CBS Exclusive: Easter 2023 Edition

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e wouldliketosaya MASSIVE Thank YoutoMikeKirby and all at Midleton FC for their generosity and support, it is so greatly appreciated. Thankyoualsoto allwhosupported the event on St Stephen’s Day. We are already making our wishlist of things tobuy!


WVOLUME 2022/23


March 2023


☺ PA News

☺ STEAM Week

☺ Roots of Empathy

☺ Nurture Room

☺ Lotto Update

☺ Sports News

☺ Student Council News

☺ World Book Week

☺ Seachtaine na Gaeilge

Inside this issue:








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We held our STEAM Week in January this year. This is a week when we celebrate Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths. Each class displayed a project or experiment in the hall and all classes got the chance to visit the hall for some STEAM fun. Everyone had a chance to become engineers with our schools’ new Polydron and Lego programming sets. We also had some really cool marble runs and mazes. Our Bee Bots are small robotic bees that can be programmed to move around game mats and mazes. This gives all our boys the chancetolearnaboutcomputer programming.Wemadeslimeandlavalampsandwe even had the chance to fire rockets! The experiments and activities from all classes were just fantastic!! We finished off our STEAM week with a quiz! It was a fierce competitionbutonlyoneteamcouldbethewinners!

Foltech Visit:ThankYou John

Múinteoir Rory's class have been enjoying science and engineering week, yesterday they had a trip to Foltech engineering and today they displayed their lava lamp experiment in the halla, the boys in múinteoir Rory's class would liketoextendtheir thanksand gratitude to John and his wife Grainne for their hospitality and welcome @foltecheng, the boys really enjoyed applying their learning in a real world setting, tomorrow we will take part in our whole school quiz , well done boys keepupthegoodwork.

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Our Easter Raffle

We are very excited in Midleton CBS Primary to be hosting our annual Easter Raffle fundraiser which is taking place on Friday, March 31st 2023. The monies raised will be going towards enhancing and upgrading our school kitchenette to a newer modern space. This will allow all our pupils numerous opportunities to learn, practice and implement new skills throughout the school year. It will also allow us to further develop and enhance our thriving life skills programme and promotion of independence across our fiveautismclasses.

Every boy has been given a sponsorship card and are busy selling lines and cards

to their families, neighbours, relatives and friends. Each book has 10 lines, it costs 3 euro per line and a full book is 30 euro. Of course, like last year there will be prizes for the boys who sell the most lines and therefore raise the most amount of money! Happy fundraising Boys!!

We hopethat our raffle this year will be just as successful as last year’s raffle where the money raised was used for our outdoorplayarea.

The raffle committee have been in contact with local businesses in the East Cork area and are very grateful for their kind and generous support in offering such a wonderful array of sponsorship prizes. There is something for everyone is this year’s raffle, from beautiful restaurant vouchers at Ferret and Lee and Pan restaurant; to fancy afternoon tea at Fota Hotel to beauty hampers

from local pharmacies, to playing a 2 ball round of golf at the 5 star Castlemartyr Resort to a top of the range grass strimmer for the garden enthusiasts, sponsored by a local hardware! There are also passes for Fota wildlife park, the Jameson Distillery and Leahy’s open farm! These are only a few of the super prizes to be won. The listgoesonandon..

Have you bought a line to be in with a chance of winning one of these amazing prizes? Best of luck to everyone! And Well done to our boys for making such an effort to raise money for our school and new kitchenette space, we are very proud of you all.

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The NEW School Lotto…. Join Today!

World Book Day changes lives through a love of books and reading. Their mission is to promote reading for pleasure, offering every child and young person the opportunity to have a book of their own.

Designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, World Book Day is marked in over 100 countries around the globe.

And it’s marked no where as well as in the CBS! On Monday 27th February to 3rd March we celebrated not just World Book Day but World Book Week.

We spent the week trying to put on tshirts, stacking lego, flipping pancakes and packing school bags – against the clock.

We had some even wackier events too where the pupils were asked to send in photos of themselves reading in the silliest places. And then the highlight of the week – our Costume day where the boys (and staff) dressed up as a character from their favourite book.

veryone got on board. We had world book day vouchers for every child, book day crafts and art, cosy reading day where pupils brought in their blankets, slippers and spent some quality time reading. Paired reading where the younger boys met their buddies in the older classes and read together.

Some classes even went to visit our local library.

So we read books…but then we decided to try and get into one of them – the Guinness Book of Records.

WEe had more Gryffindors than Hogwarts, more soccer players than Old Trafford. We had Gangster Grannies, Pippi Long stocking, astronauts, three blind mice and the Hungry Caterpillar.

Thanks to all the families, staff and especially to the boys for making it such a Booktastic week!

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We had an exceptionally fun week for world book week and world book day. We had a week of fun-filled activities. These activities included cosy reading, wacky reading and spoke about our favourite book character. Everybody dressed up on the Friday in their favourite book character. All the boys made a huge effort to dress up in their favourite character. We had an assembly on the Friday morning and each boy got an opportunity to introduce who they were and show off their costumes. Boys had both bought and homemade costumes which were all fantastic. There was such great effort shown across the whole school and all the staff made a huge effort to dressup aswell.

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Student Council Update

It has been a very busy term for the student council. The boys have worked very hard this term on their student council initiatives. The boys ran a very successful ‘Energy Saving Competition’. Over the last few months the boys have been checking that each class remembers to turn off the lights and close their classroom door. It was a close competition but in the end the winners were the classes in the purple corridor. This term we were also invited to Scoil Bhríde to meet with their student council.

The groups discussed their own initiatives, how their student council is run and we brainstormed ideas on ways we could work together. It was a very successful meeting which was enjoyed by all involved. I would like to thank Scoil Bhríde for their very generous invitation and for their hospitality when we visited. The boys were delighted to be

invited and really enjoyed meeting with their student council. Well done to all the students in our student council and thank you for all you have done for ensuring our pupil voices are heardinthe CBS.


On March 2nd the boys of sixth class celebrated their Sacrament of Confirmation. They put a huge amount of effort into preparing for the day and the whole school community was immensely proud of them. Their dedication and behaviour were commended by all involved.

We’d like to say a special thank you to Fr. Jim who worked with the class throughout the year and Bishop William Crean who delivered a beautiful ceremony. We would also like to thank the choir, made up of students from St. Bridget’s Primary School, for creating such a lovelyatmosphereon theday.

Congratulations to all the boys who reached this important milestone in their Christian journey!

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Cork Sports Partnership Athletics

The boys in 3rd Class got a fantastic opportunity to train with Trevor in conjunction with the Cork Sports Partnership. After all the weeks of training we also got to participate in an athleticseventinCobh.ItwasGREATfun.

FAI Soccer Training

Every Tuesday we have soccer training with three transition year students. We will be training with them for six weeks. So far, we have done drills, warm ups and we also played a few matches. The trainers are very nice and we are learning a lot from them. We train with them for half an hour and then the other class also train with them for half an hour. At the end of the six weeks we will have a big blitz with other schools at Midleton footballclub.

Indoor Hurling

Welcome to the 4th class news article. On the 20th of January we competed in an indoor hurling blitz. It took place in Little Island with 4th class students from other schools. It was really fun playing against other schools. Some of our team had played hurling before and some hadn’t but it didn’t matter. At the end we won a match, lost a match and tied in another match. It was great learning the rules and learning how to play hurling. We had a reallyfun day.

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FAI Primary 5’s

Well done to the boys in 5th and 6th class who took part in the FAI Primary School 5s competition in Carrigtwohillthismonth.

The FAI Primary 5s are open to boys and girls from 4th, 5th and 6th class. The emphasis is firmly placed on fun, inclusivity and fostering a passion for physical activity. Winning schools progress from regional level to county, then provincial finals, with a lucky 24 schools making it all the way to the National Finals, which is held on the hallowed turf of the AvivaStadium.

Midleton CBS Primary are competitive participants every year in the FAI Primary 5s. Our teams always have a blast while giving it their all. Wecan’twaittogobacknextyear!

Congratulations to past pupil Alex Wilson on his recent call up to the National Academy training squad!

Cork City Sports Trial

Last week we held our trials for the Cork City Sports, the boys were so excited. Congratulations to the boys who made it through and thanks to all the boys who participated.

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Congratulations Alex!

Seachtain na Gaeilge ran from Monday 13th March to Thursday 16th March here in Midleton CBS Primary. It was a fantastic week and the Irish language and culture really came to life in the school throughout the week. Bhí ansportagusspraoiaggachduine!

The week began on Monday with each class completing one entire lesson through Irish. This includedmusiclessons,PElessonsandplayingcardgames as Gaeilge during maths. The boys used fantastic Irish vocabulary and it was lovely to hear our native language being used in all the classes at different times during the day.

Tuesday was Lá Glas, where everyone got in the spirit of the week and dressed in green. During the day the entire school came together and did an amazing performanceoftheHAKAasGaeilge.

The weather was against us on Wednesday but we eventually held our soccer tournament for the senior boys as Gaeilge. There were twelve teams from 4th, 5th and 6th class and Irish was spoken throughout the games. The referee was even on hand to make sure that Gaeilge was the being used the entire time! The junior classes participated in a Treasure Hunt as Gaeilge. There were clues (in Irish) dotted around the school and the boys had to work together to solve the clues and win the prize. They did an amazing job and the rewardwasatreasurechestfulloftreats!

We concluded Seachtain na Gaeilge with a wonderful assembly hosted my Múinteoir Brendan’s 6th class. They did a fantastic job and even performed ‘The Cup Song’ as Gaeilge! Congratulations to our GaeilgeoirnaSeachtaineandthewinnersofthecolouring competition. Our ‘Ticeád Glas’ raffle was a great success andtheboysmanagedtofillthejarwithticketsthatwere awarded whenever the múinteoirí heard the boys attemptingtospeakacúplafocail!

Buíochas Mór to Múinteoir Melissa, Múinteoir Anthony and the Seachtain na Gaeilge Team and we all enjoyed celebrating our Irish heritage as Gaeilge!

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M. Emma’s & M. Eoghan’s classes visited Scoil Bhríde on Wednesday22nd March for a Céilí.

We walked to Scoil Bhríde and when we arrived we went to their halla. When we went into the halla we each got a dancing partner. Then we formed a circle and we started Irish dancing. Theteachers showedushowtodothe steps.

Then we formed three lines and learned to do the Walls of Limerick. We performed the Haka as Gaeilge for the students andteachersfrom ScoilBhríde.

Afterwards we were surprised with popcorn, chocolate and orangejuice!!

To celebrate this year’s Seachtain na Gaeilge the sixth class boys hosted an assembly as Gaeilge. At the assembly we wanted to acknowledge the efforts of the boys in speaking Irish throughout the school. We gave out two different of awards on the day. For Seachtain na Gaeilge we organised a Comórtas Dathúcháin in the school. We also chose a Gaeilgóirna Seachtainefrom eachclass.

For the Comórtas Dathúchán three winners were chosen. One boys from first/ second, one boy from third fourth and one boy from fifth/ sixth. The overall winners were: DusanKunovsky,PatrykPoltorak, Roko Bilonic.

Each class teacher also chose a pupil for their Gaeilgóir na Seachtaine. This award

was given to a boy in the class who made an extra effort to speak Irish within the classroom and around the school building. The overall winners were: Chuckamso Okeo, James Howick, Conor Geary, Bradley Nimpa, Darragh Stack, Adam Wojtal, Conor Grant, Dawid Sabo, Noah Foley, Erian Zivkovic, Eoin Mc Carthy, Daniel Olukunle, ConorMaguireandRianMcCarthy.

To end the assembly, the boys from Múinteoir Breandán’s class performed Ámhrán na gCupán for the entire school. The boys were ably accompanied on guitar by Oli Dabrowski and Eoin McCarthy. The boys were fantastic and received a well-deserved round of applausefromthepupils.

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An tSraith Sacair

Dé Céadaoin a bhí ann. Bhí an tsraith sacair ar siúl. D’imir rang a ceathair, a cúig agus a sé. Bhí gach duine ag caint as Gaeilge. Bhí ruaille buaille sa chlós.Bhí áthas an domhain ar na páistí.

Bhí na foirne ar fheabhas ar fad. Nuair a chailltúcluichebhítúasantsraith.

Bhí seans eile ag foireann amháin marbhíalánGaeilgeálabhairtacu.

Bhí Foireann D agus Foireann F sa chluiche ceannais. 2-1 a bhí sa scór deiridh. Bhuaigh Foireann D an tsraith sacair!

le Harry, Dawid, Brian agus Roland

Bhain na buachaillí an-taitneamh as ár sraith sacair as Gaeilge inniu chun deireadh Seachtain na Gaeilge a cheiliúradh. Bhí go

leor Gaeilge le cloisteáil ar fud na gcluichí! Comhghairdeachasmórleisnabuaiteoirí!

The boys really enjoyed today's all Irish soccer league, celebrating the end of Seachtain na Gaeilge. There was loads of Irish to be heard throughout the games. Congratulationstoourwinners!

Well Being Update

In Term 3, classes will take part in Barnardos

‘The Big Active’ program-this is an initiative designed to support students to be resilient and to take care of their mental and physical wellbeing- as well as teaching them the importanceofgivingback.

By taking part in the Big Active with their peers, students will get active, feel good and do good by raising vital funds

for vulnerable children in communities across Ireland. Classes will take part in month long physical activities, complete mindful exercises to look after our mental health, and complete an activity which promotes the importance of charity and helping others. We are looking forward to Term 3 and taking part in this fun and very worthwhileinitiative.

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The Sacrament of Reconcilitation

On the27th ofFebruary, the 2nd Class boys celebrated their Sacrament of Reconciliation in The Church of the Most Holy Rosary. They had been very busy preparing for this special evening and worked so hard to learn their prayers and songs. The church was decorated with beautiful artworkcreatedbytheboys.

e were very proud of them and look forward to the 13th of May whenthey willmake their FirstHoly Communion.

On the 27th of February we had our Sacramentof Reconciliation.

Father Jim was there, and he helped us to prepare.Our parents wethere too.

We made flowers and leaves to decorate the church.

We learned prayers. We had to learn the Act of Sorrow, The Confiteor, The Prayer Before Forgiveness and The Prayer After Forgiveness. We learned songs too. We sang My Shepherd is the Lord and I’m Sorry God. We learned a story about Zaccheus and Father Jim talked to us about the story.

We told our sins to the priest, and he gave us our penance. We areexcitedfor our CommunioninMay.

Heritage Schools Workshops

Francesca from Explore Archaeology came to present some workshops to our junior classes on medieval times this term. Francesca came to us through the Heritage in Schools programme which is run by the Heritage Council of Ireland. To say we enjoyed these workshops would be an understatement.

They were just fantastic Francesca brought a huge variety of medieval artefacts such as; daggers, knives, axes, helmets, chain mail, bullets, animal skulls, animal teeth, medieval shoes, bags, clothes and much more. Francesca told us all about the artefacts and her job as an archaeologist. Even

the teachers learned a huge amount of new information!

The boys were allowed to explore the artefacts, try on the helmet and even hold the daggers and knives. We would like to say a huge thank you to Francesca for such a wonderful day and we look forward to welcoming her back soon for our senior classes.

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Many thanks to all of the parents and guardians who completed the quick online survey titled “SSE Parent Review 2022/23”. This survey will provide invaluable feedback to us as a school as we seek to identify key areas to target going forward from 2023 – 2026 aspartofSSE.

School Self Evaluation TransitionYear Work Experience

Over the coming weeks, we will also be surveying the staff and pupils here at Midleton CBS. We look forward to sharing the information withyouallatalaterdate.

t was such an honour to welcome back past pupils Jack Connolly, Conor Morley and Jason Foley to our school as part of their Transition Year Work Experience Programme. The staff here at Midleton CBS have wonderful memories of these three mannerly young men and it brought a huge lift to our school community to havethemaroundourcorridorsagain.

Jack and Conor joined us for a week back in January while Jason has been

Ihere once a week since the beginning of March. As part of the programme, the three past pupils immersed themselves across all areas of the schools while spending time in classrooms throughout all of our coloured corridors (Red/Blue/ Purple/Yellow). They were even kind enough to lend their experience and advice to our current 6th class pupils around Secondary Schools, transitioning from primary and what life looks like in 1st year. On behalf of everyone at Midleton CBS,wewouldliketowishJack,Conorand Jasonalltheverybestforthefuture.

To all Parents & Guardians, the Board of Management wishes to inform you that the annual review of the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement was completed at our meeting in January 2023 The review was

conducted in accordance with the Checklist for Review of the Child Safeguarding Statement published on the DES website. Copies of this statement are on public display in the school and can beviewedatreception.

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SSE Committee Mn. Jason

Upcoming Multicultural Day

ast year we celebrated our very first Multicultural Day with resounding success. With over 35 countries represented on the day, it was a truly marvellous reflection of the vibrancy and diversity of our school community. The centrepiece of the day was a food fair and cultural exhibition in the hall. Pupils and their families prepared national dishes and delicacies from both far-flung countries and ones nearer to home. There were displays of national flags, traditional dress, costumes and cultural artefacts. Due to the hugely positive feedback we received from pupils, parents and staff alike, we promised to make Multicultural Day an annual fixtureonthe school calendar.

Therefore, it is with GREAT excitement we announce that Multicultural Day will take

Lplace again this coming May! We hope that this year’s celebration will be even bigger and better!! To this end we are putting a call-out to all families to think about how they could contribute to the day e.g. prepare traditional food, exhibit traditional dress, music, dance or display objects of cultural significance etc etc. We would greatly welcome all your support in helping us to celebrate this year’s Multicultural Day. It offers a FANTASTIC opportunity to pupils, parents and families to positively highlight and showcase their culture(s) in any way they wish. Let’s embrace ittogether!

Friends of Midleton CBS

We are all aware of what a vital role the Parents Association have played in our school throughout the years, creating an important link between the school and the parent body as well as providing support and/or organisingeventsthroughouttheyears.

However, we also recognise that over the years people’s abilitytocommit to larger roles and committees has become more challenging but also recognise parents/guardians want and are willing to support the school as a whole.

Going forward we have made an exciting adjustment and created a new link with the parents of our school community. We have moved away from an official Parents Association and we have created a new communication group known as Friends of Midleton CBS Primary School. This consists of a Whatsapp group that will be regularly updated with information relating to all the busy and wonderful goings on

in our school. These updates will include information about school events such as: graduations, bake sales, fundraising events, seasonal events etc. It will also provide the school with a channel for liaising with parents regarding events such as guest speakers they may wish to see in the school, fundraising ideas they may have themselves and other such events.

This group will also offer parents the means to inform us when and if they are able to provide support for different events e.g. Monsters onthe Move,Multi-Cultural Day etc. It will give parents an opportunity to get involved at whatever leveltheycan.

We are looking forward to seeing this group blossom and flourish and for our parents to have a new avenue to connect with each other while supporting the school as a whole.

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Roots of Empathy Baby Zara

Baby Zara visited our class again in March. This was her 6th visit. She is now 7 and a half months old.

Here are some of the fun new things we learned about her during this visit.

She can keepherneckup for longer.

She can situp withno help.

She can eat different food (she really likes porridge)

She is startingtoteeth.

She has become very curious (especially about Alfie).

She gets easily distracted (especially by Múinteoir Melissa’s glittery nails and by George whosheis always smiling at).

She can reach for toys and pick up bigger toys than before.

She can nearly rollover.

Shehas grown3inches

Her hair is longer and darker. We also noticed that Zara is learning through her senses. She puts everything in her mouth to figure outwhatitis!

Zara’s momLauratoldusthat hernew favourite song isHappyBirthday.We sang ittoher anddanced along.She danced along with us. We think she likes dancing now.

Our favouritethingsaboutZara:

James - Seeing her eachvisit.

Raees - Thewayshe laughs.

Sam: She’s cute.

Dusan - Shecan roll.

Restorative Practice

This term, all members of staff here in Midleton CBS completed training in restorative practices. This training kick started our restorative practice journey as we move towards becominga more restorative school.

For those who have never heard of RP, it is essentially a way of building and maintaining relationships between all members of the school community. Positive relationships are essential in creating a happy school environment for childrentothrive.

Restorative practice is a way of preventing the escalation of conflict by cutting it off before it starts. It is based on the principles of holding each other accountable while also supporting each other. It focuses on the promotion of empathy, emotional intelligence andfairness.

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We came back to school in January full of excitement. We remembered New Year’s celebrations by creating our firework art. Then we discussed our New Year’s wishes and produces somewonderful art.

New Year is not celebrated at the same time all over the world. In China the New Year celebrations began on 22nd January and ended on 5th February. The boys learned about New Year celebrations in China and how the years are named. We enjoyed tasting Chinese foods at our Chinese New Year’s Feast and we createdwonderfuldragons.

Then it was back to baking. We baked delicious chocolate and vanilla muffins. The boys really enjoyed eating the products of their hard work. The to celebrate Valentine’s Day, the boys made beautiful roses for the people they loved. Quickly on the heels of Valentine’sDaycamePancake Tuesday.Theboys had great fun making the batter and watching

Our Nurture Room Library Investment

ur school was delighted to receive the exciting news that we were going to receive a grant to upgrade every class library. The newbooks were chosen with much consideration by our teachers. We aimed to

their pancakes form in the pancake maker. They experimented with a variety of toppings such as sugar and lemonand chocolate.

We have kept a close eye on the growth of our daffodils. We realised it was time to move them outside. The boys had great fun taking their plants and replanting them in the school garden. Then we began our preparations for St. Patrick’s Day, we created mindfulness shamrock decorations and stainedglassshamrocks.

For Easter, we made crisp rice nests with chocolate eggs. The boys mixed chocolate and crisp rice and formed the nests using bun cases. Then we used mini eggs to finish off our nests. Then using Styrofoam eggs, we decorated themandplacedthem on theEastertree.

Ocover a wide and inclusive range of titles which reflectourpupil’s interests and abilities.

Over the past few months boxes and boxes of new books have been arriving by post and courier to the school. All the cardboard from these boxes was then put to great use in Mn Lisa’s class tomake swords, shields andcastles

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Irish Dancing

First class with Múinteoir Lorna were in school and we were doing Irishdancing.

Firstwewenttothehallandwepractices oursteps.

Then we learnt Ballaí Luimnigh. It was so muchfungoingunderthebridge.

Next, we did shoe the donkey. That was funtoo.

We had a Ceilí in the hall with other classes.


Aleksander Wojtal

Uptown Funk

We learned a dance to Uptown Funk this term. It took a few weeks to learn all of the moves. Each week we added more steps. One of our S.N.As Andrew helped to choreograph the dance for us. It took lots of practise to get itright.Werecordedthefinaldance and you can see it on our school YouTube channel. We hope you enjoywatchingit!

World Book Week

In March, first class celebrated world bookweek.

First, we did cosy reading. I brought a smallpillowandablanket.

Then, we looked at our wacky reading spots. The best ones were James, Gideon and Avalnoor. My wacky reading spot was inatree.

Next, we went to the library. I read a book.

At the end of the week, I was tired but it wasgoodfun.

Midleton CBS celebrated world bookweeklastmonth.

First, we did cosy reading and I brought a snoody and cosy socks. We read under thetable.

Then we looked at all of our wacky reading spots. I was in a car trunk.

Next, we went to the library and I was partneredwithAleksander.

On our last day, we dressed up andhadanassembly. Itwasthebestweek!

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The Chinese NewYear

The Chinese New Year is celebrated all over the world. We even celebrated it in our class. We tried noodles, prawn crackers and rice to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

It is tradition to wear red to scare away the

cat lost. We looked up the animals for the year we were born. They were the horse and the goat. 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit. Next year’s animal will be the dragon.

monster Nian. We made Chinese lanterns and drums. We learned a story about the zodiac. The rat in the story cheated. The poor

In January our theme was China. We played with pandas for Aistear. We did a dragon dance for P.E. We liked learning facts about China. The Great Wall of China is 5500 miles. Beijing is the capital of China. China is the most populated country. The giant panda eats bamboo. A panda must eat about 27 pounds ofbamboo each day to give them energy.

Whacky Reading

During Book Week, we took photographs of ourselvesreading in awackyway.

My wacky reading photograph was taken in my estate. I climbed up a tree to read my favouritebook, Where’sWally. – Igor

For my wacky reading picture, I was in my garden. I was hiding in the bushes reading Dogman. I have lots of these books and I really enjoyreading them. – Kacper

My wacky reading photo was taken in front of my house. It was night-time. I climbed my favourite tree and read my Atlas. I had a torch so Icould see. – Thomas

My wacky reading photo was taken in my house. I was reading my favourite Dogman book while I was upside down on my couch. – Kogith

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Click HERE to view our 1st Class or 2nd Class Webpage

Click HERE to view our 3rd Class or 4th Class Webpage

Paired Reading

World Book Week was held in our school from Monday the 27th of February to the 3rd of March. Every class in the school participated in paired reading for World Book Week. During World Book Week we did paired reading with Múinteoir Andrea’s class. At the start of the week

Múinteoir Andrea came into our class and picked five students to read to her class. She picked five different students each day. We helped them to make touch and feel books and they really enjoyed it. Then the younger boys picked a book for us to read to them. When we finished reading we helped Múinteoir Andrea to clean up. Then

Múinteoir Andrea put on music and we had a dance party for a few minutes. After this we went back to class. Múinteoir Andrea and her class made a card for us to say thank you which they gave to us at our Friday assembly. We really enjoyed paired reading with Múinteoir Andrea’s class. I hope we get to go back to their class again to do more fun stuff with them. It was another great week in our school!

Medieval Times

his month we learned about medieval times. We learned about Motte and Bailey castles and the Normans. We made our own swords and shields. We had a slow motion battle with the boys from M. Eoghan’s class. Juka, Charlie and Bartosz were the victors! We used medieval times as our theme for Aistear. We played games from the

Tpast like ‘Blind Man’s Bluff’. At the moment we are still finishing our medieval castles.

This week will paint them. We really enjoyed learning about medieval times! It really was such a fascinating time in the past. You can watch videos of our slow motion battle on our school YouTube channel @midletoncbsprimaryschool6425

Shared Writing: Mn Lisa’s Class

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Big Bad Wolf Dies and is Carved

The most tragic thing happened tonight. The big bad wolf was boiled alive. Everyone has been warned to stay inside for now. The three little pigs were confirmed guilty at the scene and they have been sentenced to forty years in jail. They were spotted eating his meat at 443 New Street.

A donation has been set up for the big bad wolf’s funeral. His remains will be cremated on Friday. The house where the murder happened will also be knocked down. This is Ethen Lee from RTE news!

Little Red Riding Hood Cancels

St. Patrick’s Day Parade!

People were recently knocking on Little Red Riding Hood’s door. They wanted answers as to why she cancelled the St. Patrick’s Day parade. They wanted her and her little red hood behind bars. She was arrested and her bail was €50,000.

A judge told her lawyer that bail had to be paid or else Little Red Riding Hood faced ten years in prison.

Little Red Riding Hood once had ten houses, a three-million-euro mansion, ten Ferraris, three Bugattis, 6.9 billion euros in cash and a PS5 with every Fortnite skin.

CBS Exclusive Issue 3 2022/23 Page 27 Click HERE to view our 3rd Class or 4th Class Webpage FAIRYTALE NEWS

Art Projects

Checkoutthe artprojects completedbyMuinteoir Mairead’s4th classthisterm: Van Gogh - we split the painting into 4 and completed a group project combing all boys work to make the fullpainting!

Hessian Art - using various fabric and fibre materials we made our own creations on hessian material, and learnedtheartof sewing!!

Mothers Day Art - we used tin foil to create striking cards for the special day for our special mothers and carers

The Balloon Car

We made balloon cars using straws, bottle, skewers, bottle tops, balloons & tape. We attached the balloon to the straw using tape, and put it onthetop of the bottle. Then we put the straws on the bottom of the bottle. Next we put the skewers through the straws, so that when we put the wheels on, it would move like an axle. The bottle tops were thewheels.

Then we stuck on the wheels onto the sides of the skewers. When you blow into the balloon, the air moves the balloon car along the ground. Some groups cars moved slowly and other groups cars moved fast. We learned that the balloon car uses kinetic energy to move and friction

to slow down. We had fun racing our cars and showcasing them at the Science Week fair for the other classes in ourhalla.

CBS Exclusive Issue 3 2022/23 Page 28
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The Incredible Edibles

Muinteoir Mairead got a pack in the post with vegetable seeds for us to plant. We put the seeds in pots with compost. We planted chives, carrots, spinach, lettuce and turnips. We also got potato plants and strawberryplantsto replantandlookafter.

We kept the seeds in the classroom for a few weeks and then planted them in our school garden. We make sure to water them and keep a close eye on them growing. We can’t wait to try the food when it has grown. Jack’s favourite is the chives because he is growing them and Plejy is looking forward to trying the spinach.

Persuasive Writing

This term we are learning about Persuasive writing. Persuasive writing is when you try to persuade the reader of your point of view. First, you

need to think of three points of information to give to the reader. Then, you go into detail foreach argument. You need to use persuasive words like “amazing” and “magnificent” and phrases like “there is no doubt” and “for centuries”. Lastly, you ask questions to the reader for them to read more. Adam’s argument was about children having 3 days off school. Lewis’ argument was that everyone should have a pet. We completed our writing in our best cursivewriting.

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St Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day was the 17th of March. We went to the Carraigtwohill parade. There was a lot of people. They were all wearing green. At the start of the parade there was a person dressed up as St. Patrick. There were tractors and a lot of motorbikes. There was even a band that was so loud you couldhearitatthe endof town.

Yes to Languages

First of all I would like to thank our amazing French teacher Madame Fiona for these amazing weeks that she has been with us and taught us French. We will always remember how she taught us with fun games and a special copies to write in we were overjoyed learning about French culture and their language. We learned how to say how are you how many siblings do you have where do you live and how old are you. We also learned how to say what food we like and what sports or instruments we play. This gives us a head start in secondary school with different languages such as Spanish German and obviously French. Merci beaucoupMadame Fiona.

Graduation Hoodies

The boys in sixth class were delighted to finally get their new school hoodies this week. Sixth class came together last month to decide upon the colour and design of this year's graduation hoodies. We think you'll all agree that they chosewell.Welldoneboys!!

CBS Exclusive Issue 3 2022/23 Page 30 Click to view our 5th Class or 6th Class Webpages

Creative Schools Project

This Valentine's Day we completed a spectacular piece of collaborative art. We went downstairs outside the staffroom. Each child in the school painted and drew hearts overlapping each other based on the artist named James Goldcrown. James Goldcrown was born in West London. James Goldcrown‘s most famous art piece is called love wall. It was very special to create something so beautiful togetheras ateam.

Article by 5th class students.

Guinness Book of Records

Have you ever dreamed to be the best in the world at something? Have you any amazing talents. This world book week we came pretty close. The Guinness book of world record is full of records like the longest fingernails on a persontothetallestpersoneveranddon’t forget the longest hair ever. The first person to eat 20 massive burgers. The largest hot dog. he shortest person ever. The oldest underwater hotel. The records we tried to beat were the fastest time to put on five t-shirts, the fastest time to pack a schoolbag and the fastest time to build a Lego tower. We got hilariously

competitive. It was a very fun activity and maybe next year we can take on some newchallenges.

CBS Exclusive Issue 3 2022/23 Page 31 Click to view our 5th Class or 6th Class Webpages

The Breakfast Club

As part of the ever programme in the school, the boys in our Yellow Corridor classrooms had a lovely morning in our breakfast club recently. The club gave the boys

pouring their own cereal and milk, making, buttering and putting jam on their own toast and helping themselves to juice. The skills developed included gross motor, fine motor, turn taking and conversational skills.

Library Visit with First Class

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss

World Book Week brought immense joy to the boys in the Yellow Corridor this year. We enjoyed shared reading with some attentive animals, a cosy pyjama day and a wacky reading challenge. It was so nice to see all the boys involved and so enthusiastic this year

Ahighlight to our week was a wonderful trip to Midleton Library with First Class where we had the opportunity to escape into our imaginations for a short while. We

are so lucky to have this amazing resource so close to us.

The boys loved sharing books with First Class and enjoyed hearing the boys read to them. It was such a lovely sight to see the boys searching through the rows and picking their favourite books. Sitting down in a nice quiet corner of the library and jumping into a new world and meeting new characters.

Aspecial thanks to Múinteoir Andrea for all the work she put in this year, we are already so looking forward to next year’s events.

CBS Exclusive Issue 3 2022/23 Page 32 Click HERE to visit our Yellow Corridor webpage

Science Week in An Solas

As part of the boys in An Solas were investigating the affect length and forces had on pendulums. They made a pendulum wave to demonstrate this. Here is a piece of procedural writing, with theinstructions onhowto carry outthe investigation.

Iam investigatinghowlengthcan affect movement whenthe sameforce is appliedtoanumberof objects.


10 nuts




Staplesand astaple gun


First, makethe woodenframe.

Secondly, cutthe string in 10different lengths.


Afterthat, staple thetied nutstotheframe.

Finally, use theplanktopushall10nuts.


Looking throughthe sides forthe firstfewseconds,you’ll see awave-like illusion,itcouldmake youdizzy.


It was cool andfuntodo.Our school dog, Alfiewas excitedbyit.

St Patrick’s Day

CBS Exclusive Issue 3 2022/23 Page 33 Click HERE to visit our
Yellow Corridor webpage
Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona dhaoibh ó na buachaillí in "An Solas".
Happy St Patrick's Day from all the boys in An Solas.

Contact Information:

Midleton CBS Primary School, Rosary Place, Castleredmond, Midleton

P25 EK13

Phone: 021-4631419





Instagram: @midletoncbsprimary

YouTube: MidletonCBSPrimary School

TikToc: @midletoncbsprimary

October Mid-Term:

School will closeonFriday31st of Octoberat2:30pmand will re -open onMonday7th of October2022

Public Holiday: School willbe closedon Monday6thofFebruary.

Spring Mid-Term: School willbe closedon Thursday 16th Friday 17th of February.

openon Monday17thofApril.

Public Holiday: School willbe closedon Monday1st ofMay.

Public Holiday: School will be closed on Friday 2nd of June& Monday5thof June.

Christmas Holidays: School will closeonWednesday 21stofDecemberat12pm and will re-openonThursday5th of January2023.

St. Patrick’s Weekend: School willbe closedon Friday 17th ofMarch

Easter Holidays: School will closeonFriday31st of Marchat12pm and will re-

Summer Holidays: School will closeonFriday23rd of Juneat12pm

CBS Exclusive Issue 3 2022/23 Page 34
Happy Easter to everyone from the staff and children at Midleton CBS Primary! We will see you all on the 17th of April

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