Diamond Magazine Edition 23 – November & December 2023

Page 22


Owning land as an investment subsidies are paid and made available to farmers and landowners. Many such schemes now focus on maintaining and increasing the environmental output of the land, whether through management of existing or creation of new habitats. The (albeit delayed) introduction of Biodiversity Net Gain to planning requirements adds further opportunities for landowners. Land has generally always been seen as a good investment, but have you ever stopped to wonder why and what headline benefits owning your own small (or large) part of South East England might bring? Income streams Following Brexit, swathing changes have been introduced to the way that

Succession planning Consideration should always be given to the next generation, and it is always sensible to ensure that your Will is up to date. Owning farmland adds another element to this as qualifying farmland can receive complete 100% relief from Inheritance Tax. There are a number of requirements to comply with to benefit from the relief and suitable tax advice should always be taken.

Development General Permitted Development exists to make certain types of development quicker and easier. One such option which is used frequently in respect of certain agricultural buildings is Class Q which enables development from agriculture to a residential dwelling. As with all points in this article, planning advice should be sought at an early stage before any works are carried out to ensure compliance with all requirements. There are many more benefits to owning land than the word limit of this article permits. As Jeremy Clarkson has said in relation to the purchase of Diddly Squat, “nobody’s making more land, so its as well to buy it” and once you have you can be truly outstanding in your field. www.birketts.co.uk

Time to get more personal Personalised marketing is a strategy used to create tailored content based on visitor data, including buying habits, needs, likes, dislikes and personal information. This data is then used to deliver content that is personal to that particular audience. Essentially, it’s all about delivering the right message to the right audience. In today's highly competitive landscape, companies can gain an advantage from applying personalisation to their marketing: • Enhances customer engagement • Improves customer loyalty • Higher conversion rates • Reduced unsubscribes • Valuable data insights Customers don’t just want personalisation, they demand it. 71% expect some form of personalised interaction and if this doesn’t happen, 76% are left feeling frustrated. So, how do you personalise your


Diamond Magazine

marketing? Start with data Collect as much information as possible on customer demographics, purchase history, website behaviour, and engagement metrics to develop detailed buyer personas, a topic we explored in a previous article. Note: Always prioritise data privacy and consent. Segmentation Segment your customer base based on common characteristics or behaviours, allowing you to create more targeted marketing campaigns.

platforms to deliver personalised messages at the right time and through the most appropriate channels.

Customised messaging Tailor your content and marketing messages to each segment by creating personalised product recommendations, email subject lines, or website content.

Key takeaway Personalisation is about making meaningful connections with consumers – a one-size-fits-all strategy isn’t good enough. It is fundamental to driving sales, boosting engagement, improving customer loyalty and overall business success.

Automation Leverage marketing automation

Read the full article at: scaramanga.agency/insights

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Articles inside

Diamond Magazine Edition 23 – November & December 2023

page 30

gdb welcomes new members

pages 42-43

Upcoming Events

pages 40-41

Employment and Notice Periods: What Are Your Options?

page 39

Navigating the Complex Landscape of Development and Stakeholder Engagement

page 35

3 things every organisation can learn from charity communications

page 35

Watch This Sp_ce found inspiration through Diamond Mentoring with Tomango

page 34

An opportunity to support your local community

pages 32-33

Unlocking Potential: Empowering Others with Coaching Conversations

page 32

Showcase your business

page 31

Why you might be wrong about The 80/20 Business Consultancy

page 30

The four ‘super’ actions for keeping on top of work email

pages 28-29

Cleankill wins national industry award

pages 26-27

Wild about Wellbeing

page 25

Small Business, Big Dreams: How Business Mentoring Ignites Growth

page 24

Celebrate in the heart of the Ashdown Forest this Christmas

page 23

Time to get more personal

page 22

Owning land as an investment

page 22


page 21

Funded business support

pages 16-20

From Kitchen Garden to Kitchen…

pages 14-15

Digital Transformation's Driving Force: The Role of Specialist IT Recruiters

page 13

The Newman Virtual Showroom Experience

pages 11-12

Your Voyage to Success

page 10

Award win for UK Growth Coach: Best SME Management Consultancy in Sussex

page 9

gdb Re-Energise Conference 2024

page 8

Introducing our new Client Relationship Managers

page 7


pages 4-6


page 3
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