HOVEPARK Living January 07711 263237
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WELCOME TO HOVE PARK LIVING! In our April issue, we have details of the 10th Brighton Marathon – good luck to anyone participating, including Nigel Sarjudeen, who is running his 10th Brighton Marathon for Martlets hospice. We have news of this year’s chosen City Reads book, Let Me Be Like Water, and our featured local person is chiropractor Morten Westergaard. There’s our usual update from the Friends of Three Cornered Copse and news from the Friends of Hove Park of a new Hove Park Art Festival in May. If you’ve ever thought about volunteering for Martlets, go along to their open day on 6th April where you can find out about all the different opportunities available. Have a great April and Happy Easter! The Hove Park Living Team info@hoveparkliving.co.uk www.hoveparkliving.co.uk Cover picture: Jane Galvin
Page 5 Local Person – Morten Westergaard Page 7 New Members Wanted! Page 9 Mental Exercise Page 10 Old Photo Page 13 Springtime in Hove Park Page 15 All the King’s Horses Page 17 “Let Me Be Like Water” By S.K. Perry Page 21 Wildlife Photos on Display Page 21 Free Concert Page 21 Brighton Run2Music Page 23 Easy-To-Use Recycling A-Z Page 25 Brighton Marathon Weekend 2019 Page 29 Active For Life Page 30 Peacock Poetry Prize Page 31 Martlets Will Writing Fortnight Page 33 Everyone Welcome At Martlets Volunteer Open Day
Publisher: Sussex Magazines 10 Hollingbury Road, Brighton BN1 7JA info@hoveparkliving.co.uk Printer: Gemini Press Distributors: Hove Leaflet Distribution The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors We take complaints you make about our advertisers seriously. We have the following policy on this: First complaint about an advertiser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the advertiser concerned and notify them we have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts. If and when a third complaint arrives we will verify that all complaints received were genuine and inform the advertiser that we will no longer be promoting their business and inform them why.
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Take a look at my gardens on my Houzz page: www.houzz.co.uk/pro/anna2471/anna-helps-garden-design
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Will Writing Fortnight 13-24 May 2019 Change lives with a gift in your will Minimum donations are: £150 for a single Will £200 for a joint will Sara Shires Quality Solicitors Barwells 238 South Coast Road Peacehaven 01273 582271
Kirsty Claridge The Deans Legal Services 57 High Street Rottingdean 01273 358825
Graham Mingay Goodlaw 6 The Drive Hove 01273 956270
Julie Latham Burnand Brazier Malcolm Wilson 39 Church Road Hove 01273 734022
Paul Green Dean Wilson 165 Dyke Road Brighton 01273 032317
Catalina Beacroft Mayo Wynne Baxter 1 Warwick Road Seaford 01323 891412 29
Maureen Edwards Burt Brill & Cardens 30 Old Steyne Brighton 01273 604123
Tracey McSharry Deibel & Allen 10 Franklin Road Portslade 01273 430999
Robert Simon Robert Simon St Mary’s House St Mary’s Road Shoreham-by-Sea 01273 45233
David Crosby Crosby & Woods 75 Church Road Hove 01273 734600
Christopher Thomas Fitzhugh Gates 3 Pavilion Parade Brighton 01273 686811
Peter Tuffin UHY Hacker Young 168 Church Road Hove 01273 726445
About Martlets We provide life-changing hospice care to people affected by terminal illness in Brighton and Hove and neighbouring areas. Many of our services are funded by our generous supporters through gifts in their wills. We can reach more local people if you choose to from 13 to 24 May. remember us in your will.
About our scheme A professionally written will is the best way to protect those you love. Our scheme is an ideal opportunity to make or update your will and support your local hospice.
Choose from 12 local will writers offering their services in return for a donation to Martlets Book from 15 April A great opportunity to make or update your will and to support your local hospice
How to book Contact any of the will writers listed above from 15 April to book your appointment, mentioning Martlets Will Writing Fortnight when you book. Appointments take place from 13 to 24 May.
For more information about our Will Writing Fortnight visit www.themartlets.org.uk/give-in-your-will contact Gary Moyle our Legacies Manager on 01273 718778 or email gary.moyle@martlets.org.uk Registered Charity Number 802145
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HOVE PARK Meet a local chiropractor…
LOCAL PERSON... MORTEN WESTERGAARD Morten Westergaard is the principal chiropractor at Best Practice Chiropractic in Dyke Road Avenue. What is chiropractic? Chiropractic is a regulated profession which is recognised by the World Health Organisation and NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) for common ailments such as back and neck pain which affect the majority of the population at some stage. Chiropractors use non-invasive techniques to deal with muscle, joint and nerve related conditions. Specific techniques restore joint mobility impaired by injury or arthritis and soft tissue techniques to loosen tense or ‘knotted’ muscles as well as providing self-help advice to maintain health. What kind of conditions can it help? Most people think of back pain when they hear the words chiropractor or chiropractic but it can help other common conditions such as migraine and headaches (often caused by problems in the neck), shoulder complaints, as well as hip, knee, foot and ankle problems - for example sprains / strains or plantar fasciitis (policeman’s heel) but some people have little or no symptoms and still find they
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function better when receiving chiropractic care. So the people we are able to help are very varied which makes for a very interesting and satisfying career. How did you become a chiropractor? Having started out receiving chiropractic care from the age of four years old, you might say that chiropractic chose me! I had been suffering with asthma from infancy and although chiropractic is not a ‘treatment’ or a ‘cure’ for asthma, it improved my breathing so I was able to run around more easily and be a normal child. The benefits were amazing. It takes five years at university to train to become a chiropractor and I now have more than 20 years of clinical experience and have the great privilege of helping people recover their health on a daily basis often without the need for drugs or surgery, which a lot of people find attractive. Do you live in the area? I live next door to the clinic with my wife and three teenage children so I am lucky not to have far for my daily commute!
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What do you like to do when you’re not working? I encourage all my patients to stay physically active and since there is no conclusive evidence that one form of activity or sport is significantly better than another I recommend pushing oneself to the limit at least twice a week. Personally I enjoy badminton, tennis and cycling in the Downs.
For more information visit www.chiropractor-brighton.co.uk or phone 01273 560888.
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Annual Membership Fee £50 includes all nine lectures. The Arts Society Annual Membership Fee £50 includes Magazine.Guests are welcome to attend all nine lectures. The Society no more than 2 lecturesArts at £5.00 per Magazine.Guestslecture. are welcome to attend no more than 2 lectures at £5.00 per sday 24th April Contact our Membership lecture. Secretary for full details at jessica.rosenthal958@gmail.com our Membership Secretary full ORY OF Contact THE CRYSTAL PALACE &forTHE or phone 01273 206456. details at jessica.rosenthal958@gmail.com Join us for our illustrated Lectures from EXHIBITION or phone 01273 206456. 6.45pm for 7.45pm on the last Wednesday Join our illustrated Lectures from in us thefor month, at our new venue... Gledhill6.45pm for 7.45pm on the last Wednesday in the month, at ourClub. new venue... The Hove
sday 29th May 28 Fourth Avenue,
The Hove Club. Hove, 28 Fourth Avenue, BN3 2PJ Hove, Corrigan (Hons) We haveBA frequent outings, BN3 2PJ special events
and holidays.
We have frequent outings, special events sday 26th June
h of Leokadiya ova: Musical res in Russia
and holidays.
Wednesday 24th April ILLUSTRATED LECTURES...
THE STORY OF24th THE April CRYSTAL PALACE & THE Wednesday GREAT EXHIBITION THE STORY OF THE CRYSTAL PALACE & THE by Ian Gledhill GREAT EXHIBITION Wednesday 29th May by Ian Gledhill Master Masons Wednesday 29th May by Imogen Corrigan BA (Hons) Master Masons
Wednesday 26th June by Imogen Corrigan BA (Hons) In Search of Leokadiya Wednesday 26th June Kashperova: Musical In Search ofinLeokadiya adventures Russia Kashperova: Musical by Graham Griffiths adventures in Russia DPhil (Oxon)Griffiths by Graham Musicology PGCE (Cantab) DPhil Hons (Oxon)(Edin) BMus Musicology PGCE (Cantab) BMus Hons (Edin)
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HOVE PARK News from the Friends of Three Cornered Copse...
NEW MEMBERS WANTED! The first Saturday in March was the latest work day for the Friends of Three Cornered Copse, and several of us braved the cold wind to perform maintenance on the newly planted hedge whips. The debate still persists about the plastic sleeves that wrap around the young trees; some experts maintain that this protects them from rabbits and provides some protection from the elements, and yet it introduces plastic into the environment. We carefully remove those sleeves which have done their job and dispose of them correctly. We were assisted by our park ranger Garry Meyer, for the last time, as he is moving on to other things in the ranger team. Garry has been with us for several years, and we would like to thank him for all his help and guidance on our work days and for his ideas
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on maintenance in the copse. We have a new ranger starting with us who will soon pick up the reins from Garry. Our friends group had its 10th anniversary last year, which passed by unnoticed and uncelebrated, and at a recent meeting we noticed that we have had very few new members join the group in the recent years. We need new members to come in with new experiences and ideas to help develop the work we do to bridge the gap between the council’s rangers and the maintenance of our green spaces. The group was founded with the single purpose: “to promote, enhance and conserve the well-being of Three Cornered Copse”. If you have an interest in helping, or advising, or just coming along to our work days, please get in touch via our membership secretary at friendsofthreecorneredcopse@ gmail.com. Membership is free, at the moment, though some of our members do send a small donation now and then. We have our Annual General Meeting coming up, which would be a good place to come along and see what we get up to. More details on timing and location will be available on our website shortly (www. threecorneredcopse.org.uk). Our next work day will be the Great British Spring Clean, which now takes place each year. See keepbritaintidy.org for details. Simon Baxendale
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St Christopher’s, Hove A Brighton College School
Friday 26th April 9:30am to 12:00pm www.stchristophershove.org.uk
To book your visit, please contact Natasha Everard: registrar@stchristophershove.org.uk Telephone: 01273 716853 Registered Charity No 307061 See this logo on adverts and find local reviews of that business at www.trustedandlocal.co.uk
HOVE PARK Our regular healthy living article from Mary Henderson, a doctoral researcher in gut health...
MENTAL EXERCISE There’s more to exercise than simply your waistline. Physical activity is important for your cardiovascular system yes, that’s your heart and lungs - but also your brain. A bout of moderate intensity exercise – 30 minutes of jogging, brisk walking, dancing, gardening - stimulates the production of immune cells and releases chemical messengers relaying information from one part of your body to another, including the brain. Your circulation doesn’t stop at your neck; your blood brain barrier is semi-permeable and carefully controls important chemicals that pass from your blood to your brain and back again. Controlling blood sugar by eating slow-release energy (low GI) carbohydrates and limiting free sugars is just as relevant to feeding your brain properly. Exercise confers benefits at any age. In children, it increases attention and alertness and goes hand-in-hand with improved academic achievement. In Physical activity is important adults, moderate activity also boosts certain cognitive functions post-exercise and for your brain longer-term effects of regular exercise include staving off dementia. Research is being done to explore exactly how exercise does this. One known mechanism is maintaining the volume of the part of our brain which plays a special role in memory: the hippocampus. This is both important in terms of remembering new information and retrieving long-term memories, but also related to other working memory processes such as reasoning and decision-making. A recent study which followed adults through to old age saw that even individuals who took up exercise in middle age also reaped some of the protective rewards of exercise such as slowed cognitive decline. It’s never too late to get moving. Mary Henderson advertorial
Has Your Double Glazing Steamed Up? Established for over a decade Cloudy2Clear windows have become a leading company for glass replacement. Issues with double glazing can often be gradual and may only be noticed during a clear sunny day or during the winter. A failed glass unit may no longer provide you with the protection you need or be energy efficient. Why not spend a few minutes checking your home to see if you
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We will send out our highly experienced engineers for a free no obligation quote. A Cloudy2Clear quote takes on average no longer than 20 minutes. Once the quote is completed, we will sit down with you and explain the problem and tell you how we can fix it. With years of experience Cloudy2Clear have a wealth of knowledge and are recognised as a Which Trusted Trader, plus our
work is backed by an industry leading 25 year guarantee. Cloudy2Clear also replace faulty locks handles and hinges on all windows and doors. Your friendly local Cloudy2Clear specialist is Aaron Smith and he services Brighton, Hove and surrounding areas. So, if your windows are steamed up, broken or damaged give Aaron a call for a free quotation on 0800 61 21 118.
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CLARK’S BREAD COMPANY PARADE Parade of the horse vans and drivers of Clark’s Bread Company, at the junction of Newtown Road and Fonthill Road in 1907. Alderman JJ Clark opened the bakery in 1887 on part of Goldstone Farm between Goldstone House and the railway line. It closed in 1976.
Thanks to the Regency Society for this image from their photographic archives, The James Gray Collection. You can see thousands more historic pictures of Brighton and Hove at www.regencysociety-jamesgray.com
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The Group offers a great opportunity to meet new friends of both sexes in a welcoming atmosphere. Walks, lunches and dinners, golf, theatre, pub evenings, sports and holidays. We have a great time. So push open that door, come in and join us. You’ll be very welcome.
Take a look at our website and then give us a call . www.thegroup.org.uk
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HOVE PARK News from the Friends of Hove Park...
SPRINGTIME IN HOVE PARK Spring seemed to get underway early this year and we hope for a long season of spectacular blossom in the park (see photo from an earlier year).
The Friends have contributed to the seasonal colour with their planting of deep purple crocuses over the last three years - the photo shows people hard at work during last November’s planting session. Once again the Friends are holding their Easter Trail and Easter Bonnet Competition at the Hove Park Café on Easter Monday (22nd April) from 11am to 1pm. Follow the trail around the park (cost £1 per child) and find all the clues to claim your Easter egg prize. The Easter Bonnet Competition is free to enter and will be judged at 12.30pm with prizes for the best entries. After last year’s washout we hope the weather will be kinder this time. Profits will go towards our fundraising for improving the children’s playground. We will also have information on our other events during the year on our stand.
On 18th & 19th May as part of the Brighton Festival Fringe the Friends, together with the award-winning community arts organisation Same Sky (well known in the city for the annual Burning the Clocks and the Children’s Parade which opens the Brighton Festival), will celebrate the city’s varied art heritage in a new Hove Park Art Festival. On both days of the Art Festival there will be demonstrations and workshops as well as art for sale, installations from Same Sky around the park, street food and refreshments, and various entertainments. On the Saturday, Same Sky will hold lantern making workshops during the day with a torchlight procession around the park in the evening including bands and choirs. On the Sunday there will be a Picnic in the Park with children’s entertainment and nature trails. Friends of Hove Park
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A new exhibition at Brighton Museum...
ALL THE KING’S HORSES... A new display at Brighton Museum & Art Gallery from 2nd April will celebrate rarely seen images of the Royal Stables and Riding House and George IV’s love for all things equestrian. The show tells the story of the king’s passion for horses and his creation of magnificent new stables in what is now The Brighton Dome. The stables, created between 1803 and 1808, was one of most ambitious and largest buildings of its kind in England, with room for at least 44 horses, as well as accommodation for stable staff and an adjoining Riding House used for exercising and training. Coinciding with the restoration of the Corn Exchange (the former Riding House) the exhibition will give visitors an opportunity to see unusual and rare images, sourced exclusively from the city’s own archives and collections.
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© Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
Some of the highlights are a set of images of the interior of the stables in the 1820s, with delicately drawn horses and stable staff, together with colourful views of the interiors during World War I when the stables were used as part of a hospital for wounded Indian soldiers. Other exhibits are pictures of George IV and Queen Victoria shown with splendidly adorned horses outside the Royal Pavilion, as well as merciless caricatures poking fun at George. A highlight of the display will be the magnificent silver-gilt Brighton Cup, decorated with the Prince of Wales’s feathers, and an image of the Marine Pavilion, commissioned by George in 1805 for the winner of the Brighton Races. His own horse Orville unexpectedly won the race, and George gave the cup to Chris Wilson, who had sold him Orville a few months earlier. A letter from George to Wilson, written at the Pavilion, will be displayed with the cup. All the King’s Horses is at Brighton Museum & Art Gallery from 2nd April to 29th September 2019. For more information visit brightonmuseums.org.uk.
tel: 01273 734 600 tel: 01273 01273 734 734 600 600 tel: tel: 01273 734 600 tel: 01273 734 600 75 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2BB tel: 01273 734 600 email: advice@crosbywoods.co.uk web: www.crosbywoods.co.uk 75 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2BB
Call or or email email us us today today on: on: Call Call or email us today on: email: advice@crosbywoods.co.uk web: www.crosbywoods.co.uk Call or email us today on: Call or email us today on: 75 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2BB email: advice@crosbywoods.co.uk web: www.crosbywoods.co.uk email: advice@crosbywoods.co.uk web: www.crosbywoods.co.uk
email: advice@crosbywoods.co.uk web: www.crosbywoods.co.uk email: advice@crosbywoods.co.uk web: www.crosbywoods.co.uk 75 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2BB 75 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2BB 75 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2BB
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HOVE PARK News of this year’s City Reads book...
“LET ME BE LIKE WATER” BY S.K. PERRY City Reads is an annual citywide reading festival, when one book is selected for everyone to read. This year it runs from 23rd April to 12th May as part of the Brighton Festival and the chosen title is “Let Me Be Like Water” by S.K. Perry, who at 29 years old is the youngest writer ever chosen. Sarah Perry was born in Croydon in 1990. “Let Me Be Like Water” was published in hardback in 2018. She currently lives in Leeds and is working on her second novel. She said: “I have a deep love for Brighton and Hove and feel really moved that, through City Reads, “Let Me Be Like Water” will reach more of the city’s readers. It’s such an honour, and I really can’t wait!” In the book, songwriter Holly is in a state of limbo, having impulsively escaped to Brighton following the death of her boyfriend Sam. The solitude she had so craved in London leaves her feeling stranded and alone in her grief. It is when she meets Frank, a retired gay magician, that the tide begins to turn. Frank has experienced his own heartbreak and offers Holly companionship and solace. Gradually, as she is introduced to his eclectic group of friends, all with their own stories, she starts to heal. “Let Me Be Like Water” is a book simultaneously about
nothing and everything: about the humdrum yet extraordinariness of everyday life; of lost and new connections; of loneliness and friendship. Sarah Hutchings, the Director of City Reads, said: ““Let Me Be Like Water” is an exquisite, lyrical meditation on grief and romantic loss. As soon as I started reading it I was struck by the grace and strength of Sarah’s writing. She writes about Brighton with heart and passion, using the city’s glorious imperfections to remind us all why we are drawn here. It was a joy to read.” You can see S.K. Perry live at the Brighton Festival in conversation with writer Bridget Minamore (Sunday 12 May, Brighton & Hove High School, 5.30pm, £8, tickets from brightonfestival.org). Other highlights of the 2019 City Reads programme include The City Reads Book Quiz (25 April), New Writing South/Waterstones event (30 April), Literary Salon (2 May) and City Reads Supper Club (8 May). For more information visit collectedworks.co.uk.
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HOVE PARK A display at the Booth Museum...
A local event...
FREE CONCERT 1.10pm, Friday 12th April St Peter’s Church West Blatchington (by the windmill) invite you to a free lunchtime concert by the Amity Singers. Refreshments are provided and donations are collected in aid of the Choir Fund. stpeterswestblatchington.org.uk
Booth Museum until 9th September 2019 Free admission
A fun event for runners...
BRIGHTON RUN2MUSIC Brighton Run2Music is an event which encourages people of all ages to run together, listening to live DJs and music along the course. Participants can dress as their favourite pop star or musical icon and run 5k, 10k or 21k. Runners will be entertained by a DJ, dancers, gymnasts and musicians, and there will be prizes for the best fancy dress. The event is organised by the team who bring you the Brighton and Hove Triathlon. Brighton Run2Music is on Saturday 11 May on Madeira Drive, at around 11am. For more information visit www.brightonRun2Music.com
Shield bug, ©Paul Boyland
Twelve stunning photographs are currently on display at the Booth Museum in Dyke Road, showcasing some of our diverse British wildlife. The images are the finalists of Sussex Wildlife Trust’s photographic competition, which make up this year’s online calendar.
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HOVE PARK News from the council...
EASY-TO-USE RECYCLING A-Z Brighton & Hove City Council have launched a new A to Z guide on how you can reduce, reuse, recycle or dispose of almost 180 different materials. The easy-to-use guide gives detailed explanations of what to do with everything from aerosols to mattresses and nappies to Tetra Paks, to ensure we’re all being as environmentally friendly as possible. The A to Z also gives advice on what to do with materials like rubble, plasterboards, asbestos, bathroom fittings, furniture, white goods, batteries and metal. The guide launches the council’s new drive to help residents recycle the correct things far more. In turn, this will help reduce the large number of recycling bins contaminated with non-recyclable products. We all know we can recycle items like plastic bottles, paper, cardboard and glass. But if you’re unsure about what to do with specific items or materials, and put the wrong ones in your recycling, this can lead to your bin being contaminated and possibly being taken to waste rather than recycled. Using the guide, which can be
accessed online by phone, computer or tablet, means contamination of your recycling can be avoided.
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Cllr Gill Mitchell, chair of the council’s environment, transport and sustainability committee, said: “I’m sure many of us have been in the situation where we don’t know what to do with a certain material or item. Do we put it in our recycling? Bin it? Give it away? Now, armed with our new A to Z, we’ll all be able to do the right thing and help protect our city and our planet better, and ensure we’re making the best use of the materials we no longer want or need.” To use the guide, log onto www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/ recycling. Click on the ‘Recycling A to Z’ link and you can then search 179 items alphabetically.
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In the case of plastic bags, first of all the A to Z suggests using a reusable bag rather than a plastic one. If that can’t be done, the next suggestion is how to reuse the plastic bag, for instance as a bin liner. If that’s not possible, the guide says whether it can be recycled – plastic bags cannot – and then how it should be disposed of.
Cllr Mitchell added: “Although our recycling rate is the highest it’s ever been, we must aim much higher. We’re hoping this guide is a game changer in helping us all to recycle more and reduce contamination.”
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HOVE PARK The Brighton Marathon is back on 14th April...
BRIGHTON MARATHON WEEKEND 2019... The tenth Brighton Marathon – now the eighth largest marathon in Europe - takes place on Sunday 14th April. Those who finish their 10th Brighton Marathon will be hailed as the ‘10/10’ runners and will receive an additional special medal and T-shirt. On Saturday 13th April, the 2019 Cancer Research UK Kids & Teens Mini Mile Races take place from 10am in Preston Park. Events on Sunday 14th April begin at 7am with the inaugural BM Ride – the city’s first ever closed-road cycling event. The course is 50km long and will start and finish on Hove Lawns. At 9am the BM10k starts in Preston Park. The Brighton Marathon starts at 9.45am from Preston Park, finishing on Madeira Drive. Last year Stuart Hawkes of Tipton Harriers took the men’s title for the second year running with a personal best of 2:22:32, while the women’s race was also won by returning champion Helen Davies of Ipswich Jaffa RC in 2:38:39. Nigel Sarjudeen of Hove-based charity Off The Fence is to run his tenth Brighton Marathon for Martlets. He
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Nigel Sarjudeen
has already raised £9,266 for the hospice, but is hoping to beat his target of £10,000. Nigel was inspired to run following unexpected heart problems in 2006 and, after rehabilitation, he joined a local running club. He said, “It was a real shock because I was young and fit. However, in some ways I’m glad it happened when it did because I was able to get over it.” When he gained his place in the 2010 Brighton Marathon, Nigel decided to support Martlets, since some of his friends and their families had been supported by the hospice. He said, “I never intended that I would keep on going; I did the first marathon, then the second and after that I just kept on running and now I’m on my tenth! One year, towards the end, I remember thinking, ‘I’m hurting and in pain.’ Then I remembered all the people who are hurting because they have lost their loved ones and it drove me forward.” To be part of Brighton Marathon Weekend, find out about volunteering at www.brightonmarathonweekend.co.uk/volunteer. There will be some road closures between 5.30am and 4.30pm. For full details, visit brightonmarathonweekend.co.uk /travel/road-closures.
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HOVE PARK Would you like to be more active?
ACTIVE FOR LIFE... If you’re looking to be more active, Brighton & Hove City Council runs a programme called “Active for Life” which can help you lead an active lifestyle. From a small scale pilot in Hollingdean in 2005, Active for Life has grown into a city-wide initiative which reaches out to thousands of residents every year. The activities offered are all low cost or free and there are options for children and adults of all ages, including dancing, art walks, street games, funkfit and table tennis. Here are a few local activities you might enjoy... Dancing for Health Bishop Hannington Youth and Community Centre, 38 Holmes Avenue This is a mix of seated exercise progressing onto more active dance-based activity using Latin-inspired music. Teacher Rosaria Gracia is renowned for her welcoming style. The sessions are suitable for anyone looking to get active and also for those with challenging health conditions. They will help with core stability, flexibility and strength. Drop-in sessions (no need to book) are on Tuesdays (term-time only) at 11.15am-12.15pm. Cost is £3/£2. For more information call Claire on 01273 294210.
Women Only In Shape for Life All Saints Parish Hall, Eaton Road Circuit sessions for all fitness levels (go at your own pace) on Thursdays (term-time only) from 10.30-11.30am. For more information contact the team on 01273 294589 or email healthylifestyle@brighton-hove.gov.uk. Social Ping and Short Tennis King Alfred Leisure Centre Sessions for all levels on Wednesdays from 10.30am to 12 noon. £2/£2.50. Hove Park Healthwalk A great walk for beginners and those wanting gentle exercise (1.5 miles). Meet at the park café at 10.15am on Thursdays. Free. Parkrun Parkrun is not part of the Active for Life programme, but is a regular free event. There are adult parkruns (5km) in Hove Park on Saturdays at 9am and Hove Park junior parkrun (2km) i.s on Sundays at 9am – this is a timed event for children aged 4 to 14. See www.parkrun.org. uk – you need to register online before your first run for both the adult and children’s events. Please note that some of these activities are term-time only, so won’t be running between 10th and 22nd April.
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You can find a full list of activities at www.brightonhove.gov.uk/content/leisure-and-libraries/sport-andactivity/active-life-project-activities or see Facebook - Brighton & Hove Healthy Lifestyles.
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Young poets wanted...
PEACOCK POETRY PRIZE The Peacock Poetry Prize returns to Brighton Festival 2019 to inspire young people to explore the written word from a creative point of view. This year’s competition theme is ‘Journeys’, chosen by Brighton Festival Guest Director Rokia Traoré.
The competition is open to young residents of Brighton, Hove and Sussex aged between 8 and 19. Each budding writer can enter up to three poems with a maximum
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HOVE PARK If you haven’t made a will yet, here is a great opportunity...
length of 20 lines, with participants divided into three age groups: 8-11, 12-15 and 1519 years. Finalists will be invited to a tea party and prize giving at Brighton Dome on Thursday 23 May at 5pm when the winners will be announced.
MARTLETS WILL WRITING FORTNIGHT It is estimated that over half of adults in the UK don’t have a will, potentially causing future difficulties for their families and loved ones.
Pippa Smith of the Brighton Festival said: “The Peacock Poetry Prize offers a great opportunity for young people to have their writing appraised and appreciated by our panel of judges. The theme of journeys can be literal or abstract, whether it’s about a favourite stroll or the distance between you and your dreams.”
Martlets is encouraging people to plan for the future and book a place for its Will Writing Fortnight, which runs from Monday 13th to 24th May. Twelve will writing experts have offered to give their time free of charge to people in exchange for a donation to Martlets to help them provide care for people living with terminal illness across Brighton & Hove. Setting up an appointment is simple; just choose from one of the will writers listed at www.themartlets.org.uk/give-in-your-will and contact them during the booking period from 15th April to 10th May. The minimum donation required is only £150 for a single will and £200 for a joint will.
Entrants should send their poems, along with their name and age, to peacock@ brightonfestival.org by Friday 12 April 2019.
For further information, or for a free copy of our Gifts in Wills booklet, visit www.themartlets.org.uk/give-in-your-will or contact Gary on 01273 718778 or email gary.moyle@martlets.org.uk www.themartlets.org.uk
Take part in a fun, family cycling event at Preston Park Velodrome Sunday 19 May 2019 Food, entertainment, raffle and more! Spectators welcome Help us cycle the circumference of the world by reaching the combined target of 66,792 laps of the track! Turn up between 8am-5pm to join in the fun and take to the track for as many laps as can be managed. Ride for fun or raise money for a charity of your choice. Sign up online today for early bird prices or turn up on the day. For more details about this event and our other cycle rides on offer visit bht.org.uk or call 01273
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HOVE PARK News from Martlets hospice...
EVERYONE WELCOME AT MARTLETS VOLUNTEER OPEN DAY Martlets is encouraging people to come along to its Volunteer Open Day on Saturday 6th April. The day will showcase the different opportunities available, how volunteering impacts on the services that Martlets can provide and the additional benefits to individuals from volunteering. The Volunteer Open Day will take place at the hospice on Wayfield Avenue between 10am and 3pm. Martlets is welcoming everyone from all ages, backgrounds and experience as there are so many different roles available. On the day there will be opportunities to meet key members of staff, take a tour of the hospice and participate in activities. Current Martlets volunteers will also be available to discuss what they do. Volunteers could be doing anything from helping at a fundraising event, tending to the hospice garden, running art and crafts activities, driving patients to appointments or volunteering in Martlets shops or distribution centres. Volunteers are vital to the care that Martlets is able to give people with terminal illness and their families in Brighton and Hove. Whether people are able to offer
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Volunteer gamer Alex Mahoney
a few hours once in a while or a regular weekly shift, anyone who becomes part of ‘Team Martlets’ plays an important role in helping to keep the hospice running smoothly. Trish Rendel is a gardening therapy volunteer. She said: “When I heard that the hospice was setting up a horticultural therapy Sow and Grow group, I used to have my own gardening business, so I said that I had experience and signed up straight away. The group meets regularly to sow seeds, transplant seedlings and talk about plants; it’s all very social so there’s always lots of chat going on and we finish with a nice cup of tea and a slice of cake!” Alex Mahoney is a keen gamer who spends two days a week testing donated computer games and checking games consoles for Martlets. He commented: “We get all sorts of games and consoles donated to us and we need to know that they work before we can sell them on to raise money for the hospice. I play games a lot at home, so I know when something’s not working properly and it’s great to be able to use my gaming knowledge in a good way to help a charity.” Learn more about Martlets and volunteering on Saturday 6th April between 10am and 3pm at Wayfield Avenue, Hove, BN3 7LW.
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Arts Society East Sussex................6
PES............................................... 20
My Mortgage Company...............30
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Jack Smith................................ Back
Pet Services
J.H. Brickwork..............................10
Wagging Tails...............................17
Brighton Log Centre.....................29
Property Services
Hewison Jones.............................32
Jimmy’s Property Services...........30
City Wood Floors.........................35
St Clair Builders...........................24
MB Roofing....................................2
Sussex Funerals...........................27
Clarkes of Brighton......................25
G & S Roofing...............................18
Anna Helps....................................3
MB Landscapes............................34
St Christopher’s School..................8
Garden Machinery
Social Clubs
AMP Services...............................21
The Group....................................11
Closs & Hamblin............................7
Crosby & Woods..........................15
Heating & Plumbing
Seymour Solicitors.......................19
R.K Plumbing & Heating..............16
Good Law Solicitors.....................24
Paul Yeates . ................................22
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Kingsway Travel...........................13
Waste Clearance
Apple Granite Brighton................32
Fully Cleared................................23
Brighton & Hove Kitchens...........14
Dream Doors.................................8
Premier Windows..........................5
West Hove Laundrette.................32
Café & Restaurants Viva Vinyl.....................................30 Carpentry CP Carpentry.................................3 Charity Martlets......................................... 4 Fun In Action...............................33 BHT.............................................. 31 Chiropractor Best Practice Clinic...................Cover Conservatories Premier Windows..........................5 Countryman...................................6 Dampproofing Lewis Byard..................................34 Domestic Appliances Carters.........................................12 Driveways Right Move..................................26 Driveway Cleaning Drainjet........................................10
Locksmith Lee’s Locks...................................32
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e: info@jacksmithestateagents.co.uk | w: jacksmithestateagents.co.uk | t: 01273 234840 92c Portland Road, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 5DN