ueens Park Living September 2018 Edition I 01273 551021 I www.queensparkliving.co.uk
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Welcome to September Queen’s Park Living
It’s time for most people to go back to work or school (although there are some of us who haven’t been away!) There’s plenty going on in September if you do have some free time, though. There are two weekends of Heritage Open Days, the start of the annual Older People’s Festival and giant snails will soon be arriving on our streets, so make the most of the last days of the mild weather.
We have details of free PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) tests for men, organised by the Brighton Lions and the Prostate Cancer Support Organisation – a great opportunity for men to get themselves checked out. You do need to book an appointment though. There’s also news of the latest plans for the former Cuthbert pub. Happy reading!
The Queen’s Park Living Team info@queensparkliving.co.uk www.queensparkliving.co.uk Cover photo: Simon Dack
Contents Page 4
Old Photo
Page 7 Local Author – John Enright Page 9 Snailspace arrives on 15th September Page 11 Heritage Open Days Page 12 Music and Wine at St Luke’s Page 13 Hanover Queens WI Page 13 Recipe of the month Page 15 Free PSA Tests Page 17 Older People’s Festival 2018 Page 17 Cuthbert Pub Plans Page 19 Community Consultation on City Plan Part 2 Page 21 Rotary Club of Brighton Page 22 Index of advertisers
Publisher: Sussex Magazines 10 Hollingbury Road, Brighton BN1 7JA info@queensparkliving.co.uk Printer: Gemini printers Distributors: Mandy Distribution
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Old Photo...
St Luke’s Church Hall
St Luke’s ChurchHall on 5th May 1972, after it had been damaged by a fire. It was built in 1875 and stood on the west side of Queen’s Park Road, on the corner of Islingword Road. It was originally used as a chapel until St Luke’s Church was built, when it became the church hall. The hall was replaced in the 1970s by Sidney Tidy House. ©Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
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Local Person... Meet a local writer...
Local Author – John Enright
John Enright lives in Cuthbert Road and has written seven novels and a play under the pseudonym John Righten. His latest novel “The Alpha Wolves” is published this month. How long have you been a writer?
Seven years. My first novel, Churchill’s Rogue, was short-listed for the inaugural Wilbur Smith Adventure Awards, but for over 20 years I had been taking notes on the characters I met – both good and bad. Tell us about The Alpha Wolves...
The Alpha Wolves is the final novel in The Lochran Trilogy -thrillers set in the 1960s. The premise is, “why kill a man, who the world knows is dying”, as an attempt is made to kill Sir Winston Churchill, in his final months. Lochran Ryan thwarted the assassins, but endangered himself, and his family. Have you got any more books planned?
I have written two trilogies -the 1930s adventurebased epic, The Rogues Trilogy, is centred on men and women trying to help Jewish families flee Nazi assassins, Alpha Wolves, on the eve of WWII.
The second trilogy, The Lochran Trilogy, is a complex crimethriller. My next novel, In Harm’s Way, will be the first in The Lenka Trilogy, set in the 1990s, when the lead character, a young teacher, Lenka, leads medical convoys into war-torn Bosnia. We hear you’ve had some dangerous adventures across the world...
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One, maybe two. I’m one of the rare few to finish the Enduro motorbike endurance rally across India, which raised money for UNICEF. I’ve organised, led, or been part of 17 medical convoys delivering medical supplies across the world, mainly into war zones. I’ve Dog Reliable worked in aWalking mental health institute in Times Square . . .or, perhaps you are referring to the time I walked Potty about Pets Feeding into Pet a coffee shop in The Lanes and asked for a mug of instant . . . that was a close call. Trustworthy
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Write. It’s a joy; each novel offers a new opportunity to research and, hopefully, learn a little more about the world. For example, The Alpha Wolves is far more than a fast-paced thriller, as it gave me the opportunity to research a revolutionary decade that advanced gay and civil rights, the fight for sexual equality, as well as the Cold War. All are integral to the story.
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The Alpha Wolves by John Righten is available www.taylorspetservices.com from Amazon.
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Local news...
Look out for a snail near you...
Snailspace arrives... 50 giant snails, individually decorated by different artists, and over 50 junior snails painted by local schoolchildren, will be located all over the city, sponsored by local businesses.
#BeMoreSnail is the motto of Snailspace, which is being organised by Martlets Hospice in conjunction with Wild in Art. The idea behind #BeMoreSnail is to encourage people to slow down, enjoy the moment and spend more time with the people they love. It resonates with the philosophy behind the lifechanging care provided by the hospice, and, at the end of the event, the sculptures will be auctioned off to raise money for it. The event has the backing of some of the city’s celebrities, including DJ Norman Cook, crime author Peter James and vlogger Alfie Deyes, who will have their own giant snails on the route.
A comprehensive map and an interactive app will also support the sculpture hunt. The map will be available
on the Snailspace website, at Martlets shops across the city and at Churchill Square.
Snails will be placed at some of the locations used for the Snowdogs and a few new locations have been added – all will be revealed on 15th September! For more information and to keep up to date with all details of the campaign, visit www.snailspacebrighton.co.uk or follow @snailspacebh on social media.
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Photo by Simon Dack/Vervate
The Snailspace art installation will be coming to the streets of Brighton & Hove from 15th September to 18th November.
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Local News... A chance to visit new places...
Heritage Open Days
Brighton College tour
There will be an opportunity to take a tour of Brighton College on Eastern Road, with an introduction to the history of the school and the older buildings, and some detail about the new buildings and the various awards they’ve won!The early parts were designed by Sir Gilbert Scott from 1848 to 1862. Additions were made by Sir Thomas Jackson in 1885. The tours take place on Fridays 7 and 14 September from 11.15am to 12.30pm. Pre-booking is required by 3 September at: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/brightoncollege-tour-tickets-46469484479 Feibusch Nativity Mural at St Wilfrid’s
This year there is a unique opportunity to view the hidden Feibusch Nativity Mural at 1 St Wilfrid’s Flats, on the corner of Whippingham Road and Elm Grove, which is not normally open to the public. The stunning mural was painted by German Jewish artist Hans Feibusch in 1939. The mural adorns three walls in what was a side chapel of the former Anglican church which no longer exists and is now sheltered housing. St Wilfrid’s will be open on Friday 14 September from 11am to 1pm and no booking is required. “Extraordinary Women” – Avril Coleridge-Taylor At St George’s Church in Kemp Town, you can discover the extraordinary life and music of Avril Coleridge-Taylor, composer, conductor and pianist,
in a unique exhibition with first performances of unpublished previously lost pieces. Avril was born in South Norwood, London, and lived for many years in Seaford until her death in 1989. The daughter of the composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor and his wife Jessie, she grew up in a musical household. Live performances by musicologist and flautist Caroline Collingridge are scheduled at each hour on the hour. (Free; Saturday 8 September; 2pm-6pm; no booking required.)
For further details of these and many other events, visit www.heritageopendays.org.uk.
Alexander Technique with Sarah Matthews sarah@posturecoach.co.uk 079 497 483 14 www.posturecoach.co.uk
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Avril Coleridge-Taylor
Heritage Open Days is England's largest festival of history and culture. Every year in September, places across the country throw open their doors to celebrate their heritage, community and history. It’s your chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences – and it’s all FREE. This year’s Heritage Open Days will be 6-9 and 13-16 September. Here are just a few local events...
Local Activities...
St Luke’s are hosting two concerts this month…
Music and Wine at St Luke’s On Friday 14th September we welcome back the Sussex Chamber Ensemble. Musicians Maeve Jenkinson - violin, Sarah Davison – cello, and Rachel Fryer –piano, will present Schubert’s monumental Piano Trio no. 1 in B flat, written in the last two years of his tragically short life when he turned to large-scale works, composing some of his greatest music. The second half is Dvorak’s Dumky Trio, a colourful piece suffused with the warmth of folk melody from his native Czechoslovakia. On Friday 28th September Brighton-based Japanese pianist Yoko Ono (yes that’s her real name!) will commemorate the centenary of Debussy’s death, with a complete performance of his Preludes Book 1. She will start the concert with Mozart’s Sonata in E flat major, K. 282, Chopin’s ‘Minute Waltz’, Nocturne in E flat major, Op.9 no.2, Grieg’s Nocturne Op.54 no.4 and ‘Wedding Day at Troldhaugen’ Op.65 No.6.
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The latest column from the local WI...
Yoko Ono
Hanover Queens WI We meet again on Thursday 13th September at 7.30pm upstairs at the Islingword Inn, 175 Queen’s Park Road. The speaker this month is Carol Dean from the hedgehog rescue scheme. Feel like finding out more about this and us? Check us out on Facebook and come along on the night. Always very pleased to see new faces. Handy hint Greasy stains on clothes? Rub a little washing-up liquid into the stain and rinse with water.
Recipe of the month...
The concerts take place at St Luke’s Church, Queen’s Park Road, and start at 7.30pm.
Tickets £7 / £5 unwaged and low waged / under-16s free. Disabled access. Wine and refreshments served. For more information, please visit www.musicandwineatstlukes.com or contact musicandwineatstlukes@gmail.com
Frozen Berries with White Chocolate Sauce Put 500g frozen berries in fridge 1 hour before serving to soften. Heat 150ml double cream, 150g white chocolate roughly chopped and 1tsp vanilla extract in pan, stirring until the chocolate melts. Leave to cool 2 minutes (stir in 2 tbsp rum if desired). Divide berries into 6 bowls and pour over hot sauce. Serve immediately before fruits completely defrost.
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Local News...
A chance for men to get themselves checked out...
Free PSA Tests
One in every two men will have a health problem with their prostate at some stage of their lives and one in every eight men will develop prostate cancer. PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) is a simple blood test that measures the amount of antigen, produced by the prostate, entering the blood. It is not a direct test for cancer; a moderately raised reading can be an indicator of a prostate problem, a high reading should trigger further tests to determine if there is a need for any treatment. Some clinicians believe all men over 50 should know their PSA and have regular yearly tests. Prostate cancer is now the leading cancer found in men. Caught in the early stages, cure rates are dramatically improved. General symptoms of problems with the prostate are frequent need to urinate especially at night; bursting to urinate, slow flow, difficult, painful; stop/start and dribbling, or blood in the urine.
The Prostate Cancer Support Organisation (PCaSO) are planning an all-day free test event in Hove in partnership with the Brighton Lions, who are funding the event, for men aged between 45 and 80 at:
Bishop Hannington Church, Nevill Avenue, on Saturday 29th September 2018 The testing will be conducted by trained phlebotomists taking blood from a vein in the arm; this will be analysed at a hospital laboratory and the result posted to men within 7 to 10 days. It is essential to BOOK AN APPOINTMENT TIME phone: 01273 587357 or email: brightonlions.psatests@gmail.com
Established 1990 OpenMonday Monday --- Friday Friday 8am -Established Established 1990 1990 Open -Established 6pm 1990 Open Monday Friday 8am --6pm 6pm Established 1990 Open Monday Friday 8am 6pm Children66 6months months to to 5 Children 55 years years Children months to years Children 6 months to 5to years Full or part-time hours suit Full or part-time -- hours to suit Full or part-time hours to Full or part-time - hours to suit suit
Establis Esta Esta
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Mature,experienced experienced & & qualified qualified staff Mature, staff Mature, experienced & qualified staff Mature, experienced & qualified staff Extra nursery activities including Spanish, Extra Extranursery nurseryactivities activitiesincluding includingSpanish, Spanish, Open Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm nursery including Spanish, Open MondayExtra Friday 8am - 6pm Music &activities Dance, Forest School Open Monday --Friday 8am Open Monday ---Friday 8am -Dance, Open Monday Friday 8am--6pm 6pm Open Monday Friday 8am -6pm 6pm Music &&Dance, Forest Music Forest School Children 6 months to 5suit years-- Friday full or part-time - hours to suit Children 6Open months to 5 years - full or part-time -Open hours toSchool Monday 8am - 6pm Monday Friday 8am 6pm Children 6 months to 5 years full or part-time --hours Music & Dance, Forest School Children 6 months to 5 years full or part-time hours to suit Children 6 months to 5 years full or part-time hoursto tosuit suit Children 6 months to 5 years full or part-time hours to suit Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular Children 6 months to 5 years full or part-time Children 6 months to 5 years full or part-time hours to suit Children 6 months to 5suit years - 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Orchard Day Queens Park Road, Brighton Orchard DayNursery, Nursery,622883 Queenswww.orchard-daynursery.co.uk Park Road,orchardday@yahoo.co.uk BrightonBN2 BN20GL 0GLorchardday Telephone (01273) 73) 622883(01273) www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Telephone (01273) www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday 273) www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Day Nursery, Queens Park Road, Brighton BN2 0GL 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk Telephone (01273) 622883 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday 273) 622883 622883 Orchard www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk CELEBRATING 27 YEARS!!
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Local Event... A citywide event...
Older People’s Festival 2018 Impact Initiatives is delighted to be putting together the very successful Older People’s Festival for the third year running, with over 100 events going on over two weeks all over Brighton & Hove, from 24th September to 7th October, celebrating people aged 50+. The festival encourages people to come together and try something new, meet others and participate in city life.
Please go to the website www.opf.org.uk for all of the event listings and details of where you can pick up the festival brochures. You can also attend the Festival Launch Event at the Hop50+ in Palmeira Square, Hove, on Monday 24th September, 10.30am to 3.30pm, to celebrate the start of the festival with a glass of bubbly and light refreshments. Sing for Better Health will be marking the launch with a fun group sing along and you can enjoy an afternoon of dancing to the famous Brighton Beach Boys playing all your favourite Beach Boys hits.
Local news...
Cuthbert Pub Plans
Artist’s impression of the view looking up Freshfield Road
Tarner Community Project offers a vibrant range of after school clubs and holiday play schemes for children aged 4-11 years. With OFSTED outstanding accreditation, the children benefit from a wide range of activities and the wonderful outside space of Tarner Park,where the project is based.Children are collected from school and then have an afternoon of activities including games, arts & crafts, sports, cooking, then end the day with a hot vegetarian 2 course meal. Spaces for this increasingly popular club are limited, so sign up soon to avoid disappointment. Telephone: 01273 679900 www.tarner.org.uk kiki@tarner.org.uk Tarner Community Project Registered charity: 1152321
Proposals have been submitted to Brighton & Hove City Council by Godfrey Investments to convert the former Cuthbert pub, on the corner of Cuthbert Road and Freshfield Road, into a café and office space, with a new extension containing three twobedroom apartments. Planning permission has previously been refused for three new houses on the site and the pub has been listed as an asset of community value (ACV) by community campaigners.
The developers’ planning statement says: “The site offers a fantastic opportunity to make a valuable contribution to the local area through the provision of a significant amount of much needed office space to support local businesses. The community café at the heart of the scheme will provide a focal point for local residents / workers and is supplemented by three two-bedroom flats with a shared external amenity space to the rear of the site.” For further details of the planning application, look for application BH2018/02114 on the council’s planning register at planningapps. brighton-hove.gov.uk.
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To advertise e-mail info@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021
Local News... News from the council...
Community Consultation on City Plan Part 2 Communities across Brighton & Hove now have a further opportunity to comment on the second part of the city’s local development plan. City Plan Part 2 will sit alongside the adopted City Plan Part 1 to support the provision of more new low-cost homes, local jobs and transport, and health facilities over the next decade. Take part in the consultation online at www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/cityplan-part2
City Plan Part 2 focuses on good management of development and ensuring good design, high quality and sustainable development. Its housing policies propose tougher controls on houses of multiple occupation (HMOs). The Plan ensures well designed, purpose-built student accommodation and identifies two further sites where it can be built.
A total of 85% of housing sites will come forward on brownfield sites and some urban fringe sites have been identified to provide a positive opportunity to build family and affordable homes, as well as create improved and publicly accessible open space. Most of the urban fringe will however be protected as green space and there will be four new local green spaces. Encouraging new and safeguarding community facilities is also at the heart of City Plan Part 2. A new policy will help protect public houses as community
benefit. Important shopping parades that provide people with access to facilities like newsagents and pharmacies within walking distance of home are recognised.
City Plan Part 2 identifies sites for 3,611 new homes to help meet the city’s housing target. When adopted, it will become part of the formal decision-making process of deciding planning applications. The consultation is open until 13 September.
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Local Group...
A local group who have been raising money for charity for over 100 years...
Rotary Club of Brighton
When we recently took a stall at the Rottingdean Village Fair which, this year, commemorated the outbreak of the First World War, we discovered that our club was possibly the only organisation present which would have been in existence at that time. We were founded in 1913 and chartered in 1917 which makes us one of the oldest Rotary Clubs in the UK and we are the oldest of the four Brighton Rotary Clubs, some of which are daughter clubs of ours.
The Rotary Club Young Citizens Awards
Several people asked us about Rotary and some told us what they thought Rotary is. The following is an attempt to correct misconceptions: Rotary is NOT... A secret society A branch of Freemasonry A political or religious organization. We do not just collect money for our administration (everything we collect goes out to charities - our subscriptions cover any overheads). WE ARE... part of a worldwide organisation of over 1.2 million people in 33,000 clubs. Members provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations and help build good will and peace in the world. The Rotary motto is “Service above Self”.
What do we do? As a club we organise events for members and friends and the wider community (eg quiz nights, race nights and occasional outings). We have our annual Santa “Round the Houses” which we have done for 40 years which raises revenue to go to charities. We run youth events such as Young Citizen and Youth Speaks. We sponsor students on gap years, give donations to local charities and to schools and
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also host students from overseas who are studying here on Rotary Scholarships. In the same way, UK students are hosted by overseas Rotary Clubs when studying abroad. Recently we have raised money for: the Air Ambulance, Chailey Heritage, Patcham High School, St Mark’s School, medical students doing an elective, the Royal Sussex County Hospital (which we have been supporting for 100 years!), schools overseas where we have a local connection, and for disaster relief. So this is the Rotary Club of Brighton, founded by five local businessmen with vision over 100 years ago and serving the community ever since.
However, Rotary is not all about good works. Friendship and fellowship are important too. We meet on a Wednesday lunchtime (12.30pm) at the Royal Albion Hotel in Brighton and there is an additional meeting on the first Monday of the month at 6pm in their verandah. We are always happy to welcome new members and if you would like to find out more about us then visit us at the Royal Albion or see our homepage: www.rotary-ribi.org/clubs/homepage. php?ClubID=1439
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to be part of Brighton & Hove
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