UFF Annual Report 2017

Page 1



TABLE OF CONTENTS Forewords UFF in numbers in 2017

Education projects



Child Aid


Community Development




Vision, Mission, Values


Biogas and the environment


Policy approach


Farmer training




Project assessments of global development projects 32

Support for common benefit purposes and fundraising expenses 12

Fundraising sources



Environmental services


UFF’s corporate responsibility

Global development communication 34 37

Environmental responsibility


Environmental services in numbers in 2017 15

Social responsibility


Sorting and reuse of clothing


Economic responsibility


Reuse of clothing



Clothes donor study


Donating Global collaboration network


Contact information


Global development




Global development focus countries 20

Funds spend for global development per project in 2017 22

Support for global development




FOREWORD In 2017, it was 30 years since UFF was founded. UFF, an association working on climate and global development, was set up by a few active volunteers and, over the years, it has grown into a nationallevel producer of environmental services and a significant operator in global development. In addition, from the earliest times onward, UFF has communicated actively about sustainable development. During the years of UFF’s work, the Finnish people have donated more than 170 million kilograms (380 million pounds) of clothes to support the association’s non-profit climate and global development work. Over the years, these donations have helped the association support cooperation projects that have enabled e.g. the education of 18 000 comprehensive school teachers and benefited 11 000 small-scale farmers and their families through rural area development projects. Over the past decade, in the Indian slums alone, as many as 13 000 children and young people have been included in basic education to learn practical skills that help them transfer to adulthood and decent work. The benefits of recycling to support sustainable development have reached not only millions of people in Finland but also millions of people in the poorest countries of the world. The participants in these projects have promoted sustainable and economic development in their own communities. UFF and some of its peer organisations had Taloustutkimus, a market research company, carry out a study concerning clothes donations, published near the end of 2017 and the first of its kind in Finland; the feedback showed clearly that the Finnish people prefer to donate clothes to non-profit general-interest collectors who make it possible for them to choose sustainable development. The operation of UFF is conducted under ISO standards of quality, environment and safety at work. The goal of UFF’s enterprise resource planning system is to support continuous improvement and to develop best practices to carry out the mission of the organisation. True to this, the development of UFF practices was continued in all areas of its work. Partnerships in environmental services have greatly improved the reaching of the organisation’s environmental goals; for example, UFF switched to completely waste-based fuels. The work to improve the energy efficiency of the clothes sorting centre was continued and e.g. lighting fixtures were renewed. Compared to the previous year, some savings were already visible in the site’s energy consumption. The focus of global development improvements in Finland centred particularly on the harmonisation of process control procedures, impact assessments and documentation. UFF supported global global development in areas where most people live in utmost poverty. Similar to the earlier years, the focus of the work was on education, particularly on teacher education for rural schools, and on the improvement of the livelihood of farmers and their families.


The cooperation program also included projects that offered vocational education, basic education and community development. The geographical focus was on Sub-Saharan Africa, in addition to which certain targets in India were supported. Project evaluations show the success of the desired developmental impacts. In this annual report, we will discuss in more detail the concrete effects of global development on the lives of people and communities. In addition to collecting clothes and working in global development projects, the association provided service to society through the 16 second hand shops. In practice, all of Finland joined UFF to support its work on climate and global development. In 2017, UFF services were carried out by an average of approximately 200 employees. During the operational year 2017, the association put a total of about 9.75 million euros into non-profit services, environmental work and global development. The association participated – in Finland, in the wider EU context and in developing countries – in projects, studies and investigations promoting recycling and sustainable development. During the jubilee year, UFF remembered its supporters by offering events and sales in its second hand shops, in which the provision of information was enhanced e.g. through the installation of digital displays. The high point of the jubilee year was the formal reception for the partners and staff at the Helsinki Hall of Culture. During the reception, the history and the various fortunes in the life of the association were introduced. In addition, long-time staff members and trustees were awarded Medals of Merit of Finland Chamber of Commerce. The evening ended with music by Jean S, a band that was also celebrating its jubilee year. A united will to make sustainable choices, to cooperate and to stay ready for continuous learning has shown its strength in the work for the good of our climate and our globe, which we all share. I wish to extend my warmest thanks to all donors, supporters, volunteers, staff and all those who have helped our events succeed. Virve Groning Executive Director UFF Child Aid Donations to bank account FI49 2001 1800 390539 PIVO donations 050 337 0039


UFF IN NUMBERS IN 2017 • Support for non-profit purposes 9,7 M € • Investments in climate work 7,2 M € • Finns living in the clothes collection area 5,4 M • Clothes collection 14,6 M kilos • Support for global development projects 2,5 M € • Direct beneficiaries of global development projets 109 000 • Personel 194 • Fundraising shops 16




The association U-landshjälp från Folk till Folk i Finland rf (UFF) is an independent Finnish non-profit organisation. The association has been in existence since 1987.


The purpose of UFF’s work is to achieve sustainable development through climate work and global development. These help to reduce environmental stress and extreme poverty in the world. The association uses the proceeds from its fundraising to not only finance its domestic environmental services but also to support global development, education and the improvement of economic livelihoods in Africa and India. Households and companies can recycle their unnecessary clothes, shoes and textiles through UFF recycling services in Finland. The extension of the life cycles of textiles in their original use works against climate change, the effects of which are felt by the environment and, in particular, the people in the poorest countries. In addition to its work on climate and global development, UFF disseminates information about global development and clothes collection in Finland, thereby bringing issues of sustainable development and the developing countries into the everyday lives of Finns.

The world is sustainable and fair socially, ecologically and economically. Everyone has the possibility to work toward sustainability in a positive, active and responsible manner. MISSION UFF works toward sustainable development through its environmental services and fundraising as well as through the partnerships it forms in order to join in the work in global development programs implemented in the poorest communities in the world. VALUES Fairness Implementing local and global responsibility; creating social assets and sustainability on individual, community and global context Development of best practices Implementing the principle of incremental development and searching solutions that are effective and promote sustainability. Focus on users and end beneficiaries Emphasizing the common good, creating spirals of good for global development and wellbeing.


POLICY APPROACH The goal of the organisation is to add sustainable social value, bringing about environmental and human wellbeing and accountable participation. To support this goal, the organisation has an enterprise resource planning system that has been certified to comply with ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems, OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series and ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems. The purpose of the enterprise resource planning system is to: • support performance optimisation through continuous improvement • ensure the implementation of harmonised operational principles in the work of the organisation • ensure the diffusion of management practices and guidelines throughout all staff • identify and serve important interest groups who may impact UFF’s organisational functioning capability in an essential manner as UFF works to fulfil its goals and the respective expectations and demands of these interest groups • minimise risks. When it is successful, the enterprise resource planning system produces a sustainable, even an increasing input toward the non-profit activities of the association as it works on climate and global development.


The key goals comprise the following: • QUALITY: reaching the set goals in terms of production and economy. • SAFETY: zero accidents. • ENVIRONMENT: optimal resourcing for products collected and energy used. Compatibility with relevant requirements, safety at work and environmental effects are factors that guide UFF’s work and decision making. These factors are noted in all operations, including the selection of important service providers and subcontractors. The organisation is committed to the protection of the environment, the sustainable use of resources and the continuous enhancement of the enterprise resourcing system in order to optimise it. The staff receive regular training so that their work will comply to the constantly evolving requirements in quality, the environment and workplace protection. UFF evaluates, develops and renews its enterprise resourcing system, processes, ways of working and its methods and tools in accordance with the principle of continuous development. The organisation monitors, complies with, and promotes legislation and other requirements that guide its work. The UFF policy approach is communicated to the subcontractors and other partners as well. Service providers that commit to UFF’s policy approach are given preference in the case of bids that are otherwise equal. Regular audits and documentation are used to monitor the reaching of the set objectives and goals as well as to monitor the sufficiency and appropriateness of the available resources for the continuous development of UFF operations.


THE ORGANISATION The structure of UFF complies with the Associations Act. The general meeting of the association, composed of UFF members, forms UFF’s highest decision-making body. This general meeting elects the board. The executive director is in charge of the daily work of the organisation and is assisted by the chief of operations and the chiefs of the functions (clothes collection, sorting, retail, partnerships).

Associations board of 2017 - Örjan Österdal, chairperson of the board - Riitta Tamminen, vice-chairperson of the board - Jesper Wohlert, member of the board - Helle Lund, member of the board - Kaj Pihl, member of the board

Executive director: - Virve Groning



EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OPERATIONS MANAGER ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES - CLOTHES COLLECTION - collection manager - tranport planner - collaboration co-ordinator - drivers - maintenance - CLOTHES SORTING - sorting center manager - production co-ordinator - foreperson - quality controllers - storage personel - CLOTHES SALES - regional area managers - shop managers - sales personel - communications planner

GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT - PARTNERSHIP - partnership manager - development co-operations specialist - communications specialist

FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION - head accountant - accountant



48 %

- Global development work

16 %

- Global development communication 1 % Fundraising: - Expenses

35 %

35 %

48 %

1% 16 %

2017 Environmental service Global development Global development communication Fundraising expenses




7 031 088 €

6 700 731 €

2 300 541 €

3 481 484 €

191 518 €

173 845 €

5 049 395 €

4 990 071 €

14 572 544 €

15 346 133 €


UFF’s fundraising

96 %

The project support of Ministry for foreign affairs of Finland and the European Union



96 %

2017 2016 The revenues of UFF’s fundraising The support of MFA and EU

14 176 195 €

14 279 793 €

629 420 €

1 227 292 €


14 805 615 €

15 612 132 €



UFF’s recycling services are funded with the proceeds from clothes sales. No tax revenue is spent on this operation. In 2017, the association spent slightly over 7 million euros in producing the recycling services, equalling about 1.3 euros per citizen.

UFF environmental services make it possible for Finnish households and companies to recycle their unnecessary clothes, shoes and household textiles in an easy and responsible manner. Doing this, donors support non-profit global development and environmental protection work. The expenses of the Finnish recycling services and the global development support for the south of Africa and India are covered by the proceeds from clothes sales.

The reuse of clothes decreases energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in comparison to the manufacture of new products. The reuse of clothes that are fully usable as such conserves natural resources and reduces the use of harmful chemical substances. Extended product life cycles also reduce waste.

The clothes collection in Finland operates through containers placed in recycling points. The association empties these containers weekly, and even more often in busy spots. The recycling point network and the utilisation rate of individual collection points are monitored continuously in order to maintain service level and cost efficiency. Clothes donations are also welcome at all UFF second hand shops. In 2017, the UFF collection service reached more than 5.4 million Finns in 272 municipalities. The association had 1 517 collection points and 3 229 containers. In 2017, the total weight of the clothes donated came up to 14 615 395 kilograms. Compared to the previous year, the amount grew by approximately three percent. The largest amounts of clothes were collected in Helsinki, Espoo and Tampere. During its 30 years of operation in Finland, UFF has recycled about 170 million kilograms of clothes to be reused and recovered.


UFF informs people of collection points and recycling in order to steer as great an amount as possible of still usable clothes for reuse. Information about the collection points is available on the map on our website (www.uff.fi/kerayspisteet/). We ask you to pack the donated clothes in closed plastic bags so that the clothes do not get wet or dirty during the collection process.

You may donate these items, usable in their current condition: • clothes • shoes • bags • accessories • home textiles • sports equipment • toys.


• 14,6 M kilos of collected clothes • Reaches 5,4 M Finns • In 272 municipalities • 1517 collection locations • 3229 collections boxes


SORTING AND REUSE OF CLOTHING The reuse of clothes that are fully usable as such is the best option for the environment. Reuse is at its most effective when all donated clothes are sorted carefully. Compared to the manufacture of new textiles, the reuse of textiles for their original purposes significantly reduces emissions of carbon dioxide and chemicals and saves water. All sorting of clothes at UFF complies with the order of priority set forth in the Waste Act of Finland. Primarily, textiles are sorted to be reused for their original purposes. Secondarily, clothes are used for raw material in the manufacture of new products, and only as a last resort, they are used for energy in incineration plants. Textiles donated to UFF are carefully sorted in order to accomplish a high reutilisation rate. In 2017, the reutilisation rate reached 96%. The majority of donations, 86%, was reused through wholesale. Reuse through second hand shops covered 4.3% of donations, 3.1% was recycled as raw material, and 2.4% was donated to Africa. The rest, 4%, was made use of in energy production at an incineration plant.

VAATEKERÄYS Kierrätä ehjät ja puhtaat vaatteet. Vaatekierrätyksellä aikaansaadaan kestävää kehitystä, joka samalla vähentää äärimmäistä köyhyyttä maailmassa.




In 2017, 96% of all clothes collected was reused either in its original form as clothes or as raw material.

A survey in November 2017, carried out by Taloustutkimus (a market research firm) and commissioned by UFF and some of its peer organisations, showed that the majority of the respondents (81%) donated clothes at least on an incidental basis. Women and households with children were the most regular clothes donors. The Finnish people’s most important reasons for donating clothes were their desire to recycle and their wish to make sustainable choices together with others.

Whole sale 86 % Fundraising shops 4,3 % Energy waste 4,2 % Material recycling 3,1 %

Factors that weigh heavily in donation decisions include the collector’s non-profit character and reliability. Clothes donors prefer to donate to reliable non-profit organisations (78%). The majority of clothes donors were aware of which organisation received their latest donation. Donors searched for information about the collector primarily at the collection point (37%) and the collector’s website (38%).

Donations to Africa 2,4 %

4,2 %

3,1 % 2,4 %

4,3 %

86 %

The primary reasons for donating clothes included the donors’ desire to recycle and the wish to make sustainable choices (58%). It was also important that the proceeds gained from donations were directed to nonprofit activities or charity. Donation decisions are influenced by many factors. For the donation decision, it was important that donating was made easy and practical (73%). Other influencing factors included the reliability of the collector (66%) and the fact that the clothes were reused as such and as effectively as possible. Clothes donors felt it important that collection activities produced demonstrable results. The study showed the Finnish people’s desire to support charities and obtain information about the impacts of their donations.



GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT UFF supports global development that aims to reduce poverty by focusing on education, sustainable environmental development and the advancement of the economic development of rural areas. The development of emergency relief capability makes it possible for projects to adapt to possible exceptional circumstances. In 2017, UFF funded 39 global development projects in the south of Africa and India. Global development projects supported by the association reached over 109 000 direct beneficiaries in 2017. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the EU jointly funded four of these global development projects during the year. UFF’s global development activities have four strategic priorities.

EDUCATION UFF supports the work of teacher training universities and colleges and advances basic and vocational education as well as quality-related education development projects in Sub-Saharan Africa and India. Education is the most effective means of reducing poverty and inequality. It is one of the most important tools for the building of a more just, more peaceful and more participatory society. In addition to vocational skills, a high-quality education helps children, young people and adults meet the various challenges in their lives better while they also learn to show consideration for others. Education is an enabler for a society that is productive, continuously learning, problem solving and lives in harmony with nature. A qualified teacher not only teaches but functions as an ambassador for equality and justice in the community. When everyone is guaranteed a good quality education, it becomes the motor for sustainable development and the key to a better world.

SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT The impacts of climate change are mitigated and adapted by teaching sustainable cultivation practices in farming projects in Africa. Combating climate change and working toward sustainable development forms an important part of UFF’s global development activities. The impacts of climate change are not felt equally: the poorest countries suffer the most. However, everyone should be entitled to a healthy and varied diet, clean drinking water and functional sanitation. Adapting to climate change and combating its effects require cooperation. UFF has promoted the use of renewable energy by e.g. building biogas plants in India.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT UFF provides annual support for the education of young people by enabling vocational courses and the work of vocational schools in its target countries. The focus of economic development is on ensuring equal opportunities for all. Comprehensive development requires sufficient livelihood. The goals of UFF supported farming projects include the advancement of the economic development of families and the improvement of food security. When crops increase in size and in variety, the number of types of products available for sale also increases. UFF supported farming projects also feature action groups for women; these groups are enablers for small-scale enterprising through micro-credit and savings groups. EMERGENCY RELIEF CAPABILITY UFF projects operate in areas that are effected by the impacts of climate change the most. The capabilities of these projects are being improved so that they can provide emergency relief in cases of natural disaster such as flood, drought, earthquake or hurricane and offer accommodation, food, healthcare and education even during times of crisis.



Congo DR. Angola Namibia



India Zambia Malawi







SUPPORT FOR GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT Farmer training 30,2 % Teacher training 28,3 % Child Aid and community development 13,2 % Basic education 9,5 % Teacher training university 8,6 % Project co-ordination 6 % Vocational education 3,1 % Biogas and environmental projects 1,1 %


3,1 % 1,1 %

8,6 % 30,2 % 9,5 %

13,2 %

28,3 %


EDUCATION PROJECTS Education is one of the most effective means for building a more equal society with more liberty and wellbeing. Schools are the most important tool in reducing inequality and poverty. The training of new teachers and the improvement of the quality of teaching in the peripheral regions of developing countries form the key to societal development. Today, educated people tend to drift to urban centres. A significant share of UFF’s global development support is allocated to education projects in the rural areas of developing countries.

TEACHER TRAINING UFF has supported teacher training for almost thirty years. Teachers that graduate from the teacher training institutions go to rural schools with varied and demanding job descriptions. In addition to teaching, teachers organise community development activities such as courses for adults and hobby groups.

DEVELOPMENT OF THE QUALITY OF TEACHING The purpose of some UFF development projects is to improve the quality of teaching at the basic level in primary schools in peripheral regions. Supplementary education is arranged for teachers and they are offered the opportunity for vocational learning through networking with other teachers. The teachers’ professional skills are enhanced so that they may observe their students’ individual needs and their different starting points.

TEACHER TRAINING UNIVERSITY The education in teacher training universities stresses a wide perspective in regard to social responsibility. University graduates, who become trainers of teachers, work in teacher training colleges and educate the next generation of local teachers. The teacher training university also offers the possibility for distance studies.

BASIC EDUCATION Schools for children of meagre means promote opportunities for children living in the streets and in slums to attend school if that is not possible in state-run establishments. Poor families need the labour input of their children and all children are not necessarily registered in any population information system. The operation of these schools is adapted to suit the living conditions of such children and families. In addition to basic education, these schools provide food and healthcare and offer courses for adults.

VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Vocational education provides the training required for vocational qualifications and prepares students for pursuing their professions independently. The objective is to support the development of these students into responsible, active members of their societies. In addition to vocational skills, students gain many other competences such as project planning and implementation while they also learn to assume personal responsibility for their own success.


�BASIC EDUCATION IN ZAMBIA It is quite challenging to arrange high-quality basic education in the remote rural villages of Zambia. It is difficult to engage qualified teachers to work in such demanding conditions. The difference in the quality of education offered in rural villages and in cities forms a clear hazard for the future of rural children. Mkushi Teachers College, supported by UFF, is dedicated to changing this situation. Almost 80 qualified teachers have graduated from this teacher training centre since its establishment in 2012. Currently, 116 students participate in training there. The rural areas of Zambia suffer from a lack of qualified teachers because most graduates wish to stay in urban areas. Mkushi Teachers College educates teachers about the life in small communities so that they are prepared to encounter the different challenges of such environments. The conditions in rural Zambia are basic: people sleep on the floor, there may not be a school building at all, and there may not be electricity or sanitation in the teaching facility. Teachers might be present in order to receive a salary but might not teach at all. It is hoped that Mkushi Teachers College graduates go on to find employment in rural schools. In addition to teaching skills, they learn many practical skills in order to meet the challenges posed by the environment. For example, they study parental guidance as well as building construction skills such as painting and setting up sanitary facilities. Zambia has one of the fastest-growing populations in the world, and the lack of good-quality education is clearly a hindrance to the social development of the country. The impact of a good teacher extends very far in the community. Goodquality education is an effective means of promoting social equality and reducing poverty.�


CHILD AID The child aid projects supported by UFF provide comprehensive aid for their end beneficiaries. These projects improve children’s circumstances by developing their communities and families in many different ways such as providing health education, communicating about the importance of education and offering training in issues related to food security, nutrition and environmental protection. Families involved in child aid projects build sanitary facilities, wells and tippy-taps in villages, and they repair preschool buildings. These projects work actively to prevent malaria, cholera and HIV/AIDS. From these projects, orphaned children and their caregivers receive the special support they need. Preschools maintained by child aid projects prepare children for studies in state-run comprehensive schools. Preschools make it significantly easier for children to start school, their learning results improve, and the number of school dropouts is reduced. Attending preschool prepares children for challenging conditions and provides them with a good foundation for upcoming school life, developing their learning skills and social skills. Child aid projects also provide reading courses for adults.

”CHILD AID IN MOZAMBIQUE Child aid covers seven different preschools in seven different municipalities in the Nacala area. UFF supports children’s school attendance through this project in various ways. In many areas, preschool children get a daily school lunch, and school supplies are provided for them. Daycare centres and the respective preschools supported by the project are, in theory, intended for 2–5-year-olds. The complexity of the local circumstances is shown by the fact that, in some locations, even 14-year-olds have participated in the offered preschool education. There are no other options available for them, because there are no actual comprehensive schools in these communities. It is also challenging to obtain competent daycare personnel in remote areas. Therefore, individuals have been selected from among community members so that they may assume the responsibility for the work of the schools, acting in cooperation with project coordinators and parents. The child aid projects have had significant impacts on the equality of girls. In the Nacala area, the number of reported child marriages has decreased and, correspondingly, the number of girls attending vocational education has increased. Finnish donors have a significant role in the maintenance of this project, because the work is founded almost solely on their support. The project has been in operation since the early 1990s and it still continues.”


COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The focus of UFF-supported community development projects is on the empowerment of local communities and on the power of positive changes. Community development projects work to improve village residents’ education, health and economic possibilities. These projects support communities so that the children in the communities may have improved possibilities for success in their challenging circumstances. Households and village communities are educated in issues of health, sanitation, alternative income opportunities, education, regional development, environmental protection and social participation.

Combating climate change and working toward sustainable development form an important part of UFF’s global development activities. The impacts of climate change are not felt equally: the poorest countries suffer the most. The purpose of these projects is the mitigation of the effects of climate change and the adaptation to its impacts through the training of sustainable cultivation methods.

”A BIOGAS PROJECT IN INDIA A biogas project in India, supported by UFF and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, promoted the use of renewable energy and advanced the livelihoods and health of rural families in the Indian province of Dausa. The use of biogas is beneficial for families and the environment.

These projects have ten main strategies under which they organise different types of activities. For example, the HIV/AIDS program offers information about the prevention and diagnostics of sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, the program provides testing and counselling services and referrals to treatment. Community development programs also support environmental protection and organise health campaigns. Theatre pieces about health themes are created and performed so that the matters can be discussed in a way that suits even small children. The environmental protection activities stress the importance of planting trees to prevent erosion and to improve food security.

The lives of women and children, in particular, are made easier because they are used to collecting firewood and cooking on open fires for several hours per day. The time they save through the use of biogas can be applied otherwise: caring for the family, farm work or rest. In addition, the prevalence of respiratory problems and eye diseases due to fine particulate matter has been decreased significantly now that open fires are not burned inside covered sheds.

The food security programme included in all these projects helps families prepare for the growing season and set up small vegetable gardens. To protect the environment, communities are taught to plant trees in a sustainable way and to set up tree nurseries.

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland has granted a two-year extension to the funding of this project. The third phase of this project will attempt to strengthen the outcomes of the previous phases as well as extend the operation to new areas.



The immediate goal of the project in the Dausa area is the adjustment of rural families to climate change and the improvement of their quality of life. The longterm goals of the project include reliable access to inexpensive, clean energy, the improvement of the position of women in families, enhancing the awareness and skills related to cattle raising and sustainable agriculture, and increased incomes for families from agriculture. The availability of clean energy is improved through the building of 200 biogas units in the Dausa area. The project also sets up women’s action groups to support their empowerment through the improvement of their reading skills as well as their income-generating skills. These action groups are trying to reach almost a thousand women in that area.�


FARMER EDUCATION Farmer’s Club action groups feature among UFF’s economic development support programs in the south of Africa, where the majority of the population make their living in agriculture. These groups work to improve the livelihoods and diets of the rural people. Farmers’ capacities are developed in many ways. The crops of their vegetable gardens and fields are either set aside for their own use or sold. Farmers learn how to grow and use new types of crops and how to manufacture organic fertilisers and pesticides. Through their cooperation groups, farmers are able to take to the market larger quantities of crops and they can make larger purchases for better prices when they e.g. obtain seeds. Farmer’s Club action groups help improve the productivity of agriculture and increase food security, and the livelihoods of small farmers and their families become more secure. The groups work to ensure a solid access to water for farms. In addition, the subsistence of the community and small farms becomes more sustainable and the small farmers’ skills and shared awareness become stronger.


”A FARMING PROJECT IN NAMIBIA UFF, DAPP Namibia and the Wildlife Fund in Namibia have agreed with the EU about implementing a Farmer’s Club project in the Kavango area in Namibia. The project is to last until the end of 2018. The project has been underway since 2014.

UFF’s partners in the Farmer’s Club project in Namibia are the European Union, DAPP Namibia and the Wildlife Fund in Namibia. The project is co-funded with the EU.

Over 30% of the population of Namibia live below the poverty level. The unemployment rate is almost 40% and about 15% of the people are believed to be HIV positive. The Farmer’s Club project works to obtain better food security through climate-sensitive agriculture. About 70% of the population of Namibia obtain some part of their livelihood from agriculture. In this way, agriculture is the key to food security and to the development of the entire country. Farmer’s Clubs mobilise small farmers to organise and work together. The project informs about increasing and diversifying crops; it also implements water and soil protection measures and plans more effective and more economical work methods. The project creates a positive, productive change in communities and increases their crops as well as the incomes, nutrition and health of the families. Farmers get training and practical experience when they grow vegetables together. Farmer’s Clubs consist of 35–50 independent farmers who choose to collaborate. Through these structures, farmers can exchange information, obtain peer support and unite forces for marketing and funding. The Farmer’s Clubs in Namibia currently have approximately 800 farmer members.”



The project was jointly funded with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.


The second phase of the Farmer’s Club project supported by UFF during 2015-2017 in Malawi was assessed near the end of 2017. Malawi, located in the south of Africa and the home of 17 million inhabitants, has been a UFF global development location as of 2001. Over 90% of the population of Malawi obtain their livelihood through agriculture, but the drought in the area has caused great problems. Malawi is listed as one of the least developed countries by the United Nations.

The project assessments of UFF supported farming projects in Angola were ready in January 2017. The purpose of the small farmers’ action groups in the provinces of Kunene (2014-2016) and Kuando Kubango (2013-2016) was to improve the farmers’ adaptation to climate change and to enhance the food security and wellbeing of the families. The new agricultural methods adopted during the project significantly increased the production of grain and vegetables. The small farmers’ action groups taught new, effective cultivation techniques that were also climate-friendly. This ensured that some of the crops could also be sold. In addition, the project participants were offered training in reading, writing and issues of health. The project also worked to help women and people with disabilities participate in farmers’ groups and society. The project had a significant impact on the food supply of farming families, particularly so in the case of grain and vegetables. Farmer’s Club members sold some of their crop on local markets, thereby improving the food security of the entire community. New cultivation techniques made the lives of women easier. As the project proceeded, club members’ workloads decreased, family incomes grew and food security improved. The community spirit of the villages involved was strengthened by the farming families’ activities and their work in the project.



The key objective of this UFF supported project was the reduction of poverty and the increasing of equality in the Dowa region in Malawi. The project also aimed at increasing the economic sustainability and general wellbeing of farmer women and the families of local entrepreneurs. The project paid special attention to equal opportunity for farmer women with disabilities. The Farmer’s Club concept is founded on peer learning and local organisation. The trainers are found from among peers who live and work in the area as well as from among the experts of the local ministry of agriculture and forestry and the local ministry of trade and industry. Agricultural supplies are purchased for Farmer’s Clubs so that they may carry out their farming activities and make them more effective. In addition to cultivating crops, these groups offer other assistance and advisory activities such as reading skills groups. An external assessor’s final assessment reported that the project, that ended in 2017, and its goals were

extremely essential for the end beneficiaries. Farmer’s Clubs were regarded as useful and the learning of new things as empowering. The end beneficiaries were especially grateful for the agriculturally focused cattle and environmental protection, for activities on savings, loans and the increasing of income as well as for the training they received in issues of health and hygiene. Farmer’s Clubs produced positive results. The best results were reached in the diversification of income of domestic households and in the increasing of their cash proceeds. In this way, the project successfully increased these households’ resilience to sudden or recurrent economic stress. Some cattle was donated to farmers, who in turn, gave the cattle’s offspring to other project members. This method proved very successful and many of the participating women obtained significant income from cattle sales. Higher income made it possible for children to go to school. It also became possible to purchase domestic and agricultural supplies and renovate homes. Hygiene was improved with the construction of garbage pits, tippy-taps and plate racks out of the reach of animals decreasing the incidence of cholera and diarrhea in the villages. All in all, this Farmer’s Club project succeeded in reducing poverty experienced in that area. Agricultural production was facilitated by the new methods; the diversification of crops succeeded, and produced additional income for the families through the sales of the crops. The family diets also became more varied. The partner in this project was Disability Partnership Finland. The project was jointly funded with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.


A BASIC EDUCATION QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN MOZAMBIQUE The assessment of the UFF supported basic education quality improvement project in Mozambique (20142016) was finalised in January 2017. The key objective of the project was to reduce poverty through inputs into quality basic education in Chimoio in the province of Manica. The project trained teachers for rural schools, strengthened the teachers’ network, improved accessibility in the teacher training college and taught adults to read. The project focused on teacher training so that basic education could be harmonised. In addition, the project promoted adult reading skills as a part of its community activities and worked to increase the number of teacher trainees with disabilities in the college while also improving their positions in their communities. According to the assessment, the project met the needs of rural schools and teachers very well. In particular, the new facilities at the teacher training college, renovated during the project, reduced the number of drop-outs and actually increased the number of students. In addition, students with disabilities obtained better possibilities for participation in college activities because accessibility was improved through ramps and handrails. Adult reading skills groups successfully reached the most vulnerable families. UFF’s partners in this project were ADPP Mozambique and Disability Partnership Finland. The project was jointly funded with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.


GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATIONS UFF brings issues of sustainable development and the developing countries into everyday lives of the Finnish people. Informing about global development and clothes collection is an important part of the work of the organisation. The association communicates about its work, publishing e.g. the outcomes of the various global development projects and the impacts of the clothes collection activities in newsletters and on the UFF website and social media and a variety of events. During 2017, UFF published more than 30 releases in social media and the press about climate work and clothes collection. In 2017, the UFF website had approximately 430 000 visitors. Mostly the visitors looked for information related to clothes collection points and the locations and operating hours of the second hand shops. The website and the brand imagery of the organisation were renewed during the year. The association participated in organising workshops during e.g. the day school children visited Korkeasaari, the Helsinki zoo, as well as during a children’s environmental event in Lahti. In addition, the UFF sorting centre in Klaukkala and many second hand shops were visited by several school groups in order to learn about sustainable development and recycling.

UFF’S BRAND IMAGERY WAS RENEWED The brand imagery of the association was updated to meet current needs and to reflect UFF’s work culture and values. The point of the renewal was to create an easily identifiable, modern look that crystallises the core of the work. The new look was introduced in phases. Firstly, the change was visible in the association’s printed materials and in contexts of clothes collection. The new website was launched in June 2017. The updated pages were designed to function with different browsers and on mobile devices. The usability, structure and contents of the site were enhanced during the update process. Current UFF news items are seen on the home page, open jobs can be applied for through an electronic form, and the navigation and visuals are more clear and modern. The purpose of the new website is to serve UFF customers, donors, staff and interest groups even better than previously.

INTRODUCTION OF DIGITAL DISPLAYS During 2017, UFF’s second hand shops introduced digital displays to relay important information. The displays serve the customers by informing them of issues related to the association’s climate work, to global development and to fundraising activities. These displays create a climate-friendly and fast communication channel which reduces the need to print and use paper.


EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT DAY 2017 Together with the Humana People to People network, UFF took part in European Development Day (EDD) organised by the European Commission in Brussels on 7–8 June 2017. The purpose of the event was to improve the cooperation required for the tackling of global challenges such as climate change, widening disparity and contagious diseases. This annual event convened a total of over 6 000 professionals who work on global development, climate and the reduction of poverty. The focus of the discussions held in the 2017 event was on the UN sustainable development goals such as climate actions. The role of the private sector was considered particularly central to the reaching of the goals. In addition, the event offered a venue for the discussion of the relationship between the textile industry and water consumption. For the environment, the best option by far is the reuse of clothes. Reuse helps us gain the most significant savings in terms of water consumption and the use of chemicals while reducing carbon dioxide emissions. UFF recycling services are doing their share to reach the sustainable development goals. During the 30 years of UFF in Finland, the Finns have recycled more than 170 million kilograms of clothes through the association’s recycling services.


FUNDRAISING UFF raises funds in order to carry out its non-profit operations. Customers shopping in UFF’s second hand shops support environmental protection in Finland and global development in the south of Africa and India. In 2017 UFF had 16 second hand shops in the south of Finland. Of these, ten were located in Helsinki, two in Tampere and the others in Espoo, Vantaa, Turku and Jyväskylä. Buying a recycled product constitutes an ethical choice carrying out sustainable development. By choosing UFF to shop in, the customer supports sustainable development, employment in Finland, and global development. Every reused piece of clothing reduces waste, the consumption of energy and water, carbon dioxide emissions and harmful chemicals. The UFF second hand shops provide consumers with a sustainable, ecological choice as well as clothes in personal styles. The clothes selection consists of high-quality clothes in vintage and current styles. Buying a recycled product is an environmentally sound choice. The sustainable use of natural resources combats climate change, the effects of which are felt particularly by the people in the poorest countries. The customer supports environmental work in Finland and global development in Africa and India at the same time. UFF raises funds for global development through direct donations as well.

You may follow current events and campaigns in UFF shops on the UFF website and on its Facebook pages. You can join the mailing list for regular UFF customers on the association’s website. In 2017, one shop was closed and one opened in Helsinki. The Vantaa shop moved to a new address at the Tikkuri shopping mall.

Fundraising shops in 2017: • Kamreerintie 3, Espoo • Fredrikinkatu 36, Helsinki • Hämeentie 4, Helsinki • Hämeentie 29, Helsinki • Iso Roobertinkatu 4-6, Helsinki • Malminkaari 13-16, Helsinki • Mannerheimintie 104, Helsinki • Ostostie 4, Helsinki • Runeberginkatu 4 C, Helsinki • Turunlinnantie 12, Helsinki • Tyynylaavantie 5, Helsinki • Asemakatu 4, Jyväskylä • Hämeenkatu 9, Tampere • Pietilänkatu 2, Tampere • Humalistonkatu 5, Turku • Tikkuraitti 18, Vantaa

The clothes selections in the shops offer clothes for the entire family. The selection changes several times a year in accordance with the seasons.


UFF’S CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY The recycling operations enabled by the clothes donations by Finns support environmental sustainability by increasing the reuse of textiles and reducing carbon dioxide emissions. UFF itself covers the costs of its recycling services in Finland. In accordance with its environmental program, the association is committed to extending the life cycle of recycled textiles and searching for more climate friendly energy solutions. During its thirty years of operation, the association has helped to diminish carbon dioxide emissions with at least 300 million kilograms through its clothes recycling operation and, in addition, the use of renewable fuel in its collection logistics chain reduces about 550 000 kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions. In addition to sustainable development, one of the starting points of UFF’s work is the mitigation of the effects of climate change. The sustainable use of natural resources in the case of clothing also combats climate change, the effects of which are felt particularly by the people in the poorest countries. For example, one cotton t-shirt recycled for reuse saves about 3000 litres of water, and prevents the emissions of 7 kilograms of carbon dioxide and 500 grams of pesticides. UFF has been a climate partner for the City of Helsinki since 2013. The association is committed to continuing its work, to annually increasing the amount of recycled goods and to reducing the amount of energy consumed.


REDUCTION OF CARBON IN THE LOGISTICS CHAIN The UFF clothes recycling services cover all of Finland. The logistics chain of the association is founded on vehicles owned by the association and the services of contract drivers. The UFF vehicles drive almost 950 000 kilometres per year, consuming about 230 000 litres of diesel. In summer 2017, the association entered a fuel partnership with Neste and introduced the fully waste-based Neste MY uusiutuva diesel™ (renewable diesel) for its trucks. This new fuel is compatible with all diesel engines and can be used as such in UFF’s current vehicle fleet. The introduction of this new, more ecological fuel strengthens the climate impacts already gained through clothes recycling. It is natural for an organisation whose business idea is founded on sustainable development to use an innovative, more environmentally friendly fuel. The use of a renewable fuel cuts the greenhouse gas emissions of the organisation’s collection trucks by as much as 90%.

UFF CLOTHES COLLECTION SERVES AT RINKI ECO TAKE-BACK POINTS UFF has entered into a clothes collection contract with Finnish Packaging Recycling RINKI Ltd. UFF’s grey collection containers can be found in almost 500 Rinki eco take-back points. The Rinki eco take-back points have been in operation as of the beginning of 2016, collecting packaging waste of plastics, glass, metal and cardboard.

UFF JOINS THE PLASTIC WASTE REDUCTION CAMPAIGN As of January 2017, all plastic bags at UFF second hand shops are subject to a charge. This is intended to reduce the distribution of plastic bags significantly. The total sales of plastic bags in UFF shops were reduced by over 17% during 2017. Customers shopping at UFF are offered the option of Fair Trade cotton tote bags or bags made of 90% recycled plastics. The organisation actively informs customers, staff and interest groups about the need to reduce the use of plastic bags. Activities toward this goal will continue. UFF wishes to promote sustainable development through its work on the reduction of plastic waste, and it is committed to supporting the reduction goals laid down in the Packaging Directive of the European Union concerning the use of plastic bags. Finland’s Ministry of the Environment and Finnish Commerce Federation have made a Green Deal about voluntary activities for reaching the goals of Commitment 2050.


SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT UFF supports global development which makes the lives of people living in utmost poverty easier through education, the promotion of employment, improved food security and improved livelihoods. In 2017, UFF supported 39 global development projects in Africa and India. UFF’s global development activities take place in the least developed communities in Angola, Mozambique, Malawi, Namibia, Zambia, DR Congo and India. UFF projects are intended to produce sustainable effects; the projects focus on education from preschool through the highest vocational levels as well as on environmental and community development. Over the past thirty years, Finns have supported the work on climate and global development with their donations, both in clothes and money. This support has provided relief for hundreds of thousands of people in the poorest countries of the world, advancing the quality of their lives through education, small farming, private enterprising and community development. In 2017, in order to help local fundraising, the partner organisations in Africa were donated clothes for reuse – noting the climate conditions. With these clothes donations, UFF’s global development partners collected funds for e.g. education and community development projects. One of the most important achievements of clothes exports has been the promotion of local employment. The typical buyers of clothes from UFF’s global development partners include local micro-entrepreneurs who often employ a few more persons besides themselves. The value of clothes donations in 2017 was 229 461 €.


THE ASSOCIATION AS AN EMPLOYER At the end of 2017, UFF employed approximately 200 persons. The average duration of employment was 7.3 years and the average age of employees was 42.3. The association has a workplace wellbeing program developed for supporting wellbeing at work as well as safety at the workplace.

SAFETY AT THE WORKPLACE Safety at the workplace forms an essential part of the daily routines of every UFF employee. The organisation targets a goal of zero accidents. A good work safety culture increases the wellbeing, competences and results gained by the work community. In 2017, UFF carried out a survey in the work community concerning safety at the workplace. The survey evaluated both the leadership and the work culture pertaining to occupational health and safety. In addition, the survey was used for disseminating information about safe work methods and risk management. UFF employees felt that they were able to make many choices in their work that had an impact on safety. In addition, they desired to develop their own work and work safety actively and independently. UFF’s occupational health and safety featured positive developments in 2017. During that year, the number of accidents decreased by two thirds. In 2017 the association introduced the Turvallinen Yritys [Safe Company] service in order to improve safety at work. To improve workplace safety, this service provides the means to collect information about near miss incidents and negative safety occurrences.

FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Anticipative risk management as well as the careful planning and monitoring of activities and profitability form important parts of the organisation’s operative culture. In accordance with good administrative practice, UFF reports on its financial statistics every year. The association and its partners all have anticorruption principles, routine internal inspections, and both local and international auditing of finances and operations. In addition to the numerous internal inspections, the global development projects supported by the association are assessed annually by external experts in terms of impacts and effectiveness. All UFF functions in Finland and in developing countries undergo independent financial audits. The organisation receives reports on all functions and all supported global development projects. The receipt of aid is monitored through audits and project reports as well as by regular communication. Recipients of state aid undergo annual inspection and evaluation visits so that all reported progress may be verified on site. Both UFF and the associations receiving UFF aid are audited by an international auditing firm. The audits cover all accounting and payment transfers in order to ensure that all resources target the association’s general-interest mission: work on climate and global development. UFF is one of the founders of the association Vastuullinen Lahjoittaminen (VaLa) [Responsible Donating] and it also was one of the writers of guidelines for good administrative practice.


DONATING During 2017, Finns supported UFF’s work on climate and global development very actively. Clothes donations were the most popular form of donation that year as well. Almost three kilograms of clothes were donated per person in Finland. Clothes donations are welcome at all UFF second hand shops in addition to the recycling points located in over 270 different municipalities. Customers shopping at UFF second hand shops supported UFF with their purchases of recycled goods and their participation in donation campaigns. UFF shops collected funds for e.g. maintaining preschools, purchasing school supplies and planting trees in Nacala, Mozambique. UFF’s global development activities in 2017 were supported by almost two hundred Children’s Ambassador donors. Their regular monthly donations helped the Child Aid project in Nacala, Mozambique, and the operation of slum schools in Rajasthan, India. In addition, Finns supported the education of Indian slum children through their donations into the collection jars in hundreds of restaurants and stores in the south of Finland. In 2017, monetary donations were directed to projects in Nacala, Mozambique, and Rajasthan, India. During the year, campaigns, coin collections and monthly donations produced a total of 38 830 euros to support these projects.


GLOBAL COLLABORATION NETWORK UFF is one of the founders of the Federation of Associations connected to the International Humana People to People Movement. These organisations are non-profit and work toward sustainable development, improving the living conditions and education of people in developing countries and the livelihoods and healthcare of families and communities. The work of the organisations in this international collaboration network is local and autonomous. Their collaboration makes it possible for them to share best process practices in e.g. global development and clothes recycling. This global collaboration network also helps the member organisations in their different countries find experienced, reliable, competent partners for global development projects in different fields.

CONTACT INFORMATION Main office and sorting center: Järvihaantie 12, 01800 Klaukkala, tel. (09) 276 4760 Clothes collection: tel. (09) 2764 7622, vaatekerays@uff.fi Communications and global development: tel. (09) 2764 7644, info@uff.fi Applications: hakemukset@uff.fi Whole sale: tel. (09) 2764 7664, wholesale@uff.fi Office: tel. (09) 2764 7665, lajittelukeskus@uff.fi Finance: tel. (09) 2764 7655, finance@uff.fi E-invoice information: U-landshjälp från Folk till Folk i Finland rf, 0783118-1 E-invoice address: FI5020011800390521 Operator: Nordea (NDEAFIHH) Material Form: Finvoice Donations accounts: Nordea FI49 2001 1800 3905 39 Danske Bank FI37 8000 1571 0750 51 Lupa: RA/2017/1274 PIVO: 050 337 0039

Fundraising shops: ESPOO Kamreerintie 3, tel. (09) 855 4012 HELSINKI Fredrikinkatu 36, tel. (09) 348 71736 Hämeentie 4, tel. (09) 726 1044 Hämeentie 29, tel. (09) 694 0890 Hämeentie 111, tel. (09) 876 4126 Itämerenkatu 21, tel. (09) 773 1043 Malminkaari 13-16, tel. (09) 346 3016 Mannerheimintie 104, tel. (09) 477 1701 Ostostie 4, tel. (09) 386 7244 Runeberginkatu 4 C, tel. (09) 685 7325 Turunlinnantie 12, tel. (09) 344 4225 Tyynylaavantie 5, tel. (09) 694 0526 TAMPERE Hämeenkatu 9, tel. (03) 223 8779 Pietilänkatu 2, tel. (03) 364 1171 TURKU Humalistonkatu 5, tel. (02) 231 1761 JYVÄSKYLÄ Asemakatu 4, tel. (014) 617 601 VANTAA Asematie 4-10, tel. (09) 271 0070



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