July 2017 Lakesider

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2925 NW 66th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73116 405-843-5777 email: lakesideumc@coxinet.net web: http://lakesideumcokc.com (click on sites to enter)

LAKESIDE STAFF Pastor......................................Rev. Randy McGuire Music Director....................... Aiya Attaway Kelley Associate Music Director..................... Ivan Wong Media..................................................... Don Taylor Youth Directors................ Lauryn & Lanc Schmitt Admin. Assistant...................................Laci Young Nursery Attendant......................... Patsy Kouhdari Nursery Attendant............................ Deanna Bond Custodian....................................Debra Schweikart WORSHIP WITH US SUNDAYS Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. United Methodist Church websites: www.UMC.org www.OKUMC.org

Greetings Lakeside, June turned out to be a very busy month. The loss of some members to death was heartbreaking to families and friends, but consoled by the knowledge that their pain and struggles are now behind them. We also had several successful events to enjoy fellowship and invite others to “Come and See” the family we call Lakeside United Methodist Church. At this moment, July appears to be less busy. However, do not forget the Dinner and Game Night on July 19 and our 5th Sunday combined Sunday School on July 30, with Darrell Cates, from the Oklahoma United Methodist Foundation, as our guest speaker. Also, I will continue my sermon series on Old Testament Heroes throughout the month of July. Some have asked me why I am doing this series on people from the Old Testament. I do not have to remind you that the Old Testament is a part of the Bible. While it is true that I am much more of a New Testament preacher, I know there is much to learn from the stories and people in the Old Testament. I also believe that the heroes I have chosen for this series have much we can relate to in our Christian lives through the circumstances and trials of their times and how these persons related to others and to God. I pray you will “Come and See” what these Heroes have to teach and I am sure that you will want to “Go and Tell” these wonderful stories. Blessings, Pastor Randy


Prayer List Teresa Bockus..............................01 Hazel Lunsford............................02 Kerwin Brocksmith.....................03 Charles Butler..............................05 Randy McGuire............................07 Alicia Brooksher..........................10 Rob Yetter....................................12 Logan Schmitt..............................12 Jay Harris.....................................14 Devi Granec.................................15 Mary Moelling.............................16 Kelly Schmitt................................18 Carol Dean Gibson......................20 Kristi Smith..................................22 Annie Brocksmith........................24 Johnnie Kinsella..........................28 Linda Donnelly............................29 Payton Cooley..............................31

Family of Glen Denny Family of Marjorie Donnelly Ed Jones Linda Coffman Barbara Rodriguez (Friend of Cindy Brown) Bill Gragg (Brother of Joyce Gragg) Barbara Hunt (Co-worker of Rhonda McGuire) Brizbee Nevarez (Daughter of Stephanie and Mario Nevarez) Patsy Kouhdari Ed Commander (Friend of Pat Donnelly) Wayne & Dean Johnson


LITURGIST Shirley Spidell



Tuesday Wednesday Thursday




Members & Friends with on-going health problems and concerns

You may call A.M. Nowlin with prayer requests and updates 843-6811 or use prayer request card located in sanctuary seat back.

No Women’s Book Club until September.

We are collecting Labels and Box Tops for Education. Please save your UPC Codes now instead of lables!

9:30 am - Sunday School 10:45 am - Worship


Are you interested in being a part of a Lakeside Neighborhood Association? Lakeside United Methodist Church would love to be an integral part in serving this community through a neighborhood association. If you are interested please contact the church.












Office Closed 7:00 pm - AA

NO Youth 9:30 am - Sunday School 10:45 am - Worship





6:30 pm - Finance Committee Meeting


Noisy Offering

7:00 pm - Treadwell/ Grandview Neighborhood Assn.

7:00 pm - AA

5:00 pm-Youth 9:30 am-Sunday School 10:45 am-Worship COMMUNION

We also collect used eyeglasses for Skyline. So bring your old eyeglasses and your friends’ and relatives’ old eyeglasses, and place them in the top right drawer of the west entry credenza.








5:00 pm – Worship Committee Meeting

Hours and Vacation

The administrative assistant, Laci Young will be gone from June 30th - July 7th. Laci Young’s normal hours are 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, Monday - Thursday.

7:00 pm - AA

5:00 pm-Youth


9:30 am-Sunday School 10:45 am-Worship



5:00 pm-Youth


Guest Speaker: Darrell Cates 9:30 am- Combined Sunday School 10:45 am-Worship 5:00 pm-Youth

31 7:00 pm - AA

5:30 pm – Dinner and Games Night


6 - 8 pm – Hearing Loss Assn.


Oh, what a joy to see... Please remember that we share our space with others in the community and within the ministries of the church. If you use a space please remember to leave it cleaner than you found it and ready for the next group. No plan is complete until it includes a clean up crew. We have limited staff and resources and we want to be good stewards. Here are some important guidelines... * Do not leave left over food at the church * Clean and put away all dishes * Wipe off couter tops, tables & equipment used * Launder or shake off tableclothes as needed * Clean up messes or litter on floors as needed * Take the trash out before you leave. Our church is growing and we want it to always make a positive impression on our visitors. Whether its on Sunday or during the week. Your help and support is greatly appreciated.

Vacation Bible School June 4th - June 6th, 2017


If you have a small project around your house that needs tending to, please fill out one of the Helping Hands cards found in the pews or on the table in the hallway. You may return the card to Pastor Randy or place one of the Prayer boxes located on the Sanctuary walls just before the side exit doors. While some tasks may be too big, no task is too small! Don’t be afraid to ask!

Outside play time with the parachute!

“The Lost is Found”

Mary Ellen’s tablecloth is home safe. It was put away by a helpful spouse and found before the end of the day.


Dinner and Game Night Wednesday Nite and Dinner in July will be on the 19th. Scott will again bring his grill and we will have hot dogs. Mark your calendar and join us for a relaxed evening with your church family. Bring a guest! – Gaye Tow


We are collecting food for Lakeside’s food pantry! All food should be non-perishable, and can be dropped off at the office. There is still a need in this community for food. People still come to the office and ask for food, and often times we don’t have much to give. Thank you for considering donating food to Lakeside’s food pantry!

MONTHLY REPORT ON HELPING HANDS Number of people helped in June...............................8 Amount spent from Helping Hands Fund.........$240.00

Craft time is always a favorite! Pastor Randy leads the way!

They will know we are Christians Pet Parade & Picnic by our love... Saturday, June 24th, 2017

High Flying Kite Day Sunday, May 21st, 2017

All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful our Lord God made them all!!

Soon we will be gearing up for our fall ministries. I pray you will think ahead and find ways you can be supportive and helpful in all the ministries we do. Sunday school classes need your help, especially our growing children’s ministries. There will be mission opportunities, family opportunities and book and Bible Studies. While worship is an integral part of our ministry and family, getting connected to the church in ways other than worship is also essential to the health of the church and its’ membership! - Pastor Randy

A great day for a picnic!

Did you know that YOU can help keep the cost of Lakeside’s utilities down in the following ways? • Keeping lights off in unused rooms. • Keeping all sanctuary doors completely closed when not in use as it has a separate heat and air system that has been set by a timer. • Keeping the parlor room thermostat set to off when not in use and close the door as it also has a separate heat and air system. The Trustees greatly appreciate your help!!

July 13th: Treadwell/ Grandview Neighborhood Association Meeting at 7:00 pm

July 6th: Finance Committee Meeting at 6:30 pm

Sharing time with friends and family!

No Crafty Cuties until September!

Thank you for all who donated school supplies for the Circle of Care Child SHARE program. These supplies will be provided to local foster children. “Back-to-school time for a foster child often means a new school in an unfamiliar community, different rules and new faces,” said Lynne Roller, Executive Director of Citizens Caring for Children. “Providing school supplies and back-toschool clothing are two key ways caring individuals can support foster children through a time of considerable anxiety.” Thank for all your contributions! -Education committee

LAKESIDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2925 NW 66th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73116 .RETURN


Wishing you a safe and happy 4th of July weekend,

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