January 2019 Newsletter

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Grace and peace to you from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. As I reflect on 2018 at West Nidaros, all I can say is wow. As a congregation we undertook some significant challenges. We voted to raise $400,000 to repair the basement wall, re-shingle the sanctuary roof with 50 year metal shingles, replace the old siding with seamless siding, begin a master site study, inspect the old wiring, install a fire alarm system in the old part of the building, and tithe 10% of the total project. Together we met our capital campaign goal! And now have many of the project completed. We also had the first full year of the new Director of Faith Formation position which Jessi transitioned into. What a difference this position has made for our Sunday school and education programs. In addition, we have Elise working as the Youth Director and Office Manager, in these positions she has kept things rolling with youth ministry and has been a huge asset with her work in the office. On top of it all we have our Director of Music who helps keep me on task with planning worship throughout the year. 2018 has been a great year and there are many things for us to celebrate, while we continue to look forward to the New Year and the work that our Lord Jesus Christ has given us to do. I look forward to seeing where this year takes us! Blessings to you all. In Christ, Pr. Jared Rakness

Annual Meeting Sunday, January 26 Potluck Lunch at 11:30 Meeting to follow Family Life Center @ West Nidaros


Generosity & Missions October Operating Fund Actual Monthly Income: $21,505.29 Actual Monthly Expenses: $32,869.74 Actual YTD Income: $274,597.58 Actual YTD Expenses: $289,085.03 Budget: $398,590 Simply Giving Sign up to give your offering online! Head to westnidaros.org and click on "DONATE," then "GIVE NOW" and follow the directions. Especially during this summer, this is a convenient way to keep up with your pledge. Thank you's Thank you to everyone who helped decorate the church for the Christmas season. It all looks very beautiful. A special thank you to Jerry Petersen and Leo Falconer for assembling our new tree. Thank you to everyone who donated food for Christmas Dinner Boxes for families at Tri-Valley. We started our number at five boxes and ended up with 27! Awesome job at "sharing Christ's love with all!" Christmas caroling got delayed a week because of poor weather but we still had a good turnout. Fourteen adults and two children offered their lovely voices to bring cheer and entertainment to nine of our church families who have a hard time getting out. Poinsettias were also given to these families. Afterwards the carolers met at church for a potluck dinner. A rewarding and fun experience. Keep us in mind for next year.

Cookie Jar The January cookie jar offerings will be going to the campership fund to help send out 7th grade students to confirmation camp this summer. Baltic Food Bank Wish List Sugar – white & brown, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Hamburger Helper, Stuffing, Rice Packs, Noodle Packs, Spaghetti Sauce, Canned Pasta, Manwich, Saltine Crackers, Snack Crackers, Coffee, Juice, Baking Needs, Oil, Breakfast Bars, Laundry Soap, Dish Soap, Personal Hygiene Products The Baltic Food Bank is open to all residents of Baltic and Crooks. It is open the second Wednesday of every month from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m., as well as the fourth Saturday of every month from 1:30-2:30 p.m., as well as by emergency appointment by calling 605-529-5032. January 80+ Birthdays 3 - Lois Moe 31 - Mickey Otterby

Bowling League Do you love to bowl? Play on the West Nidaros Bowling League! The league starts in January and plays for 15 weeks on Sundays at 4 p.m. (excluding Super Bowl and Easter Sundays). If you have any questions or are interested, please contact Kasey Bartels (261-3581), Shirley McCormick (360-8981), or Jason Carls (352-9124)


January Calendar 8 - Quilting 15 - Quilting 16 - Book Club 22- Quilting 23 - Bible Study 29 - Quilting WELCA Minutes For the program, Joan Eitrheim read a sermon given by Bishop Chilstrom at a church in Green Valley, Arizona on Christmas 2017. Giving us much to think about. The treasurer’s report was giving by Betty. Our thankoffering was $400 less than last year. Our WN WELCA gave over $6000 in benevolences this year. The 2019 pre-registration for 13 campers has been paid to NeSoDak Bible Camp. The wall hanging embroidered by Bob Hemple will be presented to Pastor Jared and Jessi at the worship service on the 16th. We had several volunteer to work the cookie sale on the 9th. It was decided to send a Christmas card to Lois Moe and include greeting cards and stamps. Officers for 2019 will be: Chairman – Margaret Tidemann, Treasurer – Betty Anderson, Secretary – Lorraine Hafstad, Mission Growth – Joan Eitrheim, Mission Action – Jan Anderson. Prayer concerns: Charlene Fersdahl, Lois Moe, Esther Walker, Theresa and Roger Benson, and Dan Iseminger’s family

Book Club The January Book Club will be the 16th in the church library at 7:00 pm. The Christian fiction book we will be discussing is “A Stillness of Chimes” by Meg Mosely. The setting is in Georgia where Laura Gantt doesn’t mind being back home after her mother’s unexpected death, but she does mind the Southern niceties and mini-sermons she has to endure. There is a mystery involved, also! Check out a copy of the book from the blue bag in the church library, and join our informal discussion. All are welcome.

Lunch at Someday Cafe in Baltic.

Putting together kits that are sent to Lutheran World Relief.


Children, Youth & Family Ministry January Calendar 2 - NO programming 6 - SS & 3 y/o lesson 9 - Confirmation, HS Ministry 13 - GIFT, Breakfast 16 - Confirmation, HS Ministry 20 - SS 23 - Confirmation, HS Ministry 27 - SS, 1st Grade Milestone 30 - Confirmation, HS Ministry GIFT January 13 is our next GIFT Sunday for ALL ages 9:20-10:20 in the Family Life Center! 1st Grade Milestone 1st grade students and their parents will be meeting during the Sunday school hour on January 27 for a special lesson as those students prepare to lead the congregation in the Lord's Prayer during the 10:30 a.m. worship service.

iFaith iFaith will be meeting once this month, on January 16 from 4-5 p.m. 4th-6th graders are welcome to come enjoy a snack, game and lesson! Baltic and Tri-Valley buses will drop students off. Faith Fest Did your student have fun at the Confirmation Late Night Event back in November? If so, they have an opportunity to have 24 hours of fun at Augie! Students will complete a service project, play games, have Bible study, worship and hear music from the band Tangled Blue. Cost is $50 and includes a t-shirt, food and lodging. Event is February 9-10. Adult leaders are also needed. Please sign up by January 13! Contact Elise if you have any questions. Colorado Fundraisers Mark your calendar for these fundraising events for the students who will be traveling to Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp in Hillside, CO for a week of adventure in the mountains. January 13 - Breakfast after worship February 10 - Valentine Dinner & Silent Auction March 10 - Breakfast after worship April 14 - Palm Sunday Breakfast Students will also be serving at least one meal during Lent.

Thank you to everyone who participated and lead the Sunday school Christmas Program!

Thank you to all who participated in the December GIFT. If you haven't picked up your ornament yet, you can find it in the church Narthex.


Beat the Winter Blues As the days get shorter, many people find themselves feeling sad. You might feel blue around the winter holidays, or get into a slump after the fun and festivities have ended. Some people have more serious mood changes year after year, lasting throughout the fall and winter when there’s less natural sunlight. Reduced sunlight in fall and winter can disrupt your body’s internal clock, or circadian rhythm. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a well-defined clinical diagnosis that’s related to the shortening of daylight hours. A key feature of SAD is that it follows a regular pattern. It appears each year as the seasons change, and it goes away several months later, usually during spring and summer. SAD is a form of depression and can lead to a gloomy outlook and make people feel hopeless, worthless and irritable. If you’re feeling blue this winter, and if the feelings last for several weeks, talk to a health care provider. Winter blues is a general term, not a medical diagnosis. It’s fairly common, and it’s more mild than serious. It usually clears up on its own in a fairly short amount of time. Tips to fight the “Winter Blues” - Have your bedroom lights turn on a half hour before you're supposed to wake up. One of the symptoms of winter blues is increased difficulty getting up in the morning, even if you've had plenty of sleep. Plugging a bright, fluorescent lamp into a timer and having it turn on before your alarm goes off will help simulate an artificial dawn. - Expose yourself to sunlight as early in the morning as you can. You want to maximize the number of hours you experience daylight. Wake up early, and lift the curtains or go outside as soon as you get out of bed. - Exercise, it raises serotonin levels, which tend to get low when you have the winter blues. - Watch your cravings! When your serotonin levels are low, one of things your body tends to do is to crave foods high in carbohydrates, especially high-sugar foods like junk food and soda. - Take up a winter activity. Taking up an activity that can only be done in the winter is a good way to look forward to winter, rather than hating it. Cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, winter hiking & cycling, ice skating, sledding, tubing, winter photography, playing/listening to music, winter nature observation, or astronomy, all are good ways to enjoy winter. Embrace winter, and it cannot be your enemy! - Schedule enjoyable things with friends like lunch, a walk or a craft day! - Spend down time in prayer and meditation to recharge for SPRING!

KMA (Key Ministry Area) Reports Local Ministries Present: Margie, Pam, Teresa, Phyllis, Shirley Discussed & Deliberated: Decorated church

Evangelism & Missions Present: Karin R, Cindy J, Gail C, Nicole Q Discussed & Deliberated: Discussed Mission Boxes for families. We received donations for 10 boxes or more for Tri-Valley families. Discussed Souper Bowl of Caring. April 11 at Messiah New Hope will be our schedule for Food to You Mobile Pantry

Worship and Devotion Present: Katie L, Kristi Discussed & Deliberated: Christmas Eve special music – let Kristi know if interested, Pastor & Kristi Membership will go over calendar. Pastor gone Dec 30 & Jan 13 Present: Margaret T, JoAnn O, Betty A Discussed & Deliberated: Discussed membership Stewardship classifications Present: Alissa N, Holly N, Scott W. Discussed & Deliberated: Letters for stewardship - thank No reports received from Properties, Christian Ed., you & pledges. Stewardship goals for 2019. Stats for Administration, stewardship 2018 Expenditures: Stamps Next KMA night is January 9 at 7 p.m.


West Nidaros Church Council Minutes West Nidaros Church Council Meeting – Sunday, December 9th, 2018 Meeting Called to Order: Jeff Oyen at 11:50 am Devotions: Pastor Jared Members Present: Pastor Jared, Jeff Oyen, Mike Harstad, Chris Langloss, Jim Ziesler, Marv Weiman, Mike Bemboom, Theresa Lien, Gail Carlson, Dale Olthoff, Alissa Nelson Members Absent: Mindy Rezac, Tim Tiahrt, Terry Leraas Visitors: Lynette Kautz Visitors Report: Agenda: All reviews of church staff completed M/S: Jim Ziesler/Chris Langloss Financial Secretary's Report: Treasurer's Report: $15,000 expenses over income through November 2018 M/S: Marv Weiman/Mike Bemboom Secretary's Report: M/S: Mike Bemboom/Jim Ziesler Committee Review: Properties New staging for the children's Christmas program works well Order another extension/panels for the stage approximately $1000 out of Undesignated Memorials M/S: Mike Bemboom/Dale Olthoff Purchase two handheld microphones - approximately $100 each out of Undesignated Memorials M/S: Gail Carlson/Theresa Lien Paint FLC - Chris Langloss to gather estimates Unfinished Business: - Bylaws/Constitution: An update on Bylaws & Constitution will be given during the annual meeting - Budget - reduce salary commitments out of Art Moe memorial fund by 10% (down to 20%) - Long Term Projects - Master Site Plan Task Force Approached KMAs with general questions on the focus of the task force - Committee Memberships - Coffee Stewards - Fall Stewardship 52 Pledges received to date totaling $182,497.00 Thank you letters sent

New Business Begin exploring options for an intern for Pr Jared through the Kairos program through the Luther House of Study & Sioux Falls Seminary, present to congregation at Annual Meeting M/S: Gail Carlson/Dale Olthoff Recycling & Trash Research new disposal companies Review of Pastor’s Report: Out of office December 30, 2018 Out of office January 13, 2018 Review of Faith & Formation Report: Review of Youth and Family Ministry Report: Review of Music & Worship Report: Review of Ministry Teams Minutes: Other Reports: For Your Information: 2019 Annual Meeting Preparation for Council (if needed) January 13th, 2016 @ 11:45 am Annual Meeting - January 27th, 2018, Potluck @ 11:45 am Annual Meeting Alternate Date: February 10th, 2018 Council Retreat: February 16th, 2018 @ 10:00 am Thank You's: Jerry Peterson for work on the bell tower Properties, Christian Ed, Jessi R, Elise H, Kristi S for the children's Christmas program Trish Olthoff for Stewardship pledges Next Council Meetings: Sunday, January 6, 2018 at 11:45 am Next Ministry Teams Meeting: Wednesday, January 9th, 2018 at 7:00 pm Meeting Adjourned: Jeff Oyen at 1:40 pm M/S: Mike Harstad/Dale Olthoff


Connect with us! Website: westnidaros.org Facebook: @WestNidarosLutheranChurch Instragram: @westnidaros Worship: Sundays at 8:15 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School/GIFT at 9:20 a.m. Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Fridays: 9 a.m.- 12 p.m.


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