2014 Cinemasports Universities Booklet 第二屆國際大學拍片運動

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Organization------------------------------------------ 1 Regulations-------------------------------------------- 2 Submited Films--------------------------------------- 3 Preface Student Organizers -------------------------------- 13 Planning and Implementation Committee ---- 14 Visual Design Committee ------------------------- 15 Documentary Committee ------------------------- 16 Administration Committee ------------------------ 17 Exhibition Space Planning Committee -------- 18 Public Relations Committee ---------------------- 19 The Event The Making Of Trailer----------------------------- 22 Kick-Off Meeting ----------------------------------- 24 Preparation works --------------------------------- 27 Before the Screening ------------------------------ 29 Opening ---------------------------------------------- 31 Screening --------------------------------------------- 33 Films from around the world ------------------- 35 Awards ------------------------------------------------ 37 Filmmaking Workshop for Kids ---------------- 40

3 Years, 3months, 3minutes ----------------------- 45 Bank Robber-------------------------------------------- 47 Sewing 縫 ---------------------------------------------- 49 Playground --------------------------------------------- 51 Sweet Blood--------------------------------------------- 53 Lonely In Your Company --------------------------- 55 Ping Pong Game--------------------------------------- 57 Search --------------------------------------------------- 59 Old photograph --------------------------------------- 61 Perfect Egg Dishes ----------------------------------- 63 A Brief Chase ------------------------------------------ 65 Chasing Memories ------------------------------------ 67 Lighter ---------------------------------------------------- 69 집착 ------------------------------------------------------ 71 Deeply Hurt --------------------------------------------- 73 First Love ------------------------------------------------ 75 Riddles 迷 ----------------------------------------------- 77 Aeroplane Chess -------------------------------------- 79 Conversation ------------------------------------------- 81 Flower Of Hope 希望之花 ------------------------- 83 Random, Dark, Food -------------------------------- 85

Chips Lover --------------------------------------------- 87 Love Can’t Breathe ----------------------------------- 89 偽成年 Growing -------------------------------------- 91 It’s Not Ture ------------------------------------------- 93 Your Money -------------------------------------------- 95 心芯相熄 ------------------------------------------------ 97 Connection ---------------------------------------------- 99 Dream ---------------------------------------------------- 101 迴 --------------------------------------------------------- 103 痴 Booby ------------------------------------------------ 105 Escape --------------------------------------------------- 107 Just Kidding -------------------------------------------- 109 最後青春 ------------------------------------------------ 111 不存在的陪伴 ----------------------------------------- 113 Happy birthday --------------------------------------- 115 痣氣 ------------------------------------------------------ 117 弒 --------------------------------------------------------- 119 友情 ------------------------------------------------------ 121 No Place Like Home --------------------------------- 123 Kill That One ------------------------------------------- 125 原始人 --------------------------------------------------- 127

Regret ---------------------------------------------------- 129 Mistake -------------------------------------------------- 131 Little witch V.S. Big Bad Pig ----------------------- 131 Hot Wave ----------------------------------------------- 132 Black Box ----------------------------------------------- 132 The Cropse Heart ------------------------------------- 133 In Time --------------------------------------------------- 133 VISER Serbia Team ----------------------------------- 134 Photobombing ------------------------------------------ 134 Hugo Duncan’s Revenge Final ------------------- 135 JCB Film ------------------------------------------------- 135 Succumb to us ----------------------------------------- 136 The Birdman -------------------------------------------- 136 Unexpected --------------------------------------------- 137 Play Danu & Lugh ------------------------------------ 137 Smart Granny ------------------------------------------ 138 The Avant Gardeners -------------------------------- 138 官方網站Offical Website: cinemasports.com 台灣臉書網站 Taiwan Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CinemasportsUniversities

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Organization Cinemasports, Kun Shan University (the deptments; Visual communication design, Motion Picture and Video, Applied English), The dept. of Applied English of Tainan University Of Technology(Taiwan), The dept. of Visual Communication Design of Shu-Te University(Taiwan), Far East University(Taiwan), Chang Jung Christian University (Taiwan), Valencia University (Spain), Tshwane University of Technology (South Africa) , Dong-Ah Institute of Media and Arts (South Korea), University of Suwon (South Korea), Lingnan Institute of Technology (China), The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies Belgrade (Serbia), Berkeley Community College (USA), Belfast International Film Festival (UK)

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Regulations Cinemasports University Games challenges student teams around the world to make a short movie on the same weekend using the same required “ingredients�. For 2014, teams from Taiwan, USA, South Africa, Serbia, South Korea, China and Spain participate. On Saturday 22 March or Sunday 23 March 2014, University teams from around the world shoot short movies under 10 hours. Final movies must be less than 3 minutes and include required 3 ingredients announced at the start of the shooting day. Submitted movies will be considered for screening at Universities around the world.

Outside of these simple rules, Cinemasports is very flexible. The team size, equipment, and location are all up to each individual team to decide. Ingredents: A small flame An old photograph A chase

SIMPLE RULES: Each team will spend a maximum of 10 hours total on their movie. Finished movies must be less than 3 minutes long. Often, shorter movies are more successful and likely to screen internationally. Each movie must include 3 required ingredients announced at the start of the shooting day. 2

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Submited Films

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities was more exciting than last year. We have total of 52 films from 12 universities around the world submitted to the event. It was wonderful to have a chance to see so many student artists from various countries express themselves through the medium of short film. 7. Additionally, it was so interesting to see all of the students enthusiastically accept the challenge of creating a peice of art under the time constraints and ingredient requirements of Cinemasports Universities.

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


English Title


Chih Chi Kill That One Regret Conversation Gluttony.Kill No Place Like Home Your Money Bank Robber Ping Pong Game Chips Lover Escape 友情 Connection 3 years, 3 months, 3 min Lonely In Your Company Playground Mistake It's Not Ture Sweet Blood Aeroplane Chess

http://youtu.be/sAjOA5P_RqE http://youtu.be/o6PYNlUwzn0 http://youtu.be/kHvluGROzNU http://youtu.be/yt-ArJRUaI4 http://youtu.be/HDrooAXvp_k http://youtu.be/jS_qyMNg-Vk http://youtu.be/MyX--8DPXs0 http://youtu.be/IUA_2KaaWgw http://youtu.be/LOE-PcjI1ko http://youtu.be/lW3ygpuK6VA http://youtu.be/wZbgQR5P4ko http://youtu.be/WJofxCB3QRc http://youtu.be/Q71nSpmrjcc http://youtu.be/wdKa2eMB4Jk http://youtu.be/NMC7OkhBH4w http://youtu.be/fWyoem3y3oQ http://youtu.be/fmLvGGsvATs http://youtu.be/FLP3Nt0_ihc http://youtu.be/OtcH9m4zhgA http://youtu.be/BzmMXn5Tono

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

English Title


Little Witch V.S. Big Bad Pig Search Love Can’t breathe Sewing 縫 Last 最後青春 Dream When The Candle Goes Out Hot Wave 熱潮 Just Kidding Personality Black Box 不存在的陪伴 The Cropse Heart Move In Circles 迴 Random, Dark, Food. Cave Man原始人 Growing 偽成年 Booby 痴 Happy Birthday Flower of Hope

http://youtu.be/yPTCiF0YW4s http://youtu.be/4VO_VERlQcs http://youtu.be/N9ewh0dZkBU http://youtu.be/2G-gfloS3_M http://youtu.be/be_Jb8i_D6Q http://youtu.be/4DheSOMj-dM http://youtu.be/xtuTtH-B7Jk http://youtu.be/wkVJLEeEz8c http://youtu.be/YX07mvlPUrk http://youtu.be/wPR67SL-ldc http://youtu.be/-QeNKVrbrvw http://youtu.be/YsAeysBLRYo http://youtu.be/LFNzdn5-ZUg http://youtu.be/n0zE5g_MrOo http://youtu.be/j4nv1buN22Y http://youtu.be/QqHiiLSx24c http://youtu.be/Y2VymKYlTUw http://youtu.be/eKsafDuu4bw http://youtu.be/KrS0PUs2nfk http://youtu.be/Ol-ecQrgHDM

41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.

English Title


In Time Deeply Hurt Old Photograph 집착 Wanted Hard Boiled Egg Lighter VISER Serbia Team Chasing Memories Riddles 迷 A Brief Chase Photobombing Hugo Duncan's Revenge Final JCB Film The Birdman

http://youtu.be/GjX4t0YL81s http://youtu.be/JS7Pi1IzmWs http://youtu.be/CE0jkR5e3Yo http://youtu.be/SiupcZ6-k40 http://youtu.be/vN2iKlHiU4Q http://youtu.be/Fdxmaz98D1Q http://youtu.be/VYLcc4trGD4 http://youtu.be/kf8DSMrMTtU http://youtu.be/4RNnZHz4iss http://youtu.be/P1gOV6R4GAY http://youtu.be/CQmcZTGzhqU http://youtu.be/IAx-U-h0TYA

2014 Belfast Festival Lawrence Street Workshops

Unexpected Play DAnu & Lugh https://www.youtube.com/user/ mickelmoe Smart Granny The Avant Gardeners Succumb to us 4

For the second Cinemasports Universities, teams participated from South Korea, Serbia, Taiwan, USA, South Africa, China, and Spain. I was lucky to attend a screening in Tainan, Taiwan where teams from local Universities gathered at a beautiful outdoor venue on the Kun Shan University campus.


The task was simple: Make a short movie in under 10 hours that included “a small flame”, “an old photograph”, and “a chase”. Almost all the teams participated on the same weekend in March creating a shared experience around the world. Despite the threat of rain at the screening, the crowd’s excitement produced many laughs and cheers for movies from every country. Soon after the Cinemasports University event, a small group of students from Kun Shan University helped run a workshop for primary school students on the east coast of Taiwan. We made a movie based on a folk tale from the aboriginal Paiwan culture using animation and green screen.

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

In many ways, this teaching experience continues the Cinemasports spirit: Inspire others and be inspired. Creativity is infectious! I want to thank teacher Hui-ching Tseng for inviting me to Taiwan as well as all the students and educators that contributed to the University event. I’m already looking foward to next year’s experience!

Founder/ Director Jin Joo Cinemasports, USA


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

It was a wonderful experience for DIMA(Dong-Ah Institute of Media and Arts, http://eng.dima.ac.kr) to participate in the 2nd Cinemasports Universities. Forty students in the freshman year of the film art department had the great pleasure of making movies for this unique event. The students worked in 8 groups of 5 students in each team. Making movies in 10 hours with specific ingredients in them was a very inspiring challenge. Both the time limit and the required ingredients contributed a lot for a truly efficient filmmaking. The students didn’t have the luxury to idle, worry, think too much or postpone their projects. They had to finish them in 10 hours. All my students were so happy to have finished their own first movies. I’d like to thank Mr. Jin Joo for organizing this important occasion and Ms. Hui-ching Tseng for supporting it. We hope this meaningful tradition continues for many years to come.



Wangtae Lim 임왕태 Professor, Film Art Department Dong-Ah Institute of Media and Arts South Korea

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Global media education for young people and their teachers!In the beginning was picture! Film has its own language. One that unifies thoughts with all forms of creative expression. This language of communication can work well for students who are struggling in school! This language is good for reconciliation of relationship between youngsters from different countries after crisis! This language have to be intercultural tool for new model of media pedagogy. Film and animation are a powerful means of expression. No other form of expression can come as close to “reality” and none can be used more effectively to spread lies! That’s why it is important that students and their teachers learn to look critically at the film media. A prerequisite is that one understands how film works! The best way to learn this is to work practically with film yourself. And CinemaSports is one of the best models how to produce films. CinemaSports have to be universal media tool for international cooperation, exchange of opinion of the young people, new methodology for the media pedagogy and open space for interactive, intercultural and creative communication and collaboration of the young people but also of their teachers and educational institutions too.


Miomir Rajcevic President Media Education Centre, Belgrade, Serbia 8

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

The ability to express ideas is the foundation of all education. Doing so creatively, with style, structure, organization, and the utilization of modern technologies, is a highly advanced form of expression. Cinemasports activities provide students with opportunities to develop their expressive capabilities in these manners, and then share their ideas with a worldwide forum. For these reasons, I strongly encouraged my students to take part in this year’s Cinemasports activities, and I was happy to see so many take the challenge and put their energies full-force into their projects. However, I don’t think my students did Cinemasports for the reasons I mention above. They applied themselves vigorously to their film projects because it was fun and exciting. And that it the real beauty of Cinemasports activities: they provide a framework for developing creative expression skills that is challenging and exhilarating. Participants have a great time while developing powerful skills of expression. Another aspect that makes Cinemasports activities so successful is that they are not competitive events. 9

They focus on collaboration and growth. The films are created, shared, and evaluated by participants from all over the world in an atmosphere of support and encouragement. These are ideal conditions for the fostering of talent, creativity, and ingenuity. I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to participate as an organizer in this year’s activities. Many thanks to Jin Joo for founding Cinemasports, and to Prof. Hui-Ching Tseng for taking the lead in promoting the events in Taiwan.

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


John Maloney 錏� Assistant Professor, Dept. of Applied English Tainan University of Technology Taiwan 10

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

It was a pleasure to work with Cinemasports to arrange the 2nd year university event and have the honor of organizing and holding the screening in Taiwan. This wonderful event would not be possible without the support of the students’ organization and university teachers around the world. When I first learned about Cinemasports, I was very inspired by the notion of running a grassroots organization in order to foster filmmaking communities without financially depending on the government or sponsors. The event relied on very little funding but rather just enough for renting the equipment for screening. With a lot of community efforts, we were able to recruit 8 universities around the word to participate in the event. On March 23rd a total of 52 teams finished their films within 10 hours. It is not a fancy festival with a red carpet, but I think it is an excellent film event for filmmakers to share ideas and enjoy mutual inspiration and interaction. I am very proud of the student organization that did a really good job of setting up the whole event. I would like to give a special thanks to Cinemasports Founder Jin Joo who came all the way to Taiwan to help and give his advice on the whole project. 11


Hui-Ching Tseng 曾惠青 Assistant Professor Dept. of Visual Communication Design Kun Shan University, Taiwan

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Special Thanks

International Jury

Josep Arbiol Director Jordi el Mussol Organization Mostra International education and cinema ( MICE) Spain

International Jury

Helen Ward Director Kids for Kids UK International Film Festival Jack Drum Arts Center UK 12

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Student Organizers 13

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Planning and Implementation Committee

【企劃組組長:陳杰平】 在這次大型活動裡,第一次擔任這麼重要的角 色,然而我學到很多關於在整個企劃裡,如何 去分配,如何去縝密的規劃,雖然中間許多瑣 碎的事情,但是整個過程非常享受、愉悅;到 了活動當天,更是興奮,看到自己與團隊所舉 辦出來的活動,心中相當激昂,並且我很開心 的是自己在這裡面學到許多事情,像是溝通、 活動安排、人際相處、控場能力、指揮領導, 總之,過程開心是最重要的! 組員:林佳瑩、洪蕙君、翁佩琪


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Visual Design Committee

【設計組組長:彭怡靜】 在設計組的工作,是一個給自己的挑戰,才發 現原來設計組的工作不是一件容易的事情,在 跟老師同學溝通的過程當中也學習到了很多, 雖然時間緊迫,但也都一一的做出來了,謝謝 設計組的伙伴和其他組別的互相幫助,讓活動 完整的落幕。 組員:陳珮庭、周欣怡、黃佩琪、陳書曼 陳鵬展


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Documentary Committee

【攝影組組長:薛蕙齡】 攝影組負責記錄全場活動,利用照片影片紀錄 大家的所有,可以從照片中看出攝影組的用 心,這些照片不只紀錄,更是傳達了我們所有 工作人員的辛苦以及付出,才能讓這次的活動 如此的成功,也感謝大家的配合,才能讓我們 的宣傳及紀錄片如此的棒。 組員: 王逸群、江欣儒、彭彧、曾齡禎、 吳昀燕、楊珮羽、鐘佩君、潘慧珊


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Administration Committee

【總務組組長:林思怡】 經過這次國際大學拍片運動的經驗讓我又學了 不少,最特別印象 最深的是全班為了跟其他國 家打招呼拍了一短小短片,搞笑的搞笑,跳舞 的跳舞,大家和樂融融,我想其他國家的同學 看到一定也笑的合不攏嘴。這個活動雖然辦的 急促,但我們也是花了很多時間開會討論聯絡 而舉辦成功,我覺得收獲良多。 組員:盧珮瑀、洪秉雯、曾于真、黃庭昱、 黃暐婷、黃子玲、賴宇庭、邱瀚駿、 鄭珈詩


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Exhibition Space Planning Committee

【場務組組長:卓永侑】 場務組工作看似不多,但卻是個不容許出任何差 錯的工作,姓好友組員以及許多人的幫忙及通融 才能順利完程找個活動,只有在謝幕時,人潮逐 漸散去,我們才放下心來。原本以為場務組是個 輕鬆的跑腿差事,印象最深刻的是那天擔心跟系 上借的音響與線材會被有心人偷走,從下午就一 直待在原地,才驚覺自己早已被蚊子所包圍,我 想那天應該是他們最豐盛的一餐了。 組員:黃凱、翁淳豪、蕭友毅、許凱鈞、 陳重運、黃俊堯、謝孟珊、廖建雲、 黃晟一


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Public Relations Committee

【公關組組長:胡資敏】 第一次參與拍片相關活動,過程中雖然有一些 問題,但是透過同學和老師的協助,讓這次活 動圓滿落幕,不管是前置作業還是幕後工程, 大家都很努力的把這場活動弄得完美,也很感 謝參與的夥伴跟同學們,讓我們學習到很多, 謝謝你們。 組員:蕭劭威、陳泓廷、杜庭瑄、謝明源、 朱婕語、 李佩蓉、涂語沛、匡瀅錡、 吉任山


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

The Event


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

The Making Of Trailer The Trailer was directed and filmed by students from The Department of Visual Communication Design. It shows the main concept of Cinemasports: Make a film in less than 10 hours, with three ingredients.




The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Kick-Off Meeting The Kick-off meeting was held on the day of filming, 2014 March 23rd. More than two hundred filmmakers show up at the event. The purpose was for all of the participants to meet together and announce the ingredients. Afterward teams start their filmmaking and then they must finish and submit their film with in 10 hours.


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Preparation works Thanks to the student organization who help to set up the space, it was very professional looking. We had 300 chairs and a red carpet!


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Before the Screening To boot up the excitement, we had the Costume Contest on the day of screening. Teams needed to dress up in a theme costume. There was also a fun competition for the best costume award selected by student organizers. The winner was the team “One Breath� from Kun Shan University!


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

best Costume”一口氣”團隊 One Breath Team 30

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Opening The screening date was 26th March 2014, more than 300 teachers and students from many universities attended the event. The evening starts with the live performance by The Student Guitar Club of Kun Shan University which was followed by a warm welcome and introduction of the teacher organizers and Cinemasports Founder Jin Joo.


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Screening The screening took place in the outdoor plaza of the of Kun Shan University Library and Information Center. During the one and half hour screening a total of 34 films from more than ten universities from around the world were screened in the evening.


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Films from around the world


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Awards Best Comedy: Bank Robber Best Production: Playground Best Horror film: 3 years, 3 months, 3 min Best Artistic Direction: Sewing Audience Award: Search Special Mention: Sweet Blood Best Interpretation: Lonely in your company Best Thriller: Just Kidding Best Special Effects: Ping Pong Game Best Chase Scene: Old Photograph


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities



The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Filmmaking Workshop for Kids To expand the event in the realm of education, after the event, we called for university students to join us in teaching filmmaking workshops in East Taiwan.

Students practiced their film making techniques while at the same time helping elementary students make films. Six students volunteered to help the workshop. We went to two elementary schools in Tai Dong City located in eastern Taiwan: Bin Mao elementary School and Yu-Ang Elementary School. In the end we finished three films with the children.


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Serpent Bride: by Bin Mao primary school in Jin-lun, Southeast Taiwan. Link http://youtu.be/owkCjh8Gdag 42

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

New Species: by Young An primary school, Eastern Taiwan. Link http://youtu.be/IUd8S0xxr70

Mosters of Tomb Sweeping Day. : by Young An primary school, Eastern Taiwan. Link http://youtu.be/QySh97xY4No 43

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Films Click on the film title to watch the film 按下片名即可線上觀賞影片 영화를보려면제목을 클릭하세요


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

3 Years, 3months, 3minutes Taiwan

★ Best Horror film Team: Body Q Director: Chien-Pien Chen Crew: Shao-Wei Hsiao Hsien-Hui Tsai Hung-Ting Chien Jia-Ying Lin Hui-Jun Hong Pei-Ci Wong Bio:

I want to share a sentence.“Work hard and play hard”It’s my motto,and I am working hard to face my everyday. Synopsis:

我們的愛瘋狂了三年,你的愛走丟了三個月,我的愛用 三分鐘承諾了永遠。

http://youtu.be/wdKa2eMB4Jk 45

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Bank Robber Taiwan

★ Best Comedy Team: Go go 70’s Director: Yuan-Zhen Shi Crew: Pin-Ru Chen

En-Ya Wu

Cai-Hui Li

Yi-Hsin Chen

Yi-Qin Zhen


We are 6 students from Kun Shan University,our major is Motion pictures and videos. Synopsis:

Three robbers want to rob the bank,they have to practice so they make a plan,after all, they find out the bank is closed.


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Sewing 縫 Taiwan

★ Best Artistic Direction Team: HaHaMovie Director: 吳 欣 柔 Crew: 林 宛 樺


洪敏嘉 葉珮妘 蕭學筠

渴望愛,勇敢追逐,火苗代表內心的悸動,互相縫補, 再次點燃,追愛。


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Playground Taiwan

★ Best Production Team: OK is OK Director:Yi-Zhi Fang Crew: Jia-Yu Chen Kai-Cian Lin Chia-Tsung Sung Kuo-Lun Dai Chih-Hsuan Chen Huang-yu Li Hsiang-Ling Huang Synopsis:

“You are on Fire.”said the woman’s sound. The voice is like a nightmare around me.I can do nothing but run till the end of the beach.When my feet in the sea.It’s the end of my nightmare.I hate that naughty child.


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Sweet Blood Taiwan

★ Special Mention Team: Buying Breakfast Director: Jia-Hua Jheng Crew: Bo-Ang Lin

Dong-Han Gan

Li-Rong Chen

Jyuan-Ci Shen


The story is about a homebody who want to eat tomatos. And the old picture is about the leading character doesn’t have a good relationship in school before.At last he washed the knife,and already to enjoy his tomato.What a sweet Blood!Is that the leading character want to said.


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Lonely In Your Company Taiwan

★ Best Interpretation Team: DOMANMANGOU Director: 康 偵 煒 Crew: 許 晏 榕 康 岑

戴 柏 全 林 筱 珊 胡 長 榮 吳 柏 昇


有過廣告、MV、劇情短片等多部學生作品導演經驗。 擅長寫實風格,影片多與關心社會亂象為主,已成為電 影導演為目標在努力。 Synopsis:

一個擬人化的手機,始終陪伴著男孩。男孩也離不開這 女孩,看似開心卻諷刺著現代人的內心空洞離不開手機 的生活習慣,有著陪伴卻孤單。


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Ping Pong Game Taiwan

★ Best Special Effects

Team: Lyu Dou Pong Director: Ying-Chi Kuang Crew: Ming-Yuan Hsieh Ren-Shan Ji Yu-Pei Tu

Jian-Yun Liao


My friends call me Kuang. I am 21 years old,currently studying at Kun Shan University. Synopsis:

We try to make a film about ping pong game with effect.We have accomplished the sport with make people laugh and use environment and time at the least cost.


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Search Taiwan

★ Best Audience Award Team: Circus Director: Jyun-Yu Meng Crew: Yi-Syuan Lin Ju-Wan Lin


Chen Jing-Hui Gu Syuc-Ming Yang Pei-Ching Wu Mu-Qun Yang Bio:

高雄出生,居住臺北,目前就讀崑山科技大學的視訓 系。擅長的部分是編劇,攝影,製片,美術。 Synopsis:

我們人總是在追逐過去,這個動作卻將我們緊緊捆綁, 然而理所當然的把一切虛幻的事情當作真實;回憶過去 沒有錯,但卻忘記了我們面臨的永遠都不會是逝去的昨 天,而是未來的明天。 59

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The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Old photograph South Korea

★ Best Chase Scene Award Team: Angry Duck Director: Hohyun Han Crew: Hojong Ju Seo yun Hwang Hae mee Lee Dong won Kim Su hyun Kang


Angry man.

Synopsis: 남자를 쫓는 여자, 밝혀지는 비밀. 그리고 또 다 른 비밀.


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

A Brief Chase South Africa Team: Tshwane Compadres Director: Wilhelm van der Westhuizen Crew: KrĂźger Otto Hencas Van Huyssteen Dayeh Qi Evan Shuttleworth

Synopsis: An

evil Kingpin is set out to fulfill his vendetta of capturing a man who possesses a mystical photograph. He hires an assassin to retrieve him. During her prowl, he notices her suspicious behaviour and tries to confront her. She pulls out a gun and he makes a run for it. Eventually, she strangely appears out of nowhere, captures him and takes him to the Kingpin, who is satisfied with his prize.


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Chasing Memories USA Team: Berkeley Cinema Athletes Director: Nicole Middleton Crew: Elani Ferri Gerardo P Mendez Tom Coleman Miguel Zavala Leonardo Parra Yiannis Stefanou Moises Chavez Bio: Nicole

is a producer with over 8 years of experience in digital media production and entertainment. She is passionate about using media as a vehicle to inspire positive social change, and believes in the importance of including diverse voices of minorities and women in the media. Synopsis: A young man struggles emotionally to deal with the death of his brother. He escapes into his memories of the happy times they had shared. 65

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Perfect Egg Dishes South Korea Team: Hard-boiled Egg Director: Sue Hyun Park Crew: Seul-yee Koo Hee Soo Ahn Dong Uk Lee Mi Ra Jung Hae Won Shin



freshman at Dong-Ah Institute of Media and

Synopsis: How

to boiled the egg in perfect way? the main actor got tried all thing but in short, he got falling in love with other stuff. intend:about obsessive compulsive disorder from pressure of perfect way. people feel pressure to be a perfect, since we born. therefore, we continue to put our life fit into idolized life. but, Is perfect prerequisite for happiness? 67

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Lighter South Korea Team: Uri-Uri Director: Jisun Hong

Team: 현재 동아방송예술대학교 재학 중. 앞으로가 더욱 더 기대가 되는 감독, 홍지선입니다. Synopsis: 한가로운 오후. 하나는 편의점 아르바이트를 하고 있다. ‘아, 담배피고 싶다’라고 생각하던 중, 한 손님이 담배와 라이터를 사간다. 하나는 손님에게 담뱃불 을 빌려달라고 한다. 깜짝 놀라는 남자. 라이터를 빌려주는 듯 하다가 어디론가 도망친다. “저기, 지갑 놓고 가셨어요!”…


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

집착 South Korea Team: 5mage Director: Dayeon Lee Crew: Jiyeong Ahn Taeyeon Kim Daeun Go

Team: 동아방송예술대학교 영화예술과 14학번 5mage팀 입니다. Synopsis: 다은(22.여)은 자신의 전 남자친구인 재석 (24.남)을 잊지 못 하고 집착한다. 날이 갈수록 다은의 집착 은 점점 더 심해진다. 다은은 카메라를 들고 지나가는 남자 들의 모습을 몰래 찍는다. 찍은 남자들의 사진 위에 재석의 얼굴을 오려 붙인다. 다은은 사진들을 보며 마치 재석의 사 진인 것처럼 좋아한다. 재석의 사진을 앞에 두고 생일을 챙 겨주기도 한다. 다은은 재석과의 내일을 기약한다. 다은의 집착은 계속 된다. 71

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Deeply Hurt South Korea Team: Irony Man Director: In Young Jeong Crew: Im Jae Jeong John Hwang Seung Sub Jee Tae Yoon Cha

Team: 저희는 동아방송예술대학교에 속해있는 팀으로 다양한 성별과 나이대를 갖고 있습니다. 저희는 이 영화를 만들면서 많은것들을 배우고 같이하는 공동작업의 소중함을 깨닫게 되었습니다. Synopsis: 남녀의 사랑만이 진정한 사랑일까요? 동성을 사랑하면 꼭 상처를 받아야 할까요? 사랑을 하는것에 우리는 상처를 받지 않을 권리가 있습니다


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

First Love South Korea Team: Hitch Cook Director: Jung Min Gang Crew: Eun Kyung Kim Sam Dong Song Jae Yoon An Se Ho Yun

Team: 강정민, 김은경, 송삼동, 안재윤, 윤세호로 구성되어 있다. 우리들은 모두 영화에 뜻이 깊은 사람들이며, 즐길 줄 안다. Synopsis: 무언가를 찾기 위해 추적을 시작하는 한 남자. 높 은 고개를 넘어 자신의 방의 쓰레기통을 확인해보지만, 찾지 못한다. 결국 쓰레기더미에서 들어가게 된다. 쓰레기 더미에서 자신의 물건을 찾아 벤치에 앉는다. 첫사 랑과 찍은 사진이다. 사진의 뒤에 무언가 적혀있는 것을 확 인한다. 14번째 남자라는 문구가 적혀있고, 남자는 황당해 하며 담배를 피운다.


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

迷 Riddles China Team: 坑 坑 坑 Director: 劉 英 華 Crew: 林 佳 惠


紀 娜

一張老照片訴說著不愉快的回憶,心中的火讓過去的一 切化為灰燼。可淚水卻賦予灰燼新的魔力讓她看到現在 的自己,可是她卻認不出那個人究竟是誰,是否是心中 的那股火讓她一直活在了過去?


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Aeroplane Chess Hong Kong Team: 5607studio Director: Keng-Si Wong Crew: Chi-Long Lin Yuki Long Benson Chen Qiu-Wen Cen Zong-Ying Xie Hung-Jun Wen Bio:

來自崑山科大視訊系的澳生。 Synopsis:



The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

對話 Conversation Taiwan Team: 蘆 月 Director: 劉 宜 孟 Crew: 曾 郁 婷 林 柏諺

潘 玉 玨 陳 泱螢 陳 亭 羽 張 嘉 雯


製片要跟每組組員打好關係,協調、溝通都是首當其 衝,除了組員外,還是外界所有連絡的窗口,製片讓我 學會了情緒管理。 Synopsis:

自己對自己談話,在面對任何人生困境,我們都還是一 樣,相信自己,不要害怕和恐懼每一刻所遭受到的離棄 以及孤獨,一樣還是愛自己。


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

希望之花 Flower Of Hope Taiwan Tea m : 追 夢 人 Director: 郭 峻 嘉 Crew: 程 偉 勝 侯 坤 廷 蕭 竣 鴻 張 菁 吟 陳 俊 毅 王 暖 雅


我是一個愛作夢的台南人,當導演是我高中的夢想,我 希望可以透過鏡頭語言,把我想說的故事說給大家聽。 Synopsis:

面具男替學生矇上黑布,並帶學生與死神交易,突然從 四面八方湧入學生,憤怒的火焰崛起,學生把面具男包 圍,正當面具男要說出真相時,被一名不明人士給狙殺 了。


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Random, Dark, Food Taiwan Team: Ho~MA MA Director: Chang-Yung Chou Crew: Yi-Huang Chen Chen Fung Yi-Jyun Lin Zhi-Wei Zhang Yi-Wen Chen Po-Chen Chen Jing-Zhi Zhan Synopsis:

Through this film, we are trying to present a feeling that what you seeing does not mean what to believe. The Taiwan society nowadays is lacking of conscience ; As a result, things like black-box processing, contaminated food, and underground gambling etc. is now everywhere.By enjoying this video, we hope audience could pay more attention on things in our life, and try to trust after understood background of each event. 85

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The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Chips Lover Taiwan Team: 8pm sport Director: Pei-ling Wu Crew: Yu-Ying Huang


Chien-Hua Tang

Li-Ting Fang

Mao-Syuan Wong

Ya-Ping Liu

一位女子和男友大吵一架,男友憤而提行李離開,女子 就失魂落魄的坐在床上吃餅乾,吃到一半看見桌上的相 片,頓時回憶占滿了思緒越想越傷心就把相片揉成一團 吃了下去,結果這時……。


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Love Can’t Breath Taiwan Team: YOLOHOYO Director: Yi-Pei Jiang Crew: Zen-Yu Lin Tzu-Hung Wu Shu-Han Xie Ting-Kai Wang Han-Ru Syue Sih-Syuan Chan Shuo-Yu Hong Wan-Lin Xiong Bio:

We are a team of nine people, called YOLOHOYO We come from Taiwan Kun Shan University of Visual Communication Design.We’ll do our best. Synopsis:

愛就像解藥,讓人得到心靈上的救贖,而當愛已變質, 一切就像飛蛾撲火般,窒息、恐懼,不斷蔓延。 89

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The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

偽成年 Growing Taiwan Team: 傷 心 太 平 洋 Director: 何 冠 廷 Crew: 彭 怡 靜


劉冠妙 黃暐婷 黃 凱

時間是單一河流,無法逆轉,在這個時代,我們的降 臨,仿佛是微不足道,我們困惑,因成長而感到無力。 然而我們漚總是咬住牙,一一撐過去,也許,我們還可 以心存感激地想,那些內心被震撼過的點滴。無論對生 活的感慨,還是對情感的抒發,我們要永不放棄自己, 不是因為什麼因為誰,是因為我就是我,就是因為愛 過、痛過、我們才活過。曾經被人傷害過,被際遇磨難 過,可是明白風雨過後,必定有彩虹。


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The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

It’s Not Ture Taiwan Team: 321 Jump Director: Xing-Jia Bao Crew: Ying-Cai Wu Min-Ci Wang Si-Yu Kusi Qi-Yu Chen Yi-Ting Zheng Zi-Yin Shen Yu-Han Cheng Yi-Yin Chen Yi-Chun Chen Yi-Qi Cao


Nothing in the world is accomplished without passion. Synopsis:

It’s a magical story about a girl and her rabbit.Life is not always a bed of roses,hold your dream and keep going on.


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Your Money Taiwan Team: What’s happen Director: 鄭 珈 詩 Crew: 胡 資 敏


盧珮瑀 曾于真 邱瀚駿

一個男孩正在湖邊欣賞美景,這時一名莽撞的女孩衝了 過去,男孩看著女孩離去的背影,突然發現地上有一張 鈔票,他以為是剛剛那名女孩的,便撿起鈔票追了上 去,前面的女孩渾然不知後面有人在追著她,男孩追到 最後又累又熱,爆發出怒火全力衝刺,終於追到女孩把 錢給她,沒想到錢竟然不是那女孩掉的,這時後方傳來 微弱的呼喊,男孩轉頭一看,原來……。


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

心芯相熄 Taiwan Team: 刺 刺 木 馬 Director: 李 品 葳 Crew: 石 惠 敏 林 羽 蓁

楊 翔 軫 蕭 丞 佑 黃 敏 瑜 廖 妍 喬 陳 聲 儀


等我更努力的成為了一個真正的導演,再來寫一篇很長 很長很長的。 Synopsis:

回不去的容顏,回不去的其實不止是那容顏是那段歲 月,只能透過那音樂那照片讓自己在過去的時光,但時 間就像燭火一樣不停地追趕著,到最後燭火滅了,青春 也消逝了。


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Connection Taiwan Team: YOLO Director: Tzu-Chiao Lin Crew: Man-Ping Cheng Ling-Jia Yu Hung-Hsiang Tseng Jia-Yu Jiang Yu-Lan Pan Chen-Zhi Wei Chia-Hsun Lin Chiu-Yen Chin Min-Gyi Shi Bio:

We are 6 students from Kun Shan University,our major is Motion pictures and videos. Synopsis:

The film talks about how the modern technology affects the interaction between human,remind us don’t forget the links between people is very important. 99

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The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Dream Taiwan Team: BIG MAMA Director: Chin-Fang-Lin Crew: Shih-An Yu Sih-Wan Huang Syuan-An Peng

Guan-Yu Lin Wei-Ren Jheng


喜歡鏡頭中捕捉到人物風景物換星移的感覺,喜歡看到 影片呈現後大家滿足的表情,喜歡看到大家藉由影片感 受到我想讓大家感受到的喜、怒、哀、樂,能夠有任何 拍攝的事物都是我所感興趣的。 Synopsis:

改編自白日夢冒險王,融入三元素後,將劇情翻拍後惡 搞。


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

迴 Move In Circles Taiwan Team: 一 口 氣 Director: 歐 士 華 Crew: 邱 奕 仁 林 芷 萱


林 沛 妤 李 毓 軒 賴 建 志 李 東 霖 陳 欣 慧 江 睿 洋 胡耀仁

佛經上說,自殺的人將重複著自殺當天的事情,包括對 死亡的恐懼。在另一個空間裡,有一名女子因情傷而割 腕自殺,而被關在空蕩蕩只剩下佛像和簡單神桌擺設內 的房間裡恐懼地懺悔,並被扣上腳鍊。這天她試著逃 離,但無止盡延伸的鐵鍊後卻跟著一名使者將她拖回。 女子在廁所內拿起刀割腕,鮮血滴落在充滿回憶的舊照 地板上,女子體力不支後倒地,並充滿恐懼地看向門 外,使者正握著鐵鍊,只露出半邊身體監視著她。女子 清醒後,依然在房間內恐懼地懺悔。 103

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The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

痴 Booby Taiwan Team: Team Work OP! Director: 沈 杏 穎 Crew: 林 思 怡 黃 庭 昱

黃 子 玲 洪 秉 雯 賴 宇 庭


拍片對我來說,雖然很辛苦,但是一切都是值得的,也 很好玩,我的專長是靜態攝影、影片剪輯。 Synopsis:

朋友就是當朋友而已嗎?無法勇敢透露自己的心情,只 能透過他的東西來安慰自己,幻想他就在自己的身邊。 愛恨成痴,痴心絕對他恨不得把他竊取在身邊,他的痴 已成一種病……。


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Escape Taiwan Team: Play On The Silver Swing Director: Chun-Hao Weng Crew: Pei-Ting Chen


You-Yi Siao

Yung-You Cho

Shu-Man Chen

We’ll going to the space,over the future.We’ll looking for the place,under the shining star. Synopsis:

In or out?


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Just Kidding Taiwan Team: Just Kidding Director: Jie -Yu Chu Crew: Shin-Yi Chou

Pei-Ci Huang

Ting-Shune Du

Pei-Rong Li


大家好!我們是Just Kidding!稀奇古怪的一群人。 Synopsis:

我們的影片主要是恐怖心理,人嚇人嚇死人,最恐怖的 是鬼還是身邊的人,還是內心的自己?而內心的自己往 往偽裝成另一個樣貌。


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The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

最後青春 Taiwan Team: Jamp Jamp Jamp Director: 戚 芸 嘉 Crew: 林 姿 妤

陳畇曄 陳婉仁 黃智愉 江紫寧


視覺傳達設計系二年級,喜歡美麗、可愛的小東西。 Synopsis:

女主角因感情因素而失志,在與久未聯繫的老朋友的聚 會中,完成了一個青春任務-交換信件,女主角從中找 回了勇敢不屈的精神。


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The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

不存在的陪伴 Taiwan Team: 東 山 再 起 Director: 洪 瑞 臨 Crew: 許 廷 豪 陳 芷 璇


王 靖 華 龔 紋 玄 黃 綉 淩 高 鈿 凱 胡 健 緯 陳 宣 坊 李 郁 葶 高 玉 婷

故事大綱是,一位足不出戶的少女,一直想像她有四位 守護天使陪伴她,但想像愈來愈空虛,慢慢她也知道原 因就在自己,最後她燒掉象徵四位守護天使的老照片, 重新出發。


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The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Happy birthday Taiwan Team: The salmon are running Director: Shan-Yi Lin Crew: Ru-Fong Yan


Meng-Chu Lin

As the daily life and all the little things that happens in every friendship, this is a short story between two girls with a particular memories, like we always throwback to old times and miss it very much. Hope you enjoy it.


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

痣氣 Chih Chi Taiwan Team: 五 人 行 Director: 單 仲 維 Crew: 黃 祖 寧


李佳蓉 謝采蓉 鐘政宏

一位叫做聰明的轉學生,因為臉上的特徵,而受到同學 們的排擠與欺辱,畢業後回到母校走走,意外地看見以 前被欺辱時所拍攝的照片,引起了心中的憤怒,詭異的 聲音引導著聰明,究竟他會走向黑暗亦或者是光明呢?


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

弒 Gluttony Kill Taiwan Team: 發 條 蘋 果 Director: 林 子 勛 Crew: 周 仕 承 張 欣婷


蔡 彥 塏 洪 詩穎 洪 一 揚 楊 舜宇 郭 業 穎 高 芝皓 許 耀 升 馬 康祥

拍片是我們的精神糧食,我們是發條蘋果。 Synopsis:



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The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

友情 Taiwan Team: 一 個 團 隊 Director: 謝 振 益 Crew: 高 麗 雯 高 鈺 媚


我們是一個團隊。 Synopsis:



黃 家 祥 汪 晉 誠 余 俊 穎 楊 筑 惠 葛羽庭

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

No Place Like Home Taiwan Team: Black Trunk Director: Jia-Fang Li Crew: Xiao-Yun Hsieh

Zih-Hang Huang

Yan-Jhu Wang

Ming-Yen Liu

Yi-Lun Hung


We see what people don’t see. Synopsis:

Domestic violence is more than a black eye.


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Kill That One Taiwan Team: One Day Director: 陳 吉 Crew: 曾 富 璟 方 倩 仙 侯 立 億

洪 浚 銘 邱 懷 萱


有一天,一位黑道老大,找上一位神秘女殺手,想要買 兇殺人,沒想到,他要殺的人竟然是­……。


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

原始人Cave Man Taiwan Team: FOUR AND ONE Director: 柴 婉 真 Crew: 何 冠 禛

羅方妤 洪琬茹 林雯婷


Kinsley,雙十年華的青春女子,常出沒在高雄、台南一 帶,雙魚座浪漫的個性,總是在創作的世界裡找到情緒 出口。 Synopsis:

有個原始人,在鑽木取火,突如其來的打火機打到他, 他研究著打火機,後來終於被他研究出來怎麼使用,太 開心地撞到樹,飛越了時空。


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The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Regret Taiwan Team: JAPST Director: I-Hsuan Hung Crew: Chi-Hsien Lee

Yu-Min Guo

Miao-Jyuan Pan

Hao-Shaung Hsu




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The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Mistake 高綵寅


Little witch V.S. Big Bad Pig Taiwan



The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Hot Wave Hong-Yi Liou

Black Box Taiwan

Chun Hsu



The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

The Cropse Heart 黃家輝


In Time Taiwan

Sang-Min An

South Korea

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VISER Serbia Team Snezana Trstenjak

Photobombing Serbia

Media Education Centre



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Hugo Duncan’s Revenge Final

JCB Film

Eoin Cleland

Lawrence Street Workshops


United Kindom

United Kindom

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Succumb to us Lawrence Street Workshops

The Birdman United Kindom

Lawrence Street Workshops

United Kindom


The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Play Danu & Lugh

Unexpected Ryan Bolton


United Kindom

Lawrence Street Workshops

United Kindom

The 2nd Cinemasports Universities

Smart Granny Josh Group

The Avant Gardeners United Kindom

Benjamin Graham

United Kindom



活動主辦人: 崑山科技大學 視覺傳達設計系 曾惠青 助理教授 Cinemasports Founder/ Director Jin Joo 主席 活動協辦人: 崑山科技大學 視訊傳播設計系 李思欣 助理教授 崑山科技大學 應用外語系 Guy Arthur Taylor 老師 台南應用科技大學 應用英語系 John Maloney 助理教授 台南應用科技大學 應用英語系 Jon Dickerson 老師 雲林科技大學 應用英語系 Mark Wilkie 助理教授 樹德科技大學 視覺傳達設計系 練維鵬 助理教授 遠東科技大學 數位多媒體與管理系 徐文俊 助理教授 長榮大學 媒體設計科技學系 吳宏翔 助理教授 執行企劃組:陳杰平 林佳瑩 洪蕙君 翁佩琪 謝明源 攝影紀錄組:薛蕙齡 王逸群 江欣儒 彭 彧 匡瀅錡 曾齡禎 吳昀燕 楊珮羽 鐘佩君 潘慧珊 行政總務組:林思怡 視覺設計組:彭怡靜 陳珮庭 周欣怡 黃佩琪 黃庭昱 陳書曼 陳 鵬 邱瀚駿 展場規劃組:卓永侑 黃 凱 翁淳豪 蕭友毅 許凱鈞 陳重運 黃俊堯 謝孟珊 海報設計: 彭怡靜 廖建雲 黃晟一 公共關係組:胡資敏 蕭劭威 陳泓廷 杜庭瑄 手冊設計: 陳書曼

朱婕語 李佩蓉 涂語沛 吉任山 盧珮瑀 洪秉雯 曾于真 黃暐婷 黃子玲 賴宇庭 鄭珈詩

國家圖書館出版品預行編目資料 2014國際大學拍片運動 曾惠青 主編 初版 –崑山科技大學 出版 2014年(民103 ) 面 14.8 x 21公分 ISBN (平裝)

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