Raniag October RY 2021-2022 issue

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Raniag The Official Magazine of Rotary Club of Narvacan October 2021 Edition, Rotary Year 2021-2022

Life Changing Team Serve To Change Lives


From the


Sound of a Teardrop Ricadel S. Cereno-Lim Editor-in-Chief

Photo grabbed from Rappler


t was a quiet evening—it was a strange night for not even a cricket can be heard. The wind suddenly stopped wooshing and the whole evening was covered with silence and darkness, even the sound of a teardrop can be clearly audible. A warning from a strong typhoon started with a single raindrop then another, and another - until the sky seemed to open its stream. The wind started to blow hard. I can hear from the inside the whistling sound of the wind pushing itself inside our house through the holes and spaces from the unfinished piles of hollow blocks. I felt the chill down to my spine and covered my head with a pillow. The sound from the roof and the sound the wind created made it impossible for me to fall asleep. I stood up and fumble in the dark just to check what was happening outside. My eyes weren’t able to see it but my whole body felt icy-- I got so scared so I rushed back to my room and hit the hay. I closed my eyes and the sound slow-

ly faded until the terrifying reality turned into a beautiful dream. I woke up and got reminded about how bad the situation was last night so I stood up and observed our surroundings. I saw no damage at all and our house was safe from flood. I felt relieved and I momentarily celebrated for I thought that the storm was not as destructive as I imagined it to be. I ate my breakfast peacefully and then browsed my Facebook. Suddenly, I felt the guilt rushed throughout my body. Posts all over my news feed were crying for help. How was I able to peacefully eat my breakfast and felt so much relieved while many were crying for a hand? Many were flooded. Many died. Many suffered. My heart was so disdainful. I put down my phone and observed once more. The rain was still pouring hard and the wind seemed to still be enraged by something. We are so lucky to not be affected at all but how about my fellow Ilocanos? I cannot stop myself from getting worried so I bended my knee and uttered a silent prayer. The next day, the typhoon calmed and the sky became clear. However, the aftermath was dark,

sad, and weakening. Every drop of tears can be heard loud enough for we were all stunned and quiet from the heart-breaking view left by Typhoon Maring. All of us were temporarily stolid— watching the distance view with nothing in mind. For a moment, we felt hopeless until many chose to wear a cape and became instant heroes. There I witnessed how humanity was restored. I saw that there are still kind men among mankind. I saw that there is still hope. And then, I started to hear giggles once more. I started to see smiles from the faces of the affected ones. Right there and then, I heard the sound of my own teardrop because of my profound joy from what was I witnessing. As long as we have the will to help each other, I am certain that we can surpass all the upheavals waiting ahead of us. May we always choose to hear the sound of a joyous teardrop rather than the sound of a melancholic one.



FRAMED: Filipino Pantry Nikko Marie L. Reyes Associate Editor

They say that a real Filipino will never abandon a fellow when in need. Even the least that he/she has is lend with an overflowing willingness and desire to help and uplift one with an open heart. This is becoming a Filipino; this is how Filipinos are and were made. We were introduced to bayanihan or spirit of solidarity with the image of people moving a house, planting in the field or even cooking for a festivity. These were the portraits our ancestors lived for years where the spirit of sharing, caring and, helping one another all began. Yet, looking at the early civilization, people help one another in times of need since it is a golden rule in most religious beliefs. As time pass by, these images were introduced with alteration but the motif embedded within did not. Who would forget the images captured during the onset of Covid 19 in the country? These images - viral on social media or not, are all gestures of love and compassion towards one another. The pandemic exempted no one, yet people still find ways to curve a smile of hope behind everyone’s masked faces. The image captured from the simple gesture of Anna Patricia Non April this year stood out among others. The idea of a community pantry rippled all around the Philippines wherein Filipinos from all walks of life benefited. From ‘camote tops’ growing just around the house, eggs from simple backyard poultry, fruits from the farm to unused clothes from the closet and cash of any amount, people started to be unmindful of losing something but became more aware of a hungry stomach from the neighborhood. Filipinos became more mindful with a fellow struggling to eat thrice a day and a fellow losing their most important treasurelife. This one brought out a big realization that even if people are trapped in a cage but if even the least from someone is shared, it can feed hungry stomachs. Patricia Non is just one among simple people who became extraordinary because of a priceless initiative. The pandemic also brought out psychologists, spiritual counselors, leaders, teachers, parents, friends and acquaintances- generally called heroes. They are simple Filipinos too, without any position in the government, without any wealth, without titles and big allies, yet they became extraordinary because of their major leap and initiative in changing the community they live. Their humanitarian actions also moved to the different parts of the country- touching people, moving lives. Who would dare offer a bed to a stranger, preach a non-believer, counsel a wandering mind, and lead unruly people? They did. These people did. They did show the real spirit of ‘bayanian’. It still goes on. The story is not ending but it just began. Typhoon Maring hit Northern Luzon just this month and pantries once again came out. You can see shared photos on social media of people handling goods to affected families. These are people from different walks of life lifting a fellow up. The affected families may have lost their properties but they surely won the hearts of the good Samaritans. This is ‘bayanihan through a lens. This is the ‘bayanihan’ spirit we saw on our timeline. No one disagrees with these for these are actions of love- an extraordinary love to mankind. However, we should still remember the real spirit of Filipino bayanihan- the real spirit our ancestors taught us. Filpino bayanihan is helping with the purest intention- with or without the camera. Let us all become our version of Patricia Non. Let us create our own and unique pantry with a real intention of lending a hand to someone in need because this is our identity as Filipinos. This is what Filipinos are made of. This is what Filipinos are. This is what Filipinos will be.

Photo grabbed from Filipinas Clothing Co.



Rotaract Club of ISCC reaches Maring victims by Gerald Palacpac

President, Rotaract Club of ISCC The Ilocos Sur Community College- Employees Association in partnership with the Extension Office and ISCC Rotaract Club conducted post-disaster relief delivery operations to the affected communities of Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur (Laslasong Norte, Laslasong West, and Nagtupacan) who suffered from the wrath of Typhoon Maring. This initiative was effectively carried out with the support and help of donors/ benefactors and various stakeholders who provided both financial support and donated basic goods to the afflicted communities.



Rotaract Club of Narvacan hands donation to Maring victims by Ricadel S. Cereno-Lim Through the leadership of Mark Christopher Molina, President of Rotaract Club of Narvacan, Narvacan National Central High School (NNCHS) students of Tinaan and Laslasong, Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur, who are much affected by typhoon Maring, received an immediate help to satisfy their basic needs for the time being, October 20. Typhoon Maring left almost nothing to the residents of the above told barangays which urged Molina to put into action his ought to serve as a Rotaractor and as a concern citizen. Clothes, instant noodles, facemasks, packs of rice, and canned goods from Rotaractors and generous NNCHS Grade 12 STEM-Tesla students were distributed to different households in Tinaan and Laslasong. This act of heroism led by Molina became a provincewide example which resulted to a vast local enactment of Bayanihan. “My body cannot stay motionless while my heart is grieving for the sorrow of my fellow ilocanos. I want to help and i felt the need to help, so I did what I can”, said Molina.


RaniagNEWS RI recognizes Rotaract ISCC The newly chartered Rotaract Club of ISCC (Ilocos Sur Community College) is now recognized and officially admitted as a member of Rotary International. The club was officially chartered last September 15, 2021, and was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Narvacan.

Narvacan Rotarians partake in Public Image Webinar

RC- Narvacan emphasizes compassion The Rotary Club of Narvacan (RC-Nravacan) had its “Mangan Tayo” Share a Meal Project for the month of September in the Quarantine Facility at ISDH-Narvacan, Ilocos Sur where they shared their meal with the frontliners and patients observing the strict implementation of health protocols. The members of the club personally prepared the power food to symbolize the oneness of Rotarians and members of the community. This activity of RC- Narvacan once again emphasized compassionate service.

The Rotary Club of Narvacan participated in the recently concluded Public Image Seminar of District 3790. Through this endeavor, the members of the club gained additional knowledge on how to improve the positive public image and brand of Rotary even during the pandemic. This activity taught the participants to share their Rotary stories in whatever medium to motivate others to participate in the Rotary service. Insights were also given on how to promote service activities of Rotary Clubs through the power of social media.

RC Narvacan supports Polio cessation One with the many Rotarians around the world wanting to end polio now, RC Narvacan attended the Zone10A Polio Summit on October 18, 2021, via Zoom Cloud Meeting. Through this activity, the participants were able to know some strategies on how to increase awareness, raise funds, and ultimately, the organization’s role in ending polio worldwide. Various projects are expected to be undertaken by the club participants for the countdown of the end polio now campaign.


Rotary Club of Narvacan extends a hand After Typhoon Maring flooded communities and damaged properties in the province, Rotary Club of Narvacan (RC Narvacan) led by President Gilbert Cadacio, quickly conducted a twelve-day relief operations, between October 12-30, in different municipalities and barangays. DAY 1 RC Narvacan gave food packs and hygiene kits to residents of Narvacan Ilocos Sur. The club also turned over food packs to Mt. Carmel Parish Church who had already identified beneficiaries. The relief operations of RC Narvacan was also set for other areas in the community with the hope to help more victims of the catastrophe.

DAY 2 The Rotary Club of Narvacan braved the muddy, uphill, and difficult roads going to the Barangays of Ampuagan and Pacang Sta. Maria Ilocos Sur to deliver the relief goods to residents of “sitios” who cannot yet go out of their places on the second day of Agap Rotarian Relief Operations. As the river going to Pacang was impossible to cross, the team took the longer and more challenging route, which lead them even to pass through the Municipality of Burgos. The distribution took them until night time but was compensated with smiles from the recipients.


DAY 3 The Narvacan Rotarians joined forces with its brother clubs, Rotary Club of Makati and Rotary Club of Alabang, so with Gardenia Philippines, for the third day conduct of Agap Rotarian Relief Operations in Limmansangan Narvacan Ilocos Sur. The team distributed food packs, slippers, blankets, and Gardenia bread to the victims of typhoon Maring in the area. This partnership between and among Rotary clubs from different districts is a manifestation that Rotary is a family and service is its cause. On the same day, the Rotary Club of Narvacan, partnered with the Bagong Bayani ng mga Mamamayan France, went to Poblacion Norte, Brgy. Lesseb and Cabaroan Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur to distribute relief packs to victims of typhoon Maring. The struggle from the sudden downpour of heavy rain was experienced by the team while distributing relief goods. However, it didn’t terminate the determination of the Rotarians in distributing donations in the area, to help the victims ease the adverse effect of the calamity. Through this, Rotarians’ motto, service above self, once again echoed!

DAY 4 On the 4th day of relief operations, the Rotary Club of Narvacan went to one of the “Sitios” in Cabaroan and Tinaan Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur to distribute food packs, blankets, slippers, and clothes for the victims of typhoon Maring. With the goods distributed, Rotarians were so happy to see the smiles of the people and hoped that, in one way or the other, the simple help extended will somehow ease their sufferings. This is Rotary’s cause - to serve the community because only a life lived in the service to others is worth living.

DAY 5 Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Narvacan decided to divide themselves into two for the distribution of relief goods for the day 5 of Agap Rotarian Relief Operations last October 17. The fist team went to San Antonio and Karayan Bislak San Jose Narvacan, Ilocos Sur to deliver food packs and other items to help the typhoon victims. Meanwhile, the second team went to Langaoan and Sitio Nabaan Silag Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur to distribute food packs and other donations to the casualties of typhoon maring.

DAY 6 RC- Narvacan went to Sitio Northcabeastin Cabaroan Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur to distribute household utensils and other items to typhoon victims for the sixth day, October 18. DAY 7 Rotaractors from the Rotaract Club of Narvacan also did their share in helping the typhoon victims. They went to Tinaan Sitio Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur, one of the most damaged barangay, to give some food items and used clothes to the residents who are in need of help, October 20.

DAY 8 Rotaractors from the newly chartered Rotaract Club of ISCC went to Laslasong West, Laslasong Norte and Nagtupan Sta Maria, Ilocos Sur to distribute household items, food packs and used clothes among others to typhoon victims in the area last October 21. They partnered with the ISCC Extension Services, Ladies for RYAN, RCC of NNCHS and RC Narvacan in this endeavor. While new in the Rotary world, the RAC of ISCC has proven that they have the heart to serve the community . This is the very foundation of being a Rotarian as these Rotaractors are the future of Rotary. Moreover, on Agap Rotarian Relief Operations day 8, the Rotary Club of Narvacan went to Ag-agrao Sta Maria, Ilocos Sur to deliver the first wave of assistance from Rotary District 3790 headed by DG Willie Serafica. The team distributed food packs to all the affected families in the area who were all thankful for the relief received.

DAY 9 Last October 22, the Rotary Club of Narvacan went to Laoangan Sta Maria, Ilocos Sur this time to distribute basic household items for the typhoon victims in the said barangay. DAY 10 For the 10th day of Agap Rotarian Relief Operations, the Rotary Club of Narvacan, in partnership with the Southern Ilocos Sur Medical Society, went to the clustered Barangays of Tinaan, Laslasong, Maynganay and Cabaroan Sta Maria, Ilocos Sur to conduct medical mission in response to the peoples’ request for medical assistance for typhoon victims who are sufferring from water borne diseases, fever and colds among others, last October 23. Rotary District 3790 head by DG Willie Serafica provided for the free medicines distributed during the said activity. Aside from the free medicines given to the patients, RC Narvacan also distributed food packs as part of the club’s relief operations.

DAY 11 The Rotary Club of Narvacan in partnership with Rotary Club of Alabang and Gardenia Philippines turned over a truckload of gardenia loaf bread, multi-vitamins and other medicines to LGU Narvacan to be distributed to typhoon victims within the municipality, October 25. This partnership project is still in line with the efforts of RC Narvacan to provide immediate response to the community due to the recent calamity that hit the area.

DAY 12 The Rotary Club of Narvacan is still unstoppable! The team went to Poblacion Sur Sta Maria, Ilocos Sur last October 30, to deliver housewares items the victims to use as most of their household items were flushed away by the flood. They also provided used clothes, blankets, and medicines. This act is still in line with the efforts of RC Narvacan to provide an immediate response to the community due to the recent calamity that hit the area.


RaniagNEWS Rotary Narvacan joins World Menopause Day Celebration The Rotary Club of Narvacan partook in the virtual celebration of World Menopause Day last October 17, 2021. Insights on how to remain healthy during this natural happening in a woman’s life and how to cope with the said life incident were discussed.

Rotary Club of Narvacan leads Women Empowerment Webinar The Rotary Club of Narvacan led the entire CLuster 1a of District 3790 composed of RC Bangued, RC Vigan, RC Magsingal North, RC San Nicolas, RC Laoag Metro and RC Laoag Sushine, in organizing a Women empowerment Webinar entitled “The Role of Law for Empowering Women”, held last October 3, 2021. This activity is in response to the call of RI President Shekhar Mehta to do efforts on empowering girls and ensuring their access to education, resources, services and opportunities so that the future generation of women leaders will have the tools they need to succeed. Resource speaker during this event was a known women’s right advocate, Atty. Maria Lulu Reyes of SLU College of Law-Baguio City.

RC- N participates in Virtual Induction of New Polio Plus Society Members The Rotary Club of Narvacan joined in the Virtual Induction of the Charter and New Polio Plus Society Members held on October 28. Along with other new members, IPP Mhelygene took the oath to polio plus society, witnessed by over 200 Rotarians from District 3790.



RC- Narvacan participates Zoomba Session The Rotaract Club of Narvacan and Rotaract Club of ISCC, together with their sponsor club, Rotary Club of Narvacan, staged a Zoomba presenation in support to End Polio Now Campaign last October 24. The Rotaractors did the Zoomba Session within their respective areas and virtually gathered via zoom platform. The Zoomba Session was streamed via Facebook during the Cluster 1a End Polio Now Live Streaming Program.

RC-N joins End Polio Live Streaming project The Rotary Club of Narvacan took part in the Cluster1A End Polio Live Streaming project where all the clubs of Cluster 1a of District 3790 highlighted their projects and efforts to End Polio Now and in celebration of World Polio Day, last October 24, 2021. RC NArvacan utilized its alloted time to stage the Zoomba to End Polio Now, the Poliomyelitis Awareness Campaign, a documentary of the Padyak to End Polio Now project, and the opening of Barya Kontra Polio cans of the club, which were all done in the early morning of the same day. It was a long and tiring day for all Rotarians of the RC Narvacan but in the name of service, and dedication to promoting the advocacy of Rotary International, every drop of sweat is all worth it as RC Narvacan joined the world to END POLIO NOW!




Rotary Club of Narvacan supports End Polio Now Campaign In support of the End Polio Now campaign of Rotary International and in celebration of World Polio Day, the Rotary Club of Narvacan spearheaded the “Padyak to End Polio Now” project last October 24. Participated by more than 60 bikers and Rotarians, the group pedals the Narvacan -Sta. Maria - Narvacan route, wearing end polio shirts and campaign materials to promote the End Polio advocacy of the organization. Through this endeavor, RC Narvacan was able to give awareness to the public about the importance of ending polio now. Moreover, the Rotary Club of Narvacan also conducted a virtual Poliomyelitis Awareness Talk purposely to educate the public about the so-called polio disease. Dr. Rochelle Ballestero-Carta served as a resource speaker for this activity and talked about the causes of polio, its prevention, and the various efforts of the major organizations, including the Rotary International, to end polio now. This awareness campaign was done during the Cluster 1A End Polio Now live Streaming via zoom platform and streamed via FB live.

Rotary Club of Narvacan shares a meal with frontliners The Rotary Club of Narvacan had its “Mangan Tayo” Share a Meal Project for the month of October in the vaccination site at NNHS Narvacan, Ilocos Sur where they shared their meal with the frontliners in charge of vaccinating people in the area for three consecutive days, from October 27 -29, 2021. The members of the club once again personally prepared the power food shared to symbolize the club’s being one with all the members of the community.

Rotary Club of Narvacan conducts coastal clean-up Believing that the protection of the coastal area of Narvacan is a concerted effort from members of the community, the Rotary Club of Narvacan woke up early and conducted a Coastal Clean-Up drive within the coastal area of Bulanos Narvacan, Ilocos Sur last October 30, 2021. With them in this partaking were members of the Philippine Army, Philippine National Police, United Ilocandia, and Bileg Milan Inc (BMI). The purpose of the clean-up drive is to engage people in the community in removing trash and debris from beaches and waterways, to identify the sources of the litter, and to educate the society, by being an example, on the importance of terminating the causes of pollution for the protection and conservation of the environment.

15 RC- Narvacan witnesses Luzon RCCs community service The Rotary Club of Narvacan joined the Rotary Community Corps Expo 2021 Luzon Roadshow on October 30, 2021, where they witnessed the different efforts of various RCC in Luzon in serving the community. Through this activity, the members were able to gain knowledge on what projects are best for RCCs and how Rotary club can do something for its successful implementation. The RCC Expo was participated by Districts 3770, 3790 and 3820.







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