Fiveways Directory September 2018

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fiveways September 2018 ISSUE 166


Hollingbury Golf Course... The Jewel in Fiveways’ Crown page 15 QUALITY From a simple door sw KITCHEN to a full replacement k FACELIFTS QUALITY KITCHEN FACELIFTS QUALITY KITCHEN FACELIFTS

From a simple door swap to a full replacement kitch

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ace? you 01273can 01273ref FIVEWAYS FRUITS • 50% deposit, balance 550318 •550318 Senior citizens discount

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on completion on completion

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Mike Bishop Ltd.

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To advertise call 01273 551021 or e-mail


WELCOME TO THE FIVEWAYS DIRECTORY!! It’s time for most people to go back to work or school (although there are some of us who haven’t been away!) There’s plenty going on in September if you do have some free time, though. There are two weekends of Heritage Open Days, the start of the annual Older People’s Festival and giant snails will soon be arriving on our streets, so make the most of the last days of the mild weather. This month’s featured local person is Sally Griffiths of Blakers Park Café, Gary Mepsted is back with another great book review and Marianne Clark tells us some of her favourite sporty reads. We also have an article from Hollingbury Golf Club, who tell us why the club is a great place to visit even if you don’t play golf. Happy reading! The Fiveways Directory Team Cover picture: Hollingbury Golf Course

Page 5 Fiveways Face – Sally Griffiths Page 6 Varndean Open Evening Page 7 Snailspace Arrives... Page 8-9 Old Photo Page 11 Sole Sister Welcomes New Podiatrist Page 15 Hollingbury Golf Club Page 17 Sophie Sheinwald Photography Page 19 Join The Tidy Up Team Page 21 Book Review Page 23 Sporty Reads Page 25 Heritage Open Days Page 27 Pet Problem Corner Page 29 Community Consultation on City Plan Part 2 Page 31 Fiveways Shop - Wigwam Toys Page 37 Fun Page Page 38 List Of Advertisers

Publisher: Fiveways Directory Ltd. 10 Hollingbury Road, Fiveways BN1 7JA Printer: Gemini Distributors: Paul, and James The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors We take complaints you make about our advertisers seriously. We have the following policy on this: First complaint about an advertiser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the advertiser concerned and notify them we have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts. If and when a third complaint arrives we will verify that all complaints received were genuine and inform the advertiser that we will no longer be promoting their business and inform them why.



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Office: 01273 509870 Mobile: 07789 722 741 E-mail: fiveways directory September 2018


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Betsy Ross is widely credited with making the first what in 1876?

gs w kin erm No boo t ew ng n ki e ta r th fo

Pre-School Ballet

fiveways Meet a familiar face from Blakers Park...

FIVEWAYS FACE – SALLY GRIFFITHS Sally Griffiths owns and runs Blakers Park Café, which is open every day of the year (except Christmas Day) when the weather is clement. How long have you been running Blakers Park café? I have been running the café for over 15 years. When I took the café on it was a complete shack; with a few improvements we were up and running and we were the first café in the area to provide espresso style coffees. We continue to improve the café, making it an interesting find for local residents. It’s a true delight. What sort of food do you serve? We serve lovely coffees using Drury special roasted beans, freshly ground on the day, and an array of teas including fresh mint tea, lemon, and fresh ginger. We offer the most amazing ice creams which are organic from Marshfield Farm in a tub or in a waffle cone. We have an array of milkshakes, children’s and adult sandwiches freshly prepared to order on Real Pâtisserie bread, homemade sausage rolls, Scotch eggs, samosas and veggie options, and also we do amazing breakfasts! We also do outside catering for business and private clients. You’ve had a lot of vandalism at the café this year... Unfortunately over the last 12 months we have had a torrid time due to continuing vandalism at the café. In November last year the café was set on fire but thanks to a local dog walker who spotted it the fire brigade were called. Following this event the whole of the railing fence around the café was destroyed. This is very sad and very trying, especially as we are a community café with a big heart looking after all the kids in the park.


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Sally (second from left) and staff at the café What do you like to do when you’re not working? When I’m not working I head down to Lewes to ride my horse on the Downs - a perfect way to relax after a busy day at the café. For more information, visit

Beauty at Home Frances Skinner

Beauty Therapist Facials, Massage, Reflexology, Waxing, Manicure, Pedicure

29 Ashford Road Tel: 01273 561353 fiveways directory September 2018


fiveways Varndean School...

VARNDEAN OPEN EVENING Varndean School is a place where people matter, where individuality is fostered and celebrated. Our broad curriculum encompasses this, promoting academic rigour so that our students can stand shoulder to shoulder with their peers nationally.Creativity is embedded deeply in the heart of the curriculum at Varndean. So much so that we were delighted to be shortlisted for the TES Creative School of the Year Award in June 2018. This honour cements us as one of the most creative schools in the UK and we feel hugely privileged to be recognised at a national level for our unique approach to developing World Class Learning.

COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICES All professional building trades Extensions, loft conversions and full renovations Specialists in kitchens, bathrooms, tiling, joinery and sash windows Free no obligation estimates

01273 555445 07770456756


To advertise call 01273 551021 or e-mail

fiveways Look out for a snail near you...

SNAILSPACE ARRIVES... The Snailspace art installation will be coming to the streets of Brighton & Hove on 15th September (until 18th Nov). 50 giant snails, individually decorated by different artists, and over 50 junior snails painted by local school children, will be located all over the city, sponsored by local businesses. #BeMoreSnail is the motto of Snailspace, which is being organised by Martlets Hospice in conjunction with Wild in Art. The idea behind #BeMoreSnail is to encourage people to slow down, enjoy the moment and spend more time with the people they love. It resonates with the philosophy behind the life-changing care provided by the hospice, and, at the end of the event, the sculptures will be auctioned off to raise money for it. The event has the backing of some of the city’s celebrities, including DJ Norman Cook, crime author Peter James and vlogger Alfie Deyes, who will have their own giant snails on the route. A comprehensive map and an interactive app will also support the sculpture hunt. The map will be available on the Snailspace website, at Martlets shops across the city and at Churchill Square.

Quality Kitchen Facelifts

Snails will be placed at some of the locations used for the Snowdogs, including Preston Park, and a few new locations have been added – all will be revealed on 15th September! For more information and to keep up to date with all details of the campaign, visit or follow @ snailspacebh on social media.

Spring into action Brighten your Brighten upup your kitchen this summer and re-fresh kitchen! kitchen for your the Summer!!

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fiveways directory September 2018




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This picture was taken by Victorian photographer Edward Fox in 1879, three years after Longhurst’s Brewery was opened here.

Probably this is the oldest existing photograph of Preston Circus. The small centre buildings, of flints, were older than the remainder. Thanks to the Regency Society for this image from their photographic archives, The James Gray Collection. You can see thousands more historic pictures of Brighton and Hove at: www.

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Both George Stephenson and Sir Winston Churchill have featured on which British banknote?


Sussex Electrical Services Periodic Inspections Installations & Repairs Rewiring Fault Finding Additional Points and Wiring Electrical Testing & Certification For a free Quote call or email Gavin Chriss 07949 758594 Neil Griffiths 07973 366745 fiveways directory September 2018


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Which football team were known as the ‘Biscuitmen’ up until the 1980s?

fiveways News from local business, Sole Sister...

SOLE SISTER WELCOMES NEW PODIATRIST LISA McSORLEY Lisa graduated with a first-class honours degree in Podiatry from the University of Brighton, winning the coveted Podiatry Research Prize for attaining the highest overall grade for her dissertation. Some of you may remember Lisa as our Saturday receptionist; Lisa will be working both out on the road doing home visits and in the clinic. We will be extending our Saturday opening times with Lisa working Saturday afternoons. Lisa says: “May I start by saying I am absolutely delighted to be joining the Sole Sister podiatry team here at Fiveways. I am looking forward to caring for the feet of the Fiveways and wider Brighton community. I am motivated by my desire to provide an excellent, high quality, professional and caring service that is designed aroundmy patient’s needs and committed to continual professional development within the field of podiatry.

PODIATRISTS Jane Faulkner Natalie Tanner Lucy Romero Clark Richard Pryer Ruth Forster Lisa McSorley 01273 553863 136a Preston Drove


“At Sole Sister, Jane is dedicated to presenting opportunities for staff training and educational advancement, and I was thrilled to be invited to attend a staff verruca needling course in Eastbourne in September which will further expand the range of services already on offer and improve treatment outcomes. At Sole Sister we will be offering Verruca Needling as an extra treatment for verrucas from October this year. I feel my energy, devotion, genuine enthusiasm and obligation to both foot health care and to providing first-rate patient care experience will align me with the ethos and philosophy at Sole Sister. I look forward to seeing you soon.”

fiveways directory September 2018


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12 12 QUESTION FOUR: At Hogwarts school, how are pupils assigned to their houses?

The Arbor Barber

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Hallifax Care

Have you ever thought that your caring nature could start earning you money?

Hallifax Care, the locally run, award winning company is now recruiting home care workers to work in the Hollingdean to London Road, Hollingbury and Patcham areas. We provide all training, we just need people who communicate well, and would be willing to go the extra mile to help someone else. Although a car is not essential, to take advantage of our great rates of pay, it would be an advantage. We work from 7am – 10pm in three shifts, carers can work morning, lunch or evening shifts or a combination of all three. We are very flexible with hours and can fit round your commitments.

01273 542200 fiveways directory September 2018



To advertise call 01273 551021 or e-mail

fiveways Local beauty spot and community hub…

HOLLINGBURY GOLF CLUB... THE JEWEL IN FIVEWAYS’ CROWN Many of you will be aware of Hollingbury Golf Course at the top of the hill with its stunning views all over Brighton and Hove and beyond, topped off with the 2,000-year-old Hollingbury Fort, but you may not be aware of the club itself and all it has to offer.

As a non-members club Hollingbury Golf Club is open to all; forget the stereotypes – there is no dress code or stuffy rules to adhere to and a warm welcome is extended to all visitors. Even if you don’t play golf the club is a great place to visit; with arguably the best views in the city it is a great place to escape to for a lunch or arrange to have a business meet-up and enjoy a coffee. The newly completed extension to the building opens up to outside seating and if you need to clear your head and get some space I can’t think of a better spot to visit and amazingly it is all within minutes of the busy Fiveways junction. If you are a complete novice or are looking to start playing golf again Hollingbury is a great place to begin, with an understanding pro to offer lessons, and a

members’ representative is on hand to greet you if you wish to be shown around. The golf club is far more than just a golf club but more accurately it is a community centre and venue. It has a great space available for hire with its own separate bar ideal for parties and weddings. There is also a separate conference room available for meetings. A variety of weekly groups and classes already meet in the Hollingbury Golf Club with more being lined up. Please realise what a great facility we have locally and pay it a visit!! For more information, visit golf/hollingbury-park-golf-course, phone 01273 500086 or email

OSTEOPATHY ACUPUNCTURE AUTOGENIC TRAINING For appointments call 01273 540303 or email 121-123 Havelock Road, Fiveways fiveways directory September 2018


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Any queries please contact Matt 07972 086676 01273 881001 16

To advertise call 01273 551021 or e-mail

fiveways Sophie Sheinwald tells us about her passion for photographing dogs...

SOPHIE SHEINWALD PHOTOGRAPHY What do you most like about living in Brighton & Hove? What I love is that there’s about two degrees of separation when I meet people out and about. Despite being a city, Brighton & Hove offers a real sense of connection and community. We see you are a photographer specialising in dog photography...what do you like most about working with dogs? I’ve been an established photographer since 2011, but those who know me know I’m mad about dogs. My obsession became greater recently since borrowing dogs, so I decided to officially offer dog photography services. I plan to create tangible artwork for people to celebrate this unique fluffy relationship. Dogs play a vital role in people’s lives. I love how their unconditional love provides a much needed connection with humans. I started a ‘Street Dog’ photography project in Manhattan nine years ago which rolled out a series of exhibitions called ‘8 Reasons I Ought to Get a Dog’ - it was a giggle and I may do it again. What is the biggest challenge when photographing dogs? With many dogs it’s their unpredictability. For a photo shoot, it’s ideal for me to know about the dog’s personality and characteristics. I’ve been getting a bit of help from dog trainer Lorna of Eli Manoeuvres. She helps me tap into the human-canine relationship. What would a typical shoot consist of? Initially, I like to establish the lifestyle and interests of the dog and family, this directs the style and location of the shoot. The relationship people have with their pets is unique, so there is no typical shoot - it’s a collaboration of ideas worked out with the owners. A shoot can go from artistically dramatic - the studio setting - to casual and fun out and about. I’m all about the visual story and I’ve decided to offer some packages with a dog story book - I’m excited about that! The relationship with pets is a treasured one, having that encapsulated with photography is wonderful.

You said you borrow dogs but will you ever get a dog of your own? One day I’ll probably get a dog but in the meantime I’m happy to play aunty! Is there somewhere we can see your work? Yes, my website with my dog gallery and sophie_snap on Instagram. Also I have recently brought back to life my ‘8 Reasons Why I Ought to get a Dog’ Facebook page and invite all dog lovers to contribute their dog stories.

fiveways directory September 2018


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The supertanker Torrey Canyon ran aground on the coast of which county in 1967, causing the worst oil spill in UK history?

fiveways Litter, litter everywhere...and then, at last, came the Tidy Up Team...

JOIN THE TIDY UP TEAM While strolling through our lovely city do you find yourself muttering expletives under your breath, picking up half empty plastic bottles and lager cans and surreptitiously putting them in your fellow residents’ green bins (while hoping that no one can see you)...and then, to cap it all, boring your friends and family to tears with rants about all that dropped litter and anti-social behaviour? Well if this is you – help is at hand! Put all that negative energy into purposeful action instead and join the “Tidy Up Team” today! The Tidy Up Team is a city-wide team of volunteers who pick up litter in parks and streets and also campaign and educate around littering. It was the brainchild of Garry Meyer, a local city ParkRanger. He is passionate about our green spaces and realised that there was an enormous pool of local residents out there who felt the same way. He wanted to tap into this and the TUT was born. This was 14 months ago and it has grown and grown - there are now 200 members. Volunteers get atwohour training session and their own high-vis vests (with logo) and litter picker stick. Volunteers can either go out individually – fitting it around their busy lives – or in groups.The response from passers-by is positive and it is quite a therapeutic experience – leaving a previously

littered environment clean and tidy. Ah what bliss... As you can see, all that negative energy can be put to productive use after all! Please contact us for more information: 01273 292929

Full range of Garage services available • • • • • • • •

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Award winning Architects based at Fiveways, Brighton - House Extensions - Loft conversions - Internal Alterations - New build houses - Commercial Projects We are a small, friendly practice who work closely with our clients to help them achieve their aspirations. We are well-versed in the challenges of obtaining planning permission and have an established record of creating attractive and sustainable designs to suit our clients’ re requirements and budgets For a free initial consultation contact Deacon and Richardson on 01273 888080 or website:

9.30 Service

A Holy Communion service giving space for quiet contemplation and community.

11.00 Service

An informal service ideal for young families. We have children’s groups for ages 0-11. Doors open at 10.45am with coffee and pastries.



Saturday 19th May 11.30am - 1.30pm Everyone is welcome to this community party to celebrate Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s big day. Pop-up bar, food stalls, kids crafts, bouncy castle, live music, entertainment in the garden. Inside the church we will serve tea and cakes and show the wedding on our big screen.

To advertise call 01273 551021 or e-mail

fiveways Our book review from Gary Mepsted...





Oxford World’s Classics, paperback, £8.99

Sphere, hardback, £19.99

I remember bingeing on Zola in my early twenties, reading every novel I could lay my hands on, no matter how dreadful the translation. A particularly egregious American translation of La Bête Humaine springs to mind. With the recent appearance, courtesy of Oxford World’s Classics, of some new titles, my love for the author is about to be reignited. Zola’s 20 novels which comprise the Rougon-Macquart series do not, fortunately, need to be read in order of publication. The reader may pick and choose, depending on taste and what’s available. With that in mind I have chosen A Love Story which ideally suits my current disposition. Hélène Grandjean, a beautiful widow, lives a quiet life in Paris with her sickly daughter, Jeanne. When Jeanne falls ill, the married local doctor, Deberle, enters their lives. His growing admiration for Hélène gradually turns into mutual passion, a passion whose consequences cannot be foreseen. A Love Story is just that, but this being Zola, love is depicted in all its guises, many of them venal, self-serving and cruel. This is not always a comfortable read. My French is, alas, far too poor for me to be able to read Zola in the original, but I’m confident that Helen Constantine’s translation is as faithful as possible to Zola’s vision of the story. The prose has a vigour and an energy which drives the narrative. The descriptive passages are beautifully modulated and perfectly convey the novel’s terrible emotional undercurrents. If you’ve not read Zola before, here’s a wonderful introduction.

I’ve just got sufficient space remaining to mention Michael Robotham’s new crime novel, The Other Wife, which delves into the family life of Robotham’s much loved character, forensic psychologist Joe O’Loughlin. When Joe’s father is brutally attacked in his home, he discovers the strange woman sitting at his father’s bedside in the hospital is his other wife. The image Joe has of his parents and their marriage is shattered beyond repair, and he feels compelled to investigate the crime and uncover dark family secrets. This is a quieter, more considered novel than we’re used to from this author and, despite my occasional longing for more action and the presence of a twisted and dangerous serial killer, the novel held me throughout. The ending is, like that of Robotham’s Close Your Eyes, both brilliant and genuinely moving. Michael Robotham is to be applauded for his more contemplative, almost literary approach here. The Other Wife might not win him new fans, but those existing admirers of his work will be more than satisfied.

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Gary Mepsted




01273 540441 07757 101873 fiveways directory September 2018



A funeral plan from Bungard Funeral Directors makes perfect sense. Dedicated caring service from Richard Whittle & Ben Day

Our Funeral Plan for your peace of mind Not every funeral plan provider is independent. Make sure that you plan your funeral with an Independent Funeral Director. • Guaranteed peace of mind • • Create a plan to suit you • • Best value and service • • Independent Golden Charter trust fund guarantees financial security • • Guaranteed no more to pay for our services - no matter how high prices rise •

To discuss your funeral plans please call Richard or Ben on 01273 820018

Richard Whittle is the great, great grandson of the founder and Managing Director of Bungard Funeral Directors. Richard and his wife have recently had a son whom he hopes will one day join the family business.

Ben Day is the Principal Funeral Director of Bungard Funeral Directors. Ben lives in Hove with his wife and two children. Ben and his wife Leila are keen to support the local community and be as involved as much as possible.

90 Sackville Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 3HE 01273 820018 (24 hour number) @BungardandSons

The UK’s largest independent funeral plan provider

Brighton & Hove’s oldest independent family funeral directors 22

To advertise call 01273 551021 or e-mail

fiveways Our regular fitness column from Marianne Clark…

SPORTY READS... I spend a lot of time doing sport, and even more time telling others to, and, if I’m not too exhausted after that, what better way to unwind than reading about it. There are some great books which cover the sporting spectrum, but, should you have some spare time between hill reps on Preston Drove, here are some of my favourite sporty reads. The Secret Race — Tyler Hamilton There are now quite a number of great books on the subject, but, in my view, this is absolutely the BEST book about the systematic and institutionalised doping in professional cycling and the book that really lifted the lid on the Lance Armstrong scandal.

through swarms of deadly jellyfish and shark-infested waters ... after a series of unsuccessful attempts over a 30-year period.

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running — Haruki Murakami The reflections of a novelist on the influence running has had on his life. A must-read for any recreational running enthusiast.

Running With The Kenyans — Adharanand Finn A humorous account of an average British club runner who heads to Africa to run with champions to see if he can transform his marathon running the Kenyan way.

Find A Way — Diana Nyad Diana Nyad is a US sports journalist and endurance swimmer, and this is an account of her amazing 110 miles non-stop swim (at the age of 60!) from Cuba to Florida

A Life Without Limits — Chrissie Wellington The inspirational story of Chrissie Wellington’s rise from rank amateur to multiple world champion Ironman triathlete. If you have ever fancied dipping your toes into the world of triathlon, read this first.

FITSO FITNESS Marianne Clark Personal Trainer GB Age Group Triathlete Born To Run — Christopher McDougall

THE book that started the barefoot running revolution. Personal Training & General Fitness An account of living and running with the Tarahumara, a Run Training Groups legendary South1-2-1 American & ultra-distance running tribe who cover incredible distances at incredible speeds ... in Triathlon & Endurance Coaching home-made sandals! Marianne Clark Open Water Swimming Swimming to Antarctica — Lynne Cox Personal Trainer All ages &account levels An autobiographical of her many extreme swims GB Age Group Triathlete


including the crossing of the Bering Strait from Alaska to Soviet territory during the Cold War. And you think the Personal Training & General Fitness water in Brighton is chilly! Run Training 1-2-1 & Groups Triathlon & Endurance Coaching Enjoy! BTW - I do occasionally indulge in some sport-free Open Water Swimming honest! All ages & levels for absolutepastimes, beginners to seasoned runners



Marianne Clark is a personal trainer, GB age group Ê CALL FOR INFO ABOUT UPCOMING triathlete, and running & endurance sports coach and o PRESTON PARK RUN GROUPS W. nf offers personal training, run groups and 1-2-1 run / for absolute beginners to seasoned runners ri n o Ê E. or for all levels ail f t a open water swim / triathlon coaching Ê n o W. from beginners up. New Preston Park Run Groups start nf i em urre ing r fo and r E. or E. l i September 2018. For info email: or t a m en g ll o t c com E. r e urr in 780844 T. 07775 tel. 07775 780844. Ca bou rth rou ll o ut c com ups T. 07775 780844


Ca bo rth gro a fo n ru

fo un g r





fiveways directory September 2018


DI-Version-1 19/09/2011 11:42 Page 1 DI-Version-1 19/09/2011 11:42 Page 1

25 years experience 25 years experience Professional craftsmanship – painting Professional craftsmanship – painting and decorating, beautifully executed and decorating, beautifully executed with a quality that lasts. with a quality that lasts.



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Your friendly local salon for all the family!

Senior citizen discount days available Now open till 8.00 pm on Thursdays

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01273 504724 24


All work is guaranteed and fully insured All work is guaranteed and fully insured

What is the coffee drink called that has a shot of espresso with hot water added?

fiveways A chance to visit new places...

HERITAGE OPEN DAYS... Heritage Open Days is England’s largest festival of history and culture. Every year in September, places across the country throw open their doors to celebrate their heritage, community and history. It’s your chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences – and it’s all FREE. This year’s Heritage Open Days will be 6-9 and 13-16 September. This year there’s a rare opportunity to get a tour of the Jewish cemetery in Florence Place off Ditchling Road, the oldest Jewish cemetery in Brighton. It was set up in 1826 and is notable for its burials of famous Brighton Jewish residents. There are tombstones to the murdered Police Chief, Henry Solomon, Levi Emanuel Cohen, Founder of the Brighton Guardian Newspaper (1827), and Sir John Howard. Tours of the cemetery take place on Sunday 16 September. Pre-booking (by 10 September) is required through Eventbrite at www. Other places to visit in and around Fiveways include the air raid shelter at Downs Junior School, the Duke of York’s Cinema, St Peter’s Church Preston Park, Preston Manor and Preston Rock Garden. For further details of the Heritage Open Days weekends, visit

Orpheus Young Singers Love singing?

Aged 9-14?

Join our choir!

Rehearsals during term time

Wednesdays 5.30-6.30pm

at Balfour Primary School, BN1 6NE Several concerts a year on our own and with Brighton Orpheus Choir, professional soloists and orchestra.

Free trial rehearsal then only Orpheus Young Singers is led by £40 per term

Stella Hull, BMus PGCE and Shona Knight, BA PGCE

For more information contact Stella: 07783 909 629 OYS are supported by Brighton & Hove City Council

Brighton Orpheus Choir Registered charity no 260887

The Jewish burial ground in Florence Place A local choir for youngsters...

ORPHEUS YOUNG SINGERS! We’ve had a great time at OYS so far and would love to spread the news of this opportunity for 9-14s to other enthusiastic young singers! Launched in 2015 by the Brighton Orpheus Choir and led by its director Stella Hull and soprano Shona Knight, OYS performs with an adult choir, professional soloists and orchestra in prestigious venues as well as in concerts of our own. Such a beautiful performance... It was wonderful...thank you for creating such a brilliant opportunity for the children. We’ll be joining the BOC in the City Christmas Charity Concert in All Saints Church Hove on Thurs, Dec 6th, and in Bach’s Christmas Oratorio in St John’s Preston Park on Saturday Dec 1st. OYS meets in Balfour School BN1 6NE on Wednesdays from 5.30pm-6.30pm from September 12th. Cost is £40 per term after a free first rehearsal. Parents - you can sing too! Why not try our BOC Open Evening on Wed Sept 19th. 07783 909629


Brimstone is an old common name for what?


Want a part-time job making a difference? Are you compassionate, friendly and do
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 your spare time? We are looking for CareGivers to help older people enjoy their life at home and remain independent – perhaps providing companionship, helping with light housework, making a meal or supporting the start of their day, with visits
 of at least one hour in length. No previous experience is necessary – just the desire to help other people. Please call to Þnd out more about what
 makes us different:

01273 284090




Construction All aspects of commercial & domestic refurbishment Bathrooms Kitchens Extensions Loft Conversions Plumbing Carpentry Side Returns David Scourfield 07396 074136

In which country would you be if you were touring the wine regions, Stellenbosch and Paarl?

fiveways Hannah from the Pet Shed gives her advice on your pet problems...

PET PROBLEM CORNER Welcome to our feature helping pet owners around Fiveways with advice. This month most concerns have been regarding keeping dogs entertained when normal walks have been suspended due to the hot weather. Why shouldn’t I be walking my dog during the day? If you observe any pet during hot weather you will see that most naturally seek out shade and keep movement to a minimum. Dogs only sweat through their paws and pant to circulate air through their bodies. Cats do sweat through their coats and often groom themselves more as evaporating saliva helps cool them too. This inability to quickly cool can mean that dogs can easily suffer from heat stroke if exerted and hot pavements can also burn paw pads. Never walk your dog during the hottest part of the day. Generally it is safe up to 19°C (68°F)so early morning or late evening is best. And of course NEVER LEAVE YOUR DOG IN A HOT CAR!!! So, how do I keep my dog entertained in this heat? You are probably finding that your dog is more subdued and lethargic during the hottest part of the day. If this isn’t always the case a paddling pool or shallow

Brighton’s friendliest, independent pet shop



Brief R ecover y Massage Oste g opat Trainin hy and more... Reiki

Book at the shop today!! 100 Preston Drove,BN1 6EW

bucket (Tubtrugs are great!) is fun. You can also provide long lasting chews which can be calming. Choose something natural such as a tendon, pizzle or antler, or a raw treat such as a marrow bone. If you feed wet food as part of their normal diet you can also freeze this inside a Kong. There are lots of fun toys on the market that can be frozen or soaked in water to encourage hydration but always provide fresh drinking water in a bowl too. Frozen iced treats are becoming more widely available at pet shops or you can make your own “Pupsicles” (there are lots of recipes online) or freeze a bowl of water with goodies hidden inside. Some dogs also just like crunching ice cubes! However, if you suspect your dog has heat stroke don’t give ice, wet your dog down with room temperature water (paying particular attention to arm pits and the underside) and take them straight to the vets. Hannah is the current proud pet parent of 16 including her dog (Bourbon, a regular at her shop), three cats, Starsky the tortoise, two snakes, turkeys, chickens and guinea pigs. Have a pet related question? Drop a line to Hannah at or pop in and see her at The Pet Shed, 100 Preston Drove, BN1 6EW.

fiveways directory September 2018


WeFamilies need host families Host Varndean College Long and short term students immediately aged 16 – 20 yrs @£120pw. Become a Varndean Host Family

We don’t just place students with WWW.VARNDEAN.AC.UK/INTERNATIONAL/HOST you. We provide a comprehensive Hosting international students gives you an opportunity to learn service of support and incentives about new cultures, broaden your horizons, share your home and gain some extra Int’I office team offers you support toincome. ourOurhost families and a personalised service.

Our students are preparing for Email us: University, are keen to integrate Tel 01273 508011 ( int’I office) and get to know you.

01273 508011 ext 418 or


Answer to Conor’s Conundrum p41: A postman


PAINTING & DECORATING I run an established painting and decorating company, I run an established painting and decorating covering all aspects company, covering all aspectsofofinternal internal and andexternal external work. work. I am trusted by local residents I amwho trusted local residents who are arebyhappy to provide happy toreferences. provide references. insured, neat andinsured, tidy MyI am ratesfully are affordable. I am fully worker with access to other neat and tidy worker with access trades. to other trades. Please telephone for Please telephone for a free estimate; a free estimate; Bruce Murray: 07957 186384 Bruce Murray: 07957 186384

fiveways News from the council...

COMMUNITY CONSULTATION ON CITY PLAN PART 2 Communities across Brighton & Hove now have a further opportunity to comment on the second part of the city’s local development plan.


City Plan Part 2 will sit alongside the adopted City Plan Part 1 to support the provision of more new low-cost homes, local jobs and transport, and health facilities over the next decade. Take part in the consultation online at City Plan Part 2 focuses on good management of development and ensuring good design, high quality and sustainable development. Its housing policies propose tougher controls on houses of multiple occupation (HMOs). The Plan ensures well designed, purpose-built student accommodation and identifies two further sites where it can be built. A total of 85% of housing sites will come forward on brownfield sites and some urban fringe sites have been identified to provide a positive opportunity to build family

and affordable homes, as well as create improved and publicly accessible open space. Most of the urban fringe will however be protected as green space and there will be four new local green spaces. Encouraging new and safeguarding community facilities is also at the heart of City Plan Part 2. A new policy will help protect public houses as community benefit. Important shopping parades that provide people with access to facilities like newsagents and pharmacies within walking distance of home are recognised. City Plan Part 2 identifies sites for 3,611 new homes to help meet the city’s housing target. When adopted, it will become part of the formal decision-making process of deciding planning applications. The consultation is open until 13 September.


Building & Decorating Services • • • • • •

Property Maintenance Carpentry & Tiling Painting and Decorating Electrics Small Clearances Flat Pack Assembly

07780 953496 01273 608007

fiveways directory September 2018



QUIZ QUESTION EIGHT: Regarded by many as one of the greatest TV dramas of all time, which show was based around a family running a funeral parlour?

fiveways Fiveways’ very own toy shop...

FIVEWAYS SHOP...WIGWAM TOYS Taken over by the new owners in 2012, Wigwam Toys stocks everything from Sylvanian Families to independent products. The shop is community-led, meaning it provides what the community requires and requests. It mainly sells luxury brands, such as Djeco, Sylvanians and independent artists’ books. Due to its relationship with the local community, it promotes products created by independent sources, such as eco lunch boxes, created by a local dad. When you no longer want to use the lunchbox for its purpose, it can be recycled and is biodegradable. Looking into the future, Wigwam Toys are taking part in American Express’s Small Business Saturday later on in the year. As well as this, they will soon start stocking Halloweenrelated toys and products. They are also hoping to host a book weekend in the near future. Wigwam Toys are on Instagram and Facebook, where they post updates of their products in use. They are also in the process of creating their website, which will have a soft launch in September or October. This means you will be able to purchase their wonderful goods online in time for Christmas! As well as toys, the aesthetically pleasing shop sells a range of wrapping paper and occasion cards. The shop is open 9.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Saturday as well as now opening on Sundays from 11am to 4pm. Daisy Scott A citywide event...

OLDER PEOPLE’S FESTIVAL 2018 Impact Initiatives is delighted to be putting together the very successful Older People’s Festival for the third year running, with over 100 events going on over two weeks all over Brighton & Hove, from 24th September to 7th October, celebrating people aged 50+. The festival encourages people to come together and try something new, meet others and participate in city life. Please go to the website for all of the event listings and details of where you can pick up the festival brochures. You can also attend the Festival Launch Event at the Hop50+ in Palmeira Square, Hove, on Monday 24th September - 10:30am to 3:30pm, to celebrate the start of the festival with a glass of bubbly, light refreshments, a group singalong and an afternoon of dancing to the famous Brighton Beach Boys.

fiveways directory September 2018


Sussex Students are looking now AC C O M M O DAT I O N R E Q U I R E D FROM SEPTEMBER TO DECEMBER OR SEPTEMBER THROUGH TO JUNE. • FREE, easy advertising service • Set your own rents • Friendly students from around the world • Full-board, half-board, self-catering… on your terms!

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15 & 30 Hours Funded Childcare Available Use your free hours between 8:30am-5:30pm

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In which sport would you hear the term ‘Catching a crab’?

SuSSex Funeral ServiceS independent Funeral directorS ‘For caring, compassion and choice’ Proprietors: Phil and Sallie

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Has Your Double Glazing Steamed Up? Established for over a decade Cloudy2Clear windows have become a leading company for glass replacement. Issues with double glazing can often be gradual and may only be noticed during a clear sunny day or during the winter. A failed glass unit may no longer provide you with the protection you need or be energy efficient. Why not spend a few minutes checking your home to see if you

Cloudy2Clear GUARANTEE All Customers That An Average Quote Will Take No Longer Than 20 MINS!!!

have any failed double glazing? If you act now you can avoid these problems. Now, you may think you need to replace the whole window including the frames and all the hardware, however Cloudy2Clear have come up with a simple and cost saving solution… Just replace the glass!! If you see condensation in your windows just visit our website or give us a call on 0800 61 21 118.

We will send out our highly experienced engineers for a free no obligation quote. A Cloudy2Clear quote takes on average no longer than 20 minutes. Once the quote is completed, we will sit down with you and explain the problem and tell you how we can fix it. With years of experience Cloudy2Clear have a wealth of knowledge and are recognised as a Which Trusted Trader, plus our

work is backed by an industry leading 25 year guarantee. Cloudy2Clear also replace faulty locks handles and hinges on all windows and doors. Your friendly local Cloudy2Clear specialist is Aaron Smith and he services Brighton, Hove and surrounding areas. So, if your windows are steamed up, broken or damaged give Aaron a call for a free quotation on 0800 61 21 118.

Cloudy2Clear Windows... Service With A Smile!

fiveways directory September 2018



J. H. Brickwork

All forms of brickwork welcome, no job too small Services include: Brickwork and Repairs • Repointing • Patios Shed Bases • Block Driveways Repairs Tidy, quick and efficient service guaranteed

Contact Joseph on 07539 280 253 or 01273 832558

Hallifax Care Friendly, professional care in your own surroundings.

All your care needs provided by a local Fiveways independent company. We can help with: • washing and dressing • making meals • Cleaning and shopping • Taking you out to an appointment or out for the afternoon.

WHAT’S ON IN AND AROUND FIVEWAYS... MONDAYS Play and Stay 10 – 11.30am 0-3 years £2 Healthy snack included Fiveways Play Centre 8-10 Florence Road 01273 500257 Brownies 5.45 – 7.15pm St Matthias Church Hall, Hollingbury Park Avenue _involved.aspx Guides 7.30 – 9.00pm Contact: Lucie 07737 093675 St Matthias Church Hall, Hollingbury Park Avenue Dance classes Children’s/teen ballet/contemporary 4.30-9pm Downs Junior School Rugby Road Contact: Lynda 01273 556313 Zumba 6.30pm Stanford Avenue Methodist Church Contact: 07989 973008 Hatha Flow Yoga 6.45-7.45pm (term time only) Balfour Primary School KS2 Hall £7 drop in

TUESDAYS Pilates 9.30 – 10.30am St Matthias Church

01273 542200 34

QUIZ QUESTION TEN : What was the name of the dog carried into space aboard Sputnik 2?

Zumba 6.30 - 7.30pm Contact: 07989 973008 St Matthias Church Hall, Hollingbury Park Avenue Pilates 7.30pm Contact: 07989 973008 St Matthias Church Hall Speakability Group (Stroke Club) 10.30am (3rd Tuesday of the month) Stanford Avenue Methodist Church Tuesday Fellowship 2.45pm (fortnightly) Stanford Avenue Methodist Church Feminine Focus 8pm Stanford Avenue Methodist Church Scouts, Cubs & Beavers From 5pm Stanford Avenue Methodist Church stanfordmethodist@btconnect. com Dance classes 3.45-5pm: Children’s/teen ballet, tap and modern/jazz 7-8pm: Adult Jazz Fit – Beginners/ Improvers St Mary’s Church, Surrenden Road Contact: Lynda 01273 556313

WEDNESDAY Children’s Ballet 1.30-6pm St Mary’s Church, Surrenden Road Contact: Lynda 01273 556313 Holy Communion 11am 2nd & 4th Wednesday in month Stanford Avenue Methodist Church

fiveways Yoga Flow 7.15pm to 8.30pm £8 per class when you buy 6. £10 drop in St Matthias Church, Hollingbury Park Avenue 07813 712073 Community Lunch Club 12.30pm Stanford Avenue Methodist Church Girls Brigade From 6pm Stanford Avenue Methodist Church Meditation/Music 7.30pm 3rd Wednesday in month Stanford Avenue Methodist Church Orpheus Young Singers 9-15 years 5.30-6.30pm Balfour School Balfour Rd BN1 6NE 07783 909629 Brighton Orpheus Choir 7.30 - 9.30pm. Varndean School, Loder Road. 07783 909629 Zumba 9.30am St Matthias Church Hall Contact: 07989 973008 Friendly Sussex Walking Group Walks average 8 to 10 miles For details see: Or ring Tim Ranger 01903 877939 1st Wednesday of the month (from 5 September) Interfaith Prayers All welcome, of any faith or none 6-7pm The Baha’i Centre 19 Stanford Avenue BN1 6GA

THURSDAYS Mothers & Toddlers 9.00am – 12 noon Contact: Gill 07403 284708 St Matthias Church Hall, Hollingbury Park Avenue

Yoga Scaravelli inspired 5.45-7.15pm. Contact: Cara Bowen, 07900 906344 Drop in £8 Unit 4, Round Hill Street Local Action Team 6pm (1st Thursday monthly) Contact: 01273 233746 St Matthias Church Hall, Hollingbury Park Avenue Dance Classes Children’s/teen ballet, tap and modern 3.30-9pm St Mary’s, SurrendenRoad,& Downs Juniors Adult tap – Improvers & Beginners 7.15-8pm and 8-8.45pm Downs Junior School Contact: Lynda 01273 556313 Prayer Break 10-11am Stanford Avenue Methodist Church Craft and Chat Group 2-4pm (fortnightly) Stanford Avenue Methodist Church WI 7.30pm, 4th Thursday in month City Gate at The Dip 119D Hollingdean Terrace Contact: Sarah 07900 303299 Pilates 9.30am Stanford Avenue Methodist Church Contact: 07989 973008 Zumba 6.30pm Stanford Avenue Methodist Church Contact: 07989 973008 Pilates 7.30pm Stanford Avenue Methodist Church Contact: 07989 973008

FRIDAYS Coffee Morning 9.30-10.30am Stanford Avenue Methodist Church

Play and Stay 10.00 – 11.30am Contact: 01273 500257 0-3 years £2 Fiveways Play Centre, 8-10 Florence Rd BN1 6DJ Rainbows 5pm-6pm St Matthias Church Hall, Hollingbury Park Avenue get_involved.aspx Dance Classes Children’s tap and modern dance 3.45-7.15pm Clermont Hall, Cumberland Road Boys’ tap and jazz 4.15pm St Mary’s, Surrenden Road Contact: Lynda 01273 556313 SCE Basketball Academy Dorothy Stringer School 4.50-6pm £6 drop-in rate, £5 termly sign-up 07808 065487 Music Group 7pm, 1st Friday in month Stanford Avenue Methodist Church Brighton Community Acupuncture 12 noon – 8pm (last appointment 7pm) All fees are concessionary £12-£33 per treatment Hollingdean Community Centre, Thompson Road or bookings, call or text Amadis Cammell: 07964 291417 or email info@ brightoncommunityacupuncture. BUQI System energy exercises for health Boost your immune system for the winter! 10-11am; £8; drop-in 365 Ditchling Road Contact: 07980 869579 or email

Slow Flow Yoga (Starts September 21st) 9.30am-10.30am Crowhurst Community Hall, Knoyle Road Contact Claire 07931 900267 Or book at www.

SATURDAY Children’s ballet, tap and modern dance 9.15 - 1.15pm St Mary’s, Surrenden Road Contact: Lynda 01273 556313 Football For All A casual match for anyone 16+ 9.30-11am Patcham Place (London Road) Bring boots Info 07788 526789

SUNDAYS Holy Communion 9.30am Informal Service with kids groups 11am St Matthias Church, Ditchling Road Morning Service 10.30am weekly Evening Service 6.30pm once a month (check website or notice board for dates) Stanford Avenue Methodist Church Friendly Sussex Walking Group Walks average 8 to 10 miles For details see: Or ring Tim Ranger 01903 877939

Pilates and Zumba classes inFiveways Morning and evening classes at St Matthias and Stanford Avenue Methodist Church See ‘What’s On in and Around Fiveways” for times

matt_fiveways_ad.indd 1

fiveways directory September 2018


14/09/2017 11:38

50% off Kerastraight Ultimate After we have been blessed with such lovely weather we understand that our hair needs a bit of extra TLC. Kerastraight is a perfect long-lasting treatment to replenish, de-frizz, smooth and protect against humidity during these hot summer months. That's why we are offering 50% off the Kerastraight Ultimate treatment (excluding Saturdays) during Aug-Sept. We just know you'll love it as much as we do!

263 Preston Drove, BN1 6FL

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ROOFING all roofwork undertaken • • • • •

Fully insured Free estimates Fascia & soffits Gutter clearance Slating & tiling

• • •

Flat roofing All leadwork Chimneys & firewalls

no job too big or small Call Shaun 07846485817 or Stuart 07894 548501 01273 298201

36 To advertise call 01273 551021 or e-mail


FIVEWAYS FUN... WHERE IN FIVEWAYS? Where in Fiveways was this photo taken?

Conor's Conundrum

Take away my first letter, then take away my second letter. Then take away the rest of my letters, yet I remain the same. What am I? Answer on page 28

SEPTEMBER QUIZ... Find the 10 questions spread throughout the Directory at the foot of various pages... here are the answers

Last month’s answer: Advertising box near Co-op

FA C T S A B O U T S e p t e m b e r

its name. has nine letters in ninth month and s in its ter let of er • September is the mb nu with the same It is the only month nth. number of the mo the as me na sh gli En the calendar seventh month of Romans, it was the tem. sep ”, ven “se for • For the Ancient tin med after the La which is why it is na ich lost 11 September 1752 wh nth in the UK was r. da en cal an ori • The shortest mo eg from Julian to Gr days in the change r Wellesley in September: Arthu me minister died • Only one UK pri , 1852). (died September 14 e in your Christmas cak ry Berry, “Making • According to Ma ct.” September is perfe

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

American flag £5 Reading A magical sorting hat Cornwall

6. Caffe Americano 7. South Africa 8. Six Feet Under 9. Rowing or sculling 10. Laika

is most e Arctic Ocean month when th e th is r be em • Sept free from ice. here; With ember days are ly tokens, Sept ve cheer” lo of e st es be th n’s all m • “By ather; And autu we of st be ’s er summ ckson). (Helen Hunt Ja most derstorms are onth when thun m e th is r be • Septem UK. frequent in the e Southern t months in th of the warmes e on And, in is s. r op be cr r em • Sept t time fo It is also harves . th United States. on M st ve called Har Switzerland, it’s e-not, e the forget-m r September ar fo rs we flo rth • The bi and aster. morning glory

MB Landscapes Creating Outdoor Spaces

We deck, fence, pave, turf, plant and more, from your designs or ours – delivering garden projects of all sizes Call or email Matt for a free, no obligation consultation & quote 07733 187471

fiveways directory September 2018


fiveways Architects

Terry Sharpe...................................................................8


Deacon & Richardson...................................................20

Sussex Electrical Services...............................................9

Charley Barley’s............................................................26


Estate Agents

Growing Up Green........................................................12

Eurotiles & Bathrooms.................................................14

David and Co...................................................back cover

Beauty Services

Financial Advisor


Beauty at Home..............................................................5

My Mortgage................................................................18



Bella Vista.......................................................................4

Dance Floor Activist......................................................35


Flooring Services

JH Brickwork.................................................................34

Brighton Floor Sanding.................................................12 Bell’s Tiling....................................................................38

Building Services AT Construction..............................................................3 Bob Hanson..................................................................29 BA Building Developments...........................................16 Walder Construction....................................................30 St Clair Builders..............................................................6 DMS Construction........................................................26 Carpenter CP Carpentry . ..............................................................18 Rachel Urbach.............................................................24 Featherstone Furniture...............................................12 Martin Ramsay.............................................................38 Charities and Charity Events Marriage Care...............................................................37 Choir Brighton Orpheus Choir................................................25

Dirty Ovens...................................................................21 Painters & Decorators Decorative Interiors......................................................24 Paul Robertson decorating...........................................38 Bruce Murray...............................................................28

Funeral Directors

Pet Services

Bungard Funeral Directors............................................22

The Pet Shed.................................................................27

Sussex Funerals............................................................33


Garage Services

Sophie Sheinwald.........................................................17

Marine Garage..............................................................19 Garden Services Ozzie the Gardener.......................................................37 MB Landscapes.............................................................37 Tree and Garden Services.............................................36

Pianos Brighton Piano Warehouse.............................................8 Plastering Services Pacific Plastering..........................................................21

LJ’s Barber....................................................................38

Lewis Byard..................................................................29

The Arbor Barber..........................................................12



GT Plumbing...................................................................5


Brighton Based Plumbing.............................................18



Fiveways Fruits........................................................ cover Hairdressers

Sussex University Houses.............................................32 Roofing



Sole Sister.....................................................................11

Val Cussell Hair.............................................................36


LJ Barbers.....................................................................38

St. Matthias..................................................................20

Health & Fitness

Sash Window repairs


FITSO Fitness................................................................23

Sashes and Sills...............................................................8

Glovers Yard..................................................................15

Heating Engineers



Firedup Heating............................................................28

Varndean School.............................................................6

Brighton Compost Centre.............................................18

Home Care Workers

St Christopher’s, Hove..................................................10


Hallifax Care........................................................... 13/34

Tiles & Tiling


Home Rent

Pentagon Tiling.............................................................26

Damp proofing


PPJ Construction..................................................... Cover

Job Opportunity

Bell’s Tiling....................................................................38


Home Instead...............................................................26

Dance Art Studio............................................................4 Dentists

Kitchen Facelifts

Surrenden Dental Practice............................................30



Lee Locks......................................................................36

Brighton Log Centre......................................................28

Caulfield Electrical........................................................24

Music /Music Lessons


Electric Queenz............................................................10

Udita Everett.................................................................34

Claire Russel Burns.......................................................35

L J‘s BARBERS 253e Ditchling Rd

01273 551270


Oven Cleaner

Dream Doors..................................................................7

MB Roofing....................................................... cover & 2 Ridgeline Roofing.........................................................36

Windows Cloudy2Clear................................................................33 Countryman..................................................................13 Wood

PAINTER & DECORATOR Paul Robertson Insured Referenced Reliable 01273 240160 07961 125069

MARTIN RAMSAY WALL & FLOOR TILING 01273 561160 07708584220

PR Decorating

To advertise call 01273 551021 or e-mail

Carpenter / Glazier Doors / Windows Flatpacks / Shelving Fencing / Decking Fascia / Soffits Guttering / Down Pipes

01273 888492 07908 611443

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fiveways directory September 2018


Preston Park Avenue ÂŁ425,000

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Mansion Style Flat

Call us on 01273 555333 or pop into the office for further details

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