July 2019 Newsletter

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Grace and peace to you from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Colossians 3:12-15 “As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body.” This month, three of our second readings for worship come from the book of Colossians. In this letter, Paul warns the church against the doctrines of men, which are always contrary to faith, and exhorts the church to faith in Jesus Christ alone the one in whom we live, move, and have our being. In chapter three, Paul instructs the church in how they are to live together as God’s people. First, he gives the promise to them, you are God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved. As God’s chosen ones Paul now describes our lives. We are clothed with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. We bear with one another, we forgive each other just as the Lord has forgiven us, so you also must forgive. And above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. We know the church is not a perfect place, we know that Christians are not perfect, but we are forgiven, and we have salvation and eternal life, the free gift of Jesus Christ for each of us. As you hear the readings from Colossians this July, may your ears be opened to Paul’s description of our lives together as God’s people. Lives that have died to self and are hidden with Christ in God. And above all, may these words of promise grant us peace with God, and one another. In Christ, Pr. Jared Rakness


Generosity & Missions May Operating Fund Actual Monthly Income: $30,550.58 Actual Monthly Expenses: $26,547.94 Actual YTD Income: $148,666.49 Actual YTD Expenses: $147,343.10 Budget: $414,152.00 Simply Giving Sign up to give your offering online! Head to westnidaros.org and click on "DONATE," then "GIVE NOW" and follow the directions. Especially during this summer, this is a convenient way to keep up with your pledge. Faith Temple Food Giveaway Giveaways occur every Friday at 4 p.m. at the Nordstrom-Johnson Building on the campus of the W.H.Lyons Fairground and are open to everyone 18 and older. More info at website FaithTempleFood.com

Cookie Jar The July cookie jar offerings will be going to Horse Creek Vacation Bible School. Baltic Food Bank Wish List Peanut Butter, Jelly, Juice, Coffee, Canned fruit, Dried pasta noodles, Knorr Packs, Baked beans, Spaghetti sauce, Alfredo sauce, Baking needs, Ketchup, Saltine crackers, Seasonings, Vegetable oil, Cake mixes, Brownie mixes, Muffin mixes, Klennex, Dish soap, Laundry soap, Body wash, Toothpaste, Deodorant The Baltic Food Bank is open to all residents of Baltic and Crooks. It is open the second Wednesday of every month from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m., as well as the fourth Saturday of every month from 1:30-2:30 p.m., as well as by emergency appointment by calling 605-529-5032. July 80+ Birthdays 5 - Bob Hempel

Horse Creek Vacation Bible School Plans are underway for our Evangelism and Mission Vacation Bible School trip to Horse Creek. We’re shortening the trip by a day and hoping more of you can join us! We’ll be departing about 8:00 am on Monday, July 29 and returning Wednesday, July 31 by about 7:00 pm. We have reached out to a travelling group from the St. Francis Mission who are doing 6 weeks of Vacation Bible School across the southern part of Rosebud. They have agreed to come for 2 days to share Lakota stories, teachings and games as part of their program. We’re working on the logistics of that plan, but it sounds like a great learning experience for ALL of us! We’re also planning a community meal followed by a movie and popcorn. The Rosebud Dorm in Mission will be our home base once again. Please consider joining us! There is a signup sheet outside of the office.

Also for HORSE CREEK VBS, please consider donating the following items: -Bars and cookies for lunches (sign up in church entry) -Jars of Peanut Butter for the children who attend -Gently used children’s/young adult books, coloring books, puzzles, and board games -Clean and gently used toys (no batteries please). Kids especially like dolls, small cars & tractors, blocks, stuffed animals, etc. -Crafts and craft supplies of any kind -Fabric of any kind -Clean and gently used clothing for all ages, especially kids summer clothes and men’s clothing -Size Large and XL t-shirts with plain backs for Super Hero capes -Donations to purchase VBS snacks (See Cindy Johnson, Karin Renner, Megan Faber, or Nicole Questad)


June Calendar 10 - Coffee & Quilting 13 - Brunch 14 - Rolls for Campers 24 - Bible Study

Rolls for Campers Delicious cinnamon rolls will be served after worship on Sunday, July 14 for $1 a roll. These mouthwatering pastries help provide funding to send our upcoming 7th grade students to camp Confirmation Camp at NeSoDak by Waubay, SD. Thank you for supporting this experience for them!

Book Club The next book club will be August 21, when we will discuss Prairie Fires. The book bag with 12 copies will be available toward the end of July in the church library. Library News Grab a book for some summer reading. New additions include the following: Day After Night by Anita Diamant: Based on the extraordinary true story of the 1945 rescue of more than 200 prisoners from the Atlit internment camp, a prison for "illegal" immigrants run by the British military. This story is told through the eyes of four young women who survived the Holocaust. Haunted by unspeakable memories and losses, afraid to begin to hope, the women find salvation in the bonds of friendship and shared experience. This is an unforgettable story of tragedy and redemption. Sold on Monday by Kristina McMorris A scrawled sign on a farm house porch, advertising siblings for sale, captures the desperation sweeping the country in 1931. This novel was inspired by an actual newspaper picture that stunned the nation. It is a story of love, redemption and the far reaching effects of our actions. This book is highly recommended by those in our congregation who have read it. Gitchie Girl Uncovered by Phil and Sandy Hamman : The inside story of the monstrous crime that shook the Midwest explores the motivations and backstories of the three brothers found guilty of killing four teens. They bring the reader into the deviant world of the brutal killers with an up-close look at how they think and operate. The Hammans’ book Gitchie Girl: The Survivor’s Inside Story of the Mass Murders that Shocked the Heartland rose to become a bestseller; however, both books were written so that they can be read in either sequence or independently.


Children, Youth & Family Ministry July Calendar 3 - Colorado Hike 7 - Trip sending in Worship 10 - Colorado Hike 13-20 - Colorado Trip 14 - Summer GIFT 24 - Wild Water West Family Fun Night Summer GIFT Our next Summer GIFT Sunday will be on July 14! We'll Grow In Faith Together following Sunday morning worship, go deeper into the week's gospel lesson, and have a snack. All are welcome to join us! Vacation Bible School Mark your summer calendar for Vacation Bible School August 4-7 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.! We will have a FREE catered meal on Sunday, August 4 and s'mores with our program on August 7. VBS will have energetic games, yummy snacks, a fun bible lessons, and awesome crafts! Please contact Jessi if you would like to help with planning, set up, helping with a station, or leading a small group (no teaching involved). You can find paper registration at church or online registration on our website.

Colorado Backpacking Trip Please keep the following students and adults in your prayers from July 13-20 as they embark on their journey to the mountain: Layne Bartels, Chase Carls, Margeauz Freese, Hayden Fritz, Brayden Glasford, Sidney Hussey, Carson Norgaard, Autumn Shatter, Logan Shatter, Grace Steineke, Grace Suttle Mackenzie Watkins, Abbie Weinacht, Hannah West, Jason Carls, Elise Hasche, Curt Hohman, Tye Klinnert, & Sheena Watkins Fun Summer Happenings! Mark your calendar for these fun summer happenings! July 24 - Wild Water West Family Fun Night, 4-8 p.m., $7.50+tax. Let Elise know if you will be joining us! August - Valleyfair (middle & high school students) Confirmation Camp Thank You! Thank you to everyone who bought HyVee Cards, rolls after worship, or goodies at Christmas to help pay for confirmation camp! A HUGE Thank you to the WELCA ladies for paying for our confirmation students to go to camp every year before they enter confirmation. It is such an amazing week together to grow in faith together and get pumped up for the start of confirmation!

Katie LeBrun


Church Council Minutes West Nidaros Church Council Meeting – Sunday, June 11, 2019 Meeting Called to Order: Chris Langloss at 7:05pm Devotions: Pr Jared Rakness Members Present: Chris Langloss, Jim Ziesler, Mike Bemboom, Theresa Lien, Gail Carlson, Tim Tiahrt, Alissa Nelson Members Absent: Mindy Rezac, Terry Leraas, Ryan Faber, Marv Wieman, Dale Olthoff, Jared Questad Visitors: Pr Jared, Lynette Kautz, Sheryl Engler Visitors Report: Agenda: New Business additions: Communion rail in sanctuary Floor striping in FLC Electrical Bid Insurance M/S: Theresa Lien/Jim Ziesler Financial Secretary's Report: M/S: Jim Ziesler/Mike Bemboom Treasurer's Report: M/S: Mike Bemboom/Tim Tiahrt Secretary's Report: -No May 2019 Report Committee Review: Activities/Local Ministries: Crooks parade Unfinished Business: - Bylaws/Constitution Sheryl Engler: Committee met 2 weeks ago, inserted items into the Endowment section that will need review by the Endowment committee - Long Term Projects: Line of Credit draw was completed 3 weeks ago - Master Site Plan Task Force: Mike Bemboom: Reviewing the survey responses, no major surprises in the responses. No expenses to be incurred for a while, next meeting will be in July. - Ministry Team membership: On-going - Coffee Stewards: - Usher Info: Dale Olthoff to step in as head usher - Altar Painting: Final touch ups in process Baptismal Angel will be painted as a donation - Parking Lot Lighting: Up and functional New Business - Heritage Dining Room Task Force: Looking for a chairperson, first meeting on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 Will be reviewing the bids received for flooring, construction & electricals Task Force Members - Please contact the office if you'd like to serve on this task force Joan Eitrheim, Margaret Tidemann, Mary Brendtro Jason Carls, Pat Kayser, Shirley McCormick, Gail Carlson, Bob Carlson, Kathy Neeb

- FLC Audio System: Proposal from Midstates for audio system - $29,500 System would integrate into Sanctuary system Sell current equipment for approx $5,000, this would free up space in storage room Will require a congregational meeting to continue Attempt to schedule for June 30th, 2019 at 10:30 am, after the 9:30 service, for the purpose of approving the revision of the Capital Campaign to include the replacement of the audio system equipment for the FLC M/S: Gail Carlson/Jim Ziesler - FLC Reservations: Include $5 refundable deposit on key cards - Communion Rails & Kneelers: *** As a policy, the communion rails & kneelers are not to be moved, effective immediately M/S: Gail Carlson/Theresa Lien - Floor Striping: Addition of striping for Pickle ball courts in the FLC M/S: Jim Ziesler/Mike Bemboom - Disconnected Lights in FLC: Bid from Builders Elec for $519 to add the disconnected lights in the FLC to existing switches, but add a separate one to turn these lights off when the projector is in use. M/S: Tim Tiahrt/Theresa Lien - Insurance: Money/Securities Coverage - raise to $10K coverage (up from $5K) Sexual Misconduct - raise to $1M/$3M coverage (up from $250K/$500K) Review of Pastor’s Report: Out June 23rd - Kristi S. to cover service Out July 21st - ELCA Hunger will cover service Review of Faith & Formation Report: Review of Youth and Family Ministry Report: Review of Music & Worship Report: Review of Ministry Teams Minutes: Other Reports: For Your Information: Thank You's: Sheryl Engler on insurance research Bruce Weinzetl for the painting of the altar The Sunday School teachers for an excellent year Next Council Meeting: Tuesday, July 9th, 2019 at 7:00pm Next Ministry Teams Meeting - Wednesday, July 10th, 2019 at 7:00pm Meeting Adjourned: Chris Langloss at 9:00pm M/S: Alissa Nelson/Tim Tiahrt


KMA Minutes Evangelism & Mission Present: Karin R, Gail C, Nicol Q, Cindy J Discussed & Deliberated: VBS at Horse Creek July 29-31. Try to start 1:30-3:30 on Monday. Movie and meal on Tuesday. Maybe use Incredibles 2 as movie and theme of Hero. Ask for some adult supervision to be provided by our hosts. Need: Bards & cookies and bottled water. Adult t-shirts with plain back will be used to make super-hero caps. Toys and book in good condition. Administration Present: Sheryl E. Discussed & Deliberated: Quotes for insurance coverage were requested from four local carriers. Our current summary was provided to each company. None of the companies were able to submit a bid below what we currently have. Recommendation for Church Council: Continue with current carrier. Recommend we increase our offering coverage from $5k to $10-15k per week! Recommend we increase our sexual harassment coverage from $250,00 to $500,00 plus. Local Ministry Present: Kasey B, Shirley M. Discussed & Deliberated: Tail gate – softball at end of June. Date to come. Picnic – meet with other church to plan – August 18th date Approved following expenditures: Poinsettia funds go to Colorado trip Endowment Present: Ron H, Vince H, Char J, Mike B, Pastor Jared Discussed & Deliberated: Grant application and money spent so far from 2018 approvals. Reviewed financials. Discussed bylaw changes as pertains to endowment committee. No reports received from: Christian Ed, Properties, Membership, Worship & Devotion, Stewardship, Health Ministry

HDR Committee - Chris Langloss elected chairman - Preliminary bids discussed - Inspected dining room - Suggestions for quilting closet to be built in alcove at north end of dining room (east wall) - Storage in entry below Gunderson door discussed - Discussed taking out south serving window-Chris to contact contractor for estimate (including wainscoting); also get a sample of the wainscoting - Decided to engage Ray Schmidt for construction work and BUilders Supply for electrical work, Chris to contact them; get pictures of light fixtures from Jim Norgaard (He may have days ere and there when he can't work on other projects) - Chris to contact Family Flooring, Brandon, for an estimate; looked at carpet samples from Flooring America, Sioux Falls Next meeting June 19 @ 6 p.m. NOTE: 1st Wed: KMAs 3rd Wed: Book Club but doesn't meet in July 4th Wed: Bible Study, WELCA (perhaps could still meet if we keep meeting to one hour or start at 5:30 p.m.)

Thank you to Builders Electric and the wonderful and quick job they did on getting our new parking lot lights installed.


Connect with us! Website: westnidaros.org Facebook: @WestNidarosLutheranChurch Instragram: @westnidaros Worship: Sundays at 9:30 a.m. Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Fridays: 9 a.m.- 12 p.m.


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