The Bellevue Bulletin, November 12 2021

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November 12, 2021 | by Kristina D'Amico

From the Firm: National and International News Here is a roundup of the big news this week:

What is COP26 and what is being agreed at Glasgow climate conference? For an excellent breakdown of what has been discussed so far at the COP26, read this article by BBC. For those unclear, COP stands for "Conference of the Parties" and this is the 26th annual summit, where 200 countries have been asked to present their plans to cut emissions by 2030. The first draft of the new plan that's been tentatively agreed to by the countries has just become available, though the agreement is not legally binding. It will set the global agenda on climate change for the decade to come, and "asks countries to reveal their plans to massively reduce greenhouse gas emissions at a much faster speed than previously, and also asks developed nations to provide at least double the amount of adaptation finance they give to those countries already suffering the effects of climate change."

House’s $1 Trillion Infrastructure Bill Breakdown Bellevue's Julie Platt and Andrew Wisniewski put together a report on the House's newest infrastructure bill, which President Biden is set to sign next week. The bill will deliver $550 billion of new federal investments over five years. Overall the bill is a historic investment in our country's infrastructure. The White House has projected that the investment will add about 2 million jobs per year. To read the full breakdown of the bill on our website, click the link above!

Clients In the News Philadelphia expands bikeshare program With the help of our client, Bicycle Transit Systems, the city of Philadelphia is working to expand the bike share program, Indego. The 2022 project will expand Indego bike-sharing by more than 30 new stations and 400 electric bikes, with service further into West Philadelphia and South Philadelphia.

The Biggest Story in the US This Week

A landmark case that could change school funding across Pa. is going to trial "A landmark case challenging how Pennsylvania pays for public education and highlighting deep disparities between wealthy and poor districts goes to trial Friday, with the potential to affect every student, school, and taxpayer throughout the state. The lawsuit alleges Pennsylvania’s school funding is both inadequate and inequitable, violating the state constitution." Over the next eight to ten weeks, the trial will be heard by a Commonwealth Court judge in Harrisburg, and lawyers are expected to call upon dozens of witnesses, from local school admins to state education officials, to testifying on reports and statistics gathered for the case.

Read the full story here.

The animals really are wild!

Deer spotted in Michigan with plastic pumpkin stuck over its face Nov. 11. (UPI) -- Someone is clearly still in the Halloween spirit — no Christmas decorating for this guy, yet. Thankfully, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources said the deer appears to be in good health and might manage to remove the bucket on its own.

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