CBS Exclusive: Christmas Edition 2022-23

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So as we approach the Christmas holidays, we, in An Spréach, look back at what was an amazing first term in our brand new Early Intervention Class.

An Spréach – which means “the Spark” in Irish, is a suitable name for our boys. They are now seasoned CBS pupils and we can see the spark ignite in their personalities with everything they do.

We have celebrated 4th birthdays, gone for road safety awareness walks in our Hi-viz coats. They are learning to peg, cut with scissors and glue and stick. They have learned, through Aistear, all about the parts of the body, autumn, rooms in a house, Christmas and winter.

They have also learned about hot, cold, big, small, the days of the week and looked out the window each day to check the weather. Such clever guys!

They even had a school Christmas performance. The boys sang and played instruments to Jingle bells, Snowflake and the Rainbow song. They danced with tinsel and snowflakes and really enjoyed the

music. This was recorded in advance and played for the parents at an EI Christmas coffee morning. The boys presented their families with a clay masterpiece and a card they made using collage. And in return they also received a little present. It was a truly magnificent event!

However what impresses me the most about these 5 great boys is the friendships that have developed in such a short time. They show such happiness at being together, play nicely together and look out for each other.

Roll on Term 2.

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Early Intervention Class AN
DON’T FORGET SCHOOL CLOSES AT 12noon on Wednesday VOLUME 2022/23 ISSUE 2 22nd December 2022 WATCH OUT FOR: ☺ PA News ☺ 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS ☺ Quizzes ☺ Roots of Empathy ☺ Nurture Room ☺ Lotto Update ☺ Sports News ☺ Student Council News ☺ Alfie Updates Inside this issue: • 1ST CLASS • 2ND CLASS • 3RD CLASS • 4TH CLASS • 5TH CLASS • 6TH CLASS • YELLOW CORRIDOR

Here in Midleton CBS we are enjoying the build up to Christmas. We have the decorations up and the school is like a winter wonderland! Each class has created some amazing artwork and the corridors have been brightened up by all this fantastic festive work! Our crib and advent wreath are in pride of place too and we haven’t forgotten the true meaning of Christmas. Classes from the school attended a special mass where the choir sang some wonderful Christmas carols.

The school is a hive of activity with our 12 Days of Christmas and all the boys are enjoying the festivities. We have also had some

mischievous visitors to the school and these elves have been up to all sorts of shenanigans in the classrooms!

There really is a magical feeling here in Midleton CBS as we lead into Christmas. The kindness and consideration that the boys are showing to each other and all the staff is outstanding and highly commendable. We hope that everyone has a fantastic Christmas and wishing you all the best for 2023.

Christmas Activity with Saladares School in Spain

his year we did a Christmas activity with my school in Spain. My name is Alberto and last year I went to Saladares School in Spain. Both classes made a Christmas video telling each other all about our Christmas traditions in Ireland and Spain. An interesting fact we learned about Spain was that they have a tradition on New Year’s Eve where they have to eat twelve grapes before midnight. We also learned that the Three Kings bring presents to the children in Spain. In our class we also decorated our classroom with a Christmas wreath, a Christmas tree, snowmen and tinsel. It was really fun doing this activity with my old class.

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Our Mini Company 2022

This term fifth and sixth took part in an entrepreneur project. It began with an idea and ended with a very cute project which brought joy to over 200 homes. Not only did the boys design and make a really great product but they learned a lot in doing so. Hopefully these boys will be CEOs, designers, inventors, quality control foremen, market researchers, advertising executives, actors and producers of the future. They certainly took ownership of this project and shone in their particular areas of talent.

The project started with a brainstorming lesson in oral language strand of English. The boys came up with hot chocolate kits, Christmas snacks, Christmas decorations among other great ideas. This quickly evolved to Christmas treat boxes. These we would sell the week of the toy show. In maths we calculated our overheads and worked out which foods would be the best value for money. We worked out our profit margin and estimated our profit. We collected and analysed the data. We settled on roughly 200 boxes as it was an experimental product or be overwhelmed with work.

At our board meeting we brainstormed and improved our ideas and worked out a fair price. We bought our food products locally. Teacher brought in supermarket brochures and we worked out which treats would be tasty and also help increase our profit margin. In art we designed ninja star decorations. We were lucky to have both fifth and sixth working together as a team so as the saying goes many hands made light work. We set up a production line and everyone had a short turn assembling. With over sixty children and 200 boxes they were assembled very quickly. We took orders using a tally survey. The day they went on sale really marked the beginning of Christmas. We played Christmas music and wore Santa hats and the boxes were sold out almost immediately. We could easily have made and sold hundreds!

The day was exciting and fun for everyone involved. And the boys each had a turn selling the boxes. The costumers were so happy and excited. When we returned to normal school work the boys all agreed we had spread a lot of joy in our school. We were very proud to be part of such a fun programme.

We learned so much and the project covered so many elements of the primary school curriculum. The future is bright for these young entrepreneurs.

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Whether you think you can, or think you can’t — you’re right.”
– Henry Ford, Ford Motor Company founder.


Our Christmas Reindeer 2022

Here at Midleton CBS Primary school, we were delighted to welcome back our Christmas Reindeer ‘Reggie’. Reggie has been visiting our school now for the past number of years and our pupils love to decorate, paint and dress him up with lots of Christmas sparkle and glam! A lovely tradition amongst all the schools in the town of Midleton organised by the Midleton Christmas Lights Committee.

Congratulations and Well done to the four pupils who won the competition in our school and were picked to decorate Reggie; Ethen Lee from Múinteoir Eoghan’s 3rd Class, Harry Goldspring from Múinteoir Amy’s 2nd Class, Adrian Matuszkiewicz from Múinteoir Emma’s 4th Class and Aaron Edwards from Múinteoir Fiona’s 5th Class. The boys did a FANTASTIC job in making Reggie look very festive and colourful! You can see ‘Reggie the

Reindeer’ and his other reindeer friends, down town by the Midleton Roundabout. Well

My name is Ethen. I am nine years old and I live in Midleton. I was one of the boys who won the reindeer competition in Midleton CBS Primary School. It was the best moment of my life.

Three days after I got the news that I was painting Reggie the reindeer we started the job. It took us about seven days to finish. Then the people from Midleton Christmas Lights came to pick him up so he

could be up at the roundabout by Supervalu. On Sunday 20th of November when all the Christmas lights were turned on, I went down to see him. Now he lives happily up at the roundabout with all his Christmas buddies!

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Ethen Lee

Christmas Choir

We have been learning lots of new songs for our choir and we had to practice and learn all the words. Some boys were singing on their own or doing a rap and we all had to dance along and do actions like the jazz hands. Our favourite songs are Let is Snow and Rocking Around the Christmas Tree. We performed for the whole school and all the teachers. We had great fun doing that. We also got to visit the Midleton Day Care Centre to sing for the residents. We got to hear all about what Christmas was like for them when they were younger and how Mike, who is 98, once got a donkey from Santa. They all only usually got one present which makes us grateful for all the presents we will receive this year.

For a couple of weeks in CBS primary we have been learning many Christmas songs to sing for choir. We are practising everyday and have a lot of songs to sing. We are learning songs like ‘Let it snow’, ‘Rocking around the Christmas Tree’, and ‘Silent Night’. We are going to perform our songs for the whole school, Midleton Hospital and at Tesco. We are really trying to sing our best and we are having a lot of fun. Don’t forget to stop by and hear our choir at Tesco. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Christmas Baubles

We started our papier mache Christmas baubles a number of weeks ago. It has been a very messy but really fun experience. There were many steps to this process art. You can see this in the pictures below. Firstly we started with a balloon and a cup and we taped them together. Next we started to put the mache onto the balloon. We did this by dipping strips of newspaper into a mixture of PVA glue and water and putting them all over the balloon. We left this to harden. Then we added two more layers of mache on separate days. Afterwards we painted the balloon with a layer of white paint and left this to dry. Finally we painted our balloons to make them look like giant Christmas baubles and added ribbon to the cup to hang them from. We are so proud of our work and can’t wait

to hand them up in our homes for Christmas.

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12 Days of Christmas 2022

This year for the first time our school held The Twelve Days of Christmas Event where for the last twelve days of school before the Christmas holidays we had aneventeveryday. We started on the 5th of December where we did the Advent Service. We sang Christmas carols around a circle in front of the candles, learned about the Advent Wreath and a prayerservice.

The second day we did Deck the Halls. Deck the Halls is where we coloured bobbles and hung them around the halls. Other classes made Christmas decorations and our school made sure we looked ready for the Christmas season. We made cards for friends andfamilyonthe4thDay.

On the 5th day we did a Christmas quiz in classes hosted by Muinteoir Brendan. The quiz contained four rounds of ten questions. The Junior classes went to the hall where they had a quiz in mixedclassgroups.

On the 6th day we decorated Christmas

cookies, the whole school got to do it. We built little snowmen cookies using cookies, marshmallows, icing,chocolateetc.

On the 7th, the 1st Class held a Christmas playin the hall and the 4th Classes performed beautiful songs for the entire school. The 8th Day we all got to watch a Christmas Movie and the smell of popcorn wafted thecorridors.

The Fair Day and Cookie Day were the 9th and 10th days of the event but were spread out between classes. The Nurture Room was like a Christmas Café with hot chocolate and cookies for everyone. Yum! While that was on for some classes, others were trying their luck down at the Fair playing games. There were loadsofactivitiestochoose from, Pin the Nose on Rudolf, Nerf the Decorations, Guess the Teacher and many more.

The 6th Class boys ran each of the stalls helping and guiding the younger classes through the activities. It


Day 11 we had a special visitor to our school, Santa with 2 sacks full of presents forusall.Whatatreat.

Day 12 was Jumper Day, we all brought in donation for Simon and got to wear a Christmas jumper. Everyone gave generously. We all went outside to sing Christmascarols.

It was a lot of fun and got us in the Christmas spirit before the holidays. We feel that this event was a huge success and we hope thatitwillbeheldannually.

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We would like to say a big thank you to Aldi, Tesco, Super Valu for their kind donationsandsponsorship.
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Minister Madigan’s Visit

On December the 2nd Minister Madigan came to visit our school. When she came to our school she had a look around and went to different classrooms. While she was doing that we all went into the hall for a school assembly. The student council welcomed her to the school. I was holding flowers for her and Jack held a limited-edition Alfie Christmas card. We also presented Minister Madigan with a card made especially by the nurture room. Michal officially welcomed her to the school. After that Minister Madigan said a few words about how great our school is. Then Michal, Jack and I got some pictures with Minister Madigan, Alfie and Príomhoide Niamh.

Road Safety

“Press the button, wait patiently and stay safe” has been the key message this term when it comes to arriving and departing safely from school. All of our classes across the four coloured corridors have been busy brushing up on our key Road Safety messages as part of our curriculum in order to keep our school community as safe as possible every day. Classes have even been out to the Pedestrian Crossing to practice the key skills when crossing the road safely and Mn. Ruth and Ciara have been lending a hand in the evenings to ensure the boys are putting their practice to good use.

A big thank you has to go to our wonderful staff and of course Alfie who are present every morning to ensure the boys are supported as

they transition from the gates inside the school grounds. Our pupils have also been absolutely fantastic in displaying such wonderful manners and good behaviour before the opening time of 8.30am and also when heading for home at 2.30pm. We would also like to say thanks to all of amazing parents and guardians who ensure their sons are dropped off and collected in a safe manner every day. It is very much appreciated and sets a great example to our boys.

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Mn. Jason

School Self Evaluation

The most recent SSE journey has taken us from 2019 to 2022 and to say it has been an experience is an understatement. To date, we have made positive improvements in Literacy, Numeracy, Well-Being, SPHE, School Policies and Curricular Plans. These improvements have come in the shape of spellings For Me, Number Facts, Wellbeing Committee, Restorative Practice, Alfie the School Therapy Dog, the Nurture Room, the Yellow

and STEAM to name but a few.

target going forward from 2023 – 2026. Our SSE Committee (Melissa, Brendan, Jason, Rory & Amy) will be busy working closely with the key stakeholders in our school community (Staff, Pupils & Parents) in order to ensure we are making the positive changes our wonderful school deserves.

SSE Committee

This academic year of 2022/23 will be spent reviewing the improvements made thus far while identifying key areas to

Creative School

This year Creative Schools will be getting into full swing with the school making some long term partnerships with local professionals to assist us on our creative journey.

The year kicked off with The Student Advisory Panel getting together to brainstorm what they would like to invest the money and time in for this year. There is a display on the blue corridor of all the fabulous taster activities that we took part in last year including: Biodiversity in The Glucksmas UCC, dancing in The Firkin Crane, engineering with YES Youth Engineering Solutions, Birdbox making with Geoffrey, Fighting Words workshop at the Graffiti Theatre in Blackpool and Mask Making and Drama with local artist. Make sure you take a look at all the investigating we did also into what creativity means to the boys in the school and read the fantastic colourful booklets that were made. Stay tuned for more exciting creative activity this year!!

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Muinteoir Mairead & The Student Advisory Panel

The NEW School Lotto

Our School Lotto is up and running and working very successfully. Each week we have celebrated our €20 prize

prizes from some of our generous business sponsors in the locality. These included:

A Leahy’s Farm family pass

A gift from Murphy’s pharmacy

Lunch for two in Garryvoe


A pottery piece from Shanagarry Potters

Don’t forget any adult member of the school community can get involved, what are you waiting for? It could be you!

our first jackpot winner!! How exciting!

This term we had our first ever extra special Christmas Lotto Draw. Every ticket in our Christmas Lotto draw, which took place on 15th December 2022, had a chance to win one of our Christmas Draw spot

A €50 voucher from Ina McCarthy’s flowers PLUS as a bonus, players automatically had a chance to win one of the bonus national draw prizes. These included:


Michael Buble tickets Harry Style tickets


A 2 night break in Fota Island

Sign up using the QR code found below!! You’ve got to be in it to win it!!

STEAM at Midleton CBS

This year we have invested in lots of exciting STEAM resources for our school. We have recently purchased a Polydron STEM set and a Polydron Engineering set. We have also invested in a Lego Education Spike kit, nexus magnetic shapes and a large Bluetooth speaker! We will have more new and exciting STEAM equipment in our school in the coming months watch this space!

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Our Soccer Blitz

The boys from 4th class recently attended a 7 a side soccer blitz organised by the FAI in Ballae Park Carrigaline on the 14th of November. A total of 30 players played 4 games each against very able and competitive competition in the form of Charleville CBS, Togher Boys, Scoil an Spiorad Naoimh and Crosshaven BNS. The games were tight, competitive and played in a

very good spirit by all players. Well done to all the boys who displayed exemplary behaviour and sportsmanship on the day, some great talent was on show which bodes well for future CBS success on the football field.


Over the last six weeks our school have been participating in swimming lessons in Aura Leisure Centre in Youghal. The boys from 4th class to 6th class have been attending weekly swimming lessons. The swimming lessons are forty-five minutes in duration. The boys are really enjoying the lessons and really look forward to their weekly sessions. The staff at Aura Leisure Centre are excellent and always ensure the boys are enjoying the lessons. Aquatics and water safety are part of our National school curriculum and it is fantastic that the boys have been given the

opportunity to engage in swimming lessons and water safety. The boys are very proud of the progression they are making on a weekly basis and are all delighted they get to go swimming. I would like to thank all of the staff at Aura Leisure Centre for their hard work and dedication in helping our boys with their swimming lessons.

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Roots of Empathy

his term second class have officially started the Roots of Empathy programme. The programme helps children to learn about a baby’s needs and development, and lets children see a loving relationship grow between parent and baby. Observing this relationship aims to increase empathy in children as they learn to care for and respect each other. Our Roots of Empathy instructor is Múinteoir Melissa and our tiny teacher is Baby Zara. The boys have had two visits from Baby Zara so far and are already fully invested in the programme. Each visit they observe how Baby Zara has changed developmentally and physically and are excited to

Tsee how much she is changing. They ask questions about her, sing her songs, do exercises with her and help her play with toys too. They cannot wait to meet her again in January and find out about her Christmas!

What Do The Boys Think?

In second class we have a very special baby coming into our class called Baby Zara. This is called Roots of Empathy. This programme will help us learn about babies and about how people are feeling and maybe see how much they grow. When Zara visits we can see how much she has grown, how she is playing, how much she has developed and what things she can and can’t do yet like what toys she can and can’t hold. Tony, Raess and Matthew have helped her play with toys. We have all practiced holding, calming and helping a baby using the Roots of Empathy doll. Her mom’s name

is Laura. Her mom takes good care of her and so do we! We welcome Baby Zara by singing her the welcome song when she comes. We also sing her other songs like Silent Night and An dTiocfaidh Tú?

She likes it when we sing. Múinteoir Melissa is the Roots of Empathy leader in our school. We really love this baby coming in to our class and we love meeting Zara. We are all enjoying the it and we think she is the best baby in the world!

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The Mysterious Portal (A Christmas Narrative)

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Jimmy. He was playing with his bright red car in his bedroom surrounded with toys! Jimmy jumped on his bouncy bed and then on his big mountain of clothes! Then he sat on his comfortable leather beanbag. Suddenly Jimmy saw a shimmering light in his cupboard. He was terrified of the light. When he went to see what it was it was a portal. He went in and he saw… Santa’s workshop! An elf named Sam ran up to

Jimmy. The elf said “Help help. My machine is broken”. Sam said “If we don’t get the toys ready Christmas is ruined”. Luckily for Sam Jimmy was an expert at fixing! It took about 24 hours for Jimmy to fix the whole machine. After that Christmas was saved and it was the best one ever! Everyone got their presents and they were all so happy.

The 12 Days of Christmas

Starting on the 5th of December we had the twelve days of Christmas. First we did the advent service in the hall. One candle is lit every Sunday in December.

Then we decked the halls. We decorated our Christmas tree with decorations we made. We had so much fun! Then we made gold and silver glittery Christmas Cards. On Thursday we had a Christmas quiz and Kogith was on the winning team. There were five rounds of questions and we had a great time!

Next we made snowmen out of marshmallows and biscuits. We even had edible ink for the snowman’s eyes. Then it was the second week and we did a colouring competition. We are so excited to find out the winners. The next day, we watched first class doing their nativity play. It was amazing!! We listened to the forth class choir too. We loved their songs. Their songs were beautiful.

The day after that we watched a Christmas movie. Next was the best day of all. It was

the Christmas Fair! We got to play games and win prizes. We played table football, put the nose on Rudolph and many more. It was so amazing and we were super happy! There were Christmas tree balloons and a giant Grinch balloon.

We love the 12 Days of Christmas and we can’t wait for the rest. Merry Christmas!

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The Nativity

loved hearing the singing.

Finally, we went home and my parents let me eat Oreos.

I loved the Christmas show but I felt tired after.

Yesterday, first class was doing their Christmas show.

First, we dressed up and we got ready to go. Next, the audience were watching the show. Then it was my turn to go onto the stage. I was a shepherd.

On Wednesday the 14th, first class had their Christmas show. All of the boys worked very hard to learn their songs, lines, dances and actions. Here are some recounts written by the boys after their play:

Yesterday, first class were doing a Christmas show in the hall.

First I dressed as Joseph and wore a brown gown and a hat that my Mom made for me. Next we entered the hall for the play. Our first song was called Welcome Welcome. During the show, our families clapped a lot and

My mum wasn’t there and my Dad wasn’t there either but everyone else cheered for us.

On Wednesday, we did our Nativity play.

First, we got our costumes on and I was Mary.

At the show, I said my lines out nice and loud. Everyone was clapping and some adults were laughing.

When the show was over, I felt happy


This month our Aistear theme is winter and Christmas. As always, this theme correlates with our SESE theme for the month. Children used language learnt through-out our SESE lessons while engaged in play. We worked together to write and post letters, engage with winter small world, read books relating to Christmas and winter and construct our own junk art creations. It was a busy but fun month for us.

Our favourite station was the post office. This was particularly special for us because one of our Dads

works as a post man for An Post. Learning about the journey of a letter and the role of An Post at Christmas was really interesting.

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Santa Claus

This is a story about a man called Santa Claus. He had a big round tummy, rosy cheeks and a long white beard. He lived in the North Pole with Mrs Claus and all his elves. He works really hard all year but Christmas time is his busiest.

Santa's workshop has to get all the toys ready for all the children in world. The reindeer also need to be prepared for Christmas Eve. They have to eat healthy and train daily so they are strong enough to pull Santa's sleigh.

On Christmas Eve Santa flies all around the world to every child. It is a long night. He eats lots of cookies and drinks lots of milk and the reindeer eat lots of carrots. He goes down so many chimneys big, small, short and tall. Some houses have no chimneys and when this happens he sprinkles magic powder on him that allows him to walk through walls. It is so much fun but very tiring.

Once Santa gets back to the North Pole, he throws a big party to thank the elves for all their hard work. The next day Santa has a meeting with his elves and they start work all over again to get ready for next Christmas. Not much of a rest but Santa wouldn't have it any other way.


Christmas Poem

Christmas comes once a year, It's a time full of Joy and lots of Cheer.

All the children get so excited, at the thoughts that Santa has been sighted.

They go to bed early but cannot sleep, But Santa won't arrive until you are dreaming deep.

They awaken early Christmas day, Tip toe downstairs and shout hurray.

Lots of gifts and toys under the tree, The real beauty of Christmas is being with family

Schools from the Past

This month we learned all about schools from the past. We compared pictures of schools today with pictures of schools from the past. We learned all about the different rules at school in the past. We had a challenge one day last week to follow some of these rules. Whoever lasted the day won a prize! Every time an adult entered the room we stood up, every time we spoke we stood up. We eliminated

some boys very quickly but we had great fun! Our winners were Timmy, Darragh, Conor and Charlie. Also, some of the boys interviewed their grandparents and parents to hear about the differences between schools today and schools in the past. We heard about outside toilets, getting hit with a stick or belt for things like forgetting a spelling or forgetting to stand when an adult entered the room, eating only bread and jam for lunch and playing outside in the hail, rain or snow. It was so enjoyable to listen to these interviews and we are so grateful to the grandparents and parents who took part.

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If I Were an Elf…..

My name would be Elfie. I would live in my best friend’s house. I would wear green and red clothes. My favourite food would turkey. My favourite job at Christmas time would be feeding the reindeers. My favourite part about being an elf would be when I’m cheeky!! When I’m not helping to get ready for Christmas, I would be giving out candy canes.

My name would be Trixy. I would live under Santa’s workshop. I would wear a elf clothes. My favourite food would be Mrs Claus’s cookies! My favourite job at Christmas time would be helping Santa. My favourite part about being an elf would be eating lots of treats. When I’m not helping to get ready for Christmas, I would be drink milk

--- Maciej Madej

My name would be Felix. I would live in the North Pole. I would wear a red hat, jumper, trousers and shoes. My favour-

ite food would be chocolate. My favourite job at Christmas time would be visiting houses and being cheeky. When I’m not helping to get ready for Christmas, I would sleep all day and night!

My name would be Nicholas Njumbe. I would live in the shed. I would wear striped socks, green hat, red jumper and red trousers. My favourite food would be Christmas pudding and candy canes. My favourite job at Christmas time would be meeting children and minding children. My favourite part about being an elf would be being loved by kids. When I’m not helping to get ready for Christmas, I would eat candy canes and watchTV.

My name would be Flexy. I would live on a shelf. I would wear all red clothes. My favourite food would be Christmas cookies! My favourite job at Christmas time would be watching the kids to see if

they’re good. When I’m not helping to get ready for Christmas, I would beg Santa for presents!

My name would be Ryan because it’s funny and whoever has me would know I’m a boy. I would live in my friend’s house so I could be silly and get him in trouble! I would wear glasses, a green hat and green suit. My favourite food would be candy canes and my friend’s sweets!! My favourite job at Christmas time would be making jokes for my friends and making presents. My favourite part about being an elf would be meeting Santa and maybe getting some free presents. When I’m not helping to get ready for Christmas, I would makelotsofjokes!

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Friction Investigation

We did some practising on forces and friction. We used a dinky and made a ramp with books and cardboard. We tested bubble wrap, cardboard, carpet and sandpaper. We used a ruler to measure which one could roll the longest and we also counted in seconds. We discovered that cardboard was the fastest. The conclusion was cardboard had the least friction so the dinky could travel over it easiest. The best thing about this experiment was racing the car down the ramp and the teamwork. Something I would do differently next time is we could make the ramp bigger or we could also try different materials. It was fun to test out which one had the most and the least friction and we enjoyed measuring which one went the farthest and the slowest.

Creative Homework

To finish off our Christmas term and have a break from regular homework this week, the boys in M. Lisa’s 2nd/3rd completed creative homework. Our theme was Christmas. We had a homemade stable and nativity scene, a Christmas flower display, Christmas drawings and art, yummy Christmas cookies and a lovely festive story. The boys put huge work into their creative homework along with help from their families. Well done boys! You should be so proud of your fantastic work!

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POP Art!

Popartisaformofartwhichismadeusing repetitive images and bright colours. His artexploredandlookedatcelebrityculture based mainly around the 1960s. Warhol based his art on lots of different celebrities during this period such as Muhammed Ali, Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Priestley. We created pop art by drawing ice-creams and colouring them in bright and contrasting colours,theyturnedoutfantastic.

Graduation Hoodies

Each year the sixth class pupils order graduation hoodies to mark the end of their time in primary school. The boys usually order their hoodies in term three and receive them before the end of the school year. Each year the boys love wearing their new purchases to school. This year we have decided to break with tradition and order the hoodies in term two. We hope to order them at this time of year so that the boys can wear their hoodies with pride during term three and that they get as much wear out of them as possible. These hoodies can be worn instead of the boys’ usual school jumper or top. We asked the boys whether they would like to

make the order in term two or term three. The boys were delighted with the prospect of being able to order them earlier. We wanted to give the boys a voice in the process so we asked them to research which hoodies they would like to order. During ipad time they split into groups and researched the companies that sell graduation hoodies. After much deliberation over design and cost they chose to order from ‘school’. The boys discussed the design and what they wanted to include. After many in-class polls they came up with their definitive choice. We look forward to you all seeing what the boys have chosen before the end of term two.

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The Post Office

Here in the Yellow Corridor, learning is much more than reading books or doing sums. Learning takes place on many different levels. School is also for developing social interactionskills,aswellasotherlifeskills. Role-play is an extremely useful activity fordoingthis.

The boys in the Yellow Corridor have been so busy over the last few weeks learning about the post office and developing very important skills as part of their Life-Skills Programme.

In this part of the programme, the boys first began writing letters to their friends

in the Corridor, next we wrote letters to friends in our mainstream classes and finally we wrote and posted letters to our families. Learning along the way with the final goal of walking to the local Post Office, buying a stamp and popping the letterintothepostbox.

It has been such a rewarding and enriching experience for the boys. Some boyswereevenluckyenoughtobuysome treatsinPan.

Well done boys, we’re already looking forward to the next step of our Programmeinthenewyear.

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas, fromallofushereintheYellowCorridor.

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Reports from An Solas

The boys in An Solas have been revising Report

Writing this term. They have been identifying the many features of reports, looking at headings, subheadings and paragraphs. They chose their own animal to write about, completed their own research and wrote reports which are factual and don’t contain opinions. Below are some examples of the reports written by the boys.


Goblin Sharks are omnivores. This means they eat both fish and plants. They like to eat fish, squid and crustaceans. They detach their jaws to eat their prey.


Goblin Sharks live in waters near Japan in the Pacific Ocean. They swim along the bottom of the ocean near the continental shelf.

Brown Bears by Erian Zivkovic


The brown bear is a predator. It hunts other animals, mostly fish and insects. It is not prey to other animals.


Brown Bears are omnivores which means that they eat meat and plants. Their diet consists of fish, insects, leaves etc.


Brown bears live in the forests of Asia, Europe and America. They like warm weather and hibernate during winter.

Features Bears are big, fluffy, brown, have long thick fur, can be red and have a large head They can grow to between five to eight feet and weigh sevenhundred pounds.

Interesting facts

Brown bears are Omnivores. They are very fast

Goblin Sharks by Patrick Walsh


Goblin Sharks are predators. They have fang like teeth. They hunt fish and squid.


Goblin Sharks are pink in colour. They have a very narrow snout. They have a very big mouth which can detach when eating. In their mouth, they have fang-like teeth. They can grow up to 12 feet long and 460 pounds.

Interesting facts

Some people call Goblin Sharks, Vampire Sharks.

CBS Exclusive Issue 2 2022/23 Page 23 Click HERE to visit our Yellow Corridor webpage
CBS Exclusive Issue 2 2022/23 Page 24
CBS Exclusive Issue 2 2022/23 Page 25
This year, just like every other, the corridors are awash with colour made up of all the hard work of the boys themselves.
CBS Exclusive Issue 2 2022/23 Page 26
Corridors Continued…...
CBS Exclusive Issue 2 2022/23 Click HERE to visit our Yellow Corridor webpage Colourful Corridors Continued…...

Contact Information:

Midleton CBS Primary School, Rosary Place, Castleredmond, Midleton P25 EK13

Phone: 021-4631419



Facebook: Twitter:

Instagram: @midletoncbsprimary

YouTube: MidletonCBSPrimary School

TikToc: @midletoncbsprimary

October Mid-Term: School will close on Friday 31st of October at 2:30pm and will re -open on Monday 7th of October 2022

Public Holiday: School will be closed on Monday 6th of February.

Spring Mid-Term: School will be closed on Thursday 16th Friday 17th of February.

open on Monday 17th of April.

Public Holiday: School will be closed on Monday 1st of May.

Public Holiday: School will be closed on Friday 2nd of June & Monday 5th of June.

Christmas Holidays: School will close on Wednesday 21st of December at 12pm and will re-open on Thursday 5th of January 2023.

St. Patrick’s Weekend: School will be closed on Friday 17th of March

Easter Holidays: School will close on Friday 31st of March at 12pm and will re-

Summer Holidays: School will close on Friday 23rd of June at 12pm

CBS Exclusive Issue 2 2022/23 Page 28
Happy Christmas to everyone from the staff and children at Midleton CBS Primary! We will see you all on the 5th of January

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