October 2017 Lakesider

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2925 NW 66th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73116 405-843-5777 email: lakesideumc@coxinet.net web: http://lakesideumcokc.com (click on sites to enter)

Greetings Lakeside,

Let the whole earth be filled with his glory. Psalm 72:19 LAKESIDE STAFF Pastor..................................... Rev. Randy McGuire Music Director.......................Aiya Attaway Kelley Associate Music Director.....................Ivan Wong Media.....................................................Don Taylor Youth Directors................Lauryn & Lanc Schmitt Admin. Assistant.................................. Laci Young Nursery Attendant.........................Patsy Kouhdari Nursery Attendant........................... Deanna Bond Custodian....................................Debra Schweikart WORSHIP WITH US SUNDAYS Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. United Methodist Church websites: www.UMC.org www.OKUMC.org

The month of September continued to see many natural disasters around the world. We will continue to pray for those affected and collect money for UMCOR to support the United Methodist presence in these events. It is important to note that UMCOR will stay with these people for years to come as they rebuild. We know this is true because of their presence for so long after the Oklahoma tornadoes. Please continue to support this effort. Heritage Sunday was a wonderful success as we remembered those who have paved the way for Lakesiders (Ellie May and Dean Hoel). Both Heritage Sunday and Christian Education Sunday reminded us of our responsibility to teach our children well. We also fed the Capital Hill High School Red Wolves Football team which is such an important mission of our church. It has been a joy to see some new faces in our worship. I ask the members to continue to share the love and hospitality of God with visitors and invite them back. Remember to always invite people to Come and See what is happening at Lakeside and Go and Tell the stories of Jesus and his love. I am excited that Britt and Carmen Stafford will be transferring to Lakeside membership in early October. Make them feel welcome. October will be another busy month as we start on Oct. 1 with World Communion Sunday. What a joy to celebrate communion with our Christian friends around the world. Rhonda and I will take a week vacation beginning after worship on Oct. 8 and returning the afternoon of Oct 15, which is Laity Sunday. Derwin Comer will lead worship that Sunday, and will be getting support from many of you. On that day, we will also begin our second annual Forty Days of Prayer before Thanksgiving. The month will end on Oct. 29 with our combined Sunday School and our worship will be led by the Youth. Be sure to support the youth as they prepare and share. Then, our Annual Trunk or Treat night will also be on Oct. 29! Bring your car decorated and candy ready to give to the children of our community. This IS our biggest community outreach event. Saturday, November 11, will be our Charge Conference at New Covenant UMC in Edmond. Many have reports that must be completed in October. If you are responsible for one of these, be sure to pick it up from the church office. Have a wonderful October and I look forward to seeing you each Sunday at Lakeside UMC. Blessings, Pastor Randy

We are collecting Labels and Box Tops for Education. Please save your UPC Codes now instead of lables!

OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS Kay Burleson................................ 02 Aven Burkhead............................. 06 Rylee Cooley.....................................08 Ginny Evans......................................14 Madylyn Smith.................................16 Charles Harvey.................................19 Megan DeCastro...............................22 Mary Lou Bates.................................24 Marolyn Stout...................................24 Owen Davis.......................................27 Victoria Butler..................................29 Audrey McGaugh.............................30

We are collecting food for Lakeside’s food pantry! All food should be non-perishable, and can be dropped off at the office. There is still a need in this community for food. People still come to the office and ask for food, and often times we don’t have much to give. Thank you for considering donating food to Lakeside’s food pantry!

MONTHLY REPORT ON HELPING HANDS Number of people helped in September............12 Amount spent from Helping Hands ..........$550.00

We also collect used eyeglasses for Skyline. So bring your old eyeglasses and your friends’ and relatives’ old eyeglasses, and place them in the top right drawer of the west entry credenza.

The Wednesday Dinner & Game Nite will be Oct 18th. Gaye is taking a break. Thank you to Derwin Comer for the September dinner. I heard it was a great night. Mary Ellen has generously agreed to be in charge in October. I know something delicious is brewing. Bring someone and “Come and See” on October 18th. A special thank you to those who have brought wonderful pies and desserts for our Dinner and Game Night. If you would be able to bring a dessert this month please contact Joyce Gragg at 721-7109. Thank you also, to those who have helped clean up!! We couldn’t do it without you!

The youth are heading up a Little Free Library. This will be put outside in the lawn of the church for our neighbors to come by and get a book of their choice but we need your help. If you have any books you have read front-to-back and back-to-front 5 times over and are sitting collecting dust then you can help us with this outreach program. We need books for all ages and all genres to help fill it. Please bring them to church and put them in the box outside the sanctuary marked Library Books.



October Liturgist

George Kelley


Sunday World Communion Sunday

9:30 am-Sunday School 10:45 am-Worship


Tuesday Wednesday Thursday







Saturday 7:30 am – Methodist Men’s Breakfast

2:00 - 4:00 – Crafty Cuties


7:00 pm - AA

5:00 pm-Youth 9:30 am-Sunday School 10:45 am-Worship


Noisy Collection

Laity Sunday

9:30 am-Sunday School 10:45 am-Worship




Columbus Day (Office Closed)

6:00 pm – Women’s Book Club Mtg. “Killers of the Flower Moon” by David Grann 5:30 - 8:00 pm Hearing Loss Assn.

5:00 pm-Youth




11:30 am - Nurture & Care Luncheon

7:00 pm - AA

5:00 pm-Youth 9:30 am-Sunday School 10:45 am-Worship







2:00 - 4:00 – Crafty Cuties

6:15 pm - Bells 7:00 pm - Choir

7:00 pm - AA


5 - 8 pm G.S. Troop

6:15 pm - Bells 7:00 pm - Choir

5:30 pm – Dinner and Game Night



1:30 - 3:00 pm Hearing Loss Assn.

21 2:00 - 4:00 – Crafty Cuties

6:15 pm - Bells 7:00 pm - Choir





COMMUNION 5:30 pm - Worship Council Meeting 6:15 pm - Bells 7:00 pm - Choir

5:00 pm-Youth Youth Sunday



9:30 am-Sunday School 10:45 am-Worship



5:00 pm 7:00 pm - AA

2:00 - 4:00 – Crafty Cuties

There will be a Nurture & Care Luncheon on October 17th at 11:30 am. The luncheon will be held at Johnny Carinos on Memorial Road

Women’s Book Club

The Women’s Book Club will meet on Monday, October 9th. The book discussion will begin at 6:00 pm. This month they will be discussing the book, “Killers of the Flower Moon” by David Grann.

Lakeside UMC Charge Conference Saturday, November 11th, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. Located at New Covenant UMC, 2700 South Blvd., Edmond, OK. As in the past, we will be having our charge conference in connection with several other churches in our district. Please join us as we make important decisions for our church and learn more about how we grow at Lakeside UMC. Don’t forget to do your reports!

Laity Sunday is October 15th. Derwin Comer is leading the worship service that day. If you want to help with Laity Sunday, talk to Derwin Comer about how you can get involved.

FORTY DAYS OF PRAYER Once again, we will have Forty Days of Prayer leading up to and including Thanksgiving Day. The church will provide a sheet with something to pray for each day. (Both small and large print.) If you would like to submit an idea for one of the days, please submit it to Pastor Randy by Oct. 4. Be sure to share if there is a specific day you want it shared. The forty days will begin on Sunday, Oct. 15.

Mission News Please join us on October 21, 2017, as we travel to Gore and volunteer with the Boy’s Ranch Rodeo. Events will begin at Noon and should be done by 3:00pm. Help will be needed in the following areas: basket auction, parking, serving food, or donations of cakes for a cakewalk, and possibly clean up. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. If you have questions please contact me at kellys@ quailcreekbank.com, daytime phone 242-2829 or nights/weekend 760-0340.

Thank you, Kelly

Prayer List

October 1st

On World Communion Sunday, we celebrate our brothers and sisters from around the world with a special communion and offering. The special communion helps us remember that we are all connected by the blood of Jesus Christ. He didn’t die for some of us, He died for all of us. We will take special moments to reflect that we are one church with one mission. Our mission is to love others and share the Gospel. One of the ways we live out this mission is to empower others to share the Gospel by nurturing their education. Your offering will help an international or national student with the cost of their continuing education. These are students who might otherwise be overlooked or forgotten. We believe that we are all called to be a part of the important work of discipleship, and that is one of the many reasons we give on this Special Sunday.

Ed Jones The Family of Richard Beck (Husband of Karen Beck) Lainey Smith (Niece of Linda Donnelly) Craig Wright (Son of A.M. Nowlin) Richard Price (Cousin of Pasor Randy) Linda Prestan (Friend of Joyce Gragg) Harrison Lujan (Son of Sunny Richardson) Jesus Garcia and Family (Co-worker of Lanc Schmitt) Lacy, Dylan, Owen & Baby Davis Bob Prest Wayne Johnson Patsy Kouhdari Members & Friends with on-going health problems and concerns You may call the office with prayer requests and updates 843-5777 or use prayer request card located in sanctuary seat back.

Did you know that YOU can help keep the cost of Lakeside’s utilities down in the following ways? • Keeping lights off in unused rooms.

Please remember that we share our space with others in the community and within the ministries of the church. If you use a space please remember to leave it cleaner than you found it and ready for the next group. No plan is complete until it includes a clean up crew. We have limited staff and resources and we want to be good stewards. Here are some important guidelines...

• Keeping all sanctuary doors completely closed when not in use as it has a separate heat and air system that has been set by a timer. • Keeping the parlor room thermostat set to off when not in use and close the door as it also has a separate heat and air system. • Tu r n i n g t h e t h e r m o s t a t b a c k to the temperature it was set at before you leave the building.

* Do not leave left over food at the church * Clean and put away all dishes

The Trustees greatly appreciate your help!!

* Wipe off couter tops, tables & equipment used * Launder or shake off tableclothes as needed * Clean up messes or litter on floors as needed * Take the trash out before you leave. Our church is growing and we want it to always make a positive impression on our visitors. Whether its on Sunday or during the week. Your help and support is greatly appreciated.

Lakeside is having a Trunk or Treat on October 29th at 5:00 pm. Come with your car decorated and join in the fun!

LAKESIDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2925 NW 66th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73116 .RETURN


Trunk or Treat on October 29th at 5:00 pm.

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