CMK magazin #72

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CMK Magazin

Številka 72

Februar 2024

Uredništvo: Tia Valand

Sodelavci te številke:

Suzana Ećimović

Ariela Herček

Helin Leini

Emilie Timal

Janja Kogovšek

Alicia Ibn-rass Pérez

Jakob Bužan

Fotografija na naslovnici: Jakob Bužan

Grafično oblikovanje in prelom: Ángela Medina Caja

Naslov uredništva: Center mladih Koper Gregorčičeva ulica, 4

6000 Koper

051 393 670

Revija je brezplačna.

Vsebina člankov ne odraža stališč izdajatelja (CMK) in izdajatelj zanjo ne odgovarja.


Za dan daljši, a še vedno najkrajši mesec v letu je za nami. Kratkost ni vplivala na kakovost in naš program ni bil nič kaj manj pester. Koncertni program je v tem mesecu plaval čez vse možne stile. Z Raketo so prileteli elektro beati, karavana kulture je do nas popeljala pesnice, pesnike in njihove rime, potem so svoj glas ponovno dvignile Koale, iz Vice City-ja sta uletela in back to back zaplesala Lance Vance in Tommy Vercetti, reperji so se fajtali in obmetavali z besedami, za konec pa smo nazdravili še na Matkov rojstni dan.

Tukaj bi se radi še enkrat iz srca zahvalili vsem, ki ste sodelovali, pomagali, igrali, poslušali, se družili, se spominjali in botrili. Hvala NoAir, Guattari, Omega Sun, Human Host Body in Paranoise za fino muziko ter nenazadnje, hvala vam, častitljiva publika, da ste s svojo prisotnostjo zbrali 2000 eur za Matkovo družino. <3 Se vidimo drugo leto, na drugem dobrodelnem memorialu, ki bo postal tradicionalen. To je obljuba!

Illustration: Alicia Ibn-rass

ekipa cmk
Mesečna čačkarija bEAR tOWN
LITERARNA ZIBELKA 11 15 17 21 23
Nutrika: Magnezij & stres prostovoljske zgodbe
Book review
LITERARNA ZIBELKA zaposlitveno karierni sejem Recipe Foto utinki SKRITI KOTIČKI MOK 23 27 29 32 35 KAZALO


Foto: Jakob Bužan


EMILIE 2. del

November 2023


Already two months here in Slovenia! In a way, time flies.

November was again about getting used to work in EPI, learning to know the kids, and adapting to this new environment. Those things take time.

In the weekends, I also travelled a bit with Anne, the other volunteer and roommate. I went to Kranj, Moon Bay (a place in Strunjan where you have a stunning view of the sea with Italy in the background), Trieste (in Italy) where we saw the biggest sailboat of the world (and yes, that’s really cool) and of course, Ljubljana again for a film festival. The last weekend of November, we also decided to hike to Velika Planina (the cable car was closed). We hiked for a bit less than 4 hours. From a certain altitude, there was some snow and the more we climbed, the more snow there was. The view until there was already amazing but on the top, it was incredible. Velika Planina is quite a touristic place in the summer but at this time of the year, with the snow, we were almost the only one. We stayed there until the sun started going down and had to hurry to come back before it was dark (spoiler: we finished in the dark). Even now, I’m still amazed by the view we had up there.

The last week of November was the On-arrival training (finally)! This is a training all long-term volunteers get and it’s also a great opportunity to meet other volunteers from Slovenia. The training was in Zreče, not far from Celje. In this week, we learned about the rights and values of a volunteer, about solidarity, about the YouthPass and personal project, and so many things it’s hard to remember. We learned all those things using non-formal education. I think I never learned this way but I really enjoyed it. We were a big group (around 30 volunteers) but we had every night “home group” night, which meant that every day, we had to reflect on different topics and discuss about the day with this home group (which was always the same).



Mladinski evropski projektni in informacijski center Piran s krajšim imenom Mladinski EPI center Piran, je leta 2001 ustanovila občina Piran za izvajanje programov in dejavnosti s področja dela z mladimi, mladinske kulture, informiranja in svetovanja, izobraževanja in ostalih interesnih dejavnosti za mlade. Od leta 2005 dalje deluje kot program javnega zavoda Športni in mladinski center Piran. Mladi se v centru lahko družijo in ustvarjajo. Se učijo in zabavajo. Iščejo informacije. Se obveščajo in osveščajo.

Najdete jih lahko tudi na Facebooku in Instagramu ali pa jih obiščete v njihovem centru v Piranu ali Luciji.

I found this book a year ago in my home library’s recycling shelf where people can leave their unwanted books for someone else to pick them up. I don’t know how I ended up taking this book with me because the cover wasn’t too appealing and the main theme - ice hockey - isn’t something I’m particularly interested in. I had previously read one book by Fredrik Backman and really enjoyed it so with no high expectations, I decided to give Beartown a shot. Never would have I imagined that this would become one of my favourite books of all time.

Beartown is the first book in a trilogy about, well, Beartown. A little town in the woods of Sweden with a big love for ice hockey. The town and its people are struggling with jobs constantly getting shut down and transferred to bigger cities. A lot of pressure lies on the shoulders of Beartown’s junior hockey team which has never been closer to winning a tournament that could change everything. Until something terrible happens and the people of the town have to decide who they are standing with. This is a book about difficult relationships, morals and the beauty and terror of sports.

Backman’s writing style can be quite dramatic and a bit too over the top but at the same time it’s also incredibly beautiful. If you’re looking for heart wrenching quotes to underline - this book has them. Objectively this was probably not the best piece of literature that I have read but I didn’t even care if some of the lines felt very corny and pretentious, they made me feel something.

And now I want more. At this point I would probably even read Fredrik Backman’s shopping list.

Another thing this book does incredibly well is characters. You can really see the development (or regression) of each of them and some of the characters that I couldn’t stand at the start turned out to be my favourites in the end. Despite the quite packed plot this book is more character based which is something I personally prefer. The characters are complex and fleshed out and despite their flaws (most of them) very lovable. Especially the moms. I loved the moms. And Benji.

Probably also one of the reasons why this book hit the spot for me so well was the feeling of community and unity that was present throughout the whole book. Small town, big dreams, everyone rooting for the same thing. One of my favourite feelings is that specific feeling, being a part of something and doing and achieving together. Reading about these kinds of things always warms my heart.

To sum it up: I recommend this book to people who enjoy melodramatic writing, character-heavy books with a strong plot and complex characters. If sometimes a bit pretentious writing in the style of John Green drives you away then this is probably not the book for you. I also suggest checking the trigger warnings. This book explores quite heavy themes.

Happy reading!


i am only writing these words in hopes I'll never get to read them again: there's no other way to show you but this: when my body is old enough to bury, they will pull star chunks out of my bones and I'll bleed for the last time: when a martyr becomes alive again, they are not a martyr anymore: when a wound is turned crystalline light, the best you can do is lick at it until it burns your tongue: kissing you would be like mouthing at a wildfire, all consuming heat and haze, stars blooming on your throat: when a poet doesn't write anymore, or knows only to write about how the freckles on their loved one's body are dotted like stars in the night sky, they're not a poet anymore, they're a lover: I don't need to capture the stars, don't need to look at them. I am writing this in hopes of it never reaching you: when you look at me like that, the space between us is filled with ephemeral light: all tremble and want.

when they switched on the particle accelerator in Switzerland ten years ago the particles collided in exactly the right way to finally prove the existence of a Higgs boson the particle which gives all other particles mass the particle we might as well call god or creation or any other holy thing and when you touch my wrist all the blood in my body turns heavy with want

I don't know much about physics or god

but you look at me and it creates light in my chest

so bright

I might as well have swallowed the stars

and I know that photons don't get their mass from the Higgs boson because light behaves differently to anything else and my theory is that

whatever you touch whatever you smile at gains weight by the simple truth of who you are and I don't believe in god but I know that nothing will ever be as holy as the sight of you, eyes brimming with softness, eyes blazing with want.

What I thought about sitting across the table from you

After Kevin Varrone

if there was a church that would make me a believer, it would be that of the way she looks at me. if there was an altar I'd sink to my knees before, it would be the warmth of her laughter. if there was any other metaphor to describe the way my bones become liquid fire when she touches me, I would use it, but God, how holy she makes me feel when she turns to me, when she asks me to stay.

Čezmejni zaposlitveno-karierni sejem Koper 2024

“Jamstvo za mlade - hitri zmenki z delodajalci”.

V četrtek, 29. februarja, je v Areni Bonifika v Kopru potekal čezmejni zaposlitveno-karierni sejem, na katerem so sodelovali različni delodajalci in institucije s področij trga dela. Zdaj že tradicionalni sejem, je namenjen iskalcem zaposlitve, šolajoči se mladini, upokojencem, delodajalcem, podpornim institucijam, skratka vsem, ki jih zanima ponudba na trgu dela.

Na sejmu se je predstavilo pa se več kot 100 razstavljavcev s katerimi so se obiskovalci lahko pogovorili o prostih delovnih mestih in zaposlitvenih priložnostih (nekateri so se že na samem sejmu predstavili s svojim življenjepisom), možnosti štipendiranja, opravljanja prakse, študentskega dela, dela za upokojence in podobno.

Na sejmu sejmu se je letos s svojo stojnico predstavila tudi Mladinska mreža MaMa, ki združuje in zastopa organizacije, ki opravljajo dejavnosti mladinskih centrov v Sloveniji. Skupaj smo izvedli delavnico “Jamstvo za mlade - hitri zmenki z delodajalci”.

Na delavnici, ki se je je udeležilo več kot 30 mladih, smo spoznali kaj je Jamstvo za mlade in kako nam lahko pomaga pri zaposlovanju. Z udeleženci smo se pogovorili o izzivih, ki se lahko pojavljajo ob iskanju zaposlitve in skupaj ugotovili kako pripraviti življenjepis, ki bo pritegnil delodajalca ter kako se pripraviti na razgovor za službo. Stojnico Mreže MaMa sta obiskala tudi ambasadorja Jamstva za mlade - Nik Škrlec in Ditka, ki sta na delavnici delila svoje izkušnje s pošiljanjem in prebiranjem življenjepisov ter mla-

dim podala kar nekaj koristnih nasvetov. V drugem delu se udeleženci lahko preizkusili še v hitrih zmenkih z delodajalci. Na dogodku so bili prisotni predstavniki FURS-a (Finančni urad Koper), Parka Škocjanske jame, Ministrstva za obrambo - Slovenske vojske, Kulturno izobraževalnega društva PiNa, McDonald’sa in Policijske uprave Koper. Predstavniki so udeležencem povedali nekaj informacij o samem podjetju/organizaciji in pogojih za opravljanje dela, pogovarjali pa so se tudi o samih pogojih in možnostih zaposlitve v posamezni organizaciji. S temi pogovori je marsikdo naredil preboj v iskanju prve zaposlitve in upajmo, da bodo za koga kontakti, pridobljeni na sejmu, obrodili sadove.


Jamstvo za mlade je shema za spodbujanje zaposlovanja mladih v Evropski uniji, ki je nastala s strani Evropske komisije.

S sprejetjem ukrepov Jamstva za mlade vsaka država sledi cilju, da bo mladim v štirih mesecih po prijavi v evidenco brezposelnih oseb, zagotovila zaposlitev, nadaljnje šolanje, vajeništvo ali pripravništvo oz. usposabljanje na delovnem mestu ali vključitev v drugo usposabljanje. V okviru jamstva za mlade naj bi tako omogočili nemoten prehod med šolanjem in zaposlitvijo, podprli vključevanje na trg dela in mladim zagotovili, da nihče od njih ne bo zapostavljen.

Sistem jamstva za mlade naj bi se v vsaki državi izvajal v tesnem sodelovanju delodajalcev, zavodov za zaposlovanje, ustanov za izobraževanje in usposabljanje ter služb za pomoč mladih. V Sloveniji se mladi v shemo jamstva za mlade vključijo na podlagi prijave v evidenco brezposelnih oseb pri Zavodu Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje. Mladi se nato s svetovalcem na centru podrobno pogovorijo o svojih željah, ciljih in izkušnjah in skupaj pripravijo nadaljnji načrt. V okviru sheme Jamstvo za mlade se izvaja različne ukrepe in programe, ki kratkoročno in dolgoročno lajšajo prehod iz izobraževanja na trg dela.

Pripravila: Tia Valand



Črni kal - jama LadricaPraproče - obrambni stolp nad Podpečjo

Avtorica teksta in fotografij: Suzana Ećimović

Spice-Roasted Cauliflower

inCoconut Tomato Sauce with Lentils



Order #001 For 3 pers.

Time 00:40 mins

Fresh Products

Head Cauliflower



Ginger, fresh

Shallot, large Lentils

Crushed Tomatoes

Coconut milk, full fat

Soup Vegetable

Lime juice

Spices & Oil

Cinnamon, ground

1 medium head 1 handful 3 cloves

Sea salt & ground black pepper


Spice blend

Turmeric, ground

Cumin, ground

Chillies, ground

Coriander, ground

Olive oil

1 2-inch piece 1 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 cup 3 cups 1 tbsp 1/4 tsp 1 1/4 tsp 1 3/4 tsp 1 tsp 1/2 tsp 1/2 tsp 4 tbsp

Total: 00,00

28 · 02 ·

1. Preheat oven to 200°C.

2. Place the cauliflower florets on a baking sheet.

3. Mix in a small bowl: 2 tablespoons olive oil, cumin, turmeric, curry, smoked paprika, grated ginger, minced garlic, salt and pepper.

4. Impregnate the cauliflower with the spice mixture (leave a little of the mixture for the sauce) Make sure the cauliflower is well coated with the spices.

5. Roast the cauliflower in the preheated oven for about 25-30 minutes or until golden brown and tender. Stir the cauliflower occasionally to ensure even cooking.

6. While the cauliflower is roasting, prepare the sauce. In a large skillet, heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat. Add the grated ginger and minced garlic, sauté until fragrant.

7. Add the crushed tomatoes and coconut milk to the pan. Stir well and bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium-low and add the lentils (can be another legume). Simmer for 20-25 minutes or until lentils are tender.

8. When lentils are tender mash to create a homogeneous sauce.

9. Once the cauliflower and sauce is ready, it’s time to plate! Spoon a base of the prepared sauce and top with the baked cauliflower pieces .

10. To garnish, sprinkle cilantro on top and serve with a slice of bread of your choice.

Foto: angela medina

Foto: Jakob
Jakob Bužan
Foto: angela medina


angela medina

fOTO: Helin leini

Foto: Jakob Bužan fOTO: Helin Leini Foto: angela

angela medina

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