YUE EAST Winter 2012

Page 59


许多麦迪逊大道上的精品店被设计得有如高档豪宅,职是之故, 与它周遭的环境,可以说呈现一种有机的无缝结合。身兼公司法律师 暨纽约市艺术协会会长的菲力普郝尔解释这种「住宅式品味的倾向」, 是巧合的成份大过于设计的初衷「由于业界申请建筑新屋的准制难 度极高,无形中刺激建商加码投资于现存的店面上。这是麦迪逊大道 之所以逐渐演进为世界最经典瞎拼大街的主要原因。」这个美妙的巧 合,在整条麦迪逊大道上都可获得验证。比方,拉夫劳伦的旗舰店就 是Rhinelander历史宅弟的化身。这项现实,让顾客只要一进入该店, 便登时感染到拉夫劳伦的古典浪漫;爱马仕的两栋透天厝,各自陈列 了男士与女士的商品,店家以它们极具指标意义的铂金包,领带等吸 睛品为店面作装饰,效果一流。 香奈儿亦然。设计人员将构筑香奈儿小姐巴黎寓所的概念元素全 盘撷取而来,麦提诺形容整个空间洋溢着「一种住家的感觉,顾客就 像是到我们家的贵客般,可以舒适地挑张沙发落座,然后挑选并试戴 珠宝。每一个房间都有它存在的目的.比方,手表馆就展示手表搜藏。」 香奈儿是麦迪逊大道能提供给多金血拼客的典型缩影,它一季一季 的将传统典雅的图案创新。在目不遐给的美丽设计中,你会发现有许 多是「可可香奈儿到东方旅行中所获灵感,或受她设计时所用的绝佳 质料所启发的。」这也适用到珠宝及手表上。 「用最现代美丽的方式不 断的在设计珍珠或茶花等香奈儿著名符号及商标重新展现出来。香奈 儿手表说到底皆与技艺有关,不论是在著名的大三针白色陶瓷J12脕 表所使用的高科技瓷片创作,或在研究香奈儿具逆退功能的腕表如 Retrograde,陀飞轮表及自动机芯3125高级腕表的传动技术上。」


上一页:拉夫劳伦麦迪逊大道店面。 此页:香奈儿麦迪逊大道店内景和外观。 LEFT: Ralph Lauren on Madison THIS PAGE: Heritage room at Chanel’s Madison Avenue Boutique.

Boutiques on Madison blend seamlessly into the neighborhood, with many designed like high-end homes. Philip K. Howard, a corporate lawyer and director of the Municipal Art Society, explained that this residential palate is perhaps more coincidence than design: “by making it much more difficult to construct new buildings, the district has succeeded in stimulating investment in existing storefronts... a major reason behind the emergence of Madison as the world’s premier shopping street.” This lovely coincidence has manifested on the entire street. Ralph Lauren’s flagship is the reincarnation of the historic Rhinelander mansion, infusing the classic Ralph Lauren romance into each visit. Hermès’ two townhouses split its men and women’s collections, both decorated exquisitely with iconic bags, ties, and more. Chanel is no different, with design elements taken from Mademoiselle Chanel’s Paris apartment. Maitino spoke of the the space as having a “a residential feel so a client is like a guest in our home. Clients can sit comfortably on one of the sofas to look at the jewelry and try it on. Each room has its own destination, like the watch library that displays the collection of watches.” Chanel epitomizes what Madison Avenue has to offer discerning shoppers, with classic style motifs reinvented season after season. You will discover, among many other things, “the various styles borrowed from Coco Chanel’s trips to Orient or inspired by the fi nest materials used in her design.” This carries over as well to the jewelry and watches, “constantly reimagining the famed CHANEL icons and codes, like pearls or camelias, in the most modern, beautiful way. CHANEL Watches are about craftsmanship, whether in the creation of the high tech ceramic with the famed J12, or in the research CHANEL does with its technical movements, such as the Retrograde, Tourbillon and the 3125 Calibre.”

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