CBS Exclusive: Summer Edition 2022-23

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To All Our Pupils, Parents & Staff

We have all made it through another year together and what a year it has been! We would like to thank you all most sincerely for all your continued support and input throughout the year, it is this connection that puts us in the best position possible to support all our boys.

This week we held our graduation ceremony for our 6th Class boys. It was a very special evening for all involved and a great way to end the year. We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our 6th Class pupils the very best as their journey with us comes to an end and they begin an exciting new chapter in their lives. For some families this also means the end of their journey with us as a family too and so again we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all you have done for and contributed to the school over those years ensuring that Midleton CBS Primary has grown and strengthenedas acommunity.

To all our boys we would like to say a very big thank you for always going the extra mile and

trusting us when we told you all you could do it! This term saw so many wonderful events that make for the best of memories for us all ….school tours, picnics, woodland adventures, splash days, sports days, creative school’s workshops, multicultural day, teacher’s vs students events and lots and lots of treats. The corridors have been full of fun and laughter. Well doneboys, youaretheBEST!

Last but not least a immense thank you has to go to our INCREDIBLE staff. It is a privilege to work with such a dedicated and hardworking team of people who are always looking for new ways to enhance the learning environment here at Midleton CBS Primary. We have so much more in store for 2023/24 but for now a well deserved breakis in order.

On behalf of the Board of Management and myself we would like to wish you all a safe and sunny Summer and we look forward to coming back together again on Wednesday,30th of August.


VOLUME 2022/23


JUNE 2023


☺ Splash Day

☺ Multicultural Day

☺ Nurture Room

☺ Well Being Update

☺ Student Council News

☺ First Communion

☺ Our Year in Review

Inside this issue:

• Sciath na Scol

• Friends of Midleton CBS

• Calendar 2023-24








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At the end of May we held our annual Multicultural Day. This is a very special occasion that provides the opportunity to appreciate the many cultures of our school community. The 30 plus nationalities of our student body makes for a very vibrant and diverse celebration indeed!

Among the events organised was ‘Wear your Colours’ where pupils were invited to wear their traditional dress,the colours of their national flag or those of another country of choice. The result was colourful display of attire proudly worn byone and all.

The boys of 1st and 2nd classes enjoyed multilingual storytelling sessions hosted by pupils from Múinteoir Lucy’s 5th Class. Our dual language library provides books in a variety of languages along with the English translations.

Stories read on the day included those in Polish, Spanish, Croatian and Lithuanian.

In the run-up to the event, the boys had been busily preparing creative homework pieces about the many countries of our school community.

Submissions included traditional cooked/baked foods, poster projects, pieces of artwork, 3D models etc. They produced a wonderful collection of work which was displayedinthehallfor allto admire.

Perhaps the most enjoyable part of the day was our multicultural experience event in the hall where pupils had the opportunity to visit themed stalls from around the world. It was lovely to see so many parents and families come along in person to showcase their cultures with cooking, music, traditional dress, cultural artefacts and more! We were overwhelmed with the generosity shown by families in sending in such a range of traditional foods for the boys to enjoy and making the day so special. We look forward to doing it all again next year!

School Self Evaluation

Many thanks to all of our staff, pupils and parents who have completed SSE surveys over the past few months. These surveys provided us with invaluable information as we set about identifying our target areas for September. We will be working very hard in Term 1 of next year to set about implementing these newgoals and will keep our school community posted in our newsletters andonournewSSE noticeboardinschool.

Numeracy – Introduction and implementation of Maths Talk

Literacy - Review & reflection of class level language used for teaching writing genres

Wellbeing - Explore use of RP Buddies and develop RP signage for the yard

SSE Committee

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In Term 3, Food Dudes took place May 29th - 2nd June with fruit and veg distributed to classes- all the boys engaged positively with the program and enjoyed tasting the summer produce delivered to their classes each dayby our Student Council volunteers.

Our school recently received a Food Dudes award at the regional awards ceremony for our continued commitment and support of this very worthy initiative. Well doneto alltheboys andtheirteachers.

Our final assembly took place on May 30th with a veryspecial performance of a rap song ‘I like it from M. Mairéad's class which reminded pupils to be Internet safe when playing online. There were special mentions for pupils of each class, Kindness leaves put on the Kindness tree, Príomhoide Niamh's Principals awards and of course our GoldBookwinners.

Our assemblies this yearhave beena lovelyway as a school to get together to celebrate one another and for classes to take leadership on organising the assembly. The class performances at the end of each assembly have added hugely to the funand enjoyment.

Our runners at the Cork City sports once again did our school proud under beautiful weather conditions at MTU in Bishopstown. We

had a strong group of athletes who ran a very competitive relay team- Well done to the team Maxwell, Liam, Jack, Jordan, Adrian, Cathal, Plejy, Bradley, Kinglsley, Alex, Milosz andDaniel.

In May, Múinteoir Lucy's class took part in the Barnardos Big Active program- the mission for the class was to complete a skipathon in aid of charity and along the way get fit and enjoy some mindful exercises. The boys completed the program very enthusiastically-

Well done to all the boys.

Finally, our Wellbeing Committee have been busy meeting to plan events for the next school year- some super funactivitiesplanned!!!

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An Exciting Year in the Nurture Room

It been another busy and fun-filled year in the nurture room. We have welcomed new friends and celebrated birthdays. We’ve had great fun preparing for festive occasions. It has been a wonderful and exciting year. We began the year by updating our nurture tree and completing our “fit together” jigsaw. This helped us realise we all fit

together even though we have different talents and interests. We began yoga and meditation and the virtual runs were a particular favourite.

In the autumn, we planted apple seeds, acorns and hazelnuts. We also planted some daffodils hoping for spring flowers. The boys worked hard taking care of their plants and making sure they were watered. We also discovered that marshmallows and fruit are an excellent combination.Weused

strawberries, grapes, blueberries to make fruit and marshmallow kebabs. The boys also made pizza using wraps, pizza sauce, cheese and pepperoni. Preparing for Halloween was great fun. The boys really enjoyed creating Halloween lanterns. We also baked bat and pumpkin shaped chocolate chip cookies. Halloween was barely over when we began preparing for Christmas. We baked some crispy apples using marshmallows, rice crispies, butter and red food colouring. We used chocolate finger for the stem and fizzy belts as leaves. We made star decorations

from paper bags and we made chains from red and green card. We the decorated the Christmas tree and put up some lights. Our Christmas baking consisted of delicious brownies and flavoursome gingerbread cookies. We also had a visit from Fr, Dwayne Gavin from the Bon Secour Community Initiative Fund. Fr, Gavin provided funding for the Nurture Room for which we are incredibly

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An Exciting Year in the Nurture Room

Suddenly it was the New Year. We celebrated with exciting art ideas involving fireworks and new year’s resolutions. As well as recognising the Irish New Year, we decided to explore Chinese New Year celebrations. We enjoyed tasting Chinese food and created wonderful dragons. We then returned to our baking and produced some wonderful chocolate and vanilla muffins. We made some beautiful roses form card for Valentines day and enjoyed pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. For St. Patrick’s Day we created mindfulness shamrock decorations and stained-glass shamrocks.

For Easter we painted Styrofoam eggs and decorated them with glitter. We then used them to decorate our Easter Tree. The boys enjoyed making Easter egg nests using rice crispies and chocolate in a bun case. We used mini cholate eggs to decorate them. We also made

some beautiful tulips to celebrate growth. The boys really enjoyed creating the nurture version of the Cherry blossom tree. As the weather has improved we have ventured outside more. We have explored the flora and fauna in our

We also took a trip to the Feather Monument. The boys learned about the generosity of the Choctaw Nation while exploring the different birds and plant life. The boys really enjoyed the soccer and basketballgamesandthe triptothe playground.

What a wonderful year! Thanks to the boys and their wonderful engagement the nurture room continuesto growand evolve.

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Our communion was on the 13th of May at 10 o’ clock. It was a great day and it was sunny. We wore fancy communion suits to the church. We had the holy communion bread and we sang songs and said prayers. After the church, we had parties with our families and friends. We had a party in school too. We had pizza and treats. It was a good surprise. Everyone who made their communion came to the party and we had a lot of fun. We played games together and watched a movie. It was the most fun ever!!

Sciath na Scol 2022-23

Our enthusiastic young panel of hurlers entered this years H2 competition with lots of hope and excitement as they set about trying to navigate their way out of a very tricky group that contained Crosshaven, Douglas and Ballincollig. The boys were exceptional during the games and hurled their hearts out, while also representing our school with courage, respect and passion. We were proud as coaches and mentors to represent them and everything they stood for. We are already planning for next year and another crack at a Sciath na Scol competition.

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As this year comes to an end, we would like to take this opportunity to extend a HUGE thank you to all our wonderful parents and guardians. Your support this year has been invaluable!! Not only to our staff but also to the pupils. Your support has allowed us to host many fun and exciting activitiesthatthe boyshavethoroughlyenjoyed. This has also been the first year of our new parent group: Friends of Midleton CBS Primary School. To say it has been a success is an understatement and we look forward to meeting and working with all of you again in thenextschoolyear.

We want to once again extend our gratitude for your all your time and generosity.It trulymakes adifference!

Student Council

Dylan, Matthew, Igor, Michal, Jack would firstly like to say a big thank you to all of our school community for the support they have received this year as Student Council members. This year we maintained our Student Council noticeboard, developed our key values, launched the doors and lights competition, introduced new equipment to the yard, met with ScoilBhríde memberstodiscuss joint initiatives between the schools and reviewed this year in order to plan for next year. It has been a busy year and we are already looking forward to September. All the best to Matthew and Michal who are due to graduate this week as they embark onthenext stepoftheirjourney!

CBS Exclusive Issue 4 2022/23 Friends

Our Special Memories!

My special Memory Cork City Sports

Iwentto CorkCity Sports on the 1st

June to run really fast with Daniel. This is my favourite memory of first class. We went in a bus. We waited 3 hours to arrive in Cork. It was so long. Then we started to do our races. I felt a little sad afterbecauseIlostbutitwas still a greatday!

My Special Memory- Hallowe


One day, first class went on a Halloween walk around town.

First, we got ready and put on our costumes. Then, we lined up and walked to the door. Next, we went down town and people waved at us. Last, we walked back to

school andplayedlots ofgames. We hadthebestday.

My Special Memory – Multicultural day

On Friday,1st classhadmulticulturalday. First, Ilookedateveryfood. Then,Itriedmyownfood and it was good. Next, I ate Polish food and it was goodtoo. Last, we went inside to eat more!

I had a lot of fun!

Our School Tour

On Wednesday, first class went on our school tour to let’s go in Douglas. First, we got to school and jumped on the bus. We played, talked and sang all the way to Douglas. Next, we arrived and started the activities. We did tugof war,blue andyellow,tictactoeand archery.We loved thefun games. After lunch, we went on the air jumpers, the zorbs and the KMK bikes. We were all really brave to try everything. We even did VR. That was one of our favourites. Then, we tried the spider slide and human foosball. Not everyone completed the spider tower but it was bigger than our school sothatis okay!

We were exhausted on the way home but we had the best day

-First class boys

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Our School Tour

We went to Let’s Go in Douglas. First we went on the bus and we were excited. When we got there, we put our bags down and went to archery. We tried to hit the target. Then we went and did human noughts and crosses. After that we put on helmets and elbow pads to protect ourselves in the karts. We went really fast. Then it was time for zorbing. We were nervous. We had to be strapped in and then the zorb rolled downa hill.We were terrified.I was relieved after. After the break we did VR. It was my favourite. Then we the air jumper. I felt like I was flying. It was a little bit scary but it was fun. Then we went to the spider tower. It was a huge slide! We had to climb to the top. It was time for human foosball. It was hard to get the ball but we scored a goal. Then we played games with blocks and cones. We played tug of war. We had touse our muscles. Finallyit was hometime. It was a funday!

Art in 2nd Class

My favourite thing about 2nd Class was art. I liked painting and drawing. My favourite artwork was making a snowman collage. Painting is relaxing and it keeps you calm. I liked painting a sunset. I had to blend the colours together. I loved learning about artists. I liked Giuseppe Arcimboldo’s fruit portraits. We made them too and everybody’s portraits turned out nice. We liked the artist James Rizzi’s city art. They made us happy because they were colourful .We drew our own tall cities and they had cartoon faces. I like creative homework because it makes you feel like a builder and an artist. There’s lots of things to learn in art.


We liked doing geography. Our favourite was when we learned about China and Germany. We liked doing fact hunts. We ate Chinese food and it was delicious. We really liked the prawn crackers. We learned about pandas and bamboo. We liked learning about Nian the dragon. We learned about Christmas in Germany. We drew the German flag. It is black, red and yellow. We like looking atmapsanddifferentcountries.

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OurYear in Review– M.Lisa

This week we wrote spoke about our memories and favourite moments of 2nd and 3rd class. We have done so many wonderful things this year and we have had a fantastic year together. We hope everyone has an amazing summer! Here are a few of our favourite memories;

Nathan, Celestino, Bradley, Jack, Tyler, Kingsley (2nd class): My favourite memory of 2nd class was the school tour when I doing the VR (virtual reality)

Kayden (2nd class): My favourite memory will probably be sports day. It will be lots of fun and we will be doing loads of sports.

Maksymillian (2nd class): My favourite activity is Splash Day because I love water and it is so much fun!

Szymon (2nd class): My favourite moment this year was when I made my Communion

because I could finally take Jesus into my heart!

Darragh (3rd class): I loved everything this year in 3rd class!

Charlie (3rd class) My favourite time in 3rd class was the school tour at Let’s Go. I loved the archery.

Aaron, Timmy and Adam (3rd class): My favourite time in 3rd class was the school tour. I loved everything at Let’s Go!!

Jayke (3rd class) My favourite activity this year was P.E. I loved playing soccer, basketball and dodgeball.

Adrian (3rd class): I was in cross country this year at the start of the year. This is a memory I will treasure!

Andrew (3rd class): My favourite thing this year was the zorbing and the big slide at Let’s Go.

Conor (3rd class) My favourite moment this year was my first day of school because this was my first year not being nervous starting school.

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Our Best Moments

Name: Ethen Lee

Best moment of the year: When my family came into school for multicultural day and we ate lots of different foods from aroundtheworld.

Name: Alex Njumbe

Best moment of the year: My favourite thing this year was the school tour because we went zorbing and did VR. We also did air jumping and used the spider climbing tower. It took me a long time to climb itbutit wasgreatfun!

Name: TomekPiontkowski

Best moment of the year: My favourite was the school tour. We went to Let’s Go and did zorbing, trampolining, soccer, VR, archery, tug of war and thespider climbingtower!

Name: James Sheridan

Best moment of the year: My moment of the year was the Let’s Go tour because of the VR, zorbing and spider tower. My favourite was the Virtual Reality!

Name: Rian Feeney Whyte

Best moment of the year: My best moment of the year was family day. My mom came to the class and we played


Name: Rokas Ziberkas

Best moment of the year: I liked the soccer blitz because I love soccer. I also played really well as a goalkeeperand Iscoreda goal!

Name: Bradley Nimpa

Best moment of the year: Multicultural day was fun because my family came over to school and we ate lots of different foods. My favourite food was the meringue from Panama, my brotherMason loved ittoo.

Name: Sebasitian Bielinski

Best moment of the year: I loved Let’s Go becausewe did so much. My favourite was the VR and spider climbingtower.

Name: SeanFitzgerald

Best moment of the year: Mybestmomentoftheyear wasthesoccerblitz.Iloved scoring goals and saving shots, I was a great goalkeeper. I have really improved in goals since then!

Name: Sebastian Zdunek

Best moment of the year: My favourite moment was the school tour because the bus was great fun and I got to sit next to my best friend. My favourite part of Let’s Go was the zorbing and the KMX biking.

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4th Class Learning Adventure

From STEAM to rapping the boys in Múinteoir Mairead’s 4th class have had a varied and prosperous learning journey throughout this year. We’ve been active all year round from our first walk to Ballyannan Woods to investigate the local

cars at the end and had fun showing the rest of theschoolhowwe madethem.

STEAM, Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Maths

STEAM played a big part in our learning this year. We started the year hosting Maths Eyes where we got to see how Maths plays a part in our everyday lives and in the environment that we live in all around us. We then designed a touchdown for a satellite where we learned about forces and air pressure. Friction was the next hands on based learning experience where we used different materials on a ramp for dinkies to drive down to see the different effects that are made from different materials, slowing down the car with more friction and allowing the car to drive down easily and more quickly, less friction. Next up was the science fair where we designed and made a balloon powered car. We even got to race the

Incredible Edibles

We have a great classroom position in our school that faces onto the garden and has lots of sunshine all day long. Due to this our vegetable growing endeavours have been immense!! We grew everything from seed in our classroom and they are growing in our garden. We even got to taste some with Múinteoir Mairead showing us how we can use them with a salad. We look forward to tasting the potatoes and the strawberries..yum!

The Arts

Drama, singing and dancing also played a big part in our learning this year. We got to learn a rap and perform it for the school that highlights safety online. We got to do lots of drama in our outdoor learning area and we learned lots of different drama techniques. Music played a big part of our Friday afternoons where we got to dance and play music and learn about different artists from all around the world. Wehavemanyfantasticdancersinourclass

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to get involved. We even made a playlist of our favourite songs that we play every lunchtime as part of Wise Words Wednesdays. At Christmas we visited the Care Home in Midleton to sing for themwhich wereallyenjoyed.

They got bigger and more interesting as the year went on!


We were very lucky this year to be one of the classes to take part in Animation with a local artist Belinda. We made clay figures and learned how to use the Stop Motion Pro app on the iPads to create an animation. For Creative Schools Week we studies Carnival. We learned about all the different carnivals that take place all around the world and made some masks. We also went on a heritage walk around Midleton taking in the local highlights. Creative Homework has been part of our homework this year where we got to complete projects at home.

We have completed lots of projects on the iPads using Keynote. The boys have become independent in recording their findings using this technology and have become proficient in researching online also using the internet. Planning their work beforehand to ensure they cover all aspects and typing it into sentences and paragraphs and inserting pictures. As well as this, we have also taken on a coding journey where we learned how to programthe computer to make it do things. We took part in Hour of Code also where we got to see how coding can be used in many different forms where we got to play games and even make updances.


Some ofthe wonderfulart createdbythe boys in4th .


The boys have been working hard this year to improve their writing skills and making the step to using apen!

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A Year of Fun Based Learning in 5th

Fifth class boys have had the busiest and most productive year. They are such a creative and enthusiastic group we were able to create wonderful projects and have real and meaningful active learning. The boys used a variety of strategies throughout the year to cover the fifth-class curriculum. They thrived using group work, peer teaching, station teaching, parallel teaching and child lead activities. These boys in particular have a huge range of skills and talents and they all had their chance to shine this year. It has been amazing to see the growth in their confidence, public speaking, manners, sportsmanship and resilience. We are so proud of theseboys.

We’ve put together some of the highlights of the most exciting events we have participated in this year..

Autism Appreciation Week. We had wonderful discussions about our own strengths and needs and learned many self-regulation skills of our own. We talked about inclusion and kindness. All of our fifth class boys are aware of what their own bodies need to help them learn and quick movement breaks and sensory breaks are encouraged.

We had so manypositive events in our class. We as a class have included just a snippet of our time through photos. We couldn’t possibly mention everything as these boys were constantly engaged in hard work and fun based


We were involved in mini company in November and completely sold out our excellent Toy show boxes. We had board meetings and calculated profit margins and advertised with a fun video. The atmosphere in the school on sales day was electric. It is an event the boys will always remember and hopefully they will be inspired to be business people in the future.

For our Physical Education we went swimming at Aura Leisure Centre and played badminton, tennis, soccer, tag rugby, hockey and made impressive gymnastics routines. We also focused on athletics and running skills, we did map work and orienteering and worked on good sportsmanship and turn taking. We brought back old yard games, capture the flag, ladders, pirate ship and had fun trying team building games. We competed in soccer tournaments and rounders with other classes. Two of our students were on the Cork county champion basketball team. Well doneboys.

In Irish we wrote stories independently and had full conversations in Irish. We also had some craic dancing in Halla for seachtaine na Gaeilge. We improved our comprehension skills and used our word boxes to compose sentences. We recorded sketches as Gaeilge which were fun and really helped us learn our Irish phrases. The last term we focused on Irish verbs which required study and hard work. These boys have a good standard of Irish language and they use it in the

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Click to view our 5th Class or 6th Class Webpages

Maths is always a challenge in fifth class but these boys rose to the challenge and mastered some really difficult things like Long multiplication, long division and fractions. The boys used whiteboards and markers and concrete materials to really tackle these sums and they have been very proud of their learningthis year.

We did huge amounts of reading. In the first term the boys read books in groups in a book club format with group chats about the plot, the characters, the conflicts and we compared and contrasted our novels with other groups. The hot chocolate was a great bonus to our Friday Book club. We has a very magical day for cosy reading when our classroom became a giant circus tent and we brought pillows and blankets and camped out and read for the afternoon.

This class in particular have unlimited creativitythey build a Norman motte and Bailey model, a working volcano, fully wired rooms with light bulbs and working fans, a Banksy creation, a Mona Lisa parody, sketches and live drawings. We even had a student win the Cork County Library Art Competition. A very prestigious competition in the art world.

The boys brought plenty of laughs to our drama lessons, they performed improvisations, made advertisements, wrote scripts and even put on an assembly show. This was pretty hilarious and the boys had the school in floods of laughter. The boys performed drama in both English and Irish.They areverytalented youngactors. We followed the Dabbledoo musiccurriculum which

had us singing folk songs and identifying bird songs and playing along with percussion instruments. We even composed our ownHalloween movie score. The boys prepared for their confirmation next year with their religion journal activities, videos, songs and stories.

SPHE was hugely beneficial to our boys this year with a focus on self-regulation skills and building resilience. The weaving wellbeing curriculum reminded us of the importance of building and maintaining positive relationships. We learned the stay safe rules and what to do in the event of cyber bullying. We had meaningful chats about the changes that we go through on the journey to adulthood. Our class was particularly mindful of our needs with the use of a chill out zone and a sensory kit. We had a spinner on the wheel which we used to reward kindness andhard work.

History was fascinating this year with the highlights being our Norman village model, the famine projects and the amazing history workshop. We learned about WW2 through story. We researched Irish Historyandlocalfaminehistory.

Geography projects included France and Mexico and planting seeds and identifying plants and minibeasts, we drew maps from aerial photos and used map keys and legends. We transferred this knowledge in to acomplex Eastertreasurehunt.We went on nature trails around the school and learned the names of all the plants in the school grounds. We collected bug and minibeasts using pooters and magnifyingjars. Weengaged in outdoorlearning.

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Science was incredible with a short lesson on simple machines taking off to a full-on engineering and making working machines. Fifth class had several very impressive machines to display in our Science Fair. The boys were so skilled that they went on to actually teach the thirdclass students about circuits and electricity in a workshop designed and lead by fifth class students. The boys engaged in the best form of science this year they learned through hands on experiments and recording their experiments in their science copy. Some experiments were successful and others failed but in all we learned invaluable life skills. We had a lot of fun learning about properties

and materials, about heat and conductors and living things. These boys are definitely future engineers and scientists.

These boys have very bright futures. They are readers, writers, artists, actors, playwrights, public speakers, mathematicians, scientists, engineers, musicians and inventors. Most importantly they have learned how to manage all the big feelings which come with growing up and they have great skills to manage anger, anxiety and worries. They are kind and compassionate students and they have learned to resolve conflicts calmly and restoratively.

They will no doubt continue to thrive in sixth class as the seniors of the school. They will be excellent role modelsforthe youngerstudent in the school.

A Quick Snap Shot of Our Year

It has been a busy, fun and very enjoyable year in Múinteoir



Class. The boys have learnt lots, developed their skills and talents and most importantly enjoyed themselves. Events and activities have included – School Tours, STEAM Workshops,atrip to FOLTECHengineering, FAI-5-a - side competitions, Sciath na Scol, The say yes to languages programme, splash day, teachers vs

Students, Cork City Sports, Archaeologist visits, Confirmation, Multicultural day, engineering week, our annual 5th and 6th class soccer tournament, beach clean ups, graffiti workshops, graduations, JEP and much much more.

The boys have grown up so much in the last year and we would like to wish all of the boys in 6th class the very best in the future in their new schools. I’m sure where ever they go they will continue to make memories and friends that will last a lifetime.

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6th Class
Múinteoir Lucy

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Multi-Cultural day (By Dawid Sabo)

On the 26th of May we enjoyed multi-cultural day in the school. We have so many diverse and interesting cultures in our school and it was amazingtoseethem ondisplayin the Halla. Some people dressed in traditional dress, some people wore their national colours, some people created PowerPoints and projects based on their backgrounds and nationalities. The most amazing partofthedaywas all the foodondisplayfromall over the world in the Halla. We tried food from Asia, Africa, South America, Europe and the middle East. Food included rice, pakoras and onion bhaji from Pakistan and India. Noodle dishes from the Philippines and Jollof rice from Nigeria. Multi-cultural day is a great day in our school all the boys loved the food and the opportunity to learn about other countries traditionsand cultures.

Swimming (By Fahad Hussain)

In term 14th,5th and6th classes wentto swimming lessons in Aura Swimming pool, Youghal. We learned how to swim and preform new tricks and perfected old and new techniques such as forward crawl, breaststroke, backstroke and breathing. As well as learning about water safety and improving our ability in the water we had great fun at Aura. Over the 7 lessons we had our instructor would allow us 10 minutes to play. On our last visit we were allowed to use the big waterslidewhich was greatfun,

Lucy’s, Rory’s and Brendan’s classes made the trip to Oysterhaven adventure centre for their annual school tour. We departed the school at 8.30am sharp in order to be in Oysterhaven for a start time of 9.30. When we arrived we were split into two groups. One group would be on land and one group on the water in the morning and visa versa in the afternoon. Activities on land included zip lining, obstacle courses, team games and a swamp. Activities on the water included kayaking, swimming and rafting. We were so lucky with the weather it was sunny with blue skies all day. We had a great day and we were so tiredcoming.

History Workshop (By Ollie Jarosz)

On the 13th of May we had a visit from Heritage

schools Medieval Workshops. An Archaeologist visited us and brought loads of different artefacts from around the world. The artefacts were from different time periods and included things like Roman Coins, Viking Spears, Playing cards from medieval times, jewellery, animal bones and much more. The Archaeologist had a pair of ancient ice skates with her and told us that they were found in the river Liffey. She believes that they were a person who was skating across a frozen river Liffey in Dublin. She explained that this was long before the invention of bridges. The person fell through the ice and this was why they were found at the bottom of the bridge. We also learned a huge amount of Celtic history and were allowedtohandle weapons and armour.

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On the 31 of May the boys from Múinteoir

Click to view our 5th Class or 6th Class Webpages

FAI 5-A-SIDE (Jack Flynn)

At the start of February 16 boys from 5th and 6th class went to Carrigtwohill to represent the school in the annual FAI 5-A-Side tournament. Schools from Mitchlestown, Midleton, Glanmire and Cobh. The boys performed really well on the day winning 4 of the 7 games played, drawing 2 and only losing 1 game. Unfortunately, this was not enough on the day as one team remained undefeated and qualified to the next round ahead of us. We look forward to next year. Hopefully we can go onebetter.

Trip to Foltech engineering (Brian Nimpa)

electrical circuits. John invited us to his workshop in little island a few weeks after and we were able to applying our knowledge to a real-world setting. John showed us how he builds and fabricates different things, showed us how to weld and showed us their really cool 3D printing press. We had a great day and would like to say thanks to Johnfor allhishelp andhospitality.

Confirmation (Natan Matuszkiewicz)

On the 2nd of March both 6th classes had their confirmations. It was a wonderful occasion that was enjoyed by both the students and their families. Midleton CBS attended the Holy Rosary Church along with Scoil Bhríde and Balintotis NS. The boys from Midleton CBS dressed up in their finest suits for the occasion and all looked very smart ontheday.

Just after Christmas John Foley the owner and founder of Foltech engineering, Little island came to our school and led a number of different workshops based around Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths (STEAM). We learned about so many things such as sustainable energy, structures, bio-mechanical engineering and

An Exciting Year in M.Brendán’s

During term one of our school year, for six weeks the boys of 6th Class attended swimming lessons at the Aura Swimming Centre in Youghal every Friday morning. While at swimming lessons we learned several life skills such as, floating on water, holding our breath under water, and how to swim in general.

At the beginning of our lessons the class was split into separate groups. Those who could swim and those who couldn’t. The group who could swim were taken to a large and deeper pool and the other groups who were only beginning to learn how to swim were taught in a smaller, shallower pool.

CBS Exclusive Issue 4 2022/23 Page 19

Click to view our 5th Class or 6th Class Webpages

The boys in the larger pool did lengths, learned the backstroke and how to dive. The boys in the smaller pool learned to float,holdtheirbreath and swim to some degree. In the end, everyone learned somethingnew,

The final day of swimming was full of fun. Instead of learning about swimming, diving, floating or anything else we simplyhad fun. We were allowed to go on the big slide at the swimming centre and we splashed each other. The boys in the shallow pool were allowed to gointothedeep pool.

In conclusion, it was great fun and no matter our level of skill, we were all able to learn something new.

-Mikolaj, Noah M Christmas Fair

In December the Sixth Class boys helped to run the Christmas Fair. It took place in the hall. It consisted of many fun games such as ‘Hook the Candy’, ‘Lucky Dip and ‘Bean Bag Toss’. If you won there were lots of fun prizes for the winners. Everybody in school enjoyed their time at the fair. The Sixth class boys manned and maintained each station. There were many smiles and laughs throughout the day. Overall, it was an enjoyable experience for all.

6th Class French Lessons

In early January we started learning French every -week period. The teacher’s name was Mn. Fiona. We learned to put sentences together and even played games. We learned how to translate foods into French. All of the games we played were

in French. Some of these games were ‘Detective’, ‘French Speed’ and ‘Tic Tac Toe’. On the last day, we got some treats of jellies, stickers, pencils and a French style passport. Inside the French passports there was a information sheet where we wrote down what languages we spoke. Languages like Polski, Jogalog, Irish, English, Nihonjin and Yorba. We also wrote languages we hear around us, languages we speak at home and in our community. We really enjoyed our time learning French and we can’t wait to learn more in secondary school.

Will, Basit

Comórtas Sacar

In March, we participated in Mn. Anthony’s Irish Soccer Competition. In the competition the 4th, 5th and 6th class pupils played a soccer tournament. We were only allowed to communicate through Irish. Prior to the competition we learned the Irish words we needed for the competition in class. If we spoke English, we would have to do twenty jumping jacks. The winning teams were rewarded with tasty treats. The students really enjoyed the competitionandthetime offwork.

Tommy, Aaron & Oli School Movies

This year we were delighted to make our movies by writing scripts, writing storyboards, and making props. There were four groups and each group madetheir ownmovie. Each movie had an important message. We started shooting the movies in different areas around the school, we shot the scenes in Múinteoir Gail's room, on the Astro and in the classroom. We edited the scenes on iMovie on the school iPads. They all turned out great. We played them in class and editedthem once moreto makethembetter. them.

CBS Exclusive Issue 4 2022/23 Page 20

Click to view our 5th Class or 6th Class Webpages

We uploaded them once more to make them better. We put the movies on the school YouTube channel for the public to see. We are very proud of our movies and we had a lot of fun making them.

beautifully on the day. The students were confirmed by Bishop Crean. After the ceremony everybodywenthome and celebratedindifferent ways. In the end we were delighted to make our Confirmation after months of hard work. We had a greattime.

6th and 5th Class School Tour

Mn. Lucy’s, Mn. Brendan’s and Mn. Rory’s classes went on a trip to Oysterhaven for their school tour. We went on the 31st of May. We left at 08:30 in the morning and arrived back at school at 17:00 in the afternoon. We did team building mud activities and water activities. The mud activities included an obstacle course, a fireman chain, water bridge, dirty slide, rapid rafts and a


On March 2nd , 2023. Both 6th classes had their Confirmation. It took us months of practice, hard work and dedication. We practiced songs and prayers and we also practiced what we were going to say during the Mass. Ballintotis and St. Brigid’s also did their Confirmation with us. Three Days before the Confirmation. The Confirmation started at 10.30am in the Church of the Holy Rosary, Midleton. Students came with their families and their sponsors. There sponsors and the students sat in their designated area at the front of the church. The families and guests sat at the back of the church. St. Brigid’s brought a choir who sang

balance course. The water was stinky and mushy. There were two teams, Team Two and Twizzyrich.In the end, Twizzyrich won.They were also the muddiest team! Team two had the muddiest player. The instructors were nice and clear. The water activities included one person kayaking and four people kayaking and a blue raft with ten students. Overall everyone had a great time and we would recommend it to other classes.

CBS Exclusive Issue 4 2022/23 Page 21
- Daniel, Dominik & Harish

An Spréach: Our Trip to Leahy’s Farm

The boys in An Spréach come to school each day ready to play and work hard. They participate in the Aistear program which is a fun way to explore, learn and experience things to do with particular topics; summer, where we live, going tothedoctoretc

While we have lots of toys, costumes and activities to help with this exploration, there is nothing so wonderful as to experience it first hand.

This was true last month when, having learned and played with the Aistear topic “The Farm”, they actually went to Leahy’s Open Farm. Well, they had the time of their lives. They went for a full tour of the farm and saw cows, sheep, pigs, goats and llamas. They went on a barrel ride around their secretforest and gottopatbabyanimals. Wow!

They eventoucheda snake! We saw the old tractors and farm house and even an old Fire Engine. After lunch we also got to play in the climbing play house and outside intheplayground. What a wonderful day out we had. And the boys

behaved so well! We are so proud of them. We are already looking forward to our next trip.

CBS Exclusive Issue 4 2022/23 Page 22 Click HERE to visit our
Yellow Corridor webpage
Múinteoir Andrea

our Yellow Corridor webpage

Let’s Go Tour

Antoni, Silas, JukaandKyle from An Ghrianhad anamazing dayout withtheir mainstreamclasses at Let’s Go.Theday was ascorcher andthe boys had ablasttakingpart in activities suchas KMX carts, archery,zorbs,the airjumper, fieldgames andmanymore. “Myfavouritepartofthedaywas thezorbs because Ifoundthefeeling of being inside thezorb veryfunnyandIlaughed alotwithmyfriend Alex” –Antoni.Loads of memories madeon anactionpacked dayoutfortheseamazingpupils!

Let’s Go Tour

The boys in An Réalt have such a busy but fabulous year. We have been working so hard on so many skills and learning so much. We explored many topics in science, geography and history. We enjoyed growing beans and explored the life cycles of many plants and animals. We explored medieval artefacts and weexperimentedwithhowrain clouds areformedusing shavingfoamandbluefood colouring.

Our Life Skills Programme was very successful again this year. The boys explored our school Café, Breakfast club, Post Office and atriptoPan.

However, the highlight of our year was our recent trip to Fota Wildlife Park. The boys had such a great time and loved every minute of it. It was a years-worth accumulation of such hard work in the classroom and weare so veryproud of theboys in An Réaltthis year. We wish themall averysafe and wonderful summer. Múinteoir John

CBS Exclusive Issue 4 2022/23 Page 23 Click HERE to

An Solas with M.Fiona

The boys in Múinteoir

Fiona’s 5th Class have had a very busy year taking part in so many different activities.

One of the programmes the boys enjoyed was the Agri Aware Incredible Edibles programme. Divided into 5 tasks, the boys completed the programme gaining the Gold Award and Certificate. Tasks One and Two looked at Food Origin with an emphasis on Irish Produce. The planting of seed potatoes, lettuce and spinach was

explanation texts based on the making of the bird cakes.

Another highlight of 5th Class has been the variety of Art Projects that the boys have been involved in. From Papier Mache Pumpkins in Term One to Abstract Art in Term Three, the boys have experienced using different media, materials, resources and techniques to create wonderful works of art.

Tasks Four and Five involved preparation and cooking as well as Healthy Eating. The boys enjoyed the hands-on experiences of growing things and also completing some of the written tasks as well. Part of the Incredible Edibles programme was making bird cakes. The boys integrated the programme into their literacy and wrote

CBS Exclusive Issue 4 2022/23 Click HERE to visit our Yellow Corridor webpage
Múinteoir Fiona

Contact Information:

Midleton CBS Primary School, Rosary Place, Castleredmond, Midleton

P25 EK13

Phone: 021-4631419





Instagram: @midletoncbsprimary

YouTube: MidletonCBSPrimary School

TikToc: @midletoncbsprimary

October Mid-Term: School will closeonFriday27th of Octoberat2:30pmand will re -open onMonday6th of October2023

Public Holiday: School willbe closedon Monday5thofFebruary.

Spring Mid-Term: School willbe closedon Thursday15th Friday16thof February.

openon Monday8thofApril.

Public Holiday: School willbe closedon Monday6thofMay.

Public Holiday: School willbe closedon Monday3rd of June.

Christmas Holidays: School will closeonFriday22nd ofDecember at 12pmand will re-openonMonday8thof January2024

St. Patrick’s Weekend: School willbe closedon Monday18thof March

Easter Holidays: School will closeonFriday22nd ofMarchat12pm and will re-

Summer Holidays: School will closeonFriday21st of Juneat12pm

CBS Exclusive Issue 4 2022/23 Page 25
Happy Summer to everyone from the staff and children at Midleton CBS Primary! We will see you all on the 30th of

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Articles inside

An Solas with M.Fiona

page 24

our Yellow Corridor webpage

page 23

An Spréach: Our Trip to Leahy’s Farm

page 22

Click to view our 5th Class or 6th Class Webpages

pages 20-21

Click to view our 5th Class or 6th Class Webpages

pages 16-19

A Year of Fun Based Learning in 5th

page 15

4th Class Learning Adventure

pages 13-14

OurYear in Review– M.Lisa

pages 11-12

Our School Tour

page 10

Our School Tour

page 9

Our Special Memories!

page 9

Student Council

page 8

Sciath na Scol 2022-23

pages 7-8

An Exciting Year in the Nurture Room

pages 6-7

An Exciting Year in the Nurture Room

page 5

School Self Evaluation

pages 2-4

A BIG THANK YOU! To All Our Pupils, Parents & Staff

pages 1-2

An Solas with M.Fiona

page 24

our Yellow Corridor webpage

page 23

An Spréach: Our Trip to Leahy’s Farm

page 22

Click to view our 5th Class or 6th Class Webpages

pages 20-21

Click to view our 5th Class or 6th Class Webpages

pages 16-19

A Year of Fun Based Learning in 5th

page 15

4th Class Learning Adventure

pages 13-14

OurYear in Review– M.Lisa

pages 11-12

Our School Tour

page 10

Our School Tour

page 9

Our Special Memories!

page 9

Student Council

page 8

Sciath na Scol 2022-23

pages 7-8

An Exciting Year in the Nurture Room

pages 6-7

An Exciting Year in the Nurture Room

page 5

School Self Evaluation

pages 2-4

A BIG THANK YOU! To All Our Pupils, Parents & Staff

pages 1-2
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