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3 33
hanover Welcome to The Hanover Directory
Now that the local elections are done and dusted, we have contact details for all your new ward councillors. Congratulations to all those who were re-elected or newly elected. The May festivals might be over but there are still plenty of events to keep you busy in June, including St Luke’s Church Summer Fair on 15th June, the TAKEPART festival at The Level on 22nd June, where you can try out lots of different sports and physical activities, and the Tarner Festival on 29th June. This year’s Zocalo is on Friday 21st June, coinciding with Bloomin’ Hanover. You can sit outside your house that evening and have a drink with your neighbours – see Hanover Action’s article for information. Enjoy the beginning of summer! The Hanover Directory Team info@hanoverdirectory.co.uk www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
Front cover: The Hanover Community Centre garden Publisher: The Hanover Directory 01273 551021 info@hanoverdirectory.co.uk www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk Printer: Gemini Press
The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor.
Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors.
Page 4-5 Old Photo Page 7 Our City Dances Page 7 Tarner Festival Page 9 Councillors for Hanover & Elm Grove Page 11 TAKEPART at the Level Page 13 Music and Wine at St Luke’s Page 13 Hanover Queens WI Page 15 Brighton Library Music Club 2019 Page 16-17 Hanover Community Association Page 19 Martlets launches ‘Cuddle Up’ Page 21 Plant Your Postcode Page 22-23 Bloomin’ Hanover and Zocalo Page 25 Royal Voluntary Service
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4 Hosts wanted! Earn money from your spare room this summer. EF Language Travel Brighton & Hove Enterprise House 83A Western Road, Hove BN3 1JB Call us: 0330 335 5007 Email us: hostfamily.brighton@ef.com Like us: www.facebook.com/EFUKHostFamilies
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Waterloo Place
Waterloo Place, as it looked in 1946. It was built from 1818-1820 and named after the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.
Charles Augustus Busby, architect of Brunswick Square and Terrace, lived in No 11, the third house from the left, from 1822 until 1830. Most of the terrace of 14 houses (except numbers 1 and 2) was demolished in the 1960s/70s. It was replaced by offices and is now Phoenix Brighton. Thanks to the Regency Society for this image from their photographic archives, The James Gray Collection. You can see thousands more historic pictures of Brighton and Hove at: www.regencysociety-jamesgray.com
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TENNIS TIME Adult group and Individual tennis lessons at Queens Park Tennis Club. Thinking of trying out the sport ? Regular beginners groups weekly. Rusty Racquet every Saturday Drop Ins throughout the week Friendly players Friendly coaching Call Mel Bowden 07850 717352 mel.bowden@qptc.co.uk www.qptc.co.uk
to advertise, please call 01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
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77 7
hanover A great celebration of dance…
A local event...
Our City Dances
Get your groove on for Our City Dances – a weekend of free familyfriendly dance shows, workshops and events. Whether you’re up for getting stuck in or watching from the sidelines, Brightonbased charity South East Dance’s second annual free celebration of all things dance is a great opportunity to get out and see and do something different in your neighbourhood this month.
Hitting streets and community spaces in central Brighton during the weekend of 29-30 June, Our City Dances is a free family-friendly celebration of dance designed to boost Brighton & Hove’s appetite for dance in the run-up to the launch of new community dance venue The Dance Space in 2020.
Day One on Saturday 29 June, presented in partnership with the Tarner Festival, is packed with opportunities to ‘have a go’ at dance, with more than 15 workshops and events for the whole family to take part in, from Hula Hooping and Capoeira to a Charleston-inspired Ceilidh.
On Sunday 30 June, you’re invited to watch and take part in dance around the city centre. Without Touch by BitterSuite is a guided sensory journey at Brighton Youth Centre - close your eyes and experience music and movement through touch, taste and smell.
Tarner Festival
This year’s Tarner Festival takes place in Tarner Park on Saturday 29th June from 2pm to 7pm.
This is the fifth year of the festival, which is in collaboration with two local charities, South East Dance and Audio Active. Audio Active will be curating a live music stage and South East Dance will host dance performances and workshops. There will also be live mural painting, mobile skate ramps, an exotic animal display, arts and crafts, a raffle, children’s games and activities, local traders and stalls, a bouncy castle, capoeira, a barbecue, Indian street food, a bar and more to be announced. For more information contact shelley@tarner.org.uk.
Head to Jubilee Square at 1.15pm or 5pm to enter a world created by parkour company Urban Playground in which humans must choose between security and movement.
All performances and events are free, accessible and many are BSL interpreted – check out the full line-up at southeastdance.org.uk.
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to advertise, please call 01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk HANOVER-DIR-AD-34X51.indd15/10/2018 1 14:54
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99 9
hanover Your local representatives...
Councillors for Hanover & Elm Grove
An election of city councillors was held on 2nd May. Here are your councillors for the next four years... The new Hanover & Elm Grove ward councillors are:
David Gibson (Green)
mail: David.Gibson E @brighton-hove.gov.uk Tel: 01273 291424 / 078101 50833
Elaine Hills (Green) mail: Elaine.Hills E @brighton-hove.gov.uk Tel: 07704 314867
Steph Powell (Green) mail: Steph.Powell E @brighton-hove.gov.uk Tel: 07795 335967
Councillors for Queen’s Park Ward The new Queen’s Park ward councillors are:
Put a Spring in your Step Learn the Alexander Technique A gentle, self-care skill to improve balance, movement and coordination Reduce pain, stiffness and Manage stress and tension
Nicholas Childs (Labour) mail: Nicholas.Childs E @brighton-hove.gov.uk Tel: 07562 437628
Amanda Evans (Labour) mail: Amanda.Evans E @brighton-hove.gov.uk Tel: 07562 437629
Jeanette Philpott BA Dip MSTAT
www.positivepoise.co.uk positivepoisebrighton@gmail.com Phone 07500 750 240
Clare Rainey (Green) mail: Clare.Rainey E @brighton-hove.gov.uk Tel: 07562 437626
to advertise, please call 01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
01273 303842
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11 1111
A free festival for all the family...
Another festival...
Brighton & Hove City Council’s Healthy Lifestyles Team welcome you to a fabulous day out, for all the family!
Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th June 11am-7pm, The Level
TAKEPART at the Level Brighton Vegan Saturday 22 June, 12 noon - 5pm Summer Festival There will be a huge outdoor vegan celebration at The Level on 8th-9th June, with 80+ stalls, world food caterers, talks and cookery demos, and live entertainment. Entry is £5 per day or £8 for the full weekend payable on the gate (under-16s free) or £15 for VIP tickets in advance available from Eventbrite, to include fast track entry and a goody bag full of vegan products, samples, discounts and offers.
Come and join in the free tasters on offer. Watch dance performances and demonstrations throughout the day. Discover over 70 local groups and activities you or your family can enjoy all year round.
#takepartBH facebook.com/BHhealthylife www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/ takepart 01273 294589
St Luke’s Church in Queen’s Park Road will be holding their Summer Fair on Saturday 15th June from 10am to 2pm. There will be a bouncy castle and refreshments, as well as stalls selling bric-a-brac, cakes, books, greetings cards and stationery, DVDs and CDs, jewellery and jumble, plus a raffle and tombola.
Darren Clarke
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Get friendly advice on being active, as well as information about healthy eating, stopping smoking and active travel. Most activities are inclusive of all ages and abilities, with clubs offering specialist information for disabled people.
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to advertise, please call 01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
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13 1313
A new series of concerts at St Luke’s Church…
Music and Wine at St Luke’s
Carla Santos of the Dryads Duo
You should have received our new brochures but please contact us if you haven’t and would like one. We have lots coming up including St Luke’s first ever organ recital, a jazz-folk group, Eastern European choral singing, a mandolin orchestra and our usual mix of piano solos and chamber recitals. The first concert in our new series is on Friday June 7th. Klezmer Duo Polina and Merlin Shepherd (piano and clarinet) will perform original and traditional compositions based on several folkloric styles: Eastern European Jewish sacred and secular culture, Mediterranean instrumental music, Russian folk and Art songs. Polina and Merlin prefer to play their pieces through without talking but offer a preconcert talk at 7pm. On Friday June 21st the Dryads Duo (violin and piano) return to St Luke’s with music by local composers Barry Mills and John Hawkins, alongside Prokofiev, Bridge and Pedro Faria Gomes. The concerts take place at St Luke’s Church, Queen’s Park Road, Brighton BN2 9ZB, and start at 7.30pm.
Tickets £7 / £5 unwaged and low waged / under-16s free. Disabled access. Wine and refreshments served.
For more information, please visit www.musicandwineatstlukes.com or contact musicandwineatstlukes@gmail.com Our column from the local WI...
Hanover Queens WI
to 9 th 01 29 2 ly 0th Ju g 3 Au
Greetings from the Hanover Queens.
We meet again on Thursday 13th June upstairs at the Haus on the Hill, 58 Southover Street, 7.30 to 9.30pm. We will have a talk on Punch and Judy by Ray Sparks. Do come along if you’d like to join us. We meet second Thursday of every month. New members always welcome. Find out more on Facebook or contact us on wihanoverqueens@gmail.com Handy hint Purchase strawberries that are red all over. The redder nearer the hull of the fruit, the sweeter. Recipe of the month Asparagus risotto
Heat oil in pan. Fry small finely chopped onion. Add diagonally sliced asparagus and cook 3 minutes. Add 200g risotto rice and stir 2 minutes. Add 50ml white wine (optional) and stir till absorbed. Add 750ml stock gradually till absorbed and rice tender (about 20 minutes). Season and stir in parmesan cheese/butter if wanted. (Add peas or broad beans when cooking if desired.) to advertise, please call 01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
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15 1515
Hanover resident Francis Field tells us about the music talks at the Jubilee Library...
Brighton Library Music Club 2019 Talks... We’ve just finished a successful six-month run of our new Music Club talks at Brighton library (Jubilee Street). Ending on a high with Dan from Resident Records’ excellent talk on 70s and 80s festival bands, we were chuffed to have Captain Sensible and Monty from The Damned among the audience. It’s been great to see the popularity of the talks building and we now have a strong group of regular members, which is very much appreciated. The club is run by myself and Ian Trice and we do try and book a varied line-up of talks. By the time you read this we’ll be on our third talk of the season and it’s going to be very interesting. We’ve got three Brighton punk legends - Bob from The Piranhas, Del from Peter and the Test Tube Babies and Tim from Fish Brothers to talk about their memories of a fantastic musical and cultural time (21 st June). After this we’re going a bit back in time to hear about Turkish psychedelia with Wire
FRIDAYS (term time)
Every Friday starting 7th February @ Hanover Community Centre @ Hanover Community Centre Baby Class 12.30 - 1.30pm 1+years Class 9.30 am- 2.30pm Mixed 1-3 Class 1.30 Baby Class 12.30pm Introductory FREE CLASS FREE TASTER Contact Belinda McBrideSESSION 07582 256957 or Contact Belinda McBride 07582 256957 belinda.mcbride@musicalbumps.com
Pink Floyd in Brighton, 1972
mag’s Dan Spicer, an often funky and very far out and exciting scene (5 th July), following this back to hear about Pink Floyd’s famous three gigs in Brighton in 1972 to promote Dark Side of the Moon, told by Julia who was a roadie for them, David Bowie and Led Zeppelin among others! (2nd August) Graham and David from Mr Bongo visit us next (27 th September) to talk about the amazing 30year journey tracking down rare and wonderful records from around the world for their label. If it’s rare and it’s funky they have it! Ebou Touray who puts on the excellent African Night Fever events will be talking about West African music in the 21 st century; if you’re a funk fan like me, you’ll especially like the bits about Fela Kuti and the Nigerian 70s funk scene (4 th October). We’re finishing off this season with a talk from our library’s own musical legend Chris Collis, drummer in excellent math rock band This Town Needs Guns. Starting out on the Oxford music scene, home of Radiohead and Supergrass among others, he tours the world with his band and will have some great stories to tell (1 st November). The talks start at 4pm, they’re free and in the library community space on the ground floor; we update our Facebook site - Brighton & Hove City Libraries with information on the talks. Hope to see you there! Francis Field
to advertise, please call 01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
Jan Davies
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079 497 483 14
hanover Your monthly update from the Hanover Community Association...
Hanover Community
HCA is the small charity that manages the Hanover Cen live locally. We always welcome your feedback and sug and have comments, compliments or complaints. Hanover Centre Garden - Can You Dig It? As the weather is warming up you might feel like getting out and about more. Don’t forget that we have a lovely community garden which you can come and use. There are picnic benches and a grassy play area, all under the watchful eye of Process Pup, Hanover’s very own Snowdog (who won’t melt in the sun!). Sit and relax, play, bring your lunch, read a book, meet your friends…or make new ones! For you eager gardeners, we have good news! The ‘seed’ for a new garden group has been sown and with your help and participation we hope it will grow, flourish and blossom! Leafy local Ross is leading the activities and we will have full details very soon to let you know what he is planning, and how you can be involved. Watch this (green) space! Short and Sweet! At the centre we have space in the schedule over the summer for short term bookings. If you’d like to run a short course for 4-6 weeks, get in touch for room availability. Summer workshops bookings are now being taken during the school holiday, so contact office if you would like to run kids’ activities in art, music, drama etc.
self hel p Ballet classes - September skil 4 weeks FREE TWO FREE trial lessonstrial in Reception Ballet (ages 4-5) during June/July lsc Ages Book your place soon... three Wednesday 4:00 – 4:30 h.c limited spaces available. upwards o.u01273 565881 info@alexandradance.co.uk k est. est.30 30years. years
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17 17 17
y Association News
ntre on Southover Street. The charity is run by a committee of voluntary trustees who ggestions, so please get in touch if you’ve attended an event or activity at the centre
Bump Up the Volume! MUSICAL BUMPS offers age-specific music classes. In all our classes we use songs and games, puppets and percussion, with lots of learning and fun along the way. From newborn to starting school, sing and learn with Musical Bumps. FRIDAYS 9.30am 10.45am 11.45am 1.15pm
age 1+ class age 2+ class baby class age 3+ class (starting in September)
Contact Belinda McBride 07582 256957 or Belinda.mcbride@musicalbumps.com Make The Party Last… Summer is approaching and many of you friendly Hanoverians may be planning a street party get-together with your neighbours over the coming months. Don’t forget that you can apply to the Hanover Community Association for a subsidy towards the costs of putting the party on, from hiring equipment to buying face paints. For more information on how to apply, please contact the office (details below).
Talk to Us! If you would like to join in with our projects, run a course, volunteer or enquire about a booking or a class, then please leave a message or email with a daytime phone number and we’ll call you: Hanover Centre, 33 Southover Street, BN2 9UD Email: office@hanovercommunity.org.uk Website: www.hanovercommunity.org.uk Phone: 01273 694 873 (24 hours) Join our Facebook group: “The Hanover Centre” The office is open Monday – Friday, 10am-12pm.
to advertise, please call 01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
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19 19
News from Martlets hospice...
Martlets launches ‘Cuddle Up’ campaign Martlets is launching a ‘Cuddle Up’ campaign to raise £25,000 supported by designer Sarah Moore, from the BBC’s ‘Money for Nothing’ upcycling show. The appeal is aiming to raise funds to help make patient rooms feel more like home for them and their families during their time at the hospice. It is often the little things that can make a big difference and, after listening to patient feedback, the team at Martlets realised that making changes to the hospice rooms would enable patients to enjoy some real home comforts in the precious time they have left. These changes could include having a sofa or a chair big enough for loved ones to cuddle up on, a homely colour-scheme or even fun-themed children’s bedding for when youngsters are staying with their mum or dad. Designer Sarah Moore lives in Sussex and has a very personal connection with Martlets. Her close friend Emma, a popular designer who worked with her on ‘Money for Nothing’, was a patient at the hospice. Viewers of the show have been fundraising for Martlets in her memory. Sarah said, “Martlets delivered amazing care for Emma when she was really poorly. I’m so happy to support the Cuddle Up Appeal; small design changes can have a big impact on wellbeing and quality of life, and it’s important to balance great design with the practicalities of care.” Ruth Tierney, Martlets’ Ward Manager, said, “Time is such a precious thing, time to love and be loved, time to say all the things that need to
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be said and time to cuddle together. With fundraising help we could make simple improvements that would make a world of difference to our patients. We want to create a space where it’s easy for loved ones to snuggle up, talk, laugh and comfort each other together. “We’d like our wonderful supporters to help us to raise enough money so that our patients can enjoy all the comforts of home whilst they are at Martlets. We hope that people will really take this campaign to heart and help us make this possible.”
All work is guaranteed and fully insured. ER RE
Free Quotations References Available
Sarah Moore
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01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
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21 2121
Help keep our city’s trees!
Plant Your Postcode...
Look around. We’re lucky, there are trees everywhere – but now your help is needed to keep our city leafy. You may have noticed that many of our city’s beautiful trees are getting old and succumbing to disease. Add to this the challenge that our council faces in the battle to add or even replace trees in this time of austerity, and it becomes clear that residents’ help is needed. Our trees: Brighton & Hove’s trees are particularly special because we hold the National Elm Collection. Now the city is home to some of the rarest varieties of elms in the world. It’s important that the number of elms we have is at least maintained. A vast number of trees were planted in Victorian times when the city rapidly expanded. Now those trees are reaching the end of their lives, so action is needed to replace them. How to take action
Create a group in your area: It could be that a few trees in your street have been lost over time and you’d like to see them re-planted. Or you’d like trees where there were none before. You can help to make that happen. A local group of, say, one or more
Sarah Bradley
Life Coach EMCC/EQA Qualified Coach Practitioner My coaching sessions are solution-focussed, goal driven and bespoke. I practise from my home in Hanover Brighton and offer sessions for both adults and young people (14 to 21-year olds), helping with many issues such as… Young People: Time management skills Goal setting Building resilience Study skills
Adults: Work-life balance Managing work-related or personal change Mid-life pressures
For a free, no obligation, consultation…
Contact me on 07765370715 or Email sarahnbradley60@yahoo.co.uk www.sarahbradley.net
streets can decide to have new trees. Brighton & Hove City Council will arrange for the site to be checked. If it’s suitable, the group can club together to raise funds. The council can then order the trees and plant them. Trees are ordered in September for planting the following year. Become a Tree Champion: You can help identify trees in your area which look sickly or you could take on a research project. Get your local school involved: It’s important that the coming generation are aware of our city’s tree legacy. Help fund trees across the city: Make a difference with a single donation or a regular donation by standing order.
Where it’s already worked: A Hove resident who has benefitted from new tree planting, funded by residents, says: ‘A new tree outside our house, to replace one long dead! Soon home to birds and insects. A pleasure to look at. We love it!’
What do I do now? For advice, ways to pay and more information go to www.plantyourpostcode.org Plant Your Postcode is a volunteer-led project initiated by CPRE Sussex in association with Hove Civic Society and supported by National Lottery.
to advertise, please call 01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
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hanover Our regular article from Hanover Action...
Bloomin’ Hanover and Zocalo It’s great to see so many more plants on the streets of Hanover and the improvements to street planters.
Hanover Action are promoting Bloomin’ Hanover again this year to coincide with The Zocalo. Turn off your telly for the night, put a table and chairs on the pavement and have a drink and snack with your neighbours! This will take place across Hanover on Friday 21st June from 6.00ish till dark. A community choir will be adding to the atmosphere and lots of flowering planters, window boxes and hanging baskets will please the bees and other insects as well as the whole community.
This year, we are supporting the Royal Horticultural Society’s “Plants for Pollinators” campaign with a plant sale in May and plans to fill gaps in street plants with plants attractive to bees, hoverflies and other pollinating insects.
OpenMonday Monday ---Friday Friday 8am -Established 6pm Established 1990 1990 1990 Open Open Monday Friday8am 8amEstablished -Established 6pm 1990 Established 1990 Open Monday - Friday 8am --6pm 6pm Children 6 months to 5 years Children Children66 6months monthsto to555years years Children months to years Full or part-time hours to Full Fullor orpart-time part-time---hours hoursto tosuit suit suit Full or part-time hours to suit
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Mature, experienced & qualified staff Mature, Mature,experienced experienced& &qualified qualifiedstaff staff Mature, experienced & qualified staff Mature, experienced & qualified staff Extra nursery activities including Spanish, Extra Extra nursery nursery activities activities including including Spanish, Spanish, nursery activities including Spanish, Extra nursery activities including Spanish, Open Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm Open MondayExtra - Friday 8am - 6pm Music & Dance, Forest School Open Open Monday Monday Friday 8am 8am----6pm 6pm Open Monday Monday ----Friday Friday 8am 8am -Dance, -6pm 6pm Open Monday Friday 8am 6pm Open Monday Friday 8am --Dance, 6pm Children 6 months to 5 years-----Friday full or part-time - hours to suit Open Monday Friday 8am 6pm Children 6Open months to 5 years - full or part-time hours to suit Music Music & & Dance, Forest Forest School School Open Monday Friday 8am 6pm Music & Forest School Music & Dance, Forest School Children Children 6 6 months months to to 5 5 years years full full or or part-time part-time ----hours hoursto tosuit suit Children Children 6 6 months months to to 5 5 years years full full or or part-time part-time hours hours to to suit suit Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular Children 6 months to 5 years full or part-time hours to suit Children 6 months to 5 years full or part-time hours suit Children 6 months to 5 years full or part-time hours to suit Children 6 months to 5 years - 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Orchard Orchard Day DayNursery, Nursery, Queens Queenswww.orchard-daynursery.co.uk Park Park Road, Road,orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Brighton BrightonBN2 BN20GL 0GLorchardda Telephone (01273) 622883 73) www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Telephone (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardda 73) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road, Brighton BN2 0GL (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk Telephone (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardda 73) 622883 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk CELEBRATING 28 YEARS!!
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2323 Pollinators are under threat due to loss of habitat, the widespread use of pesticides, and climate change, yet they are crucial to maintaining life on the planet. Most plants need them to reproduce; 84% of EU crops and 80% of wildflowers rely on insect pollination. Buglife’s (buglife.org.uk) ‘Get Britain Buzzing’ campaign gives more details of the problems facing pollinators and the damage that has already been done; half of our 27 bumblebee species are in decline; three of these bumblebee species have already gone extinct; seven bumblebee species have declined by more than 50% in the last 25 years; two-thirds of our moths and 71% of our butterflies are in long-term decline. So, it’s more important than ever to do everything we can to plant new habitats for pollinators even in the small back yards and street planters of Hanover. Wildflower plants which are often thought of as weeds, such as knapweed, ox-eye daisy and viper’s bugloss, are good for pollinators and also make attractive garden plants. The Royal Horticultural Society’s website has a comprehensive list of garden plants and wildflowers for pollinators: (https://www.rhs.org. uk/science/conservation-biodiversity/wildlife/plantsfor-pollinators)
If you’d like to do more why not join Buglife and support their plan to end the decline in pollinator species:
• All pollinators valued for the service they provide • Our pollinator populations properly monitored and understood • Pesticide use that harms pollinators reduced • Wildflower-rich landscapes restored • Declines in rare and threatened pollinator species reversed • Places for pollinators planned around people • Wild pollinators protected from imported parasites and diseases.
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This article is from the Royal Voluntary Service...
Royal Voluntary Service...
At Royal Voluntary Service (previously known as WRVS) our volunteers have been playing their part in hospitals since the NHS began in 1948. Today, they still give over a million hours of voluntary service each year. Locally, at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton, our volunteers generously give their time to support the six coffee shops across the site; new volunteers are always welcome and much appreciated. Our cafés offer visitors and busy staff a welcome hot drink, sandwiches and healthy snacks.
The Big Trolley Push was launched in Brighton earlier this year and volunteers, staff and visitors to the hospital are benefiting from the ward trolley service. It’s often the little things that can brighten a patient’s day; a daily paper, a light snack and a friendly face can make a big difference. After only a few hours, or maybe just ten minutes, volunteers appreciate just how great it feels to make others smile! As a trolley volunteer you’ll be amazed by the effect one conversation,
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one laugh from someone who spends their days alone, or a heartfelt ‘thank you’ can have.
Royal Voluntary Service is all about bringing communities closer together, whichever side of the trolley you’re on! There’s nothing lonely about our volunteering roles! You could end up building lasting friendships with both the patients and the other volunteers, enriching your life as much as your company enriches theirs. A recent member of our trolley team Linda Sheldrake from Saltdean is enjoying her experience with us. So much so that she has recommended a friend to join us too. “I love the interaction with the staff and patients and feel I am enhancing their day.”
Royal Voluntary Service is one of the largest volunteering organisations in the country. Throughout our history we have been inspired by people’s generosity, by those who give the gift of time through voluntary service, doing small deeds for a greater purpose. Today, we are continuing this work in order to support vulnerable people at home in their communities and relieving the pressure from NHS services, offering a friendly face in times of need.
If you would like to give a few hours of your week to your local hospital please contact us for a chat and find out what we have to offer. Please call us on 01273 664976 (9.30 - 4.00) or visit www.royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk
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