If you haven’t met the 5 newest members of our CBS school yet, then let me tell you they are the bravest, most fun and hard working boys you canimagine.
Having started in September with 1 hour a day, they are now up to a full day andboy,aretheybusy. They work veryhardattheirplay buildingblock villages, making puzzles, threading beads and singing songs but they also learn science, maths, English, music andevensomeIrish.
They have captured the heart of all therestoftheboysinthe school,who love to see their small friends come by. They play with their bikes in the
halla, dig in the school garden and visit Alfieinthe office. The boys in An Spréach are all for inclusion. They go to yard with the big boys in the yellow corridor and last week they even joined Múinteoir Lucy’s 5th Class in their PE lesson the big boys moving the parachute, while the EI boys ran on and under the parachute.Happydays!
They may be small but they have made a big impression on the boys in theCBS.
The boys returned from their summer holidays full of energy and enthusiasm. We realised our nurture family tree looked a bit bare so we set about creating colourful leaves containing our names. Our nurturefamily tree is now a colourful, welcoming beacon. We also created our fit together jigsaw to show that we all complement each other even though we have different interests and talents.
s it is autumn, we decided to plant apple seeds, acorns and hazelnuts. The boys take great care of their seeds, making sure they have plenty of water and checking their progress.
We also discovered that marshmallows and fruit are an excellent combination. We used strawberries, grapes, blueberries to make fruit and marshmallow kebabs.
We continued our culinary journey with pizzas. The boys used wraps, pizza sauce, cheese and pepperoni to create theirownpizzas.
WAe have been busy preparing for Halloween in the nurture room. We began by decorating our room and continued by creating our own Halloween luminaries. The boys really enjoyed creating these fun, festive Halloween lanterns. We then decided we needed to celebrate Halloween on a culinary level so we baked some Halloween chocolate chip cookies. We had great fun cutting thecookiedoughintobatandpumpkinshapes.
"If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book." J.K. Rowling”
This is very much true in Fifth class, here, in C.B.S. In September we launched our book club. The students are reading novels in a group with their peers. We read a chapter each night and chat about it together. We analyse the plot, discuss the characters, the genre and the conflicts and resolutions. We draw storyboards and comic strips and create character profiles.
The boys are given an opportunity to read many different types of novel. There are books that they might never have read before, where it not for our little book club. Often it is tempting to begin a book and change it in the class library before it is completed. It’s so easy to become distracted or to lose focus. This method of reading gives the boys a reason to keep with a book s not a personal favourite.
Every last Friday of the month book club is enjoyed with a large mug of hot chocolate. There is nothing quite like a mug of hot chocolate and a chat with friends about a good
We have found it challenging to gather enough copies of the books to maintain our book club. However, Midleton Library has offered to help and are supplying us with even more stories for our club. This week they ordered ten copies of Anne Frank and the history of the Titanic. We are already excitedly browsing their catalogue for next term.
We’ve been on so many adventures already, eaten a giant peach with James and his caterpillar friend, washed dirty coal with Stanley, played nasty tricks with Mr. Twit, had teeth pulled by a demon dentist, hung out with a gangster granny, walked the salt flats of southern France and hidden in an annex during World War Two. A world of imagination has been opened up to us and we have discovered an infinite new world. The world of books.
“Reading is important. If you know how to read, then the whole world opens up to you Barack Obama."
We are absolutely always welcome to book recommendations. And I must give Múinteoir Anthony credit for the idea which he has run for many years. I’m only happily jumping on the band wagon and will probably steal this idea for the rest of my career. Thanks, Múinteoir Anthony.
Múinteoir Lucy.We cannot wait to tell you some exciting news that will affect boys in our school this year. We’ve been invited to participate in a program called Roots of Empathy. This is a programme that teaches children about feelings, their own feelings and the feelings of others. Once every three weeks, babyZaraandherMumwillvisitM.Amy’sclassroom.
We are very lucky to have our very own Roots of Empathy Instructor M.Melissa and she will lead the programme in our school. A regular basis M.Melissa will gather the children in the classroom around a special green blanket, and together they will watch baby Zara growanddevelopastheweekspassby.
The children will predict and cheer when their Roots of Empathy baby reaches the ‘developmental milestones’ of the first year: “She can roll over!” “She got her first tooth!” “she can sit up!” “She can crawl!!” M.Melissa, as the Roots of Empathy Instructor also coaches the children in observing and reading the cues the baby gives as to how the baby is feeling: “Is the baby happy or sad?” “How can you tell?” And we use this discussion as a lever for the children to talk about their own emotions and to understand how their classmates feel: “Do you smile when you’re happy?” “Howcanyoutellifyourfriendishappy?”
Being abletounderstandhow otherpeoplearefeeling is calledempathy.During theprogramme theRootsofEmpathyInstructoralsovisitstheclassroomtheweekbeforeandaftereachFamily
Visit to prepare and reinforce teachings using a specialised lesson plan for each visit. For more than twenty years, across Canada and internationally, nearly 1,000,000 children have been learning to respect and care for one another with the lessons started through their Roots of Empathy baby. We’re excited to be participating in Roots of Empathy, and we hope you are too. If you have any questions or wouldlikemoreinformation,pleaseletusknow.
Múinteoir MelissaThis term Wellbeing committee have been meeting to create a calendar of exciting and fun filled events for the month of December. This will include a daily event or fun activity for classes to take part in. There will also be a ‘Special Event’ taking place in our school hall for all classes more onthistofollow
As always, Kindness remains at the heart of everything we do here at Midleton CBS and each week a number of boys are rewarded for their kindness shown to other boys and they receive a kindness leaf for the Kindness tree. Príomhoide
Niamh also distributed kindness leaves to boys at our school assembly last month. Well done to all those boys, and keep up the great work showing kindnessthroughouttheschoolday!
To all Parents & Guardians, the Board of Management wishes to inform you that the annual review of the school’s Anti Bullying policy was completed at our meeting in September 2022 The review was conducted in accordance with the Checklist for all guidelines
published on the DES website. Our policy can be viewed at anytimeonourschool’swebsite:
At CBS wehave averydedicatedParents’ Association. Our Parents’ Association are a very important part of our school community and provide a significant link between our parents, pupilsand our school staff. The Parents Association assists the school with organising and co ordinating various fundraising ventures
throughout the year such as bake sales and clothing collections. They are also there to mark the important occasions for our pupils and help them to celebrate communions, confirmations and graduations. We are always looking for new and enthusiastic members to join the Parents Association at CBS Primary School. If this seems like something that would interest you please contact the office and put your name forward. It is hugely beneficial for the school to have parents, staff and pupils working collaboratively togetherwithcommongoalsinmind.
Múinteoir MelissaIf you haven’t already heard this year’s dates for our
This year we are delight to know that Bishop William Crean will be present
and that our ceremonies will be
Bhríde and Ballintotis on Thursday March2nd@10am
Our First Holy Communion will be held on Saturday the 13th ofMay,timetobeconfirmed.
We are already looking forward to celebrating these very special occasions with our families and larger school
Príomhoide NiamhMonsters on the Move is a fundraiser where the boys and staff dress up in Halloween costumes andwalkaroundtown.We raise money for our school so that we can use new books and equipment in our classrooms. We take part in Monsters on theMovetocelebrateHalloweeninourschool.
Last year was our first time taking part in Monsters on the Move.
dressed up as jokers, skeletons, werewolves, aliens, superheroes, horror movie
dinosaurs, ghosts, minions, ninjas and footballers!
we walked down town people were honking their car horns, clapping, cheering, laughing at the funny costumes and complimentingus!
Monsters on the Move takes place on Friday 28th October this year.
hope we will have as much
This month saw the exciting launch of our new school fundraiser, Midleton CBS Primary School Lotto. This fundraising venture was organised in collaboration with Eamon Meleady of, the School Lotto Committee and our dedicated ParentsAssociation.
We are all very excited for this new venture, and are waiting in anticipation each week to see if ourjackpot hasbeen won. Money
raised from this lotto will go directly toward the school and will allow for further investment into playground equipment, computers, iPads, equipment for our outdoor classroom and garden and so much more. We continue to spread the word far and wide on our many social media platforms (go check out Alfie on our Lotto Tiktok?) as our lottoisnotlimitedtoourfamilies.
Any adult member of the school community can get involved too,
what are you waiting for? It could
MúinteoirMidleton CBS Primary School prides itself in being an inclusive school and our boys always feel like they are part of the school communitynomatterwhat class they belong to. Daily integration takes place with the boys from our special classes, attending their mainstream classes for a variety of activities, lessons and assemblies. Our aim is to involved every pupil in the school in all activities which is
whyreverseintegrationisjustas important. This means that some of the boys in mainstream classes participate in activities which are taking place in the specialclassestoo.
Some of these activities include movementbreaks,attendingour life skills programme’s café and joining the boys at breaktime. Our new early intervention class are also an amazing addition to our school community and the boys are regularly seen exploring the school grounds and buildings and taking part in some impromptu activities with theolderboys.
Múinteoir FionaFriday October 7th our boys set off to Fr. O'Neill's Sport field to represent our school in the East Cork School Cross County. This event had been on pause during Covid and we were very excited to get back to it. After holding trials and plenty of practice we brought 13 boys
representing years 2013 2009. The boys all ran amazing races, many participating for the first time. This is a huge event with many schools from the neighbouring area taking part. Well done to each and everyone of you, with special mention for Conor Grant and Adrian Meirowski who both brought home medals. It was a great
experience for the boys, we were very proud of them as always.
We have elected a new Student Council for this academic year. In September, the students from 4th 6th class held elections in their classroom. The boys made a huge effort for their presentations and really
impressed their teachers. Once the presentations were completed we then held our elections.
This year we have five students on our Student Council. The members of our council are: Matthew, Michal, Igor, Dylan and Jack. Our student council representatives are working hard
ensure our student voices
heard throughout our school. We had out first official meeting where the boys made a
student council noticeboard. The boys also received their student council badges. Well done to all of our students who put their names forward for the student council. It was fantastic to see so many boys get involved. I would also like to say a huge congratulations to our new StudentCouncilmembers.
Múinteoir EmmaHere in Midleton CBS Primary we are doingfantasticworkwithourliteracy programme called Literacy Lift Off.
The boys are given lots of opportunities to read books attheirownlevelandgradually increaseor lift the difficulty of what they can do in both readingandwriting.LiteracyLiftOfftakesplacein Múinteoir Lorna’s, Múinteoir Amy’s and Múinteoir Lisa’s class each morning (Monday Thursday), where the boys engage in four activity stations. These activity stations include PM
readers, handwriting, writing and grammar and phonics / phonological awareness and spellings. The Literacy Lift Off programme aims to increase the reading and writing level of pupils, as well as their confidence and enjoyment aroundreading.
Múinteoir EdelTeam teaching has been an integral part of learning in Midleton CBS for many years andhas been a proven strategy in improving the learning experience of pupils, improving pupil attainment and building relationships across the school community. Team teaching involves a group of two or more teachers working purposefully, regularly, and cooperatively to help a group of children learn and is in place in a variety of structures across all classesinourschool.
Working within and as a part of a team is a vital part of life long learning. Different teaching styles, personalities, voices, values, and approaches spark interest, keep attention, and prevent boredom and are more generally more funforthepupilsinvolved.
Our team teaching approach allows for more interaction between teachers and children. The reduced pupil teacher ratio for a period of time each day ensures that each child benefits from additional teacher focus and attention, with multiple adults taking an interest and supporting the child at their individual level. This benefits the pupils not only from an academic viewpoint
but also holistically, resulting in improved wellbeing. It allows different relationships to develop. The children tell us they like to work alongside different adults as ‘there’s always someonewhogetsme’. There are a wide variety of team teaching approaches used in our school. These includebut are not limited to, station teaching, co teaching, lead and support teaching and alternative teaching. Planning and assessment is carried out collaboratively between the teachers involved and a flexible and reflective approach is taken with regardstothepupils learning. Ifthe current style of team teaching isn’t working effectively foragivengroupofpupils,wewillreviewandre structuretheplan.
Team teaching results in different styles of delivery, more dynamic and interactive sessions and greater individual interaction, all of which means the children’s learning experience is improved. Research shows that children’s knowledge retention has been much higher in team teaching scenarios than the traditional learning approaches. Working as a team also gives teachers the opportunity to model team work, respect for differences, interdependence, conflict resolution skills, creativity and the importance of valuing different approaches, all of which are valuable and important life skills forourchildrentolearn.
This month, the staff in Midleton CBS Primary embarked on their first restorative practice (RP) training day. Laughter, conversation and though provoking discussion filled the room as we sank our teeth into CDI’s “getting starter with RP” course.
Restorative practice is based primarily on a set of core values and the promotion and enhancement of particular skills such as the ability to empathise and to find solutions to specific problems. This practise allows for building trust between and with people. It provides a structured approach in the form of a scaffold, which helps build and sustain relationships, and provides a focus which allows for the potential growth of
positive relationships to become established between people. It also provides a platform for dealing with conflict in a healthy manner when conflict occurs.
In doing this course we aim to ameliorate our own skill set in order to improve the quality of education that we offer to each individual child in Midleton CBS. We look forward to exploring RP as the year progresses.
If you would like to know more about RP, please follow the link: Information for Parents - Restorative Practices Ireland
It has been over a year since the boys in our wonderful school heard the sound of tiny paws around our coloured corridors. Alfiewas acquired through the brilliant charity called My Canine Companion ( after lots of behind the scenes work and research from our amazing secretary Letitia, Príomhoide Niamh and ourcommitteemembers.
And it is safe to say that the affect our school therapy dog Alfie has had on our school community can’t really be put into words. In such a short space of time, he has made a lasting impression with our pupils and staff. He has that unique gift that allows him to have many “best
friends” throughout the classes. But Alfie is more than a school therapy dog. He is “Alfie” to the boys but also responds to “Alfred” and even “Alfredo” dependingonwhatclassesheisvisiting. Some of Alfie’s favourite things to do in school are greeting the boys in the morning at the school gate with Mn. Ruth, spending time in the Nurture Room, visiting the boys in the Yellow Corridor, calling in to check on classes throughout the day, making sure the boys are safe at yard times and entertaining all the guests that come through our office. He is very much embedded into our school community and we really couldn’t imagine school life withoutAlfie.
My Canine Companion Autism and Therapy Services brought 7 of their puppies to meet MCC School Therapy Dog Alfie & it’s safe to say that the staff were more excited than the kids! Thank you Irene we greatly appreciate your time and support.
MCC School Therapy Dog Alfie has been unbelievably active this month visiting old friends and making new ones. Not only does he meet and great the boys everyday he now goes to the yard at break times daily and visits a whole range of classrooms for activities such as Literacy Lift Off and Aistear. How lucky are we???
We are also fundraising again this year for MCC . We have designed another Christmas card with MCC School Therapy Dog Alfie for people to send this year. Please contact the office if you would like to purchase a pack of 10 cards.
Space Week 2022 was from 4th 10th October 2022. We learned all about space and our solar system. We drew our solar systemtoo.Didyou knowthatthe moondoesn’tshine! It actually reflects the light from the sun! We watched videos about eating, drinking, sleeping and washing in space. When astronauts sleep in space they are tied to a wall in their sleeping bag, so that they don’t float away. When they cry their tears make bubbles aroundtheireyes!Thefirstanimalsenttospacewasamonkeycalled Albert. He was sent to space in 1949. Sadly he didn’t survive. Next was a dog called Laika who was sent to space in 1957 but she didn’t survive either. In 1960 two dogs called Strelka and Belka spent a day in space and they survived. This paved the way for humans to travel tospace.ThefirstmantotraveltospaceandorbittheEarthwasaRussianmancalledYuriGagarin.
As part of our learning about space, our theme for Aistear this month is space. Each week for Aistear we have a space themed puppet show. The boys plan and perform a puppet show using space themed puppets. The playdough station boys have been making aliens, rockets and planets each week. The Tuff Tray station have been playing with astronauts and rockets in a sandy and rocky environment. The Bee Bots station have been programming the Bee Bots to move around spacewhileavoidingplanets,satellitesandastronauts.
their art and SESE and created
Week in M.Jason
Week blasted off to a great start in M. Lisa's class with our space themed Aistear! We programmed Bee Bots to navigate
through space , played with a space themed Tuff Tray, had a space themed puppet show and made aliens with playdough!
the week and
topics including
travel and the planets.
Maths week was celebrated throughout this school once again this year. There were plenty of hands on activities to use while exploring different concepts which was something the boys always enjoy. We rounded up the event with a special Math’s Week assembly where plenty of awards were handed out in recognition of all the boys hard work and efforts.
Múinteoir Amy and múinteoir Lorna’s classes joined togetherduringtheweekto celebrate maths week. And sharetheirskillsets.
Math's week also saw our fifth class boys in M.Lucy’s class playing maths games such as fractions spoons, fractions bingo, digital and analogue races, dice games, tablesJengaandcardgames.
MúinteoirBreandán'sclasshavebeen really enjoying their Maths Week activities too. They have been working on their problem solving skills using the fantastic Computational Thinking resources providedbytheSFI.Welldoneboys!!
Mn. Jason’s class visited the halla as part of maths week 2022. They had great fun exploring the Have You Got Maths Eyes posters displayed around our halla. Well done boys.
W hile the boys
in múinteoir Rory's class have been enjoying maths week by engaging with maths games such as multiplication Jenga, dice games, uno, fractions bingo and pick up the spoons, we can't wait to explore more mathsbasedactivitiesduring therestoftheweek.
Abig CBS thank you to our Maths Committee Múnteoirí Jason, Mairead&Amy. Príomhoide Niamh
I like my school because I like the jungle gym. It is sooooo much fun. I like PE because we play fun games but it makes my a little bit tired. I love Aistear because of the small world.
I love school because I love Aistear and yard. Playing with my friends is so much fun.
I like yard because it is fun Mohammad
I like school because of Alfie Dominik
I like it when we play soccer on the AstroTurf at year time. I like Alfie too because he is fluffy Alexander
I like my school because it has fun yards and because of my teacher. Filip
I like my school because Aistear hasfunthings. Dharmik IlikeshapesandAlfie. Kassem
I like quiet critters because I never saw them before this schoolandtheyarecute. Leon
I like this school because I have new friends to play with. Alfie is fluffy and the jungle gym is fun.
I like when I get to do sounds forhomework. Gideon Alfieissoft. Sven
I like my school because we do all the fun maths. We do stations in maths that are fun. One time second class came to do our maths stations with us. Olaf
I love all of my teachers. Chikamso
I like my school because it has a junglegym. Eoin
My favourite things are the jungle gym, PE and Aistear. Logan
I like Aistear. Small world is my favourite station because you can make so many fun things.
Nathan George (our Irish monkey) is my favourite thing about school. I like puppies, teacher and home timetoo. Achlies
I like my school. The jungle gym iscool. Franek Alfieisinmyschool. Declan
I like my school because I can seemybrother. Daniel Soccermatchesaregood.James IlikeAlfie. Alex
I like my school because I like our fluffy dog Alfie. I like Aistear and the jungle gym because they are fun. I love maths here becauseIlikenumbers.Ilikemy school because we get to do PE. My teacher is kind to me. Everyone here is kind and great. Iloveschool! Hugo
I like my school because my teacher and Hugo are very smart! Avalnoor
class have
been very
to use a
by autumn
in M.Lorna
have also been
This is particularly important as we use
Parachute games are so much fun and a great way to get to know each other. Great to hear all the laughter and giggles filling the air!
The boys in M.Lorna’s Class have been exploring throwing and catching in many different ways throughout September and having great fun while doing so. Keep it up boys!
Check out our 1st Class boys navigating our school’s playground obstacle course.
In September we were learning about basketball. First, we practised passing. We learned how to bounce pass and chest pass. After that we learned to dribble. Next, we practised shooting and we called the skill a rainbow throw. Then we learned to defend. Finally, we were ready to play basketball! It was fun and we were really happy. Next, we will be practising kicking skills. We are excited because we will be playing soccer.
The boys from 1st Class to 3rd Class have been enjoying taking part in Aistear throughout the months of September and October. They have been exploring their monthly themes through play, where they have been developing a magnitude of skills. Not only does learning through play bring the content to life, but this approach also gives the boys the opportunity to problem solve, be creative, use new language and
vocabulary, practise numeracy skillsandsomuchmore!
Already this year, we have delved into themes such as Myself, Autumn and Space. Role play, junk art, small world play and construction are a number of ways in which the boys have explored these themes. They loved paying a visit to the Farm Shop, building farms using polydrons and making spooky Halloween characters using junk. At the end of each Aistear session, the
boys take part in a discussion to reflect on their play and to share ideas for their next Aistear lesson.
Alfie came to us from the charity My Canine Companion last year. Since then he has been training and
him. He is such a valued part of our school now and we all love
learning in our school, while we have all been getting to know
him. He comes to our class for Englisheach morning and he lies on our mat, sniffs our bags and pops his head up to us for a rub while we are doing our English stations. We love when he visits our class. My Canine Companion brought 7 puppies to visit our school this term. They were so
cute and fluffy. They visited all classes. When they came to our class they were very tired after their busy day. They fell asleep under teacher’s desk, on our cushions and on Celestino school bag. When they left they went back into their little trolley and went home. We were so lucky that they came to visit our school.
Fridays are for Golden Time!!!!! Games, online stories, chill out zones Fierce fun after all the hard work this week!
M.Mairead’s boys got creative in a different way this week through the medium of drama and they had great fun doing so. They definitely deserved a FUN day Friday after all that hard work!
The boys in Muinteoir Mairead’s class have been taking full advantage of the increased iPad time allocated to all classes this term and have spent the time learning lots of new ways to record their learning.
We have been inspired by the Apple Teacher website and
tools to add sketches. We have also used Apple Keynote to make presentations of the work wehavelearned.
of technology. You’re teaching new ways to think and bring ideastolife.@Apple
have been using the Activate lesson ideas to introduce ideas, activate prior knowledge and get excited about learning with simple warm ups that have helped us think about content in creative newways.
We have used Apple Notes to collect information, organise ideas in lists and use drawing
We’ve been using online games to help improve our problem solving skills. We had a whole class race to complete 24 levels which we all got in the end! It was great to see the boys persevere even when they thought they couldn’t do it. Seeing their friends achieve it helped them try again!
We've also been using Apple Swift Playgroundtodiscover all about coding. It’s so much fun and again teaches us about perseverance as our codes may notalwaysworkoutfirstgo!
When you teach code, you’re not only teaching the language
Lastly, we've been learning how to use Apple Clips. It's a great way to make videos and the boys are excited to be involved in making the class videos soon!
So keep an eye out for children created content on our Facebookpage.
First, teacher set us thinking about what it would be like to land on another planet. How do the astronauts keep safe when going at such fast speeds? Our job was to design and make a space craft with shock absorbing platforms to
the astronauts we got to work. They had to stay in the cups
We started the project by brainstorming ideas and designing what we thought would work. Our design had to include how the touchdown would be shock absorbing so we had to thinkabout how the force of the landing would be absorbed so it couldlandsafely.
We split up into four groups and we used cups, marshmallows, straws, elastic bands, tape and cardboard. With marshmallows acting as
when we dropped our touchdown. We also had some marshmallows to eat and they were yummy! (Sh!!!) We used the cardboard as 2platforms for landing and bent some cardboard zig zag ways to absorb the shock of landing.
We were so excited when it worked. Ours worked the first time and this helped other teams to see how it worked. We were really happy whenitworked.
We painted space and the galaxy and planets. We alsomadeacool mosaic of the earth to see everyone’s perspective of the earth and its surroundings.
Thestrawshelped reinforce the space craft. Small marshmallows were also used tomakeasofterlanding.
We hope you enjoyed reading about our experiment for Space Week 2022!
Ignas Danius & Emilis KrutilisFor the last month we worked on ourproject on Ancient Greece. First, we researched the topic on I pads. We recorded the information on our research map. We looked at power points and learned all about Ancient Greece. We were put into five groups and each group created a project. When everyone was finished collecting facts our teacher gave
each group big piece of coloured paper and we stuck on all of our facts and drawings. We also worked in pairs and filled in an Ancient Greece timeline which we includedinourproject.
When everyone was finished each group presented their project. We also created our own Greek vases and each
one was completely different which was amazing. Did you know that Ancient Greece was not a country? In fact, it was a civilization made up of city states. City states included Athens, Sparta and Corinth. The Olympic Games were invented in Ancient Greece.
On the 28th of September the two 4th classes went on a trip to Ballyannan Woods.
Before we walked to the woods
ourteacherputusintogroups. Each group got an activity sheet, a hula hoop and a clipboard. When we got to the woods we did many different activities. We used our hula hoops to inspect the area to see what we could find. We foundleavesandinsects.Next, we had our lunch and then we went on a scavenger hunt. It was so fun. We found many different trees. We went on a walk around the woods and saw the river. It was lovely.
We had a great day at thewoods.
Theboys infifth class enjoyedhot chocolatesduring their weeklybookclub. The boys have been reading different novels in groups and chatting about them every Friday. Midleton library have kindly offered to help us keep our book club up and running by lending us sets of suitable novels. Have you any recommendationsforourfifthclassbookclub?
On the 27th of Septembertheboys from 5th and 6th Class were kindly invited by the staff of Midleton College to attend a workshop based on bio diversity and sustainable methods of farming and grazing. Midleton College have been using goats to graze their land and gardens in an effort to reduce the environmental impact of using machinery and pesticides. The workshop centred around the ecological benefits of goats and the boys learned all about the biology and anatomy of the goats that are used for this type of grazing.
William Walsh from Billy’
rent a goat was highly informative on the day and the boys were we treated to some lovely soup and scones after the presentation in Midleton College. The teachers from 5th and 6th class would like to extend their thanks to the staff of Midleton College for their invitation and hospitalityontheday.
We were delighted to be back competing in the Sciath na Scol Football competition this year. We had twenty two boys on our panel and every one of them got game time. We really enjoyedthisshortfootballseasonasitwasthefirst timeinnearlythreeyearsthatthecompetitionwas held.
Our first game
we played against CBC, Cork. It was a very hard fought game but unfortunately we came up short at the end. Harry Mc Carthy played particularly well at centre half back and Conor Grant battled fantastically in midfield. Will Stokes did well upfront to score two points. In our second game we played Scoil Oilibheir. We gave it our all but they were victorious in the end. Charlie
Kenneally played brilliantly to score two goals. In the third game we played Bunscoil Criost Rí. We played them at Nemo Rangers GAA pitch. Unfortunately, they were just too strong for us. Conor Grant and Mason Richards played superbly ontheday.
Though the season didn’t go as well as we had anticipated we still enjoyed representing the school. We also enjoyed our trips on the bus and makingnewfriends.
The boys in Múinteoir Breandán’s sixth class have been working diligently on their narrative writing stories. The have used the writing process to help develop and refine their ideas. They first planned their stories using a planning sheet. They then made a character sketch to help develop their story’s protagonist. When they were happy with these they began writing their first draft.
The boys came up with many wonderful story plots. When they had finished writing their first draft they edited it. They added capital letters and full stops where appropriate and added some descriptive adjectives to create more interesting settings.
The boys then read through their story with the teacher to see how they could further improve their draft. When they were finished proofreading the draft they published their final draft. We look forward to sharing the stories with the class over the coming weeks. Well done to all theboys!
During space week this year we learned about lots of really interesting things. We learned about Chris Hatfield, he is a Canadian astronaut who took photos of Ireland from the international Space Station and sent them to his friends in Ireland. We also learned about the moon and the moon landing. Apollo
11 is the name of the spacecraft that landed on the moon, Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. We also learned a lot about our solar system, there are eight planets in our solar system, earth Is the only planet in solar system that we know supports life,itis alsothe only planet which is not named after a Roman god. At the end of space week, we created some really cool space art using water pastels, crayons,cardandstencils,
by Harry McCarthy (6th Class)Múinteoir Rory's class learned all about colour theory today, here is some of the beautiful art createdbytheboys
The summer holidays are just a memory now, the days are getting shorter, and the evenings are cooler. Beginning a new school can make a lot of children very apprehensive. New friends, new teachers can seem daunting but it’s the friendly and reassuring smiles all around that really help in the settling in for our new boys. A new school offers our new pupils an opportunity to gain new experiences, new skills and knowledge in the safety of a new but somewhatfamiliarenvironment.
The YellowCorridor welcomed 10new pupilsto its classes this year. A huge number compared to previous years. Among these new pupils, we were also delighted to welcome our youngest pupils in the Early Intervention class, who bring a new type of wonderful energy to the school. The corridor was busy from the start of the school year but it’s wonderful to hear all the giggles and chatter from the boys. It’s safe to say that they have all settled in so well and really found their place in the classes.
Múinteoir JohnWe are enjoying the life skills program in An Spréach. A wonderful trip to the shop and setting the table for our food exploration. Please don’t forget the serviette!
The boys in An Spréach have been getting busy with all things Autumn. Playing with leaves and pinecones and lots of animal teddies.
We love autumn in CBS.
Our boys just love time in our sensory room, it’s has lots of things to explore.
The boys in Mn. Jason’s class have been busy discussing the importance of Road Safety the past few weeks in An Ghrian. Keep an eye out for more pictures when we visit the Safe Crossing outside our school. Well doneboys
Cosying up with and good book in good company isalwaysworthasmile.
Our older boys are such a shining example of what it means to look out for and mind each other. This is so evident in the special relationships we can see develop as our older boys act as playground buddies to our younger boys.Keepitup!
It’s great when in October we can still do PE outside! M.Jason’s boys were brilliant at completing their obstacle course.
The boys in Múinteoir Fiona's class have had a busy start to the school year which has included lots of drama and music. They really enjoyed our new sensory board too. Well done boys. Some spooktacular art was also recently. The boys used Styrofoam to carve out pumpkins, spiders, witches hats, ghosts and skulls to make their own Halloween printing tiles.
This year, just like every other, the corridors are awash with colour made up of all the hard work of the boys themselves. But unlike any other year you, the parents./guardians cannot get in to see them all. So we decided to put together a montage of all the work that can be seen on our school noticeboards since term began.