Calorie Fruity Jel Snack
Marwan’s Kitchen, by Johnathan Stack from Fresh Ideation
JS: Marwan's Kitchen (formally known as Clean Label Gourmet Foods) has been a trailblazer in the ready-to-eat meal sector Can you share what sets your meals apart in terms of quality and nutrition?
MM: Absolutely At Marwan's Kitchen, we prioritize what we call “clean label” meals This means high-quality, nutritional meals devoid of artificial preservatives, colors or flavors Our ready-to-eat meals are designed to meet specific dietary needs, providing a balanced mix of proteins, carbs and fats, all sourced from high-quality
High Pressure Processing (HPP) to extend shelf life naturally while preserving the nutrients and flavor, offering a real meal solution that doesn't compromise on quality or taste
JS: That's fascinating Given the emphasis on quality, can you tell us more about the facility where these meals are prepared?
Experience Bold Flavors and Exciting Innovations with Pine River at Show
B y D a v i d C h r i s t o f f , B u s i n e s s
Development Manager, Pine River PrePack
Pine River is thrilled to announce its p a r t i c i p a t i o n i n I D D B A 2 0 2 4 ( b o o t h #2415), where we eagerly anticipate
c o n n e c t i n g w i t h b o t h c u r r e n t a n d
p o t e n t i a l c u s t o m e r s O u r
d e d i c a t e d r e s e a r c h a n d development team has been diligently crafting a selection
o f e n t i c i n g n e w f l a v o r s , poised to captivate visitors at our booth We are delighted to introduce our latest creations – Maple Bacon, Spicy Pimento and Vintage Reserve – to our esteemed Pine River Traditional Cold Pack Cheese Spread line
Next up is our Spicy Pimento offering, a fiery rendition of our beloved Pimento spread with even more Grade A Cheddar shreds added Infused with zesty pickled jalapeños, this kicked-up version delivers a delightful kick of heat, elevating the classic flavor profile to new heights of boldness and intensity
In addition to our exciting flavor innovations, we are also undergoing a makeover for our traditional line with new color schemes As part of this r e f r e s h , w e ’ r
a m i n g o u r M a n g o Habanero spread to the dynamic new moniker, Kickin’ Mango
But that’s not all – stay tuned for the revamping of our current Clean Label Cold Pack Cheese Spread line to the sleek and sophisticated Premier All Natural Cold Pack Cheese Spread We are giving this line a whole new look and introducing a selection of new flavors to tantalize your
First on the menu is our Maple Bacon variant, an irresistible fusion of Grade A Cheddar aged for a minimum of nine months, complemented by a delectable maple onion jam and savory bacon This flavorful Cheddar spread b o a s t s t a n t a l i z i n g n o t e s o f s w e e t maple, savory onion and smoky bacon, promising a culinary experience that’s both indulgent and unforgettable
Last but certainly not least, we p r e
revamped iteration of our popular 60-
with white Cheddar aged for a minimum of five years and studded with delectable five-year Cheddar chunks t
Cheddar spread promises a truly indulgent taste experience that will leave cheese aficionados craving for more
Who is Flax4Life?
F l a x 4 L i f e i s c e l e b r a t i n g 2 3 y e a r s o f making memories and baking betterfor-you baked goods for you and your customers. You know Flax4Life for its delicious and nutritious line of allergyf r i e n d l y b a k e d g o o d s , w h i c h u s e s flaxseed as the main ingredient. The s c r u m p t i o u
muffins, granola, cookies and new no s
y super tasty, but also good for you. Each sweet bite offers additional n u t r i t i o n a l v a l u e w i t h l o t s o f f i b e r , Omega 3 and healthy protein that supports your entire body from head to toe! It’s great for your mind, heart, bones and especially your gut
Flax4Life attracts customers of all ages because it meets your customers’ growing needs and desires Flax4Life attracts the allergy-friendly communit y , t h e f i b e r - s e e k i n g i n d i v i d u a l , t h e f a m i l y l o o k i n g f o r a s c h o o l - f r i e n d l y treat, and anyone looking for a betterfor-you alternative that actually tastes delicious
s u g
u a l s a n d t h o s e l o o k i n g f o r s m a r t s n a c k
o p t i o n s . F l a x 4 L i f e u n d e r s t a n d s t h e
s i g n i f i c a n c e o f m a i n t a i n i n g a b a l -
a n c e d d i e t w i t h o u t c o m p r o m i s i n g o n
t a s t e .
D e p e n d i n g o n t h e f l a v o r y o u e a t , e a c h s e r v i n g p r o v i d e s 3 3 % - 5 0 % o f
y o u r r e c o m m e n d e d d a i l y v a l u e o f
f i b e r a n d 4 % - 1 0 % o f y o u r r e c o m -
m e n d e d d a i l y v a l u e o f p r o t e i n , a l l w i t h o u t a d d i n g s u g a r T h e u n i q u e b l e n d o f c h i c o r y r o o
Raspberry Chipotle and Italian Truffle
We cordially invite you to s
cracker or as a delightful addition to your culinary creations
serving suggestions, be sure to v i s
www pineriver com
Join us at IDDBA 2024 and embark on a flavorful journey with Pine River –where tradition meets innovation, and every bite tells a story of craftsmanship and quality.
For more information, go to www.pine, email or stop by booth #2415.
y o u r b o d y , b u t t h e y ’ r e a l s o g o o d f o r
t h e e n v i r o n m e n t . F l a x 4 L i f e u s e s
1 0 0 % c o m p o s t a b l e p l a n t - b a s e d
m a t e r i a l f o r p a c k a g i n g , w i t h n o
h a r m f u l c h e m i c a l s , r e d u c i n g t h o u -
s a n d s o f p o u n d s o f p l a s t i c w a s t e i n
t h e f o o d s y s t e m . P l u s , F l a x 4 L i f e i s
m a k i n g a d i f f e r e n c e w i t h i t s s u g a r
a l t e r n a t i v e , w h i c h i s u p c y c l e d f o o d
f i b e r s t h a t w o u l d o t h e r w i s e b e c o m e
f o o d w a s t e . S o , b y c h o o s i n g t h e s e
d e l i c i o u s t r e a t s , y o u ’ r e n o t o n l y s a t i s -
f y i n g y o u r s w e e t c r a v i n g s , b u t
s e c r e t l y d o i n g g o o d f o r y o u r b o d y
a n d t h e w o r l d a r o u n d y o u
Try Some Samples
As the No 1 selling brand in the Natural Baked Goods category (per Spins 52 weeks ending 1/2/24), Flax4Life has four of the top 10 selling items in the category, resulting in 60% of those total top sales Flax4Life’s loyal customer base and team are ready to meet with you to discuss how you can work together to meet the growing need for better-for-you products
F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , g o t o w w w flax4life net, email rjensen@flax4life net, call 206 321 0512 or stop by booth #1412
Food-Grade Shaft Collars Promote Sanitation, Safety
Wilmington, Massachusetts, introduces a line of food-grade blue Acetal shaft collars with stainless steel fasteners for use in the food and beverage industries.
Stafford Food Grade Blue Acetal Shaft Collars meet FDA requirements for food contact substances and optical detectability to enhance safety in the
designs from ¼ inch to 2 inches I.D., these high-performance engineering plastic shaft collars incorporate stainless steel fasteners.
Ideally suited for use in conveyors
ing machinery
food and bev-
tries, Stafford Food Grade Blue Acetal Shaft Collars are inherently corrosion resistant and can withstand common cleaning agents and sanitizers, providing good wear resistance, strength and durability. Special sizes, materials and rigid couplings are available.
Stafford Food Grade Blue Acetal S
upon size and quantity with delivery from stock.
Formaggio Unveils a Kaleidoscope of Cheese Delights
By James G Riley, Vice President Media, Formaggio BrandPrepare to embark on a flavor adventure like no other as Formaggio Brand unveils its latest masterpieces at IDDBA this year Our artisan cheese crafters have been toiling tirelessly to create a stunning array of bite-sized wonders t h a t w i l l c a p t i v a t e y o u r s e n s e s a n d redefine your snacking expectations
First, our Stuffed Cheese Bites – a triumph of both visual allure and flavor Each inch-round cheese ball is an open invitation to explore the vibrant fillings within With their contents proudly on display like glowing gems, these bites offer a tantalizing glimpse of the taste
alone are enough to make your mouth water, each hue promising an unforgettable flavor journey
But the chromatic charm doesn’t end there. Our Flavored Cheese Bites and Flavored Cheese Minis are a veritable kaleidoscope of colors, each shade boldly expressing the flavors infused
come in two enticing categories: Sweet I n
sweet treat or a savory snack, these bites deliver a burst of flavor that’s as visually appealing as it is delicious
At Formaggio Brand, we recognize that the visual appeal of food plays a c
g experience That’s why we've poured our hearts and souls into creating a line of cheese bites that are as stunning to look at as they are delightful to eat Using only the finest, hand-selected ingredients, our artisan cheese crafters have painted a flavor portrait that's sure to be the talk of the trade show
Don’t just take our word for it –experience the magic for yourself at b o o t h # 4 3 4 7 , w h e r e A n t h o n y T
Mongiello and the Formaggio team are waiting to take you on a flavor adventure like no other. As the true inventor of stuffed crust pizza and the subject of the captivating award-winning docum e n t a r y f
l m “ S t o l e n D
u g h , ” n o w s t r e a m i n g o n m a j o r p l a t f o r m s ,
Anthony knows a thing or two about the art of cheese innovation.
Get ready to have your expectations exceeded and your senses dazzled. With Formaggio’s new product lines, seeing is believing – and tasting is an unforgettable experience.
F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , g o t o w w w or stop by booth #4347.
Nuts Meet Superfoods: Elan Specialty Snacks
Introducing innovative nuts and dried fruits to the snacking industry, Elan o
vegan snacks Elan is an exciting clean label that skillfully blends nuts with superfoods Say goodbye to confusing i n g r e d i e n t l i s t s : t h e b r a n d p r o v i d e s m i n i m a l l
“deliciously good for you ® ”
Elan has existed for 12 years in North America, but was successfully launched on t h e U S m a r k e
2021 Elan is distribu
UNFI and can also be found at a growing
h e d groceries and health food stores across the c o u n t r y . T h e b r a n d offers a wide variety
o f u n i q u e , n a t u r ef r i e n d l y s n a c k s , i n c l u d i n g s p e c i a l t y
g l a z e d n u t s a n d
blend of cranberries, tangy goji berries,
Cashews Get ready for a vibrant burst of superfood goodness with these gent l y
and blueberry powder
b l e n d s , a s w e l l a s grab-and-go options for busy snackers. Elan’s innovative snacks combine the dynamic textures and nutrients of n u t s a n d s u p e r f o o d s . F a n - f a v o r i t e s
i n c l u d e C h i a W a l n u t s , C o c o n u t
Cashews and the Fiji Mix. These organic and nutritious snacking options are ideal for snackers on the go and health enthusiasts
• P r e p a r e t o i n d u l g e i n t h e C h i a
W a l n u t s , a n u t r i t i o n - p a c k e d s n a c k unique to Elan This in-house recipe pairs nutritious and organic California walnuts with the additional health benefits of antioxidant goji berries and omega-rich chia seeds, as well as the unique minerals of Himalayan pink salt
• I f y o u l o v e a t r o p i c a l t w i s t , t h e
Coconut Cashews are sure to transport you to a sunny island Organic whole cashews are coated with an addictive blend of organic coconut powder and Himalayan pink salt, for a nutritious and wholesome treat
• Introducing the Fiji Mix, a delightful
Pepper Launches Ferraro Foods App to 8,000+ Customers
Pepper, a leading provider of AI-driven
Foods, known for its commitment to delivering fresh ingredients and quality service in foodservice. This collaboration marks the launch of the highly anticipated Pepper App, designed to
revolutionize how Ferraro Foods interacts with its extensive network of more than 8,000 customers across 23 states. The Pepper App will transform how Ferraro Foods takes orders from customers and arms sales reps with mobilefirst solutions to manage their business. As Ferraro Foods rolls out the Pepper
snacks are made from superior quality ingredients produced through organic farming. As a clean brand, Elan prioritizes sustainable farming methods that use no pesticides and embrace the soil’s natural cycles. All ingredients are meticulously sourced to provide a
snack all while being mindful of the planet
approach, Elan is continuously expanding its horizons The brand is strong in the East while its presence in the West is gaining momentum: these innovative snacks are attracting the attention o
expand their offerings of organic and vegan products Moving forward, Elan plans to significantly enhance brand awareness and achieve greater growth among snack enthusiasts
elanbio com
App, customers can expect a robust online shopping experience while sales reps will enjoy a suite of tools that help them become more consultative sellers Pepper’s platform is designed to meet the specific needs of independent distributors such as Ferraro Foods, by leveraging a team of industry experts who truly understand the food distribution business This partnership underscores Pepper’s commitment to empowering food distributors with the tools they need to thrive in a competitive marketplace.
WOWBUTTER The Ultimate Spread
High-Quality Nutrition to Better Fuel Your Body
WOWBUTTER is an all-natural complete
l nine essential amino acids necessary to build and maintain muscle and crucial for many other important body functions. More importantly, WOWBUTTER h a s s i g n i f i c a n t l y b e t t e r q u a l i t y p r o t
almond butter, giving WOWBUTTER a protein digestibility and bioavailability score comparable to meat or dairy protein It’s a perfect plant-based protein option to fuel your body more with every bite The lower protein efficiency score of other nut and seed butters means the body
d o e s n o t u t i l i z e the protein as efficiently, and thus the full benefits of t h e p r o t e i n a r e
n o t r e a l i z e d WOWBUTTER has 1000mg Omega-3 and 7g complete protein per serving and is made with only five simp l e a l l - n a t u r a l
highly efficient nutrition not found in other spreads, combined with a taste t
when they try it! Included on every jar
School lunch labels that can be placed o
school, which are very important for school classrooms
So Much More Than Just a Powerhouse Spread WOWBUTTER spread on your favorite bread makes an amazing sandwich, but why not get creative and try it in one of
Non-GMO clean and sustainable ingre-
d i e n t s ( w h o l e t o a s t e d s o y b e a n s , expeller pressed soy oil, cane sugar, sustainable palm oil and sea salt) with no added colors, flavors or preservatives
The Perfect Marriage of Nutrition and Great Taste
The innovative WOWBUTTER spread was designed for all families and developed to help protect the millions of kids and adults who suffer from lifethreatening peanut and nut allergies It was also developed to better nourish the tens of millions of non-allergic cons u m e r s a n d s c h o o l k i d s w h o n e e d h e a l t h y b r e a k f a s t , l u n c h a n d s n a c k solutions Nutrition is the foundation for good health and WOWBUTTER is a shining example of the perfect mar-
Introducing Ariston’s Perfect Pair
Ariston is a family owned and operated company, producing some of the finest and authentic olive oil and bringing some of the world’s greatest balsamic vinegars from Italy since 1997. These two are the base for its infused olive oils and infused balsamic vinegars. Ariston’s infused olive oils come in several flavors and its line of balsamic vinegars are made to complement them. One pairing that stands out amongst customers is Ariston’s garlic infused olive oil paired with Ariston’s fig balsamic vinegar. The well-balanced umami flavor of Ariston’s garlic infused olive oil com-
Franklin Baker ‘A Cut Above the Rest’
F r a n k l i n B a k e r , I n c i s t h e p r e m i e r
Philippine supplier of coconut ingredients to the global food and beverage marketplace for more than 125 years Its products are produced from the freshest coconuts available at one of its three manufacturing facilities, where proprietary processing is utilized to ensure freshness and long shelf stability Franklin Baker controls the process from tree through shipment
baking peanut free with WOWBUTTER opens up a whole new realm of possi-
free WOWBUTTER is an allnatural peanut-free spread with a taste and texture just like peanut butter, but with even better nutrition A
spreads, more and more consumers are realizing the superior plant-based protein quality and Omega-3 benefits of including WOWBUTTER as part of their healthy lifestyle WOWBUTTER is made in a dedicated 100% peanut-free and tree nut-free facility that is food safety BRCGS AA+ certified as well as Kosher, Halal, Non-GMO & RSPO Certified It’s free from gluten, dairy, eggs and most other common allergens
butter com
pliments the natural sweet and tangy fig taste of Ariston’s fig infused balsamic vinegar. These two products make an excellent salad dressing, marinade for a roast or for a barbecue. For marinating, you can use equal parts of Ariston’s garlic oil and fig balsamic vinegar and add two tablespoons
F r a n k l i n B a k e r i s a h e a d o f t h e game in product and process verificat i o n c a p a b i l i t i e s , o p
accredited to ISO 17025 standards Its pathogen detection system uses an a u t o m a t
h o d t h a t u
s p o l ymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology to detect the presence of salmonella and listeria in products and surfaces
DNA fragments, amplifying a target DNA sequence, and subsequent polymerization This advanced system is more sensitive than other microbiological methods, detecting as low as one cell per 25- or 375-gram portion Test results are out in fewer than 24 hours compared to more than five days using conventional methods
The manufacturing sites of Franklin Baker are Grade AA & AA+ BRCGS certified, which confirms its commitment to maintaining the highest standards of food safety, product quality and regulat o r y c o m p l i a n c e . T h e B R C G S G l o b a l Food Safety Standard (BRCGS) is adopted by over 22,000 sites in more than 130 countries, which makes Franklin Baker “A Cut Above the Rest.”
Franklin Baker offers an extensive portfolio of conventional and organic coconut products to include desiccat-
of Dijon mustard, two shallots and a pinch of oregano and thyme, and a pinch of Ariston’s salt and Ariston’s black pepper to taste. For a salad dressing that will have your guests guessing the secret ingredient, you can do two parts Ariston garlic infused olive oil and one part Ariston fig infused balsamic vinegar. Ariston is curating gift boxes that will feature this pairing and several other Ariston pairings The other pairings include the following:
• Ariston Select Extra Virgin Olive Oil & Ariston Traditional Balsamic
• A r i s t
ed coconut (natural, sweetened and t
milk and cream, coconut concentrate, v i r
coconut sugar and other coconut products Bulk, foodservice and retail packaging available
Franklin Baker’s extensive portfolio of coconut products hold wide-rang-
Verified, Fair Trade USA, BRCGS, USDA, JAS and UE Organic, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 22000:2018, ISO 17025, HACCP, FDA
Accredited Testing Laboratory, SEDEX (SMETA), Kosher and Halal certified Additionally, Franklin Baker holds the 2016-2024 Award of Excellence, American Master of Taste & Gold Medal Endorsement, as well as the 2018-2024 B
Franklin Baker is pleased to be a co-founder of the Coconut Coalition of the Americas (CCA), a non-profit organization founded in mid-2017, largely to challenge negative perceptions about coconut products The CCA is dedicated to upholding sound and credible science, responsible communications, sustainable and transparent practices, around all coconut products. Franklin Baker is a member of the Executive B
n and Membership committees, as well as a technical advisor.
Franklin Baker offers bulk, foodservice and retail packaging options to meet your business needs. F o r m o
Ariston Raspberry Condiment Vinegar
• Ariston Lemon Infused Olive Oil & Ariston Pomegranate Infused Balsamic Vinegar
• A
& Ariston Mango Infused White Balsamic
• A
(the newest flavor) & Ariston Maple Syrup Infused Balsamic Vinegar
taste with just two simple, clean ingredients to make it
aristonspecialties com
eGrowcery & Design House Team to Boost Shopping Experience
food industry white label e-commerce
Design House, creator of the revolutionary Ideal digital circular, are partnering to offer their retailer clients an improved way to connect with shoppers across digital platforms Joint solutions from the companies enable retailers to integrate customized promotional content from Design House with the eGrowcery digital shopping experience and deliver more online sales and
AM: I spent a year experimenting with different crust-making methods and filling combinations. When I approached Pizza Today magazine, they showed little interest Undeterred, I borrowed money to protect my idea and worked to repay the loan while juggling multiple jobs I realized my invention was more than just a recipe; it was a unique method that solved the industry’s problem of wasted crusts In 1987, I was awarded U S Patent #4,661,361 for my Stuffed Crust Pizza method
(Cont’d. from p. 1)
spot Tofutti on store shelves.
Tofutti’s new black packaging with its bold lettering was designed to not blend in. “Everyone uses greens and blues on white; it’s played out and bori n g , ” e x p l a i n s G e r r y P u g l i e s e , Marketing & Public Relations Manager. “We went for bold with a bit of edge.” Pugliese adds that feedback on the new branding has been mostly good. “Sure, we’ve had a few cranks that don’t like change,” says Pugliese, “But most customers get it; they like our
MM: With pride, I can say our facility is a m o n g t h e h i g h e s t - c e r t i f i e d i n t h e United States We operate with FDA, USDA with a GFSI highest-rating for n i n e y e a r s c o n s e c u t i v e l y , P C Q I a n d F S M A c o m p l i a n t T h i s e n s u r e s t h a t every meal coming out of our kitchen meets stringent safety and quality standards Our facility is not just about compliance; it's designed for flexibility and modularity in packaging and manufacturing, which allows us to be innov a t i v e i n o u r m e a l s o l u t i o n s a n d responsive to market needs
Simply Desserts (Cont’d from p 1)
a n d o n l i n e ”
T h e e G r o w c e r y - D e s i g n H o u s e
o f f e r i n g c o m b i n e s a c o m p r e h e n s i v e
o r c h e s t r a t i o n o f t r a d i t i o n a l c i r c u l a r
product promotion with online shopp i n g , a l l w h i l e i n t e g r a t i n g r e c i p e
shopping lists, recurring orders, storytelling and more The technology is h
retailers compete in market “ D
giving retailers full engagement with t
t i v e A d d t o C a r t e x p e r i -
e n c e , h e l p i n g r e t a i l e r s d r i v e h i g h e r
m o b i l e a d o p t i o n r a t e s , s a l e s a n d
g r e a t e r s h o p p e r a f f i n i t y b o t h i n s t o r e
OSD: How did you feel when Pizza Hut had launched Stuffed Crust Pizza without your consent?
AM: I was shocked and infuriated In 1995, a friend called to congratulate me on the sale of my Stuffed Crust Pizza, which he saw advertised during the March Madness promos Pizza Hut launched a massive marketing campaign using my patented method without my permission I sought an explanation and compensation, but they offered me a meager sum to “go away ” I refused it and decided to pursue legal action,
new in-your-face approach.”
With the rebrand, Tofutti is focusi n g o n i t s c o r e m a r k e t s . C o m p a n y research revealed that nearly 90% of its customers are people with dairy allerg
vegan or vegetarian. “It jibes with people who follow us on social media,” adds Pugliese. “Vegan and dairy-free foodies are the bulk of our followers; that’s why we post a ton of vegan recipes using our products.”
This is likely a safe bet for Tofutti. Ipsos research found that 9.7 million
A m e r i c a n s i d e n t i f y t h e m s e l v e s a s
J S : I t ' s c l e a r t h a t t h e i n f r a s t r u c t u r e plays a significant role in Marwan’s Kitchen's success Shifting gears a bit, there's a growing interest in private label products What's your take on this, and how is Marwan's Kitchen positioning itself in this space?
MM: Private label is indeed a significant growth area With our high operational standards and innovation in meal solutions, we see a vast opportunity to partner with big box retailers Our strategy revolves around leveraging Marwan’s Kitchen’s capabilities to support retailers in creating their private label offer-
companies, operators will better manage the entire shopper journey and grow basket size and market share ” eGrowcery is the market-leading, white-label, SaaS based e-commerce solution designed to service grocery retailers The eGrowcery platform is a true end-to-end, omnichannel solution that integrates with back-office/point of sale systems while enabling retailers to personalize their own shopper experience
gence meets wellness, where gelatin, artificial flavors and added sugars have no place Embrace nostalgia and gravitate toward healthier snacking options
h eGrowcery helps us do just that,” said Adam Zimmerman, Co-Founder and S
Development at Ideal by Design House “By deploying the solutions from our
alleging damages amounting to a billion dollars. I went into that courtroom hoping for justice, but I left feeling like I never had a chance Not with a judge who seemed to think the only businesses that mattered were the big ones
O S D : D e s p i t e t h e l e g a l c h a l l e n g e s , what keeps you passionate about your invention?
AM: My passion for Stuffed Crust Pizza never wavers It’s a testament to my love of the product, and I take enormous pride in sharing it with family and
vegan or vegetarian, and that number is expected to grow.
Tofutti has also seen the rebrand’s positive effect on brokers and retailers. “A lot of buyers are happy to see that w e u p d a t e d e v e r y t h i n g , ” s a y s C a r l y Saladino, Customer Account Specialist. “We’re a new Tofutti to them.”
Saladino has been with the company for 18 years; others have been with Tofutti for over 20 years, and some over 30 years. All this collective experie n c e g i v e s T o f u t t i a n e d g e a g a i n s t competitors who have only recently arrived on the scene.
ings By providing high-quality, readyto-eat meals and grab-and-go options, we aim to deliver true meal solutions that benefit both the retailer and the consumer We are constantly communicating and negotiating with retailers to e x p l o
a t e t o bring this vision to life
JS: Your foresight into tapping into the private label market through strategic p a r t n e r
Marwan’s Kitchen as a pioneer in the industry Before we wrap up, is there anything else you'd like to share about Marwan's Kitchen’s future direction or
for you and your loved ones with our convenient grab-and-go solution Say goodbye to guilt and welcome indulgence with Simply Desserts Whether you’re drawn to the refreshing zest of Fruity Jel Snacks or the creamy richness of Protein Puddings, these
Serving companies in the United States and abroad, eGrowcery empowers retailers with the ability to personalize their shopping experience while providing the most efficient in-store fulfillment solution in the industry
friends. The streaming movie of my story “Stolen Dough” and the recogni-
g m y original tools for their museum, validates the significance of my invention, which generates billions of dollars to this day Stuffed Crust Pizza is more than just a delicious creation; it's a symbol of the American dream and the power of innovation
F o r m o r e i n f
w formaggiocheese com or stop by booth #4347
Whether it’s called vegan or plantbased, Tofutti’s tigh-knit team remains committed to making the highest quality dairy-free foods; the company’s mission since 1981. Kass summed it up in August by saying, “We might look different, but inside is the same delicious product and passion for dairy-free foods that has fueled us for over 40 years.” T o l e
rebrand and to check out some of those vegan recipes, go to or call 908.272.2400.
any upcoming projects?
MM: We're always innovating, always looking to how we can better serve our customers and partners Sustainability is a big focus for us, and we're exploring new ways to reduce waste and improve our ecological footprint We’re also expanding our meal offerings to cater to an even wider array of dietary preferences and needs There's a lot in store for Marwan's Kitchen, and I'm excited for what the future holds
For more information, go to www marwans kitchen com or stop by booth #1255
treats are poised to become your guiltfree go-tos Don’t delay; treat yourself to a moment of pure bliss today and embark on a journey to redefine dessert F