Diamond Magazine Edition 23 – November & December 2023

Page 39

Diamond Magazine

Employment and Notice Periods: What Are Your Options? It’s important to know your options when someone’s employment ends. Assuming notice will be required in order to conclude the employment relationship, the possibilities include: • Worked notice: the employee works their notice period and is paid as normal. By the last day of employment their notice period will have been worked (and paid) in full. • Waive notice: the employer and employee agree to reduce, or waive entirely, the notice period. This must be agreed by both parties. The employee’s notice period, and right to notice pay, is reduced/waived accordingly (different rules may apply if the employee is also getting an exit payment). • Garden leave: the employee is placed on garden leave for their notice period. The employee remains employed, and receives their usual salary and benefits,

but is not required to work. • Payment in lieu of notice (“PILON”): the employer terminates the employee’s employment immediately. Instead, they receive their full notice pay as a PILON (a PILON is often for basic pay only but this should always be checked). Keep in mind: • An employee is entitled to their full notice unless they have agreed otherwise. It’s also possible to combine the above: for example, someone works part of their notice period and is on garden leave for the remainder. • Don’t ‘double pay’: if someone works or is on garden leave for their entire notice period, they won’t also receive a PILON. • Always check the employment contract: some options should only be used where there is the relevant right in the employment contract/other agreement. Most well drafted contracts include

garden leave and PILON provisions. Normally, they’re exercisable at the employer’s sole discretion. As an employer, you should always (1) check the employment contract (2) consider the best approach to use and (3) confirm this in writing. If in doubt, get advice! www.pdt.co.uk

#StartUpSeptember Huge Success

The annual #StartUpSeptember campaign, pioneered by Let’s Do Business Group is designed to empower and support aspiring entrepreneurs and new businesses, with a dedicated programme throughout the month. This year's campaign featured an array of workshops, webinars, networking events, 1:1 support opportunities and free resources - all aimed at equipping

entrepreneurs with the knowledge and tools to succeed. Highlights of the campaign's success include; £544,000 approved and lent under the Start Up Loan Scheme to fuel the start-up ecosystem in our coverage areas During the month of September, Let’s Do Business Finance were able to approve and lend a massive £544,000 in funding to new businesses under the Government-backed Start Up Loan Scheme. 520+ Enquiries received for Start Up Support and finance under the Start Up Loan Scheme New and aspiring business owners got in touch about securing finance under the Start Up Loan Scheme and additional business support for their new business. 60 entrepreneurs supported to learn new skills through our free workshops A range of free skills-based workshops were available, with the aim to give aspiring entrepreneurs and new

business owners the tools to take control of their journey. Topics included Social Media Marketing, Business Planning, Finance and Accounting. 25 free 1:1 consultations delivered Business owners were invited to book a free 1:1 consultation with Business Coaches and Finance managers from Let’s Do Business Group and Let’s Do Business Finance, marketing experts from Let’s Do Marketing, and accountants from Ashdown Hurrey. These sessions provided the opportunity to ask any questions about starting or growing their business, and gain guidance on how to move forward. With the end of the #StartUpSeptember campaign for 2023, Let's Do Business Group is enthusiastic about the renewed sense of entrepreneurial spirit felt in the South East of England following a difficult period for enterprises in the last year. www.letsdobusinessgroup.co.uk



Articles inside

Diamond Magazine Edition 23 – November & December 2023

page 30

gdb welcomes new members

pages 42-43

Upcoming Events

pages 40-41

Employment and Notice Periods: What Are Your Options?

page 39

Navigating the Complex Landscape of Development and Stakeholder Engagement

page 35

3 things every organisation can learn from charity communications

page 35

Watch This Sp_ce found inspiration through Diamond Mentoring with Tomango

page 34

An opportunity to support your local community

pages 32-33

Unlocking Potential: Empowering Others with Coaching Conversations

page 32

Showcase your business

page 31

Why you might be wrong about The 80/20 Business Consultancy

page 30

The four ‘super’ actions for keeping on top of work email

pages 28-29

Cleankill wins national industry award

pages 26-27

Wild about Wellbeing

page 25

Small Business, Big Dreams: How Business Mentoring Ignites Growth

page 24

Celebrate in the heart of the Ashdown Forest this Christmas

page 23

Time to get more personal

page 22

Owning land as an investment

page 22


page 21

Funded business support

pages 16-20

From Kitchen Garden to Kitchen…

pages 14-15

Digital Transformation's Driving Force: The Role of Specialist IT Recruiters

page 13

The Newman Virtual Showroom Experience

pages 11-12

Your Voyage to Success

page 10

Award win for UK Growth Coach: Best SME Management Consultancy in Sussex

page 9

gdb Re-Energise Conference 2024

page 8

Introducing our new Client Relationship Managers

page 7


pages 4-6


page 3
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