Raniag September 2021 RY 2021-2022 issue

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Raniag The Official Magazine of Rotary Club of Narvacan September 2021 Edition, Rotary Year 2021-2022


Life Changing Team Serve To Change Lives


From the


It’s good that he died early Ricadel S. Cereno Editor-in-Chief

Turning the television on, browsing the internet, reading random newspapers, and listening to radio have already caused my psyche an unbearable irritation. I am so done listening to news being aired with the same topic but in different angles. People I passed by, discussing the same topic trying to look smarter than the other, giving self-known facts that made them consider themselves privileged for knowing such ahead of its publication, annoy me more. Plus, an older brother who always picks up a debate, thinking that his viewpoints are better than mine. What a daily routine! It was a normal Sunday morning. I was so excited to put on some dresses and make up because I was having a prenuptial photo shoot with my fiancé. It felt unusual because my brother was still asleep. It meant that I can have a peaceful breakfast. I savoured my freshly-cooked food as I watched entertaining videos online-- no television, no radio, no newspaper, just me and my egg fried rice. Soon after, my fiancé arrived handsomely, ready for the photo shoot. To cut it short, the day went exactly the way we planned it to be. I was so happy but not so ready for a bad news I was about to face. When I came home, my brother who mostly madden me was not in the living room. I haven’t seen him the whole day. I want to rejoice

for not seeing his ugly face upon coming home tired, and for not having to roll my eyes because of his unexplainable peskiness-he cannot end the day without annoying me—but, it just felt so strange. I haven’t seen my brother on Monday morning neither. Mamang said he was in his room. Then later that night, he sent me a message through Messenger. I started to get worry when I saw his name on my chat box because we were in the same house. He just normally opens my door without knocking and scares the hell out of me with his loud voice whenever he feels like to. But that time, he didn’t. I read his message asking for my help. I immediately stood up and checked him in his room. I saw him lying helplessly, one arm limply sagging down from his bed. The only thing he uttered with his shut eyes was, “itaray nak hospital please, siyak ag-drive [bring me to the hospital please, I’ll drive]”. I started to panic and woke

my parents up. He was so weak, how can he drive? I can drive but I am not that good, how can I drive him that far? I grabbed my phone and called my fiancé for a rescue and helpful as he is, he came here in the deepest hour of the night. We brought my brother to a hospital where he can use his medical card as a Business Unit Manager of a private company, for free medical services since we are not that wealthy to pay another hospital bill, because we still have debts from my mamang’s recent surgery and hospitalization. We left our parents at home and moved so fast. Protocols forced us to take the Antigen test upon arriving which resulted to a more throbbing problem. My brother was tested positive. He was not held in that hospital because according to the front desk, that night, there

was no vacant room for suspected COVID-19 patients. They called RHU-Narvacan instead, to decide for us. We took my feeble brother to Narvacan once more and the RHU told us to go home and wait for the Swab team, since there was no available holding area for him. My frail brother was deeply asleep inside the car. My tears started to flow when I saw him sleeping uncomfortably at the back seat of the car while we were on our way back home. We isolated him in his room and we were also instructed to stay at home while waiting for his Swab test and Swab result. The next morning, my brother underwent RT-PCR test and three days after, we learned that he was indeed COVID-19 positive. I also caught a flu. So did my father. My mother has recently undergone surgery and has also been hospitalized for 3 days, 3 weeks before this issue. She was as fragile as an old glass. We were quarantined and felt helpless. For me, it was the worst kind of suffering. We wanted to assist each other, help one another, have conversations, and have a good laugh while eating as a family, but even our body cannot move to check each other out. Also, the risk of getting infected with the virus threatened us all. We were so quiet for more than a week. Surviving our own fights. Wanting to feel better each day. Distant ‘how are you’s’ became our way of showing our love and care for each other. Silent prayers became our only hope. Friends and relatives became our feet, shoulders and walls. There were nights of dimmed hope for our weakened bodies. No food seemed to satisfy our hunger. The hunger we felt was not something from our stomachs-- it was beyond what food can satisfy-- it was our hunger to nurse each other. Our home became just a house for more than a week. It has lights but it was dark. It has colour but it was colourless. It has things but it was empty. It was hot, but it felt cold. It was silent, but it was deafening. Days have passed and we started to feel better. I started to hear my brother’s laughter from his room, my father’s lively voice while talking to someone on the other side of the screen, my mother’s sweet voice doing the same thing as papang. The Swab team finally came back to test us, the first contacts, and with God’s grace, we were tested negative. However, my brother continued his home isolation because he still has dry cough. And there I remembered my tito who died before the strike of COVID 19. My Cereno bloodline has history of weak lungs. My brother, my father, and even I have it. Just like our grandfather, my tito died due to a lung-related illness. I am glad that my tito didn’t have to experience all of these. He had no family on his own and he considered us as his own children. It was so sad that he left as early but if he still had to die young, it’s good that he died earlier. He didn’t deserve to experience the cruelty of the current world. He deserved proper burial and he deserved visitors in his last days on earth. He deserved the kind of life and the kind of peaceful entombment we have given to him before pandemic. Anyway, I must include in this article how people treat us during those days. We received so much love from so many people. Although there are those who added insult to our injury, they are outnumbered by those who showed us kindness. I am grateful to everyone who prayed for us. I will always be indebted to them. It was really a nightmare and every time I pen it, I can still feel the same degree of blues. However, it took me closer to God and to my brother-- who just started to annoy me again.





Being An Architect of People’s Lives Dr. Arnel C. Doctolero Director, ISCC

There are a lot of rare things that happen in life. Once in a lifetime memories, opportunities and experiences. Such things are meant to be enjoyed and cherished at the same time. Those are what teache us important lessons that we will need as life goes on. One example of it is the opportunity to lead and to serve. Being someone that people look up to, someone that inspires and motivates others while they are in the brink of falling apart; it usually means being selfless to the point that you think of other people first before yourself. That act of service is what the leaders signed up for. Serving people means teaching them, helping them and going through life with them. It can also mean being an architect of your own life and other people’s lives as well. Especially now that we are in a pandemic, most people needs a responsible leader to guide them through this journey. A community can never thrive without someone leading them to greatness. It comes with power that must be handled responsibly. Serving people and the community must come from the genuinity of the heart. The opportunity given must be taken seriously because the lives of those under you, are now depending on that service. They are expecting a spark of hope and your whole purpose is to give them that. Godliness, kindness and humbleness are some of the traits that must be found in someone who is serving the community. All the positive energy must come from the one leading them and will be passed around all throughout. Hence, the community will thrive and the people will live a life they always wanted. Despite the hardships, witnessing a community with happy people under your care, is one of the most satisfying feelings in life. It is fulfilling, just like seeing butterflies, sunshines and rainbows. No matter what happens, if anyone is given an opportunity to serve and lead, the only advice I can give is to be genuine and selfless. That is how you build a fruitful life for the people and community you are serving for.



RC-Narvacan obtains national award In acknowledgement to the Rotary Club of Narvacan’s initiatives and support to the sustainable management of fisheries and aquatic resources, the Department of Agriculture-BFAR awarded the club a Gawad Pasasalamat Award, CY 2021 National Award, last September 13, during the BFAR’s 58th Fish Conservation Week virtual celebration. The Rotary Club of Makati and Rotary Club San Fernando La Union were also recognized.

RC- Narvacan joins RCC Virtual seminar-Workshop Aiming to be capacitated with knowledge in navigating and exploring Rotary Club Central, the Rotary club of Narvacan participated in the Rotary Club Central (RCC) Training, Seminar, and Workshop exclusively for the seven clubs of Cluster1A, last September 4.

With the discussion delivered by the speaker AG Laura Estrada on the said activity, the participants’ capability on developing themselves for the many opportunities that the RCC gives to all Rotarians, was established. Meanwhile, club officers were directed on the process of reporting service projects of their clubs at the Rotary Club Central.

Narvacan Rotarians join D3780 webinar The Rotary Club of Narvacan joined the virtual webinar of Rotary District 3780 on RCC: Growing Local Economies, Protecting the Environment, last September 11. The said activity enlightened the members of the club on Rotary Community Corps and their call for sponsorship as partners in Rotary activities among others.


RC-Narvacan hosts webinar


BY RICADEL S. CERENO A four-hour webinar session, in pertnership with Rotary Club of Narvacan and NNCHS-SSG about Stress Management, Mental Health and psychological First-Aid, with Dr. Kenneth Kristofferson Europa, was successfully conducted via Google Meet, September 10. The said session was attended by the teaching and non-teaching personnel of Narvacan National Central High School (NNCHS), Rotary Club of Narvacan, Rotaract Club of Narvacan, parents, students and stakeholders. To initiate the formal opening of the conference, Gilbert Cadacio, Rotary Club of Narvacan President, delivered his opening remarks emphasizing the importance of being properly informed on what we have to do during pandemic particularly in stress management. Roger Montero, SSG adviser, then stated the purpose of the webinar which is mainly to educate the attendees in fighting mental health stigma. Also, Emilio G. Ayson Jr., School Principal and Secretary of Rotary Club of Narvacan, gave his inspirational message stressing the significance of this rare chance to keep us mentally healthy. Ayson’s message was seconded by Atty. Gigi Ramos, Assistant Governor of Area 1, Rotary Club, in her message, “the knowledge we will acquire (in this video conference) will help us a lot in stress management.” She also said that she is looking forward for more partnerships like this. “I hope that we will continue to give

services to our community especially during this time”, she added. Meanwhile, Dr. Europa, the speaker, was introduced by Montero letting the participants know the degrees he finished that led him in becoming a Diplomat of Specialty Board of Philippine Psychiatry among his other medical-related positions and accomplishments. Dr. Europa discussed mental wellness, mental illness, mental health situation in the Philippines, mental health during stress, coping pandemic stress, and the different ways to manage stress. Questions were entertained by Dr. Europa after his pre-recorded discussion and also left some reminders. The session used Google Meet platform which accommodated 100 participants, but the hosts extended it via Facebook live stream to widen the information dissemination on mental health in concurrence to the Suicide Prevention Awareness month this September. With the help of the moderator Vince Clyde Cardenas, Teacher II of NNCHS-SHS and a Rotaract officer, the session ended smoothly.

RC-Narvacan organizes Rotaract ISCC The Rotary Club of Narvacan (RC-Narvacan) sponsored the chartering of the Rotaract Club of Ilocos Sur Community College (ISCC), last September 15, 2021. On the same day, The Rotaractors were introduced to Rotary’s advocacy, history, goals, and the Rotaract Club’s roles. Thereafter, the club was officially formed and election of officers followed. This is another initiative of the RC- Narvacan to train the youth as future leaders of Rotary by offering guidance, support, and work with Rotaractors as partners in service. Through this, RC- Narvacan will be able to connect a group of committed and enterprising young people with Rotary members who can turn their ideas into action. Furthermore, Rtn. Arnel Doctolero, being the College Administrator of ISCC and a Rotarian at the same time, will serve as the adviser of the newly organized club.



RC-Narvacan receives peace education Rotary Club of Vigan sponsored a virtual meeting on Peace Education attended by different clubs including the Rotary Club of Narvacan, September 16. Wendell Botacion, the invited guest speaker, tackled about the efforts of the government in attaining peace and the challenges in fighting with the communist terrorist group in the country. RC Narvacan attentively listened and actively participated in the discussion which made them more knowledgeable on the said issue.

Talaga edifies RC Narvacan Rotaract Club of Narvacan attended a virtual meeting hosted by Rotary Club of Vigan wherein Dr. Trina Tabboga-Talaga, incident commander of Covid-19 Action Task Force of Ilocos Sur, further informed the participants on the current COVID-19 situation of Ilocos Sur, September 9. Talaga also presented approaches and plans to manage the fast spread of Corona Virus which filled RC Narvacan’s knowledge bank with timely insights they can use to better serve the public.

RC-Narvacan partakes Trisem 2021 In pursuit for further leadership growth, the Rotary Club (RC) of Narvacan participated in the Trisem 2021 of District 3790, hosted by RC Laoag Metro Ilocos Norte and RC Dau, last Septmber 19. The attendees were able to develop their leadership skills through the discussions made by the Rotary Academy. Furthermore, the members of RC-Narvacan were able to enhance their knowledge on the importance of sponsoring RCC and RAC.







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