TorontoHye Newspaper Volume 6, #7-66 - April 2011

Page 30



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Five Nuclear Disasters Waiting To Happen

The troubles surrounding Japan s Fukushima nuclear power plant in the wake of the recent earthquake and tsunami there have set off a debate on the safety of nuclear power in general. Part of the problem at Fukushima appears to be the plant s outdated design and the engineers lack of foresight to plan for both an earthquake and a tsunami. But after Three Mile Island, Chornobyl, and now Fukushima, the question remains whether nuclear power can ever be truly safe. Here is a look at five other reactor complexes where safety has been an issue and which prompt concern for the future.

The UK's Nuclear Submarine Fleet Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant, Russia

Over the past decade, the United Kingdom has seen a drawn-out debate over the importance of maintaining its vastly expensive nuclear submarine fleet, armed with nuclear ballistic missiles. A number of incidents and declassified reports have drawn attention to the state of the reactors onboard the fleet. A document leaked to The Daily Telegraph last year revealed that British nuclear submarines had been allowed to leave port with disabled safety valves that would have prevented the reactor from cooling in an emergency. In 2009, a British nuclear-powered submarine of the Vanguard class, armed with nuclear missiles, ran into a French nuclear submarine that was also armed with nuclear missiles while on patrol. Both governments denied the incident was serious.

Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant, Armenia

Metsamor was originally brought online in 1980 in what was then Soviet Armenia. In 1988, the area suffered a devastating 6.9-magnitude earthquake, the epicenter of which was just 75 kilometers away from the plant. Officials reacted by deactivating Metsamor, but they were forced to switch the plant back on seven years later after the country lost access to energy sources in Turkey and Azerbaijan following the 1988-94 conflict with Azerbaijan over NagornoKarabakh. Because of its location and age, Metsamor is frequently cited as the most dangerous reactor in the former Soviet Union. The plant is now slated for decommissioning in 2017, but it continues to supply 40 percent of Armenia s energy, and officials are said to be contemplating building another power plant there to replace it. A dramatic improvement in Armenia's political and economic relationship with its energy-rich neighbors could reduce the need for a new nuclear plant at Metsamor.

The Russian Federation s aging fleet of nuclear power plants is a source of worry around the world. Many of the plants are slated for decommissioning but will likely continue to run past their expiration dates until replacements can be built. Of these, the Leningrad plant may be the most worrisome. It s only 70 kilometers from St. Petersburg, Russia's secondlargest city, with a population of nearly 5 million. The Leningrad plant has been plagued by problems over the course of its lifetime. During Soviet times, news of nuclear accidents was tightly controlled, but in 1975 the station suffered a partial meltdown. In 1992, the plant suffered a radioactive gas leak. In 2005, a non-nuclear smelter explosion at the site resulted in one fatality and grave burns to two other victims. In 2009, an accident at the plant led to rumors of a possible coolant leak, which was denied by Russian authorities.

Enrico Fermi Nuclear Generating Station, Michigan

Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant, Romania

Romania s only nuclear power plant, Cernavoda, was designed in the 1980s by a Canadian company and commissioned in 1996. The plant s two working reactors account for around one-fifth of Romania s power needs, but the reactors have been plagued by problems. As recently as January, one of the reactors had to be shut down for maintenance. In April 2009, the site s second reactor was also shut down briefly due to electrical problems. While Romania is not as seismically active as Japan, the country does have its share of earthquakes. In recent times, the 1977 Vrancea earthquake of 7.2 magnitude -- killed more than 1,000 people in Romania and Bulgaria and destroyed 35,000 buildings throughout Romania.

Located on Lake Erie between two population centers -Detroit, Michigan, and Toledo, Ohio -- the Enrico Fermi plant has two reactors, though only one is operating currently. Fermi 1 suffered a partial meltdown in 1966, though no radioactivity was released. It operated for a further nine years before being deactivated. The event inspired a best-selling book and at least one protest song. The site s second reactor, Fermi 2, continues to operate and, coincidentally, has the same make and model number of the reactors at the Fukushima pla nt in Japan. In 2003, a power outage forced the Fermi 2 reactor offline for six hours, and the unit's backup generators failed to perform as planned. Though the site is not located in a seismically active region, the area does suffer from tornadoes and flooding. Last June, the plant suffered a near miss when a tornado passed directly through its two cooling towers. (Source: RFE/RL)

Armenia To Review Nuclear Plant Safety After Japan Crisis (RFE/RL) The Armenian government has decided to start a comprehensive international review of the safety of the nuclear power station in Medzamor in an effort to learn lessons from the nuclear disaster in Japan, Prime Minister Tigran Sarkisian announced recently. At the center of our attention must be not only the nuclear plant itself but also the infrastructures that ensure the normal work of the plant, Sarkisian told a cabinet meeting. We will once again look into this matter, also by inviting international experts and hearing their views on what additional steps need to be taken to improve the safety of our nuclear plant, he said. He gave no time frames or other details of the planned review. The Soviet-built Medzamor plant, which meets about 40 percent of Armenia s energy

needs, has long been a source of safety concerns from local environment protection groups and Western governments. It has again come under public spotlight since a devastating earthquake and tsunami caused a series of explosions at Japan s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Armenian environmentalists argue that like Japan, Armenia is situated in a seismically active region prone to powerful earthquakes. They say the Medzamor plant should therefore be shut down as soon as possible. Armenian government officials and nuclear experts dismiss such concerns. They say that Medzamor s reactor design is different from Fukushima s and that the facility is reliable enough to withstand a powerful earthquake. Citing geological data, they claim that a magnitude 8.9 earthquake, which has wreaked

havoc on Japan, is extremely likely to ever hit Armenia. Another argument made by them is that the plant has undergone numerous safety upgrades since one of its two reactors was reactivated in 1995. According to the Energy Ministry, Armenia has received $130 million worth of assistance from the United States, the European Union, Russia and other international bodies to finance those improvements. The Armenian government until recently planned to decommission the Medzamor reactor and replace it by a more modern facility by 2017. However, a senior nuclear official in Yerevan said last August that the shutdown will likely be delayed by several years because the construction of a new nuclear plant will take more time than previously thought.

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