Diamond Magazine Edition 23 – November & December 2023

Page 30


Why you might be wrong about The 80/20 Business Consultancy

If I had a pound every time someone said, ‘oh you’re like a company doctor then’, I certainly wouldn’t be spending just the one week in the sun this Christmas.

Yet, although wholly wrong, I can see why it might be a soothing idea. After all, to be a doctor, would be to infer some higher knowledge of the inner workings of the company’s ‘body’. And what more soothing an idea could there be for someone who is struggling to understand why their business is not doing better. But let me tell you why this doesn’t work.

Extensive research shows the 2 things a business must get right - is strategy and then the ability to execute Just like the doctor saying ‘ah Mrs X, if you were to lose some weight, your back problem would stop’, or ‘but Mr Z, if you were to exercise some more your BMI and heart risk would drop’, when advice comes from someone else, someone outside so to speak, the chances of us adopting their idea is far less appealing than if we have the idea ourselves. Which leads me to WHAT IT IS we do, and why it works. Extensive research shows the 2 things a business must get right - no matter whether a small turnover business or a


Diamond Magazine

much larger one - is strategy and then the ability to execute. Put another way, an idea of where they want to go and the route to get there, plus the ability to then make a start and then manage the steps on an ongoing basis, even to keep going when things get rough. Yet the same research says that companies can rarely do both, certainly nowhere near as well as they need to do. Normally one side of the equation is stronger than the other and for various reasons. Which is why we help companies work out where the blockages are in strategy, and in execution. We do it by asking the right questions and challenging the teams to think of ways they can address what’s missing. And because we are highly experienced in business, we tend to know the right questions to ask.

They come up with their ideas and because they are their ideas, they tend far more often to then do something with them. But why do they need us to do this if they already have the insights? Simply because most businesses, and by extension, their people, are: • Subjective, not objective • Biased and judgemental • Blinkered to how things have always been rather than open and curious to new ways • Too busy to stop and face the uncomfortable questions that should be addressed, rather than prepared to take the time to think expansively This is where we are expert at what we do. We understand the people side of business and are happy to ask the uncomfortable question. Experience shows us that’s what gets people the results they want. So, be brave - give us a call in 2024. 07841 579 888 www.8020consultancy.com

Articles inside

Diamond Magazine Edition 23 – November & December 2023

page 30

gdb welcomes new members

pages 42-43

Upcoming Events

pages 40-41

Employment and Notice Periods: What Are Your Options?

page 39

Navigating the Complex Landscape of Development and Stakeholder Engagement

page 35

3 things every organisation can learn from charity communications

page 35

Watch This Sp_ce found inspiration through Diamond Mentoring with Tomango

page 34

An opportunity to support your local community

pages 32-33

Unlocking Potential: Empowering Others with Coaching Conversations

page 32

Showcase your business

page 31

Why you might be wrong about The 80/20 Business Consultancy

page 30

The four ‘super’ actions for keeping on top of work email

pages 28-29

Cleankill wins national industry award

pages 26-27

Wild about Wellbeing

page 25

Small Business, Big Dreams: How Business Mentoring Ignites Growth

page 24

Celebrate in the heart of the Ashdown Forest this Christmas

page 23

Time to get more personal

page 22

Owning land as an investment

page 22


page 21

Funded business support

pages 16-20

From Kitchen Garden to Kitchen…

pages 14-15

Digital Transformation's Driving Force: The Role of Specialist IT Recruiters

page 13

The Newman Virtual Showroom Experience

pages 11-12

Your Voyage to Success

page 10

Award win for UK Growth Coach: Best SME Management Consultancy in Sussex

page 9

gdb Re-Energise Conference 2024

page 8

Introducing our new Client Relationship Managers

page 7


pages 4-6


page 3
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