Diamond Magazine Edition 23 – November & December 2023

Page 35

Diamond Magazine

3 things every organisation can learn from charity communications me&you works with many charities, helping them with their brand, communication and marketing challenges. Through this work, we have started to notice a few key things that every charity does to really help get their message heard and motivate their audience into action. And the good news is - these techniques are effective not

only for charities, but for businesses and organisations of every shape and size. Firstly, you must be Relevant. Earlier this year, we worked with Bowel Cancer UK to raise awareness of the key symptoms during bowel cancer awareness month. Based around the headline #KnowTheHigh5, the campaign messaging was completely relevant to their target audience. From the campaign title, throughout the creative and communication, it was very clear what we were talking about and what we were asking the audience to do. As a result, Bowel Cancer UK exceeded their engagement targets during that month. Secondly, your communications should be Emotive. Look Good Feel Better is a charity that runs workshops for people going through the very traumatic process of chemotherapy, showing them

how to effectively apply makeup and wigs to help boost their confidence. Look Good Feel Better employ hugely effective storytelling techniques across their social media to raise awareness and attract workshop signups. And lastly, be Distinct. Kent Surrey Sussex Air Ambulance really know how to stand out by using a strong, vibrant colour palette and creative visuals across all their marketing material. Their helicopters are easily spotted as they fly through the skies. So, being Relevant, Emotive and Distinct are three ways that can help, not just charities, but every organisation, create truly effective communications. If you want to know more, or would like help with your brand communications, email matt@meandyou.co.uk or visit meandyou.co.uk

Navigating the Complex Landscape of Development and Stakeholder Engagement As we head closer to the next General Election the call for new homes and infrastructure development across the region has never been louder. Silverstone Communications understands the critical role of stakeholder engagement in bridging the divide between progress and community well-being. Good development will only happen by finding common ground with all the stakeholders involved. “Development is a double-edged sword. While it promises growth, it can also lead to challenges, particularly when it overlooks the needs and concerns of the community. This is where stakeholder engagement enters the picture” says Geri Silverstone the Chief Executive of Silverstone Communications. Long gone are the days when developers could get away with Deciding Announcing and then Defending (DAD) their schemes. It has now been replaced

with a process that revolves around Listening to, Engaging with, and Learning from communities that will be directly affected by their development project. Engaging with these stakeholders is not merely a regulatory requirement but a moral imperative, reflecting the commitment of Silverstone Communications to responsible and sustainable development. Step1 – Listening. It involves actively seeking out the concerns, needs, and aspirations of the community. By listening to these voices, we can identify potential issues and areas of improvement. Step2 – Engaging. The bridge that connects the aspirations of business owners with the welfare of the community. It's about fostering open, transparent communication and collaboration. We facilitate discussions, provide information, and build a sense of shared ownership.

Step3 – Learning. Turning stakeholder engagement into an ongoing process. By actively incorporating feedback and insights, we ensure that our clients’ projects align with the evolving needs of the community. Development, guided by precision and effective stakeholder engagement, is a vehicle for a brighter, more prosperous future for all. www.silverstonecommunications.co.uk hello@silverstonecommunications.co.uk



Articles inside

Diamond Magazine Edition 23 – November & December 2023

page 30

gdb welcomes new members

pages 42-43

Upcoming Events

pages 40-41

Employment and Notice Periods: What Are Your Options?

page 39

Navigating the Complex Landscape of Development and Stakeholder Engagement

page 35

3 things every organisation can learn from charity communications

page 35

Watch This Sp_ce found inspiration through Diamond Mentoring with Tomango

page 34

An opportunity to support your local community

pages 32-33

Unlocking Potential: Empowering Others with Coaching Conversations

page 32

Showcase your business

page 31

Why you might be wrong about The 80/20 Business Consultancy

page 30

The four ‘super’ actions for keeping on top of work email

pages 28-29

Cleankill wins national industry award

pages 26-27

Wild about Wellbeing

page 25

Small Business, Big Dreams: How Business Mentoring Ignites Growth

page 24

Celebrate in the heart of the Ashdown Forest this Christmas

page 23

Time to get more personal

page 22

Owning land as an investment

page 22


page 21

Funded business support

pages 16-20

From Kitchen Garden to Kitchen…

pages 14-15

Digital Transformation's Driving Force: The Role of Specialist IT Recruiters

page 13

The Newman Virtual Showroom Experience

pages 11-12

Your Voyage to Success

page 10

Award win for UK Growth Coach: Best SME Management Consultancy in Sussex

page 9

gdb Re-Energise Conference 2024

page 8

Introducing our new Client Relationship Managers

page 7


pages 4-6


page 3
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