Raniag July 2020 RY 2020-2021 Issue

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R A N I AG The Official News Magazine of Rotary Club of Narvacan, Ilocos Sur July 2020 Edition , Rotary Year 2020-2021

Bringing you the latest news update of our club and featuring our projects and humble accomplishments for the month of July.

Facebook Group RC Narvacan













The Rotary Club of Narvacan was chartered and officially admitted membership to the Rotary International on June 12, 1996 under the sponsorship of its mother club, Rotary Club of Vigan, led by its President Danny dela Cruzad Rotary International District 3790 under the leadership of then governor Nelso Yutchungchan and AG Eddie Alcantara. The formation of the Club was initiated by a group of civic-minded businessmen and professionals in Burgos, Sta. Maria, Nagbukel and Narvacan, Ilocos Sur, with 25 charter members headed by its chapter president Juliet D. Viloria. Its first official meeting was held at the Balikbayan Hall located at San Jose, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur. The first induction was held at the Municipal Hall of Narvacan, Ilocos Sur.

The Club is at its 25 years of existence.

On December, 2009, the official logo was created after a contest was held for such propose. True to form and its commitment of Service Above Self, the club endured and continued to unselfishly conduct various community and humanitatrian projects in the community. As a consequence, the group Rotary Club became a by-word among the people and was gradually recognized in the community. WHAT WE DO Officers and Members of Rotary Club believe that we have a shared responsibility to take action for the betterment of our community. VISION The Rotary Club of Narvacan is a diverse group of leaders committed to making our local and global community a best place to live in Fellowship, we dedicate in engaging the communities to change lives for the better, and enrich ourselves with the sense of service above slef, for the good of humanity. MISSION To be in service, in the name of Truth, Fairness and Goodwill for the benefit of all.



IT’S MY TURN Mhelygene D. Tesoro-Ramos President, Rotary Club of Narvacan RY 2020-2021

“This is a changing world; we must be prepared to change with it. The story of Rotary will have to be written again and again.” – Paul Harris

Good day KaRotarians!

The world is in an awful state right now due to the novel coronavirus. Despite our hopes to a wonderful start of the year, we were instead directed to community lockdowns which have resulted in global economic turmoil, hunger, poverty, increase in crime rates, estranged relationships, activism, and the downfall of governments, among others. As Rotarians, we remain steadfast to our motto, “Service Above Self ” – a timeless manifestation of unwavering selfless volunteer service. With this unpleasant turning point in history, our role as Rotarians has expanded to a whole new level. 04 | RANIAG

Leadership has become more challenging in our midst. Rotarians all over the world are making a difference to combat the pandemic. I am more than proud that in our club, we joined hands to raise funds, to help provide medical supplies and food packs, and to promote awareness about the coronavirus. As fighting off diseases remains to be one of our causes, we continue to take action to address this pandemic with passion, sustainability, shared responsibility, and above all, with selflessness. No virus can ever stop us from doing what needs to be done, for this is the spirit of our organization’s existence. (Continued to next page)

Our commitment to solving these problems is in line with our primordial mission to provide service to others. We are here to inspire change, to build lives, and spark the future. Bear in mind that we are not only businessmen, professionals, or leaders in the field; we are gamechangers, and change-makers! We may be small in number, but such quantity is overridden by our big hearts committed to serve. We cannot do everything, but we can do something – and we will never refuse to do that something. With the indefatigable help of our members and our communities, I am confident that we can attain our goals, and that we can actually do so much more than we think we can accomplish. To push to our limits is part of the service we impart, and therefore I urge you to consistently participate in our activities to fuel more the burning passion for service we have inside of us. Let us skip the politics and focus on the needs of our communities especially at this time of crisis. Together, we can overcome this challenge.

I want to end this by highlighting our vision, and to remind all of you that there is this world right in front of us where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.

Yes, the story of Rotary will have to be written again and again because our commitment to service will never be mildewed by age, but will reverberate through time and across space.

Rotary has been working to eradicate polio for more than 30 years. Our goal of ridding the world of this disease is closer than ever. As a founding partner of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, we've reduced polio cases by 99.9 percent since our first project to vaccinate children in the Philippines in 1979. We've helped immunize more than 2.5 billion children in 122 countries. So far, Rotary has contributed more than $1.8 billion toward eradicating the disease worldwide. Today, polio remains endemic only in Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan. But it’s crucial to continue working to keep other countries polio-free. If all eradication efforts stopped today, within 10 years, polio could paralyze as many as 200,000 children each year.






MARIBEL CORRALES Assistant Treasurer


CHITA VALEROS Press Relations Officer

RAM RIGUNAY Business Manager






MARIA PAZ CACHOLA Public Relations




SERVICE ABOVE SELF EMIL AYSON JR. President - RY 2019 - 2020 Let me start my talk on my impressions before getting into the rotary club. Oftentimes, I noticed the landmarks established in strategic locations along the primary route. Questions were banging on my head. What does this implies to the public. Is there any special things in this rotary movement? It was beyond expectations that someday I will be a part My transfer of assignment gave me a step closer to the club. Through Mr. Gilbert “Bang” Cadacio, club secretary, introduced me to the club. I was hesitant then because of the notion that the members are those in the apex of society. Those who occupies high positions in public offices, persons of authorities and so on. In short, I declassified myself to become member of the prestigious club. Only after my rotarization that I realized further the nobility of the club. That membership is not exclusively for the well to do families and individuals or educated one. It was RY 2014 when I finally embrased and got inducted to the club. Designated as director for youth development which is relevant to my vocation. I actively participated in all the club activities. The inter club activities brought me to different venues that gave me opportunities to meet varied rc members from the other clubs in the district. Rotary connects the world was the shout out that inspired the rotary movement during the RY 2019 when I was given the

privilege to become the president. I know that it is not a joke to lead a group of men and women who are far matured in the rotary movement. I am a neophyte compared to them. However, each of them gave the assurance that they shall give 100% support. Indeed, my term of office was the time when Corona Virus or COVID 19 have threatened the world seriously. It open up opportunities to touch the lives of people, special the needy. The club have initiated projects and programs to respond to the effect of the pandemic. At this juncture, I wish to express my sincerest gratitude to all the officers and members of RC Narvacan for their full support, AG Marius for his relentless guidance, to our benefactors who have given their selfless assistance that leads to the realization of the club’s goals and objectives, and above all, to our God Almighty who blessed us and made all posibilities to live along the “SERVICE ABOVE SELF”. Now, I believed there are a lot of things that we need to put ourselves to do. Things that my administration may fall short or missed. All such things I now pass to PE Atty G., the full trust and confidence that she is much prepared and capable to propel the Rotary Club of Narvacan into higher level of achievements. I wish you the best and may God continue to bless us all. AGAIN, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!




On July 01, 2020, the officers and members of Rotary Club of Narvacan actively participated in the Simultaneous Backyard Gardening of all Rotary Chapters in District 3790 . This served as the Kick-off Project of the Club for Rotary Year 2020 - 2021. District 3790 is comprised of Rotary Club in the Provinces of Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, Abra, La Union, Mountain Province, Benguet, Pangasinan, Zambales, Bataan, Tarlac, and Pampanga. Due to the occurence of the coronavirus pandemic, officers and members utilized a software called Zoom for teleconferencing to gather online for the kick off activity for the Rotary Year 20202021. Members and officers were able to start their own backyard gardens. Starting your own backyard garden offers a lot of benefits: 08 | RANIAG



(1) It helps you eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, (2) it lessens the money you spend buying fruits and vegetables in the market, (3) it is beneficial in the protection of the environment and (4) it can reduce stress. Members of the Rotary Club of Narvacan shared their tips for those who are interested in starting their own backyard garden: • Start small and plant things you’d really like to eat. • Pick a spot with at least 6 hours of good daytime light and access to water. • Use contaminant-free soil. • Consider using a raised garden bed, which allows you to control the soil and nutrient blend. • Talk to farmers or other backyard gardeners in your area to get a sense of what grows well in your region and when. (See page 13 for the results) RANIAG | 09

Tesoro-Ramos New Prexy accepts responsibility Atty. Mhelygene D. Tesoro-Ramos, the Newly Eected President of Rotary Club of Narvacan accepted the responsibility from Emil Ayson Jr., the President of Rotary Year 2019-2020 on June 28, 2020 at Narvacan, Ilocos Sur. Other newly-elected officers were: President Elect Carlos Valera, Executive Secretary Edwin Concepcion Jr., Secretary Gilbert Cadacio, Treasurer Melody Cadacio, Asst. Treasurer Maribel Corrales, Auditor Reagan Louie Funtanilla, Press Relations Officer, Chita Valeros, Bus. Manager, Ram Rigunay, Sgt. At Arms.Jonathan Cabanada, Directors: Service - Estela Cabatu, Youth - Emilio Ayson Jr., Foundation - Gloria Corrales, Admin- Ma. Ellen Cabatu, PR- Maria Paz Cachola, Membership- Lilia Aquino, Protocol Officer- Arnel Alberto Cabatu. The new set of officers was dubbed as the Transforming Team. The new President, together with the new set of officers will be inducted on August 29, 2020 at Narvacan, Ilocos Sur.


RC Narvacan conducts Strategic Planning To provide a sense of direction and outline measurable goals, Rotary Club of Narvacan had its Strategic Planning on July 04, 2020, where officers and members identified and planned the various programs and projects of the Club for Rotary Year 2020-2021. The Officers and Members of the club patterned its activities and projects with the Presidential Theme for Rotary Year 2020-2021, “Rotary Opens Opportunities”. The theme invites Rotarians to create opportunities that strengthen their leadership, help put service ideas into action, and improve the lives of those in need. With this, the officers strategically planned sustainable projects that is beneficial to the community. Notable plans include, backyard gardening, planting of mahogany trees in Sulvec, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur, promoting health and wellness through various programs, community livelihood projects, scholarship, among others. With the challenge at hand brought about by the coronavirus pandemic, the officers designed a scheduled teleconference for their meetings and everyone was encouraged to use internet for faster transactions. To further connect all the officers, a Facebook Group had been made.



Mahogany Tree Planting Project


In Partnership with the Philippine Army and NTA, the Rotary Club of Narvacan planted mahogany trees in the mountains located in Sulvec Narvacan, Ilocos Sur on July 18, 2020. This is in line with their efforts to help in protecting our environment.

The importance of forests cannot be underestimated. We depend on forests for our survival, from the air we breathe to the wood we use. Besides providing habitats for animals and livelihoods for humans, forests also offer watershed protection, prevent soil erosion and mitigate climate change. Yet, despite our dependence on forests, we are still allowing them to disappear.

HARVEST TIME! After few weeks, members and officers of the Rotary Club of Narvacan started harvesting the fruits and vegetables of their own backyard garden.



• Rotary is not just a club that you join. It is an invitation to endless opportunities. It opens opportunities to serve in a project as big and historic as End Polio Now and also in a small community project, where you just plant a tree. • Rotary opens opportunities for you to live a richer, more meaningful life, with friends around the world, based on our core values. • Everything we do opens another opportunity for someone, somewhere. RANIAG | 13


NEW NORMAL. The Coronavirus Pandemic affected the day-to-day activities of people and this had challenged every organization as well on how they will continue implementing various programs and projects. With this, the term New Normal had been coined to summarize new part of our lives. Normalized precautions include: Wearing of face mask everytime you go out, oberserving physical distancing, frequent washing of hands and the prohibition of mass gathering. The members and officers Rotary Club of Narvacan need to stood still amidst this global challenge. New Normal for every business, work and industry includes the utilization of Internet connection to continue operating. As a club adapting to it, there were several instances wherein the club members and officers experience the transition to the new normal. Since there is no assurance yet whether or not the virus will be eradicated, the usage of Internet through various platforms for the conduct of activities and projects had been normalized. Traveling across provinces, regions and countries had been prohibited and in order to continue operating, clubs of the Rotary International found a way to keep their vision alive to every member and officer. The Rotary Club of Narvacan was able to conquer the limitations by finding ways to connect with each other. With the proper use of technology and platform, accomplishments include: Participation to DISTAS 2020, Grant Management Seminar, Meeting Online, Donating to Rotary Foundation and the creation of Facebook Group. 14 | RANIAG




EDITORIAL BOARD editor in chief Gilbert Cadacio contributors Ellen Cabatu Emil Ayson Ram Rigunay Reagan Louie Funtanilla lay-out artist Ritche Ramos

all rights reserved 2020

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