April 2017 Lakesider

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a monthly publication of

LAKESIDER April 2017

LAKESIDE STAFF Pastor......................................Rev. Randy McGuire Music Director....................... Aiya Attaway Kelley Associate Music Director..................... Ivan Wong Media..................................................... Don Taylor Youth Directors................ Lauryn & Lanc Schmitt Admin. Assistant...................................Laci Young Nursery Attendant......................... Patsy Kouhdari Nursery Attendant............................ Deanna Bond Custodian....................................Debra Schweikart WORSHIP WITH US SUNDAYS Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. United Methodist Church websites: www.UMC.org www.OKUMC.org


2925 NW 66th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73116 405-843-5777 email: lakesideumc@coxinet.net web: http://lakesideumcokc.com (click on sites to enter)

Greetings Lakeside, 2017 is moving right along and we are now nearing Easter. We will be busy leading up to our Easter celebration of worship and thankfulness for the sacrifice and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Also, thank you for your generous donations of clothing for Skyline Urban Ministries. They always appreciate the kindness of Lakesiders. There have been a total of 24 participants in our Sunday afternoon study of Adam Hamilton’s “24 Hours that Changed the World.” It has certainly given us some new insights into those last 24 hours leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. There are two more sessions of this study following worship on April 2 and 9. All are welcome to participate. April begins with our annual church work day on Saturday, April 1, from 8:30 am until noon. Even if it rains, there is much to do inside the church. On April 9, Palm Sunday, we will enjoy another wonderful Easter Cantata directed by Aiya Attaway Kelley and performed by our Chancel Choir. This year the title is “Behold the Lamb.” We have some wonderful worship opportunities for you during Holy Week and Easter. They are as follows: • Maundy Thursday (April 13)-Living Last Supper, 7 pm at New Hope UMC • Good Friday (April 14)-Scriptural Way of the Cross, 6 am-7pm at Lakeside UMC • Saturday (April 15)-Easter Egg Hunt, 10:30 am at Tinsley Park • Easter Sunday (April 16) - Early Service, 8:00 am - Breakfast, 8:30 am - Combined Sunday School, 9:30 am - Easter Service, 10:45 am Please join us for all these activities and don’t forget to invite for family, friends and neighbors to any or all these activities as we remember the events of Holy Week and celebrate the resurrection of our Savior. May God richly bless you this Easter season, Pastor Randy

Native American Ministries Sunday on April 30th

This special offering supports Native American ministries within the annual conference. It also provides scholarships for Native Americans attending United Methodist schools of theology, strengthening, developing and equipping Native American rural and urban congregations, ministries and communities. When you give you educate Native American seminarians and empower outreach into the Native American culture.

Prayer List

Ed Jones Jack & Betty Comer Norm Russell Doug Russell Linda Coffman Wayne & Dean Johnson Susan Brantley Landon Michael Schmitt & Family Members & Friends with on-going health problems and concerns Please contact A.M. Nowlin with prayer requests and updates (843-6811)


Remember the waffles Pastor Randy promised us! We are doing something somewhat different from last year. We are combining the waffles with our April 19 dinner and game nite - CHICKEN AND WAFFLES DINNER. So mark your calendar and make it a “Come ‘N See” event starting at 5:30pm. If you missed March dinner, it was taco soup and was delish, as well as our outstanding deserts! Thank you to everyone who helps with the event. It doesn’t take a village, it just takes Lakeside members to make it possible! Blessings, Gaye Tow

If you have a small project around your house that needs tending to, please fill out one of the Helping Hands cards found in the pews or on the table in the hallway. You may return the card to Pastor Randy or place one of the Prayer boxes located on the Sanctuary walls just before the side exit doors. While some tasks may be too big, no task is too small! Don’t be afraid to ask!

On April 30, Rhonda and I will be in Mitchell, South Dakota to see two granddaughters be confirmed. Elizabeth Horton-Ware, Director of Religious Life at OCU, will fill the pulpit and will also lead a combined adult Sunday School class on evangelism. Pastor Randy

Lakeside will be participating in two special worships during Holy Week. On Maundy Thursday, we are invited to attend the Living Last Supper at New Hope United Methodist Church located at 11600 N Council Road in Oklahoma City. It is on N. Council between Hefner and 122nd. It is a reenactment of the Leonardo da Vinci painting with the disciples sharing their thoughts at that moment. It will conclude with Holy Communion. If you would like a ride to the church, please contact the Lakeside office or Pastor Randy. On Good Friday, we will have a Scriptural Way of the Cross set up at Lakeside UMC. There will be 14 stations set up in our main building where you can come at your leisure, read scripture and pray at each station. The church will be open for the Scriptural Way of the Cross from 6 am until 7 pm. We ask that you park in the lot by the tower and enter through the door by Pastor Randy’s office. This is so Pastor Randy can monitor who comes and goes during those hours.







Noisy Offering Easter Cantata


6:00 - 8:00 pm Treadwell/ Grandview Neighboorhood Assn. Meeting

5:00 pm-Youth Fellowship


9:30 am-Sunday School 10:45 am-Worship 12:15 pm -Lenten Bible Study

5:00 pm-Youth Fellowship





7:30 am - United Methodist Men’s breakfast 8:30 am - 12:00pm – Church Work Day 2:00 pm - Nurture & Care Meeting (Decorate for Easter)

COMMUNION 9:30 am - Sunday School 10:45 am - Worship 12:15 pm -Lenten Bible Study


Tuesday Wednesday Thursday



5:30 - 8:00 pm – Hearing Loss Assn.

6:00 pm - WBC “When Breath Becomes Air” by Paul Kalanithi



Election Day


7:00 pm - AA


7:00 pm - AA


7:00 pm - AA



Elizabeth Horton-Ware Preaching 9:30 am-Sunday School 5:30 pm-Misssions 10:45 am-Worship Committee NATIVE AMERICAN MINISTRIES SUNDAY (offering) 12:00 pm- Chili Cook-off 5:00 pm-Youth Fellowship






6:15 pm - Bells 7:00 pm - Choir


Maundy Thursday



7:00 pm – “Living Last Supper” Service @ New Hope UMC

6:00 am - 7:00 pm – Scriptural Way of the Cross @ Lakeside UMC




6:15 pm - Bells 7:00 pm - Choir

15 10:30 am-Easter Egg Hunt 2:00 - 4:00 pm Crafty Cuties


1:30 - 3:00 pm – Hearing Loss Assn. 2:00 - 4:00 pm Crafty Cuties

6:15 pm - Bells 7:00 pm - Choir

5:30 pm-Worship Committee Meeting 7:00 pm - AA

5:00 - 7:30 pm - G.S. Troop Meeting

6:15 pm - Bells 7:00 pm - Choir

5:30 pm – Waffle Dinner and Game Nite

9:30 am-Sunday School 10:45 am-Worship 5:00 pm-Youth Fellowship


2:00 - 4:00 pm Crafty Cuties

Early Service 8:00 am Breakfast 8:30 am Sunday School 9:30 am, combined Late Service 10:45 am

5:00 pm-Youth Fellowship

2:00 - 4:00 pm Crafty Cuties


4:00 - 9:00 pm – Student Recital



2:00 - 4:00 pm Crafty Cuties



Dinner and Game Nite


Our Wednesday Dinner and Game Nite will be April 19th beginning at 5:30 p.m. – Gaye Tow

APRIL BIRTHDAYS Don Evans....................................03 Kellen Donnelly...........................11 Shana Schmitt..............................13 Michael Donnelly.........................15 Norma Stoabs...............................16 Tommy Davis II...........................17 Lincoln Burkhead........................20 John Hoel.....................................20 Zachary Taylor.............................20


April Missions is for Pearl’s Hope

April is traditionally when we collect for UMCOR Circle of Care. Continuing with Lakeside’s generosity, this year we will be collecting for Pearl’s Hope, an outreach for homeless women with children. Pearl’s Hope is a women’s center located in Tulsa that provides housing and support services for single mothers and their children, keeping them together. Families can stay for 10 months to 1 year, during which time mothers are taught to budget their wages and must save 30% of their income with another 10% saved for emergencies. Upon completion of their stay, these families will take items donated for their living quarters with them, and as a follow-up mothers will meet with a counselor from Pearl’s Hope monthly for the next year. There are several small items needed as these families begin their new journey and any donation is greatly appreciated. Suggested Items: Plastic hangars, dishwashing and laundry pods, household cleaning supplies, children’s socks and underwear, Pine-sol, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant, hair brushes, hair accessories, ethnic hair products, lotion, bath loofahs/sponges, and fabric softener.

Contact Pastor Randy if you are interested at lakesideumc.pastor@coxinet.net

We also collect used eyeglasses for Skyline. So bring your old eyeglasses and your friends’ and relatives’ old eyeglasses, and place them in the top right drawer of the west entry credenza.

We are collecting Labels and Box Tops for Education. Please save your UPC Codes now instead of lables!

MONTHLY REPORT ON HELPING HANDS Number of people helped in March......................................... 9 Amount spent from Helping Hands Fund........................... $275

It’s the time of year we begin our Spring Apportionment Campaign. This is our opportunity to serve Christ by supporting ministries all over the world that are expanding the Kingdom of God. By participating you are extending your reach to others that you will never see or meet but will be blessed because they have seen and heard the Good News that there is hope through Christ Jesus. Your participation makes a difference to lives around the world. Step out in faith and adopt an apportionment today.


FUND NAME....................................................................AMOUNT Black College Fund................................................................... 367.00 Ministerial Education I............................................................. 306.00 Ministerial Education II........................................................... 306.00 Ministerial Education III.......................................................... 306.00 Okla. Indian Missionary Conference..................................... 201.00 Camps and Conferences.......................................................... 402.00 Restore Hope............................................................................. 126.00 Skyline Urban Ministry............................................................ 126.00 Criminal Justice and Mercy Ministries.................................. 503.00 Hispanic Ministries................................................................... 193.00 Office of Mission....................................................................... 520.00 Campus Ministries I................................................................. 323.00 Campus Ministries II................................................................ 323.00 Campus Ministries III............................................................... 323.00 Circle of Care I........................................................................... 313.00 Circle of Care II.......................................................................... 313.00 Circle of Care III........................................................................ 313.00 Lydia Patterson Institute.......................................................... 108.00 St. Paul Seminary / OCU.......................................................... 360.00 Board of Ordained Ministry.................................................... 319.00

Chili Cook-off and Concert Sunday, April 30th

We are looking forward our chili cook-off and concert on Sunday, April 30th, immediately following service. For the chili cook-off, everyone in the congregation is invited to compete with his/her award-winning chili. You are invited to bring any additional items with which you might wish to enhance your chili such as cheese, rice, crackers, onions, Fritos, and etc. Each pot of chili will be assigned a number and all attendees are encouraged to try a sample of each chili and will vote on a small sheet of paper, which will be placed into a basket for a final count. There will be prizes for the first, second and third place winners with all attendees being the judges. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for this special date! Donations are requested toward support of our music department as there are always items that we are in need of. A portion of the monies raised will go toward a love offering for our guest entertainment (concert). This year’s guest entertainer is Jim Garling who says that he can’t change the cattle market, but his music can sure enough make you take your mind off of it. Boots tap, hands clap, and grins grow like new spring grass when the native Oklahoman begins to play. There are few performers who bring more life to a room than the talented, personable Jim Garling of Guthrie, Oklahoma. Jim loves reaching into the past not to imitate Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, the Sons of the Pioneers or Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys, but to combine their sounds for just the right mix of old-style, acoustic western cowboy music and western swing. With guitar strap on shoulder, pick in hand and a bushy mustache bordering that genuine smile, he’ll bring you and yours cowboy-era music, classics from Saturday matinee silver screen heroes, and some favorites tunes from contemporary artists who reflect on the cowboy life. In fact, Jim has recorded three CDs, reflecting each of those very styles in addition to one cowboy gospel CD. Mr. Garling has entertained at: The National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum, Oklahoma City; the Oklahoma International Bluegrass Festival at Guthrie, OK; Western Heritage Days--Tom Mix Festival, Dewey, Oklahoma; Cherokee Strip Celebration, Perry, Oklahoma; Oklahoma History Center, Oklahoma City; Pawnee Bill Museum, Wild West Show, Pawnee, Oklahoma; Chisholm Trail Museum, Kingfisher, OK; Kolache Festival, Prague, OK; Cheyenne Cowboy Symposium, Cheyenne, Wyoming; Western Music Association Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico (Jim is past President of the Oklahoma Chapter of the WMA); and the Gene Autry Oklahoma Film & Music Festival, Gene Autry, Oklahoma. Audiences both young and old enjoy Jim’s incredible vocal style, his remarkable and long-proven guitar skills and the little dose of short histories and interesting anecdotes he gladly shares about the songs he sings. Jim doesn’t just talk about the past, which includes his great grandfather making the land run in 1889, and the family settling for generations around Norman. He takes listeners back to those days of pioneers. Jim’s a neighbor, whether you live by him, or make your home five hundred miles away. Everyone soon feels like they’ve known him for years, not hours. Several Oklahoma schools, libraries and museum have selected Jim to do programs that incorporate western cowboy music and the history of the State of Oklahoma and traditions of our country. He is continually promoting and performing cowboy/ western music to preserve it for generations to come. We are very fortunate to have been able to get our event onto Jim Garling’s calendar and this will be a great time of fellowship. Thank you so much for your support of our music department and your encouragement to Ivan and me as your music directors! Prayerfully, Aiya Attaway Kelley

We are collecting candy for the Easter Egg Hunt. Starburst, Tootsie Rolls and fun size Skittles work great in the small eggs. Avoid coins (choking hazard) and chocolate, as chocolate melts quickly when it heats up in the sun inside the eggs.

The Easter Egg Hunt is April 15th at 10:30 am in Tinley Park. The age groups for hunting will be ages 3 & under, 4-7 and 8-12. The Easter Bunny will be there and available to take pictures.


The children’s classes are in need of playdoh. Please bring any new playdoh to either the children’s Sunday school class or Children’s church room. Thank you!

Vacation Bible school May 7th Come & See Sunday

June 4-6 6:00-7:30 More information coming soon!

Easter Services 8:00 am - Early Easter Service 8:30 - 9:30 am – Breakfast 9:30 am - Combined Sunday School 10:45 am - Late Easter Service

May 5th & 6th Contact Ginny Evans with questions concerning the garage sale. Ginny Evans: Phone - (405) 401-2707

E-mail - devans11@cox.net

Please remember that we share our space with others in the community and within the ministries of the church. If you use a space please remember to leave it cleaner than you found it and ready for the next group. No plan is complete until it includes a clean up crew. We have limited staff and resources and we want to be good stewards. Here are some important guidelines... * Do not leave left over food at the church * Clean and put away all dishes * Wipe off couter tops, tables & equipment used * Launder or shake off tableclothes as needed * Clean up messes or litter on floors as needed * Take the trash out before you leave. Our church is growing and we want it to always make a positive impression on our visitors. Whether its on Sunday or during the week. Your help and support is greatly appreciated.

Did you know that YOU can help keep the cost of Lakeside’s utilities down in the following ways? • Keeping lights off in unused rooms. • Keeping all sanctuary doors completely closed when not in use as it has a separate heat and air system that has been set by a timer. • Keeping the parlor room thermostat set to off when not in use and close the door as it also has a separate heat and air system. The Trustees greatly appreciate your help!!

Are you interested in being a part of a Lakeside Neighborhood Association? Lakeside United Methodist Church would love to be an integral part in serving this community through a neighborhood association. If you are interested please contact the church.

Women’s Book Club In April, Women’s Book Club meeting will meet on Monday, April 10th 6:00 pm - Women’s Book Club Meeting Discussing - “When Breath Becomes Air” by Paul Kalanithi

Missions Committee would like to thank all who supported the clothing drive for Skyline Urban Ministry. Your financial and clothing donations are so appreciated and needed by so many families in Oklahoma City. You are reaching out and clothing and feeding those who are in need. Your acts of kindess are making a difference to our community. Thank you so much Lakesiders!

What are your talents or hobbies? Do you sew, build, knit, draw, or paint? Share your talents with our church family on Wednesday, May 17. We will have an arts and crafts display at the Wednesday night church dinner. All, including children, are encouraged to participate by bringing items that can be displayed. Be watching for more information.

Happy Spring from Lakeside Music Department! Our Chancel Choir is busily preparing for our upcoming Easter cantata, “Behold the Lamb,” on Palm Sunday, April 9th. This will be a fabulous presentation that you don’t want to miss! Join us in a great service and in singing the traditional Easter hymns of our living Savior!

Trustees Committee would like to invite everyone to come and participate in the Church Work Day on April 1st from 8:30 am - 12:00 pm. Everyone is welcome! There is something for everyone to do, and all help is appreciated. We will be cleaning up the church inside and outside, weather permitting, trying to get ready for Easter. Let’s get to work Lakesiders!

LAKESIDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2925 NW 66th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73116 .RETURN


Easter Services

8:00 am - Early Easter Service 8:30 - 9:30 am – Breakfast 9:30 am - Combined Sunday School 10:45 am - Late Easter Service

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