International Journal of Orthodontics Summer 2023

Page 7

an irreplaceable role in correcting dental misalignments and malocclusions and effectively restoring the form and function of numerous smiles.3 The history of orthodontic treatment is intricately intertwined with the development of dental science. In the early eighteenth century, French dentist Pierre Fauchard introduced an extraordinary invention known as the bandeau, a metal device in the shape of a horseshoe intended to expand the dental arch. This invention ushered in a new era, introducing an abundance of orthodontic possibilities.2,3 In the mid-19th century, the spotlight shifted to Edward Maynard, a notable figure who made pioneering contributions to the field of braces. Maynard’s introduction of the first rubber bands designed specifically for orthodontic use transformed the field, providing a versatile solution to a variety of orthodontic challenges.2,3 Orthodontic advancement continued with the invention of the wire crib in the early 20th century. This meticulously designed device played a crucial role in rectifying overbites and underbites, ushering in a new era in orthodontics and providing orthodontic clinicians with a game-changing instrument for restoring harmonious dental alignment.3 Edward H. Angle’s formulation of the “ribbon arch” technique in the early 1900s marked a significant advancement in the field. Using brackets and archwires, this technique effectively moved teeth into their correct positions. Since then, orthodontic brackets and archwires have undergone numerous developments and improvements, enhancing the precision and effectiveness of treatment.3 This innovation revolutionized orthodontic treatment, presenting a robust and resilient alternative to previous techniques. The harmonious operation of brackets and archwires demonstrated the mastery of orthodontics. One name stands out in this tapestry of progress: Edward Angle, an eminent figure who revolutionized the foundations of orthodontics. Edward Angle’s inventive use of brackets and unwavering opposition to extraction orthodontics cemented his place in dental history.3 As we reflect on this magnificent journey through time, we bear witness to the evolution of braces—an awe-inspiring odyssey intertwining scientific advances, innovation, and unwavering commitment. From the humble beginnings of the bandeau to the miracles of stainless steel, braces have emerged as beacons of

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Articles inside

Surface Roughness Of Stainless Steel Wires Coated with Titanium Dioxide after Exposure to Oral Medium

pages 47-52

The D-Gainer Appliance Part 2

page 46

Comparison of Bolton Analysis Between Interproximal Stripping and Mandibular Incisor Extraction to Resolve Lower Anterior Crowding – A Cross-sectional Study

pages 40-45

Can We Treat Kids in Mixed Dentition with Clear Aligners? The Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment for Kids

pages 38-39

Stability of Surgical and Orthodontic Techniques for the Treatment of Patients with Cleft Palate: A Systematic Review A Review and a Proposal

pages 32-37

Getting More Valuable and Consistent Case Acceptance

pages 30-31

Evaluation of Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment Changes in Lower Anterior Facial Height in Extraction and Non-Extraction Cases: A Digital Cephalometric Study

pages 21-29

The Perfect Pairing for Best-in-Class Results

page 20

For Better Results, TRUST G&H

pages 7-19

From Braces to Bytes: The Role of Technology in Modern Orthodontics

pages 6-7

Author Guidelines

pages 4-5

International Journal of Orthodontics

page 3

Surface Roughness Of Stainless Steel Wires Coated with Titanium Dioxide after Exposure to Oral Medium

pages 47-52

The D-Gainer Appliance Part 2

page 46

Comparison of Bolton Analysis Between Interproximal Stripping and Mandibular Incisor Extraction to Resolve Lower Anterior Crowding – A Cross-sectional Study

pages 40-45

Can We Treat Kids in Mixed Dentition with Clear Aligners? The Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment for Kids

pages 38-39

Stability of Surgical and Orthodontic Techniques for the Treatment of Patients with Cleft Palate: A Systematic Review A Review and a Proposal

pages 32-37

Getting More Valuable and Consistent Case Acceptance

pages 30-31

Evaluation of Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment Changes in Lower Anterior Facial Height in Extraction and Non-Extraction Cases: A Digital Cephalometric Study

pages 21-29

The Perfect Pairing for Best-in-Class Results

page 20

For Better Results, TRUST G&H

pages 7-19

From Braces to Bytes: The Role of Technology in Modern Orthodontics

pages 6-7

Author Guidelines

pages 4-5


pages 1-3
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