Hove Park Living June 2019

Page 1


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MB Roofing have the expertise and experience to solve all your roofing problems

All work guaranteed All work guaranteed Roof repairs, renewal and replacement Roof repairs, renewal replacement Guttering installation -and UPVC fascia boards Guttering installation UPVC fascia boards Flat roofs - Supply and fit Velux windows Flat roofsguaranteed -lead Supply and fit Velux windows All work Chimneys work - firewalls Chimneys lead workspecialist - and firewalls Roof repairs, renewal replacement Firewall restoration Firewall restoration specialist Guttering We now have a state of No job tooinstallation large or too- UPVC small fascia boards No job too large or too small the art Drone and can Flat roofs Supply and fit windows Day evening and weekendVelux service All work guaranteed carry out close up survey/ Day evening and weekend service Roof repairs, renewal and replacement Chimneys lead work - firewalls quotes quotes free of charge. GutteringFree installation - UPVCe-mailed fascia boardswithin 24 hours Firewall restoration specialist quotes e-mailed Flat roofsFree - Supply and fit Velux windows within 24 hours “What can I say, brilliant service once again. Used ChimneysNo leadjob worktoo - firewalls large or too small “What can I say, brilliant service onceand again. Used are M B Roofing Ltd and I must say Mike his team Firewall restoration specialist Day evening and weekend service M B Roofing Ltd and I mustand saycompleted Mike and all his work teamahead are No job too large or too small fantastic. Arrived on time Day evening andquotes weekend service fantastic. Arrived on time and completed all work ahead Free e-mailed within 24 hours of schedule, cleaned up brilliantly. Free quotes e-mailed within 24 hours of schedule, cleaned up brilliantly.

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Page 5 Family Fun Day

Now that the local elections are done and dusted, we have updated contact details for your ward councillors.

Page 9 An Elixir Of Life Under Your Nose

Congratulations to Vanessa Brown who was re-elected and to Samer Bagaeen who is a new councillor. The May festivals and Hove Carnival might be over but there are still plenty of events to keep you busy in June, including the annual Family Fun Day at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Dyke Road on 8th June, Pooches on the Prom on 23rd June and some more great shows at the Brighton Open Air Theatre. We also have news of a project to plant more trees around the city. Enjoy the beginning of summer!

Page 13 The Good, The Bad And

The Hove Park Living Team info@hoveparkliving.co.uk www.hoveparkliving.co.uk

Page 25 June At The Brighton

Cover picture: James O’Sullivan

Page 28 The Marvellous Mary Merrifield

Page 5 Tennisathon Page 7 Councillors For Hove Park Page 7 Pooches On The Prom Page 10 Old Photo

The Ugly In Hove Park

Page 15 Jack Smith Estate Agents Page 19 The Season Of The Copse Page 21 Brighton Comedy Garden Page 21 Free Concert Page 23 Plant Your Postcode

Open Air Theatre

Page 27 Patrick Burke Retrospective

Publisher: Sussex Magazines 10 Hollingbury Road, Brighton BN1 7JA info@hoveparkliving.co.uk Printer: Gemini Press Distributors: Hove Leaflet Distribution The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors We take complaints you make about our advertisers seriously. We have the following policy on this: First complaint about an advertiser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the advertiser concerned and notify them we have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts. If and when a third complaint arrives we will verify that all complaints received were genuine and inform the advertiser that we will no longer be promoting their business and inform them why.

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HOVE PARK A great local event at the Church of the Good Shepherd...

FAMILY FUN DAY AT THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD... The Church of the Good Shepherd in Dyke Road are holding their annual Family Fun Day on Saturday 8th June, from 2pm to 5pm, as part of their week-long Good Shepherd Festival. Admission is free. The “Marvellous Mutts and Friends” dog show will have categories including Prettiest Pet, Waggiest Tail, Best Trick and Best Rescued Animal. Entry for the dog show is £1 on the day. You can also meet your favourite characters from Star Wars and Doctor Who, and take a selfie! Attractions also include: live music, a bouncy castle, a coconut shy, face painting, games and competitions, a raffle, tombola, local produce stalls, books, plants, craft, bric-à-brac, free tea and cakes, food stalls and a barbecue. Other events in the Good Shepherd Festival: Sunday June 9th 10.15am - a special Festival Church Service Tuesday June 11th 10.30am - the teddy bears glide from the church tower


pm - variety music programme from the local schools 2 6pm - picnic on the church green (please bring eatables/ drinks to share) & Brownies’ games variety programme Sunday June 16th 10.15am - Family Service. All welcome. For more information see www.goodshepherdbrighton.org.uk

Doors and Conservatories

Play tennis and raise money for Martlets hospice...

TENNISATHON IN HOVE PARK On Sunday 7th July Hove Park will be hosting our first Tennisathon in support of local charity, The Martlets.

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We will aim to play from sunrise to sunset, with each team of four taking an hour slot at the cost of £60/team (all proceeds go to support The Martlets). Please email tom@ honeywoodtennis.com saying which slot you would like/to find out availability. There will be plenty going on to keep you entertained on the day: a BBQ kindly provided by Hove Park café, a raffle and lots of fun games for all ages. Come along, support the day and help us raise lots of money for this worthwhile cause.


The Hove Park Tennis Alliance

Please send your local articles to info@hoveparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021



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HOVE PARK Your local representatives...

COUNCILLORS FOR HOVE PARK An election of city councillors was held on 2nd May. The results for Hove Park ward were: BAGAEEN Samer

Conservative Party Candidate


BROWN Vanessa

Conservative Party Candidate



UK Independence Party (UKIP)

HARRISON Michael Charles

Labour Party

JARDINE Simon Baird

Liberal Democrats


JENNER Arthur Nigel

Labour Party


MARTIN Iain Antony

Green Party first choice candidate


O`SHEA Nicholas Desmond

Liberal Democrats


PHILO Paul Francis

Green Party second choice candidate


The elected councillors were Vanessa Brown and Samer Bagaeen. You can contact them at:

Vanessa Brown (Conservative) Email: vanessa.brown @brighton-hove.gov.uk Tel: 01273 291143

Samer Bagaeen (Conservative) Email: Samer.Bagaeen @brighton-hove.gov.uk Tel: 07562 437606

You can also write to both councillors at: Hove Town Hall Hove BN3 3BQ

129 1,002

A paw-some sponsored dog walk...

POOCHES ON THE PROM Pooches on the Prom, Martlets’ much-loved 5k or 8k sponsored dog walk, is back on Sunday 23rd June. The event will start at 10am at the dog-friendly Big Beach Café, Hove Lagoon, where celebrity vet ‘Marc the Vet’ will be judging ‘The Most Stylish Dog’ Award and meeting local four-legged friends. Every pooch taking part will receive a well-earned medal and doggy bag as a thank-you for their efforts. Registration is £5 per human and accompanying dogs take part for free. Owners are encouraged to raise sponsorship for their dogs and the event is also an opportunity for owners and their pets to enter into the spirit and dress ‘pup’ as fancy dress is always appreciated to add to the fun! For further information or to register visit www.themartlets. org.uk/pooches-on-the-prom, telephone 01273 747455 or email events@martlets.org.uk

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HOVE PARK Our regular healthy living article from Mary Henderson, a doctoral researcher in gut health...

AN ELIXIR OF LIFE UNDER YOUR NOSE... Do I still need to argue the case for 5-a-day? It seems I do. The latest nutrition and diet survey reports that UK adults are averaging 4.2 portions a day whilst teenagers are managing only 2.7. Why are so many of us prepared to part with good money for some pseudoscientific elixir of life when there’s humble fare readily available? The Lancet recently published a systematic review of analysis of the global burden of disease study including 195 countries and found for increased fruit and veg intake, a lower risk of mortality and morbidity. Poor diet is one of the top risk factors for early death, poor health and health inequalities. What does that mean? It means fruit and veg makes your body work properly - and that includes your brain! It means that for a relatively simple change to your diet, you have an evidence-backed way of staying healthy.

Slice a banana into your breakfast bowl

You don’t need to be virtuous; with a few tweaks to your current eating habits, you can easily reach a very achievable target. Slice a banana or sprinkle dried fruit into your breakfast bowl. Tomatoes, mushrooms and baked beans already sit happily alongside a bacon sarnie. With sandwiches still the mainstay of British lunches, simply add a layer of greens, tomatoes, or roasted veg. The same goes for a burger. At dinnertime, pop a veg or two into your sauces, stews, mash and pastas or just as a deliciously seasoned side, topped with a cheese or dressing, and Bob’s your uncle, you’ve just bagged your 5-a-day! Mary Henderson

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DYKE ROAD One of the last trams on the Dyke Road route, April 1939, opposite Dyke Road Park. The system was discontinued on this route on 26 April, being replaced by motor buses. This line was double-tracked from Seven Dials to the terminus at Tivoli Crescent North.

Thanks to the Regency Society for this image from their photographic archives, The James Gray Collection. You can see thousands more historic pictures of Brighton and Hove at: www.regencysociety-jamesgray.com

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Please send your local articles to info@hoveparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021

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HOVE PARK News from the Friends of Hove Park...

THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY IN HOVE PARK What beautiful weather over Easter! Aided by the glorious sunshine, everybody had a great time at our Easter Trail and Easter Bonnet Competition. Photos show people at one of the trail clues and the colourful gathering of the Easter bonnets with everyone a winner. It’s also good to have some attractive new planting in the park. The bad and the ugly? Mountains of litter, vandalism in the children’s playground (the equipment is designed for normal use, not for pummelling and testing to destruction by older children), and perhaps illustrated best by this picnic bench near the football court with several burnt holes in its top! Friends of Hove Park

Please send your local articles to info@hoveparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021




BreakfastsBreakfasts light lunches, soup, Breakfasts pasta hot special light lunches, soup, lightand lunches, soup,of the day. Ideal meeting pasta and pasta and place and also available for hot hot special special of of the the day day private functions Ideal meeting meeting Ideal 9am - 5pm Mon to Sat place place and and also also available available for for private private functions functions

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Why not come to the Ralli Hall Lunch and Social Club a venue for the discerning, elegant older folk of Brighton and Hove, conveniently located by Hove Station at Ralli Hall, Denmark Villas, where you can meet your friends and make new friendships in a relaxed and congenial atmosphere. We meet twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10.00 - 4.00 and while the three-course hot lunch is the focus of our day, we also have exercise classes in the morning along with a discussion group and crossword sessions.

Traditional Traditional Shabbat Shabbat dinner. dinner.

After lunch we have a variety of entertaining activities which include bridge, kalooki, rummikub, guest speakers, art and musical entertainment. Tea and biscuits are served both mornings and afternoons.

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HOVE PARK A new business in Hove...

JACK SMITH ESTATE AGENTS Jack Smith has set up a brand new estate agency in Hove, Jack Smith Estate Agents. Why did you decide to set up a business in Hove? Hove is a very attractive and appealing location. The neighbourhood is well regarded as having a vibrant and community feel to it. It is popular and desirable to set up home in due to good accessibility, charming appearance and fantastic amenities. This makes it inclusive for every generation and serves to give a quality of life we all aspire to. Why did you choose estate agency as a career and do you have prior experience in this field? Having gained experience since the age of 17 working in local independent estate agencies in Brighton & Hove, now at the age of 23 I feel that I have gained enough insight in the business to provide a service which will exceed expectations. My family have been very instrumental in my choice of career. Both of my grandfathers began working in estate agency from an early age. My mother, grandmother, father and uncles also invested their time and energy in helping countless individuals and families find a new abode. I am very proud to continue my generation of service in estate agency following on in what has been a family tradition. I hope to be able to emulate my predecessors’ successes and one day be held in the same highly revered regard as they were during their careers. How does your business differ from other estate agents? By carrying on a fine tradition of quality customer services and care. The latest technology combined with a good old-fashioned style of attention and service I believe will enhance and create a memorable property journey. I will, as director, be personally involved from start to finish of the process and will have a hands-on


approach. I will also guarantee to beat any other estate agency on service and letting fees. I am also offering a very attractive rate of 0.5% sales fee on all properties. I will dedicate time and personal attention to all. What’s the housing market like at the moment in the Hove Park area? Demand for property in the area remains high. An area such as this will always experience a continued demand. As mentioned previously I feel that it is due to the fact that this is a welcoming community inclusive of every generation. Jack Smith of Jack Smith Estate Agents To find out more, visit www.jacksmithestateagents. co.uk, email info@jacksmithestateagents.co.uk or phone 01273 234840.

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HOVE PARK News from the Friends of Three Cornered Copse...

THE SEASON OF THE COPSE One morning, in the recent weeks, a dark black cloud blew over the town, thanks to the cold northern winds of early May, and as I walked down from the top of the copse I took shelter in the woods. Large raindrops began to hit the ground, and began watering the grass. In the woods however, it remained bone dry, the paths as hard as concrete. The forest canopy has nearly covered the roof of the wood, and even the large raindrops couldn’t find their way through. In other words, Three Cornered Copse is starting to look at its finest. The parsley is head high, the May blossom is in full bloom, and the birds are frantically feeding their broods on seeds and insects. One of our members has spotted a Brimstone butterfly, one of the earliest of the season. Spring is officially here. The Friends of Three Cornered Copse had our AGM in April, at the pub formerly known as Poets Corner, our usual venue. Attended by the core supporters, and outside the formal re-election of officers and reports, a lively discussion took place, making plans for future workdays and raising issues where we could improve things for our visitors. Neil, our Park Ranger, was there and added some helpful advice. Climate change is affecting our woodlands across the South, trees that need plenty of water, like elms, are struggling, and there is the threat of ash die-back, which will change the look of our local woodlands. More parochially, a few fires have been lit in the copse. The bye-laws prohibit any fires, because of the potential destruction that can be caused. On Ilkley Moor recently, in West Yorkshire, an extensive brush fire was caused by a careless barbecue that spread to the dry vegetation.

The floor underneath a fire takes several years to recover, it really is a risk, and causes damage. We have recently been contacted by our local path warden, who has appreciated the hedge whips we have planted over the past two years. He has spotted the eggs of a Brown Hairstreak butterfly on our blackthorn saplings, which is a new recorded habitat for this species. It’s gratifying to know that the work of the Friends group brings more diversity to this valuable green lung in our city. If you need a short break from the daily frenzy of Hove Park Living, take a walk through Three Cornered Copse, and see it at its finest this month. But please, no fires! Simon Baxendale

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HOVE PARK A new festival coming to Preston Park...

A local event...



19-23 June 2019

1.10pm, Saturday 15th June

The first-ever Brighton Comedy Garden plants its roots this June with five nights of sensational stand-up from the likes of QI star Alan Davies, Sean Lock from 8 Out of 10 Cats, German comedy ambassador Henning Wehn, multi award-winning Sara Pascoe, The Last Leg’s Adam Hills, lo-fi master David O’Doherty and many, many more. Each night a star-studded bill Stephen K Amos will raise the roof off a giant big top seated venue set in Preston Park. Comedy-lovers can choose from a series of meticulously curated shows starring comedy heavyweights like Tom Allen, Ed Byrne, Stephen K Amos and Rachel Parris, cult heroes including Bridget Christie and Tim Key, and exciting breakthrough talent such as Rose Matafeo, Rosie Jones and Phil Wang. Alongside the comedy, there will be a selection of street-food traders, plus craft beers, summer-inspired cocktails and more.

St Peter’s Church West Blatchington (by the windmill) invite you to a free lunchtime concert by singing group The Acabellas. Refreshments are provided, with donations gratefully received towards choir funds. For further information ring 01273 567399 or email maevans42@gmail.com stpeterswestblatchington.org.uk

Tickets are available from www.brightoncomedygarden.co.uk.

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HOVE PARK Help keep our city’s trees!

PLANT YOUR POSTCODE... Look around. We’re lucky, there are trees everywhere – but now your help is needed to keep our city leafy. You may have noticed that many of our city’s beautiful trees are getting old and succumbing to disease. Add to this the challenge that our council faces in the battle to add or even replace trees in this time of austerity, and it becomes clear that residents’ help is needed. Our trees: Brighton & Hove’s trees are particularly special because we hold the National Elm Collection. Now the city is home to some of the rarest varieties of elms in the world. It’s important that the number of elms we have is at least maintained. A vast number of trees were planted in Victorian times when the city rapidly expanded. Now those trees are reaching the end of their lives, so action is needed to replace them.

How to take action Create a group in your area: It could be that a few trees in your street have been lost over time and you’d like to see them re-planted. Or you’d like trees where there were none before. You can help to make that happen. A local group of, say, one or more streets can decide to have new trees. Brighton & Hove City Council will arrange for the site to be checked. If it’s suitable, the group can club together to raise funds. The council can then order the trees and plant them. Trees are ordered in September for planting the following year. Become a Tree Champion: You can help identify trees in your area which look sickly or you could take on a research project. Get your local school involved: It’s important that the coming generation are aware of our city’s tree legacy.

says: ‘A new tree outside our house, to replace one long dead! Soon home to birds and insects. A pleasure to look at. We love it!’

What do I do now? For advice, ways to pay and more Help fund trees across the city: Make a difference with a information go to www.plantyourpostcode.org single donation or a regular donation by standing order. Plant Your Postcode is a volunteer-led project initiated Where it’s already worked: A Hove resident who has benefitted from new tree planting, funded by residents,

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HOVE PARK There are some great shows on offer at the BOAT in Dyke Road Park this month...

JUNE AT THE BRIGHTON OPEN AIR THEATRE The Brighton Open Air Theatre (BOAT) celebrates its fifth birthday this year with a summer of theatre, comedy, music and family shows, set in a park with unreserved outdoor seating, space for children to run around and a relaxed atmosphere. You can even bring a picnic. If you enjoy music, Richard Durrant is back on Friday 21 June with Music for Midsummer – a collection of brand new pieces, old favourites, tales from the road and the occasional song inspired by the solstice. The Brighton Beach Boys will be joined on Saturday 22 June by singer extraordinaire Lisa Abbott to play James Bond’s Greatest Hits like Goldfinger, Live and Let Die, Diamonds are Forever and many more. There’s a feast of Shakespeare this month. From 6-8 June, Oddsocks Productions celebrate their 30th anniversary with a high-energy, feel-good family production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Expect a festival of music, magic and mayhem. From 13-16 June, Romeo and Juliet is performed by This is my Theatre with modern characterisation, choral song and live music. And on 19-20 June, you can see The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged), in an irreverent, fast-paced romp through all 37 plays. At the end of the month, there’s The Merchant of Venice by the Brighton Shakespeare Company, with an exciting and challenging gender twist (26-29 June). If you’re looking for laughs, BOAT patron Simon Evans will be joined on Sunday 23 and Sunday 30 June by two of the UK’s hottest stand-up comedy talents, all previewing their 2019 Edinburgh Festival offerings. See them first before they face the sceptical Scots. On Sunday 9 June, inclusive theatre company The Theatre Shed return to BOAT for the third year running with CapeAbility. From X-men to The Avengers, from Marvel to DC, every super hero has a unique power. But how do

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

you find them? When do you get them? And what do you do when you can’t control them? A dynamic adventure of scandal, forgery, self-discovery and of course... super powers. You can book tickets and find out about other shows at www.brightonopenairtheatre.co.uk.

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Two new displays at Hove Museum in New Church Road...

PATRICK BURKE RETROSPECTIVE 11 May to 4 September 2019, Hove Museum. Free admission Patrick Burke (1932-2010) was a Shoreham-born painter and writer who gained success in London, Rome and New York. His mother was a single woman working as a domestic servant in Hove. He attended Varndean School and studied at Brighton College of Art (which became part of Brighton Polytechnic), where he later taught for many years. The works from the height of his career are alive with colour, inspired by the time he spent in Italy. After retirement, he lived in a flat in Brunswick Square and regularly painted local scenes including a series of promenade paintings, packed with bizarre characters dancing on the prom with a ship on the sea in the distance. This display shows the range of his work including early etchings and sketches of Brighton life, paintings, sketchbooks, notebooks and diaries.

Patrick Burke, Grand Promenade, 2001/7, private collection; photo ©Nick Lukey

FRIEDRICH NAGLER: A PERSONAL MYTHOLOGY 13 June to 17 September 2019, Hove Museum


Free admission Friedrich Nagler, assemblage of metal sculptures; photo by Oana Damir

312 Portland Road, BN3 5LP



Friedrich Nagler (1920-2009) was a Jewish émigré and self-taught artist born in Vienna, Austria. He fled to England to escape Nazi occupation in 1938 but was interned and sent to Canada as an ‘enemy alien’, where he worked as a lumberjack. In 1943 he returned to England, married an English girl and settled in Hampshire. He had a variety of low-paid labouring jobs to earn a living while he developed his passion for making art. This display shows some of the many thousands of pieces he created, some of which were inspired by his flight from Nazi-occupied Austria to England. It forms part of the year-long nationwide Insiders/Outsiders arts festival which celebrates the contribution of Jewish refugees to British culture. For more information visit brightonmuseums.org.uk/hove

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HOVE PARK A homage at the Booth Museum to a 19th-century wonder woman...



01273 235019



Booth Museum of Natural History until September 2019. A new display celebrating the work of a fascinating Victorian female scientist from Brighton has been revealed at the Booth Museum. The Marvellous Mary Merrifield display looks at the life and work of the remarkable pioneer who was a self-taught colour researcher, an algologist and a fashion writer too. Included in the display is a rarely-seen extract of Merrifield’s handwritten travel diary, recently discovered in The Keep Archives. The letter was transcribed by art historian Alexandra Loske-Page, who curated the display. “Mary is amazing,” said Alexandra. “In the field of colour chemistry, she is the first woman, certainly in this country, to have quite such a publishing output. It’s a great achievement because she was self-educated; there was no access to any higher education or university for her. We’re very lucky that she lived in Brighton.” As well as her work on colour, Merrifield is known for her work as an algologist – someone who studies algae,

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RY MERRIFIELD... a group of aquatic organisms. Rules of Victorian society restricted female scientists to the collection of plants and algae only. Seeing this as an opportunity, Merrifield became an authority in the study of seaweed, wrote many papers for scientific journals and came to be considered one of the leading algologists in Britain. In her legacy there remains Rytiphlaea Merrifieldiae, an Australian algae named after her, and a collection of plants on display at the Natural History Museum in London. The book detailing Merrifield’s collection is part of the temporary display at the Booth Museum. Alexandra’s small display in the Booth Museum now champions Merrifield, whose work also includes transcribing and publishing the works of 15th-century Italian painter Cennino Cennini and travelling France and Italy by government commission to research the make-up of early pigments and Italian painting methods. Merrifield published a variety of books on her own research not only into the fields of art and natural history but dress history too. Dress as a Fine Art (1984) utilised her knowledge of art and science to validate the study of fashion and raise it in seriousness as a topic, challenging stereotypes about its intellectuality. You can find more information about Mary Merrifield at brightonmuseums.org.uk/discover.

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HOVE PARK Aerial Installation Alpine Aerials..............................10 Arts Arts Society East Sussex................ 24 Blinds Bella Vista...................................... 16 Builders Braiden........................................30 Hewison Jones...............................4 Café & Restaurants Viva Vinyl.....................................14 Carpentry CP Carpentry................................. 28 Charity Fun In Action...............................14 Chiropractor Best Practice Clinic...................Cover Clubs Ralli Hall Lunch & Social Club.......14 Compost Brighton Compost Centre..............4 Conservatories Premier Windows..........................5 Countryman...................................9 Dampproofing Lewis Byard..................................25 PEM........................................Cover Dentist Angel Dental..................................6 Domestic Appliances Carters........................................... 8

Driveways Right Move..................................20 Driveway Cleaning Drainjet........................................14 Electrician Electric Queenz...........................10 PES............................................... 16 Estate Agency Jack Smith................................ Back Fresh Fish The Fish Shack...............................7 Flooring City Wood Floors........................... 31 Funerals Sussex Funerals...........................29 Bungards......................................21 Garden MB Landscapes............................15 Anna Helps....................................4 Garden Machinery AMP Services................................ 22 Handyman Rent A Hubby...............................10 Heating & Plumbing R.K Plumbing & Heating..............22 Paul Yeates . ................................24 Plum Heating ..............................28 Host Families Interactive English Language School..........................................23 Kitchens Brighton & Hove Kitchens...........18 Dream Doors...............................12 Laundrette West Hove Laundrette.................27

Locksmith Lee’s Locks...................................26 Mortgage & Insurance My Mortgage Company...............28 Nurseries Hove Village.................................11 La Casita......................................13 Painting & Decorating Hove City Rollers.........................15 Gilmour Decorating.....................23 Physiotherapist Martina Bisping...........................10 Property Services Jimmy’s Property Services.............4 Roofing MB Roofing....................................2 Clarkes of Brighton......................26 Solicitors Crosby & Woods..........................26 GWCA............................................ 3 Seymour Solicitors.......................17 Good Law Solicitors.....................12 Transportation Kingsway Travel...........................19 Waste Clearance Fully Cleared................................26 Windows Countryman...................................9 Premier Windows..........................5 Wheelie Bin Cleaning Bright n Shine..............................23

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