Diamond Magazine Edition 23 – November & December 2023

Page 32


Unlocking Potential: Empowering Others with Coaching Conversations

Leaders often tell us that their operational demands leave little time for the type of creative thinking they’d like to do. Developing coaching skills can empower your teams to come up with their own solutions, which can free you

up and potentially increase the levels of creativity and innovation within your organisation. Here’s our guide to getting started with a coaching-style conversation. 1. Cultivate curiosity. Instead of having your own solutions in mind, be genuinely curious about the other person’s ideas. 2. Ask open questions. Instead of a yes or no answer, ask open questions that invite consideration. 3. Let go of being right. While success in the past may have stemmed from having right answers, experiment with not knowing. 4. Trust your team. Know that your people can come up with great ideas given the space and support. 5. Practice listening. Listening is one of the most under-used skills, but it can be improved with practice. When someone else is speaking, tune fully into what

they’re saying instead of thinking about your response. When it’s your turn to speak, follow your curiosity and ask an open question about what they’ve just said. 6. Don’t let the first answer be the final answer. Practice saying ‘And what else?’ to generate more thinking. You’ll be surprised at what comes up. 7. Be discerning about when you use coaching skills. Coaching can and should sit alongside more directive approaches and training. Don’t worry if these skills don’t come naturally; it can take time to get comfortable with using a coaching style. To support you as you develop your skills, consider getting yourself some developmental coaching. To find out more about what we do at Kinkajou, including our coach-as-leader coaching, visit kinkajouconsulting.com

An opportunity to support your local community At Sussex Community Foundation we are committed to grant-making to enable and empower our amazing local charities and community groups. We are now excited to announce a huge opportunity to grow philanthropic support in Sussex even further with the Lawson Trust Endowment Match Challenge. How does it work? Until 1 October 2024, The Lawson Trust will add 50% to new donations to Sussex Community Foundation up to a maximum pledge of £500,000. Funds will be invested for long-term sustainability with a percentage of the capital used each year for grant-making to create life-changing impact for people across Sussex. Key Information on the Match Challenge • Donations must be given to endowment funds at Sussex Community Foundation.


Diamond Magazine

• The challenge is open to individuals & families, charitable trusts and businesses. • New donors can establish their very own fund with donation from £25,000 (or £100,000 if involved in selecting grants). • Existing fundholders can top-up from £10,000. • The maximum amount of match available is £50,000 per fund. • Donations from £10,000 will also be accepted into our pooled fund. This is an unrivalled opportunity to change Sussex for the better, for years to come, and get maximum impact from your investment. What next? Whether you’re considering working with Sussex Community Foundation for the first time, are an existing donor or provide financial, tax or legal advice for your clients, just get in touch to find out more. Contact: Stephen Chamberlain, Head Philanthropy,

stephen.chamberlain@sussexgiving. org.uk sussexgiving.org.uk/give-toyour-community/how-to-give/ lawsonmatchchallenge

Lunch Positive Brighton and Hove

Articles inside

Diamond Magazine Edition 23 – November & December 2023

page 30

gdb welcomes new members

pages 42-43

Upcoming Events

pages 40-41

Employment and Notice Periods: What Are Your Options?

page 39

Navigating the Complex Landscape of Development and Stakeholder Engagement

page 35

3 things every organisation can learn from charity communications

page 35

Watch This Sp_ce found inspiration through Diamond Mentoring with Tomango

page 34

An opportunity to support your local community

pages 32-33

Unlocking Potential: Empowering Others with Coaching Conversations

page 32

Showcase your business

page 31

Why you might be wrong about The 80/20 Business Consultancy

page 30

The four ‘super’ actions for keeping on top of work email

pages 28-29

Cleankill wins national industry award

pages 26-27

Wild about Wellbeing

page 25

Small Business, Big Dreams: How Business Mentoring Ignites Growth

page 24

Celebrate in the heart of the Ashdown Forest this Christmas

page 23

Time to get more personal

page 22

Owning land as an investment

page 22


page 21

Funded business support

pages 16-20

From Kitchen Garden to Kitchen…

pages 14-15

Digital Transformation's Driving Force: The Role of Specialist IT Recruiters

page 13

The Newman Virtual Showroom Experience

pages 11-12

Your Voyage to Success

page 10

Award win for UK Growth Coach: Best SME Management Consultancy in Sussex

page 9

gdb Re-Energise Conference 2024

page 8

Introducing our new Client Relationship Managers

page 7


pages 4-6


page 3
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