Raniag October 2022-2023 issue

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The Official Magazine of Rotary Club of Narvacan Octobert 2022 Edition, Rotary Year 2022 2023

Education:ATicket ToModernEra

The world we currently have has been the future of our past. All the resources, knowledge, and technology this was just a dream for the many inventors, who paved the way for the science of today. The number one cause for this is the fact that the education we have in this generation is far more progressive and advanced than before. In this modern world, one cannot survive without any type of education.

Everywhere we go, everything we see all of it are the product of education. Reading, talking, and even simply just doing things we usually do everyday. However, education has been a privilege, more than it has been a basic human right. Many factors like poverty affect people in receiving the education they rightfully deserve. There are public schools that offer free education but still, one cannot totally be free of expenses. That is where the problem starts; most job offers require the applicant to be a college graduate. Without it, they would not be able to work There are jobs that do accept people without a degree but the pay rate may not be able to pay all the expenses needed daily

Education is a vital part of our lives; it shapes us, defines us and it contributes to our growth in many ways It is a big part of our lives that helps us prepare for the real world out there It becomes our backbone in society, our education becomes our own image From kindergarten to being in a university to get a degree; those many years spent in school become our training to become the best adult version of ourselves that we can be.

people are learners and they have this thirst for new information; a curiosity that leads to many inventions and discoveries.

Without educators, there will be no learners and vice versa. These days, the education field has been underappreciated. People tend to forget that there will be no scientists, no doctors, lawyers, and so on, without a teacher guiding them on that path. Education is one of the most important parts of our lives and of ourselves. It becomes a part of us and it will always be a part of us, even until death.

No matter what age one can be in, people will never stop learning because new information never stops. There are more and more out there to be discovered and invented and the next generation will be able to achieve it. What we dream of as our future now will be their present and it will happen because of education that will be far more advanced and progressive. Learn, teach and be a part of something iconic; the modern era we are living in now.

Sports present limitless education an learning opportunities. It encourages ongoing education in skill and personal development. Athletes who learn how to perform better also learn how to be better teammates. They work to get the most out of their experience. There is constant learning, growth, and engagement in educational processes between athletes and peers alike. In sports, there is a clear purpose and role for education and the learning process for all stakeholders. Aware of the benefits of sports in the development of the youth, the Rotary Club of Narvacan launched the Sports Project by sponsoring the uniforms of the volleyball team of Ilocos Sur

All About Polio THE DISEASE

Poliomyelitis, commonly called polio, is a highly infectious disease, caused by the poliomyelitis virus This is a viral infection caused by the Polio virus It is transmitted via the feco oral route The virus multiplies in the GI tract and invades the body It usually causes febrile illness The virus is shed by an infected individual with fecal matter So it is a water and food borne infection In some patients, this virus can damage anterior horn cells of the spinal cord causing permanent paralysis of limbs

Most poliovirus infections do not produce symptoms, but 5 to 10 out of 100 people infected with polio may have some flu like symptoms In 1 in 200 cases, the virus destroys parts of the nervous system, causing permanent paralysis in the legs or arms Although very rare, the virus can attack the parts of the brain that help you breathe, which can cause death Although the last confirmed case of poliomyelitis from wild poliovirus in the Region of the Americas occurred in 1991, the threat continues Despite efforts to eradicate it, there continue to exist children with permanent paralysis due to this virus in some Asian countries. Because of the risk of importation, the leading risk factor for children under 5 years of age to acquire this disease is low vaccination coverage.

Polio is INCURABLE, prevention is the only cure!

In support of the End Polio Now campaign o Rotary International and the celebration of Worl Polio Day, the Rotary Club of Narvaca spearheaded the "Padyak to End Polio Now project last October 23, 2022. Participated by bik enthusiasts from Narvacan and Rotarians th

Still part in the celebration of World Polio Day and to help in ending polio now, RC Narvacan had the anti polio vaccination campaign last October 21, 2022, at Narvacan, Ilocos Sur. This endeavor aims to boost immunization coverage against polio by giving free doses of the oral polio vaccine to all children five years old and below. the activity was in partnership with the DOH, PHO Ilocos Sur, and RHU Narvacan

Disease Prevention & Treatment

Disaster DResponse isaster Response

Around 200 patients and clients of Nagbukel, Ilocos Sur who were victims of the earthquake that struck the provinces of Abra and Ilocos Sur availed of medical and health services from the Philippine Red Cross I(PRC) locos Sur Chapter Health Caravan on October 29, 2022

The Health Caravan serves as the conduit for the delivery of basic health services to the most vulnerable communities

Through its endeavor, the Philippine Red Cross promotes and protects health and prevents diseases In partnership with the local government units, the Southern Ilocos Sur and the Ilocos Sur Medical Societies,the Rotary Club of Narvacan,and other organizations, the PRC Ilocos Sur Chapter Health Caravan offers a combination of the following services: a health consultation, health and hygiene promotion, first aid lecture demonstration,Covid 19 vaccination, and bloodletting and blood typingservices. Hot meals and health kits are also distributed to participants in some areas

The PRC Ilocos Sur Health Caravan will be serving other areas that were hard hit bythe earthquake

The 120 day

Philippines started to roll. The team went to the 19 barangays of Narvacan where the 159 beneficiaries reside and fed them nutritious food. The feeding program was done three times a week and was brought to the barangays/homes of the children beneficiaries.

The menu consists of foods such as fish, vegetables, meat, eggs, rice, and pasta. Bread with cheese and low fat milk drinks were also given as morning and afternoon snacks. The food distributed was neatly prepared and placed in a sealed container to avoid contamination during transport/distribution.

Weight monitoring was done after a month's start of the program. The participating barangays have submitted individual monitoring reports with positive feedback. Amongst the 134 children that have been included in the nutrition program, 132, or an average of 98.50% have gained weight, and 1.5% have lost weight.

feeding activity of RTC Narvacan, RC Makati, Southern Ilocos Sur Medical Society, and Universal Leaf

Economic & DCommunity evelopment

In line with the area of focus on Community and Economic Development of Rotary International, Rotarian Richard Gomez of the Rotary Club of Narvavan served as a trainer in the recently concluded "Training in Meat Processing" in Madrid Spain. This endeavor is intended for Filipino Overseas Contract Workers in Spain as an alternative way of earning income The training was sponsored by POLO Madrid and OWWA Madrid

Rotarian in RAction otarian in Action

Known for his caliber in training people, PP Edwin Concepcion Jr. of the Rotary Club of Narvacan shared his knowledge during the 1st NSCC Youth Leadership for EnvironmentalandAgriculturalProtection and Sustainability (Y.L.E.A.P.S.) sponsored by NSCC. PP Edwin talked about leadership and imparted knowledge on howtobeaneffectiveleader

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