ueens Park Living January 2019 Edition I 01273 551021 I www.queensparkliving.co.uk
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Happy New Year to all Queen’s Park residents!
We hope you had a lovely Christmas. The years seem to go by so quickly and January is here again with many of us making New Year’s resolutions.
There are some people in Brighton who go for days without speaking to anyone. We have an article this month on Table Talk Brighton, a great new scheme to get people talking at cafés, which is being supported in Queen’s Park by Starfish & Coffee in Egremont Place and also by the two main cafés at the Royal Sussex County Hospital. We also hear from local charity Impetus about volunteering with the Neighbourhood Care Scheme, which can make an enormous difference to the life of the person you’re visiting. Happy New Year!
The Queen’s Park Living Team info@queensparkliving.co.uk www.queensparkliving.co.uk Cover photo: Simon Dack
Contents Page 4-5 Old Photo Page 7
Queen’s Park Person Jay Lisher
Page 9
Field Officers are go!
Page 11 Table Talk Brighton Page 13 Music and Wine at St Luke’s Page 13 Hanover Queens WI Page 15 New Archaeology Gallery at Brighton Museum Page 17 Ready to share your neighbourly goodwill?
Publisher: Sussex Magazines 10 Hollingbury Road, Brighton BN1 7JA info@queensparkliving.co.uk Printer: Gemini printers Distributors: Mandy Distribution
The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors We take complaints you make about our advertisers seriously. We have the following policy on this: First complaint about an advertiser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the advertiser concerned and notify them we have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts. If and when a third complaint arrives we will verify that all complaints received were genuine and inform the advertiser that we will no longer be promoting their business and inform them why.
Want a weekend job making a difference?
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We are looking for CareGivers to help older people enjoy their life at home and remain independent – perhaps providing companionship, helping with light housework, making a meal or supporting the start of their day, with visits of at least one hour in length. No previous experience is necessary – just the desire to help other people. Please call to Þnd out more about what makes us different:
01273 284090
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Old Photo...
01273 235019
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Q Elm Grove
Elm Grove, at the junction with Hallett Road, looking west, c1955.
The Racehorse Inn can be seen with a chevron design on the corner of the junction with Queen’s Park Road. Overhead wires for the trams can also be seen..
Š Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
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That’s one ticked off the list already Don’t wait until the New Year to make a resolution Adult courses starting in January 2019
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Local Event...
Meet a veterinary nurse from Coastway Vets...
Queen’s Park Person...Jay Lisher Jay Lisher lives locally and is a senior veterinary nurse at Coastway Vets’ Veterinary Hospital on Freshfield Way. How long have you worked at Coastway Vets?
I’ve been fortunate enough to be part of the Coastway Vets family for over 12 years and with their support and guidance qualified as a veterinary nurse with them more than 10 years ago. Are there any particular issues or illnesses that you see more of in the winter?
Personally I think one of the biggest issues during the winter period is arthritis. A lot of patients get by during the summer and spring months, but when the cold weather hits they struggle with their mobility. We offer a wide range of services to help manage pain in pets that struggle with this issue, including physiotherapy, laser therapy, hydrotherapy and acupuncture.
Dog lovers wanted: “Pleeease can I come to stay?”
While owners are away you will give their dogs love,exercise and companionship within your family home. If you are at home all day, have no children under the age of six, have no more than one dog of your own and would like to enjoy the companionship of guest dogs please get in touch.
You provide an out-of-hours service. Tell us more about that... We launched Vetcall, our emergency service, about 21 years ago to provide urgent care for Brighton’s pets when their normal practice is closed. It’s been open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year since then. Most of the staff, myself included, are here over Christmas and New Year for emergency cases. What’s the best thing about your job?
For me, I love client communication and consulting. I think it is really rewarding helping patients and owners; when they are having problems, if they need advice, or are coming in for routine visits. I have a great interest in animal behaviour and have been privileged enough over the last six years or so to run our Puppy Life Skills course with canine and feline behaviourist Trixie Howard. Puppy Life Skills is the socialisation course we created to prep puppies for the outside world and it’s one of many behavioural assistance services we offer. Do you have pets of your own?
Where happy dogs holiday
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I do, my fiancé and I have our special little lad ‘Alphonse’. He’s a 10 year old British Shorthair cat and has been with us since I took him on from work when he was about 10 weeks old. Unfortunately he has had a long list of problems during his life, but I wouldn’t be without him, even if he does wake me up at silly o’clock in the morning every day. For more information, visit www.coastwayvets. co.uk or phone 01273 692257.
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Local news...
News from the council...
Field Officers are go! A new role bringing council services out to the city’s communities seven days a week is proving an instant hit.
The Field Officer team became fully operational in December. The service has been developed to work closely with communities and partners, and the team act as troubleshooters to deliver co-ordinated, fast and effective enforcement and inspection work across a number of council services. These include environmental health, housing, planning enforcement, community safety, seafront services and parks. A key feature is working within and with communities to promote a more proactive and preventative way of working to resolve issues efficiently and effectively. While it’s still early days, the service is already showing real benefits.
The Field Officer team working between 12 noon and 8pm seven days a week allows them to visit residents at home to discuss complaints and identify quick solutions. It also allows information and intelligence to be gathered out-of-hours on more complex cases, which can help resolve them more speedily. And early
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face-to-face communication has meant the team can deal with cases quickly. The team has received a lot of positive feedback about the speed of the response. One of the duties the team have taken over is a new weekend out-of-hours noise nuisance service, aiming to provide a safer and more effective response. Residents are now able to email or phone in noise complaints on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, and will be contacted the following morning with the offer of a visit that day. For weekend noise complaints, call 01273 293541 or email outofhoursnoise@brighton-hove.gov.uk, from 5pm on a Friday through to 9am on Monday morning.
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www.multiversalevents.co.uk Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021
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Local News...
A great new project from One Church Brighton to get people talking...
Table Talk Brighton...
TABLE TALK has been launched. The mission is to make Brighton even more friendly by offering opportunities to talk to new people. The simple idea is that cafés have an assigned table, marked with a TABLE TALK BRIGHTON stand, where people sit if they're happy to talk to other customers. It's for everyone, alone, with a friend, child or carer. We want people to TAKE TIME TO TALK.
Maybe you’d like to meet and talk to more people, or take a break from your phone or laptop. Even a short conversation could make a big difference – you never know who you might meet.
TABLE TALK has been supported enthusiastically, not only by cafés but by people of all ages and by the leader of Brighton & Hove City Council. Already participating are cafés in different areas of the city, including the seafront and Preston Park. Among them are independents, cafés within stores such as M&S, Debenhams and Waterstones, the national café Starbucks, the two main Royal Sussex County Hospital cafés and community cafés.
Why not give this a try as the new year starts? It could make 2019 a more interesting and enjoyable year for you. Some of us feel uncomfortable going into a café alone but it's a safe environment. Although we can't promise that someone will share the table, you'll be welcome. Do encourage others to join in and TAKE TIME TO TALK. A few people have volunteered to work together to make this exciting project happen. We'd love to hear of your experiences - email tabletalk@ onechurchbrighton.org
You can find Table Talk tables locally at: Starfish & Coffee, 32 Egremont Place (Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm); and the Royal Sussex County Hospital Waves Restaurant (adjacent to the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital) and Terrace Restaurant (Audrey Emerton Building), Mon-Fri, 8am-12 noon.
The idea developed when sadly there were accounts of people going for days without speaking to anyone. More recently BBC research has shown that many people, especially 16-24 year olds, feel lonely at some time. Brighton is a friendly city but can be lonely for some. We want an assigned table to become the norm in city cafés for everyone to enjoy. Some cafés will offer TABLE TALK all the time whilst others on a specific day or time. Details are on the website www.tabletalkbrighton.org or Facebook. com/tabletalkbrighton. More cafés are being added, aiming to have one close to each medical surgery in Brighton.
Queens Park Rd Brighton Your friendlolycal newsagents! • Magazines • Pay zone facility • Groceries
• National lottery • Confectionery
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01273 623 464 Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021
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Local Activities...
This month at St Luke’s, a harpsichord recital…
Music and Wine at St Luke’s... Happy New Year. We hope you had a great festive break.
Our first concert of the season will be on Friday 18th January when Music & Wine at St Luke’s will host its first harpsichord recital, given by Sara Stowe.
Sara will perform a varied programme of harpsichord music from the 17th century to the present day. You will hearpieces from Anne Cromwell’s Virginal Book, Wiliam Mirval’s Siege of Chester, Francois Couperin’s Mysterious Barricades, Handel’s Harmonious Blacksmith and Stephen Montague’s dancing Mirabella. Sara has recently made her first recording of new harpsichord music, a CD of Italian songs and, on the Métier label with the ensemble Sirinu, the music for early and unusual instruments by Howard Skempton. The concert takes place at St Luke’s Church, Queen’s Park Road, and starts at 7.30pm.
Tickets £7 / £5 unwaged and low waged / under-16s free. Disabled access. Wine and refreshments served. For more information, please visit www.musicandwineatstlukes.com or contact musicandwineatstlukes@gmail.com
The latest column from the local WI...
THE FOOTMAN Hanover Queens WI HOME VISITING FOOT CLINIC • Treatment in the comfort of your own home • Nail care and foot pain • Corns and calluses • Ingrowing toenails • Verrucas
Peter Alexander BSc Ost MCFHP MAFHP Foot Health Professional
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Happy New Year from the Hanover Queens! We’ll welcome in the New Year on Thursday 10th January with our Quiz Night. We meet at 7.30pm upstairs at the Islingword Inn, 175 Queen’s Park Road, every second Thursday of the month. Do come along if you’d like to give us a try. Grab a drink downstairs and come and join us. There’s always tea and cake too! New faces and members always very welcome. Find out more on Facebook or email us at wihanoverqueens@gmail.com. Handy hint Recycle the bag from your cereal packet and use it to keep your bread fresh. Recipe of the month – Date Krispies
• Melt 4oz marge or butter, 2oz granulated sugar and 6oz chopped dates in a pan. • When soft add 3oz Rice Krispies, 2oz chopped cherries and 1oz walnuts or ginger pieces (optional). • Spread on greased tray and cover with melted chocolate when cool. • Mark into pieces when chocolate is set. Easy and tasty!
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Photo by Philip Nash Photography
Brochures for our series running from January–April 2019 should be delivered to you in the next few weeks. Please contact us if you haven’t received one and would like to.
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Local News...
Meet some of the earliest residents of Sussex...
New Archaeology Gallery at Brighton Museum Get up close and personal with some of the earliest residents of Sussex at the new and exciting archaeology gallery opening at Brighton Museum and Art Gallery on January 26th. Discover the compelling story of our ancestors who lived in Brighton & Hove through the centuries from the Ice Age to the Saxons. At the heart of the exhibition will be seven forensically accurate 3D facial reconstructions revealing the faces of people, some of whose remains were found in and around Brighton & Hove from the Ice Age to the Saxon era.
Using modern scientific technology, research into the lives of these people has discovered a wealth of mystery, drama and tragedy through childbirth, malnutrition, toothache and possibly murder. Now you can see what they looked like and learn their real-life stories. The brand-new gallery is named The Elaine Evans Archaeology Gallery after its major benefactor and has been designed to appeal to families and children as well as students and people interested in archaeology and history. This is the first new gallery devoted to
ancient history in Brighton & Hove for over 20 years following a public petition from the Brighton & Hove Archaeology Society. One of their members, Brighton & Hove resident Elaine Evans BEM, has kindly donated a substantial grant to the museum to enable the gallery to be created.
Neolithic woman - remains found on Whitehawk Enclosure (now Brighton Racecourse)
Other highlights include digital animated scenes of woolly mammoth, bison, elephants and hyenas wandering the streets of Brighton, and a bird’s eye view of the Sussex coastline, showing how it has changed over the last 250,000 years. For more information, visit brightonmuseums.org.uk
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Local Volunteering...
This article is by Nick, a volunteer for the Impetus Neighbourhood Care Scheme...
Ready to share your neighbourly goodwill? Today I picked up Terry from his home, as I do once a week. We collected his prescription from the pharmacy and then drove to a café in Kemptown and enjoyed a pot of exquisite Chinese tea and sumptuous cake. We talked about his Pilates class, his time living in Thailand, his life as a designer, about cataloguing his photographs, documenting his personal history.
He is 81 with poor health and sight, the result of a stroke, and with some mobility issues. The combined effect of these conditions has resulted in him being confined to his flat for long periods. Due to his sight he is unable to watch TV or read and his days can be long and boring which causes him to feel depressed.
When I signed up as a volunteer for Impetus Neighbourhood Care Scheme, it was because I believed I could help make someone’s life a little better.
Giving a couple of hours every few weeks to provide some companionship for a lonely, isolated individual seemed an inconsequential use of my spare time to me and was a way of doing something for the local community.
I had expected to bring some small solace into the life of the person I was assigned to visit. I had not expected to make a difference to someone’s life, neither had I expected to find a friend; “You are the highlight of my week”, “I always look forward to our outings”, “I forget about my problems when I am with you”, “You inspire me to do more” are some of the comments Terry has made about the difference our meetings have made to his life. I have been visiting Terry for over a year now and we meet once a week, rain or shine, to get him out of his home and find somewhere to have tea where he can share, with wit, energy and passion, stories of his fascinating life. As Terry’s senses diminish and his world gets smaller it is a privilege to be able to bring some joy and happiness into his life and I value the opportunity volunteering with Impetus has given me to know and be friends with this charming and interesting man. If, like Nick, you have a spare hour or two every week or fortnight, please contact Impetus on 01273 775 888 or email ncs@bh-impetus.org www.bh-impetus.org Find us on social media @BHImpetus
Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021
Index... Bathrooms
Q Job Opportunity
Eurotiles & Bathrooms................................................................ 14
Home Instead......................................................................................3
AB Building Developments........................................................ 12
Clarks Kitchens..................................................................................9
Clarks Bathrooms.............................................................................9 Building Services
Clarkes of Brighton...........................................................................4
St Clair Builders.............................................................................. 16 Chiropodist
The Foot Man................................................................................... 13 College
Greater Brighton Metropolitan...................................................6 Domestic Appliances
Carters................................................................................................ 10 Energy Services
Multiversal Events.............................................................Cover , 9 Estate Agents
John Hilton...........................................................................................2 Paul Bott........................................................................................Back Firewood
Brighton Log Centre.........................................................................3 Funerals
Sussex Funeral Services.............................................................. 15 Grocery Shop
Hilly Laine............................................................................................4
Dream Doors.......................................................................................5 Locksmiths
Lee’s Locks........................................................................................ 17 Newsagents
Videostar........................................................................................... 11 Nursery
Orchard Day Nursery................................................................... 18 Online Shop
Hilly Laine............................................................................................4 Pet Services
Wagging Tails......................................................................................7 Plasterer
Lewis Byard...................................................................................... 11 Plumbing Services
Plum Heating......................................................................................4 Roofing
MB Roofing..........................................................................................6
G & S Roofing................................................................................. ..16 Workwise Roofing............................................................................8 Rubbish clearance service
AGR....................................................................................................... 23
OpenMonday Monday ---Friday Friday 8am -Established 6pm Established 1990 1990 1990 Open Open Monday Friday8am 8amEstablished -Established 6pm 1990 Established 1990 Open Monday - Friday 8am --6pm 6pm Children 6 months to 5 years Children 66 to years Children months to years Children 6 months months to 55 5to years Full or part-time hours suit Full or part-time hours to Full or part-time hours to suit Full or part-time - hours to suit suit
Establish Estab Estab
Estab Estab
Mature, experienced & qualified staff Mature, Mature,experienced experienced& &qualified qualifiedstaff staff Mature, experienced & qualified staff Mature, experienced & qualified staff
Extra nursery activities including Spanish, Extra Extra nursery nursery activities activities including including Spanish, Spanish, nursery activities including Spanish, Extra nursery including Spanish, Open Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm Open MondayExtra - Friday 8am - 6pm Music &activities Dance, Forest School Open Open Monday Monday Friday 8am 8am----6pm 6pm Open Open Monday Monday Friday Friday 8am 8am 6pm 6pm Open Monday Friday 8am 6pm Open Monday Friday 8am 6pm Children 6 months to 5 years-----Friday full or part-time - hours to suit Open Monday Friday 8am 6pm Children 6Open months to 5 years - full or part-time hours to suit Music Music & & Dance, Dance, Forest Forest School School Monday - Friday 8am 6pm Music & Dance, Forest School Music & Dance, Forest School Children Children 6 6 months months to to 5 5 years years full full or or part-time part-time hoursto tosuit suit Children Children 6 6 months months to to 5 5 years years full full or or part-time part-time hours hours to to suit suit Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular Children 6 months to 5 years full or part-time hours to suit Children 6 months to 5 years full or part-time hours suit Children 6 months to 5suit years - full or part-time ----hours hours to suit Children 6 months to 5 years full or part-time hours to Well-equipped Well-equipped outdoor space space plus regular regular Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular Mature, experienced & qualifi staff •plus Extra nursery activities including French, Music & D e, experienced & qualified staff • •Extra nursery activities including French, Music & Dance, trips outdoor to enjoyed the park Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular
•Extra Mature, Mature, experienced experienced & & qualifi qualifi ed ed staff staff ••••Extra Extra nursery nursery activities activities including French, French, MusicYe && experienced experienced && &qualifi qualified edstaff staff •••••Extra nursery nursery activities activities including including French, French, Music Music && &Years Dance, Dance, ••Extra Mature, experienced & qualifi ed staff Extra nursery activities including French, Music Forest School • Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips including to enjoy the park • Music Early trips trips to to enjoy enjoy the the park park experienced qualifi ed staff nursery activities including French, Music Dance, st School • Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park • Early trips to enjoy the park Mature, experienced & qualifi ed staff Extra nursery activities including French, Music & experienced & qualifi ed staff Extra nursery activities including French, Music & Dance, trips to enjoy the park Early Years Foundation Stage Education Forest Forest School School ••••Well-equipped Well-equipped outdoor outdoor space space plus plus regular regulartrips trips to toenjoy enjoy the thepark park ••••Early Earl School chool • • Well-equipped Well-equipped outdoor outdoor space space plus plus regular regular trips trips to to enjoy enjoy the the park park • • Early Early Years Years Foundation Stage Education • Registered by Ofsted • After-school Club including school colle Forest School Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park Early tion Stage Education • Registered by Ofsted • After-school Club including school collections School • Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park • Early Years Forest School Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park Early School • Well-equipped outdoor space plus Years regular trips to enjoyStage the park • Early Years Early Early Years Foundation Foundation Stage Education Education Early Years Foundation Stage Education Foundation Foundation Stage Stage Education Education ••••Registered Registered by byOfsted Ofsted ••••After-school After-schoolClub Clubincluding includingschool schoolcc Early Years Foundation Stage Education StageEducation Education••••Registered Registered by byOfsted Ofsted •Stage After-school Club Club including including school school collections collections Foundation Education Registered by Ofsted After-school Club including school nnStage Stage Education Registered by Ofsted After-school Club including school collections Registered by Ofsted Foundation Stage Education Registered by Ofsted After-school Club including school cc n Stage Education Registered by Ofsted •••After-school After-school Club including school collections
Orchard Nursery, Queens Park Road Queen's rsery, Queens Park Day Road (adjacent to Queen's Park),(adjacent Brightonto BN2 0GL Park), Bri Registered Registered by byOfsted Ofsted Registered by Ofsted Registered by Ofsted Baby spaces nowQueens being booked for September 2019 Orchard Orchard Day Day Nursery, Nursery, Queens Park Park Road Road (adjacent (adjacent to to Queen's Queen's Park), Park), B B ery, ery, Queens Queens Park Park Road Road (adjacent (adjacent to to Queen's Queen's Park), Park), Brighton Brighton BN2 BN2 0GL 0GL Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road, Brighton BN2 0GL Telephone (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@y 01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), B ery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), Brighton BN2 0GL Orchard Orchard Day Day Nursery, Nursery, Queens Queens Park Park Road, Road, Brighton Brighton BN2 BN2 0GL 0GL Telephone orchardday 73) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Telephone (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@ 273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Orchard Day (01273) Nursery, Queenswww.orchard-daynursery.co.uk Park Road,orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Brighton BN2 0GL orchardday@ (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk Telephone (01273) 622883 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@ 273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk (01273) (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk (01273) 622883 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk CELEBRATING 27 YEARS!!
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Waste Management Ltd
TEL: 01273 083732 /07505 997838 www.agrwaste.co.uk Fully Licensed by the Environmental Agency • Fully Insured
At AGR Waste we aim to offer a stress free rubbish removal service throughout Sussex. We remove and recycle up to 95% of all rubbish collected.
House Clearances Garage Clearances Garden Waste All furniture including Mattresses, Cookers, Washing Machines, Fridges, Freezers and Sofas All Builders Waste removed
Scaffolding Ltd
TEL 07792 386578
Fully Insured Scaffold Service Throughout Sussex
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