February 2019 Newsletter

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Grace and peace to you from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. This past month I’ve been reminded of the true reason Jesus Christ established the earthly church. To proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. This is especially true when it feels like there is no good news to be had. When you begin to talk of cancer and hospice, where are we to find comfort in the midst of such great suffering and pain? Of course, we find it in God’s word, and not just a generic word that sounds more like a cliché, we find comfort in God’s word given directly to us and for us. This is what it means to be blessed by God. To be blessed by God is to know that God is for you, that no matter what is happening to you God has your back. If you find yourself in the midst of suffering, in the midst of despair, or pain, know that God is for you, he has sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ for you. No matter where you are today, know that God has your back, and he will not fail you nor will he let you go. May God’s word bless you, and continue to give you peace. In Christ, Pr. Jared Rakness


Generosity & Missions December Operating Fund Actual Monthly Income: $41,170.51 Actual Monthly Expenses: $28,829.83 Actual YTD Income: $315,768.09 Actual YTD Expenses: $317,844.72 Budget: $398,590 Simply Giving Sign up to give your offering online! Head to westnidaros.org and click on "DONATE," then "GIVE NOW" and follow the directions. Especially during this summer, this is a convenient way to keep up with your pledge. Thank you's Thank you to everyone who donated food for Christmas Dinner Boxes for families at Tri-Valley. We started our number at five boxes and ended up with 27! Awesome job at "sharing Christ's love with all!"

This year instead of a soup meal on “SOUPER BOWL” SUNDAY, there will be a soup donation drive during church services on Sunday, February 3. Please bring cans of soup to donate to the Baltic food bank, and the cookie jar/soup kettle offering will receive your donations to help pay low school lunch balances at Tri-Valley and Baltic schools.

Cookie Jar The February cookie jar offerings will be going to the Baltic Food Bank. Baltic Food Bank Wish List Sugar – white & brown, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Hamburger Helper, Stuffing, Rice Packs, Noodle Packs, Spaghetti Sauce, Canned Pasta, Manwich, Saltine Crackers, Snack Crackers, Coffee, Juice, Baking Needs, Oil, Breakfast Bars, Laundry Soap, Dish Soap, Personal Hygiene Products The Baltic Food Bank is open to all residents of Baltic and Crooks. It is open the second Wednesday of every month from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m., as well as the fourth Saturday of every month from 1:30-2:30 p.m., as well as by emergency appointment by calling 605-529-5032. February 80+ Birthdays 4 - Bob Calrson 21 - Bob Getz January Baptisms Ryah June Murphy Parent: Justin & Katie Murphy Mackenzie Rae Keller Parent: Max & April Keller Keaton Ervie Schneiderman Parents: Dallas & Janna Schneiderman New Members Justin & Katie Murphy Curt, Lisa, & Carly Hohman Chris, Phyllis, Mariah & Nick Hansich

Just a reminder during these cold winter months, that if Tri-Valley & Baltic cancel school or activities due to weather, West Nidaros will also cancel. Keep an eye on our website, Facebook page, and your email for up to date information regarding cancellations.


February Calendar 5 - Quilting 12 - Quilting 17 - Rolls for Campers 19- Quilting 20 - Book Club 26 - Quilting 27 - Bible Study

Baby Care Kits WELCA are putting together baby care kits that will be given to Lutheran World Relief. They are looking for the following donations: - lightweight cotton t-shirts (no onesies) - long or short sleeved gowns or sleepers (without feet) - receiving blankets, medium-weight cotton or flannel, or crocheted or knitted with lightweight yarn, 36" to Book Club 52" square The next book club will be Wednesday, February 20th - cloth diapers, flat fold preferred at 7:00 pm in the church library. - jacket, sweater, or sweatshirt with a hood, or include The novel we will be discussing is a baby cap “small great things” by Jodi Picoult. This novel deals with an African - pairs of socks American nurse who is banned - hand towel, dark color recommended from touching a newborn of a - bath-size bars of gentle soap equaling 8 to 9 oz, any white supremacist couple.When an brand, in original wrapping; no mini or hotel size bars emergency arises, the situation Donations can be placed in the marked basket in the becomes complicated. If you’ve church narthex. read this author before, you know that she usually has a surprise ending to her books! Everyone is welcome to join this informal discussion. Check out a copy of the book from the blue book bag in the church library, and join in the discussion. We are always happy to welcome new readers to our group.

Annual Meeting Recap The West Nidaros Annual meeting was held on Sunday, January 27. Here are some highlights from that meeting: - Altar Restoration Since the altar hasn't been painted or worked on since 1984, a motion was made to approve the restoration of the altar, lectern, pulpit, and railings at the cost of $23,300. Work will be done by Legacy Painting (same painter who painted the Family Life Center). - Heritage Dining Room Task Force A task form has been created to start coming up with ideas to update the Heritage Dining Room. Intek will be contacted about doing an air quality test and will be looking into mold abatement sooner rather than later. - Mission & Ministry A motion was made to approve getting an intern through Luther House of Study. It would be a part-time position that would last 2-3 years. They would start late summer. - Budget Endowed Funds for personnel salaries was moved back to 30% instead of 20%. Added two mission line items of $1,000 for ELCA World Hunger and ELCA Disaster Relief. - Capital Campaign Seeking ideas for our 10% tithe portion of the campaign. Most projects are completed or close to completion. Heritage Dining Room Task Force is underway! - Other Project Updates Many other projects happened around West Nidaros beyond our Capital Campaign project. These included: tree removal/landscaping, FLC painting, security system & keyless entry, youth room updates, addition sanctuary camera, new boiler, chimney removal, FLC drainage project, establishment of an organ fund, and the addition of an info TV by the offices.


Children, Youth & Family Ministry February Calendar 3 - "Souper Bowl" Sunday, SS, 3 y/o lesson, Colorado Trip Meeting, SS Sing at 10:30 worship, confirmation lead 10:30 worship 6 - iFaith, Confirmation, HS Ministry 10 - GIFT, Valentine's Dinner & Silent Auction 13 - Confirmation, HS Ministry 17 - NO SS 20 - iFaith, Confirmation, HS Ministry 24 - SS, 5th Grade Milestone, Breakfast Served 27 - Confirmation - Parent Night, HS Ministry GIFT Camp and GIFT Sunday 9:20-10:20 in the Family Life Center. GIFT stands for Growing In Faith Together. GIFT Sunday are for EVERYONE of ALL ages in the congregation to come and learn. On GIFT Sundays, instead of dropping students off, parents JOIN them. There is NOT regular Sunday school on GIFT Sundays. "Souper" Bowl Sunday Sunday school students sing at 10:30 worship. Please wear a football jersey or sporty shirt! 3 year olds & parent Sunday school meets at 9:20 am.

iFaith iFaith will be meeting twice this month, on February 6 and 20 from 4-5 p.m. 4th-6th graders are welcome to come enjoy a snack, game and lesson! Baltic and Tri-Valley buses will drop students off. Confirmation - Students will help lead worship on "Souper" Bowl Sunday, February 3, during the 10:30 a.m. service. - We will be heading to Joy Ranch, up by Watertown, on March 8-10 for a Middle School retreat! There is limited space available so please let Elise know if your student wants to participate. Cost is $105 which covers housing, meals, and program costs. - We have our second Parent Night on Wednesday, February 27. We have a special guest coming to talk about social media and safety. A meal will be provided starting at 5:30 p.m. Colorado Summer Trip Students and parents will be meeting February 3 to finalize plans for the Valentine Dinner & Auction. We are still in need of a couple of adult leaders! If you are interested in backpacking in the mountains, whitewater rafting, and hanging out with some awesome students, please contact Elise.

5th Grade Milestone Sunday school and 5th grade Apostle's Creed Milestone. Fifth grade students will lead the congregation in the Apostle's Creed at the 10:30 worship service. Health Ministry Meeting Minutes Members Present: Mary Brendtro, Deb Whipple, Jill Rye Mission: To facilitate the healing ministry of the church through professional services, consultation, events, activities and relationships that convey the love of Jesus Christ to all. We believe that health is a balance of body, mind and spirit, each potentiating the others in a holistic fulfillment of human potential. The Group discussed the strategic goals of the group, Future educational topics were discussed. February is Heart Month. Austin Oyen PharmD, will provide an educational session between services on February 24. He will provide education on heart disease and medication management. The group will continue to recruit new members. Respectfully Submitted, Jill Rye

Colorado Fundraisers Join us for our annual Valentine Dinner & Silent Auction on Sunday, February 10. Find out all the details on page 7 of the Reporter! Students will be serving breakfast on Sunday, February 24 after both services as well. Meals will also be served on March 10 & 13. All proceeds help pay for the backpacking trip to Colorado!


February is Heart Month Heart Disease Facts - Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. More than half of the deaths due to heart disease in 2015 were in men. - About 630,000 Americans die from heart disease each year—that’s 1 in every 4 deaths. - Coronary heart disease is the most common type of heart disease, killing about 366,000 people in 2015. - In the United States, someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds. Each minute, more than one person in the United States dies from a heart disease-related event. - Heart disease is the leading cause of death for people of most racial/ethnic groups in the United States, including African Americans, Hispanics, and whites. For Asian Americans or Pacific Islanders and American Indians or Alaska Natives, heart disease is second only to cancer. - Heart disease costs the United States about $200 billion each year. This total includes the cost of health care services, medications, and lost productivity. Risk Factors - High blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol, and smoking are key heart disease risk factors for heart disease. About half of Americans (49%) have at least one of these three risk factors. - Several other medical conditions and lifestyle choices can also put people at a higher risk for heart disease, including: Diabetes Heart Heath Education Overweight and obesity Sunday, February 24 - 9:20-10:20 a.m. Poor diet Family Life Center Physical inactivity Austin Oyen, Pharm.D., will present education on Heart Excessive alcohol use

Disease, medication management, and new treatments for heart disease.

KMA (Key Ministry Area) Reports Local Ministries Present: Becky H, Kasey B, Pam P, Theresa L, Phyllis F, Shirley M Discussed & Deliberated: Poinsettia sale recognition to those who purchased, Family service group leaders need to know sooner about sign up sheets for Sundays - Theresa will talk to Elise. Spring flower - will talk to Elise regarding delivery or Jessi about a GIFT project. Check into Worthing Dinner Theater outing Next KMA night is February 6 at 7 p.m. in the Heritage Dining Room.

Evangelism & Missions Present: Lance B, Cindy J, Karin R, Gail C, Nicole Q Discussed & Deliberated: Because of the late annual meeting on January 27 and youth breakfasts, our "Souper" Bowl of Caring Sunday, February 3, will consist of your donations of cans of soup to Baltic Food Bank and the Cookie Jar/Soup Kettle that Sunday will receive your donations to lwo school lunch balances at Tri-Valley and Baltic schools. Discussed 10% of Capital Campaign designation considerations: Luther House of Study, Lutheran World Relief, & ELCA WOrld Hunger No reports received from Properties, Christian Ed., Administration, Membership, Stewardship, Worship & Devotion


West Nidaros Church Council Minutes West Nidaros Church Council Meeting – Sunday, January 6th, 2019 Meeting Called to Order: Jeff Oyen at 6:35 pm Devotions: Lynnette Kautz Members Present: Pastor Jared, Jeff Oyen, Mindy Rezac, Tim Tiahrt, Jim Ziesler, Mike Bemboom, Theresa Lien, Gail Carlson, Alissa Nelson Members Absent: Terry Leraas, Mike Harstad, Marv Weiman, Dale Olthoff, Chris Langloss Visitors: Lynette Kautz Visitors Report: Agenda: Heritage Dining Room - Long Term Projects M/S: Mike Bemboom/Gail Carlson Financial Secretary's Report: Treasurer's Report: M/S: Jim Ziesler/Mike Bemboom New item on Operating & Special Funds report Memorial gift for organ maintenance in memory of Marilyn Swanson M/S: Jim Ziesler/Theresa Lien Secretary's Report: M/S: Mike Bemboom/Mindy Rezac Committee Review: Unfinished Business: - Bylaws/Constitution: Ongoing, Sheryl Engler to give update during Annual Meeting - Long Term Projects Heritage Dining Room - Create new task force to begin planning remodel: new flooring, painting, new tables & chairs Siding & shingles to be finished soon - Master Site Plan Task Force Continuing on the focus of the task force - Committee Memberships - Coffee Stewards - Fall Stewardship 62 Pledges received to date totaling $207,517.00 New Business Received 3 bids for painting Family Life Center - Add in some branding: logo, name, mission statement - Undesignated Memorials - up to $4,000 M/S: - Painting the Altar - Recieved a bid at $20,000 - 2019 Proposed Budget M/S: Mike Bemboom/Mindy Rezac

Missions - Luther House of Study (3-year commitment) - add $10,000/year - Baltic Food Bank - increase from $400 to $500 - Seminary Support (Jamie Odde) - add $1,000 Administration Committees - Combine Christian Ed &Faith Formation Ministry - change budget to $7,500 Utilities Employees - Add Intern Pastor - add $12,500 (6 months) Remaining Endowed Funds: $59,709.12 Review of Pastor’s Report: Kristi Stelter to lead services Sunday January 13th, 2019 Review of Faith Formation Report: Review of Youth and Family Ministry Report: Review of Music & Worship Report: Review of Ministry Teams Minutes: Other Reports: For Your Information: 2019 Annual Meeting - January 27th, 2018, Potluck @ 11:45 am 2019 Annual Meeting Alternate Date: February 10th, 2018 2019 Council Retreat: February 16th, 2018 @ 10:00 am Thank You's: Lynnette Kautz for serving as Treasurer Trish Olthoff for serving as Financial Secretary Bob Carlson for keeping everyone caffeinated Pastor Jared for 2 years of service Jeff Oyen for 6 years on Council, 1 as President Next Council Meetings: Sunday, February 17, 2018 at 11:45 am Next Ministry Teams Meeting: Wednesday, January 9th, 2018 at 7:00 pm Wednesday, February 6th at 7:00 pm Meeting Adjourned: Jeff Oyen at 8:45 pm M/S: Mike Bemboom/Theresa Lien


Valentine's Dinner & Silent Auction Sunday, February 10 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. $10 - adults, $5 - ages 7-12, $2 - ages 6 & under Meal tickets can be purchased the day of or the Sunday before. The Silent Auction will be a bit different this year. Instead of bidding on a sheet, you purchase tickets and place tickets in the bucket by the object you want. You can put as many tickets in a bucket as you want. The more tickets you have in a bucket, the better chance you have at winning it! Tickets are $1 - 1, $4 - 5, or $8 - 10. Winners will be drawn at noon on February 10. Tickets will be available for purchase on February 3 and 10. Check out our themed baskets starting Sunday, February 3 in the Family Life Center.


Christmas Poinsettias We apologize for not publishing earlier those who purchased a celebration and memory poinsettia. We thank all those whom participated in this activity. The church looked very festive with all the plants! Wyn & Char Johnson – In Celebration of family Rob & Deb Whipple – In Celebration of family Bob & Frances Getz – In Celebration of family Art & Arlis Fritz – In Celebration of family Katie & Seth LeBrun – In Celebration of family Betty & Jim Anderson – In Memory of parents Chris & Becky Langloss – In Memory of grandparents & In Celebration of Erika, Isaac, & Levi Monte & Carla Oyen – In Memory of Ivan & Lois Oyen, Herb, Kathryn & Clyde Swason, and Mike Anderson Peggy & Scott Keller – In Celebration of family Hillman Family – In Memory of Grandma Naser, Grandpa Bud & loved ones Megan & Ryan Faber – In Memory of our grandparents Robert & Gail Carlson - In Memory of James Anderson Todd & Dana Sundal family - In Memory of Lucas Todd Bob & Shirley McCormick - In Memory of our parents Janis & Gene Haagenson - In Celebration of family Janis & Gene Haagenson - In Celebration of family Bob & Claudia Krumm - In Memory of Armond & Aileen Hanson, David Krumm Doug & Jennie Criddle – In Memory of Dorthy Bertino Nicole & Jeremy Pullman – In Memory of Kent & Bev Petersen Allan & Karen Pulschar - In Memory of parents, daughter-in-law, granddaughter & In Celebration of family Sara Bauder - In Memory of Chuck Berg Charlene Fersdahl - In Celebration of grandchildren Doreen Tellinghuisen - In Memory of Marvin & In Celebration of Family Linda Kappes - In Celebration of grandchildren Heather Kappes - In Memory of grandparents & Dave Cole Bob Hempel - In Memory of Joanne Hempel Chad, Mindy & Jack Rezac - In Memory of Bev Feenstra Wendland Family - In Memory of David Klepiel, Willette Reichert & Nate Seivert Sharon & Glen Hoekman - In Celebration of family Lynn & Patricia Boadwine - In Memory of Aivind & Ruth Colestock, Esther Boadwine Linda & Jeff Oyen - In Celebration of family Jan & Paul Anderson - In Memory of Lucas Sundal & In Celebration of our families Gaylon & Jolene Wehde - In Celebration of all of our family Larry & Joni Schuler - In Celebration of our grandchildren Avery, Beckham & Oakley Dale & Jill Rye - In Memory of Norris Rye Darin & Connie Larson family - In Celebration of family Pam & Jerry Petersen - In Celebration of our grandchildren Vince & Margie Hanson - In Celebration of our grandchildren including our youngest Cora Jean Kent & Cindy Johnson - In Celebration of our children, grandchildren & great grandchild Phyllis & Leo Falconer - In Celebration of our family Mike & Terry Leraas - In Memory of Delbert & Marjorie Leraas & In Celebration of mother and father Don & Glenna Swier - In Memory of John Swier, Ivy & Lois Oyen and In Celebration of children, grandchildren & great grandchildren


Connect with us! Website: westnidaros.org Facebook: @WestNidarosLutheranChurch Instragram: @westnidaros Worship: Sundays at 8:15 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School/GIFT at 9:20 a.m. Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Fridays: 9 a.m.- 12 p.m.


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