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Clinic Lemanic Magazine

P. 24 INTERVIEW WITH DARRELL JACOBS Clinic Lémanic’s CEO. P. 26 INTERVIEW WITH DR VÉRONIQUE EMMENEGGER Aesthetics is not a sin. P. 28 INTERVIEW WITH JIM ALEXANDER JACOBS Future is in safe hands! P. 30 INTERVIEW WITH ANASTASIA DUBOIS-FOURNIER Head of Foreign Clients. P. 32 INTERVIEW WITH JINLING CHENG An unusual career. P. 34 INTERVIEW WITH FRÉDÉRIC RIVOALAN Cosmetic and plastic surgeon. P. 36 INTERVIEW WITH DR ATHANASIA PAPATHANASIOU Devoting herself to preventative medicine. P. 38 LASER THERAPIES Can work wonders in the hands of professionals. P. 40 SUPERBLY NATURAL HAIR For each and every patient. P. 42 A FRESH LOOK At cosmetic procedures. P. 44 WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF SKINCARE Personalized formulas as unique as your skin. P. 46 EVERY WOMAN CAN HAVE BEAUTIFUL BREASTS Let’s take a closer look. P. 48 PERFECT LIFT, INNOVATIVE PROCEDURES Lifts make invasive surgery a thing of the past.

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P. 50 THE RISE OF THE RHINOPLASTY Is surgery the only solution? Not necessarily. P. 54 FOODS THAT CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY... Yes, please! P. 55 SLIMMING DETOX Lose weight efficiently and without risk. P. 56 TREAT YOURSELF TO A DETOX PROGRAMME And rediscover your zest for life. P. 58 HEALTH BOOST An innovative response to functional disorders.

P. 59 SHOOPING HEALTHBOOST 100% natural boosters for your wellbeing. P. 60 MASTERCRYO An innovative new anti-ageing treatment.

P. 61 TIME FOR A CHECK-UP! Health is the greatest wealth - let’s cherish it. P. 62 NO NEED TO SUFFER FOR BEAUTY Dream body without having to suffer? P. 64 SLEEP DISORDERS Cause a lot of suffering, but they can be cured.

P. 66 SUBTLE GLOW Shopping make-up. P. 68 PASSION ROSE A BOUQUET OF EMOTIONS Shopping perfumes. P. 70 DOLCE VITA ON THE SWISS RIVIERA With Heidi Lushtaku. P. 78 SHARON STONE Solid as a rock.

P. 82 THE AMAL CLOONEY EFFECT High Fashion and Human Rights.

P. 124 HAUTE JEWELLERY Unveils its dazzling beauty.

P. 160 KRAMER KRIEG Suppliers of high-quality stationery.

P. 84 OLGA KURYLENKO Multi-faceted heroine.

P. 134 CARL F. BUCHERER Treasuring Values since 1888.

P. 162 PORSCHE Our chosen family.

P. 86 BEN JACOBS One to Watch.

P. 136 LES AMBASSADEURS The Leading House of Leading Names.

P. 164 EDITIONS MANCASSOLA Building international influence.

P. 88 THE LAUSANNE OPERA Almost 150 years of history.

P. 138 KOENIG Fit for a King!

P. 166 RÉGIE DUBOUX Real estate leader in your region

P. 90 GAUTIER CAPUÇON A cellist of international renown.

P. 140 HUBLOT’S COLLEGE DU LEMAN BIG BANG An iconic limited edition timepiece.

P. 168 DOMAINE BURNIER Fine wines of Russia.

P. 92 RUSSIAN MUSIC SCHOOL An inside look.

P. 142 ANDREAS GMUR A custom jewel that fulfils your dreams.

P. 170 HOTEL PRESIDENT WILSON A Luxury Collection Hotel, Geneva.

P. 96 JIA YONG SUN Ballet star.

P. 144 VINCENT MICHEL Jeweller by vocation.

P. 172 PARADIS BEACHCOMBER For an exclusive stay in Mauritius.

P. 100 LIU WEN Chinese Top Model on her way up.

P. 146 YVAN MONNET Beautifully constructed watches.

P. 102 THE LEGENDARY RESTAURANT IN CRISSIER A source of great pride for the Swiss.

P. 148 PINEL & PINEL Leather goods with a timely new twist.

P. 176 EVENTS - Clinic Lémanic’s 20 years Gala at the Opéra de Lausanne.

P. 104 OLIVIER DUFRENNE Shares his table.

P. 150 DE MARQUET Leather goods with a timely new twist.

P. 106 LAUSANNE PALACE A century of splendidness.

P. 152 AUTHENTIQUES PARIS Made in France luxury accessories.

P. 184 POP ART SUNBURST Shopping fashion.

P. 110 FINDING THE RIGHT BALANCE Interview with Ivan Rivier.

P. 154 LINÉA-DÉCO Create an interior that expresses your personality.


P. 112 THE NÉGRESCO A jewel in the Riviera’s crown.


P. 116 PURE BEAUTY 2 Beauty editorial.

P. 158 INTERIORS TO DELIGHT THE SENSES L’Esprit Cocon’s custom scented candles.

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- Clinic Lémanic by Blush Magazine launch at Bentley Lausanne. - La Crème, Shanghai Launch.

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s a publishing house, we are happy to share our vision of beauty in all its forms with the prestigious Clinic Lémanic of Lausanne. I give warm thanks to its owners and founders Doctor Véronique Emmenegger and Mr. Darrell Jacobs, for their continuing confidence during the creation of this second edition. The brand image of Clinic Lémanic combines perfectly with that of our editorial staff, equally present in Switzerland and worldwide. This collaboration has allowed us to interview international stars for this magazine, including the James Bond Girl Olga Kurylenko, the virtuoso Renaud Capuçon and the choreographer Jya Yong Sun, principal dancer of the prestigious Béjart Ballet, Lausanne. You will discover in this edition not only the best treatments practiced in preventive, regenerative and aesthetic medicine at Clinic Lémanic, but also exceptional artists, artisans and expertise. In this edition, follow us from Nice to Moscow via Lausanne, for an invitation to a dream voyage of excellence.

Photos © Sandra Fourqui

Grégory Ayoun Editor-in-chief

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RUE DU RHÔNE 62, 1204 GENÈVE +41 22 318 62 22 GENÈVE






ear Readers,

We are proud and happy to present the second edition of Clinic Lémanic Magazine. For more than twenty years, we have strived for the wellbeing and beauty of our patients. In this magazine, we share our passion for cosmetics and health, along with our love of art and culture. We are delighted to present our flagship anti-ageing treatments and introduce our most recent advances in medical and cosmetic dermatology. We also wish to introduce personalites we are attached to from the world of culture and the arts. The classical musician Gautier Capuçon, the actress Sharon Stone and the chef Franck Giovannini are all leaders in their fields at an international level. From different worlds, they reflect the diversity of our clientele. Moreover, as the family spirit is one of the main characteristics of our establishment, we wish to give voice to members of our personnel. The twenty successful years of Clinic Lémanic we of course owe to you, our patients, who have given us your trust and who continue to do so. It is through you that we are able to place the individual at the centre of our preoccupations. It is thanks to your fidelity that we can continue to offer you the best treatments. For this and much else, we express our thanks. We wish you all much pleasure in the pages of this magazine and look forward to greeting you again soon.

Dr Véronique Emmenegger & Darrell Jacobs, co-founders and owners of Clinic Lémanic

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Maintaining Identity by Controlled Growth

Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Darrell Jacobs, CEO, is satisfied with Clinic Lémanic’s progress over the last twenty years and is serene about the next twenty. The Swiss clinic’s reputation is due to its family atmosphere and its excellence. You just celebrated Clinic Lémanic’s 20th anniversary, what does the event mean to you? It’s an anniversary of longevity and growth. In twenty years, we’ve progressed from a “small” medical practice to the large structure of a clinic. What was especially surprising for me in this change was the reputation that we have acquired over the years, especially internationally. How has aesthetic medicine evolved during these years? Even a few years ago, aesthetic medicine was mostly for the affluent. Now, it’s generally accepted that this type of medicine is more affordable. In one sense, this is true and in some ways it’s positive. But on the other hand we should make no mistake: quality always has a price. Advanced technologies are expensive and only highly qualified personnel can use these new machines. In a market that has become highly competitive, doctors have a crucial role to play: they guarantee quality care. How does Clinic Lémanic meet this evolution? Twenty years ago, Clinic Lémanic pioneered laser treatments in Switzerland. Today our ambition remains the same: to be at the vanguard of anti-ageing medicine and offer quality care to our patients.

This means that we propose the best treatments at the crossroads of beauty and health. Anti-ageing, in fact, concerns the person as a whole, the human being considered in his or her totality. To adequately respond to our patients requests about anti-ageing, we must establish a partnership built on confidence. Clinic Lémanic, with its human-sized structure and its family spirit, clearly has its place as a choice partner in Switzerland. On the other hand, aren’t “low cost” cosmetic surgery offers multiplying? Patients should resist this deceptive appeal. Who can believe that quality will be respected with offers of cut-price treatments? And the problems often show up afterwards. In the case of approximate treatments or low-cost care, the results can be durably problematical. I hence recommend to undergo cosmetic surgery only with certified professionals, who can ensure that they work in optimum conditions of safety and – this is indispensable – who guarantee postoperative follow-up. Medical procedures are not haircuts that can be changed whenever the fancy takes you. For the last few years, the number of Asian patients has increased and they are becoming more exacting. It is even said that they will soon - 24 -

outnumber North American patients. What is your view? On the one hand, there are many more Asians than North Americans and their financial potential is growing. On the other, they are very interested in beauty care and their demand for quality is huge. They don’t hesitate to go to several countries to compare offers. Obviously, these clients are more affluent than the average. At Clinic Lémanic, we are lucky to welcome these patients in addition to all the others coming from different places in the world – and of course, also from Switzerland. Why do so many foreigners come to Clinic Lémanic? In Switzerland, in the Lake Geneva region in particular, we have been reputed for many decades for anti-ageing medicine and research in this field. People also come to us, above all, for safety and the quality of care and services, things that can’t necessarily be found elsewhere. Clinic Lémanic fully reflects these Swiss values. What are the new markets that you are developing for your anti-age treatments and your line of cosmetics? Markets are more changeable than before. What I can say is that we’re planning the opening of several sales outlets worldwide. There we will offer our line of cosmetics

and our Health Boost dietary supplements, a brand new line of micro-nutrition products to restore the body’s natural balance. As for our anti-age flagship product La Crème, it’s already available in other countries outside Switzerland, including Russia and China. Other plans? Yes, to go on a holiday or take a break for several months! (Laughter) Seriously though, we’re going to further enrich our line of cosmetics and natural supplements, at the same time as our offer of anti-ageing, preventive and cosmetic medical care. We’ve had several proposals for partnerships, for opening subsidiaries or even offers to buy our clinic! We’ve always refused in order to remain completely independent. For the time being, we believe that our independence and the family spirit are two paramount factors, proof of quality, specific to Clinic Lémanic and absolutely unique in Switzerland. During the next twenty years, naturally, some things may change… What else may we wish you? Twenty more years of additional activities, perhaps with a handover in a few years, the management taken over by our children?

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Clinic Lemanic Magazine


Aesthetics is not a sin

as long as you keep an eye on your health too

Dr Véronique Emmenegger has always stood up for an aesthetic medicine based on scientific, medical knowledge and one that does not endanger a patient’s health or safety. An interview with Clinic Lémanic’s co-founder and medical director. BY LAURE DELVIGO. As an aesthetic dermatologist, what connection do you see between medicine and aesthetics? For more than 20 years now I have been fighting to get aesthetics included in professional medicine. It is important that doctors trained in the health field maintain control over aesthetics and the new “Better Ageing” trend. At Clinic Lémanic, we firmly believe in the two, complementary lines we have developed: aesthetics on the one hand but also the medical knowledge and scientific support upon which it is based and which make it credible. Dermatology has an important role to play in this rediscovery of the link between health and beauty. This link is something the Millennial and Perennial generations worry about a great deal. They are equally concerned about their health and their appearance. Given that the skin is the first visible sign of health, the dermatologist is particularly well-placed to make an early, medical diagnosis leading to safe and bespoke aesthetic treatment. You mentioned Perennials. How do you define this new trend? Perennials are people who don’t consider themselves “old” at 60 or even “getting on” at 50. These days we don’t change much physically between the ages of 40 to 60. Life expectancy has increased and people want to “age better”. This “Better Aging” trend is largely due to the progress made in anti-aging techniques and aesthetic medicine, but advances in regenerative medicine also play their part for example.

So what about the Millennials then? It’s the generation of young people who start looking after their skin from the age of 20. This is a worldwide trend that applies to both sexes. With the globalisation, mobility and interaction, this new generation of globe-trotters looks after itself and doesn’t have any taboos as far as beauty is concerned. This trend has been seen among men too who are no longer ashamed about making an effort with their appearance. Millennials worry a lot about their health because their looks play an important part in their social life, particularly in the age of social networks. That’s why this trend focusses on both beauty treatments and preventive medicine. In the major medical conferences there is a great deal of talk about the potential of stem cells. What is your opinion on this? Doctors do, indeed, hold out great hope for stem cells, not only as far as the skin is concerned which, as a dermatologist, is obviously of interest to me, but also internal organs in general for the future. Discoveries have already enabled techniques that are less invasive than surgery to be perfected. In the future, this will lead to major changes in all fields of medicine. Of course, this research needs to be structured to avoid any abuses and, above all, a two-tier, or even more, medical service. The future of these discoveries for medicine lies in the legislation framing it, and on that matter, there are major differences between countries…

What new things will we discover in Clinic Lémanic in the next years? We have just launched our own brand of cosmetics and a new line of natural dietary supplements. Our “Better-Ageing” programmes have been updated recently with the latest discoveries in regenerative medicine. And, of course, we have lots of other projects under way which we will talk about when the time comes. Each product that we design bears the stamp of the strong and inalienable link between aesthetics and medicine. After years of being dictated to in terms of beauty, we have now seen the rise of the opposite trend: individual choice. Does that have implications for your practice? The notion of bodily beauty varies according to periods, cultures, religions and climate. In Brazil, for example, it’s hot and people are always barely dressed so the body is important in a different way than it is in Europe. For a long time, our patients’ requests mainly concerned their faces; now people have become much more individualist and follow their own rules. That’s why I believe beauty criteria will constantly evolve. While the world is gradually freeing itself from the diktat of advertising images or the latest fashions, each of us still needs to find a way to be in harmony with ourselves and with others. It’s not easy to find a balance between our external representation and our own idea about who we are. You might be in very good health but feel your physical appearance doesn’t reflect this. You might want to correct out- 27 -

er imperfections or simply stay in shape through preventive treatments. Whatever your situation, the doctor you turn to must have a sound understanding of the nuances and almost an artist’s sensitivity because they are being asked to touch the inner self of the patient. What techniques would you recommend to patients who want to find this balance in a body sculpted to reflect their personality? There is a great deal of reliable technology to shape and tone the body. There are machines that use radio frequencies, ultrasound or lasers to act on the various layers of the skin. Other, very interesting techniques use alternating cold and hot temperatures, operating at an in-depth level, directly on fat in a non-invasive way. The use of light in medicine is not only painless but also has great potential in the fields of inflammation, regeneration and speeding up the healing of wounds. And we’re only just getting started! The best results are always obtained by knowing how to combine various techniques. The experience and skill of the doctor make all the difference, and not just the brand of equipment used. The machine will never exceed the talent of a practitioner – that too is the beauty of our profession!


Clinic Lémanic’s future is in safe hands!

Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Jim Alexander Jacobs, the oldest son of the founders of Clinic Lémanic, began medical studies before setting his sights on the Business School in St Gallen. His dream is to one day take over the running of the clinic. Before that, he wants to finish his studies, gain some professional experience and travel. You are a young student who has followed quite an unusual path; tell us about it. After passing my international baccalaureate, I studied medicine for two years. Then I decided to change paths. For a year I took up a temporary position in communications and marketing at Clinic Lémanic. The work really opened my eyes to the world of communication and business. In 2018, I was accepted at St Gallen University’s Business School. What did you learn from your experience at Clinic Lémanic? The experience made me grow up a lot. It was a big challenge for me as far as the clinic and my family were concerned, and I loved it. I learned how marketing works; the rules of communication, relations with the media and following-up. I had to measure up to what had been done before me and carry on the good work. The thing that stands out the most I think was the flexibility to handle several priorities at the same time. What values did your parents pass on to you? To be optimistic, to work hard and, above all, to be consistent. My parents also taught me the

meaning of respect and a desire to help others whenever we are able to. You grew up in a multicultural context; what did that teach you? I think it made me more open-minded. I can interact with just about anyone. Why did you switch academic courses? My initial interest in medicine came from having the example of my mother as a doctor right in front of my eyes and her enthusiasm was inspiring. But I didn’t see all the aspects of the profession. Also, I liked science at school, but I never saw myself working in a laboratory or all alone in an office some day. That’s why medicine seemed like a good compromise between scientific studies and a job where I would be in contact with people. After two years at university I hadn’t found what I was looking for. I couldn’t see myself as a doctor; I discovered I simply didn’t have the vocation! So I decided to study business and economic sciences. The main reason for this was that I had also had the example of my parents running a business they had founded. And in this business, economic aspects and client relations count. I am - 28 -

really interested in the possibilities for diversification in the business because I would like to have several options in the future. For the time being at least, I don’t want to restrict myself to one single path. How do you relax? I have played music, especially the violin, since I was very young. Given my studies, it’s not easy to enjoy the same rhythm as before but I’m getting used to it and I know I will never give up playing music. In recent years I’ve also really got into filming and editing videos. You have had the chance to visit many countries, on your own and with your parents. What are your impressions? I’ve been lucky enough to travel a great deal from a young age, especially with my parents. I loved exploring the many countries we visited. A country like China really impressed me. I was able to see just how quickly businesses grow there. I think they have completely different attitudes to business to us; everything moves 100 times faster with no fear of failure. But their entrepreneurial system works precisely because it suits China. In Switzerland, we’re much more focused on

quality and regulations and things move much more slowly. It would be good to find a compromise between these two worlds. Lausanne or Shanghai? As I’m still young and want to explore so many things, I would say Shanghai where, I imagine, there are more business opportunities. I also like Lausanne for its stability and quality of life, being so close to both this wonderful lake and the Alps, but I still want to see more of the world first. For the moment I’m still here, dividing my time between Lausanne where I was born and St Gallen for my studies. What are your plans? My first goal is to get my degree from St Gallen. The lessons are in English but I already speak that so my next goal is to learn German. Then, I still haven’t decided whether I want to go straight on to do a Masters or if I would like to work for a while first to gain more experience. One day I hope to take over the reins at Clinic Lémanic. But that’s a dream for the future and I’ll have to earn it!

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Clinic Lemanic Magazine


Patients come from far and wide for

bespoke care Clinic Lémanic attracts patients from all around the world thanks to its renowned and personalised, Swiss-made treatments. Anastasia Dubois-Fournier, Head of Russian-speaking Clients, explains the reasons behind this enthusiasm. Tell us a little about yourself. I have been working for Clinic Lémanic for 10 years. I am of Russian origin and have been living in Switzerland for 15 years now. Before coming across the medical world, I worked in luxury real estate. At Clinic Lémanic I am in charge of VIP and foreign patients. Given my origins, I work particularly closely with our Russian-speaking clients. The medical field must have been quite a change for you from luxury real estate… Not really because my role is pretty much the same. I like working with people – this involves a lot of human relations and we have the same kind of clientèle in the clinic as in luxury real estate. That said, I have much more responsibility at Clinic Lémanic because we are responsible for the well-being, beauty and, most importantly, health of our clients. What makes your clinic so well-know? We have a great reputation because each medical speciality is handled in our clinic by major specialists in the fields of preventive, regenerative and anti-ageing medicine, in aesthetic surgery and dermatology and in laser technologies. In addition, people come back because they really appreci-

ate the warm welcome and the bespoke care they receive at Clinic Lémanic. Indeed, many of our patients ask for Dr Emmenegger because she is the beating heart of the clinic; she is “La Doctoresse” as we like to call her. What is your foreign clientèle looking for specifically? Firstly, what people come looking for in Switzerland is the safety and honesty of the services and Clinic Lémanic meets these criteria to the letter. Some patients don’t necessarily find these qualities to such an extent in other health systems. At Clinic Lémanic, we guarantee a unique know-how and we really do offer à la carte, bespoke care. We don’t bend our patients to fit the machines; we calibrate the machines to meet the individual needs of the patients. We also look after our VIP clients from A to Z and handle the personal needs of our patients such as booking a train or plane ticket, a room in a hotel or a day out. We speak nine languages with our patients. It is a kind of luxury concierge service. What is the average age of your clients? It fluctuates. As far as prevention is concerned, people start coming to see us quite early, from the age of about 30.

Some adolescents begin certain treatments from the age of 18 for skin problems such as acne. Then, if we move on to anti-ageing, those patients tend to be aged around 40. Some clients begin with small injections, face treatments, peelings and natural therapies such as vitamin therapy. From the age of 35, some want to correct minor imperfections. It isn’t the age that matters but the lifestyle and genetic predispositions which influence the quality of the complexion and the figure. What added value does Clinic Lémanic offer? We offer high quality medical and aesthetic treatments. Patients are our primary concern from start to finish. That is why our clinic has received numerous international awards in recognition of the excellence

of our services. I would add on a personal note that one of the main added values of our clinic is Dr Emmenegger who really embodies the personalised care we offer our patients. Among other things, our patients come to us for our first class security and confidentiality, our professionalism and our range of high-tech techniques. These qualities are a fine representation of the “made in Switzerland” brand. What projects do you have? There are always lots of projects in hand with Clinic Lémanic! We have several propositions for opening clinics around the world. So far we haven’t accepted any because it would be very difficult to duplicate Dr Emmenegger!

CHINESE PORTRAIT If you were a book? It is difficult to reduce myself to a single book or even a single author! I love reading. I would be American literature from the first half of the 20th century or non-mainstream Russian literature from the Soviet period – a genre which is sadly little known around the world. And the great classics of French literature. - 31 -

A flower? A rose. A perfume? All the Chanel perfumes with a preference for “Mademoiselle”. A style of music? Beethoven to be in the mood to go to work.


Every client

is different

Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Over the last few years, Clinic Lémanic’s reputation in China has grown substantially. Jinling Cheng, in charge of the Chinese clientèle, tells us more about what her role entails. Could you sum up your career path? I have had a rather special, even unusual career! I first worked with major luxury brands, and then I moved into banking where I was in charge of developing a Chinese clientèle in Switzerland. I then joined the Beau Rivage Palace in Lausanne, working in client relations and marketing until the birth of my son. After a short baby break, I joined the team at Clinic Lémanic where I have a chance to look after the clientèle from my country of origin. What is different about Chinese clients at Clinic Lémanic? What Chinese clients are looking for above all is a quality of service in Switzerland. Switzerland still has a reputation for its quality of life, air and water. As far as Clinic Lémanic is concerned, they mainly come for Dr Véronique Emmenegger and the quality of the treatments she provides. What is the average age of Chinese clients and what kind of treatments are they looking for? Chinese patients begin anti-ageing treatments before they reach 40. They are also interest- 32 -

ed in the health and well-being side of things because it is not just the expression on their face that makes them look younger but an inner balance. Why does Clinic Lémanic figure among the favourite clinics of the Chinese elite? Dr Emmenegger is the main reason behind the clinic’s reputation. She embodies the clinic. In addition, it’s a structure on a human scale with a family feel about it so that the care is adapted to suit the individual; that’s very important to the Chinese. The comfort of the infrastructure and the quality of services also play a major role. The quality of the products we offer and the safety of the treatments that we guarantee are also key factors of our success. What are your plans? The world has changed a great deal, especially in China with the arrival of new technology which the Chinese are particularly keen on. So my job requires me to know Chinese society inside out and to be able to adapt to its rapid changes. Every client is different and so are their needs which means the way of promoting Clinic Lémanic in China also has to be specific and capable of change.

CHINESE PORTRAIT If you were a book? A manga. A flower? A red rose. A perfume? Dior. A style of music? Chinese electro pop!

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Clinic Lemanic Magazine


In the service of

beauty and harmony Speaking openly and frankly about his work, Docteur Frédéric Rivoalan, cosmetic and plastic surgeon at Clinic Lémanic, gives us a rare insight into his profession. Advising patients on the latest trends in cosmetic surgery, he balances caution against excess with enthusiasm for the ground-breaking technological advances that are making it possible to embellish the body in an ever more respectful manner. How did you become a cosmetic surgeon? It all happened by accident. One of our family friends was a cosmetic surgeon who happened to be working at the university where I was studying medicine, and it became clear to me as early as in the second years of my studies that I would follow in his footsteps. My mother was a successful painter, which may have also played its part: appreciation for art and beauty in all its forms seems to run in the family. How do you define beauty? Beauty means harmony. Cosmetic surgery and medicine are all about restoring radiance and youthfulness to a patient’s looks, without taking risks, and with total respect for their body. Despite often getting a bad press, cosmetic surgery has enjoyed tremendous success in recent years. Why do you think that is? Image is of the essence in today’s society, and staying young is a priority for many of us, whether in order to present the right image at work, attract a partner, or simply make it easier to meet other people. Cosmetic surgery is just one of the ways in which people look after their image nowadays, alongside the increasing take-up of gym memberships, nutrition advice and well-being techniques.

Is this drive to constantly improve one’s image a positive one? Innovation, however modest, always leads to a certain amount of excess, and today’s image culture, driven by the rise of bloggers and instagrammers, has pushed some women to go too far in search of an audience. That said, any good cosmetic surgeon will turn down an over-extravagant request. The success of cosmetic surgery and medicine has also had another negative effect in the popularity of medical tourism and the illusion of low-cost offers, which subsequently come up short in terms of post-operative monitoring and can even result in accidents when practitioners without the right skills perform procedures. Studies have shown that most accidents involving simple actions are caused by non-physicians or physicians who have undergone a crash course in this area of work. This is to the detriment of the profession, because the media focus on accidents of this kind, even though the majority of cosmetic physicians and surgeons are one hundred percent serious about their work. What is your opinion about the current trend for non-invasive cosmetic procedures that bypass surgery altogether? These are truly exciting times, insofar as the technological

means available to cosmetic medicine are becoming ever more varied and respectful of the body. I think the future belongs to a combination of different approaches involving a skilful blend of surgical techniques and less invasive methods allowing good results to be obtained. What are the most recent innovations in the cosmetic field? One of the latest advances we’ve seen is the emergence of nanofat needling, a facial procedure which involves injecting fatty cells in order to supply stem cells and tissue induction hormones, which regenerate the deep and surface tissues. This trend in regenerative medicine is really set to take off in the next few years. What exactly does regenerative medicine mean? It refers to the possibility of generating new living tissue, in particular through the use of stem cells. To give one example, smokers and people who have been exposed to high amounts of sunlight will lose their superficial blood vessels over time, leaving their skin dry and lacking in radiance. By injecting new cells, we can restore vitality to the tissues, combating the effects of ageing caused by sun exposure, smoking or genetic predispositions.

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Should we store our own stem cells with a view to future regeneration? Absolutely. Younger stem cells are of higher quality, so the earlier we put them into storage, the better they will serve us further down the line. At Clinic Lémanic, as part of our Swiss Stem Cell Banking programme, we collect stem cells from the body’s fatty tissue in order to store them for future use. It makes perfect sense to do this, given that we know that the future of transplantation medicine lies not in donated organs, but organs produced from the patient’s own stem cells. What advice can you offer a patient who is considering cosmetic surgery? First and foremost, choose your practitioner with the utmost of care. They should have a wide range of technical skills and be backed up by enough experience to consider your request, as the patient, with sound judgement. As a rule of thumb, word of mouth is the best measure of a good surgeon. It was actually only when daughters of my patients started making appointments with me for consultations that I realised how long I had been in this profession!


Devoting herself

to preventive medicine

Clinic Lemanic Magazine

One of the gems of Clinic Lémanic is preventive medicine. Dr Athanasia Papathanasiou, Head Doctor of the General Medicine and Preventive Care department, tells us about her journey and describes the medicine of the future. Tell us your story; your name sounds Greek. I have been lucky enough to have worked in many countries and many different environments: Greece, the US, England and Switzerland. I began as a general practitioner and then worked in an emergency ward. For my PhD I specialised in Type II Diabetes and metabolism disorders. What led you down that path? I am interested in the well-being of my patients. For eight years I carried out research on the quality of life and that is where my interest in anti-ageing medicine comes from. I am passionate about all the anti-ageing techniques and methods that can help prevent illnesses or, at least, delay their onset or slow down their progress. How do you detect the early signs of an illness? We analyse each case according to the protocols associated with the category, sex and age of the patient. We apply a different protocol to diagnose an illness or prevent the possible appearance of one. The most important thing is to ensure that the patient doesn’t develop an illness or that a pathology that already exists does not develop negatively over the next 10 years. The next step consists of offering the patient aesthetic well-being programmes or anti-ageing techniques.

Diabetes is a very common disease these days; how can we slow it down? To start with, diabetes is the development of a metabolic syndrome. Initially, this displays itself through slight obesity, a concern that people are not necessarily aware of. And yet this is when we need to step in to prevent the illness taking hold. Depending on your kind of metabolism, we can delay this evolution. This requires close surveillance. If we note hormonal problems for example, the time has come to intervene.

Which comes first; preventive medicine or aesthetic medicine? Neither one because each intervention depends first and foremost on the patient’s needs. The two are complementary. Our advantage and our strength is that we can offer varied and quality treatments, whether aesthetic or medical, in the same place. We have years of experience behind us and a proficiency in many disciplines and we make the most of this through our team of specialist doctors who work together, a little like a family.

How can we achieve good health and re-balance our bodies? A full medical check-up enables us to identify possible problems and look for solutions. If the patient is in good health to start with but we spot risks or deficiencies, we will suggest various programmes to improve their lifestyle and their physical and mental health. For example, our detox programmes are in great demand these days. Thanks to these programmes we can identify and correct some dysfunctions in the body. We use various parameters for this such as trace elements, micro-nutrition and detoxification of heavy metals etc. We also offer genetic testing which informs us of a person’s various predispositions as far as their metabolism is concerned for example. Lastly, for complete rebalancing, we offer aesthetic medicine programmes for the face and body.

Does the nationality of the patients influence their requests? Overall, the requests for aesthetic medicine are pretty similar, whatever the patient’s nationality. As far as preventive medicine is concerned, there are intrinsic, cultural differences. Just to give you an example, some national groups tend to have a lighter diet and so are rarely overweight.

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What do you have in the pipeline? Offering high-quality treatments to our patients so that they leave Clinic Lémanic happy and healthy!

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MEDICINE Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Laser therapies can work wonders in the hands of professionals

Nowadays, laser therapies are used to treat a wide range of skin conditions and for many cosmetic procedures. It’s often hard for patients to know whether they are really appropriate - not to mention who to trust to carry them out. Dr Véronique Emmenegger, Clinic Lémanic’s Medical Director and one of the first European dermatologists to adopt laser therapies, answers our questions. Why are laser treatments so prevalent nowadays? Partly because they can be used for both medical and cosmetic purposes. Doctors were initially sceptical about lasers. I was one of the first dermatologists in Switzerland to travel to America to learn how to use what was then a revolutionary technology. At Clinic Lémanic, we use them to treat a range of recognized skin conditions. The clinic is equipped with about 30 ultramodern lasers, which we use for both medical and cosmetic procedures. Today, everyone acknowledges

that lasers can work wonders in some cases. Film stars speak candidly about having laser treatment, and most of our new clients hear about us by word of mouth. What is the advantage of lasers over surgery? Our clients like laser treatments because they are non-invasive. They can remove age spots or benign moles or erase wrinkles in a facial rejuvenation programme and achieve significant results in just a few sessions. Another reason is that they are less costly than cosmetic sur- 38 -

gery. We’ve noticed that people are coming to us at increasingly young ages. Our clients are aged between 20 and 70, and almost two-thirds are women. How should people go about choosing a laser treatment specialist? The first question to ask is, “Who is actually going to carry out the treatment?” A specialist doctor will have a deeper understanding of skin problems than someone who has simply been trained how to use a laser. A bona fide establishment will always insist that you see a

doctor beforehand to help you decide what treatment is right for you. Going to a reputable clinic with up-to-date laser equipment and experienced specialists will save you taking unnecessary risks. The body is a living organism. It can be healed or remodelled, but it cannot be replaced, so it is vital to treat it with respect and err on the side of caution. Cheap treatments can turn out to be a false economy.

Dr Emmenegger proffers information and advice on popular laser treatments PIGMENTATION TREATMENT “Laser pigmentation treatment can be used to remove age spots from the face, neck and hands, or sun-spots that develop on the body following prolonged exposure.” TREATMENT OF COUPEROSE “Facial couperose - fine broken blood-vessels that take the form of localized redness on the nose and cheeks - can be successfully dealt with by vascular laser treatment in one to three sessions. Often a single session is enough. The procedure is extremely effective and can be repeated every five or six years.” ERASING SCARS “Laser techniques can be used to erase unsightly accident, operation or acne scars in a short space of time, with highly impressive results. Combining fractional laser treatment with light-emitting diode (LED) photomodulation is even more effective. The scars disappear and are replaced by new tissue in about three months.” TATTOO REMOVAL “People often want to have tattoos removed as a result of a change in their circumstances. The latest-generation Q-switched lasers effectively remove tattoos without causing scarring. You should be aware that tattoo removal is a gradual process: the number of sessions required will depend on several factors.” KIN ENHANCEMENTS “There are many other types of treatment, most of which combine lasers with other therapies. Fine lines, moderately deep wrinkles, benign moles and some types of stretchmarks can be erased using a combination of lasers. Laser treatment is also effective on acne, vitiligo and psoriasis, spider veins and varicose veins on the legs. And of course, lasers are the gold standard for permanent hair removal.”

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Superbly natural hair

Clinic Lemanic Magazine

for each and every patient

From vitamin injections to natural micrografting, Clinic Lémanic offers a wide range of innovative treatments tailored to your individual needs at its Hair Expert Centre - the only one of its kind in Switzerland.


n today’s world, hair can be a major source of anxiety not just for stars who need to look their best, but for anyone - man or woman - playing an active part in society. Issues such as hair loss, weak hair growth and thinning hair can affect your sense of well-being and make you feel inhibited in social situations. Using a wide range of therapies and approaches allows us to select the ideal treatment for each patient’s individual needs.

ENCOURAGING GROWTH AND INCREASING VOLUME Moderate hair loss or thinning can be treated pharmaceutically. This approach can be effective, especially for men, but patients have to keep taking the medicine for the rest of their lives and it can have undesirable side-effects, so many people seek alternatives. One option is to inject biologically active compounds, usually in liquid form, directly into the scalp. This stimulates

growth far more effectively than ingestion, in which biotics have to pass through the gut. We also achieve good results with targeted oxygenation, platelet-rich plasma injections and photobiomodulation.

SEVERE OR EMBARRASSING HAIR LOSS REG 21 is a new approach involving clinical regeneration. It uses autologous cell injections to stimulate hair regrowth and significantly slow hair loss. It is safe and effective, with no side-effects, and there is no need for a recovery period. Another technique that represents a major advance is Micro Autologous Hair Implants (MICA®), a highly successful technique developed by a Clinic Lémanic doctor with 15 years of experience in hair transplantation. Under local anaesthetic, follicles are individually extracted from the back and the sides of the patient’s head, then delicately reimplanted in the area where hair loss has - 40 -

occurred. We achieve excellent results using this technique: the new growth is indistinguishable from natural hair. Unlike older techniques still used by some establishments, such as the strip procedure, MICA® leaves no visible scars. We also use it to thicken eyebrows and remedy uneven beard growth. In cases of very advanced hair loss, the best option may be a Biocompatible Hair Implant (BHI®). This is a painless, non-surgical procedure in which biocompatible fibres are individually implanted to achieve the desired hair density.

EXPERIENCE AND SAVOIR-FAIRE With 20 years of experience and the collective expertise of its team of doctors, Clinic Lémanic has unrivalled savoir-faire in treating hair loss. Offering a range of therapies and approaches enables us to select the ideal treatment for your individual needs - to superbly natural effect.

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Clinic Lemanic Magazine


A fresh look

at eyelid lifts

Many dermatological and cosmetic procedures no longer need involve surgery, making them much more acceptable to people who were anxious about invasive techniques. Witness the popularity of eyelid lifts.


any people find that, as they get older, excess skin makes their upper eyelids sag so that they look sad or tired. This can be remedied by cosmetic surgery, but in many cases, the problem can be solved by less drastic measures. Non-invasive eyelid lifts are now a real alternative. Why not ask your doctor if you would be a good candidate for non-surgical blepharoplasty?

TIGHTENS THE SKIN WITHOUT EVEN TOUCHING IT The apparatus used is specially designed for non-invasive medical and cosmetic procedures. A small device resembling a foam-tipped pen is positioned less than a millimetre from the skin (but not touching it) and is used to create a plasma arc that stimulates retraction and tightening of tissue. The technique enables the doctor to work very quickly and accurately while retaining total control.

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NON-SURGICAL EYELID LIFT Only the outer layer of the skin is affected and no skin is removed. Since there is no incision, there is no need for an anaesthetic and the procedure leaves no scars. The only side effects are some temporary swelling, which usually disappears after a few days, and small scabs that usually flake off of their own accord after a week. The procedure is very quick and the results are startlingly natural. In just one session, your eyes will look younger and wider open - and the effect will last for a long time after the treatment. Plasma lifts are a new aesthetic medicine technique used to tighten skin and lessen wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. These procedures are best scheduled in the winter months, as you have to keep the area treated out of the sun. Plasma treatment is not suitable for all skin types. To get proper advice, make sure you consult an experienced specialist doctor.


Welcome to the future of skincare

Clinic Lemanic Magazine

personalized formulas as unique as your skin

When choosing skincare products, many people just buy something they like the look of and that has a nice scent, without really knowing what ingredients it contains. But everyone’s skin is different, and many manufactured products are not suitable for all skin types.


t Clinic Lémanic, our wide experience of treating patients for skin conditions has taught us that people’s skincare needs are as individual as their fingerprints. We have always taken a keen interest in skincare products so as to be able to make recommendations on the basis of patients’ skin type. Last year, we were contacted by French skincare company Universkin and its distributor, Croma, a family-owned Austrian company. They introduced us to Universkin’s revolutionary new approach to skincare, which has proven amazingly effective in combating a variety of skin conditions including redness, hyperpigmentation and acne. The unique, revolutionary feature of Universkin’s formulas is that they can be tailored to

each person’s individual needs. Your doctor will conduct an initial diagnosis before devising a personalized skincare routine that incorporates the ideal active ingredients for your particular issues. When choosing skincare products, don’t rely on labels, advertising and pretty packaging. Each person’s skin is different, and your doctor knows things about your skin that even you don’t. Real skincare genuinely works, provided the right ingredients are used in the correct concentration. Universkin offers a choice of nineteen active ingredients, so you can rest assured that the composition of your skincare formula has been minutely adjusted to meet your specific needs. Your skin is unique, so it deserves a unique skincare formula.

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your skin your formula You are unique, and so is your skin!

1 base serum + 19 active ingredients more than 1,159 possible combinations When it comes to your skin, the best place to go to is a physician who can create a bespoke formula addressing your very own skins needs. Universkin’s revolutionary approach allows to reverse the effects of external aggressions with astonishing efficacy. Following a skin assessment, your physician selects the relevant active ingredients, their concentration, and the duration of the prescription to the skin. Contact Clinic Lémanic to receive your bespoke skincare product now! dermatologically tested • evidence-based • preservative-free active ingredients


Every woman can have

Clinic Lemanic Magazine

beautiful breasts Breasts are uniquely emblematic of feminine charms. Some women fantasize about having a stunning cleavage, while others see their breasts as just one aspect of their femininity, but every woman endeavours to set off her bosom to advantage by the way she moves, the clothes she wears (including corsets and push-up bras) and in recent times plastic surgery. Worldwide, breast implants remain the most popular plastic surgery procedure, but many women choose to have their breasts enhanced by lipofilling, which they see as more natural. Let’s take a closer look at the two techniques.


reast enhancement is carried out in order to change the size or shape of breasts the patient feels are too small, too flabby or unsuited to her body shape. It is also popular with women whose breasts have got smaller after breastfeeding or as a result of weight loss. There are two ways women can enhance their breasts: artificial implants and lipofilling. Either way, it is essential to take the time to think and communicate carefully about their shape and volume in order to be fully satisfied with the end result.

BREAST IMPLANTS Breast augmentation by means of implants involves a short operation carried out under general anaesthetic. After the operation, the improvements are immediately visible. At Clinic Lémanic, we use a well-known brand of smooth implants. Our surgeons operate by axillary access: the implant is inserted via a small incision in the hollow of the armpit, where the skin heals well and the scar will be inconspicuous. There is also little risk of bruising, infection or inflammation. This approach is more elegant, but it is also more complex, so

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the operation has to be carried out by an experienced specialist in breast surgery.

LIPOFILLING Another, more natural method of enhancing breasts is lipofilling, in which fatty tissue is taken from the patient’s stomach, thighs or inner knees and then reinjected drop by drop into her breasts. Lipofilling is used to increase breast size and to improve the flexibility and elasticity level of the skin. There is a lower risk of rejection or an allergic reaction than with implants. If the proper precautions are taken,

this procedure can also be used to add fullness to areas such as buttocks or parts of the face (lips or cheekbones). Each of the two methods, implants and lipofilling, has its advantages. Both make it possible for every woman to have the breasts she yearns for. The surgeons of our Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department will be glad to offer advice and guidance to patients looking for carefully considered, harmonious breast enhancement. At Clinic Lémanic, you can relax in the certainty that you are in good hands.

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Photo Š Aleksandar Nakic

lifts make invasive surgery

a thing of the past

Preconceptions about aesthetic medicine and especially cosmetic surgery are often deeply ingrained, but these days, there is no reason why having a facelift should leave you with a stiff, artificial-looking face. Innovative procedures like Perfec Lift can make your face look naturally younger without invasive surgery.


ging is a natural, inevitable process, but its effects can be attenuated to help you age gracefully. As we get older, our skin becomes thinner and less elastic and we lose fat, muscle and bone tissue. This causes changes in our facial structure that alter the appearance of the face. Aesthetic procedures such as surgery can be used to rejuvenate the face by replacing tissue where it has been lost. This is where recent innovations can make all the difference.

THE MAGIC OF PERFECT LIFT “Although they are based on the same principle - tightening the skin from beneath - today’s face-lifts are totally different from the techniques of the past,” declares Dr Rivoalan, who works as a plastic and aesthetic surgeon at Clinic Lémanic. The novelty of - 48 -

PERFECT LIFT is that it uses durable elastic threads to reposition subcutaneous tissue, restoring the contours of the face in a way that looks much more natural. The effects will last for several years.

A GENTLE PROCEDURE PERFECT LIFT facial thread lifts are conducted most of the time under local anaesthetic. The only visible evidence are four entry points, instead of the noticeable scars left by traditional facelifts. The procedure can be used for all parts of the face, jawline and neck. A few days’ rest after the procedure will be beneficial. Then you can emerge rejuvenated and surprise your acquaintances with your fresh, youthful appearance.

Photo © Jacob Wackerhausen

MEDICINE Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Twenty-first-century face-

Cuvée Rosé, choisie par les meilleurs.

Le Gstaad Palace



Photographe : Iris Velghe / Illustration : Pierre Le-Tan


The rise of the

Clinic Lemanic Magazine

rhinoplasty One of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures is the rhinoplasty or, as it is more commonly referred to, the nose job. The procedure, which aims to rectify those facial profiles and nose shapes deemed to be flawed or unattractive, is presently in high demand, particularly amongst younger individuals. But is surgery the only solution? Not necessarily, according to Dr Véronique Emmenegger, Medical Director at Clinic Lémanic. Dr Emmenegger, what does the procedure entail? The goal of the cosmetic rhinoplasty is to adjust the shape of the nose, thereby helping to achieve a more harmonious appearance. It’s a plastic surgery procedure that involves changing the shape or position of bones and cartilage. Since the nose is the main organ for respiration, it is critically important to seek out a specialist who can perform the procedure without damaging respiratory functions. The nose is intrinsically linked to one’s character, so why the desire to change it? Many young people today find fault with their nose. Too long, too big, humped, pointy, not upturned enough – the reasons for disliking your nose rapidly accumulate when you’re constantly snapping selfies and comparing yourself to influenc-

ers on social networks. But you should keep in mind that your nose often appears bigger or distorted in a selfie! This is why I often advise younger patients to avoid making surgery their first recourse. There are less radical solutions available. Solutions other than surgery? Yes. Current technology and know-how make it possible to correct certain defects of the nose using injectable and absorbable products. For example, injections are highly effective in filling out hollows and reducing lumps on the nose. For lifting the tip of the nose, absorbable threads produce good results. These are the types of procedures that I will first recommend to younger patients, who in any case need to wait until growth of the nose is complete before any kind of cosmetic intervention.

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What are the benefits of these alternative rhinoplasty procedures? These techniques are non-invasive and fully absorbable. That is, the substances and materials used (injected liquids, absorbable threads) are naturally eliminated from the body after a certain time. In addition, this type of intervention does not require a cast to be worn. It’s the ideal solution for people who are afraid of surgery or who wish to try a non-definitive and annually renewable treatment. It allows them to pause and reflect before embarking on a surgical procedure with definitive results. Aesthetic medicine nowadays really offers a wide variety of treatments and this flexibility must be put to the service of patients.

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Utilizing Clinic Lémanic’s expertise in regenerative and youth-promoting therapies, La Crème boasts a scientifically advanced formula. It is comprised of cultured plant stem cells that enhance cellular energy and boost DNA repair; healing sap droplets handcollected from trees found exclusively on one island; and lipids from a rare golden algae that defend the skin from dryness and external aggressors known to contribute to UV-induced inflammatory chain reactions. The lipids have also been shown to play a part in augmenting collagen synthesis, leading to an increase in the skin’s density.

COMING SOON Two new formulas to intensely lift, recover and deliver visible results from the very first application! Day after day, face and neck will be revitalized, eye and lip contours firmed and infused with vibrancy.


Foods that can make you happy... Yes, please!

Did you know that certain foods can increase your happiness? Fruit and vegetables, dark chocolate, nuts, fatty fish, white meat and cheese are all known to have a beneficial effect on mood as well as health. That’s no coincidence - their moraleboosting properties are directly related to the vitamins and minerals they provide. Here’s a quick round-up of some of the main foods that will keep you happy as well as healthy.

Clinic Lemanic Magazine

BEAT THE BLUES BY BOOSTING YOUR SEROTONIN LEVELS. Serotonin is a powerful neurotransmitter produced in the brain. It helps us relax and wards off depression. Sugar contains a lot of serotonin, but it is also present in carbohydrates such as pasta, bread and rice, white meat, eggs and lobster.

VITAMINS FOR EXTRA BOUNCE. A regular intake of vitamins B, C, D and E is vital to maintain overall health and keep our skin clear and youthful. Vitamin C helps us manage stress, and is found in high concentrations in citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit. Vitamin D acts on the body as a whole. It is synthesized by the skin during exposure to sunlight, but it can also be sourced from a range of foods. To help you through the dark winter months, eat eggs, fatty fish such as sardines and salmon, and cheese, all of which are rich in minerals and vitamin D. To prevent overproduction of cortisol, which can be a factor in depression, make sure you are getting enough magnesium. Magnesium is found in bananas, lentils and wholegrain cereals, but to help the body absorb it, you also need a small amount of taurine, which is present in dairy products, meat, crustaceans and fish.

ANTIOXIDANTS AREN’T JUST FOR THE SKIN. As well as being good for your complexion, antioxidants can help you beat the winter blues. Eating selenium-rich foods such as walnuts, shellfish or salmon will boost their effectiveness.

LIFT YOUR SPIRITS WITH A PIECE OF DARK CHOCOLATE! Dark chocolate contains high amounts of phenylethylamine, which prompts the brain to produce endorphins, also delightfully known as “happiness hormones”. Nibbling a small amount of dark chocolate will produce an instant sense of euphoria. So go on, what are you waiting for? - 54 -



Lose weight efficiently and without risk


ur pluridisciplinary medical team and award-winning skin centre will accompany you towards the new you. If you are having difficulties to slim down, desire to reshape your body without resorting to surgery or are looking into bariatric surgery … we have you covered. The slimming detox is based on the latest discoveries in quantum medicine and genetics and will reactivate your body’s capacity to self-regulate and lose weight.

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It is the unique collaboration of our weight management, skin specialists and our scientific committee, which will prevent the unwelcome side effects of drastic weight loss, notably sagging skin and mineral or vitamin deficiencies. Cutting-edge technology, 20 years of Swiss expertise and hospitality make us your partner of choice to rebalance your health and achieve the aesthetic vision of the new you.


Treat yourself to a detox programme

and rediscover your zest for life

Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Cleanse your body of toxins and boost its self-regulatory capacities with City Detox.



he ideal solution for busy people suffering from low energy levels, lack of vitality and loss of joie de vivre. Spend a week relaxing in a dream setting while you restore your well-being with our natural detoxification programme, supervised by specialists in preventive and regenerative medicine. If you are feeling run down, lacklustre and perpetually tired, Clinic Lémanic’s six-day City Detox programme may be just what you need. Developed by our Department of Preventive Medicine, it is designed to maintain or restore vitality and rid the body of the build-up of toxins that results from stress and urban lifestyles.

A NATURAL PROCESS THAT GRADUALLY BECOMES LESS EFFECTIVE When we lead non-stop lives, stress and fatigue accumulate in the body in the form of toxins. We experience this as low energy levels, lack of performance, brain fog, negative feelings and loss of libido. Detoxification stimulates the enzymes in the liver, assists digestion and helps the liver and kidneys to eliminate toxins and heavy metals that have accumulated over time. The liver’s role is crucial. It filters the blood and breaks down harmful substances so that they can be eliminated. But ageing, stress and certain lifestyle choices reduce the body’s innate ability to cleanse its system.

The latest anti-ageing treatments are personalized, preventive, predictive and participative. City Detox checks all those boxes. By the end of the week, you’ll have learned about how your body absorbs nutrients and eliminates waste and will have a much better understanding of the body’s cleansing mechanisms. The programme begins with a medical check-up including a full blood test panel, screening for oxidative stress, a nutritional assessment and screening for the presence of heavy metals. Over the six days, you will have five medical consultations - one when you arrive, one with a nutritionist, two to monitor progress and one before you leave. The programme also includes two City Detox intravenous infusions, daily detox photobiomodulation and nitric oxide treatment, and our team of doctors will prescribe a personalized dietary plan based on your test results and clinical examinations. A unique feature of Clinic Lémanic’s detox programme is our special arrangement with the Lausanne Palace hotel and spa, enabling you to stay in a dream setting overlooking Lake Geneva while you cleanse your system. City Detox includes a five-night stay at the Lausanne Palace in the room category of your choice, free spa access and five relaxing detoxification treatments in the spa. At the Lausanne Palace, you will be served meals that have been specially devised in conjunction with Clinic Lémanic’s doctor of clinical nutrition. City Detox restores your body’s natural balance and boosts its ability to expel residues of toxins and heavy metals and regulate itself.

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HEALTHY Clinic Lemanic Magazine

An innovative response to functional disorders

HEALTH BOOST Health Boost® is the culmination of in-depth research into how nutrition can affect the way the body functions. It comes under the umbrella of natural health and micronutrition, but is radically different from anything that has been available in this area for the last 15 years.


ietary supplements and natural health products always work in one or another of the following two ways: to better nourish cells and support biological processes (micronutrition) or by using the traditional properties of plants to relieve various disorders (phytonutrition). Both methods require that the product has a sufficient quantity of the active ingredient to obtain an effect. Micronutrition as we have been familiar with the term for the last 15 years is a

micronutrition that is based on this quantitative aspect. The vast majority of products offered today fall into one or both of these categories. They make it possible to obtain marked results for many conditions, with an effect that often tails off quickly when you stop using them. Health Boost® products are different and truly innovative, since they do not fall into either category. By providing nutrients at very low doses and in carefully selected combinations (from extracts of plants, seaweeds, mushrooms, min- 58 -

erals and vitamins), they act in a targeted way to boost the metabolisms necessary for the body to function effectively. Micronutrition Health Boost® works by combining a large number of carefully selected nutritious elements in a specific order in its active ingredients to achieve the desired effect: to provide the body with all the elements essential for optimum function and self-regulation, while avoiding saturation and competition at a cellular level, thus enabling the body to adapt and protect itself and function to its best potential.

Health Boost® micronutrition re-educates the body so it can once again take up, metabolise, and keep hold of the substances it needs, instead of making it dependent on the products with higher quantities of ingredients that substitute the body’s needs. We can therefore say that this is micronutrition with a “vocation” to re-educate the body to work on its own. A Health Boost® treatment does not nourish the body in terms of quantity, but teaches it to eat better to improve the way it works.


natural boosters For your wellbeing Feel like tuning up your energy level? Whatever the season, a treatment can show you the way to top form. Zoom on unique products for simple treatments to boost health and wellbeing!

Detox and heavy metals




Two cocktails perfect for deep body detoxification. Aggressed by air pollution, tobacco or medication, our organisms need regular detoxifying. Detox treatments help neutralise heavy metals and stimulate the body’s natural potential for elimination of organic wastes. This helps the organism fight breathing problems, coughs, sleep disorders, depression and lack of energy. Indispensable!

Are you watching your cholesterol and triglyceride levels? You’re right to do so: cardiovascular illnesses represent a growing public health problem... If you like to care for yourself on a daily basis, this product will be perfect for boosting your metabolism and helping it burn energy more efficiently. An ideal aid for controlling excess cholesterol and triglycerides, it accompanies your efforts to fight weight gain and cardiovascular disease. A real health boost!

Sleep disorders are frequent: 30% of the population suffers from some form of insomnia. Thanks to a unique formula and an active supplement based on 100% natural nutrients, this treatment without side effects easily improves the quality of sleep by maximizing its most precious phase: deep restorative sleep. It will do you no end of good!

All year long, the viruses surrounding us can make us sick. To reinforce the immunological system, here is an active complex based on micro-doses of nutrients unlike the usual food supplements. With no side effects, this treatment is ideal for improving immunity, preventing infections and helping to fight other viral issues.

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HEALTHY Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Mastercryo an innovative new anti-ageing protocol

Clinic Lémanic’s Mastercryo bodysculpting therapy is inspired by Nordic practices. Not for the fainthearted, this hot and cold treatment breaks down superfluous fat deposits and tones cutaneous tissue.


f course, you could just take a dip in the ice-cold water of a fjord, then warm up in a sauna - or the other way round as is the tradition in some Scandinavian countries. But not everyone has a fjord handy and not everyone is tempted by a winter bathe! In any case, there is much more to Mastercryo than basic heat and cold shocks. Clinic Lémanic has improved on traditional systems and practices, adding a

number of refinements to devise a complete course of treatment that melts away excess fat and reduces cellulite. Mastercryo is a medical treatment consisting of six treatment modules that are even more effective when combined. Techniques such as cryolipolysis electroporation, hyperthermia with electrolipolysis, chromotherapy (LED), lipolaser (LLLT) and infrared light are used simultaneously or alter- 60 -

nated to induce hypothermia and hyperthermia, triggering an instant sensation of well-being. Mastercryo is not a weight-loss treatment. It is designed to reduce localized fat deposits and improve skin texture. It can be used effectively on all types of fat, reducing volume and breaking down localized fatty tissue. It also reduces cellulite and improves the skin, leaving you looking slim, svelte and toned. Your tissues will be reju-

venated and your skin will feel and look smoother and firmer. Mastercryo is totally safe, painless and non-invasive. A complete course of treatment will require several sessions of about an hour each, but you will see results after the very first session. Clinic Lémanic’s doctors will be happy to talk to you about Mastercryo and how you might benefit from it.



Clinic Lémanic has devised a pioneering full medical check-up for men and women who want to review, maintain or boost their health quotient.


nce we reach a certain age, it is important to get our health checked by a doctor at regular intervals. From the age of 35 onwards, international guidelines recommend regular medical check-ups involving detailed clinical examination and screening as part of an overall preventive strategy. Check-ups can be an important factor in early detection and successful treatment of medical problems.

WHAT TO EXPECT FROM A CLINIC LÉMANIC CHECK-UP What to expect from a Clinic Lémanic check-up Clinic Lémanic check-ups cover all aspects of your health. They consist of a comprehensive general health check,

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analysis of blood samples, spectrophotometry, electrocardiogram (ECG) and radiological examinations such as ultrasound, MRI and scans. The test results provide our team of doctors with the information they need to make an accurate diagnosis and devise a personal treatment plan. Our check-up protocol is ideal for patients who want an accurate overall picture of their state of health, for people with symptoms they cannot ascribe to a specific cause, and for anyone who wants a second opinion. If appropriate, it can become the first stage of a deep-cleansing detox programme that restores your body’s equilibrium the natural way.


No need to suffer

Clinic Lemanic Magazine

for beauty

If you’re fed up with subjecting yourself to punishing diet and exercise regimes, only to watch your weight seesaw, or want to eliminate fat from specific areas of your body (something no amount of diet and exercise can achieve), but can’t bear to contemplate going under the knife, we have good news for you. New techniques make it possible to have the body you dream of without “suffering for beauty”.


Interest in non-invasive aesthetic procedures has risen steadily over the past couple of years. Media coverage of botched plastic surgery has made patients increasingly wary, and many people are now seeking less drastic alternatives. The pace of modern life is another factor. Getting the best results while keeping time out of their schedule to a minimum is a primary concern for people with busy lives. Recent technological innovations have made it possible to develop a wide range of aesthetic procedures for people who are reluctant to undergo surgery. The firm RENEVE of Monaco, founded in 1999, is spearheading research in

applied technologies for use in non-invasive beauty treatments. RENEVE recruited some of the finest minds in science, bioengineering and aesthetic medicine to devise a visionary Clinical Beauty Concept that promotes wellness at the same time as achieving excellent aesthetic results. Luigi Palmisano, the company’s founder, likens using its advanced medical devices to driving a racing car: only someone with the requisite skills can do it. It takes a highly-skilled dermatologist to know precisely what combination of procedures to use for a particular patient to achieve the best possible results. Medical expertise and technology complement each other to spectacular effect. - 62 -

At Clinic Lémanic, safety and excellence go hand in hand. You can rest assured that we will be taking good care of your body as well as achieving aesthetically superb results. We work in partnership with RENEVE and have installed several of their topof-the-range medical devices: REVITEX, a gentle facelifting technique that uses high-intensity ultrasound and radio frequencies; ACRYOS, which

very effectively fights stubborn fat deposits and cellulite; and PLASMATEC, a delicate plasma arc technique used to tighten skin and reduce wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. All of them produce excellent, natural-looking results with no pain or scarring. Looking your best is a breeze with these gentle non-invasive aesthetic treatments. And no one but you will know how you manage to stay so young!



Made in Monaco Partner of Clinic Lémanic MONTECARLO ESTHETICS 14 rue Malbousquet - PRINCIPAUTE DE MONACO


Sleep disorders Clinic Lemanic Magazine

cause a lot of suffering, but they can be cured

One person in three complains of difficulty sleeping and chronic daytime fatigue. Sleep problems can affect mood, libido, health and our ability to function in everyday life. But hope is at hand! In most cases, sleep disorders stem from fairly banal causes - but should not be dismissed as nothing to worry about. Read on...


e spend roughly a third of our time asleep. That’s not a waste of time: sleep is as essential as eating, drinking and breathing. It has a vital restorative role: while we are asleep, we synthesize the growth hormone required for children’s development and tissue regeneration (for processes such as skin repair) in both children and adults. During the night, we generally alternate between two types of sleep: deep sleep, in which brain activity slows down to a greater or lesser extent; and rapid eye movement (REM) or paradoxical sleep, in which we are asleep, but our brain patterns display similarities to those typical of waking states.

We often have dreams or nightmares during REM sleep. These processes are entirely normal, but they can be associated with disorders.

TYPES OF SLEEP DISORDER Sleep disorders can be directly caused by lifestyle - you may sleep badly as a result of stress, working conditions, an unhealthy diet or lifestyle, or lack of physical activity - but the most frequent causes are respiratory and motor problems. Sleep apnoea is a common disorder that takes the form of pauses in breathing. It can be detected simply by observing a subject sleeping, whether they are an adult or a child. Snoring may be a sign of sleep apnoea. Insomnia - inability to sleep - 64 -

- is the most prevalent sleep disorder, but hypersomnia excessive daytime sleepiness or prolonged night-time sleep - is also common. Hypersomniacs need more sleep than most people, sometimes as much as 9 or 10 hours in 24 hours (most adults need between 7 and 8 hours’ sleep).

IS THERE A CURE? Sleep medicine has made great strides over the last 50 years, and about 100 types of sleep disorder have been identified. The first step in diagnosing a sleep disorder is to interview the patient in detail. In some cases, the doctor may then order an in-lab sleep study. This will involve tests such as an electroencephalogram (EEG)

to record brain wave activity during sleep. If your sleep patterns are disturbed, perhaps you should consider consulting a doctor. Clinic Lémanic has devised a complete programme to diagnose and treat sleep pathologies. The “Sleep Well” programme is implemented by a multidisciplinary team of medical specialists. After a medical analysis with the aid of a specially-equipped sleep laboratory, they will prescribe a treatment tailored to your individual needs and, if necessary, provide you with a device to assist breathing. At Clinic Lémanic, we take sleep seriously: as the Irish proverb says, “A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.”

Maximum Well-being What is luxury, if you don‘t have the time to enjoy it? Maura Wasescha

Luxury means not having to be concerned with its practical matters, but to be able to enjoy the perfect moment in the company of family or friends. Totally free of worry, knowing that in the background there is a team who will fulfill all your wishes. This is why Maura Wasescha doesn’t just have exclusive properties for sale or rent. Maura Wasescha does more. She offers the perfect luxury service, so that the magic of the moment becomes timeless enjoyment.

Maura Wasescha AG | Via dal Bagn 49 | CH-7500 St. Moritz | Switzerland T +41 81 833 77 00 | |

SHOPPING MAKE-UP Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Subtle Glow The natural complexion is back. Contouring is out and ultra fresh “healthy” radiance is in. Makeup seeks a more modern look based on highly pigmented, high-tech ultrafine textures with shimmering reflections. We capture light by playing with it. Decoding the beauty trends for the season. YVES SAINT LAURENT SHIMMER RUSH FACE PALETTE Coral pink, ice white and sunny beige caramel: several versions of the season’s signature colours for eyes are available in a limited edition translucent pink compact. We adore Glittery Purple, a daring lilac that outrageously illuminates and intensifies the eyes. €88.50 GIORGIO ARMANI LIP MAGNET & LIP MAESTRO LIP FREEZE COLLECTION New technology at the heart of each chromatic formula reveals lip colours with sorbet matte effects. Thanks to their “ice”

based white pigments, these shades give lips a sumptuously vibrant look, while remaining discreet and easy to wear. Lip Magnet €37.50, Lip Maestro €35.50 LANCÔME TEINT IDOLE ULTRA WEAR NUDE Alternate high coverage and lightness without losing the benefits that are the strong point of Teint Idole Ultra Wear: an impeccable matte finish, long-lasting up to 24 hours and some 40 shades to go with every complexion. 40 ml - €43.50

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STUDIO HARCOURT LIGHT DIFFUSION PENCIL This pencil follows your desires and highlights the curve of the eyebrows in a matte or shimmering version. For a subtle glow, choose the matte pencil and for a star’s eyebrows, succumb to the shimmering one. €23 ESSIE Spring is a tasteful time for elegant hues and pastel colours. A limited edition palette of six glittering feminine floral colours, designed to embellish your beautifully manicured hands during a pause for tea.

Special mention for “Tiers of Joy”, a periwinkle blue shimmering with lilac, the bouquet of the new collection. €11.90 QIRINESS BB CREAM CORRECTING AND ILLUMINATING CREAM A new even lighter texture, new active ingredients such as the Sea Lily, as well as SPF25 reinforced sun protection for this new BB cream. Its corrective action reveals a fresh, uniform, radiant complexion, without imperfections, for a glowing second skin effect. 40 ml – €32.90

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SHOPPING PERFUMES Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Passion Rose A Bouquet of Emotions Passion and romance, sensuality and freedom, let the petals fly. Distinctive signatures marked by a balance of raw materials. In their wake, singular olfactory facets‌ Among these new editions, the rose appears with lightness, becomes airy, allowing you to let go and drift off in a dream of faraway places.

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YVES SAINT LAURENT MON PARIS FLORAL PERFUME A floral perfume centred on datura, the emblematic flower of Mon Paris associated with a fresh floral bouquet. Dressed in a cravat adorned with crystal petals, the bottle is the couture image of the world of Yves Saint Laurent. Eau de parfum 30 ml €61.00 50ml €87.50 - 90ml €113 PROENZA SCHOULER - ARIZONA A creamy iris accord and radiant play of cactus flower form the notes of a singular fragrance signed by perfumers Loc Dong and Carlos Benaim. A blend that allows each facet of the floral heart of Arizona to blossom. Eau de Parfum Vaporiser 30ml €59 - 50ml €89 - 90ml €125 BDK PARFUMS - BOUQUET DE HONGRIE In the image of a refined romantic woman, this fragrance reveals juicy, green and fruity

facets. Cassis and pear add an airy sparkle to the bouquet of roses and jasmine, on a soft, musky amber base, like a beautiful summer day in the gardens of the Palais Royal. Eau de parfum 100 ml €150 LANCÔME - LA VIE EST BELLE EN ROSE A lovely reinterpretation filled with freshness and freedom. Bergamot opens the ball. An arpeggio of red fruits and pink pepper reveals a modern bouquet of iris, rose and peony, a symbol of joy. An ode to life. Eau de toilette 50ml €75 - 100ml €104.50 CARON - INFINI Its pared down, graphic inkpot bottle harks back to the House of Caron’s “Art Deco” spirit. It opens to a flight of citrus fruits, pear and pink berries, that gives way to a vanilla heart and a trace of jasmine. A flower-fruit creation full of contrast, between strength and sensuality, modernity and heritage. Eau de Parfum 50 ml €86 - 100ml €120

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OLIVIER DURBANO - QUARTZ ROSE Attached to the chakra of the heart, pink quartz is a source of inner peace, absolute calm and happiness. Frankincense, pink grapefruit, Damask rose, myrrh and white musk, among other precious essences, reveal a spiritual perfume with a mineral and vegetal spicy chypre spirit. Eau de Parfum 100 ml €195 GIORGIO ARMANI - SÌ FIORI Playing on the duality of strength and lightness, Sì Fiori reinterprets the chypre theme of Sì centred on neroli, an addictive white flower from the Mediterranean basin. Associated with green mandarin, cassis and white musk, it possesses a singular grace. Eau de Parfum 30 ml €61.50 - 50ml €87.15 100ml €124.60

Dolce Vita

on the Swiss Riviera with

a Lushtaku Photographer : Johann Sauty Fashion Stylist : Laure Delvigo & KaiZen agency Make-Up Artist : Sandy César - KaiZen agency Hairstylist : Ramy - KaiZen agency Models : Heidi Lushtaku & Matteo Wasescha Coordination : Marie-Sabrine Delaye Production : Grégory Ayoun – Blush Editions

Special Thanks to : Filipe and Ulrike from the Lausanne Palace, Maria and Emily from KaiZen, Estelle from Bentley Lausanne, Arlette from Arel Forever at Lutry and Maurizio from Invidia Donna at Lausanne.

Dress Alexandre Vauthier, Arel Forever Boutik - Ring Atelier Vincent Michel

Dress Alexandre Vauthier, Arel Forever Boutik Lutry

Heidi : Top Versace, Arel Forever Boutik - Clutch De Marquet - Necklace and Ring JAG – Jewellery Andreas Gmur - Watch Kerbedanz Matteo : Shirt and pant Philipp Plein - Watch Rebellion


Jean Jacob CohĂŤn - Coat Sandro - Scarf The Kooples - Shoes and sunglasses Vintage

Dress Nicolas Fafiotte Couture

Dress Lanacaprina, Invidia Donna Boutik Lausanne - Clutch Pinel & Pinel - Shoes Elie Saab - Sunglasses Prada

CINEMA Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Sharon Stone Solid as a roc Sharon Stone is just as much a headline grabber in 2019 as she was 25 years previously, as sexy, seductive, killer Catherine Tramell. True, her newest project, Mosaic, may be a sensible distance away from the erotic thrill of Basic Instinct – the lead actress is 60, after all – but the dramatic poise of one of the most respected performers of a generation is still there to see. And that is despite Stone enduring events that threatened not just her future in the industry, but her life as well. BY RICHARD ALDHOUS


t was in 2001 that Stone suffered a brain haemorrhage and stroke. Her chances of survival were rated at just five per cent. But the mum-of-three is a firm believer in the old adage that what doesn’t kill you can only make you stronger. “It’s so true. I do feel stronger and reinforced. I have a source I never had before.” Stone – who lives in LA with her sons, Roan 17, Laird, 12, and Quinn 11 – is a force of nature and a wicked pleasure to interview. Frank and forthright, her passion for life is unstoppable. She laughs and chuckles in that sensual growl, her tone sings high and low with passion. She’s a superstar reborn and after taking Hollywood by storm with unforgettable performances in Total Recall, Casino and the aforementioned Basic Instinct, Stone is ready to reclaim her - 78 -

crown. The first step towards the throne has been a critically lauded turn in Mosaic, a six-part thriller focusing on the murder of Olivia Lake [Stone], an enigmatic author who casts a spell on the men in her life. Eric [Frederick Weller], a con man, is convicted of a murder and sentenced, but his sister Petra [Jennifer Ferrin] is convinced of his innocence and sets out to find the real killer. Sharon is an actress with boundless energy, enthusiasm and cinematic, yet returning to the spotlight has been a huge undertaking for her, and the rest of the cast. They had to work off a 500-page script, often not getting their lines until the night before, and plowing through 30 pages a day. For an actress who had to relearn the basic skills of reading, writing and walking, the achievement is arguably the greatest of her career.

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Clinic Lemanic Magazine

How would you describe Mosaic as a concept, because it’s far from the normal way we watch TV? This is new. So new. I’ve definitely not seen anything like it. Up until a week before we started shooting, none of us had a script. It was a little nerve-wracking. I kind of thought, “What have I got myself into?!”. This is a ground-breaking project in that watchers have the option of viewing the show on the app or on normal TV, right? Yes, and it’s a great idea. Essentially allowing the view to control the narrative is a world first. The idea of letting that person become the detective and solve the jigsaw through this interactive method is genius.

Myself and my friends lost two days on this. That’s what happens. You get pulled in by the force of Steven Soderbergh’s genius and compelled to solve the mystery! What was it like working with him? When I listened to Steven describe this very new way of telling the story, I was so intrigued, fascinated and exhilarated to be at the forefront of something so innovative. We can say we were at the ground level with Steven. But 30 pages a day was a pace I was not used to in my career and I genuinely felt I couldn’t do it in my first week. And this was 500 pages in total – it wasn’t a script, it was an anthology! There was so much work involved, and all the time we were incorporating little alterations and very subtle

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nuanced variations to illustrate the different perspectives from each character. But as a project and a concept, I think it is something really special, and I’m sure this isn’t the last time we will see something like this. I took so much out of the film personally, too. I was amazed at how quickly I adapted and found my rhythm in this really cool education. We barely had a moment to sit down. This was a full-on marathon. And you had to keep up or risk getting left behind. And this is only a couple of years since learning lines for a small role was a problem I did a guest appearance on Law and Order and I struggled to get through a scene. Now I’m working on a 500-page script!

You’re such an inspiration now for so many after what happened. I’ve inspired myself and if that does the same for others, isn’t that really cool? The industry learned that you were going through some seriously ill health, but is it fair to say it was much worse than anyone realised. I never wanted the world to know how serious it was, or specifically the industry. I would have become un-hireable, so I hid it as best I could. In your words, what exactly happened to you? I had a brain bleed and stroke which lasted for nine days. What caused it wasn’t a case of diet or lifestyle - sometimes the brain malfunctions, and mine malfunctioned in a big way!

And when I got home from the hospital, it had affected my left ear - I couldn’t hear anything, I couldn’t feel anything in my left leg. I was blind in one eye and the vision was spotty in the other. And then I went completely blind, temporarily … completely black. It was like my senses were shutting down. I couldn’t write my name for three years. But all along there was a strange juxtaposition. To be in that position was horrific, obviously; but at the same time I was so happy just to be alive, even if the odds of my body restoring itself back to full health were very small. And look at you now. How did you recover so well? When I was at the hospital, they had missed an artery delivering blood to my brain, had switched its course and, as a re-

sult, it was affecting my nerves. Once that was corrected, I was on the road to recovery, but it was a long road. My sight came back – that was such a relief. My hearing came back too, although it drops out every now and then and I have to ask someone to sit on the other side. But the biggest task was that I had to relearn everything, pretty much. I had to learn to read, write and speak again. Then there was the physical effect, so my balance got better, but it took a very long time. So in total, I had to learn how to live again, which was an overwhelming challenge; but I’m back to my old self, more or less. Are there any effects left? Well I had a photographic memory before but that’s gone

now. It might return. And I have to take medication every night to prevent new strokes in the brain. But being alive is the main thing … it’s the only thing. So 2018 represents a huge comeback year for you, would you agree? Yes, and I couldn’t be more grateful. I couldn’t be more grateful to Steven. He picked me for this extraordinary project and injected drive back into my career. I couldn’t be more grateful to Martin Scorsese for a new project we’re working on together. It’s untitled but we’ve wrapped up filming and it’s very special. And I also have a new movie, Sunny, with Eva Sorhaug, where I play a vicious drug dealer living in the suburbs.

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There’s so much going on and this feels like a really big, really important time for me. And turning 60 as well. How do you feel about that? I never guessed I’d be happy turning 60. Let’s be real, it’s old! But it’s the greatest achievement for me because there was a time in my life when I wasn’t sure if I would get there. I wasn’t sure if I’d make 50. A brain bleed changes everything; it changes how you look at the world and your existence. And the fact that I’m acting again … that I’m working again and not just in small roles, is a huge win for me. So what is age, anyway?


High Fashion and Human Rights The Amal Clooney effect

In our complicated world, knowing and understanding Amal Clooney means appreciating where intelligence, compassion and humility collide, and how inspiring and life-changing things can flourish. We explore this human rights lawyer, whose celebrity status has only strengthened her appeal before a global audience. BY SIMONE LEE

Clinic Lemanic Magazine


mal Clooney is one of the world’s most respected international human rights lawyers. She fights for ordinary people, the displaced, the vulnerable and the elderly. She is renowned for taking on the most challenging cases, and winning. While carrying on these battles, she has often found her own, elegant image propelled onto billboards, magazine covers and TV screens. It is a complex situation but one the 40-year-old knows she has to embrace. “It doesn’t matter whether it’s dress sense, whether we’re referencing ISIS, the most brutal terror group in the world, or simply acknowledging that there can be no lasting peace without justice, and that a lack of accountability simply leads to continuing cycles of vengeful violence – whatever it is, it’s about human rights, and preserving free choice,” she says. “I would rather go about doing what I do quietly and efficiently, because the attention must be on those who truly need it. But this is the way it is. And as long as someone has a voice, that must be good. The best thing I can do is exercise the media attention by continuing to take on this sort of work.” While the public focuses on the celebrity factor – and she and George Clooney represent the most talked about couple in entertainment – this brilliant mind says little about her private life. This is partly because away from legal instructions she could be described as a recluse. But also, for Amal the flashbulbs and red carpets are irrelevant; if anything they obscure the real business of fighting for human rights. And she is uncomfortable when words such as “superhuman” are bandied about. “My dependencies are just the same as everyone else’s,” she offers. “Praise is nice

but we all have a job to do and this is mine. Ultimately, I don’t want the end focus to ever be on anyone other than those who really need it.” Her humble honesty has made her popular with women worldwide – no mean feat for the person who snapped up Hollywood’s most eligible bachelor – as she balances her career with her role as mother and wife under a glaring spotlight. For women everywhere she is proof you can be taken seriously professionally and like fashion; you can have a high-profile partner and remain independent, and you can stand up for your beliefs even in the showbiz arena. Amal learned the importance of justice from her Lebanese parents. She was born in 1978 in Beirut. Her mother is a political journalist and her father was vice president of the Universal Federation of Travel Agents’ Association. The family was forced to leave Beirut because of Lebanon’s troubles, relocating to the UK where Amal thrived. Highly academic, with a busy social life and a love of fashion, she studied law at Oxford and New York University. She was a senior advisor to the late Kofi Annan, counsel to the UN Inquiry on armed drones and is a member of the UK’s team on sexual violence in conflict zones. She was recently appointed to the UK Attorney General’s expert panel. “The worst thing – as women and as people – is to forget to stand up for each other. And this is something that we can practise every day, no matter where we are or what we do – because if we are united, there is no limit to what we can do,” she says. For example, the Amal Clooney Scholarship for Lebanese Girls promotes human rights and female empowerment. - 82 -

“This feels natural to me because my mother was definitely my role model – growing up she was always a strong, resourceful, positive woman; independent to the point she needed to be, ambitious, yet loving and balanced.” While self-assured at work, Amal accepts that in her private life several elements are beyond her control. Discussing falling in love with George, she said: “It’s the one thing in life that I think is the biggest determinant of happiness, and it’s the thing you have the least control over.” In a sense, Amal reclaims some of that control through her fashion tastes which portray a carefree attitude – the lavish dresses and breezy, quite girly skirts reveal a more light-hearted side. “I’m glad that exists,” she says. “I don’t think any of us are ever one person all of the time, and to have the confidence and freedom to allow fashion to represent different moods is surely a right everyone should fight to uphold. ‘The high-profile lifestyle and the media attention is not something I wanted or ever went after, but if the by-product of that is increased attention on really important and serious projects, then how could I not think that is a good thing.’ The Clooneys have proved tremendous ambassadors through their Clooney Foundation for Justice. At the same time, Amal is co-writing a book, The Right to a Fair Trial in International Law, while George’s last directorial effort, Suburbicon, highlighted racial tensions in 1950s Americana, sparking conversations about how much attitudes towards race have really changed. ‘There is no end, nor will there ever be, but giving up is not an option,’ she says.

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PEOPLE Clinic Lemanic Magazine


Kurylenko Multi-faceted heroine - 84 -

From Daniel Craig to Romain Duris, via Antonio Banderas, the James Bond Girl who came in from the cold plays opposite the silver screen’s biggest names and is on the A-list for directors looking for a leading lady. Passionate, multi-lingual and a hard worker, the stunning Slav is, in reality, a world away from the ice queen image that comes across from the glossies. In between three film shoots and a photo shoot at the chateau of Vaux-le-Vicomte, we had a chat with this modern-day heroine. BY LAURE DELVIGO - PHOTO © SANDRA FOURQUI When we meet you are we meeting a French woman or a Ukrainian? There is no simple answer. I was born in Ukraine, my mother is Russian with Bashkir blood on her father’s side while my father is half Belarusian and half Ukrainian. I was naturalised French in 2001, after having lived in the United States and England. I travel a lot and speak several languages. I have lived, for the most part, in Europe. So I feel more European and a world citizen. You were a model at the age of 16; what did you learn from that experience? It was a chance to grow up very quickly and I very quickly became aware of my responsibilities. From then on, I was the only one running my life; no-one was going to help me so it was up to me to create something although I started with nothing. I was very focussed on everything I undertook. I was much more serious than I am now, much less relaxed. My friends would often say to me: “Why don’t you ever go on holiday? Why are you working all the time?” You often play the role of an Amazon on screen; are you a

fighter even when the camera stops rolling? Even if I love doing stunts and learning new techniques, I’m not really a fighter in the physical sense of the word. However, my personality is definitely that of a fighter. I am pretty well organised (much too much so for an actress!), very focussed when I need to be and I have absolutely no fear of work – on the contrary, I love it! And I’m not talking about the glamour side of things. For instance, in Provence, when I get to my house I am capable of weeding the garden or collecting up the leaves by hand. Manual activities relax me and make me very happy. What did it feel like to top the bill of a blockbuster like James Bond? I find it hard to believe. Obviously I was very happy and impatient to start filming! It was so huge; I have really great memories of it. From Quantum of Solace alongside Daniel Craig to To the Wonder with Ben Affleck and Javier Bardem, you play very different roles; which ones do you prefer? I enjoy playing in action films and more dramatic films just as much. They are so different. - 85 -

The storyline is very important, and the people you are filming with as well; partners, the director and the entire film crew. It’s really the people who make it a good experience or not. When you are not filming, what would be your perfect day? Oh goodness! When I’m not filming I’m still working. Since my son was born I try to spend time with him. So my perfect day would be with him and my partner in a park, playing and having a picnic. You are a young mother with a dream figure; what do you do to keep in shape? Honestly, nothing special. I try to eat as healthily as possible, without obsessing. I eat everything – there are no forbidden foods, only food I try to eat as little of as possible and only when I really want it. What makes things easier is I don’t really have a sweet tooth so I almost never have a dessert. For example, I really don’t like ending a meal with a dessert so it’s not a big effort. What is your mantra? What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger!


Ben Jacobs

One to Watch

Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Benjamin Jacobs could have followed in the footsteps of his parents, founders of Clinic Lémanic, but he chose to find his own path. He was accepted into the Lausanne Conservatory and graduated at the age of 16, highly commended by the jury, after receiving many awards for excellence and frequently scooping first prize for cello in the finals of the Concours Suisse de Musique pour la Jeunesse (Swiss Youth Music Competition). At the same time, he passed his high school exams in bilingual sciences in 2018, and was admitted to Lausanne’s prestigious Haute École de Musique. His dream is to become a professional cellist. Benjamin, tell us how you got here. I started playing the cello at the age of four. I really grew up with this instrument, as well as sport which has always been part of my daily life; especially football, swimming and downhill skiing. While I was studying at the Lausanne Conservatory, I was also enrolled in the International School in Lausanne and I have just passed my baccalaureate. It was always important to my parents that my brother and I had rounded lives that included sport, the arts - mainly music with us - and academic studies, rather than making a professional choice too early. Where does your love of music come from? My parents have always been musicians and I listened to a lot of music at home. Jim, my older brother, played the violin. I tried it too but it wasn’t the instrument for me. For a few years I played piano, like my parents. Then I started the cello and I instantly felt it was my instrument; it was more natural. It’s difficult to explain why – it has become a really important part of my personality. What values did your parents pass on to you? Being modest and appreciating what you have. That’s something they always pushed. I don’t mean necessarily on a material level, but rather the good times you enjoy with your family and with friends. I think that’s very important and I don’t take things so lightly any more. I try to be aware of the important things that are happening in my life and to appreciate them.

How does it feel to have passed your baccalaureate at the age of 17? I feel relieved! I put a lot of work into it and devoted a lot of time to it over the last two years. And now I can see the results of all that effort. Since I finished my academic studies a little early, I can really concentrate on music now.

What are your hobbies aside from music? I still play football regularly and, for quite a while, I skied competitively but I had to give it up; I didn’t have the time. As I grew up, it became complicated with the cello because of the risk of injury. Now I just ski for pleasure and to make the most of a fine day.

Why music rather than the sciences? I have always been very interested in science, especially biology, but I grew up with music. It’s much more personal. Music has always been something of a refuge for me in difficult situations; it’s my own world, a comfort zone that means so much to me. So I took the entrance exam for the Haute École de Musique in Lausanne and was accepted. It seemed logical to follow this path I adore.

What does Clinic Lémanic mean to you? It’s the institution my parents founded before I was even born. What goes on at the clinic has always been part of our daily family life, whether in our chats, in good times but also the constraints that come with their responsibilities regarding the clinic. I grew up in Lausanne, so I spent a lot of time there – especially since my mother tends to do a lot of overtime. My brother even worked at the clinic for a while. I admire what my parents have built. I really see it as their achievement.

Who is your favourite composer? Haydn. Especially his Concerto in C Major. Why? I really appreciate his immense creativity. His music is very fresh, very subtle, full of contrasts and, quite simply, it really puts me in a good mood! Do you listen to modern music? Yes. I’m quite eclectic in my musical tastes. I listen to a lot of classical music but also hip-hop and R&B. I like NWA and Sam Smith, but I much prefer the “oldies” like Michael Jackson. So classics really!

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Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time? If everything works out the way I want it to, I will have obtained a Masters as a soloist and I will be giving concerts anywhere I can. That’s my goal, because although music is my little bubble, it’s also something I want to share with people. As I’m quite shy, I’m not very good at talking about my thoughts and feelings. But when I play on a stage, just me and my cello, I’m much better at it! I think it’s my way of communicating.

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The Lausanne


Clinic Lemanic Magazine

almost 150 years of history

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Lausanne’s close connection with the enchanted world of opera goes back a long way. As early as the eighteenth century, Lausanne already had a score of playhouses where troupes from all over Switzerland and from France, Germany and Italy performed. However, it was not until 10 May 1871, when the “Casino-Théâtre” was opened, that the city acquired a grand opera house that could seat hundreds and accommodate large-scale productions.


he splendid CasinoThéâtre featured art nouveau ornamentation by the Swiss sculptor Eugène Grasset. Both classic operas from the traditional canon such as Rossini’s Barber of Seville and new works were performed there. In 1931, it was renovated in the fashionable art deco style and renamed the Théâtre Municipal. In its new incarnation, the theatre had a orchestra pit that could accommodate 70 musicians, and scheduled operas, comic operas and operettas. From 1971, the theatre was

gradually transformed into the present-day Lausanne Opera, which stages operas, concerts and ballets.

BOLD PROGRAMMING BY DIRECTOR ERIC VIGIÉ In the course of its long history, the Lausanne Opera has had no fewer than 27 directors, including great names such as Jacques Béranger (1928-1959), Renée Auphan (1983-1995) and Dominique Meyer (1995-1999). Since 2005, it has been directed by the Frenchman Eric Vigié. A graduate of the Regional

National Conservatory of Nice, Vigié works with around 40 opera directors from around the world, in France, Spain, the Netherlands, the USA and Russia. Before becoming Director of the Lausanne Opera, Eric Vigié helped put the Nice Opera on the map during his time there as assistant director until 1993, and worked as artistic director at the Teatro Giuseppe Verdi in Trieste in the 2000s. A renowned opera director, he has set out to bring the Lausanne Opera to international attention with a consciously off-beat style. Following - 89 -

renovation works in 2012, the Lausanne Opera now has a mirror-and-aluminium extension, which Vigié compares to an evening gown. To create opportunities for local opera-singers, every two years, he organizes a major tour known as the “Route Lyrique”, featuring classic operas from the repertoire and works that have never been performed in France or Switzerland, enabling thousands of people to attend opera performances for the first time.

ARTIST Clinic Lemanic Magazine



“As artists, we must play the music of our time.”

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At 37, he is a cellist of international renown, an insatiable concert artist and a teacher at the Fondation Louis Vuitton. For Clinic Lemanic, Gautier Capuçon plays by the rules of the interview with intelligence and passion. BY JEAN-PASCAL GROSSO Your first musical memory? The most vivid one remains my very first cello. It was a real emotional shock and I mainly recall it for the sensations I felt in my body. At first, everything is resonance inside you. As a listener, I most remember the gift I had for my 7th birthday, a concert with Yo-Yo Ma at the Festival de Montreux. For many young people, an artistic career is a difficult choice for parents to accept. How was it for you? I was very lucky being the youngest in the family. My sister is ten years older than me and she played the piano. My brother, Renaud, of course plays the violin. Even though our parents weren’t musicians, I was permanently immersed in music. We went to concerts; I heard my sister and brother practice… For me, taking this path was absolutely natural. If I was sure of one thing as an adolescent, it was that I would spend my life playing the cello. It was like an integral part of myself. Melodious but imposing, the cello seems to be an instrument

particularly difficult to master. Is this a misconception? It’s true that with a string instrument, there’s also the question of playing in tune. When you touch a key on the piano or the valve of a wind instrument, the note is in tune. With a string instrument, there remains this great injustice: all our lives, even after years of practice, we’re still searching for the perfect note. To be even more precise about the cello, it’s a very physical instrument. It’s cumbersome; the tension of the chords is very great. For the musician, it puts a great strain on the muscles of the back, the shoulders and the fingers. One must know, as long as one plays, how to control the body’s energy and remain in symbiosis with the instrument. Do you often talk with your brother Renaud? Of course. Today we may see a little less of each other than before. A few years ago, we gave a lot of concerts together. But we continue to discuss the subject a great deal. A few days ago we had a long talk about artistic and musical issues, about our plans and projects.

Our conversations as well as our disagreements are always fascinating. What about the courses you teach at the Fondation Louis Vuitton? For me, life is about sharing. Once you are immersed in that type of energy, in transferral, it opens up extraordinary possibilities. You realize that you can learn from everyone. Being with those young cellists, all of them very talented, coming from different cultures, from different horizons, it’s captivating. They all help each other and they also give me back an enormous amount. It’s like a laboratory where we experiment, together, we study different subjects, different fields. They have an incredible thirst for knowledge, for discovery. A composer whose works you would like to perform now? As artists, we must play the music of our time. It’s one of our roles. There are many contemporary composers who need us, the performers, to make their works heard, to pass on their music. For us, it’s also an extraordinary chance - 91 -

to see a composer at work. Recently, we created with JeanYves Thibaudet, in Australia and then in Belgium, a double concerto pour cello written by Richard Dubugnon. I also think of Bryce Dessner, a brilliant American who has only been in Paris for a short time. There’s Krzysztof Penderecki whom I am lucky to know well and who just composed a piece for my cello class at the Fondation Louis Vuitton… We mustn’t be afraid of contemporary music. It’s just the music of our time. Let’s avoid putting it into categories as much as possible. What is your favourite classical piece? I’ll say “Bach’s Suites”, a work for cellists, to which all of us feel extremely close. You usually tackle them when you’re quite young and then grow up with them. With Bach, there are magical, mystical and difficult aspects that make them all simply miraculous and they accompany you all through your life.


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Clinic Lemanic Magazine


An inside looî ˜ at a

Russian music school

Renowned worldwide for its supremely high standards, its outstanding teachers, and the exceptional career opportunities it offers students, the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory is the most famous of all Russia’s music schools. Vitaly Katkov, its Deputy Rector for Concert Activities, lets us into some of its secrets. INTERVIEWED BY JEAN-PASCAL GROSSO.

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Does the Tchaikovsky Conservatory feel its 153 years? No - it feels younger than ever! As well as teaching, it is very active on the research front and organizes a lot of concerts. Its heritage, its teaching and good public relations have earned it the reputation of being one of the world’s top music schools.

What do you have to do to get in? Our admissions procedure consists of an interview, during which candidates have to demonstrate their general knowledge in the humanities, the arts and music, and specific examinations in music theory and harmony, in which the candidate has to take melodic and harmonic dictation.

What is special about it? For a start, we have exceptional teaching staff who are utterly committed to music. We also have a lot of world-famous alumni: Sviatoslav Richter, Emil Gilels, Yelena Obraztsova, Gennady Rozhdestvensky, Mstislav Rostropovich, Leonid Kogan, and so on. The Conservatory exports its students’ talents to other countries and foreign students come to study music the Russian way.

Have you noticed any intellectual or artistic differences in the most recent cohorts of students? These young people have access to higher education and all the latest technologies, but they still play acoustic instruments, just as their predecessors did decades ago. Their combination of open-mindedness and respect for tradition produces fantastic results - as shown by the many awards we have won in international competitions.

What qualities will a student need to study there? Ambition, will-power, curiosity and an extremely high level of training.

What proportion of the students are foreigners? The numbers are steadily growing - from 23 admissions in 2013 to 43 in 2018. - 94 -

Foreign students now make up 20% of our 222 first-year students. On a practical level, what opportunities does the Tchaikovsky Conservatory offer pupils? Firstly, high-quality cross-disciplinary teaching. Our graduates are in demand all over the world both as musicians and as teachers. In addition to their core syllabus, the students can choose from a wide range of options. Pianists and musicologists often learn to play the organ. Musicians who play an instrument can try their hand at conducting. Future opera-singers take theatre classes to give them insights into musical comedy. How do you see the future of music in Russia? I think Russia’s future lies in supporting musicians all over the world. It’s a very promising area. Despite the technological changes we mentioned earlier, people still like listening to live music. They enjoy the energy of a concert hall. Nowadays

the audience can go anywhere to see their favourite soloist or orchestra. Music can make cultural, political and geographical barriers disappear. What are the Tchaikovsky Conservatory’s goals for the next few years? There is a document called “Development Strategy for the Moscow Conservatory until 2021” on the Conservatory’s official website, explicitly stating our objectives - to devise and implement new study syllabuses, to develop our human resources, to develop academic and creative training, to raise awareness of our activities among the public, to be part of the global education context, to draft an action plan for education, strengthening relationships with the State, business and civil society, and building the Conservatory’s brand in Russia and internationally. What three words best sum up the Conservatory for you? Tradition. Greatness. Triumph.

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Jia Yong Sun

Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Ballet star

I first saw the exceptionally talented Jia Yong Sun perform on stage at the Opéra de Lausanne, during the Clinic Lémanic’s gala evening. He trained at Liaoning Ballet School, then at Shanghai Tongji University University of Dance, he qualified as a ballet teacher with the Royal Academy of Dance China and was soon being courted by the world’s most highly-reputed ballet companies. He joined Ballett Zürich in 2009, before moving to the prestigious Ballet Béjart Lausanne, where he has played leading roles in ballets ranging from The Magic Flute to Webern Opus V, in which he took part in a wonderful pas de deux. He is an impressively powerful dancer, whose energy is matched only by his delight in conveying emotions to the audience and other dancers. BY LAURE DELVIGO

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Principal Dancer of Bejart Ballet - 97 -

Clinic Lemanic Magazine

You started ballet dancing when you were 12. Where did your love of dance come from? As a small child, I was very lively. I loved dancing, and I would dance for my family at every opportunity. It was when I realized that sharing my love of dance was what I wanted to do more than anything else that I decided to become a professional dancer. You trained at Liaoning Ballet and then Shanghai TongJi University of Dance in China before joining Ballett Zürich in 2009 and the Ballet Béjart Lausanne in 2015. What differences did you notice between Chinese and Swiss ballet styles? When I began my training, I learned Vaganova’s Russian style. A few years later,

I received French-style ballet training from another teacher. Then I went to Shanghai Tongji University, where I had the good fortune to work with a teacher who had trained at the Royal Ballet School and had been a dancer with the Royal Ballet, who taught me a lot. That enabled me to qualify as a registered ballet teacher from the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD). I feel lucky to have encountered different styles during my training in China. It broadened my knowledge of dance. Would you agree that Maurice Béjart enabled ballet to make the leap from decorative art to emotional theatre? Maurice is a dance genius. His choreography of each ges- 98 -

ture, each look, conveys such a range of emotions. Being a dancer in the Ballet Béjart takes a lot of energy, but it also gives us a lot of scope to express love through dance. Apart from Maurice Béjart, which choreographers are an inspiration to you? Out of Roland Petit, Pina Bausch and George Balanchine, which do you prefer, and why? Pina Bausch’s and George Balanchine’s styles are a pleasure to watch. Balanchine’s is neo-classical, whereas Pina Bausch is an important figure in what is called dance-theatre. I love them both, because in their time each of them had a positive impact on ballet and made a huge contribution to its development.

Which is your favourite of the roles you’ve danced at the Béjart Ballet Lausanne in The Magic Flute, The Nutcracker or the wonderful pas de deux in Webern Opus V? Dancing the role of Tamino in The Magic Flute had a big impact on my career. Tamino is lively, brave and above all steadfast in adversity. I find his character fascinating, and to some extent, my personality is very like his. What is your best ballet memory? When I was at Ballett Zürich, I was chosen to dance the supporting role in a ballet that was performed as part of an evening programme with the dancers William Forsythe,

Hans van Manen and Jiri Kylián. One of the principal dancers seriously injured himself on the day before the premiere, and was unable to dance. I myself had a slight fracture that was really painful, but when the rehearsal director asked me to replace the lead dancer, I unhesitatingly agreed. I’ll never forget the joy I felt at that premiere, even though I couldn’t dance for a long time afterwards on account of the fracture. It was one of the finest moments in my career. What is your regime as a professional dancer (in terms of the kind of exercises you do, how much time you spend training, if you have a special diet, and so on)? For me, morning classes are

very important, because they prepare you for rehearsals. As regards diet, I eat no pork and very little sugar. You recently attracted attention at the Opéra de Lausanne, dancing to Ben Jacobs’ cello. How did the two of you meet? We met through a woman we’re both friends with. What are your memories of the Clinic Lémanic anniversary gala? It was the first time I’d danced to cello music. I really enjoyed dancing the piece I’d choreographed especially to accompany Ben Jacobs’ playing. Even though we had very few rehearsals, Ben and I immediately had a really good connection on stage. That’s very

rare and valuable. And I was bowled over by his talent. What is your definition of beauty? In aesthetic terms, there is inner beauty and the beauty of appearances. To me, inner beauty means being kind-hearted and also to some extent disciplined, so as to become healthier. At the same time, external beauty can boost our self-confidence and help us get through difficult periods in our lives, and it can generate positive energy and give us a degree of social insight. What plans do you have for the future? Alongside my job as a dancer with the Ballet Béjart, I’ve set up the SUN-BALLET - 99 -

educational programme to enable dance-lovers to work together and offer classes for everyone at all levels. SUNBALLET runs ten-day courses for Chinese pupils aged between seven and twelve in Switzerland each summer, with classes in classical ballet, pilates and contemporary dance. I love choreographing for other dancers. The pieces I’ve choreographed have been danced at a gala in Osaka, in Japan, and in Positano, in Italy. I hope that sharing my ideas for choreographing movements to accompany music with other dancers will enable me to open up a subtle creative world to as many people as possible, so that we can inspire each other. SUNBALLET.COM - BEJART.CH


Liu Wen

Chinese Top Model On Her Way Up In record time, Liu Wen has become one of the most sought-after models in the world. And yet nothing destined this 31-year-old Chinese woman for a career as an international top model. Focus on a faultless ascension. BY LAURE DELVIGO

Clinic Lemanic Magazine


orn in Yongzhou, Liu knew nothing about the world of fashion and modelling until she was 18. In 2005, she entered a beauty contest under her mother’s protective eye with the sole purpose of winning the first prize: a laptop. It was then that she discovered a world that became her dream and she decided to give up her studies in tourism and try for a career as a model. It was the start of a new life that would take her to the world’s most coveted podiums. Liu Wen was quickly noticed in her own country and became a success story for young women in China. In 2007 she caught the attention of international brands when she made the cover of Cosmopolitan wearing looks labelled Karl Lagerfeld and Viktor & Rolf. At 5’11”, with high cheekbones, jet-black eyes and porcelain skin, Liu Wen is among those models with the power to enhance everything she wears. Very soon the great couture houses were vying for her presence at their shows in New York, Milan and Paris. She fast became the most booked model on the planet. She has shown the dresses of the best known names in the business, among them Chanel and Louis Vuitton. She is also

the first Chinese model to grace the catwalk of the celebrated Victoria’s Secret show. Crazy about fashion, Liu’s everyday style is on the refined side, mostly composed of trousers and shirts, but always with a feminine touch. She shares her passion for fashion and photography via social media and especially Instagram, where she has more than 4.5 million followers a day. A natural beauty, Liu tries to stick to a healthy lifestyle to always keep her skin luminous and her complexion fresh. Her beauty rituals are simple: a good refreshing night of sleep (at least 8 hours a night) and moisturizing facial masks several times a week. In the same way, to overcome the effects of jetlag, Liu likes to go to bed with a book and a glass of hot milk, and she switches off social media which, she confides, takes a big place in her life as a model. With her balanced lifestyle, Liu is one of the tops who knows how to keep her feet on the ground. Although many years await her for travelling the world as a model, Liu Wen is already thinking about her reconversion, which she sees as a photographer or an actor.

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CHEF Clinic Lemanic Magazine

L ’Hôtel de Ville The legendary Restaurant in Crissier

Repeatedly singled out for distinctions by both Gault&Millau and the highly prestigious Swiss edition of the Guide Michelin, the Restaurant de l’Hôtel de Ville, in Crissier, near Lausanne and Lake Geneva, has become a national institution and a source of great pride for the Swiss. Newly-appointed head chef Franck Giovannini is the fourth person to occupy the position in the half-century since the restaurant was founded. BY OLIVIER LIMONTA

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A FAMILY AFFAIR When the chef Benjamin Girardet began running l’Hôtel de Ville, in Crissier, with his wife Georgette and their son Frédy, in 1955, it was just a café, though the Girardets made a point of using regional produce. Frédy Girardet stepped into his father’s shoes in 1965, and set about turning the Café de l’Hôtel de Ville into a world-class gastronomic restaurant. He gradually broadened the menu to include French specialities, although it continued to feature Swiss produce such as meat from livestock farmed on the shores of Lake Geneva.

THE ACME OF SWISS FINE DINING It took Frédy Girardet ten years to achieve his aim, but in 1975, his ambition was rewarded. L’Hôtel de Ville was showered with plaudits, receiving three stars from the famous Guide Michelin and an astonishing score of 19.5/20 from Gault&Millau Switzerland. Girardet succeeded in holding onto these distinctions in every subsequent year, and was crowned “World’s Best Chef” in 1986 and “Cook of the Century” in 1989 by Gault&Millau. In 1996, he was succeeded by the chef Philippe Rochat, who maintained the - 103 -

same standards of excellence, regularly earning three stars and a grade of 19/20 until 2012, when Benoît Violier took over as head chef. Under Violier, the restaurant continued to cover itself in glory, and was named the world’s best restaurant by La Liste in 2016.

FRANCK GIOVANNINI, A NEW HEAD CHEF WHO HAS MORE THAN PROVED HIMSELF After Benoît Violier’s death in 2016, his wife, Brigitte Violier, temporarily took over the running of l’Hôtel de Ville. Swiss chef Franck Giovannini had been working there as chef de cuisine since 2012. He won his gastronomic spurs as a chef de partie at l’Hôtel de Ville in the 1990s, and in New York and Massachusetts, in the USA. As we enter 2019, Brigitte Violier has demonstrated her confidence in 44-year-old Giovannini by extending his responsibilities. He has already proved himself a worthy successor to his illustrious predecessors, earning the coveted three stars and a score of 19/20, and being named “Chef of the Year” by Gault&Millau in 2018, the year when he took over the running of l’Hôtel de Ville. Giovannini is the fourth head chef to preside over this deservedly legendary Swiss restaurant.

CHEF Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Olivier Dufrenne shares his table Personal chef and caterer Olivier Dufrenne originally comes from Picardy, but he has lived in Switzerland for 25 years. He cooks for clients in the Vaud, Valais and Geneva cantons, operating under the name “La Table d’Olivier”. He talks enthusiastically about his job, his passion for cookery and his idea of fine dining. INTERVIEWED BY QUITTERIE PACQUERONT What are your most memorable professional experiences? I’ve been working since I was 15, but I really learned to cook before that, from my mother and grandmother. In the country, we had wonderful homegrown produce - strawberries from the garden, raspberries, carrots and so on. It was sheer delight. I learned the rest from my various work experiences. In Quiberon, I discovered crustaceans and fish - marine life. It was a turning-point for me - a moment of truth. In Bourges, I learned how to use real ingredients and acquired professional technique, rigour and perfectionism. Then I came to Switzerland, where I worked in a series of places including the Casino in Montreux, the Cran Ambassador in Cran Montana, Le Mirador Kempiski and L’auberge de

l’Onde in St Saphorin, in the course of which I met some amazing people from whom I learned a lot.

well not exist: you’re just a robot.

What did you learn from working in hotels? It was hugely character-forming. It prepared me for anything. Hotels are a world unto themselves, separate from the outside world. You exist to serve the guests. Working there taught me humility and modesty. I learned to work hard and constantly question what I’m doing. It also gave me a sense of proportion. In a very public world where we’re constantly being urged to aim higher, go faster, I think it’s important to stay grounded and do what’s right for you. The human aspect is the most important thing. Without it, you’ll never create anything. You might as - 104 -

What does cookery represent to you? For me, it’s been the school of life. There have been some great moments, moments of joy, and some very tough times. I’ve always loved cooking - it stems from a desire to please people and give of my best. My present job is all about making my customers happy. What does being a personal chef mean to you? I see it as a means of making people happy while doing a job I love. The idea of La Table d’Olivier is to let my clients have a restaurant of their own for an evening, a lunch or a special occasion. I give them the chance to do things they can’t do in most restaurants:

linger over their meal, be private, and so on... It lets me take care of them just as I wish, leaving them with vivid, unforgettable memories. I always talk to the client about what they would like the menu to include. Every place is different. Every kitchen is different. I love that, and I adapt to whatever I find. How would you define your cuisine? I’d describe it as purist. I love working with high-quality ingredients, cooked as simply as possible. That way, they keep their own distinctive flavour and character, and I can show people how delicious and enjoyable foods served just as they are can be.

Marktgasse 55 3011 Bern 031 318 80 80

PALACE Clinic Lemanic Magazine

A century of splendidness at the

Lausanne Palace The Lausanne Palace enjoys a welldeserved five-star reputation based on two essential ingredients: more than a century of practice in hosting and a Michelin-starred restaurant run by one of Switzerland’s finest chefs. BY SAMANTHA KING

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Clinic Lemanic Magazine


ocated in the heart of Lausanne, the Palace has all the hallmarks of a luxury Swiss hotel – the impressive Belle Époque façade complete with ornate balconies, the grand entrance you feel you could arrive at in a carriage and not look out of place and, of course, the liveried staff that greet you with a warm smile. As soon as you step into the lobby, with its polished parquet floor contrasting beautifully with the white marble and stone and the natural hues of the velvet-covered armchairs tastefully placed around a magnificent tree, you just know this is the real thing. Indeed the Lausanne Palace dates back to 1915 – it opened its doors as a sign of hope for a brighter future as the rest of Europe waged a bloody war around neutral Switzerland. Almost instantly crowned heads, politicians and celebrities flocked to the safe haven the Lausanne Palace so beautifully offered. The opening also coincided with Pierre de Coubertin installing the International Olympic Committee in Lausanne and the organisation and the hotel have enjoyed

close links ever since with many a President of the IOC choosing to stay at the Palace. Over the century the hotel has moved with the times – the lavish balls are less frequent now while the LP’s Bar offers live music five evenings a week. The programme includes jazz, soul, groove, funk and pop from Tuesday to Friday while guest DJs set the mood on Saturdays. The hotel now has excellent conference facilities for business and a wonderful spa for pleasure, and, naturally, it has updated its facilities with the latest technology. But some things have not changed: the Palace is still a popular haunt for locals, making it feel like a home-from-home for guests from out of town. One of the big draws for all is the wide range of dining options with, as the flagship, La Table d’Edgard run by Executive Chef Edgard Bovier. With his Michelin star and a mark of 18/20 from Gault Millau, Edgard has been at the hotel since 2004. Both his father and grandfather were chefs so it’s hardly surprising Edgard has a natural flair! On top of his excellent genes, Edgard has travelled extensively, picking up various culinary tips, especially - 108 -

Mediterranean. This is most notable in his respect for olive oil – so much so he now has his own line of olive oil and other Mediterranean products. The Menu at La Table is based on fresh, seasonal products with fish being the dominant theme. Edgard’s skill turns even the

most seemingly ordinary fare such as cod or mackerel into a real treat for the taste buds. And for those who like something a little more special, you will also find truffles, foie gras, Dublin prawns and scallops on the menu.

For something truly special, why not book the Table d’Hôte, a private dining area that seats six and offers you a bird’s eye view of Edgard and his staff at work while enjoying delights suggested by the great chef himself? Of course that’s not the only option at the Lausanne Palace. There is also the Côté Jardin with its wonderful views over Lake Geneva, the perfect spot for breakfast while the antipasti buffet lunch is a great hit with locals and guests. The Brasserie Grand Chêne is full of traditional charm with a menu of Parisian classics to match and an oyster bar throughout the winter. The Sushi Zen Palace with windows onto the Rue du Grand-Chêne is a great place to enjoy Japanese cuisine and watch passers by. Both the 1915 Bar and the LP’s Bar offer a range of light meals to accompany an impressive selection of hot and cold, alcoholic and soft drinks (note three pages of whiskies in the LP’s menu). - 109 -

Finally the Yogi Booster has a selection of light and healthy snacks. This is, of course, the Spa bar and lounge – you didn’t think we would forget to mention the spa did you?! This temple of well-being offers a full range of treatments and beauty routines using the finest products including Valmont from Switzerland and Menard from Japan. Both brands are renowned in the field of anti-ageing. And that something extra? The Hair Spa – more than a salon, here your hair really does become your crowning glory thanks to bespoke treatments administered by real professionals, open seven days a week. Now all that’s left to do is to choose which one of the 140 rooms or suites you would like to book – from a simple, 25m² business single room up to the magnificent 170 m² Coco Chanel suite on the fifth floor with its stunning balcony, the choice is yours!

PALACE Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Finding the

Right Balance

interview with Ivan Rivier

General Manager of the Lausanne Palace - 110 -

Fascinated, fascinating, Ivan Rivier has directed the most legendary of Swiss luxury hotels for the last two years. At the Lausanne Palace, this opera buff has managed to integrate the past with the future. Literary events, artistic partnerships and a new beauty program with Clinic Lémanic fill the intimate hours in the majestic décor of this urban luxury hotel. We are delighted to find a man of rare elegance, for whom the human dimension remains the key to every success. Conversation. BY LAURE DELVIGO You headed the Beau Rivage in Geneva for 15 years, what did this experience bring you? It’s a wonderful hotel, with a familial quality, belonging to the same family since it was founded in 1865. After having been Director of Operations at Lausanne’s Hotel School, the Beau Rivage taught me everything about client relations and managing a team. 15 years. I’m a faithful person, for if you want to build something, you must take the time to do it, especially today when everything goes so quickly. Time is crucial in the hotel business; we work with people and personalities. It’s a very important aspect for me since we must bring our teams up to a level of quality corresponding to our clients’ expectations. In a time of globalisation, what is your view on the world of luxury? Globalisation is here, that’s a fact, so it’s useless to reject it. However, we can reduce this phenomenon to something more local. Today, people are returning to what’s authentic, what’s personal, and it’s a bit like a scale: finding the right balance. You have associated the Lausanne Palace with many cultural events, why this singular choice? I adore the hotel business, but I also adore culture! In a very global world, where there is much talk of finance and economics, culture allows one to escape during the hours spent at a concert or a lecture. However, culture must not be limited to Bach and other very classical works, there can also be more current

things, like Street Art or more contemporary installations. That’s culture, that’s Art. At the Lausanne Palace, we have developed numerous partnerships with the Mudac, the Verbier Festival, the Lausanne Opera. You have also developed many literary events at the Lausanne Palace, who are the main actors? Indeed, literature also occupies an important place here with the ceremony for the “Charles Veillon Essay Prize”, “The Book on the Quays”, with whom we’re going to create a library in the hotel, “The Readers’ Prize of the City of Lausanne”, whose books we present every month for six months, a fine literary venue at the Lausanne Palace. We also hosted “The Lausan’noir”, Mystery Festival, with all of the talks taking place here. Bit by bit artists and writers are taking possession of the hotel and that greatly amuses me! So the Lausanne Palace is more of an urban luxury hotel than a beautiful Swiss Riviera Resort? It’s a very urban hotel and I hope to steer the Lausanne Palace in that direction. Indeed, it’s a very inclusive hotel, not at all exclusive. This atmosphere probably comes from the restaurants. We have four restaurants, three bars; one of the bars is vegan. Moreover, we are right in the centre of Lausanne, so automatically, we have a lot of people coming here and an eclectic clientele. What is the added value of a luxury hotel in relation to a five-star? A kind of panache, also the historical connotation, and even if

the luxury hotel has to evolve, this atmosphere is conducive to dreaming. The emotional side is very important, especially in an urban luxury hotel. You share with Dresse Emmenegger and Darrell Jacobs a taste for classical music, especially opera. Where did this passion come from? The education I received certainly influenced me. It’s true that opera wasn’t my cup of tea when I was an adolescent! It came later. Like literature or painting, you have to see it, be curious. Today I adore going to the opera and it’s also an excellent common thread for travelling the world. Moreover, opera shouldn’t be interpreted as a frozen or rigid art. To the contrary, I think of opera in a very live manner! This formal connotation is really too bad, for opera gives you fantastic emotions; you travel during an opera! You developed the Detox program with Clinic Lemanic, what are the parameters? Overall wellbeing remains a very important aspect for me. Of course, we have massages, treatments, everything that’s offered in the usual spa. However, I think that fitness is also very important, as is nutrition. In fact I found all these things at the Lausanne Palace Spa. My aim is to create a convergence around these three things: sport, massage and nutrition. We developed the Detox program with Clinic Lémanic, because we have a yogi booster, a garden side, a fitness coach, as well as therapists. Everything is connected. And this is also a form of culture.

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What are your favourite destinations? I like Asia very much. I go there on many cultural trips, especially China which I recently discovered by the marvellous Silk Route. In the Middle East, Oman is sublime. Closer to home, I have a house in the Luberon, where I go regularly. I like France very much. Among the great capitals, London is captivating. It’s a city with incredible energy and so avant-garde! I’ve always found London fascinating. Do you prefer novels or essays when you travel? I prefer novels, classics or contemporary. I read a lot, it relaxes me and it’s a true passion. What are your plans at the Lausanne Palace? We’re going to redo a whole floor of rooms. We’re also studying ideas for the public areas. Your leitmotiv? Have confidence in what one does, and have confidence in others as well. Together we progress, for me enthusiasm remains an imperative. Remain positive in relation to what is happening and sometimes know how to stand back a little. It’s a bit like what I always say to my teams: I have to trust them; they have to trust me. It’s an exchange; we’re in the same boat. That remains very open. Learn how not to stop when faced with each problem, each thing, otherwise one is crushed and that’s a pity.


The NĂŠgresco

Clinic Lemanic Magazine

luxury hotel-cum-museum and jewel in the Riviera’s crown Nice is the economic and cultural capital of the French Riviera, and the Hotel Negresco, with its staggering array of artworks and its two-Michelinstarred fine dining restaurant, is one of the jewels in its crown. BY BLANCHE SONCINI

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Clinic Lemanic Magazine


art luxury hotel, part museum, the Negresco is one of Nice’s landmarks. Since it was built over a century ago, it has acquired a unique status among French luxury hotels. Commissioned by Henri Negrescu and designed by Eduard Johan Niermans, a Dutch-born architect, the hotel opened in January 1913. From then on, it went from strength to strength. It was purchased by the Mesnage family in 1957 and subsequently inherited by Jeanne Augier, who took over its running. Refusing to conform to the canons of international hoteliery or follow the fashion for all things American, Madame Augier restored the Negresco’s original character, reinstating the distinctive features for which it is now so well-loved. She set out to turn her hotel into a museum, attending countless auctions and acquiring a magnificent collection of furniture, pictures and sculptures in the course of half a century. When you think of Nice, you think of the Negresco. You cannot miss its famous facade as you stroll along the Promenade des Anglais. A dazzling Baccarat chandelier presides over the hotel’s lounge, suspended from a Louis XVI-

style glass roof, and every space is adorned with its 6,000-plus artworks. Highlights include Salvador Dali’s Surrealist lithographs, a Fernand Léger tapestry, a statue of Marianne by local sculptor Aquilina, an impressive portrait of Louis XIV in state robes, and of course Niki de Saint Phalle’s Big Yellow Chick. Classical and modern art rub shoulders in the rooms and suites, each of which is unique and has its own history and is furnished in a style based on the main French art movements. In 2001, the Negresco was awarded the Twentiethcentury Heritage Label, and as of 2003, its facades and roofs and its Royal Lounge have entitled it to the status of listed historical monument. In 2015, its traditional savoir-faire and high standards earned it the title of Living Heritage Company. No. 37 Promenade des Anglais also remains a favourite haunt for the rich and famous, frequented by leading figures from the worlds of politics, business and the arts. Winston Churchill, Jacques Chirac, Catherine Deneuve, Charles Aznavour and Bill Gates and countless others have graced its halls. Some left their unique stamp, adding to the hotel’s colourful reputation. “King of - 114 -

Pop” Michael Jackson insisted that a room be totally emptied to create a dancefloor for him; it was here that the Beatles wrote “The Fool On The Hill”; and Salvador Dali, a long-time friend of Madame Augier’s, strolled the hotel’s corridors accompanied by a cheetah. In short, the proprietress graciously accepted all manner of whims and eccentricities on the part of her guests. As for the Negresco’s food, if you find yourself in Nice, you absolutely must try gifted chef Virginie Basselot’s marvellous dishes! The twoMichelin-starred restaurant Le Chantecler gives pride of place to regional produce, while the brasserie La Rotonde, dubbed an Ambassador of the Frenchstyle art of living, welcomes guests in a startling decor with a terrace overlooking the Promenade des Anglais and a menu featuring traditional cuisine and Mediterranean gastronomy. The latest in the Negresco’s long series of novelties is a pop-up restaurant, the 37 Pop, that has recently opened under the arches of the Royal Lounge. If you’re visiting the Côte d’Azur, make sure you include the palatial delights of the Negresco on your itinerary.

PURE BEAUTYÂ 2 PhotographerS: Ron Contarsy for Highmark Studios Make up: Ronaldo Escobar Hair: Naomi Porto Model: Chi Kuynh- Fenton Moon Models / New York










Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Unveils its dazzling beauty Haute Jewellery is constantly pushing the frontiers of influences and desires to nurture the look of materials, designs and light. From the château de Versailles to the Amalfi Coast, via the Silk Route, haute jewellery displays its extraordinary pieces, creations from the greatest ateliers in Paris, Geneva and Hong Kong. BY LAURE DELVIGO

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Silk Collection

Samarkand – Turquoise Walled Paradise


amarkand was chosen in the 14th century as capital of the empire of the great conqueror Tamerlane. The city rapidly attracted qualified artisans from all over the empire and this powerful ruler supplied the town with architectural and cultural gems. This set of jewellery has stretched the limits of art with its strands of lapis lazuli and coral as pure as a painting from the brush of a - 125 -

master. These strands become the ideal frame for diamond flowers specially cut in a mosaic of turquoise slabs. This creation in semi-precious stones was then made flexible with more than one hundred almost invisible hinges that are softened with strands of coral pearls. This allows the bracelet to slide gently on the wrist just as silk used to slip through this legendary city.

Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Dior at Versailles


he Château de Versailles, icon of luxury and French art de vivre, is a location for Dior par excellence. The designer himself, who tried to revive the rich moments of French history, found inspiration in its pageantry and symbolism in his very first collection. Versailles is also the starting point for Victoire de Castellane for her latest collection of haute jewellery. But far from architectural perspectives and alignments, it is the details and - 126 -

decorative art composed of a graphic or ornamental focus that we choose. Only the greatest Parisian haute jewellery ateliers could accomplish this feat of craftsmanship: combining several cutting or setting techniques in a particular rhythm in a single piece of jewellery. Just as the greatest artists were employed to create the sumptuous decors of the Château de Versailles.


Sunlight Journey Collection Nightfall Celebration


his new collection sets out landscapes of creation inspired by the Amalfi Coast, echoing this site of Piaget Society’s art de vivre. Nightfall Celebration unveils vibrantly coloured and suavely scented gardens. The women compete in seduction with their flowered frocks. The fiery sky signals the beginning of an evening of festivities. Like an explosion of joy to make rubies and

diamonds sparkle on elegant necklines, with necklaces in solar shapes dear to the House of Piaget. And occasionally, hidden from curious eyes, in the darkness that allows confidences under the seal of secrecy, a ring will share its own: feathered inlay work, enhanced with violet sapphires, red balas rubies and diamonds, one more treasure in a world of pure beauty at the start of summer.

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Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Cindy Chao

The Art of Jewel

Black Label Masterpieces - Peony Brooch


eparture point of this creation, the rubies reveal the Black Label Masterpiece Peony Brooch that received the “Outstanding Object Award” this year from the committee of participants at the London Masterpiece Fair. Strong, dynamic, elegant and feminine, the Black Label Masterpiece Peony Brooch represents its talented creator’s trips to the heart of nature. - 128 -

Emblematic, the Cindy Chao’s Black Label Masterpieces symbolise the permanent metamorphosis of art and technique, melding the scarcest precious stones with the most innovative designs. Over 10,000 hours of work are required for a limited number of these unique masterpieces created annually. An exquisite rarity that only the world of Haute Jewellery can produce.


THE ULTIMATE SHOPPING DESTINATION Located in the heart of Paris nearby the Opera, the 70,000 square-meter flagship store, symbol of the Parisian elegance, offers more than 3,500 brands from affordable to the most prestigious references amongst which Cartier, Saint Laurent Paris, Christian Dior, Gucci, Céline, Van Cleef & Arpels, Longchamp, Fendi, Chloé, Prada, Rolex, Bulgari, Tiffany & Co, Givenchy, Moncler, Bottega Veneta, Valentino, Michael Kors, Burberry…




▶ 9AM - FASHIONABLE SHOPPING Under the famous Dome, the ground floor of the main store hosts the most prestigious beauty and accessories brands. The broad range of choice offers everything you might desire. An “It Bag”, a deluxe watch, exclusive perfumes or the very latest collections from leading jewellers will delight aficionados of luxurious articles.

▶ 11AM - THE MOST FASHIONABLE FASHION In addition to the essential fashion items, the “Dans l’œil de” areas offer a selection of the designer brands most in vogue. Come and explore the work of avantgarde fashion designers!

▶ 1PM - A LA CARTE: LE BAR KASPIA Overlooking the Dome, the Bar Kaspia offers a selection of caviar and smoked salmon as well as exclusive recipes to keep you going throughout the day: breakfast, lunch and teatime.

▶ 2PM - FRENCH MACARON WORKSHOPS In a unique, hidden spot, try your hand at an essential element of the French culture: patisserie. You will learn how to master this subtle and intricate pastry tradition, working in a small group supervised by our Head Pastry Chef. Book now and discover other activities in the “Activities and Events” section at

▶ 3.30PM - L’HOMME Calling all aesthetes of the everyday, lovers of well-fashioned beautiful articles, aficionados of a simple, efficient style: L’Homme is designed for you. We have selected a series of contemporary brands focusing on a taste for the (very) best basics. Discover articles combining comfort and style that are timeless and designed to be worn directly off the shelf.

▶ 5PM - TEA TIME Between spurts of shopping, indulge your sweet tooth at Angelina’s, the renowned restaurant and tearoom, located on the 1st floor of the main store. In a sophisticated setting, enjoy the famous Mont-Blanc dessert along with a gourmet hot chocolate.

▶ 6PM - SHOPPING FOR THE CHILDREN Children also have their own area, located on the 5th floor. From fashion to toys, discover the collections and brands selected specially for them. The magic continues on the 4th floor. Gift ideas for yourself or for treating others, with characters from the Disney, Marvel and Star WarsTM worlds.

▶ 7.30PM - A BREATHTAKING VIEW It’s impossible to visit Paris without stopping to take in the incredible view from La Terrasse at Galeries Lafayette Paris Haussmann. In the heart of the Capital, this peaceful haven is the ideal spot to enjoy a break during your shopping trip. A quiet moment far from the madding crowds on the Grands Boulevards.

▶ 8PM - GOURMET A feast for the eyes and taste buds, Gourmet offers up simple and gourmet food delights, delicious produce and specialties of the French regions from the leading brands. The very best of the gourmet world for your daily shopping as well as for exceptional gifts.

GALERIES LAFAYETTE PARIS HAUSSMANN: 40, BOULEVARD HAUSSMANN, 75009 PARIS METRO: CHAUSSÉE D’ANTIN - LA FAYETTE Open Monday through Saturday from 9.30 am to 8.30 pm and on Sunday from 11 am to 7 pm. Tel: +33 (0)1 42 82 36 40 -


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Clinic Lemanic Magazine

TREASURING VALUES SINCE 1888 Swiss watchmaker Carl F. Bucherer just celebrated its 130th anniversary. Its origins lie in the beautiful city of Lucerne in the heart of Switzerland, where founder Carl Friedrich Bucherer opened his first boutique for fine jewelry and watches in 1888. Being part of the Bucherer AG, the brand yet is very proud of having its own history as a watch manufacture, producing ingenious in-house made timepieces, born out of a rich heritage, driven by innovation. 130 YEARS OF SOPHISTICATION AND A BRIGHT FUTURE A new limited masterpiece emphasizes this unique symbiosis of tradition and pioneering spirit, that Carl F. Bucherer is proud of: The Heritage Tourbillon Double Peripheral not only pays tribute to the past, it marks the start of a new product range set to carry on Carl F. Bucherer’s legacy: the Heritage collection. “The Heritage Tourbillon DoublePeripheral Limited Edition is the embodiment of 130 years of sophistication at Carl F. Bucherer. We are proud of this exceptional timepiece, which is a tribute to our long tradition and at the same time heralds the arrival of a new range of products: the Heritage collection.” The first model from the new collection is limited to 88 pieces in a tribute to the year in which the Carl F. Bucherer brand was founded. The new timepiece

reflects the golden luster of the baroque city Lucerne, with an elaborately finished 42.50 mm, 18-karat rose gold case. The shape and the design of the dial, were inspired by various vintage watch models from the 1960s. Another homage to the brand’s birthplace is the movement bridge, crafted in 18-karat white gold, which features a hand-engraved cityscape of Lucerne. It covers the entire back of the movement, with the exception of the tourbillon. “Those elements are a tribute to our great history. We are inspired by the past, yet always look ahead into the future. As our motto says, we are bound to tradition and driven by innovation and passion – ‘Made of Lucerne’. These are our core values - Sascha Moeri, CEO Carl F. Bucherer

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A PIONEER OF PERIPHERAL TECHNOLOGY At the heart of the new masterpiece is the in-house CFB T3000 caliber, featuring a tourbillon and an automatic winding system that are both mounted peripherally. The tourbillon is regarded as a highlight of the art of watchmaking. In the T3000 the designers and watchmakers at Carl F. Bucherer have succeeded in giving it a floating appearance. The cage of the minute tourbillon is supported peripherally by three ball bearings – invisible to the viewer, giving it a floating appearance. The Heritage Tourbillon DoublePeripheral Limited Edition has a power reserve of 65 hours and is a certified chronometer. The brand thus combines retro design elements with state-ofthe-art manufacturing technologies, thereby successfully bridging the gap between the past and the present, into a bright future.

PROUD TO BE OFFICIAL PARTNER OF THE FONDATION DE LA HAUTE HORLOGERIE Carl F. Bucherer had formerly already been given the honour of joining the Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie’s (FHH) exclusive circle of Perimeter brands thanks to its outstanding achievements and constant watchmaking innovation. “We are proud to have been listed among the top manufacturers recognized by the FHH for some time. Now, with our official partnership, we are strengthening this commitment, and look forward to making an im­portant contribution to upholding the traditions of Haute Horlogerie and the exchange of information in the sector,” said Sascha Moeri.

Pascal O. Ravessoud, International Development Director & Secretary-General of the Cultural Council at Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie and Sascha Moeri, CEO Carl F. Bucherer (PPR/Carl F. Bucherer)

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Les Ambassadeurs Clinic Lemanic Magazine

The Leading House of Leading Names

Welcome to a world in which nothing but the best will do. With Les Ambassadeurs, owning a watch becomes a totally different experience. A genuine passion for watches, specialist knowledge, skilled craftsmanship and superb brands such as Breguet, Breitling, Cartier, Louis Moinet, Vacheron Constantin and Omega combine to help you purchase and take care of the watch of your dreams. BY QUITTERIE PASQUESOONE SWITZERLAND’S LEADING HOUSE Founded in 1964, “The Leading House of Leading Names”, as it is often known, acts as an ambassador for dazzling, legendary watch and jewellery brands. Les Ambassadeurs is the preferred supplier for connoisseurs, collectors and lovers of exquisite watches and jewellery. Exclusive partnerships with well-known fine watchmaking brands, insistence on the very highest standards of quality, careful selection of products and a strong focus on customer service have made it the chosen partner of leading makers of top-quality watches and jewellery. Les Ambassadeurs offers a

wide range of watches, reflecting the diversity and distinctive characters of the brands represented.

SPECIALIZED SERVICES All mechanical watches require maintenance from time to time, so Les Ambassadeurs has developed a specialized after-sales service. Each boutique has a workshop on its lower floor where in-house specialists carry out maintenance and repair work. A glass panel allows customers to see inside the workshops and gain insights into the workings of watches. Specialist advice from skilled watchmakers is also seen as an important part of the after-sales service. - 136 -

In addition to its dazzling choice of watches from leading brands, Les Ambassadeurs offers limited edition models and unique collector’s items in the Espace Connaisseur - an area especially set aside for connoisseurs of fine watchmaking and collectors of rare watches.

shopping experience. Products and models from over 30 elegant, world-famous brands, selected to fulfil customers’ every possible wish, can be found on the website.

CONCEPT BOUTIQUES AND A BRAND-NEW ONLINE SHOP Following the successful launch of its concept boutiques in Geneva, Zurich, St. Moritz and Lugano, Les Ambassadeurs opened a fifth shop in Lucerne in late 2015. And in autumn 2018, the firm’s new online boutique went live, offering customers a unique online




Clinic Lemanic Magazine

fit for a King!

What if the ultimate definition of luxury is not simply wearing earclips designed just for you, but also having them bespoke tailored to fit each ear? That’s the kind of attention which sets Koenig apart.


oenig, that is the founder Ewald König who, after working with the likes of Cartier, decided to open his own boutique in St. Moritz in 1985, and Roger, his son who almost went into law but fortunately for Koenig’s clients, became a goldsmith instead. Together they form a team that has earned a loyal following among the many international visitors of the ski resort. BUT SERIOUSLY….each ear? “Sometimes one earlobe might be slightly thinner than the oth-

er and that makes all the difference”, explains Roger. “During an evening, women often slip off their earclips and pop them into their clutch. I want women to wear ours all night and even forget to take them off when they go to bed”. The Koenig boutique in the heart of St. Moritz is a cornucopia of delights – Roger’s designs range from the bold to the bucolic with a dash of Art Deco for good measure. As well as original designs, they also work on bespoke projects for clients. Many pieces have - 138 -

become iconic – such as the late Gianni Agnelli’s famous “over the cuff” watches designed by Ewald. Roger finds his inspiration everywhere. Sometimes the stone inspires the piece, as with the Grão de Café series, sometimes he hunts out the right gemstones to suit a design he has come up with. Either way, each piece has to be perfect, which is why they are manufactured exclusively in the company’s own workshop; and if your bespoke earclips need a perfect fitting, Koenig

will measure your earlobes and tailor your jewellery to perfection. Apart from the company’s second boutique in Zurich there are no plans for a chain of Koenig stores; as Roger explains, what makes the company so special is the individual attention clients receive – exclusivity cannot be franchised.


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TIME-KEEPERS Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Introducing Hublot’s CollEge du LEman Big Bang AN ICONIC LIMITED EDITION TIMEPIECE Hublot has designed a unique limited-edition timepiece for the Collège du Léman to celebrate the partnership between the two prestigious establishments. Only 20 of the stunning bespoke watches have been made. But the partnership goes beyond the design, giving students at the elite international school access to a highly attractive area of expertise. BY APOLLINE CHAIZE - PHOTOS JOHANN SAUTY

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A CUTTING-EDGE DESIGN IN THE COLLÈGE DU LÉMAN COLOURS The Collège du Léman Big Bang is the latest chapter in a partnership that began with watch manufacturer Hublot installing a superb clock in the school’s gymnasium and sponsoring its sports teams. The exclusive timepiece displays Hublot’s core values of precision, outstanding quality and devotion to its craft. Only 20 of these bespoke watches have been made. Each one is engraved and numbered, has a diameter of 44 mm and features a steel case set off by a midnight blue ceramic bezel. The iconic royal blue of the dial was inspired by the serene waters of Lake Geneva.

BEYOND THE BIG BANG But the partnership between Hublot and the Collège du Léman is about more than a stunning design. It is about strategy and expertise. For the Collège du Léman, with its multi-cultural student population, it is vital that its partners set an example. Pupils can learn a huge amount about strategy, values and ethics from watchmakers Hublot (LVMH Group) - and the brand’s inspirational high-profile Ambassadors, which include Usain Bolt, Lang Lang, Chelsea FC and Ferrari, help cement the connection.

COLLÈGE DU LÉMAN HEAD “HONOURED” For Thomas Schädler, the Director General of the Collège du Léman, the partnership with Hublot has a lot to offer: “Hublot has been the school’s Official Timekeeper for over a year now. We’re honoured to be associated with a firm we have so much in common with. With this initiative, we’re not seeking to emphasize the aura of luxury often promoted by the watch industry, but Hublot’s DNA as an innovative brand with a strong sports presence. We will be extending the partnership with a series of events over the course of the year.”


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JEWELLERY Clinic Lemanic Magazine

A custom jewel that fulfils your dreams wishes and desires What if a jewel was more than just a beautiful object? What if it could sum up your personality? Andreas Gmur shuns serial production, working with each client to co-create superb one-ofa-kind custom jewels. BY CAROLINE GARROS - 142 -

“A custom jewel makes a woman’s beauty truly complete.” Andreas Gmur.

A PASSION ROOTED IN FAMILY TRADITION Andreas Gmur inherits his love of precious stones and jewels, his perfectionism and his instinctive grasp of the difference a minute adjustment will make from his grandfather, a diamond cutter and master jeweler. Even as a young child, Andreas had an eye for beauty. He was fascinated with art and architecture and loved painting. His career initially took him in another direction: he worked in industry and marketing, before becoming a consultant. Then, in his early forties, he decided to retrain at Paris’ famous Haute École de Bijouterie Joaillerie, from which he graduated brilliantly. Now he had the skills and qualifications to carry on the family tradition. After working as a subcontractor for some of the best-known names in the business, Andreas launched his own brand, Jewelry Andreas Gmur, combining exclusive high-end jewel-making with a bold new concept.

should be a totally unique experience, so he has devised a co-creative approach, working directly with clients and involving them at every stage of the process to design jewels that crystallize their life-story and sum up their personality - jewels that will accompany them on their journey through life. When you arrive, you are ushered into a quiet studio, secluded from the hurly-burly of everyday life. Here, the jeweler’s craft is sublimated into art. Over many conversations, a draft design of the jewel gradually emerges as Andreas translates your ideas into sketches. Nothing is left to chance: every minute detail is discussed. Then, standing at his easel, he paints an artist’s impression of what the finished jewel will look like, while you watch. Finally, the artist turns craftsman and brings to life the stunning jewel you have designed - a signature piece that expresses your innermost thoughts and reminds you of significant moments in your life.


JAG offer clients custom jewels that fulfil their dreams, wishes and conscious or unconscious desires. Andreas Gmur believes that having a jewel made - 143 -



Vincent Michel

Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Jeweller by vocation

Lausanne-based artisanal jeweller Vincent Michel puts his carefullyhoned skills and sparkling creativity at his customers’ disposal, designing subtle, delicate high-quality custom jewellery. We take a closer look at a brilliantly talented jewellery designer. BY CAROLINE GARROS A LIFELONG PASSION Vincent Michel’s mother was keen on art and encouraged him to develop his creative side from an early age. He was good with his hands and enjoyed making and mending things. As a child, he learned the basics of jewellery-making by attending workshops run by an artisanal jeweller. By the time he was twelve, Vincent knew that this was what he wanted to do. He started carrying out small repairs and designing jewellery in his parents’ garage. After several years of training, at the end of which he came

first in the Swiss Jewellery Championships, he set up business as an artisanal jeweller. His workshop in a historic neighbourhood in central Lausanne has been producing unique one-off pieces of mainly gold or platinum jewellery, adorned with diamonds and unusual gemstones, for a decade now.

THE ART OF BESPOKE JEWELLERY Perhaps you want a gemstone of a particular colour. Or maybe you have a specific amount of money to spend. Or perhaps you just want a little something for yourself... For each item, Vincent Michel carefully selects - 144 -

materials of outstanding quality that also represent excellent value. He is a past master at finding the exact style and materials to suit the individual customer’s needs and tastes, and revels in a challenge. For Vincent, the first step is always to meet the customer. This gives him the chance to get an idea of your style, while you explain the kind of jewel you have in mind, in your own time. Meanwhile, Vincent listens carefully. On the basis of your conversation, he produces a sketch of the proposed design and discusses it with you in minute detail, to ensure it will match up to your expectations in every way. Then the item

is made in his workshop by skilled Swiss craftsmen, using traditional techniques. Meticulously designed and made from the finest materials, Vincent Michel’s jewellery is so exquisite that it verges on the sublime… FURTHER INFORMATION: VINCENT MICHEL WWW.VINCENTMICHEL.CH VINCENT.MICHEL@BLUEWIN.CH

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TIME-KEEPERS Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Beautifully constructed

watches from

Yvan Monnet

Dedicated artisanal watchmaker Yvan Monnet takes a radically new approach to haute horlogerie. His innovative watch designs are visually stunning and technically superb. BY CAROLINE GARROS PASSION AND SKILL Watchmaking is a passion for Yvan Monnet. He gained experience with Geneva’s best-known watch manufacturers before setting up business on his own. Today, this talented craftsman approaches fine watchmaking in a totally new way, setting himself a fresh challenge with every design. For his striking, beautifully-built timepieces, made entirely in Switzerland, Monnet attends to every last detail, working with the finest craftsmen and taking especial

care with materials to produce consummately sleek, distinctive creations. His workplace is an atelier cabinotier - one of the light-filled top-floor workshops in central Geneva used by the founders of the city’s watchmaking tradition.

INSTANTLY RECOGNIZABLE Yvan Monnet’s watches are not just beautiful objects. They reflect his bold, imaginative approach. With its flagship Mina collection, the Genevan brand YvanMonneT introduced the world’s first pentagonal - 146 -

watches. No other watchmaker has ever explored this elegant shape. “To create an affordable high-quality timepiece, I set myself a major challenge,” explains the designer. Few women will resist the lure of these eminently desirable ladies’ watches, whose distinctive shape and finely polished curves make them instantly recognizable. Each Mina watch can be personalized by choosing from a range of colours for the enamel dial and watchstraps in a variety of colours and materials, subtly altering the appearance of the design to

stunning effect in versions such as the eye-catching, charismatic Cacao Sunburst. And because it’s not only women who appreciate beautiful objects, the brand will soon be launching a second collection of slightly larger chic sports watches for men. FIND OUT MORE AT YVM²- YVAN MONNET - GENEVA CONTACT@YMONNET.CH WWW.YMONNET.CH +41 (0)22 793 0503 PLACE SIMON GOULART 2 1201 GENÈVE - SWITZERLAND

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Se rassembler autour du sport. Agence générale de Lausanne Jean-Michel Parra, Agent général Avenue du Théâtre 1, 1003 Lausanne T 021 310 02 02 Heureux. Ensemble.


Pinel & Pinel

Clinic Lemanic Magazine

leather goods with a timely new twist

Pinel & Pinel, the only French luxury leather-goods company that can claim to produce its entire product range in the city of Paris, is now expanding its upmarket offering with sublime new collections dedicated entirely to timepieces. By Quitterie Pasquesoone A LABEL OF WORLDWIDE RENOWN Haute couture bags and smart trunks carrying the Pinel & Pinel logo turn heads the world over for their seductive mix of contemporary technology and traditional expertise. The exclusive cachet of this unique name makes it not only a prized target for discerning individuals but also the trusted go-to partner of many of the most demanding international brands, among them Krug, Tag Heuer, Piaget and Vacheron Constantin.

A COLLECTION THAT RUNS LIKE CLOCKWORK Given his penchant for bags of all shapes and sizes, leather, and watches, what better theme for brand founder Fred Pinel to turn his attention to in his new collection than the world of watchmaking?

At 2019’s Baselworld show, which ran from 21st-26th March, Pinel & Pinel took its range dedicated to watches to a new level, unveiling the brand’s new automatic watch case, which comes hot on the heels of the Watch Trunk, the Watchbox and the One Point. Whatever watch happens to grace your wrist, you can rest assured that Pinel & Pinel has a perfectly matching case! To take just one example, the aluminium-bezelled Twin can be covered with your choice of leather or P&P fabric, while on the inside, a Swiss-made Bluetooth winder by Kubik completes 1600-turn cycles customised from the comfort of your smartphone. With more than enough style to grace any bedside table or mantlepiece, the Twin is a genuine musthave when it comes to protecting, rewinding and displaying your watch with refined elegance. - 148 -


Coming this summer to Ramatuelle! From late June to mid-September this year, look out for Pinel & Pinel’s pop-up store as it makes an appearance on the beaches of Saint-Tropez. The major French label is set to join forces with the Nikki Beach club in Ramatuelle to create a unique outlet for a limited time only, showcasing not just some of the brand’s biggest hits, among them the mini trunk and tote bag, but also a capsule collection produced in collaboration with Nikki Beach, featuring canvas flip-flops and the new Beach Bag, spacious enough to stow the sun cream and a towel along with any other seaside essentials. Make sure you don’t miss it! PINEL & PINEL AU NIKKI BEACH, 093 ROUTE DE L’ÉPI, 83350 RAMATUELLE, FRANCE. FROM LATE JUNE TO 15TH SEPTEMBER 2019.

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A WHOLE NEW TAKE ON HANDBAGS Fashionistas are falling over each other for Raffaella Iten Metzger’s elegant, ingeniously-designed De Marquet handbags. BY CAROLINE GARROS

Clinic Lemanic Magazine

THE SWISS BRAND EVERYONE’S TALKING ABOUT Chic handbag brand De Marquet was only launched in 2016, but it already has a devoted following of clients who can’t get enough of Raffaella Iten Metzger’s exquisite, cleverly-designed statement pieces - fresh proof that Swiss fashion design deserves its high reputation. Raffaella develops the brand’s up-to-the-minute contemporary models herself, which are sold in the De Marquet mono-brand store in the heart of Bern, Switzerland. Raffaella is a stickler for quality. To ensure that De Marquet bags meet the high standards, each and every bag is made by hand in highly-reputed leather workshops in Tuscany. The partnership has proven to be a smart move. The combination of top-quality Italian craftsmanship with superb Swiss design produces timeless statement pieces that will last a lifetime and be passed on down the generations.

VERSATILE BAGS FOR BUSY LIFESTYLES De Marquet’s handbags are ideal for women with busy lifestyles and fashionistas who want elegant design-driven accessories. Practical as well as chic, the brand’s multi-purpose designs make it easy to change styles for different activities or vary your look as the whim takes you. The ethnic chic CosmoPolitan shoulder bag cleverly incorporates a cute, practical belt bag, while the signature Night&Day bag - an ingenious design that has been registered with WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) - features interchangeable covers for a double dose of glamour. Just clip on a different cover to suit your outfit and your mood.


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DESIGN Clinic Lemanic Magazine


Any respectable dressing room should include accessories of the highest quality: clothes hangers made of wood or sheathed in leather, everything you need to look after your shoes, hat stands or dressing chairs. Authentiques Paris has just what you need to make your wardrobe something quite exceptional and offers a wide range of unique items. That should keep even the most demanding customer satisfied. BY QUITTERIE PASQUESOONE HIGH-END ACCESSORIES Thanks to his unique skill set and his products of unparalleled quality, Laurent Gohe has worked with the top names in the world of luxury. Now his own label, Authentiques Paris, offers individual clients looking for high standards and refinement superbly designed, top-drawer accessories to complete their dressing rooms. Founded in 2016, the brand has already been called upon to add the finishing touches to wardrobes on luxury yachts, in the homes of stars and on private jets.

EXCEPTIONALLY STYLISH BESPOKE HANGERS The flagship product of Authentiques Paris is the clothes hanger. It comes in all shapes and sizes, with a preference for saddle stitching and exotic leathers. Indeed, you have a choice of more than 200 shades of leather and types of wood so you can customise exactly as you please. Great attention to detail goes into the manufacture of each product, along with the finest leathers, wood and other materials, to get that personal effect. The finishings (the - 152 -

colour of the leather, the stain of the wood and the hooks etc.) can also be altered to suit your requirements. What more effective or attractive way could there be to care for your favourite shirt, suit or evening gown?

A HOMAGE TO FRENCH CRAFTSMANSHIP Entirely made in France, Authentiques Paris is immensely proud of the products it creates. Based in the Loire Valley and a perfect illustration of French know-how, aesthetics and craftsmanship,

Authentiques Paris is a shining example of French artisan companies. And it can also be proud of the fact that it is perpetuating the profession and unique know-how of France’s craftsman skills thanks to an expertise renowned the world over.


DESIGN Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Create an interior that expresses your personality with

Linéa-Déco The colours, fabrics and materials and furniture we choose to have around us reflect our personality. Interior decorators Linéa-Déco are past masters at creating décors to suit individual tastes. Just let yourself be guided... Linéa-Déco’s skilled professionals will help you dream up a unique interior that is absolutely you. BY QUITTERIE PASQUESOONE INTERIOR DECORATION THAT REFLECTS YOUR PERSONALITY Your indoor setting is the backdrop for your everyday life. Like your lifestyle, it mirrors your personality and has to match your needs and tastes. If you don’t have time to research the options, or are seeking inspiration, LinéaDéco will be happy to offer advice and make suggestions. A team of highly experienced professional interior decorators will listen attentively to what you want and guide you through your choices for

bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens and reception rooms - or even your entire house - to create surroundings you’ll feel totally at home in.

OPTIONAL EXTRAS Linéa-Déco offers a number of additional services to meet all your decorating needs. These include upholstering and window treatments. The firm’s specialized craftsmen will re-upholster upright or comfortable chairs, sofas and other items of seating in traditional or modern styles,

using high-quality fabrics. And because a stylish interior deserves well-dressed windows, Linéa-Déco will make up and hang curtains and drapes in a wide variety of attractive fabrics, with accessories from leading brands.

fortable natural wool carpets and rugs from leading names to parquets in a selection of eco-friendly natural woods. Just let yourself be guided... Linéa-Déco’s skilled professionals will help you dream up a truly unique interior.

WALLPAPERS AND FLOORING But that’s not all. Linéa-Déco’s expertise extends to a wide variety of top-quality materials, such as warm, elegant cloth wallpapers to create a luxurious ambience, or chic flooring options ranging from soft, com- 154 -


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Clinic Lemanic Magazine

A completely black Swiza knife For more than a century – since 1904 to be precise - Swiza has been one of the most renowned Swiss brands when it comes to high-end watches. Recently, the brand has been building on this success and has launched an innovative range of pocket knives. Our favourite has to be the AllBlack which, as its name suggests, is completely black. We put this unique, elegant and high quality product under the microscope. BY QUITTERIE PASQUESOONE A KNIFE LIKE NO OTHER With its rebellious, modern design, this knife from Swiza has everything you could want. After the extremely successful launch of its new line in pocket knives, Swiza went back to the drawing board to create this unique product for fans. The entirely black blades generate an effect that is both chic and practical for everyday usage. Designed with the most demanding clients in mind, this knife is so handy there’s a high chance you’ll soon find it indispensable!

has a perfect blade but also a sewing eye to pass a thread through and tweezers that taper at the end for even more precision. The knife is 75 mm long and made out of highly resistant, 57 HRc stainless steel. The safety block system is also ingenious and can only be released by pressing on the cross icon which is neatly tucked into the side. The Swiza D03 AllBlack model also comes with a bottle opener and a No. 3 flathead screwdriver, a wire bender and a can-opener with a No. 1 flathead screwdriver – full house!



The practical Swiza AllBlack includes a knife, a five-twist, sommelier-style corkscrew, a punch/reamer awl that not only

The AllBlack pocket knife benefits from all the know-how at Swiza’s as well as the highest Swiss standards of quality.

In particular, it is covered in a high-tech Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). Each of its tools is coated in synthetic, matt black. Its curved shape gives it and extremely comfortable grip. On top of that, its soft-touch texture is shock-resistant and non-slip. The clever design stretches to the ergonomics of the case offering direct access to each tool which, in turn, has a slot to ensure easy opening for both left and right hand users. It is this attention to every last detail that makes this knife a unique gadget.


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The Swiss professional reference network. To order : To contact us :

CANDLES Clinic Lemanic Magazine


Change is in the air! L’Esprit Cocon’s custom scented candles are not just the ultimate in quality - they are a whole new concept. Beckoning us on a sensory journey, these candles awaken the senses and elevate interiors to a sublime plane. BY CAROLINE GARROS



L’Esprit Cocon creates custom scented candles for grand hotels, luxury boutiques, concept stores and interior designers, perfuming the entrance halls, bedrooms and reception rooms of elite establishments with exquisite, unique signature fragrances. You may already know what you want your signature fragrance to be like, but if not, l’Esprit Cocon’s creative team will spark your imagination and offer expert advice, helping you design your ideal candles and create the perfect custom fragrance for your image. L’Esprit Cocon offers a sensory journey and takes personalization to a new level - to the delight of its growing clientele.

Savoir-faire, quality and authenticity are the hallmark of a l’Esprit Cocon candle. Guaranteed palm oil and GM-free, these superb scented candles contain no petroleum-based ingredients such as paraffin and are made in France from start to finish. The wax is hand blended by a master waxmaker using the finest plant-based ingredients and scented with Grasse perfumes, famed the world over for their subtle, delicate fragrances. As well as filling the air with their sublime perfume, l’Esprit Cocon luxury scented candles are things of beauty in their own right, exquisitely presented in decorative packaging that is sure to delight. FIND OUT MORE AT WWW.LESPRITCOCON.COM

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SERENITY AND WELL-BEING AT WILLOW STREAM SPA Nestled on the shores of Lake Geneva, the Willow Stream Spa instils well-being and a deep feeling for relaxation in a haven of peace facing the Swiss Alps. Experience treatments designed to restore your body and mind with natural ingredients, and keep your heart rate up on the road in our fitness center. Immerse yourself in our indoor or outdoor pools and end your journey with a rest in the relaxation area or in the gardens to soothe you to the very core. For more information, visit ou all us at +41 21 962 17 00

STATIONER Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Kramer Krieg

suppliers of high-quality stationery for over 150 years

If years were chapters, the Kramer Krieg story would be 152 chapters long! For over 150 years, the Swiss stationer has meticulously selected the finest art and craft materials, leather goods, paper and writing instruments available, to the delight of its loyal clientele of regular customers. And it shows every sign of continuing for another 150 years ... BY APOLLINE CHAIZE HOW KRAMER AND KRIEG BECAME KRAMER KRIEG Kramer Krieg was originally two family businesses. Krieg was founded in 1867, and had two stationery shops in Lausanne, and Kramer was set up in 1907 as a stationery and general store. Both businesses survived and prospered. Then, in 1996, the two companies merged to became a single firm, with a shop in Lausanne’s Rue Centrale.

COLLECTIONS Every item in the shop reflects Kramer Krieg’s love of fine

stationery and impeccable good taste. Each range has been selected with an unerring eye, be it children’s colouring crayons, writing materials, fine art supplies or leather goods. Kramer Krieg stocks the leading brands Montblanc, Hugo Boss, Van Gogh, Porsche Design and S.T. Dupont Paris, and all the items on offer in the shop are also available via the Kramer Krieg online store.

MONTBLANC PAYS TRIBUTE TO LE PETIT PRINCE If you are looking for limited edition writing instruments such as Montblanc’s Le Petit

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Prince collection, Kramer Krieg should be your first stop. Each of the designs in this delightful collection is made up of three beautifully designed parts. The exquisite Meisterstück Le Petit Prince Solitaire Doué Classique Fountain Pen features a dark blue lacquer barrel inspired by the universe where Antoine de SaintExupéry’s Little Prince lives, a platinum-coated metal cap engraved with a repeated fox’s face motif and a quotation from the book, and a grip section with a hand-made rhodium-coated 18 K gold nib.

TRULY PERSONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE Specialist stationer Kramer Krieg has been providing its customers with personal service on a regular basis for over 150 years, and has a dedicated engraving and repairs workshop staffed by a team of qualified professionals. At this rate, the firm will still be flourishing in 150 years’ time!

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SPORTS CAR Clinic Lemanic Magazine


our chosen family For Orchid Sports Cars, Porsche was the perfect choice, enabling us to guarantee the excellence we were aiming at. OSC has three Porsche Centers in Switzerland One in Geneva, one in Bern, one in Lausanne. BY APOLLINE CHAIZE EXCITING NEW FEATURES AT OUR PORSCHE CENTERS Orchid Sports Cars has extended its premises to provide customers with an even more exciting experience. After twelve months of major building works, the Porsche Centre Berne’s showroom and workshops have expanded to occupy 720 square metres. Over the next year, the Geneva center will double in size to house a Porsche Classic Cars Center the first in Switzerland.

THE LAUSANNE PORSCHE CENTER ENTERS A NEW DECADE In 2019, the 900-square-metre Porsche Center Lausanne

will be ten years old. It is still the biggest car showroom in Western part of Switzerland, but after a decade serving a loyal clientele of Porsche enthusiasts, it deserves a complete overhaul. As we enter our second decade, we welcome two new faces - Aris Kellenberger as Managing Director and Fluturim Sakiri as After-Sales Manager.

THE ORCHID SPORTS CARS IDENTITY OSC has 150 employees spread all over the world and operates import businesses in Bulgaria and Israel. Team spirit and a shared focus on excellence are the keys to our identity. - 162 -

Everyone on the OSC team is constantly striving for perfection, to ensure that the name Porsche continues to send a thrill through the veins of car enthusiasts of all ages.

EAGER FOR THE NEXT CHALLENGE At Orchid Sports Cars, we thrive on challenge. By constantly investing in innovation, we have managed to stay one jump ahead, live up to our customers’ high expectations and maintain the best service possible. Now OSC is poised to meet a brand-new challenge. The Porsche Taycan - the very first fully electric Porsche will be arriving in our centers this fall.


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Editions Mancassola

building international influence

Over the last 25 years, Editions Mancassola has earned itself a name for professionalism in the areas of communications and event management. With the acquisition of Swiss Who’s Who, the firm’s publishing director, Olivier Mancassola, builds on its reputation for reliability and further consolidates its influence. BY APOLLINE CHAIZE

Clinic Lemanic Magazine

BEING IN SWISS WHO’S WHO THE ULTIMATE KUDOS Swiss Who’s Who is a biographical dictionary of the 1,500 most influential people in Switzerland, carefully chosen by a selection committee. Featuring highly distinguished individuals from fields as diverse as science, philanthropy, the arts and law, this VVIP/ HNWI directory is fast becoming the best possible entrée in Switzerland and beyond. Olivier Mancassola says the aim is to grow both the print and digital versions of Swiss Who’s Who. He wants to expand the publication to accommodate 2,500 profiles and to bring out a new edition every year.

FAVORIT - A MUST-READ FOR RUSSIANS EVERYWHERE Editions Mancassola publishes ten annual titles focusing on business and finance, health and lifestyle, and culture. FAVORIT, a guide for Russianspeakers living in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, has become the Lausanne publishing firm’s flagship publication. It will shortly be running into its

tenth annual edition - proof, if more were needed, of its international readership and enduring credibility with the Russian community. As well as its high-profile print and digital magazines and website, FAVORIT rewards Russianspeaking heads of businesses for their economic achievements in Switzerland with the FAVORIT Entrepreneurship Award.

EVENT MANAGEMENT - A CORE PART OF EDITIONS MANCASSOLA Event management enables Olivier Mancassola to combine his interests in business, charity and the arts in a variety of ways. The annual Gala Favorit evening at the Beau Rivage Palace in Lausanne has become a don’t-miss event, and Editions Mancassola has organized cultural, musical and charity events (e.g. with the Fondation Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) on a range of themes, at venues such as the Fondation de l’Hermitage and Chaplin’s World. The firm can plan splendid custom events to suit all types of client.

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Les vins vaudois volent vers de nouveaux sommets !


Régie Duboux

Clinic Lemanic Magazine

REAL ESTATE LEADER IN YOUR REGION Well-established on the market in the French-speaking region of Switzerland and a member of the USPI-Vaud (Swiss Union of Property Professionals, Vaud Canton), Régie Duboux is one of the most influential property companies in the area. We met up with Manager Robin Crisinel and he explained some of the changes under way in the property market. BY QUITTERIE PASQUESOONE Mr Crisinel, could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your role? “Of course. As a manager in the firm for some 15 years now, I am delighted to be able to put my professional and social skills to help our clients. By focusing on the human side of things and our close relations with our clients, I hope to be able to offer them the quality service that property owners who come to us are looking for. How do you see today’s property market? How is it changing? It can’t be denied that the historically low mortgage rates are more attractive than before and are boosting the desire for own property. That said, those wishing to buy may see their ambitions hindered by finan-

cial players. In a bid to rein in the property market frenzy of the last few years, banks have indeed drastically reviewed their financing criteria. When it comes to investment, properties, these are still holding up pretty well given their scarcity and the durability of bricks and mortar compared to other financial products. In summary, I would say that the rays of sunlight on the residential property market are pretty watery while the skies over the investment property market remain cloud-free. What significant changes can we expect? Given the major building projects currently under way, the Lake Geneva region rental market is going to cool downquite naturally, and this despite the - 166 -

implementation of the LPPPL the law aimed at protecting and promoting rental property in the Vaud Canton. The vacancy rate will logically rise and a price correction should be felt in all segments of residential accommodation. How is your agency different from others? Our firm, created in 1952, enjoys an excellent reputation and is well known as being trustworthy. Based mainly on being local and offering personalised advice, our philosophy would seem, given our impressive growth, to be just what property owners seeking to put their asset up for sale or management are looking for. Our slogan ‘Much more than management’ is still very much a statement of our commitment

and is evidently very much in line with current demand. What do your clients expect from your services? Like anyone, they expect commitments to be respected and that we should be there to help their dreams come true. And that’s what we strive to do every day.”


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WINE Clinic Lemanic Magazine


The Domaine Burnier in Russia — is an exclusive familyrun vineyard and winery with a unique philosophy. Founded in 2001 by Renaud Burnier, a Swiss winemaker with a long family tradition of fine winemaking. The goal of Renaud, Marina and their daughter Alexandra-Maria Burnier is to produce authentic wines of the highest international quality — wines that are worthy of representing Russia all over the world. HISTORY OF THE DOMAINE BRUNIER While studying at the High School of Viticulture and Oenology CHANGINS, Switzerland, Renaud Burnier heard from a lecturer about the vineyards on the Russian Black Sea coast and the excellent climate and conditions for vinegrowing. In 1998 Renaud and Marina Burnier decided to establish a winery in Russia, they spent three years travelling the length and breadth of the Krasnodar region searching

for an ideal location. Climate and soil were analysed in depth before the ideal site was found: near Natuchajevskaya village, between Anapa and Novorossijsk, in the Krasnodar region.

THE VINEYARD The Domaine BURNIER vineyard is located on the gentle, southwest-oriented and sun-exposed slopes of the Caucasus at approximately the same degree of latitude as Bordeaux and the Piedmont. The total area of the - 168 -

vineyard today covers about 50 hectares. The vineyard is almost entirely surrounded by forest and has two distinct soil types: rich soil with a high content of clay, which is ideal for red grape varieties and stony soil, which is perfect for the cultivation of white grape varieties. The Domaine BURNIER in Russia grows over 10 wine grape varieties including Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, Viognier, Yellow Muscat, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Krasnostop Zolotovsky.

The focus is on the cultivation of the Krasnostop Zolotovsky — a very interesting Russian indigenous grape variety that is almost extinct. The Domaine BURNIER aims to revive this outstanding grape variety.


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HOTEL Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Hotel President Wilson A Luxury Collection Hotel, Geneva

Ideally located on the lake shore and just steps from the most beautiful parks, the Hotel President Wilson, A Luxury Collection Hotel, is one of the most contemporary addresses in Geneva, offering a breathtaking view of the MontBlanc. Its 204 rooms and 22 Suites combine both comfort and luxury and offer an unobstructed view of the lake through their large bay windows. Each room and Suite features a marble bathroom with luxurious Hermès bath products. HOTELPRESIDENTWILSON.COM

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Spa de La Mer Unique in Switzerland, discover the exclusive Spa La Mer, the first to offer the brand’s Signature treatments, including the legendary “Crème de La Mer” that has inspired a cult following. A marriage of luxury and tranquility, Spa de La Mer captures the healing energies of the sea, sound and touch to create a unique sense of well-being. Deeply personalized Signature facials are highlighted with a pure concentration of Miracle Broth™, a priceless extract exclusive to the spa experience. Mind and body harmonize as vibrational energies bring each session to a gentle close. SPALAMER.COM

Fine Dining Experience BAYVIEW BY MICHEL ROTH Bayview Restaurant invites you to discover the refined cuisine of the awarded Chef Michel Roth (MOF & Bocuse d’Or) and enjoy a unique gastronomic experience in an elegant setting while admiring breathtaking views over Lake Geneva and the Alps. Bayview Restaurant has been awarded 1 Michelin star in addition to the grade of 18 out of 20 at the Gault-Millau. RESTAURANTBAYVIEW.COM

ARABESQUE In a fairytale setting, escape to the enchantingly refined surroundings of the Arabesque restaurant, the most popular Lebanese restaurant in Geneva City, serving authentic Lebanese cuisine. RESTAURANTARABESQUE.COM

TERRASSE POOLGARDEN Discover the Poolgarden, an oasis in the heart of Geneva overlooking the lake. Nestled on the first floor terrace of the hotel, the Poolgarden welcomes you in a beachclub ambiance with a heated swimming pool, a lounge bar and a Japanese fusion restaurant of the awarded chef Michel Roth. Open exclusively from May to September, the Poolgarden welcomes both hotel and external guests, whether it is for a lunch or dinner, a day by the pool or a cocktail at sunset. You don’t need to go far away to unwind and offer you some holiday in a French Riviera atmosphere ... TERRASSEPOOLGARDEN.COM

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TRAVEL Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Paradis Beachcomber GOLF RESORT & SPA

FOR AN EXCLUSIVE STAY IN MAURITIUS If you are craving for an unforgettable stay in Mauritius, make sure you checkin in this unique hotel, which epitomizes the beauty of this splendid island. Join us for a tour of a gem in Mauritius: Paradis Beachcomber Golf Resort & Spa. BY QUITTERIE PASQUESOONE


offers a breath-taking view on Le Morne Mountain. A must!

Nestled in a private peninsula of 150 hectares on the southwest coast of Mauritius, one of the most beautiful islands in the world, Paradis Beachcomber Golf Resort & Spa is a 5-star resort. Celebrated for its fairylike sunsets and its hot and dry climate, this part of the island is the ideal spot to unpack your suitcase. Paradis Beachcomber is blessed with a golden beach that stretches between a turquoise blue lagoon and the luminous green of the golf course. It literally hugs the Indian Ocean and

A HIGH-END RESORT At Paradis Beachcomber, we foster “the art of beautiful”. The beauty of the resort is enhanced by the quality of the service and the kindness of the dedicated team of “artisans”. All necessary efforts have been deployed to bring to you the most comfortable and pleasant setting. The resort comprises of magnificent rooms, suites and villas of up to 450 square meters. A pure gem of the hotel industry, the resort guarantees both intimacy and access to - 172 -

high-end services. The resort also includes eight restaurants - four at Paradis Beachcomber and access to another four at Dinarobin Beachcomber, as well as a Kids Club laid out with a swimming pool. It is the perfect concept for family holidays or time out with friends in a luxurious and convivial setting. You’ll feel at home in the wink of an eye!

own golf academy and four other golf courses. There is also a plethora of free and unlimited water and inland sports on the menu. Our topnotch spa completes our broad range of services and promises relaxation and high-quality care. The perfect package for perfect holidays!

ACTIVITIES FOR ALL AGES At Paradis Beachcomber Golf Resort & Spa, we make sure that no one is left behind. The resort is equipped with an 18-hole golf course with its


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World’s Most Romantic Destination 2018 - WTA 2018

The Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA) is responsible for the marketing and promotion of Mauritius as a premier tourist destination, by highlighting its uniqueness to always offer an extraordinary experience. The mainstream of its mission is to project a coherent image on the international tourism market in collaboration with other stakeholders of the industry through effective marketing campaigns. Mauritius is an all year-round destination for golfing holidays, with 10 international 18 holes, and five 9-holes golf courses which offer breath-taking views. Our high profile golf courses welcome several international competitions on a yearly basis. For further information, we invite you to access our events calendar through our website.

EVENT Clinic Lemanic Magazine

20 years Gala Clinic Lémanic’s



n 29 November 2018, Lausanne’s Clinic Lémanic celebrated its 20-year anniversary by holding a splendid gala evening in the magnificent setting of the Opéra de Lausanne, restored to its former gilded glory. The clinic’s co-founders, Dr Véronique Emmenegger and Darrell Jacobs, welcomed

guests to the mesmerizing sounds and rhythms of gypsy music. A succession of renowned performing artists then mounted the boards to provide a programme of entertainment that fully matched up to Clinic Lémanic’s reputation. Highlights of the evening included an originally choreographed dance work performed by Jiayong - 176 -

Sun, a soloist at the Béjart Ballet Lausanne, and a performance by the talented young cellist Benjamin Jacobs. The event was extremely well-attended, and the organizers were delighted at the success of the evening.

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Clinic Lemanic Magazine

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EVENT Clinic Lemanic Magazine


On 21 June 2018, Clinic Lémanic and Blush Editions gave a launch party for the clinic’s new magazine at Bentley Lausanne, in Crissier. A select band of guests, cocktails and live music made for a delightful Midsummer’s Eve celebration as you can see from the pictures. - 180 -

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EVENT Clinic Lemanic Magazine

La Crème



n May 21, Swissline and Jaclyn Yan, general manager of the brand in China have successfully opened the first 300m2 Glamscience Center on the very trendy Huaihia Road in Shanghai. On this occasion La Crème, the first of three luxurious skincare products co-branded by Clinic Lémanic and Swissline, was launched on the Chinese market. - 182 -

The inauguration was attended by Dr. Véronique Emmenegger, cofounder of Clinic Lémanic, Christophe Lesueur, managing director of Swissline and Custodio d’Avo, international director for the brand who welcomed a crowd composed of famous makeup artists, stylists and influential personalities from the beauty world.




Clinic Lemanic Magazine




Pop art sunburst Yellow is the colour of sunshine and the stars. A feelgood colour that instantly lifts your mood. So let’s celebrate! Lemon, buttercup and mimosa yellows are brightening up the streets of Paris, Milan and New York. BY PATRYCJA MATYSIAK. - 184 -

1.VERBEUIL Clutch Fleurus €540 2.MOYNAT Cabotin Escapade bag in leather and wicker €6.900 3.GUCCI Rajah bag €2.300 4.KENZO Kalifornia bag €395 5.KARL LAGERFELD Yellow K/stripe logo shopper €245 6.MAISON POURCHET Casetta bag €80








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Clinic Lemanic Magazine

Clinic Lémanic Av. de la Gare 2 1003 Lausanne Switzerland Tel : +41 (0)21 321 54 44

Publisher: Les Editions Blush - Publiscope Publishing Director: Grégory Ayoun Managing Director: Christian-Jules Ayoun Editorial Director: Laure Delvigo Art Director: Yvan Babillon Editorial: Simone Lee, Jean-Pascal Grosso, Quitterie Pasquesoone, Richard Aldhous, Blanche Soncini, Caroline Garros, Apolline Chaize, Patrycja Matysiak, Jean-Christophe Emmenegger Photographers: Johann Sauty, Ron Contarsy for Highmark Studios NYC Account Executive: Fiona Esther Sales Agents: Sarah Tayari Advertising Coordination: Cyril Montegu Translation: Victoria Selwyn, Will Thornely, Venetia Bell

Editorial Offices 136, cours Emile Zola - 69100 Villeurbanne - France Tel: +33 (0)478242273- Fax: +33 (0)478245618 Clinic Lémanic Magazine is edited and published by the Les Editions Blush Publiscope. Les Editions Blush declines responsibility for any unpublished texts, illustrations or photos it receives. Reproduction of texts, drawings and pictures published in this magazine remains the property of Les Editions Blush, owned by Publiscope, which reserves the right of reproduction and translation in the whole world. Publiscope accepts no responsibility for the published documents. All rights reserved. ISSN n °2267-7372 - Dépôt légal à parution. - 186 -


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