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Cinemasports International

「國際拍片運動」的目的是為希望透過拍片活動,啓發短片創作的創意與潛能。在10小時內完成一部即興又充滿創意的作品,並且希望參賽者秉持運動精神,可以奮鬥不懈到最後一刻。不但是具有教育意義的競賽,同時也有運動的刺激與樂趣。 本活動強調國際交流與觀摩,完成的影片將於參與的各國家播映,希望透過這個活動,作為一個交流的平台,讓對於短片創作有興趣的愛好者能夠互相學習,進而提升未來專業的影視人才的專業素養。 Cinemasports invites students of Universities, Art Schools, Film Schools to join this international event. Teams have 10 hours to make a short movie with 3 required elements. Films finished during this event will have chance to screen in the other participated organizations around the world. Registration: You must register to receive ingredients and other important information.
