2015 Cinemasports Universities Booklet 第三屆國際大學拍片運動

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2015 / The 3rd Cinemasports Universities 曾惠 青 主 編 崑山 科技 大學 視覺傳達設 計 系 出 版

來自於世界各地超過一百多組團隊參與 More than 100 teams from around the world participated

The 3rd Cinemasports Universitie s

Index Organization 1 About the Event 2

Preface ------------------------------- 3 Student Organization ------------ 15 Planning and Implementation Committee Documentary Committee Visual Designer Exhibition Space Planning Committee Administration Committee Design Committee

16 17 18 19 20 21

Photos -------------------------------- 23 The Trailer 24 University Recruitment 25 Kick-Off Meeting 26 Preparation works 29 Opening 31 Screening 33 Films from around the world 35 Awards 37

Filmmaking Workshop for Kids 42 Films ---------------------------------- 48

Top Picks A Message to Humanity ----------------------------- 49 Symbol of Decadence ------------------------------- 51 The Regret ----------------------------------------------- 53 Who is next? -------------------------------------------- 55 蝴 蝶 效 应 ---------------------------------------------- 57 Butterfly Effect ------------------------------------------ 57 Beep ------------------------------------------------------- 59 Magic Lane ---------------------------------------------- 61 魔法阿公 Magic Grandpa ------------------------ 63 Everybody Loves Somebody ----------------------- 65 媒體灌輸 You Are What You See -------------- 67 A Boy, A Shoe, A Story ----------------------------- 69 存在 Exist ----------------------------------------------- 71

The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Woman’s Magic -------------------------------------- 73 What the... --------------------------------------------- 75 되감다 -------------------------------------------------- 77 무산 ----------------------------------------------------- 79 For Want of a Nail, The Shoe Was Lost ------- 81 FootLoose ------------------------------------------------ 83 Her Shoe ------------------------------------------------- 85 消失的「鞋」子 Shoe ---------------------------- 87 Control ---------------------------------------------------- 89 鞋們 Shoes Are ---------------------------------------- 91 Suspicious Slipper ------------------------------------ 93 Vam’s Date --------------------------------------------- 95 I-Shoes ---------------------------------------------------- 97 交替 One After Another ---------------------------- 99 Bad Shoe ------------------------------------------------ 101 那一天 --------------------------------------------------- 103 No Shoes No Peace ---------------------------------- 105 不!我的衛生紙 --------------------------------------- 107 傀儡 Puppet--------------------------------------------- 109 瘋狂的鞋子 Crazy Shoes -------------------------- 111 The Shose Thief ---------------------------------------- 113 Who Remote Control My Heart ------------------- 115 5

灰姑男 --------------------------------------------------- 115 三號房 Room3 ----------------------------------------- 117 慢跑鞋 Running Shoe ------------------------------- 119 遺失 ------------------------------------------------------ 121

Is This A Shoe? ---------------------------------------- 123 Ferryman ------------------------------------------------- 125 Overlap --------------------------------------------------- 127 單 ---------------------------------------------------------- 129 Lose -------------------------------------------------------- 131 优秀的编剧 --------------------------------------------- 133 仙度瑞拉 ------------------------------------------------ 135 幕后 ------------------------------------------------------- 137 拾 Pick Up ---------------------------------------------- 139 肥歐娜與屎瑞克 Fiona & Shrek ----------------- 141 X ----------------------------------------------------------- 143 Pickup Shoes -------------------------------------------- 145 撲克對決 ------------------------------------------------ 147 私慾 Lusts ----------------------------------------------- 149 阿~甘的一天 ------------------------------------------ 151 Peeper ---------------------------------------------------- 153 Watch Out ----------------------------------------------- 155 Cage ------------------------------------------------------- 157

The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Time Is Money ----------------------------------------- 159 Hush! ----------------------------------------------------- 161 控巴控控 0800 --------------------------------------- 163 Daung ---------------------------------------------------- 165 戲中戲 -------------------------------------------------- 167 皮鞋尋覓記 -------------------------------------------- 169 黑瞳 Ghost --------------------------------------------- 171 Cellphone Of My Life 173 交換 Exchange ---------------------------------------- 175 Heisters : Alex’s shose ------------------------------ 177 奇幻旅程 Amazing journey ----------------------- 179 迷失 Confused ---------------------------------------- 181 Magic Shoes -------------------------------------------- 183 球鞋 ‧ 魔術 ‧ 遙控 ‧ 愛 ------------------ 185 術視 Shoes --------------------------------------------- 187 Bakin Ajvar --------------------------------------------- 189 Cinderela ------------------------------------------------ 189 Breaking The Rules ------------------------------------ 190 Corto Programas -------------------------------------- 190 El Zapato A Distancia -------------------------------- 191 Nightmare Before Spring --------------------------- 191 The Great Idea ---------------------------------------- 192

The Magic Show -------------------------------------- 192 Vale Por Una Vida Anterior ----------------------- 193 Video Programas -------------------------------------- 193

官方網站Offical Website: cinemasports.com 台灣臉書網站 Taiwan Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CinemasportsUniversities 6

The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Organization Cinemasports(USA), Dong-Ah Institute of Media and Arts (South Korea), Valencia University (Spain), University of Nova Gorica(Slovenia), The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies Belgrade (Serbia), NingBo Dahongying University( China). Taiwan: Kun Shan University, Shu-Te University, Chang Jung Christian University, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Lung Hwa University of Secience and Technology, Tainan University Of Technology, Shih Chien University.


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

About the Event Cinemasports Universities challenges student teams around the world to make a short movie using the same required “ingredients”. Final movies must be less than 3 minutes and include required 3 ingredients announced at the start of the shooting day. Submitted movies will be considered for a gala screening at Kun Shan University in Tainan, Taiwan. Three Ingredents: Remote Control A Lost Shoe Magic Trick The 3rd Cinemasports Universities, we have more than 100 films around the world submitted to the event. It was wonderful to have a chance to see so many student artists from various countries express themselves through the medium of short film. All the films are avaliable to view on: http://cinemasports.com/event-group/cinemasportsuniversities-2015

國際大學拍片運動挑戰來自世界各地的大學生 的即興創作,製作一部短片包含同樣的“三項 元素”。
 最後的影片必須短於三分鐘,並且包含拍片當 日所宣布的三項元素。完成挑戰的作品部份將 入選於台灣崑山科技大學的播映晚會中播出。 三項元素為: 遙控 一支遺失的鞋 魔術 第三屆國際大學拍片運動,共有超過一百多部 的影片完成挑戰送件。這是一個非常難得的機 會,看到來自於不同國家的學生,透過短片表 達自己的想法。 所有送件的影片可於官方網站觀賞:



The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

For Cinemasports Universities 2015, student teams submitted over 100 movies worldwide. Congratulations on participating in the biggest Cinemasports for Universities so far! Every movie included these three ingredients: Remote control, a lost shoe, and a magic trick. Each team added their own ingredients of culture, creativity, and team dynamics. The result is a menu of movies with unique flavors from different cities. Just as many recipes can cook a delicious meal, different approaches can create a great movie. Together, experiencing those different methods can enrich our own creative process. I’d like to send a special thank you to the professors who encouraged their students to participate in Taiwan, Spain, Slovenia, South Korea, and Serbia. The magic in these movies is not a trick. It’s very real. No rabbit came out of a hat, but I hope you felt the magic creating and watching these special movies!

Founder/ Director Jin Woo Joo Cinemasports USA


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

It was a wonderful experience for DIMA(Dong-Ah Institute of Media and Arts, http://eng.dima.ac.kr) to participate in the Cinemasports Universities. Thirty five students in the freshman year of the film art department had the great pleasure of making movies for this unique event. The students worked in 8 groups of 4-5 students in each team. Making movies in 10 hours with specific ingredients in them was a very inspiring challenge. Both the time limit and the required ingredients contributed a lot for a truly efficient filmmaking. The students didn’t have the luxury to idle, worry or think too much. They had to finish them in 10 hours. All my students were very happy to have finished their own first movies. I’d like to thank Mr. Jin Joo for organizing this important occasion and Ms. Hui-ching Tseng for supporting it. We hope this meaningful tradition continues for many years to come. Wangtae Lim 임왕태



Wangtae Lim 임왕태 Professor of Film Art Department Dong-Ah Institute of Media and Arts South Korea

The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

梦想,大多都是美好的愿望,存在于许多人的心 中,就像: 你有一双翅膀,随时可以飞翔; 你能变成透明的水流,在河谷中随意流淌; 你和一只蜗牛在草丛中散步; 你能化为一棵柏树,坦然面对四季的变化; 梦想,大多都是美好的愿望,实现在人们的创造 中,就像: 《飞屋环绕地球》的卡尔乘着五彩斑斓的气球去 南美洲“天堂瀑布”探险; 《鸟人》的波蒂坚信自己就是一只自由的鸟; 《当幸福来敲门》的克里斯无论面对何般困窘, 都没有忘记对生活的热爱与追求; 在人生的漫长旅途中,不要忘记了你的梦想; 不要忘记你在星空下的喃语; 不要忘记你说走就走的旅行; 不要忘记,我们的国际大学拍片运动,也能实现 你的梦想! 楊華


楊華 老師 視覺傳達設計系 寧波大紅鷹學院 NingBo Dahongying University China 6

The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

La participación en la III Cinemasports Universities Race nos ofrece la posibilidad de desarrollar la creatividad y el espíritu de equipo en nuestras universidades. En el caso de la Universitat de València es en el campo de la educación: estudiantes que viven en primera persona cómo el audiovisual se convierte en un punto de encuentro la creación cultural común. Es muy importante para todos nosotros experimentar la realización de los cortos, compartir con otros países nuestro trabajo, ver las películas que se han hecho en diferentes partes del mundo y cómo, en muchas de ellas, hemos utilizado parecidos recursos narrativos, solo con estos tres ingredientes. ¡Muchas gracias a todos los equipos por compartir con nosotros esta magnífica experiencia!”


Participation in the 3rd Cinemasports Universities helps us develop creativity and team spirit in our universities. In the case of University of Valencia, it’s in the field of education: students experience first hand how media education creates a common cultural creative experience. It’s very important for us all to experiment with creating short movies, share our work with other countries, and watch movies made in different parts of the world. We see parallel narrative themes from around the world arising from just our simple 3 ingredients. Thanks very much to all the teams for sharing our magnificent experience! Paula Jardón Giner

The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


Paula Jardón Giner Professor Universitat de València Spain


Wei-Peng Lien 練維鵬 Assistant Professor Dept. of Visual Communication Design Shu-Te University Taiwan 8

The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

The invitation to participate at the Cinemasports Universities reached us very late and I was a little worried if any of our interested students would be able to organize themselves so quickly. Not all of the interested ones succeeded to finish the work, but two groups (one group and one individual) did. They were shortlisted for screenings and one was even among the Top 12 Picks. Great, I am glad! This is a good start of collaboration and next year, their younger colleagues will already know what Cinemasports is about. Why I think the Cinemasport Universities is an interesting way of collaboration? First of all, it encourages students to organize themselves, to get initiative in their hands, to act promptly, to make good preparations, but to be prepared to improvise as well, as the secret ingredients are not known till the very start, they have to react quickly and be able to finish on time, not only the film itself, but to upload it on time, so no excuse for delays. It is a race in a way, but many times in life, they will need to act just like that.


The following events, even if we collaborate only on distance, bring us closer together. The screenings in different parts of the world give us the opportunity to see it as common project in which young artists exchange their ideas in their short films, sharing the same three special ingredients. Rene Rusjan

The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


Rene Rusjan Professor and Programme director Media Arts and Practices School of Arts University of Nova Gorica Slovenia


Hung-Hsiang Wu 吳宏翔 Assistant Professor Dept. of Computer Aided Media Design Chang Jung Christian University Taiwan 10

The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

With the moving pictures capturing and editing tools are getting more and more convenient to use and easier to access, the activities like Cinemasports Universities are getting more and more significant. Thousands of years ago, it was not easy for most of people to get pens and papers to write Two decades ago, it was not easy for all the people to access film or video equipment. With the prevalence of the writing instrument, people now can easily convey substantial stories, abstract concepts, or express their inner consciousness in the form of literature. Now the days, for students to acquire digital cameras, smart phones with image recording and editing capabilities become considerably easy. Cinemasports Universities provides a platform to stimulate students to take advantage of new media and to liberate their expression in the form of moving images. Students from different corners all over the world with different academic background can exercise visual story telling techniques like montage, mise-en-scène, camera movement which used to be discussed only at film schools. With my heart I hope Cinemasports Universities will continue to flourish and continue to bring the variety of visual experience to the different cultures in the globe. 11


Ta-Wei Lu 盧大為 Assistant Professor Dept. of Multimedia and Game Science Lung Hwa University of Secience and Technology Taiwan

The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

常聽人說:看戲的是傻子,演戲的是瘋子。 那麼,熱愛製作影片的一定是又瘋又傻。我很 榮幸也很感謝能參與這次國際大學拍片運動, 帶領學生一同感受濃縮10小時,腎上腺素飆漲 的拍片活動。
許多便利的影片製作軟體,似乎 將人類與拍片這件事拉近了不少距離,但是也 曲解了拍片本質上的意義。 利用拍出來的影片,是要告訴所有不分國籍 的觀眾們,一個故事、一種幽默、一種想法、 一種哀傷等,這種訊息的傳遞,才是製作影片 該有的基本架構。
很驚艷這次的參與的學生, 似乎都能夠把握住這樣的拍片基本功,在10小 時這麼短的時間內,將自身拍片潛力發揮到最 大。 Chin-Hey Wu 吳青蕙


Chin-Hey Wu 吳青蕙
 Dept. of Digital Content Application and Management Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Taiwan 12

The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

非常榮幸參與第三屆國際大學拍片運動的籌劃, 每年參加的團隊都以倍數成長,今年來自世界各地 超過一百多部影片完成,很高興我們最後完成這個 不可能的任務,感謝參與的老師與同學的協助,再 沒有贊助的情況下,沒有大家的支持就沒有這個活 動。希望所有參與的學生們都留下美好的回憶,珍 惜過程中彼此分享的熱情。也會記得你曾經參加這 個活動;沒有大咖頒獎、沒有獎金,也沒有媒體的 鎂光燈。你的努力不是為了要獲勝,而是因為你相 信生命中還有更多美好的事物值得去追求。 It was an honor to be part of the 2015 Cinemasports Universities. Every year the number of teams has doubled. This year more than 100 films from all over the world were submitted. I am so glad that we did it. Thanks to all the faculty and students who had helped with the event. This event would not be possible without your support. I hope all participants had a wonderful time and will cherish forever the passion you shared with others. I also wish you will remember that you participated this event eventhough it had no big awards or media attention. You worked hard not for the awards, but beacuse you believe that there are more beautiful things in life that are worth of pursuing. 13


Hui-Ching Tseng 曾惠青 Associate Professor Dept. of Visual Communication Design Kun Shan University, Taiwan

The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


Szu-Hsin Lee 李思欣 Assistant Professor Department of Motion Picture and Video Kun Shan University, Taiwan


John Maloney 馬龍 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Applied English Tainan University of Technology Taiwan 14

The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Student Organization


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Planning and Implementation Committee 【企劃組組長:陳鈴欣】 在這次的活動中,雖然過程中真的有許多不是 在意料之中會發生的事情,透過這次的經驗, 學習如何去制定企劃計畫、分配,在這個活動 的過程中去努力、學習,看著活動的開始以及 順利的進行,讓我覺得很有成就感。活動安 排、人際相處、控場能力、指揮領導,享受結 果事件是很有成就的。 組員:梁嘉芸 林佳琪 鄭品宜 沈芝妤 葉仁玉


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Documentary Committee 【攝影組組長:魏子瀚】 拍片運動不是只有一個人的工作,從劇本討 論、分鏡置做到影片執行,無論是組長還是組 員,皆是每個步驟不可或缺的。活動開始前的 各組工作分配、各工作組的分工、開幕式及首 映會的事前準備,就算大家都有各自的功課要 做,但每個組員都仍會盡心盡力,利用課餘時 間拍片,犧牲睡眠時間剪片,每個過程都是與 組員們共同的心血,這份熱誠值得延續下去! 組員:黃展聞 王薇涵 傅文馨 尤郁晴 曹瑋真 謝育芸 郭盛君


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Visual Designer 【視覺設計: 黃昶維】 很榮幸可以為這次拍片運動做海報視覺設計, 這是一個很難得的經驗,看到自己的設計的海 報在各處發放,心中有說不出的感動。 在多次的修改製作後,對於「視覺傳達」的 四字,讓我更深刻了解,尤其是「傳達」的部 分,真的了解到很多,也謝謝拍片運動給我這 次的經驗。


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Exhibition Space Planning Committee

【場務組組長:陳昱潔】 無論成功與否,每場活動背後一定會有一群默 默工作的人。場務組就是這樣的角色,場務組 的工作乍看之下非常容易,但也有許多不容易 的地方,為了完成開跑的場佈起個大早、在播 映會前頂著超強寒風布置場地…甚至是商借設備 都有可能遇到突發狀況,我在這些工作中獲益 良多,也幸虧得到同學夥伴們的協助,場務組 的工作才得以順利完成。 組員:黃子育 張琇茵 張雅筑 鄭芷芸 黃敏雪 梁穎欣 霍曉彤 盧帥之 鄭卓彥


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Administration Committee

【總務組組長:劉芳君】 很榮幸餐與這次活動,雖然溝通過程中難免會 有磨合,但我們完成了!大家辛苦了!

組員:吳建寧 鍾薏玟 陳姿穎 張嘉容 黃翊欣


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Design Committee 【設計組組長:林佳琪】 在設計組裡學習體悟的事情很多,要跟活動流 程跑並設計,而且還要跟組員交流討論,學習 到的不只是設計,還有更多人情世故,真的, 是很不錯的體驗。

組員:陳鈴欣 鄧恩庭


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工作人員合照 22

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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

The Trailer The Trailer was directed and filmed by students from The Department of Visual Communication Design. It shows the main concept of Cinemasports: Make a short film less than 3 min, with 10 hours, include 3 ingredients. 活動影片由崑山科技大學視覺傳達設計系學生所 製作,表現出拍片運動的主軸:在十小時內完成 製作一部三分鐘的影片包含當天宣布的三元素。




The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

University Recruitment The director of Cinemasports Jin Joo visited universities in Taiwan to recruit the teams. 拍片運動主席Jin Joo造訪台灣國內幾所大學, 宣傳本屆的國際大學拍片運動活動


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Kick-Off Meeting The Kick-off meeting was held on the day of filming, 2015 March 22nd. The purpose was for all of the participants to meet together and announce the ingredients. Afterward teams start their filmmaking and then they must finish and submit their film with in 10 hours. 拍片日宣誓活動在2015年3月22日早上在台南舉 辦,目的讓鄰近的參加者互相認識打氣,之後 團隊拍片開始必須在十小時內完成影片。


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Announcing three ingredients


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Preparation works Thanks to the student organization who help to set up the space, it was very professional looking. We had more than 300 chairs and a red carpet! 感謝崑山科大的視傳系學生協助完成播映會的 佈置工作,看起來非常專業!我們準備了超過 三百的座位等著觀眾來參加。


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Opening The screening date was 25th March 2015, more than 300 teachers and students from many universities attended the event. 播映會於2015年3月25日舉辦,超過三百多位的 老師與學生出席了這次的活動。



The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Jin Joo

Huiching Tseng 32

The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Screening The screening took place in the outdoor plaza of the of Kun Shan University Library and Information Center. During the one and half hour screening more than 30 films from around the world were screened in the evening. 播映會於崑科大圖書資訊館戶外廣場舉辦,在 約一個半小時的播映會中,總共播映了超過30 多部來自世界各地的影片。


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Films from around the world



Hong Kong

Hong Kong


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

South Korea



Taiwan 36

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Awards 12 TOP PICK Films 十二部評審首選獎 Symbol of Decadence You Are What You See 媒體灌輸 The Regret Magic Grandpa 魔法阿公 Beep Who Is Next? Magic Lane Exist 存在 蝴蝶效应 A Boy, A Shoe, A Story Everybody Loves Somebody A Message To Humanity


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities



The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Filmmaking Workshop for Kids To expand the event in the realm of education, after 延伸自大學拍片運動,依照慣例活動後我們招集 the event, we called for university students to join us 來自台灣各個大學的學生,跟我們一起到台灣東 in teaching filmmaking workshops in East Taiwan. 部的小學,教導拍片動畫工作坊。


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

青蛙你在哪裡?Froggy, Where Are You? 
 演出/動畫:永豐國小 剪輯製作 Jin Joo by Yong Fang primary school , Eastern Taiwan.




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永豐國小 44

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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

富里國小工作坊紀錄片 導演製作:陳文義 Fuli primary school workshop documentary



十個太陽 Ten Suns 演出/動畫:富里國小 剪輯:曹芳瑀 by Fuli primary school , Eastern Taiwan.


https://youtu.be/Ovpj_q1xkgs 46

The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

海盜奇遇記 Pirates’Adventures 演出/動畫:富里國小 剪輯:劉庭瑄 by Fuli primary school , Eastern Taiwan.



神隱少女 Spirited Away 演出/動畫:富里國小 剪輯:謝翔沄, 蕭雅仁 by Fuli primary school , Eastern Taiwan.




The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Remote Contral A Lost Shoe Magic Trik 遙控 一支遺失的鞋 魔術

Films Click on the film title to watch the film 按下片名即可線上觀賞影片 영화를보려면제목을 클릭하세요


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

A Message to Humanity ★ Top Pick

Slovenia Wolf Gang Team: Director: Valerie Wolf Gang Bio: Freelance video artist working in different forms of artistic production, video and film projects, exhibition selections and artistic residencies. Her videos and short films have been featured at various cinema theaters and her work has been presented in many international galleries and festivals. More info: valeriewolfgang. com

Synopsis: The only truth and real life lies beyond the remote control and the experimental video poetry is sending a strong message to humanity which we need to think about and distance our self from the prejudice and hatred we have for each other. We can make a better world only if we try to look beyond the artificial fears of ‘others’, nationalism and fake feeling of the system authority. "You create all the love and all the hate in the world 49

The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Symbol of Decadence España

★ Top Pick Team:

Acción cinemática de combate Director: Acción cinemática de combate Crew: Carmen Alcañiz Bartual Jordán Gálvez Roda Adrián Jiménez de la Peña Morant Lorena Benlloch Agustí Cristóbal Muñoz Reyes Diego Medrano García Carlos Garrigós Martí Begoña Ruiz Tamarit Bio: Acción Cinemática de Combate somos un grupo de estudiantes de la Universidad de Valencia que motivados por la crítica social lleva a cabo cortos como Symbol of Decadence Synopsis: "Symbol of decadence" es un film que critica las nuevas formas de entretenimiento, cómo un simple "click" deja que nos perdamos la importancia de nuestro día a día. "Symbol of decadence" is a film that criticizes the new forms of entertainment, how a simple "click" let us lose the importance of our day. 51

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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

The Regret Korea

★ Top Pick Team: Cineticflow Director: Eun-ji Choi Crew: In-yong Jung Jun-Hyong Lee Rick Blake

Synopsis: 한 소녀는 갑자기 땅을 파기 시작한다. 한 때 최우수상을 받으며 이름을 떨쳤던 소녀는 무슨 이유 때문인지 운 동을 포기하고 그로 인해 자신의 통제력까지 잃게 된다. 땅을 파던 소녀는 자신과 함께했던 운동화를 묻는 동시에 자신의 통제 력을 의미하는 리모콘 하나를 묻는다.통제력을 잃은 소녀는 한참을 방 황하다 집으로 돌아오게 되는데, 자신이 묻었던 신발이 마법처럼 자신 을 쳐다보고 있다.소녀가 땅을 파기 시작한다. 자신의 꿈을 접었던 것 이 후회스럽다. 소녀는 땅을 파지만 운동화는 끝끝내 보이지 않는다. 소 녀는 힘없이 그 자리를 뜨게 된다. 그러나 소녀가 팠던 땅을 자세히 보 면 거기엔 소녀의 꿈이 아직 자리하고 있다.우리는 자신이 원하는 보석 을 갖기 위해 땅을 판다. 그러나 땅을 파고 파도 그 보석은 나오지 않는 다.보석은 한 움큼 밑에서 우리가 파주기만을 기다리지만, 우리는 더이 상 나오지 않는 보석을 포기하고 만다.


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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Who is next? Korea

★ Top Pick Team: Steam Director: Steam Crew: 김소정 김다빈 김주미 김도균 김성근 방성훈 신새벽

Bio: 안녕하세요 동아방송예술대학교 소속 팀 Steam 입니다.

Synopsis: 한 남자가 신발을 쫓아 집을 나선다..


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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

蝴蝶效应 Butterfly Effect ★ Top Pick

China 拍玩儿 Team: Director: 吕蒙田 Crew: 朱家玮 Zhu-Jia Wei 吕 宁Ling-Ning 沈玉洁 Shen-Yu Jie 林奕彤 Lin-Yin Tong 郑 旭 Zheng-Xu 陈毓婷 Chen-Yu Ting 王 婷 Wang-Ting 郭法攀 Guo-Fa Pan


我愛光,我愛影,我愛他們在我心中轉化升華,我是男生,我不否 認我是一個愛粉色的男生,對沒錯,我也不否認我很瘋狂!在瘋狂 中沉醉于光影的藝術!我是 Pink Man 呂蒙田!最後說一句,我真 的好愛粉色! 我们来自于宁波大红鹰学院广电专业和视觉传达专业,跨越12和13 级,同是90后的我们是一支自信,活力的新兴团队,用视觉传达美 感,用美感传播新意,拍玩儿,边拍边玩儿边学习。


一只丢失的鞋,起床后的坏情绪引发了一些系列的蝴蝶效应,当一 切重来,一段好心情又给生活新的体验。人生的蝴蝶效应就像魔术 一样,你是遥控人生的魔术师吗? 57

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Beep Taiwan

★ Top Pick Team:

火腿起司蛋土司 Brunch Film Director: 郭怡孜 Esmee Kuo Crew: 陳庭婷 

Bio: 我們是一批熱血的大學生,熱愛著拍片,所以每天太晚睡都 只能吃早午餐。 Synopsis: 一天男友突然好心的送了女友一雙鞋,怎知道原來這是男友 的計謀之一,當穿上這鞋後,就會被遙控著你的雙腳去做任 何事,最後女友終於發現這件事,於是把這雙鞋丟還給了男 友,並且讓他消失在他的生活當中。


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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Magic Lane ★ Top Pick

Taiwan Team: Triple Zero Director: Geng-Yu Lin Crew: 林勝智 Sheng-Chih Lin 許孝文 Hsiao-Wen Hsu 林佩棻 Pie-Fen Lin 林耕瑋 Geng-Wei Lin

Synopsis: 旅行中,女孩來到了一條奇怪的巷子,地上滿是單支的鞋 子,還有一支遙控器,女孩好奇的撿起了遙控器按了按,想 要知道發生了甚麼事。


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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

魔法阿公 Magic Grandpa ★ Top Pick

Taiwan Team: RST Director: 張閔翔 Crew: Ming-Hsiang Chang 許建華 Chien-Hua Hsu 成德柔 Te-Jou Cheng 陳捷妤 v

Bio: 我們致力於透過影片傳遞社會中不被人發現卻非常重要的訊 息與意念,經由一次次的委託案子以及比賽,晉升我們對於 影片水準的要求與挑剔。曾經製作:高苑科大資傳系 宣傳片; 彰化秀水高工建築科 宣傳片;2014鑫炫盃中華賽協飄移賽 經典紀錄;台灣南部科學園區 宣傳微電影;金甘蔗國際影展 (最佳製片、入圍首獎)...等。 Synopsis: 傍晚時阿公總是騎車到海邊午睡。當閉眼不久,聽見椅下傳 來聲響打斷睡意。起身一看,他的抓耙子抖動著,此時聽見 呼喊,原來女子的鞋子被捲走了。阿公像下意識用手中抓耙 子將鞋子救起,物歸原主。女子投入阿公懷抱,但這是阿公 的幻想... 63

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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Everybody Loves Somebody Taiwan

★ Top Pick Team: 無能 Director: 林勵珉 Crew: 蕭絜云 黃晨昕 高綵寅 劉禹彤

Li-Min Lin Jei-Yun Xiao Chen-Hsin Huang Tsai-Ying Gao Yu-Tung Liu

Bio: 就讀於樹德科技大學視傳系三年級,雖然影片能力沒有像其 他同學的好,但我很喜歡用一部影片,訴說一個故事、表達 內心,我會努力加油,謝謝。 我們是一群來自樹德科技大學,視覺傳達設計系的可愛同 學。活潑外向,質感優良,雖然能力不佳,但重要的是內心 的本質。以最純樸的方式,呈現我們團隊精神 Synopsis: *每個人都愛著某個人* 女孩愛著女孩,男孩愛著女孩 每個人都有權利去愛著某個人 最後,男孩的結局留給觀眾去想像.. 65

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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

媒體灌輸 You Are What You See ★ Top Pick

Taiwan Team: 我們都不熟 Stranger Director: 戴宏霖 Hung-Lin Tai Crew: 蕭絜云 Jei-Yun Xiao 黃晨昕 Chen-Hsin Huang 高綵寅 Tsai-Ying Gao 劉禹彤 Yu-Tung Liu

Bio: 1992年生於嘉義,就讀實踐大學。2012年開始影像創作,曾 參與「浮光若夢」、「下流社會」與「緘默效應」等劇情長 片。 由十二位,同校同系但不熟的同學所組成,如其名,我們都 不熟。 Synopsis: 本片以「遙控」、「一支遺失的鞋」、「魔術」三樣素材為 題,探討臺灣當代媒體亂象的潛在問題。在媒體自由盛行的 年代,是媒體在灌輸你,還是你再灌輸媒體。然而,媒體真 的自由嗎?你也真的自由嗎? 67

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A Boy, A Shoe, A Story Taiwan

★ Top Pick

Team: 鮪魚罐頭 Tuna Can Director: 陳映銓 Ying-Chuan Chen Crew: 林宛育 Wan-Yu Lin 邱少淳 Shao-Chun Qiu

Bio: Nothing is More Important Than the Great Crews. Synopsis: 泛黃照片中的老房,街上尋覓的背包客,在心灰意冷之時, 緣分,掉落的一隻鞋子開啟一段不可思議的際遇… An old cement house in a faded photo. A backpacker seeking on the streets. While he felt frustrated, fate and and a lost shoe led him to an unexpected journey...


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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

存在 Exist ★ Top Pick

Taiwan Team: Mr. & MS. Director: 范珮嘉 Pei-Chia Fan 楊荏鈞 Ren-Jun Yang 吳乃畇 Nai-Yun Wu Crew: 王瀞儀 Ching-Yi Wang


兩位由高雄來到台南讀書的高中同學,平常就喜愛拍攝許多有趣的 影片,沒有厲害的後製技巧,也沒有精湛的演技,只有努力與用心 地一步一步完成我們的作品。由崑山&南應&南台三所學校組成的團 隊,雖然不同學校,但我們同一條心!

Synopsis: “Is her existence real?“His heart has always been manipulated by that girl, living in a magical world both true and fake. Finally, he tries to dress himself as what she looked like before her death, deceiving himself that she still lives in his world.....

【存在,是真實的嗎?】男孩的心始終被女孩遙控著,活在如同魔 術般真實與虛假不分的世界裡最後試圖將自己裝扮成女孩生前的模 樣,欺騙自己女孩依然活在他的世界裡..... 71

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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Woman’s Magic Korea Team: Drug Flim Director: Hyung-Seok Yang Crew: Ha sung Ji Jung Jong Wook Lee Su A

Bio: We are students is Dong ah institute of media of arts,majoring film arts! And out team called “drug”. It means we want to watching film everyone in the world feels indelible. At last, everyone will be addicted! We know that members are fresher! But our passion is better than professional. Enjoy our film! ^^ Synopsis: She period has started. And push the remote control with uncomfortable face. Get into the picture in many guys. She have a date with many guys. But She is not satisfactory. Finally, she began to experience disabling pain when she had my period and powered down the remote control. 73

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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

What the... Korea Team: DIMA Movie killers Director: 강동원 Crew: 김명준 김수경 민세영 백결

Bio: 우리는 영화찍는것을 즐기고 영화를 통해서 하나의 주제를 표현하는 것을 즐긴다 시네마스포츠에 참가하게 되어 기쁘다 Synopsis: As a hunch, but I feel it is like to have their limits are drawn film the psychology of people who want to supplement. But present got me paid off harmful to any person other than honest means is a film that shows that the provision be frustrated by anyone.


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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

되감다 Korea 퍼플이와아이들 Team: Director: Bora Kim Crew: Hamin Kang Yejin Kim Sujang Park Yeeun Seo

Bio: 안녕하세요 퍼플이와 아이들입니다. 저희 팀안에는 김보라, 강하민, 서예은, 김예진, 박수정으로 구성되어있. 구요, 동아방송예술대 영화예술과 15학번 들이 며, 영화에 열정으로 가득. 찬 학생들입니다!! Synopsis: 남자는 신발을 보며, 생각에 잠겨있다. 그리고 뒤로 걸어간다. 여자와 함께걷던 거리, 여자에게 선물한 신발. 이젠 그 빈공간을 남자 혼자 바라볼 뿐이다. 남자는 여자와 함께 사랑했던 시간과 추억의 날들을 그리워 하지만.티비를 꺼버린다. 77

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무산 Korea Team: 노맨 No Man Director: 이우정 Woo-Jung LEE Crew: 장영미 Young-Mi Jang 오수연 Soo-Yeon Oh 한경서 Kyung-Seo Han

Bio: 동아방송예술대학교(DIMA)

Synopsis: 영미는 수연과 신발던지기 놀이를 하던 중 리모콘을 발견하 게 된다. 리모콘의 버튼을 누를 때마다 물건은 사라지고, 그것을 알게 된 영미는 평소 질투하던 수연의 물건을 숨기기 시작한다. 이 것저것 사라지게 하던 도중, 자신의 실수로 영미는 물건들이 사라졌던 미지의 공간에 갇히게 된다. 79

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For Want of a Nail, The Shoe Was Lost Korea Team: Red Right Director: 우다겸 Crew: 이재현 장혜수 최다은 한진형

Bio: 동아방송예술대학교 영화예술과 1학년 우다겸 카메라에 불빛이 들어오면 빨간빛이 돌듯이 저희 팀도 카메라가 롤 되어있듯이 열정적인 조라는 것을 의미하기 위해 red right라고 팀 명을 만들게 되었습니다.

Synopsis: 잔인한 장면들을 보면서도 무덤덤한 주인공. 그러다 더욱더 잔인한 장면을 보려하지만 리모컨이 고장났다. 그는 자극적인 걸 보기위해 리모컨을 사러가게 되는데 가게 앞에서 폭력현장을 보게 되고 그는 리모컨사는 일을 중단하려 한다. 그때 보이지 않는 손처럼 리모컨 전단지가 다시 한번 더 허위광고로 그를 끌어들이게 되고 결국 그 는 알 수 없는 전파에 자신도 모르게 리모컨 가게로 들어가게 된다. 81

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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

FootLoose Hong Kong Hot-Blooded Team: Director: 盧子軒 Chi-Hin Lo Crew: 林桂好 Kwai-Ho Lam 鄧君洋 Kwan-Yeung Tang 蕭藹婷 Oi-Ting Siu 李文輝 Man-Fai Lee 鄧曉峰 Hiu-Fung Tang 楊于澄 Yu-Ching Yeung 陳文俊 Man-Chun Chan Bio:

學生一名。志願是拍攝一套後世難忘的電影。本團隊是來自香港浸 會大學電影學院,團員全都是本科的一年級生,希望可以藉此機 會,吸收更多外出的比賽經驗,從而學習更多拍攝上的知識。

A student.I hope I can produce a film which can spread to the world and future. We studied at Academy of Film in Hong Kong Baptist University. Through this chance, we want to learn more and practice more. Synopsis: 一天,一位路過的街頭魔術師遇上了一位路過的小姐,並且 用他的魔術遙控器變走了那位小姐的鞋。而那雙鞋也失散 了,孤獨的一隻鞋,就開始了自由自在的旅程...... 83

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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Her Shoe HongKong Cathy Crew Team: Director: 趙軒廷 Hin-Ting Chiu Crew: 卓思穎 Sze-Wing Cheuk 劉露露 Lu-Lu Lau 林嘉豪 Ka-Ho Lam 連樂希 Lok-Hei Lin 何偉㷨 Wai-Fung Ho 張鈱沅 Min-Yuan Zhang 潘杰玲 Kit-Ling Poon 梁綺婷 Yee-Ting Leung 曾佑彰 Yau-Cheung Tsang

鄭秋玉 Chau-Yuk Cheng 陳世鏗 Sai-Hang Chan 馬曉鋒 Hiu-Fung Ma 廖明縉 Ming-Chun Liu 蔡宅琹 Jak-Kum Erin Chai 譚展峰 Tam-Chin Fung 彭可穎 Ho-Wing Pang 彭智仁 Chi-Yan Pang 黎家俊 Lai-Ka Chun

Bio: 本團隊來自香港浸會大學電影學院,乃一年級學生。本次參 加國際大學拍片運動,旨意提升水平,了解自我實力。在拍 攝其間,亦得著不少,其中要包含三個不同的元素,時間之 長短亦是面對過程當中最大的困難。但幸運地,在限定時間 內成功拍攝完成,有乃各團員的幫忙。 Synopsis: 灰姑娘掉下了一隻玻璃鞋,引領了王子前來尋覓真愛。也許 鞋子就像遙控器,引領人生頻道一步一步的上映。只是,鞋 子總是一雙一對,遺失了其中一隻,你可以不按任何鍵鈕, 等待王子的前來,也可以按下換頻一鍵,重新尋找一雙屬於 自己的玻璃鞋。 85

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消失的「鞋」子 Shoe Hong Kong Team: 香港五育中學 NYSS Director: Hui-Ching Lam Crew: Ming-Hei Yip Cheuk Him Lam Suet Yee Ng Hoi Ching Wong

Synopsis: A boy depend his life on his shoes. One day, after he woke up he realised one of his shoe has gone missing. The boy searched for his shoe for half of the day, and he was really crossed because he couldn't find it. At that moment, a girl appeared and was willing to look for his shoe with him. Who was this girl? What was her relationship with the boy?


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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Control Taiwan Team: Mission Director: 吳宙耘 Zhou-Yun Wu Crew: 鍾順文 Shun-Wun Jhong 許程翔 Cheng-Xiang Xu 黃明洲 Ming-Zhou Huang

Bio: We are from Taipei, Taiwan.

Synopsis: 一個男孩提著運動鞋去運動,卻弄丟了一隻鞋,苦惱的同時 利用魔術變出一個鞋子的遙控器,將遺失的鞋子控制回家。


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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

鞋們 Shoes Are Taiwan Team: 餓食貳壹貳二 Director: 沈杏穎 Shin-Ying Shen Crew: 許庭甄 Ting-Chen Hsu 王韻絜 Yun-Jue Wang 黃心妤 Xin-Yu Huang 黃屏慈 Ping-Ci Huang 張靖羚 Jing-Ling Jhang 王煜鈞 Yu-Jun Wang

Bio: 視訊傳播設計系三B 之前的作品部分都是擔任攝影、後製,還有編劇。 最近才接觸導演這個職位 我們的團隊:沈杏穎-導演 許庭甄-主角、編劇 張靖羚-美術 黃心妤-攝影 黃屏慈-美術 王韻絜-製片 王煜鈞-燈光 雖然是第一次合作,卻默契十足 Synopsis: 愛惡作劇的人,其實真實內心是相當孤獨的,只好用別種方 式讓別人知道,自己存在...... 91

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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Suspicious Slipper Taiwan 3388 Girls Team: Director: 胡䕒文Chia-Wen Hu Crew: 羅巧妮 Chiao-Ni Lo 鄭惠涓 Huei-Juan Cheng 謝佳庭 Chia-Ting Hsieh 柯文雁 Wen Yen Ko 蔡卉庭 Huei- Ting Tasi 王恣瑩 Zin- Ying Wang

Bio: 一個來自台南善化的女孩,活潑外向,喜歡有趣的事物。古 靈精怪有很多創意的想法,也喜歡拍攝影片。 來自臺南應用科技大學應英系三年級的七個女孩,決定在剩 下的大學生活裡留下一個有趣的經驗,決定報名活動,七個 女孩平常喜歡拍攝影片,各自擁有不同的才能,相信我們能 enjoy在此次活動。 Synopsis: The suspect burst into the room and hypnotize the girl into sleeping, and he leave behind his slipper. The girl's mother find something different. She suspect her neighbors, and decide to find out the real suspect. 93

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Vam’s Date Taiwan Team: 康樂動動 Moving Moving Director: 方憶芝 I-Chih Fang Crew: 戴國倫 Kuo-Lun Tai 陳志軒 Chih-Hsuan Chen 陳佳瑜 Kia-Yu Chen 許靜予 Jing-Yu Syu

Bio: We are always trying to be someone but not that one.Life is such a funny chasing game. We still wants to make some memories in this summer. This time is our last time for being in Cinemasport. As well we have fun and we hope everyone could always having fun in this game.Playing with your friends and making a film is the best thing ever.Let’s move !!! Synopsis: 小凡餓很久了,好不容易找到了個可愛的女孩,他們約好一起去野 餐,看起來是個好下手的約會,可是那女孩中午到底吃了什麼!?

Vam wants to find a meal since he hadn't eat anything this week.He invited a cute lady to go out for a picnic.It seems easy to get her.But what did she just eat? 95

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I-Shoes Taiwan KB.A.S Team: Director: 蘇建偉 Sou-Kin-Wai

Bio: KB.A.S建立的目的是為了要完成學校的作業及校外的比賽而 成立的一支學生團隊, 同時也是為了走上影視路而成立. Synopsis: 有一位未來的設計師,他想要設計一隻可以用iphone控制的 飛行鞋子,經過長時間的努力,他終於成功研究出可以飛行 的拖鞋,於是他馬上跑到外面進行測試,不料發生悲劇了, 他只有設計飛行模式,並沒有設計降落模式,結果鞋子一直 飛到天空上去。


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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

交替 One After Another Taiwan Team: 鵝五人 Five Geese Director: 張嘉容 Jia-Rong Jhang Crew: 鍾薏玟 Yi-Wen Zhong 吳建寧 Chien-Ning Wu 陳姿穎 Zi-Ying Chen 劉芳君 Fang-Jun Liu

Bio: 張嘉容=志明=鳳凰=阿罵=大雞鳳凰 脾氣很暴躁的五個人, 暴躁的吃東西;暴躁的摔滑鼠;暴躁的捶桌子;暴躁的亂打 人;暴躁的滑手機。 鵝的脾氣好暴躁。 Synopsis: 下一隻鞋,是誰?


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Bad Shoe Taiwan 歐賣尬這不是寶特瓶 Team: Director: 林泓錞 Hung-Chen Lin Crew: 蕭雅仁 Yaren Xiao 柯蓁霓 Jenny Ke 蔡心惇 Xin-Dun Tsai 劉輝達 Fai-Tat Lau 曹芳瑀 Fang-Yu Cao 楊玉如 Yu-Ju Yang 簡子瑜 Tzu-Yu Chien Bio: 在大一的時候接觸拍片,因此產生熱情,幽默是片中不可或 缺的重要元素。 OMG這竟然不是寶特瓶!!!! Synopsis: 某天,一位少女一如往常地走在路上,看見地上遺落著一隻 有朵大花裝飾的鞋,她非常的喜歡,而就在當他拿起鞋子的 時候,突然觸發了戰鬥,迎面而來的是人形化的鞋怪,遇到 這樣的強勁敵人,少女將會如何應對......


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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

那一天 Taiwan Team:

 Orange Flame Bee Beans Director: 黃婉瑜 Wan-Yu Huang Crew: 張億玲 I-Ling Chang 翁偲婕 S-Jie Weng 羅玉琄 Yu-Chuan Lo

Bio: 目前是龍華科技大學多媒體與遊戲發展科學系進修部三年 級。 喜歡畫圖跟熱衷於Playgame,偶而會剪輯一些影片當樂趣; 因為喜歡玩遊戲才會就讀目前的科系-遊戲系。 我們是一群愛好藝術與嚮往自由的人,一起經歷過考試、製 作成品作業的痛苦煎熬歷程。 Synopsis: 艾咪的生日快到了,小蜜在生日當天準備把要送給她的生日 禮物《一雙鞋子》變出來給艾咪一個驚喜,但是卻出現的差 錯,所幸最後還是完美的送出了禮物。 103

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No Shoes No Peace Taiwan Team: 好祈什麼 What Curious Director: 洪敬堯 Ching-Yao Hung Crew: 許主欣 Chu-Hsin Hsu 盧玟伃 Min-Yu Lu 鄭皓仁 Hao-Ren Zheng 呂紹鈺 Shao-Yu Lu 王維廷 Wei-Ting Wang

Bio: 文藻外語大學數位內容應用與管理系 Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages Department of Digital Content Application and Management Synopsis: 在那風和日麗的日子裡,主角準備展開美好一天,不巧被魔 王強行奪走心愛鞋子,為了奪回並決定展開這段冒險。 路途上遇到了無數的怪物,他們都對主角產生致命的攻擊, 而在特殊的秘密寶箱協助之下,主角不但過關斬將也藉由吸 收,使自己能力增強準備面對魔王。 最終遇見魔王,卻發現攻擊無效果,究竟主角是否能搶回遺 失的鞋子呢? 105

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不!我的衛生紙 Taiwan 當紅炸子雞 Team: Director: 左可維 Ko-Wei Tso Crew: 王琦雯 Qi-Wen Wang 黃靖琳 Jing-Lin Huang 許富矣 Fu-Yi Hsu 許書慈 Shu-Tzu Hsu 王思元 Szu-Yuan Wang 林雨蕎 Yu-Qiao Lin

Bio: 熱愛實驗電影的藝術氣息,讓電影擁有各種元素也更精采豐 富。團隊合作用各自的專長技能來完成豐富有趣也具影像語 言的”不!我的衛生紙”。 Synopsis: 小女孩肚子疼但缺了一隻鞋著急的要衝到廁所,不料,一名 調皮搗蛋的魔術師,用遙控的魔術處處阻擾小女孩,最後 小女孩終於抵達廁所,沒想到魔術師居然還把小女孩僅剩一 張的衛生紙變不見,最後魔術師把小女孩的衛生紙和一隻遺 失的鞋變出來,小女孩直呼兩樣東西都是她的,魔術師卻 不把東西給小女孩,並狠狠地離開,只留下小女孩一個在廁 所..... 107

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傀儡 Puppet Taiwan Team: NDHU Art And Design Director: 洪湘婷 Xiang-Ting Hong Crew: 陳禹方 Yu-Fang Chen 余欣盈 Xing-Ying Yu 邱文琪 Wen-Chi Chiou

Synopsis: 一昧盲目追求著虛假未來,卻忘卻了初衷。為了實現而遺失 了當時真正的快樂和天真,當發現自己只是一隻被外物操控 的傀儡時,只剩下一具空殼與 最遺憾的後悔莫及。


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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

瘋狂的鞋子 Crazy Shoes Taiwan Team: 光合作用 Director: 沈芝妤 Jhih-Yu Shen Crew: 梁嘉芸 Jia-Yun Liang 林佳琪 Jia-Qi Lin 陳鈴欣 Ling-Xin Chen 鄭品宜 Pin-Yi Cheng 葉仁玉 Jen-Yu Yeh

Bio: 來自崑山科技大學視傳系,喜歡天馬星空的幻想,不受拘束 的自由風格是個人特色,這次作品以鏡頭來說故事,創造出 不同特色。 人生最大的願望,就是能吃飽睡覺光合作用! Synopsis: 在新與舊的選擇中,多數人會選擇新的東西,而去忘記舊有 的物品。如果,每個人都能珍惜現下所擁有的 ...


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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

The Shose Thief Taiwan A.T.T.E Team: Director: 李明達 Ming-Ta Lee Crew: 龔家慧 Jia-Hui Gung 黃奕銘 Yi-Ming Huang 李博宇 Bo-Yu Li 張詩佳 Shi-Jia Zhang

Bio: 文藻外語大學 數位內容應用與管理系 Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages Digital Content Application and Management A group of powerful guy. Create colorful life. Synopsis: 在公園談情說愛的情侶突然被不遠處的哭聲吸引, 跑過去看發 現是一個小孩正因為沒鞋穿而哭著, 想要安撫小孩的兩人看到 後面走過去的路人突然就靈機一動要去搶鞋子給小孩穿. 被打昏後被抬到樹叢的倒楣路人鞋子正要被搶走時, 突然出現 了一個神祕的人... 113

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Who Remote Control My Heart Taiwan Team: 彬彬ㄅㄧㄤㄅㄧㄤ Director: 林筱珊 Xiao-Shan Lin Crew: 黃博鴻 Bo-Hong Huang 劉明碩 Ming-Shuo Liu 溫雪涵 Xue-Han Wen 洪鈺琳 Yu-Lin Hong 陳湘菱 Xiang-Ling Chen 佘雅逸 Ya-Yi She 賴于婷 Yu-Ting Lai 楊雅茹 Ya-Ru Yang Bio: 崑山科技大學視訊傳播設計系三年級 9人的無敵團隊 合作無間 Synopsis: 灰姑男掉了一隻紅色高跟鞋,王子用那隻高跟鞋開始尋找適合 的人,而灰姑男難過地回到家後躲在廁所裡哭,接著王子一路 上找了許多女生試鞋,若有不從便用高跟鞋遙控別人,並喊出: 誰能遙控我的心,最後他找到了一位魔術師,魔術師開心地試 穿了鞋,王子卻質疑起另一隻鞋在哪,魔術師開始變魔術尋找 另隻鞋,看著找不到鞋的她,王子氣憤走掉,魔術師便脫下紅色 高跟鞋遙控王子回到自己身邊,最後只留下灰姑男依舊哭泣... 115

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三號房 Room3 Taiwan Team:

在微笑月亮の夜晚召喚崑 科大跩奶 KSU Swagger milk Director: 藍學明 Shueh-Ming Lan Crew: 江芳孜 Fang-Tzu Chiang 謝孟婕 Xie Meng Jie 黃子瑩 Zi-Ying Huang 張乃文 Nai Wen Chang 彭梓瑋 Zi-Wei Peng 胡邦妮 Bang-Ni Hu 許廷豪 Ting-Hao Syu Bio: I am a native of Taiwanese,lives in Tainan. A hybrid of urban and rural, half of my childhood spent at the beach in Kenting.Like to travel, want to become a super backpacker. Our team is composed department of the Public Relations Advertisement and department of Department of Visual communication Design. Synopsis: Creepy doll, stranger girl


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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

慢跑鞋 Running Shoe Taiwan X Function Team: Director: 謝家展 Crosby Hsieh Crew: 楊翔竣 Siang-Jyun Yang 洪秉毅 Ping-Yi hung 楊舒涵 Shu-Han Yang 林辰諭 Chen-Yu Lin 林科緯 Ke-Wei Lin 梁偉傑 Conkiloz Leong 郭建宏 Chien-Hung Kuo 趙德蘭 Te-lan Chao Synopsis: 一個女孩在樹林裡慢跑著,突然很多聲音出現並且干擾她的 思緒。所以他開始尋找聲音的來源,最後到一間咖啡廳… A girl is running in the forest. Suddenly many voice appear and bother her. So she try to find out where is it and go to a coffee shop.


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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

遺失 Taiwan Team: I Dropped The Head Director: 賴思綺 Szu-Chi Lai Crew: 徐梓力 Zi-Li Xu 黃靖婷 Jing-Ting Huang 鍾易達 Yi-Da Zhong 廖悅森 Yue-Sen Liao

Bio: 10隻腳、50隻手指、5具身子、0顆頭,組成一個無須思考的 嗨嗨小人 Synopsis: 一個不顯眼的地攤,出現著被過路人所遺忘的的遺失物。為 什麼會在那裡呢?


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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Is This A Shoe? Taiwan Small Power, Big Change Team: Director: 魏妙珊 Miao-Shan Wei Crew: 楊秉森 Bing-Sen Yang 劉侑旻 You-Min Liu 邱柏宏 Bo-Hong Qiu

Bio: 我們團隊裡的四個人都希望能藉由簡單的影片、短片,將觀 察到的社會現象、生活經驗等等,寫成劇本並拍攝成影片。 用影片的方式記錄生活、述說一個個感人的故事。也希望能 用我們小小的力量,讓更多的人發現世界的美好、人類真實 的情感。 Synopsis: 一隻遺失的鞋子,費盡千辛萬苦尋找主人。最後好不容易與 主人相遇。沒想到主人竟施展魔法將它變成遙控車,正當主 人開心的操控鞋子時,發現天線的另一端竟是另外一個人在 操控著他。這部影片講述的是當一個人利用權力、金錢、力 量等,控制、脅迫他人時,其實自己也被無境的慾望、思想 給控制著。 123

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Ferryman Taiwan 爆肝少年 Team: Director: 陳文義We-Yi Chen Crew: 李致陞 許炯罡 王曼菁 姜宗泰 康庭維

Synopsis: 每天過著一樣的生活 走著一樣的路 我們就像被遙控般 身不由己


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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Overlap Taiwan 後山人字 Team: Director: 王詠翔 Yaung-Hsiung Wang 馮 康 Kang Feng Crew: 潘萱竹 Xuan-Zhu Pan 李明仁 Ming-Ren Li 王 迪 Di Wang 王清惠 Qing-Hui Wang 楊 曄 Yeh Yang

Bio: 就讀於國立東華大學藝術與設計學系 Synopsis: 那是你,巧妙而刻意的安排 命運與共; 憤怒、焦躁、沉寂 思緒 在平行時空交疊。


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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

單 Taiwan Team: 腋下獨酌 Director: 潘冠東 Guan-Dong Pan Crew: 林瑩貞 Ying-Chen Lin 黃巧惠 Ciao-Huei Huang 陳建廷 Chien-Ting Chen 謝柏鈞 Po-Chn Hairs 葉恆信 Heng-Hsin Yeh

Bio: 大一帥哥。 代表崑山國樂社 Synopsis: 有著精神病的A男長期被A女藥物控制 常常有著B女跟A男玩 那麼B女是真的存在嗎


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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Lose Taiwan The Office Dog Team: Director: 潘琪靜 Ci-Jing Pan Crew: 戴于棋 Yu-Chi Dai 陳洋禹 Yang-Yu Chen 侯坤廷 Kun-Ting Hou 陳姿陵 Tzu-Ling Chen 藍宜庭 Yi-Ting Lan 魏玉婷 Yu-Ting Wei

Bio: 愛貓,愛畫畫,愛攝影 還是一個腦子。 我們是一群黑夜出沒在校園辦公狗,不斷面臨著上班加班下 班上課下課日以繼夜的生活 但是歡樂面對,這就是我們The Office Dog! Synopsis: 一名少年少廢墟中清醒,失去記憶的他該如何找回自我?還是 說這又是一場沒有終點的旅途?


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优秀的编剧 China 我们在一起 Team: Director: 吴梦琦 Crew: 傅鸿钧 Hong-Jun fu 陈家颖 Jia-Ying Chen 陈月影 Yue-Ying Chen 张孙鑫平 Sun-Xin-Ping Zhang 卢 涵 Han Lu

Bio: 宁波大红鹰学院14视觉传达h1 我们是一群热爱电影,热爱拍摄的青年。我们要一起完成更 多的事。 Synopsis: 一个编剧结合两个故事进行讲述,一个是会快速便装的魔术 师,第二个故事是新版恶搞灰姑娘。灰姑娘并不抢手,而是 遭到众人的唾弃。


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仙度瑞拉 China Team: XYZ Director: Yu-Wei Zhu Crew: 王慧贤 赵芷辛 赵佳艳 戚韵如 朱雨薇 包瑾莹

Bio: 中国宁波大红鹰学院视觉传达专业14级学生。 由宁波大红鹰学院视觉传达(昆科大)专业14级的六名同学 组成 Synopsis: 这是一个发生在中世纪欧洲,一位恶毒后妈版残害落魄公 主,并引发公主与王子(精灵)间哭笑不得的故事。


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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

幕后 China 视界 Team: Director: 余圣鹏 Sheng-Peng Yu Crew: 鲍泉昊 Quan-Hao Bao 周宪隆 Xian-Long Zhou 徐佳锋 Jia-Feng Xu

Bio: 来自宁波大红鹰学院的大一学子! 由4个人组成的团队 Synopsis: 这部影片是以幕后交易为主导展开进行的一系列事件.


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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

拾 Pick Up Taiwan 攝克嗣 Circus Team: Director: 孟君諭 Jyun-Yu Meng Crew: 楊學明 Syuc-Ming Yang 辜菁惠 Jing-hui Gu 林如琬 Ju-Wan Lin 吳培菁 Pei-Ching Wu 劉乙萱 Yi-Hsuan Liu 鄭姝鈴 Shu-Ling Zheng 王暖雅 Nuan-Ya Wang 程偉勝 Wei-Sheng Cheng 湯書凱 Shu-Kai Tang 蔡鎮宇 Zhen-yu Tsai Synopsis: 在這茫茫世界中的拾荒者。 在這狼藉的歲月裡面,找尋屬於不同的意義。


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肥歐娜與屎瑞克 Fiona & Shrek Taiwan 肥歐娜去看演唱會不拍片 Team: Director: 楊晴惠 Ching-Huei Yang Crew: 邱婕涵 張雅琪 吳品萱 鄭鈺臻 謝源庭

Bio: 因為大家都回家了,還有一個去看演唱會,還有一個是隊長 很可愛適合當小精靈,所以可憐的只好我來當這個導演。 我們來自實踐大學高雄校區-資訊模擬與設計學系的學生 一群沒有甚麼關係但是關係很親密的屎屁孩因為一堂課就這 樣組成了 Synopsis: 相愛的肥歐娜與屎瑞克在難得的約會中,因為想拉屎的肥歐 娜破壞了一切的氣氛而感到羞愧逃離,屎瑞克不嫌棄地找尋 著肥歐娜。中間撿到肥歐娜遺失的一隻拖鞋並施予找到真愛 的魔法後,賣給了屎瑞克並讓他找到了在拉屎的肥歐娜,最 後受到感動的肥歐娜在廁所與屎瑞克過著幸福快樂的日子。 141

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X Taiwan 萬紅之中一點綠! Team: Director: 徐詳輔 Shaung-Fu Hsu Crew: 廖茗珂 Ming-Ke Liao 張薰云 Hsun-Yun Chang 張新宜 Hsin-Yi Chang 陳佩如 Pei-Ru Chen 許司璇 Si-Xuan Xu 陳昱螢 Yu-Ying Chen

Bio: A Single Red In The Midst Of Thick Foliage! Synopsis: 人常不經意的支配事物,疏不知他們是有靈魂的。過多的控 制會使他想逃。


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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Pickup Shoes Taiwan 地成探險隊 Team: Director: 張家祥 Chia-Hsiang Chang Crew: 韋承霖 Chen-lin Wei 盧政佑 Jheng-You Lu 李鎧均 Kai-Jyun Li 徐宇廷 Yu-Ting Syu

Bio: 龍華科技大學遊戲系學生 曾任 電影:軍中樂園-臨演 影集:一代新兵之八極少年-臨演 團名以最喜歡玩的桌遊名稱命名 Synopsis: 炎熱的暑假,在大家都回鄉的宿舍裡,因為限電的關係,在 猶豫要不要開冷氣時,正巧被遇到,在這之後發生連串的武 打,直到有人想起他的鞋子在哪


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

撲克對決 Taiwan Team: 東倒西歪 Director: 龔紋玄 Kung-wen hsuan Crew: 胡建緯 Chien-Wei Hu 張雅庭 Chang-Ya Ting 陳姵吟 Pei-Yin Chen

Bio: 拍片新手 我們是一個新手團隊,大家共同一起來努力拍片。 Synopsis: 兩位賭客之間牌面上的對決及雙方的超能力。


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

私慾 Lusts Taiwan DMD 影崇 •攝右 Team: Director: 沈敬庭 Ging-Ting Shen Crew: 李嘉凱 Jai-Kia Li 吳京濃 Jing-Nong Wu 陳勁廷 Jin-Ting Chen 鄭虞懷 Yu-Huai Cheng 馬奕文 Yi-Wun Ma 朱翌萱 Yi-Shan Zhu 游世楓 Shih-feng Yu 周勁宇 Jin-Yu Jhou 陳怡勳 Yi-Hsun Chen Bio: 一個從坐不住的體優生轉變成為的設計系的學生,喜歡帶著 相機邊走邊拍。 興趣:靜可在誠品讀上一天,動可上山下海去 挑戰新事物。專長:人像商品類攝影、手工藝與影片前後製。 Instagram: https://instagram.com/cas_shen/ Synopsis: 為了自己的慾望不顧一切的控制他人,把控制的對相當成魁 儡班操控於手掌之間。


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

阿~甘的一天 Taiwan 360 Perspective Team: Director: 陳嘉仁 Ren-Jia Chen Crew: 吳紜慧 Yun-Hui Wu 高珮瑜 Pei-Yu Kao 甘佳祈 Chia-Chi Kan 張容高 Rong-Gao Zhang 莊淳鈞 Chun-Jun Zhuang 邱文岑 Wen-Cen Ciou 洪巧儒 Chiao-Ru Hung 謝宗穎 Tzung-Ying Hsieh 楊奇澔 Chi-Hao Yang 黃昶霖 Chang-Li Huang 黃郁文 Yu-Wen Huang Synopsis: 阿甘倒楣的一天,一早出門少了一雙鞋,後來機車又拋錨, 連好不容易喬好的車位也被停走,而...原來這都只是magic


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Peeper Taiwan Team:

Tainan Dreamcatcher 影像創作團隊 Director: 王國豪 Kuo-Hao Wang Crew: 王國印 Kuo-Yin Wang 何 玟 Wen Ho 何仲原 Jhong-Tuan Ho 劉千鈺 Chien-Yu Liu 王化奇 Hua-Chi Wang 黃智傑 Jhih-Jie Huang 陳梓安 Zih-An Chen Bio: 我們是府城逐夢人,是一群對影像創作抱有滿腔熱血並且有 過不少參賽經驗的年輕團隊。 我們團隊合作至今四年來參與過不少影像創作競賽,藉影像 創作磨練自我,每一次的競賽累積了不少經驗也獲得了不錯 的成績。 有任何攝影、錄影、影像創作相關合作,歡迎與我們聯絡。 Synopsis: 一座老舊的電話亭、一通電話、一個神奇的望遠鏡, 我們窺視著,祂們也時時刻刻窺視著我們。


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Watch Out Taiwan Color Pencil Team: Director: 陳逸珉 Yi-Min Chen Crew: 劉倚誠 Yi-Cheng Liu 陳逸珉 Yi-Min Chen 何珮毓 Pei-Yu Ho

Bio: 樹德科技大學 視覺傳達設計系 二年級 三人小團體 Synopsis: 一個下午,一名男子在操場慢跑,跌了一個倒之後,鞋子忽 然消失了,只剩下鞋子和一個遙控器,他好奇的按了按鈕, 出現了一個魔術師,而魔術師逗了他一下才把鞋子還給他。


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Cage Taiwan Lost Team: Director: 許鈞雅 Chin-Ya Hsu Crew: 王惟 Wei Wang 吳佩珊 Pei-Shan Wu 李柏鋒 Bo-Feng Li 曾冠瑀 Kuan-Yu Tzeng

Bio: 沒什麼特別長處 只是特別熱愛電影 想讓這世界因自己的作品 而受到感動。 來自兩間不同的學校 因為同一個目標而聚在一起 我們或許都是迷失於生活中的一群人 但必定能因為夢想而找 到方向 Synopsis: 我們都活在籠中 受人擺布 逃離掌控的唯一方式 --是什麼呢?


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Time Is Money Taiwan 好大的口氣 Team: Director: 歐士華 Shi-Whua Ou Crew: 陳姵蓉 Pei-Rong Chen 蔡佳玹 Chia-Hsuan Tsai 趙婉婷 Wan-Ting Zhao 賴建志 Jian-Zh Lai 黃宗煒 Huang-Zong Wei 江睿洋 Ruel-Yang Jiang 吳政勳 Zheng-Xun Wu 陳欣慧 Xin-Hui Chen 林智龍 Zhi-Long Lin 邱奕仁 I-Jen Chiu 崔博翔 Bo-Shin Chi Bio: 哥只是一陣風... 我們也是一陣風... Synopsis: No matter how much money I have, those time will not come back again. 時間就是金錢!


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Hush! Taiwan BeBeBeLuBe Team: Director: Yi-Ru Li Crew: Yi-Ro Chen Chiao-Yi Cheng Huei-Jyuan Huang

Bio: I hope everything goes well. We come from Taiwan and we feel glad to take part in this sport ! Synopsis: It was a freak accident,perplexities were just beginning. However......


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

控巴控控 0800 Taiwan 右大祝福 Team: Director: 王昭雄 Jason Wang Crew: 陳筱君 Siao-Jyun Chen 林秋箴 Lin-Chiu-Chen 簡菁慧 Jing-Huei Jang 唐俊哲 Chun-Che Tang 石哲瑋 Zhe-wei shih 陳柏瑋 Po-Wei Chen 朱雨翔 Yu-xiang Zhu 李明奐 Huan Li 杜宗堉 Aduane Bio: 人生瘋瘋癲癲才好玩啊! 快樂是成為團隊一員唯一的方式! Synopsis: 一場遊戲、視覺與聽覺的衝突, 右大祝福的經典作品,讓我們一同品嚐衝突所帶來的歡樂吧!


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Daung Taiwan Daung Team: Director: 莊子萱 Tzu-Hsuan Chang Crew: 何承澤 Cheng-Tse Ho 張芝綺 Chi-Che Chan 劉康政 Kang-Zheng Liu

Synopsis: 主人翁在看電視時,因為他自己亂甩鞋子的壞習慣,甩丟了 自己的鞋子,卻沒發現。但在看電視裡的魔術表演時,看到 了與自己相似的鞋子,才發現自己的不見了,便開始驚嘆這 個魔術師,怎有辦法把自己的鞋子變到電視中。此時,主人 翁的友人回來,發現在不遠處有主人翁的鞋子,撿起來要回 給他時,主人翁卻跟他說他的拖鞋在電視中,友人無奈的拿 起他的鞋子往他身上一打,才使他回到現實。


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

戲中戲 Taiwan K&W Team: Director: 張 新 Xin Zhang Crew: 林新穎 Xin-Ying Lin 黃靖琳 Ching-Lam Wong 江耀榮 Yiu-Wing Kong

Bio: 一群同學組成的團隊 Synopsis: 描述一個年青人在玩遊戲時不禁投入去遊戲世界 要遙控操作,鞋子跟主角一起時才可以結束遊戲


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

皮鞋尋覓記 Taiwan 李奧納多蓋邱 Team: Director: 黃昶維 Chang-Wei Huang Crew: 王耀慶 Yao-Ching Wang 黃思倩 Sih-Cian Huang 陳委鋒 Wei-feng Chen 步岳玲 Yue-Ling Bu 張育銓 Yu-Quan Zhang 葉純君 Chun-Jun Ye

Bio: 崑山視傳 我們是想要累積自己的經驗,找尋一樣有想法的同學朋友, 一起組這個團隊。 Synopsis: 在鞋櫃上,有一隻皮鞋,對另一隻高跟鞋是情侶。主人帶鞋 出門時,不小心遺留下了那隻皮鞋,皮鞋很著急的想找那 隻高跟鞋,而展開曲折離奇的旅程。歷經波折後找到了高跟 鞋,高跟鞋卻被穿走又離她他遠去,皮鞋傷心地哭泣了。


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

黑瞳 Ghost Taiwan Team: 陸癮 Director: 黃泓憲 Crew: 蘇念慈 李靜薇 蔡俞平 林育成 雷育綺 楊鈞淳

Hong-Xian Huang Nien-Tzu Su Jing-Wei Li Yu-Ping Tsai Yu-Cheng Lin Yu-Chi Lei Jyun-Chun Yang

Synopsis: 三五好友不顧警告標誌到危險的海邊嬉戲,遭到鬼魅的捉 弄,偷走其中一人的鞋子並作法,使鞋子的主人身體不適, 當他們要回程的時候,鬼魅也跟著回去了......。


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Cellphone Of My Life Taiwan Team: Masterpiece Director: 翁宇珊 Yu-Shan Weng Crew: 洪筱雯 Xiao-wen Hong 翁宇珊 Yu-Shan Weng 楊宛玲 Wan-Ling Yang 吳亭眉 Ting-Mei Wu

Synopsis: 在現今社會中,人類過度沈迷於手機,及各3c用品,導致人 與人的相處疏離。劇中主角的朋友相約跑步,但因主角沈迷 於手機,而不一同前往,朋友憤而朝他丟去,主角被一面而 來的鞋子擊中,進入了一場夢境,在這場夢境他和手機對換 了身份,手機指使他做任何事,讓主角飽受虐待,主角因此 體會到平等對待手機的感受,夢境醒來後,主角拾起遺失的 那一隻鞋,放下手機,並開始運動。


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

交換 Exchange Taiwan Pokemon Team: Director: 梁穎欣 Ying-Xin Liang Crew: 盧帥之 霍曉彤 李 超 韓璐陽 潘裕彬 周海瑩 劉曉華

Bio: 台灣崑山科技大學 視覺傳達設計系 我們的團隊集各領域專業奇葩人才,誓死要在台灣這半年交 換生的時光里留下一段難忘而深刻的逗比回憶,不求結果只 求深刻。我們就是POKEMON!我們就是小精靈!一群愉快 的小精靈! Synopsis: Exchange 交換------兩個生活不一樣的人,互相厭倦自己的 生活,希望可以過得跟現在不一樣­。他們交換身份之後發現 原來一切跟他們想像的不一樣,無論過程如何,結果都是一 樣。就­像一支遺失的鞋子,無論它遺失多久最後還是會找到 的。 175

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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Heisters : Alex’s shose Taiwan House Top Movie Studio Team: Director: 陳冠宏 Kuan-Hong Chen Crew: 陳嘉祐 Jia-You Chen 陳韋傑 Wei-Jie Chen 蔡宗錡 Zong-Chyi Chai 劉奕圻 Yi-Qi Liu

Bio: 來自實踐大學資訊模擬與設計學系的拍攝影片愛好者 Synopsis: 一群搶匪以魔術做為障眼法,吸引教授,然後偷走他的通行 證 進入辦公室之後觸動了警報,Alex在逃跑時掉了一隻鞋....最 後那隻鞋成為了警方破案的關鍵。


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

奇幻旅程 Amazing journey Taiwan 文藻小劇場 Team: Director: 沈暐誠 Wei-Cheng Shen Crew: 蔡政福 Jheng-Fu Cai 高秉言 Bing-Yan Gao 林靖閎 Ching-Hung Lin 林孟涵 Meng-Han Lin 余孟蓁 Meng-Zhen Yu

Bio: 喜愛大自然,捕捉美好一瞬間。 喜愛攝影、演戲的團隊。 Synopsis: 一群出去玩耍的大學生,裡面一位女大學生周遭發生了一些 不可思議的事情。


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

迷失 Confused Taiwan 耕夢 Team: Director: 呂亞臻 Ya-Chen Lu Crew: 劉純伶 Chun-Ling Liu 劉芷吟 Chih-Yin Lu 游心婷 Hsin-Ting Yu 江佩蓉 PeiI-Jung Chisng 楊紫麟 Tzu-Lin Yang 吳希汶 Hsi-Wen Wu 林家羽 Chia-Yu Lin Bio:

我們來自實踐大學資訊模擬與設計學系。 每個人都有夢想,但實踐的勇氣有幾分?面對失敗又能有幾人? 我們也許沒有專業的技術與技巧,沒有足夠、完善的資源。 但我們擁有一顆熱忱的心,種下夢想的種子,一點一滴耕耘。 不害怕失敗,面向陽光成長茁壯。夢想,我們來了!

Synopsis: 女孩成為言語操控下的羔羊,記憶的毒蟲,在身體流竄著,自我意識 逐漸啃蝕殆盡"離開是唯一的解脫嗎?" 本片是以一個長期被霸凌的女孩 為故事主軸,用言語去控制人的思想,逐漸地,女孩無法承受這種生 活,找不到人生的方向與意義,只好選擇離開人世,但一切卻在落地 前起了變化,時間開始倒轉,回到了被霸凌之後,回頭才發現原來世 界還是存在著愛與美好,而過去的痛苦也隨著遺失的鞋子被淡忘。


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Magic Shoes Taiwan 影視團隊 Control 7 Team: Director: 朱玟翰 Wen-Han Zhu Crew: 黃琦瑜 Chi-Yu Huang 楊博丞 Po-Chen Yang 楊聆虹 Ling- Hong Yang 陳宣羽 Syuan-Yu Chen 劉偉恩 Wei-En Liu 林柏豪 Bo-Hao Lin 簡妤憙 Yu-Xi Jian 施朝偉 Chao-Wei Shih Bio: 我是個熱愛微電影的大學生,喜歡看著觀眾因為我們拍出的 影片而有喜怒哀樂的成就感,雖然拍攝過程中有甘有苦,但 始終無法撲滅我們的熱情,我也很感謝我們的團隊願意陪著 上山下海,繼續義起努力吧~ 我們是來自高苑科技大學資訊傳播系熱愛拍片的團隊,每個 人都有自己的專長與特色,就如同電腦中快捷鍵Ctrl+7的工 具箱一樣,把大家的能量聚集起來會變成一個萬能團隊 Synopsis: 一位魔法師因為失戀,而到處對熱戀中的情侶惡作劇,像徵 著愛情的鞋子因為失去了另一半而少了一隻,最後一位男生 拿著另一隻鞋子給魔術師,這又像徵著什麼呢... 183

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The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

球鞋 ‧ 魔術 ‧ 遙控 ‧ 愛 Taiwan Enhouannie Team: Director: 葉任恬 Ren-tiang Yeh Crew: Chung-Yu Kuan Kuan-Yu Chen Ren-Tiang Yeh Hui-Jen Chen Hung-Hao Zhuang Yong-Chang Lai Shih-Ting Huang Si-Ya Wang Chen-Chan Yeh Hsin-Yi Tsai Bio: You know, 我們是一群熱愛拍攝的團隊。 Synopsis: 這是一個愛與勇氣及希望的故事。


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

術視 Shoes Taiwan Just Be Fun Team: Director: 林芳柔 Fang-Rou Lin Crew: 詹博丞 Bo-Cheng Zhan 陳柏諺 Po-Yen Chen 翁瑜翔 Yu-Xiang Weng

Bio: 在一樣的世界尋找不一樣,做自己喜歡的事,做自己有興趣 的工作,喜歡設計,喜歡畫插畫,喜歡做做手工擺擺市集, 努力做自己喜歡的事,做夢不只是夢,夢想不只是夢想,是 未來定會實現的路。 Keep your dreams alive.Just Be Fun. Synopsis: 現實中常有許多規範,與大眾的眼睛時常盯著你,想要逃離 卻又逃脫不了,就好比東方人的父母時常希望自己的孩子照 著自己心目中的好灌輸給孩子,久了孩子也迷失了。


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Bakin Ajvar Bakin Ajvar



Cinderela Drama queens


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Breaking the rules Sweet time for the change


Corto Programas Make someone happy



The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

El zapato a distancia Cinemaeducators



Nightmare Before Spring Nightmare Before Spring


The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

The Great Idea Great Idea


The Magic Show The Magic Show



The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

Vale Por Una Vida Anterior Vale por una vida anterior



Video Programas Educadoras


策劃執行團隊名冊 活動主辦人: 崑山科技大學 視覺傳達設計系 曾惠青 副教授 Cinemasports Founder/ Director Jin Joo 主席 學生總召集人: 陳鈴欣 活動協辦人: 崑山科技大學 視訊傳播設計系 李思欣 助理教授 崑山科技大學 應用外語系 Guy Arthur Taylor 老師 台南應用科技大學 應用英語系 John Maloney 助理教授 台南應用科技大學 應用英語系 Jon Dickerson 老師 樹德科技大學 視覺傳達設計系 練維鵬 助理教授 長榮大學 媒體設計科技學系 吳宏翔 助理教授 文藻外語大學 數位內容應用與管理系 吳青蕙 老師 龍華科技大學 多媒體與遊戲發展科學系 盧大為 助理教授 企劃組:陳鈴欣 梁嘉芸 林佳琪 鄭品宜 沈芝妤 葉仁玉

總務組:劉芳君 吳建寧 鍾薏玟 陳姿穎 張嘉容 黃翊欣

攝影組:魏子瀚 黃展聞 王薇涵 傅文馨 尤郁晴 曹瑋真 謝育芸 郭盛君

設計組:林佳琪 陳鈴欣 鄧恩庭 海報與形象設計:黃昶維

場務組:陳昱潔 黃子育 張琇茵 張雅筑 鄭芷芸 黃敏雪 梁穎欣 霍曉彤 盧帥之 鄭卓彥


國家圖書館出版品預行編目資料 2015國際大學拍片運動 曾惠青 主編 初版 –崑山科技大學 出版 ISBN (平裝)

2015 / The 3rd Cinemasports Universities

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