Supernal Magazine Australia - Issue 32 - February 2022

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Issue 32 - February 2022

Ordinary people living extraordinary lives

Interviews Parents with Questions - Adam Gibson - Bridget Brocklebank - Steve Roberts

Features Life of Riley Mental First Aid for Kids Just Get Over It! Human Design

Our Kids

Their Future? Hoody’s Helpers - Birth of Hoody’s Helpers • Reflections - Thoughts of an 11 Year Old Divine Time - Minds of Integrity • Pathways to Concious Health - It’s Just a Mask!

Your story can educate, inspire, heal, and entertain your reader. At BUSYBIRD PUBLISHING we can help you to write and publish your book through workshops, coaching, editing, design and publishing packages. Check out our website and social media chanels to see how we can work with you to realise your dream.

2022: START A NEW CHAPTER, SHARE YOUR STORY 2 Founders: Anthony Kilner, Jane Offer Publisher: Supernal Media Pty Ltd Editor: Anthony Kilner Deputy Editor: Freya Savitri Sampson Sub Editor: Jane Offer Editorial Consultant: ShirleySienna Coventry Art Director: Christel Mathelot

supernal [soo-pur-nl] adjective

Being in or belonging to the heaven of divine beings; heavenly, celestial, or divine. Lofty; of more than earthly or human excellence, powers, etc. Being on high or in the sky or visible heavens.

Assistant Art Directors: Lia Estate Art Consultant: Kev Howlett – Busybird Publishing Art Intern: Kiet Nguyen Advertising Manager: Feature Story: Tammy Sinclair Cover Art and Design: Kiet Nguyen & Christel Mathelot Cover Photography: Anthony Kilner Contributors: Ben Dalton, Melanie Dufty, Donita Duggin, Louise Clarke, Catherine Fyans, Louise & Chris Luke, Tammy Sinclair, Olivia Sinco & Charles Snelleksz-Mathelot. Copyright: No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of Supernal Australia Magazine Founders or Editor. Disclaimer: The views and comments expressed by individuals and contributors do not necessarily represent those of the publishers and no legal responsibility can be accepted for the result of the use by readers of information or advice/suggestions of whatever kind given in this publication, either editorially or from advertising. Refer to for details. Supernal Magazine Australia is a division of Supernal Media Pty Ltd ACN: 631 649 584 ABN: 91 631 649 584

Invocation We call on the over-soul of Supernal Magazine; we call on Supernal’s unconditionally loving team of guides, teachers and friends in spirit. We call forth the elements of creation and the essence of creation – geometries of light, sound and unconditional love. We call forth the flower of life and our soul family to co-create with us the most extraordinary Supernal Magazine possible, in service to the unfurling Divine Plan. So Be It!

Giving of Thanks We give thanks to all those in Spirit who have been with us throughout this creative process, to all those in-body who have selflessly contributed and to all those who read Supernal Magazine. May you be blessed! In Lak’ech.

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CONTENTS – FEBRUAR Acknowledgment Of Country We acknowledge the Booja (country) and it’s Traditional Custodians - The Aboriginal peoples of all countries and tribes. We call on the Ancestors, past and present, Earth and star, who love us unconditionally. We call on the good spirit to be present with us as we journey Supernal Magazine. We call on th eRainbow Serpent and the Dreaming Serpents of each Aboriginal Country. Thank you for being with us and for your blessings and guidance.


Freya Savitri Samsson – Custodian Eartheart

SUPERNAL Ed’s Letter 6 8




Kids’ Mental Health

Canberra 2022 – Peaceful Uprising

INTERVIEWS 12 Adam Gibson – Parents with Questions

The founder of Parents with Questions talks about why.

13 Bridget Brocklebank – Parents with Questions

Bridget offers a mum’s perspective of kids being jabbed and mediating with partners who have a differing opinion.

14 Steve Roberts – Parents with Questions

As a PE teacher and health and wellbeing coach, Steve looks and the implications of sport, kids and the pressure to be injected!


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FEATURES 16 Life of Riley

This is a beautiful story written by Tammy Sinclair about her son’s journey through Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (T-cell ALL + CNS3), mental health stress and the loss of her soul mate.


Mental Health First Aid for Children


Just Get Over It!

Olivia Sinco is an Education Support Worker and Facilitator of the 21st Century Parenting Program. Olivia talks us through ways to deal with children in distress.

Dr Catherine Fyans asks, what is the point of having an impactful experience if we ‘just quickly get over it’ without any reflection, introspection, learning, sharing and general evolvement?

SPECIAL FEATURE 30 Human by Design

Ben Dalton is a virtuoso when it comes to helping people understand what Human Design is all about. In this special feature Ben talks us through what Human design is, how it works and the benefits it offers in us understanding our uniqueness!

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ASTROLOGY 46 A New Earth - Now

Hoody’s Helpers is a group that started as a way to get help during the COVID Crisis and has grown with chapters in every state. Louise and Chris start this new column off with - the Birth of Hoody’s Helpers.

Lilith is back. The masculine side of the unified feminine energy is back, right in cosmic timing!


Quote of the Month




Pathways to Conscious Health

The on again off again mask scenario has continued right through the Christmas - New Year period and into 2022 and will impact our children heading back to school. Dr Catherine Fyans explains why!



Jane Offer interviews her granddaughter on mental health issues and gathers the – ‘Thoughts of an 11¾ Year Old’.

February 2022 in numbers.

SUPERNAL 52 Ad Directory 53

Videos & Podcasts


Contributor Bios


Business Cards

SACRED SITES 42 Sacred Sites

Louise Clarke introduces Supernal readers to the amazing Dean Liprini, South African Archaeo-astronomer and explorer.


Coming within the new moon heralding opportunity and vision. This time frequency offers a reversal of previous ‘understandings’, to the human race. ShirleySienna explains in detail.

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A Letter from the Editor

Ed’s Letter As I sit here in my little office pondering life and our kids, I realised humanity is changing. People are living in fear, desperation, depression and more. It’s a tough gig living today for so many here in Australia and around the globe. Yet, it’s also a time when people are standing up for themselves and their loved ones. The right to be a sovereign being. The right to choose what we put in our bodies. The right to live a life without fear and subjugation, and the right to be heard.

Anthony Kilner

Previously I looked at life, pre-2022, and decided what was the point in living! I have seen the hatred – family against family, people angry, judgemental, and living in fear. Every narrative heard comes from government-funded media sources in the form of tax incentives – it was becoming oppressive and depressing! Coming to terms with the potential deaths into the future caused by the jabs is frightening. The fact that there is a more extensive agenda out there, knowing that if you dare to look at it, you are called a conspiracy theorist and kicked in the teeth and ridiculed. The point of living is that we are ‘born to live’. To live life as best we can, without prejudice, fear or as a dictator causing harm. We are here to evolve our sovereignty, our own ‘Mission from God,’ so to speak. Learning and understanding compassion, empathy and connecting with other souls to help us all evolve is a tough gig! There is another narrative, and people are starting to look at it and take it seriously. It’s not a conspiracy theory; it’s a narrative based on authentic and honest objective and subjective science. It’s a transparent science backed by credible people and non-fudged figures, yet the Government would have you believe that their politicians who aren’t credible in science have your best interests at heart.

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When one listens to their own heart and looks at the figures provided and not provided by the Government, the truth starts to emerge.

Some questions to ponder: Why did the World Health Organisation change the definition of a pandemic from hospitalisations to cases? Why do the Government report 100 per cent of cases and deaths by Covid (with no actual detail or proof) and not report on more than 5 to 10 per cent of deaths and adverse reactions caused by their jabs? Why were doctors given immunity from adverse reactions or deaths from giving jabs when promoted as being so safe and effective? Why won’t doctors, nurses and other medical people who know the absolute truth stand up and tell the truth and the oath of ‘First, Do No Harm?’ Why does the Government say we should protect our loved ones and work colleagues when the first dose doesn’t work, the second dose doesn’t work, and the third dose is not working? Yes, they tout figures; however, stats can be twisted to say anything people want? Why should people wear masks when credible science says it harms more people than it will help? Why has the Government released media teaching kids over 12 how to lie to their parents to get the jab in secret? Why has the flu disappeared for two years? Only now are yearly flu shots being promoted again? Why is the Government not telling the truth regarding PCR and RAT testing regimes to promote more cases? Where does the money trail lead, and what does is nepotism to the Government rank and file? Why can’t people sue ‘Big Pharma’ or the people coerced into injecting everyday citizens against their sovereign will? These are just a few of the questions that need to be asked with a clear mind and conscience. When anyone does, then more questions arise and reality hits?

One aspect of reality hitting is Canberra February 2022 – the biggest protest in the history of Australia! We’ve covered some of it in the news pages, and there’s more to come – stay tuned and keep standing up peacefully to this tyranny!

Our Kids – Their Future This month’s topic of Our Kids – Their Future is topical, and we look at Mask Wearing, dealing with sickness and trauma, we interview members of Parents with Questions and more. As usual, there’s plenty of relevant reading to keep people’s interest and mind-expanding. A big shout out to Lucy, our tenacious little cover girl. In trying conditions, Lucy played the camera well, wanting to be like her mum – on the cover of Supernal. Thanks, you did a fantastic job Lucy! Have a Supernal February celebrating our kids and their future!

A n th o n y K il n e r Image Credit: Anthony Kilner & Donita Duggan

Supernal Magazine



Kids’ Mental Health I have run out of tears! I have a special friend whose son is dealing with bullying, and I just read a heart-rending story on social media about a boy who has taken his life because of bullying. As a father of three, I have witnessed my kids bullied by adults and other kids, as well as living through it myself. It’s hard to believe that it is still impacting people, with so much awareness in the community regarding kids and mental health issues these days. How many lives do we have to lose? Mental, emotional and psychological anguish is on the rise! Bullying, just one issue, is rife on social media, in schools, workplaces and massively perpetrated by the Governments of Australia! Supernal Magazine covered bullying in Issue 19, September 2020. We have a massive Mental Health Directory with two full pages of places people of all ages can go for help and support in this issue. Please reach out if you feel lost, alone, unsupported, and not listened to - especially if you think your life is not worth living! Your Life is worth it, and every person on this planet deserves to have a Happy Life!

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Bullying Mental Health Domestic Violence Support Culture

Autism LGBTQI+ Chronic Illness

Separation Men’s Health

Kid’s Health

Women’s Health


Shared Experience Faith

Heart Space Caring

I could write pages and pages about statistics, about ways businesses and governments are addressing kids’ mental health issues; however, I wonder whether the apathy of people not affected by these issues is a big part of the problem. Even specialist programs given the opportunity to work with Supernal, failed the readers and potential readers of the mag with their apathy. There is no judgement in the above comment, just a realisation of the truth. People (Businesses, Governments, Councils and more) don’t act unless they are impacted; by then, it’s too late! To all your parents out there – love your kids. Watch your kids and teach them how to talk to you about problems. To all you kids out there – there will always be beautiful souls who have your back. Never feel ashamed or scared to ask for help! Kids helpline - 1800 55 1800 Headspace - 1800 650 890 Reachout Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636 Transend Australia Image Credits: Anthony Kilner



Canberra Peacefully Invaded By Donita Duggan The atmosphere in Canberra right now is absolutely electric and positively inspirational. The true blue Aussie spirit is in full flight and very much alive and well. Thousands of courageous amazing Australians from every corner of our country standing together in solidarity, fiercely, demonstrating such a strong sense of community, comradery and genuine care and love. Raising their voices as one and making their presence felt both near and far. Grandmothers and grandfathers, aunts and uncles, mums and dads, children and their pets, farmers and returned veterans, pilots and police, lawyers, doctors and paramedics, nurses and carers and all other health care

“....we are here to say NO to the Mandates which divide and germinate hate and fear. We will not capitulate.”

workers, funeral home workers, teachers, fire fighters and shop owners, hospitality and construction workers, the list just goes on and on and on!

“We deserve a future filled with peace, harmony and love, not just for our children but for each and every person in Australia.” Each and every one spilling out into the streets, on foot, in wheel chairs, on skateboards, and scooters, on pushbikes, motorcycles and cars, buses and trucks. All focused and determined to fight for democracy - for freedom of speech, freedom of choice and freedom to uphold our basic human rights. We demand an end to all this restriction, tyranny and strife! To sing and to dance, to hug and hold each other’s hands. To laugh and to cry and to be given the opportunity to grieve and say goodbye. This is what we want and this is why we are here to say NO to the Mandates which divide

and germinate hate and fear. We will not capitulate. End them now before it’s too late. We deserve a future filled with peace, harmony and love, not just for our children but for each and every person in Australia. To quote from a song “We are One, but we are many, and from all the lands on earth we come!” So many Aussies in Canberra and Australia wide that could not attend sent funds, messages of encouragement, love and support via cheer squads along highways and that of food parcels, warm clothes, offers of accommodation, showers and washing to be done. To those of our tribe from abroad far and wide, we send much love and appreciation to each and every one. May we achieve our desired outcomes! Ed’s Note: Mainstream Media are not covering the phenomenal efforts of the people in Canberra. Search through Facebook, Telegram and other social media platforms to see the real truth of what our proud Aussies are fighting for! Image Credits: Donita Duggin

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Adam Gibson Parents with Questions By Anthony Kilner

The video below with Adam Gibson and co-host ShirleySienna is powerful and exposes a powerful story that needs to be heard. Rather than write verbatim from the interview, I thought I’d take some of their words and integrate them into a short story about who they are and their experiences. Adam Gibson is a very down to earth dad with three young girls under 11 and a supportive wife. Both Adam and his wife have questioned the narrative around injecting their children and other children around the country, for that matter. He’s so passionate about protecting our kids he started Parents with Questions. Adam absolutely believes that; the only people responsible for their children’s health - is their parents! Adam has been in the fitness and wellbeing world for many

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years, having been a gym owner and a business wellness coach mentoring integrative doctors, naturopaths and people in the health practitioners. So he has a very in-depth knowledge of the workings of the health industry and understands how the health bureaucracy works and doesn’t serve our health needs - another story for another time! Parents with Questions started from an understanding that parents have always asked good questions. They have a right to know everything about physical and mental health issues before making any choice for their children. It’s Adam’s total conviction that the Government, which he’s never trusted to look after people’s wellbeing in the first place, doesn’t have the right to take on the role of managing people’s kids’ health! After chatting with a few switched on people, suddenly Parents with Questions roared onto the social media stage and has grown by the thousands almost daily! Adam is a fierce protector of his kids and firmly believes that our kids are our future, and the

“After chatting with a few switched on people, suddenly Parents with Questions roared onto the social media stage and has grown by the thousands almost daily!” need to support them and keep them safe is paramount. The interview below is honest, raw and very powerful! For more detailed information on what Parents with Questions is all about and the range of videos and resources available, including new letters to send to the government and school officials, visit :

Image Credits: Adam Gibson


Bridget Brocklebank Parents with Questions By Anthony Kilner

Rather than write verbatim from the interview, I thought I’d take some of Bridget’s words and integrate them into a short story about who she is and her experiences. Bridget Brocklebank is a mum of 11-year-old twin boys. We discussed how Bridget is dealing with her children’s mental health; however, our 30-minute conversation covered a lot of ground in the interview. These days Bridget is a wellness coach and has worked in the mental health system for over six years. Bridget specialises in women’s mental health and the areas around depression. She is very aware of what’s involved in women’s mental health issues with birth, children and partners, having experienced this in her own life. Bridget is very concerned about depression and how it’s applying to many families in Australia, her native country

New Zealand, and the UK, having lived there for 20-odd years.

and pertinent information, so everyone could be on the same page when it came time to chat.

Concerning the Covid situation now, Bridget knows many children that have been affected by this. Sadly they will be affected for years to come. Not just children though, the parents and even extended family! It’s easy for kids and parents to go into the dark reaches of depression if their sources of information are just the government and media and their incessant fear-mongering.

“It’s easy for kids and parents to go into the dark reaches of depression if their sources of information are just the government and media and their incessant fear-mongering.” For more detailed information on what Parents with Questions is all about and the plethora of videos and resources, visit www.parentswithquestions. Bridget can be contacted via her FB page:

Bridget’s way through this is to be very real about how she talks to her boys; she encourages them to think about the information available and support them in the ways of critical thinking. This is a very I’d encourage people to watch practical way of getting them this insightful video interview to ask questions, find answers, with Bridget – it’s a strong and allow them to develop message shared beautifully! their own understanding. I asked Bridget about possible suggestions in dealing with a husband/wife/partner who has differing opinions. Her response was to plan your stance and why. Get your information together and present it calmly and decisively. Bridget also suggested sending an email with your thoughts

Image Credits: Bridget Brocklebank

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Steve Roberts Parents with Questions By Anthony Kilner

Steve Roberts is a country boy with a hefty dose of understanding men’s mental health issues and working with children of all ages. He is passionate about sports education as a PE teacher, health professional and education in general. As a father of two, I asked Steve about kids and getting the jab? Steve stated, “There is no resistance from their perspective, and I won’t put them in any situation where they will have the jab.” When we chatted about his many years of experience teaching and coaching sports and physical wellness, his response was passionate and driven by extensive experience and research. “As a PE teacher and Health Professional, my concerns are for two main reasons: the Children and the Supervisors. “The injected children who have running around during

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sport may suffer the effects of the injection that could lead to injury. This would have a ripple effect on damage to the minds of their peers and teachers/ parents. What support will be available for these events once schools open up? “Secondly, the supervisors such as teachers, coaches, volunteers etc., not having the appropriate skills or knowledge of children that are jabbed (medical disclosure), are unable to identify signs of children that may be injured. “From personal experience, having 30 teenage students in a class is difficult enough, without considering that a quarter of them may have an allergy, or they have not given consent to have their photos taken, or Johnny and Susie have diabetes etc. It’s normal for teachers to have at least 25 per cent of classrooms/classes with a flag next to students’ names which must be noted. Management of the expected injuries needs to be resourced,

“Management of the expected injuries needs to be resourced, and my gut feeling is that schools and States will be ill-prepared for this wave.”

and my gut feeling is that schools and States will be ill-prepared for this wave. New teachers or substitutes won’t know enough of the medical history, and the effect flows on.” The interview with Steve opened my eyes to a bigger picture around kids who want to be elite sportspeople and the potential mental health issues around what happens if their heroes and mentors collapse and even die on the field – which is happening. Steve can be contacted via his website:

Parents with Questions is all about education; visit

There are new forms available on the website that can be filled out and sent to your doctor, pharmacist and school principals, boards and children’s organisations.

Image Credits: Steve Roberts

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Life of Riley! By Tammy Sinclair

I was asked to talk about mental health in kids and I was a little worried about doing it, as it’s such a personal thing. How do you work out if your child has a mental health issue or are they just unable to process what is going on? Our family has been dealing with a lot over the last three years and I have noticed a lot of changes in my son. Riley was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (T-cell ALL + CNS3) in October 2018 at almost eight years of age. This came as a complete shock as he had no symptoms and was an extremely active child who never sat still.

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We took him to the Monash Children’s Hospital for a potential eye fracture after hitting himself in the eye with a child’s toy and came out with a diagnosis of Leukaemia almost 12 hours later. We say that ‘Angel Craig’ (our nephew who passed at 8.5yrs) was sitting on his shoulder that day and let us know that he was sick. If he wasn’t diagnosed for another six months, it would

have been a completely different story. He went from an extremely active child playing sport six days a week, to one that could not walk about a month later due to the chemotherapy. One of the first things I did notice was a struggle for connection between Riley and his dad, Greg. It’s extremely common for dads’ who have children

feature with cancer or any major illness, as they do not know how to deal with it. They are supposed to be the protector, the one to keep everyone safe, and as the ability to help is taken out of their hands, this can cause major upheaval to the family.

“He went from an extremely active child playing sport six days a week, to one that could not walk about a month later due to the chemotherapy.” I spoke to Riley about how and what he was feeling, and to see if he wanted to talk to anyone about it. I spoke to our social worker at the hospital, and she referred me to a psychologist in the cancer centre. Initially, Riley spoke to her, however he decided that he no longer wanted to do that when COVID hit. Whether this was because it was too hard to do over a Telehealth call or he felt that he didn’t need, I am not sure. One of the things that ended up happening, which was major for us, was the local soccer team, the East Bentleigh Men’s Strikers, invited Riley to become their mascot. This had a huge impact on him. As he was losing the male contact with his dad, the boys on the team picked it up, and became his friend/ confidant.

“In June 2020, my husband and Riley’s dad, Greg, passed away suddenly.” If Riley was feeling upset or stressed about anything, he would ask me if he could contact a certain person from the team. He would then speak to them and feel better, or he would talk to them when next he saw them. We would go down and he would participate in training sessions and watch them when they were playing at home. Some games we would go there straight from the hospital. Riley just loved going to watch them play and be part of the team.

“We are both dealing with the guilt, thinking that if we had stayed, we may have been able to do something to help.” 2020 was going to be a good year, as Riley was starting to get his energy back, and we were all hoping that it was going to be onwards and upwards. However, life does not always go the way that you expect. In June 2020, my husband and Riley’s dad, passed away suddenly. We were about to go out for brunch and he didn’t feel well, so I suggested he lay down and rest and I’d take Riley out and get lunch. When we came back, he was gone.

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We are both dealing with the guilt, thinking that if we had stayed, we may have been able to do something to help. The paramedics however advised that it was probably not likely that we would have been able to do anything, and even if he was in a hospital, it may not have helped. I told Riley that ‘Angel Craig’ was looking over his shoulder again, as Riley has seen so many code reds and blues in hospital and they all turn out okay, he didn’t need to

see me or the paramedics working on his dad, and then it not to be okay. With Greg’s passing, I had to go back to work, as I had been a carer for two years. Riley returned to school, and was becoming quite introverted. I asked him what was going on and he advised nothing major, and he was okay. This went on for a couple of months until one pickup time; he hopped in the car and burst into tears.

“This is a concern for me with all the changes that have been going on in his life.” At this point, I knew that it was ‘not’ nothing! He couldn’t continue on this way. We’ve always had a very close relationship, even prior to him being sick, so we curled up in my bed and talked about what was going on, and I found out that there were some kids at school and a teacher, bullying him. However, as he is a child that does not like to cause conflict unless it is to protect someone else, he will not speak up. He is very protective of someone smaller or weaker than he is, and not so good at looking after himself. I ended up stopping work so that I could concentrate on Riley. Despite all the meetings held with teachers, and specialists at the school, nothing changed. One of the things I noticed during COVID, was due to Riley’s illness - he was unable to socialise due to being immunosuppressed - all his contact was via the PlayStation. This has caused my once very active, friendly and outgoing child to become somewhat introverted. This is a concern for me with all the changes that have been going on in his life.

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“…when he did go, at recess or lunch, was bullied, or hurt, so it really made him feel down.” 2021 was supposed to be a good year as the children were back at school, he was excited to be there, however he just did not have the energy, and when he did go, he was bullied or hurt at lunch or recess, so it really made him feel down. I only had two meetings last year and at the second meeting, feeling a lack of support I explained that if Riley still looked sick – i.e. had no hair and was extremely pale, we would not be having this issue – as when he was sick, they would bend over backwards to help him. Due to the radiation that he had, he is forgetful and easily side tracked, however he is an extremely bright child who just needs someone to keep him on the right path. After Riley was called lazy and me a bad mum, you can imagine how our mental health has been affected. Since approximately August 2021, Riley has been very lethargic. His oncologist advised that it happens in some children where their body has just had enough of the medication. One of his major chemotherapy tablets was reduced to 75 per cent daily and after several months; this has slowly started to improve.

I have high hopes for 2022. Riley is starting to feel better, and he finishes treatment on February 20. He loves his new school teachers and is looking forward to swimming – which is one of his favourite sports that he was doing twice a week prior to being diagnosed.

can come to me if there are any issues. I have never lied to Riley and if he asks a question that is too old for him, I will give him a PG version and advise that he is not old enough yet and we’d discuss it when he’s older.

“A great GP is always the first point of call for any issues that you may suspect.”

“I have never lied to Riley and if he asks a question that is too old for him, I will give him a PG version…”

Every day I ask Riley what are the good things that have happened today? I then ask if there are any bad things and if there are any things that he wants to curl up in bed and talk about. It is very important to keep that line of communication open. Even though he is a child, he needs to know that he

A great GP is always the first point of call for any issues that you may suspect. If there is a crisis, please don’t hesitate and head to emergency. It is better to head to emergency and not need it, then regret not doing it. I have listed a few numbers and websites below which may be of use.

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If you have a child who is struggling with mental health, or is unwell, try linking into Riley’s Facebook page to help your child go through each process that Riley may have gone through. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. One point to note is the blue shirt Riley is wearing, is called a Supertee and is a medical garment for children

undergoing extensive treatment. They wear this instead of the hospital gown, and it can go through MRI’s, CT’s, MRI’s, X-ray’s, and is fabulous when they have a port etc. We are a big advocate for Supertee – Strength through imagination!

Other great supports available: Kids helpline: Headspace: Reachout: Beyond Blue:

1800 55 1800 - 1800 650 890 - 1300 22 4636 - Image Credits: Tammy Sinclair, Memories by Penny


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Mental Health First Aid For Children By Olivia Sinco When my first child was born, the Maternal Child Health Nurse taught me a very useful mirroring technique. She advised that, as soon as those first beautiful cooing noises appear, mimic the exact sound and intensity back to the baby. This is our first opportunity to give our children a voice and confirm that they’re being heard. I’ve been using a variation of this technique increasingly in the classroom recently. The first necessity for a child experiencing intense emotion is to create a safe space for them to talk and feel heard and simply repeat their words back. Here’s how it played out: The 6-year-old, “After this I want to go to the gym to play.” Me: “I’m in charge of your schedule, ask that as a question and say please.” Mr 6 repeats request as a question. Me: “I understand you need to have a break in the gym and a little play, but we have five minutes of writing to do.” Mr 6 makes a snarling face and stamps foot. Me: “I can see you’re really mad.” My 6: “YES! AND IT’S YOU MAKING ME MAD!” Me: “I can see your face and stamping foot; you must be really, really mad right now?” Mr 6: “YES, I JUST WANT TO GO TO THE GYM.” Me: “I understand, you need a break, yet we haven’t done writing yet.” I point to my watch. “I can see that it’s lunchtime in a few minutes, then we’ll be out with all the children on the playground. Please sit down, I will help you do a couple of minutes of writing, then we’re done. Would you like to write about being mad? How about bring your lunchbox over so it’s all ready.”

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mental survey health

“The first necessity for a child experiencing intense emotion is to create a safe space for them to talk…” It is important not to be bossed by your child, as there’s a fine line between meeting their needs and giving in to their demands. I could clearly see this little guy needed a movement break, however my job is to help him control his anger and actions, to expand his capacity and fit in socially. I must hear him, encourage him to use self-control and meet his need without being manipulated. Eating time is a huge morale boost for kids, so I used distraction by reminding him that playtime closely follows eating. Appointments schedules for Psychology, Occupational Therapy and Speech Pathology are bursting at the seams and the intense behaviour we are experiencing at home from our children may seem daunting. We may feel powerless to make a positive impact on our children’s mental health.

“We may feel powerless to make a positive impact on our children’s mental health.”

However, are we powerless? Absolutely not! Parents, I believe hold immense power in affecting child mental health and it can be as basic as the baby mirroring technique I described. We simply need to adapt it, to allow for our crafty little creatures and their incessant attempts to get what they want. Here’s an example of how you can respond at home to their issues. “Oh no, you fought with (best friend) and the others took his/ her side?” “That must have felt terrible, how did it start?” “You told the teacher yet he didn’t think it was important? I certainly don’t agree with that…you must have felt very disappointed?” “You had to eat and play by yourself? That must have felt very lonely.”

At this point, there might be a sympathy demand, that only iPad or PlayStation time will fix the feelings. Be alert! Because he/she will be looking to numb his/her feelings whilst taking advantage of your attention and compassion! Screen time is not the need - being heard and validated is. Stand your ground, you are still in charge despite showing your softer side. It could sound like this: “No, we’re not doing that right now, how about you help me with dinner? You could choose whether we have meatballs or schnitzel, or whether we make rice or potatoes. You may also choose whether we eat on the deck or inside. It’s tricky to stay neutral when they try to take advantage of us, but that’s kids! Just because they attempt to manipulate, doesn’t mean that their emotion wasn’t real. Our job is to keep that strong backbone as in, I care about you and what happens to you, but it

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intense emotion. We can also build overall wellbeing daily, by practising hearing our kids in many incidental ways around the home. We may even hear their feelings that are not being voiced!

doesn’t mean I’m going to give in to your demands. It is important to teach them that working through a problem involves discussion, thought and connection, not reaching for the quick fix. Making connection is so simple through a task without having to set up anything special.

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The conversation could even take place while unpacking groceries, as including them in our daily routine is win-win; they’re gaining life skills while getting their need to be heard met. Giving kids’ space to be heard is an amazing emotional first aid technique to diffuse times of

Olivia Sinco is an Education Support Worker, Facilitator of the 21st Century Parenting Program and artist. Check out here blog HERE Image Credit: Pixabay


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Kangan water is possibly the healthiest restructured water available on the planet. There are a range of machines and products available to suit all countries, interest free terms (conditions apply) and Enagic’s distribution network is global making it easy to get a machine in your home in virtually any country! “The world is using almost 500 Billion plastic water bottles every year, the majority of which end up in our landfills and oceans. Transforming ordinary tap water into structured, hydrogen rich, electrolysed reduced water essential for health and wellbeing is the answer to this staggering problem.”

“Our Earth is a giant container of water, from which all forms of life arose. And every living thing is itself essentially a container of water. Like the Earth, we are 70 percent water. It follows, naturally, that the health of the Earth is directly proportionate to the health of ourselves.”

“Not only does drinking and utilising Kangan water for cleaning and toxin removal purposes create a healthy life, there’s a unique business opportunity that allows people to live a lifestyle that is financially rewarding as well.”

If you are ready to Re-Wild your Water contact Anthony Kilner, Freya Sampson or Louise Clarke Supernal Magazine

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Sacred Sites

Just Get Over It! By Dr Catherine Fyans Now before you react to these words - one way or another - I invite you to please read on. Firstly, I am not a fan of the ‘Just get over it!’ brigade. Secondly, I am a fan of the ‘Let’s learn and grow through all of our experiences, as best we can’, way of thinking. Many of those who belong to the ‘just get over it’ school of thought have either not had similar experiences (to those that need to be got over) or they have denied and deeply buried them, and do not dare be reminded. We can easily confuse suppression with getting over something. Often, what most harmed us is suppressed or repressed, rationalised, intellectualised, projected, displaced, sublimated or denied. What is the point of having an impactful experience if we ‘just quickly get over it’ without any reflection, introspection, learning, sharing and general evolvement? I would have thought we have experiences to - experience them! Getting over something prematurely and according to others’ agendas, when the underlying trauma has

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not been fully dealt with, can potentially cause great harm to our bioenergy systems. It is the same with forcing forgiveness according to some spiritual correctness – it just does not work. We need to be reminded that what is lurking, unhealed, in the recesses of our mind will still be exerting an enormous, ongoing influence on our psychological and physical health and the outworking of our lives.

“It is often considered somehow tacky and distasteful to express a truth if it is an unpleasant one…” Society as a whole, and often the family to which you belong, does not want to remember the wounds that you might be representing. They do not want to open that can of worms and look at the shadow of the groups with which they align. It goes against their idealised self-image and threatens their dearly held status quo. It takes individuals who choose to consciously engage and heal, rather than further unconsciously perpetuate unhealthy patterns, to blow the whistle and forge a different way.

feature It is often considered somehow tacky and distasteful to express a truth if it is an unpleasant one - and those who do, take an enormous risk. Many believe we will attract more of the same if we put our focus on the unwanted. Personally, I believe we need to bring out of hiding and acknowledge what needs to be addressed, healed, and changed. We need to first recognise what it actually is we are meant to be over. What we are aware of, we can deal with.

“A memory is a very personal thing. That does not mean that others witnessed, perceived and experienced events in the same way as you did…” Sometimes we just don’t know what we are meant to get over. Particularly when adverse events were experienced at a very early age, there is often no concrete memory to get over but rather a background pervasive, emotional tone related to the environment in which one was immersed. Rather than specific adverse events, it might be the atmosphere in which one grew up and how one was generally regarded by their significant caregivers that caused so much ongoing harm. We know that emotional neglect has as much, if not more, deleterious

effects on the recipient as specific adverse experiences. I recently heard someone cite a study that ‘proved’ that 50 percent of memories were false. Um, I thought that all memories were (by definition) accurate, as memories are subjective experiences. A memory is 100 percent of itself. A memory is a very personal thing. That does not mean that others witnessed, perceived and experienced events in the same way as you did - but who actually decides what the exact truth is? As there is no purely objective reality, there will always be a subjective flavour, and maybe bias, to anyone’s experiences and memories. Your memory is your memory, no-body else’s - research study or not.

amygdala (our danger radar) enlarging. As the hippocampus is vital for the laying down of memories, this adaptation will indeed affect one’s recall of memories but, more so, it will result in a deficit of memory rather than faulty ones. Having enquired about the childhoods of thousands of my patients, I would say that the default, by far, is to either underestimate any adverse experiences in childhood or, more so, to have little memory at all. This is often when their bodies and health issues are telling me a very different story.

Much of what significantly adversely affects us is often experienced when we are preverbal and unable lay down memories in the fashion that an adult can. We judge the childhood experience from an adult mind, forgetting that what remains unhealed from childhood will be tucked away, at the level of when it arose, despite maturity in other areas. The adult mind has difficulty in recognising and engaging those unhealed early life aspects, particularly when the culture does not support this process.

A more esoteric understanding is that when trauma is experienced in early life, part of the psyche can split off from the whole and take with it those splintered ‘memories’. The earlier this happens, the more fragmented are the memories as they often remain disconnected from the whole. This is a survival mechanism, as the individual, at a young age, often does not have the ego strength to deal with the situation he or she is exposed to. Helpful in the short term but very detrimental in the long term. This process causes fracturing of the being and I have no doubt this phenomenon contributes to later psychological and physical illness – unless those dissociated parts are re-integrated.

It has been well demonstrated that when trauma has been experienced, the limbic system of the brain is affected, with the hippocampus shrinking and the

I regularly see people strain and fight to keep memories at bay or quickly divert their attention when getting too close to what has been

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relegated to the unconscious mind. This is a ploy by the ego mind to not engage what it has decided is unacceptable. This is an unconscious process. That lid wants to be firmly pushed back down. Of course this is a survival technique and we know that engaging memories when one is not ready, nor appropriately supported, can be re-traumatising. We also know it is not about the memory or story per se, but about the meaning one puts on the experience and the related deleterious effects that are retained in the mind-body. However, for those who do recall memories, they might be told by others, often other family members, that their memories are faulty, exaggerated, dramatised,


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inconsistent, attentionseeking or just plain wrong. They are often accused of being the victim, or worse – a ‘sook’, if they dare recount their experiences – as they experienced them. Different siblings can have very different experiences related to how they were treated by their parents and, thus, very different memories. No one shares the exact same reality as anyone else. There are many nuances of experience that another, even within the same family or group, will not necessarily be aware of. As said, children are often not regarded and treated the same way by the same parents and, like the most insidious bullying, these differences might appear to

be very subtle on the surface and fly well under the radar of others’ perceptions. However, the recipient of selected ill treatment is, at some level, well aware of it – unless they completely suppress their experience to comply with others’ versions of reality. You cannot appeal to understanding from others who have not had the same or similar experiences as you – the ones you need to get over. They will just not get it (sadly this includes many health care professionals). They are living very different realities and any attempt to get their understanding can plunge you into enormous isolation where you question yourself, your own perceptions - and even your sanity. I suggest you

“…when someone commands you to “Just get over it!” Maybe you could respond by saying - “I would if I could and I will when I can.” seek advice from those who are skilled in this area and who have successfully healed similar experiences to yours.

Conclusion There is a delicate balance between developing acceptance, resilience and endurance from all we live through, and maintaining an open heart that will not shy

away from the full experiencing of life’s vicissitudes. Integration of one’s experiences, and the resultant development of wisdom, is the name of the game - rather than suppressing, discarding or ‘fixing’. So, when someone commands you to “Just get over it!” Maybe you could respond by saying - “I would if I could and I will when I can.” I hope they understand that no-one, consciously, wants to be in pain. Set the intention to evolve beyond your adverse experiences, while learning the utmost from them, and trust that you will get over them at exactly the time that is right for you.

This is a heavily abridged version of a blog written by Dr Fyans. To read the compelling full version of this story, go to Dr Catherine’s Blog page HERE:

Dr Catherine Fyans is the author of ‘The Wounding of Health Care – From Fragmentation to Integration’. Image Credit: Pixabay

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DESIGN By Ben Dalton

When I get asked what Human Design is, I often think “Well how long have you got?” Then after a lengthy answer this might result in them thinking “Sorry I asked”. Over my journey of continually discovering the labyrinth of knowledge, I have had to come up with an impactful, succinct answer that they can take away, keeping it as simple as possible. When a client comes for a reading, they are not interested in the wealth of knowledge that Human Design has to offer. They are only interested in how it applies to them and how it can change their life. I often say within an analysis of one’s chart is I am not here to teach you about Human Design; I am only here to talk about your concerns of why you are here today and will use your Bodygraph as a tool to address those concerns. So, what is Human Design? Here is my short answer in one sentence. “As Humans we are all Designed to be unique, to be different, but the problem is we live in a world that homogenises us, it conditions us to be the same as the Collective.” Some people don’t have a problem being the same as everyone else because they fit in well, go with the crowd, and don’t like standing out on their own, potentially fearful of being vilified for being different. As much as we talk about anti-discrimination in the world today, humans are discriminatory and judgemental; it is part of our nature to discern and measure the world that we live in. It is a primitive survival mechanism that is ingrained in us.

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Human Design teaches us we are not just here for survival; we are here to personally develop through understanding the truth of who we are. We develop a conscious awareness to what we are here to be, and see what we are meant to in this life. Every experience we go through teaches us more about ourselves. We develop a stronger identity and stability in the ever changing world around us rather than just compete with, and compare ourselves to, the Collective all the time.

“As much as we talk about anti-discrimination in the world today, humans are discriminatory and judgemental…”


“Yes, we live in a crazy world at the moment and things are changing. It’s not necessarily for good or bad, as the Program is dictating the trajectory the human species is taking.” Why do we naturally do this? The majority homogenised and the minority are differentiated beings? We live in a Program which we call life. Life is amoral, unlike humans, and it has no concern for our individual well-being. It cares only for the Collective and the evolution of the human species. This is why the world is structured and runs in a particular way and despite aspects of it evolving with the generations; much of it stays the same. Belief systems of ‘one can change the world’, is far less likely than possible. Protests against material hierarchies, cultures, people in power etc. will not change the way the world is structured. It is actually the backbone of society that makes the world work. It ensures people get along amicably without resorting to primitive Tribal mind-sets, with a tendency of killing each other because they are a different Tribe, have different values, beliefs etc. There are consequences to our actions, and responsibilities we should adhere to in order to live relatively peacefully with our neighbour. This is all conditioned by the Program to have relative sense of peace and harmony. Life is not about good or bad, right or wrong, it just is. This is the world of the Not-Self and not who you truly are.

Human Design talks about where we have come from and where we are going. It also speaks of being more concerned with your own life and not trying to change others, accept others for who they are, knowing that is what you really want others to do for you. Most of us are the Not-Self, a distortion of your true nature due to conditioning. We often get rewarded and praised for being homogenised. “You are such a great person, you are such a civilised human being.” Yes, the person feels somewhat happy they are recognised for that, yet there is often a deeper sense of uneasiness also. Too often not truly expressing how they feel, for example, as they avoid conflict and truth, wanting to keep the peace. Yes, we live in a crazy world at the moment and things are changing. It’s not necessarily for good or bad, as the Program is dictating the trajectory the human species is taking. As much as it may disappoint readers, we are a design of helplessness and no choice. Human Design is known as the Science of Differentiation, it is a mechanic, a genetic imprinting that we all have. We cannot change our genetics as that is what makes us unique and differentiated to begin with. We become conditioned away

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from our nature in the first seven years of our life by our parents, for again with a view to good and bad, just as our parents were conditioned. There is no blame only awareness. Later, as adults we have to learn to decondition from that and return to our true nature. What gets conditioned is our mind and the way we think. We think that we can be strategic and get ourselves out of every situation life delivers. We have learnt that knowledge is power and why we put the mind on a pedestal. We start to make choices in our lives around what we should do, yet the mind is distorted by conditioning and the Program. Things will inevitably backfire. This is why there are such a high number of people with mental disturbances in the world.

Human Design teaches you how to make decisions that are correct for you, in alignment with your truth, that are devoid of the mind which can easily be distorted. The body makes decisions, the mind makes choices. The mind wants to side with this or that where the body is not interested in this or that, it is only interested in your correctness when dealing with life’s ever changing circumstances. There are two laws that simultaneously exist. Your law that allows you to resonate to your own nature while living legally under the laws of society. How you can deal with the world around you in a positive way regardless of what is happening, is to be your unique self, live your truth and find that you are able to make decisions that are correct for you. Only Human Design can teach you this.

If you don’t know Human Design, then you are unaware that there is another source of intelligence. It is our body. When you look at instinct, intuition, gut-feeling, in what lobe of the brain are these intelligences located? They are not in the brain. Where is consciousness and awareness?

“Human Design teaches you how to make decisions that are correct for you, in alignment with your truth…”

Ben Dalton specialises in Human Design, running workshops and personalised sessions for clients here and abroad. Visit for more details. Image Credit: Ben Dalton

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UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH OF WHO YOU ARE • Do you often feel different and wonder why? • Would you like to know the truth of who you are and feel comfortable being your unique self? • Have you been constantly searching for that missing piece of the puzzle? Human Design is known as the Science of Differentiation. It is a modality that provides an educational framework to help you understand yourself, how you interact with others, and make decisions that are right for you! Ben is available for one-on-one consultations and workshops.

Phone 0490 813 214

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Hoody’s Helpers

Birth of Hoody’s Helpers

Graham Hood, QANTAS pilot of over 30 years, an inspiration for all Australians, first made his public statement in September 2021. It was a heartfelt resignation from his job as a captain for QANTAS, due to the mandating of Covid-19 Vaccinations to be able to continue work. Graham’s video went viral, and it resonated with many people, whether they were in the same position as he found himself in, or as a sympathetic citizen. It was an emotional time for him, and his genuine feelings and dismay for the situation was evident. From this heroic standing point, an amazing community has birthed. Graham (Hoody to us all now) has inspired an every growing number of everyday Australians to step up and offer their services, support and stand with him to unite our country once again.

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Hoody’s Helpers, a group set up to support the mental health and wellbeing of the many people suffering, was founded in October of 2021. It has been, and continues to be, a wonderful support to thousands who have needed it. Many Australians who have suffered mentally and emotionally in isolation during lockdowns, suffered loss such as work, family, and or friends over the past 24 months, have contacted Hoody’s Helpers for support. If you are feeling this way and need help please go to the link, and someone will be able to support you. Please note, that this is set up as a response to the impact of mandates and lockdowns; it is not aimed at long term welfare. In only a few short weeks after his original video, the Australian Spirit started to awaken, and others wanted to help in any way they could, and so state groups were started all around Australia, and from that regional groups formed, creating their own communities of support and friendship. One group we will focus on was started by husband and wife team, Chris and Louise Luke, in November 2021. Friends of Hoodies Illawarra. A region in NSW, the Illawarra (South of Sydney).

By Louise & Chris Luke

health and wellbeing Chris was inspired by Graham, and knew that it was time he supported his community. Both Chris and Louise had always had a keen sense of community spirit, and with the challenging times over the past few years knew it was time to swing into action. The Facebook group was started and the membership numbers grew continuously. Currently the number in the group stand at just under 300. The challenge that confronted them to start with was ‘How can we help?’ It started with a few posts, offering connection, chats and support. Louise then decided a positive post each day, could help members feel supported and valued. Chris organised a zoom meeting, and invited Graham and Michelle Hood along to meet everyone, a huge hit! We found out that Graham went to Primbee Public school (a suburb in the Illawarra), so we all felt like we had another level of connection. Chris invited suggestions of activities and events for the group. From that we had members organise Santa Photos, we had another evening event via Zoom, again ‘Uplift in song’. This was coordinated by a group member Ravilya Geraldine, a director of Sing Australia.

Other events that have been organised include some card making days, a Picnic in December ‘Operation Christmas Cheer’. Everyone was invited and we met at a park on Lake Illawarra, shared food, friendship and stories. Graham continues to inspire us all with his passionate Videos and interviews. In 2022, it is planned to extend the Regional groups and have them come under the banner of ‘Friends of Hoodies’, this will give regional coordinators support and connection, the opportunity to share ideas and network going forward into a much brighter future. Thanks Hoody for your strength and love. We have begun the rebuilding of Australian Spirit region by region. There are Facebook pages now for ACT, NSW, Vic, Tas, Qld, NT, WA and New Zealand. Click on the links to find them.

Chris and Louise Luke Friends of Hoodies Illawarra, NSW Image Credit: Hoody’s Helpers & Unsplash

The group has had a number of Coffee catch ups. These are a great way to meet more members. These fill everyone with joy, hope and laughter.

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It’s Just a Mask! By Dr Catherine Fyans

Melbourne, Australia has been the most locked-downed city on the planet. We Melburnians endured month after month of gruelling lockdown, to eventually birth our weary, disheartened and oppressed beings firmly into the land of medical apartheid in November 2021. The easing of restrictions occurred just before the Melbourne Cup – that representation of all that is tacky, shallow, greed-fuelled and dissolute about our society. Coincidence? I think not! Give them bread and circuses! The on-again, off-again mask scenario has continued right through the Christmas - New Year period and into 2022, and will impact our children heading back to school, where they will be required to sit, for several hours a day in the class-room, wearing these useless and harmful items of apparel. Not to mention subjecting our children to the inappropriate, unnecessary and potentially dangerous twice weekly, or more often, nasal swabbing. Our society has well and truly been gripped by germ phobia, which has, alarmingly, involved our children. Medical apartheid, two-tiered society or whatever you might want to call it, is in stark contrast to the oft repeated mantra of “We’re in this together.” Well, not for some. We were never in this together. Not if we cared to have an opinion or perspective

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different to the official spiel. Not if we dared to have queries or ask questions – or even exercise our common sense.

“Not to mention subjecting our children to the inappropriate, unnecessary and potentially dangerous twice weekly nasal swabbing.” Many of us are now modernday untouchables as we negotiate our way around the doors that have been firmly shut in the face of our conscientious decisions. Should we wear a symbol of our differences of opinion for all to see, so that others can more easily discern our not having been taken over by Group Think and thus relegated to the status of dangerous recalcitrant?

And for how long will this conditional ‘freedom’ continue for anyone? Until the next booster? Or, the next? “ But I just want to travel…” Which brings me to the masks. Twenty months down the track since the beginning of this whole fiasco, and despite the mass inoculation of adults and older children, it has now been mandated that primary aged school children be masked during their in-school hours. For the first time during this whole episode, after twenty months of severe restrictions, little kids down to the age of eight. One has to ask – why this and why now?

“Medical apartheid, two-tiered society or whatever you might want to call it, is in stark contrast to the oft repeated mantra of “We’re in this together.”

health and wellbeing

“Mass masking also suggests that we humans, just by our very existence, are dangerous entities to each other.” The flip-flopping of directives deliberately confuses the populace into even more fearful compliance to unproven, non-sensical sanctions. In lockdown, out of lockdown, back in lockdown, masks on, masks off, masks on… ‘Simon says…’ As Einstein allegedly quoted, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” This is indeed a mass psychosis of sorts. Many experts would agree that the wearing of face masks by the largely healthy population is ineffective against the spread of viruses and potentially very dangerous - particularly to our children. All ignored by the powers that be. Potential adverse outcomes for children by wearing face masks include: dental cavities; facial deformities due to predominant

mouth breathing; acne vulgaris; increased risk of respiratory infections, including bacterial pneumonia (re-breathing microbes); relative hypoxia/ hypercapnia; acidification; immune suppression and prolonged discomfort and fatigue. To name a few! Even more concerning than the potential adverse physical effects, the wearing of masks is a potent symbol to the psyche. Imagery has a powerful effect on the unconscious mind, particularly that of the young child. Face masks are a symbol of compliance, obedience, helplessness, vulnerability and silence; all swept under the guise of being a considerate health directive. Potential psychological harm includes: over-activation of the stress pathways, interruption of the calming vagal ‘faceheart connection’, stress from not being able to interpret the nuances of facial expression (as we are designed to do!) and the negative impact on communication. And particularly, this ritual instills the belief that we cannot rely on our normal immune systems and are thus inherently

unhealthy and vulnerable; this, from a mind-body’ perspective, will potentially impair our immune systems. Aside from that, they are dehumanising, grotesque and a symbol of slavery and cult membership.

“Face masks are a symbol of compliance, obedience, helplessness, vulnerability and silence…” Mass masking also suggests that we humans, just by our very existence, are dangerous entities to each other. How is that going to impact the psyches of our young children? We’re all in this together, right? People can wear masks if they choose or live their lives hiding under their beds if they feel this protects them. Their choice. However, to impose this on the healthy and our children is abhorrent and defies all good research on the matter and all humaneness and common sense.

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A characteristic of this whole narrative has been the gradual weaving of concepts and ideas into the population’s psyche in order to instil them as hardened beliefs into the collective consciousness. This is done meticulously and relentlessly until these new concepts and procedures are unquestionably accepted as normal.

“…to impose this on the healthy and our children is abhorrent and defies all good research on the matter and all humaneness and common sense.”

It is alarming that the masking of our young children was likely preparing our communities for the mass inoculation of younger and younger children - without protest from the majority of should-be protective adults. As we are seeing. We should not be leveraging our children to push an agenda or appease the unbridled fear

of the adult population. We should not be labelling our youth as ‘super-spreaders’, that manipulative, emotive term that is totally unfounded by any good science, not to mention common sense. We should be looking after our children’s real needs, protecting their life years and their normal development first!

Dr Catherine Fyans is the author of ‘The Wounding of Health Care – From Fragmentation to Integration’. Image Credit: Pixabay

An epic reimagining of the story of Lilith She led the fall of the feminine. Now she leads the rise to unity.

‘I am Lilith, and this story is mine.’

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Activating Genius - A Transformational Instrument In collaboration with Gaia, Charles created Activating Genius, an instrument that supports people to discover, activate and own their unique Genius. • Your Genius informs the core principles that guide your life. • Your Genius informs your highest values. • Your Genius is the set of gifts inherent in your human blueprint. • Your Genius resides in your heart; you cannot think it or fake it into action. It must be felt and nurtured into full expression. Private sessions online and in person available Charles Snelleksz-Mathelot Transformational Mentor | 0421 733 355

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Reflections By Jane Offer

Regular readers may remember I live in a multi-generational home with my daughter, sonin-law and two grandchildren. The stress of recent events has changed the kids in many ways, with noticeable effects of isolation on their mental health. I asked Elyssa, aged 11¾, for her take on how she has been affected. Have you noticed any difference in yourself and your friends? “Yes, definitely. We all seem to get easily upset and angry by things, more than usual. Not great because I don’t like seeing people upset like that. “I get upset more easily and I feel lonely inside. At the beginning I would cry for no reason or over little things that happened. Now I feel nervous and I don’t want to sleep on my own anymore, so often I will go into Mum’s room.

“I get upset more easily and I feel lonely inside.”

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“I don’t feel as safe as I used to; nothing used to worry me very much but now most things worry me. I worry about the future especially, even though I don’t know what it will be like. I think that makes it worse – the not knowing. “During the last lockdown I felt all my friends were drifting away because I couldn’t see them. Then, when we went back to school, I was also nervous because I didn’t feel I would fit in anymore. It wasn’t

health and wellbeing the case, but I just felt it would be different. So, I created worries in my mind. At one point, my best friend and I didn’t get to speak to each other often and I felt she didn’t want to be friends with me, which made me very sad. It wasn’t true and she was feeling the same about me – it was just timing, but our minds made different stories about it. “When we went back to school, we were supposed to have a swimming safety class but, because of our age and the rules, not all of my friends could go. I could, but chose not to because I felt bad for them. It just wasn’t fair to separate the class like that.” What do you do when you feel anxious or nervous now? “I talk to myself in my head and try to see any good things that can come from it. I have a place in my mind where I put the worries and after a while, I seem to just know what to say or do about it.

“I have a place in my mind where I put the worries and after a while…” “Also, I am really worried that it will happen again and I won’t see my friends. I feel it’s important to stay in touch, so that none of us feel lonely and I don’t want to feel like that again.” What are your thoughts on Mental Health? “Good mental health is so important to us all. If you don’t

feel good inside, you start to doubt yourself and don’t feel accepted by others. Then you don’t want to be around them and that feeds it and makes it worse. “I am not as confident as I used to be, but I do speak up more if I feel I need to. I sometimes can’t speak honestly to my friends, as they don’t always see things the way I do, and they tell me I’m wrong. That makes me feel even more lonely, as I know I’m right for me and they don’t understand that.” In isolation what did you do to make the time pass more easily? “I went outside a lot to stay healthy, breathing fresh air and on the trampoline to keep active. I did creative stuff like painting and drawing and I played with the dogs. I also grew a mango!” What have you learned from all this? “Whatever happens, eventually it passes and that it will be alright in the end. I think it has changed me as a person as I am more conscious of my own thoughts and feelings and that our mood can affect other people. I don’t think we can know what other people are thinking or feeling and when we assume, it isn’t always right. If you think you know, then you can get hurt or you can hurt them.

“Whatever happens, eventually it passes and that it will be alright in the end.”

“I feel I have lost a lot of time in my life – almost two years that I can’t ever get back – so I have missed out on a lot of things; playing tennis, birthday parties, at school now I feel I am behind and have to work hard to catch up. The only good thing was I spent more time with my family, cooking and having fun. I feel I know them better as people now rather than just as my family.” Her words say it all. We have all lost and gained so much, yet a positive attitude can help to see us through most situations. Ahh, the wisdom of a child!

Jane offers in-depth Soul Mastery readings guiding you through the major changes in life. Also, workshops and accredited courses. Image Credit: Lydia Aretis

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Sacred Sites

Sacred Sites of Southern Africa

Pathways of the Sun By Louise Clarke

“There is a great spirit at work, something magical and mysterious awakening in the mountains at the southern tip of Africa - a reawakening of the spirit of the ancestors, of their wisdom and respect for all of nature and life and an honouring of the light.” For as long as I can remember I have always been ‘called’ to the places we may call ‘sacred’. I wouldn’t even define myself as a seeker nor a researcher of sacred sites. Rather, it has always been the spirit and essence of the place that I was interested in, the resonant ‘imprint’ that I was drawn to, that would always somehow imbue me with an experience and knowing after visiting a site, merely by spending time there in reverence. It was in 2006 that I was gifted a book written by a South African archaeo-astronomer named

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Dean Liprini, which unveils the mysteries of ancient caves, shelters and strange sites along a light grid in South Africa. It is unclear as to whether these sites are pre-existing geological forms or if they were constructed by the ancients. Dean addresses the controversy by saying that there is no separation between that which is shaped by the human spirit and that which is formed by the divine spirit of nature, attributing it all to the consciousness of creation. I met Dean in 2014 and have explored countless mysteries and co-facilitated several journeys across Southern Africa with this remarkable man. Over the following issues I will

“It was here where he first came to understand innately how the ancients mapped the passage of the sun.”

be sharing more information around these incredible and unique power places. To give you an idea, in this very brief introduction into the Pathways of the Sun and Dean’s life work, I will begin by sharing how he too was called to his destiny. Dean grew up in Cape Town, South Africa. When he was 10 years old he went on a school outing where they hiked up to Elephant Eye cave of the Constantiaberg (Constantia Mountain). It was here where he first came to understand innately how the ancients mapped the passage of the sun. As he showed his classmates the distant Hottentots Holland on the eastern horizon where the sun was rising, and demonstrated how the rays of light penetrated the back of the cave through the eye, he had no idea that this experience would form the blueprint of his work in later life.

sacred sites

“Crystal fertility birthing caves and even an enormous pyramid complete with all Seeing Eye can be found in the Sun Valley…” Dean’s discoveries are astounding. South Africa’s solar light grid is a mysterious geographic and geomorphic network, a mapping system that links the Pathways of the Sun to a series of ancient rock shrines, caves, springs and earth energy centres that are of both natural and human construction. The mountains of the Cape Peninsula, Table Mountain and Lion’s Head formed 230 million years ago and comprise a major part of the solar light grid. According to Dean’s research, Table Mountain is a cosmic clock and Lion’s head an ancient sundial. Two stone giants, lying head to head and gazing up at the sky, form the shape of the mountain, the clefts of the eyes of the giants lighting up on the Summer and Winter Solstices,

as if they were the watch keepers of the South. Fascinating marker rocks designed as human faces acting as ‘observatories’ are found all along the sun grid. The figuration of the human face is perfectly designed for use as a sundial. Similarly, rock water-bowl sundials have been discovered and combine the elements of earth, water and fire creating a multidimensional rendering of a cosmic event. Crystal fertility birthing caves and even an enormous pyramid complete with all Seeing Eye can be found in the Sun Valley, and along with countless other geometrically carved and aligned marker stones all interrelate to create a staggering map of consciousness of the Southern tip of Africa. In his book Dean not only describes these phenomena in detail, but also touches on how the Sun Path and its light grid can facilitate healing on physical, spiritual and energetic levels. The stone monuments of humanity help us reconnect

with the land and our ancestors, creating an awareness of the interconnectedness between humanity, Mother Earth and Father Sky. Certainly, it takes deep time to integrate an experience consciously embarked upon that results in a complete re-membering of our divinity. In ready surrendering to the sacredness of ancient sites that effortlessly, in their intrinsic nature, imprint into you a new resonant code of harmonic creation that once felt, can never be undone. Supernal Magazine interviewed Dean Liprini on Supernal Radio. Listen to the podcast HERE:

Louise Clarke Exploring sacred sites in Africa and walking as an art of healing. Image Credit: Louise Clarke

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Divine Time Minds of Integrity By ShirleySienna

Watch the clock, hours in a day, days in a month, and months in a year. The western Gregorian calendar is outdated, as is the current dimensional aspect of humans living upon Velatropa 24.3 - Earth. February 1st - Kin 154, White Spectral Wizard. Guided by the power of timelessness. Coming within the new moon heralding opportunity and new vision. This time frequency offers a reversal of previous ‘understandings’, to the human race. White Spectral Wizard implies the necessity to dissolve in order to enchant, to release the frequency of receptivity from within, and seal the output of timelessness with the spectral tone of liberation (11th tone), be guided by the power of your own power-doubled! Do this with intention and direct action. It is time to point the magic wand and set the compass due North, South, East or West, it doesn’t matter, as where we need to go is far from the vain imaginings of ‘law and order’. The gates of luminous 11, sprung open within the hearts and minds of human kind, who are now more than ready for a new world.


Supernal Magazine

“The western Gregorian calendar is outdated, as is the current dimensional aspect of humans living upon Velatropa 24.3 - Earth.” The Wizard is the priest/ priestess, magician, shaman, torchbearer, and night seer - a complete entity by design of its own polarity. White Wizard is a dignitary of wisdom, imbued into the Trees of Gaia. We encourage all to dig a little, plant a little, sit back, enjoy, and relax a little. Allow human nature to settle itself, drawing vibrancy from the nutrients of the sentinels, scattered across the globe. We are interconnected and translating, transmitting and receiving because the frequency grid of an ancient world beginning Ley Line activity filters through the forests of Terra Gaia. This is the sacred geometry that connects Earth to her children.

Our relative energy and human condition is in alignment and direct organic creation vibration with those very trees. Each being on Earth is a child, no matter the age in human terms. Our mental, physical, motional, and spiritual vibration is continually humming and the Great Mother is in constant awareness of each and every individual. During the remaining few kin days of the 7th Resonant Moon of Attunement, and travelling through the full 28 kin day cycle of the 8th Galactic Moon of Integrity, remain introspective. Release from your innermost being a joyous feeling of sharing, and centre yourself in your heart space. This chakra must be cleaned and activated, and finely tuned to a heart focused frequency - meditation will help with this. If one is in resonation with the beat of Earth-Heart, one can therefore be guided by the power of integrity.

divine guidance

Allow your mental stimulation to come from positive energy, thought and interaction. Find the ability to be still - literally! Concentrate on the highest good and future things to come, rather than instant gratification. You will be saturated with the vibration of divine mind, purpose, light, empowerment and satisfaction. Mental health is neither good nor bad, the key is divining yourself - who you are, and what your plan, design, and blueprint entails. Society places a set of rules upon a person’s mental health that creates an accepted norm, and a stigma of separation, yet no single person on this earth fits entirely into any category selected. Striving for a ‘new normal’, is once again following a set of rules that tags you in a system of fallacy and illusion. February is a good month for self-absorption. Becoming absorbed in the self will take you to heart space and healing, self-love and the revealing of who you really are.

Understanding yourself is the key to understanding others. Take the time to do so. A good time to move with Grandmother Moon as she waxes and wanes, a continuous cycle but never repeated, always new beginnings through to completion. This is the way of the human on the brink of Revolution. The uprising of the individual, set to raise its vibration in order to enhance, anything less is defeating the purpose of soul incarnation.

I am guided by the power of Vision. Feel free to use this affirmation from spirit: ‘As I slip into the space of my own heart, I know myself to be true, I know myself to be loved, I know myself. My heart beat is my life force energy, My Pulse, My Tone, My Spirit, My Song.’ – ShirleySienna In Lak’ech ala’ kin

Remaining the same, is holding on to the old.

“As I slip into the space of my own heart, I know myself to be true, I know myself to be loved, I know myself.”

Contact ShirleySienna at Divining Me for ‘Soul Symmetry’ readings and ‘Extra Sensory Perceptions!’ Image Credit: Pixabay

As we near the end of the Galactic Moon, 6th March 2022, Kin 187 Blue Overtone Hand, relays this message; I Empower in order to Know Commanding Healing I seal the store of Accomplishment with the Overtone tone of Radiance

Supernal Magazine


A New Earth – Now

Lilith is back The more masculine side of the unified feminine energy is back, right on cosmic time! There’s been great confusion around Lilith, who according to mythology, was Adam’s first wife before Eve. Lilith left Adam after he insisted she was beneath him, and she’s been mostly demonised and misunderstood ever since. The story describes a galactic astrological cycle called the Grand Precessional Cross, covered in Issue 29, which saw the feminine and masculine seem to separate for a while. We’re now at the point where we can most easily reunify, having evolved creation

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“She would not lower her truth in the mythical story, and as a spirit she won’t do it for us either…” through the contrast. Right on time, the true Lilith is revivifying within all those ready.

Who is the true Lilith? Lilith is a vastly loving and liberated energy carrying great power, representing the more masculine polarity of the unified feminine energy. She would not lower her truth in the mythical story, and as a spirit she won’t do it for us either, insisting we transcend illusions around our own greatness to meet her eye to eye.

By Melanie Dufty Her return is seen in the rise of the empowered feminine we’re seeing in our world. This energy is the unified feminine, which contains the yin and yang forces of creation in balance. The feminine-feminine energy represented by the archetype of yin Eve, has a more personal and emotional expression to its unconditional love, and has been more welcome in our world the past 6,000 years. The feminine-masculine within the feminine wholeness is represented by the yang Lilith, a more impersonally loving and collectively-focused expression. This energy has been exiled and feared to some level. There is no longer any cosmic imperative for the feminine to split into duality expressions, as the time in the great cycle has come for unified flow


“The dark shadow of the feminine does exist, and Lilith in her vast light contains it.” between masculine and feminine energies of all kinds, including the Lilith and Eve. No more mother/whore or bitch/ doormat duality expressions of the feminine!

Why is Lilith intimidating to many of us? Lilith carries a detached energy. We’ve generally experienced detachment as a symptom of fear as we protect ourselves from something, and our insecurity can lead us to perceive Lilith as inaccessible, intimidating or unloving, through to evil. This is because we’ve projected fears of unworthiness and darkness onto her. That many can find her unapproachable is because she doesn’t lower her vibration to meet illusional projections on who she is. She won’t entertain sordid facades based on a lack of love and truth, but in compassion she calls us to meet her as an equal. Due to her refusal to fit into the narrow model of the all-sacrificing wife and mother that the patriarchal era prescribed, she was called a demonic child killer, evil seductress, a wicked serpent and the first vampire. Her inspired sexuality saw her called a whore.

She was associated with abortions, miscarriage, fertility problems and the deaths of babies and children, and known as a predator of pregnant and birthing women. Through thousands of years, countless people used amulets to ward off Lilith’s evil. The dark shadow of the feminine does exist, and Lilith in her vast light contains it. In duality this can be expressed through her energies within us. Our feelings of being victimised, inferior, repressed, rageful, evil and/or shamed are often connected to our exiled Lilith energies. If we feel a need to focus on shadow Lilith, she is coolly compassionate about the exploration, but she won’t lower her true frequency to meet us there. It’s our own shadow we’re trying to reconcile, yet it isn’t the true essence of Lilith just as it is not our own.

Lilith’s role in our galactic cycle of evolution That Lilith is so misunderstood makes sense in the galactic cycle. The part of the feminine she represents took a sabbatical to allow for the next phase of the creative contrast of masculine and feminine opposition we’ve experienced in the current ~24,000 to 26,000 year Grand Precessional Cross cycle, presented by the late Nick Anthony Fiorenza, in which the Earth’s spin axis in space appears to trace a circle.

It shows a separation then reunification of the feminine and masculine energies before we reunite, with the purpose of evolving consciousness. The world is so hectic now as we see a seeming separation between those ready to unify, and those needing to stay in dense duality for another long cycle. A key choice point to evolve is here now, and unified Lilith is back to assist us to take it.

Melanie Dufty is an astrologer qualified by the Federation of Australian Astrologers, a Mahat Meditation lover and the author of metaphysical fantasy novel I Am Lilith. Image Credit: Pixabay, Unsplash

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Activating Genius

A Transformational Instrument Discover, activate and own your unique Genius. • Your Genius informs the core principles that guide your life. • Your Genius informs your highest values. • Your Genius is the set of gifts inherent in your human blueprint. • Your Genius resides in your heart; you cannot think it or fake it into action. It must be felt and nurtured into full expression. Private sessions online and in person available 0421 733 355

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not want to stand alone – one must see the bigger


Image Credit: Pixabay

of the Month

“Thus fear of danger is ten thousand times more terrifying than danger itself when apparent to the eyes; and we find the burden of anxiety greater, by much, than the evil which we are anxious about:…” - Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe. Daniel Defoe, author of Robinson Crusoe (published 1719). What insight, intellect and political encounters, ideals and ponderings encouraged him to write such a novel, rumoured to be second only to the bible in its number of translations? He wrote several hundred works in total, recognised as one of the earliest proponents of ‘the English novel’, and rumoured also to be a spy. He was acknowledged and consulted by political leaders, and intellectuals.

Dafoe’s child hood consisted of losing his mother by age ten, living through the Great Plague of London in 1665 and the next year the Great Fire of London. Did this contribute to often finding himself at logger heads with authorities, spending time in prison? No doubt it inspired introspection of the self, and said novel - a psychoanalysis of the human being. Image Credit: Portrait of Daniel Defoe, National Maritime Museum, London - Wikipedia

Numerology By ShirleySienna

February 2022 We have taken a turn, rolled a six for 2022. As luck would have it the month of February, adds a two and in comes a lucky eight. The eternal battle of right and wrong may cause inner turmoil, yet the Heart Energy for February’s two is ripe for the picking and ready to burst with never ending, infinite Love.

picture in order to understand that from polar opposites we can create the whole. Chinese New Year 2022 is Water Tiger, tears of sadness and joy expand horizons, and clear the air. Breathe in and oxygenate the ‘universal waters of creation’ that exist within your body. Emotional Healing.

The year bearer, 2022 as planetary six means ‘one for all, and all for one’. Don’t put yourself down, don’t ‘second guess’, don’t be depressed. Although number two is often rampant with these qualities, this year is the divine equilibrium of balance and vibrant energy. However – as we must add one plus one, if we do not want to stand alone – one must see the bigger

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Contact ShirleySienna at Divining Me for ‘Soul Symmetry’ readings and ‘Extra Sensory Perceptions’. Image Credit: Pixabay

Next Issue – Out 16th Mar 2022 Dreams and The Astral

In this issue of Supernal Magazine, we look at Dreams and the Astral in detail. Dreams are amazing experiences, and while everybody dreams, not everybody remembers them – have you ever wondered why? We also explore dreams and goals and how they impact our current and future lives. The astral realms are a mind blowing place to visit. Out of body experiences through sleep state or deep mediation can offer insights into our existence as human

beings, and can be frightening and simply exhilarating at the same time. It’s worlds within worlds that we have access to if we can open our minds! Plus • Hoody’s Helpers – People making a difference • Sacred Sites – Africa and Australia have a lot in common • A New Earth Now – Astrological reflections • Gaian Consciousness – Life on Earth • What March 2022 means in Numerology • …and more Image Credit: Freepik

Supernal Magazine


Ordinary people living extraordinary lives

Ad Directory February 2022 1Life Radio Ben Dalton – Human Design Bridging Realms Busybird Publishing Freya Sampson Custodian Eartheart Gaian Heart Wisdom Honey & Pollen Lia Estate Design Group Melanie Dufty – Author Orgone Effects Re-Wild Your Water ShirleySienna – Divining Me Supernal Magazine Australia The Oaktree Organisation The Purple Dragonfly


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Do you have a business, product or practIce that aligns with the Supernal way of life?


Supernal You Tube Channel Hannah Swinnerton - Beyond Bullying Supernal Magazine Interview Series - Hannah Swinnerton on Beyond Bullying. Anthony Kilner, Editor of Supernal Magazine Australia interviews Hannah Swinnerton. Hannah is a passionate advocate for mental health and works hard against bullying due to her own experiences from prep to year 12. We interview Hannah about her journey and find out about her new group: Young People with a Purpose: You Are Not Alone. It’s a heartfelt story that is changing lives! Check out Hannah’s story features in Issue 19 September 2020 of Supernal Magazine Australia.

For seekers of the truth, philosophers of the profound and keepers of a compassionate heart. We invite you to journey into self-discovery, with shared stories extrao of extraordinary lives.

Supernal Podcast Deeper understanding of Human Design byRadio Media PTY LTD

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Ben is passionate about Human Design and on his second visit to the Supernal Podcast couch Ben, Shirley and Anthony get into a much deeper understanding on how Human Design can assist everybody on the planet in finding their unique self. This creates some passionate discussion and is well worth listening to. Ben Dalton has written a great yarn explaining Human Design in Issue 32 - February 2022. Please subscribe to the podcast. Listen to the podcasts at Read Supernal Magazine Free at

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Contributor Bios Anthony Kilner Editor

Anthony has worked in magazines and publishing for over 25 years as a photo journalist, travelling Australia and the globe, with a bent towards lifestyle and spirituality. Anthony is a published author with 2 full books (Secret Spiritual Business & Practical Mediumship) plus 3 co-authored books (Healthy Mind, Healthy Body & Healthy Spirit). As a Psychic Medium Anthony is qualified in trance healing, massage, Reiki and Seichim, he also works as an educational facilitator, mentor, energy worker, speaker and musician. Having studied Vibrational Healing and meditation techniques in India and Australia, Anthony understands these to be powerful tools to promote ongoing wellbeing that encourages self-healing. In 2018, Anthony launched Bridging Realms — Core Issue Vibrational Healing™. This system of energy work combines Anthony’s knowledge into a single package, offering a unique holistic service for his clients.

Catherine Fyans

Dr. Catherine Fyans was a holistic general medical practitioner for many years and has a long-standing interest in mind-body medicine, particularly in the influence of the unconscious mind on physical and psychological health. She appreciates that ‘health’ is not separate from our experience of life in general and is intimately related to the lifestyles, beliefs and values that often reflect the society in which we are immersed.Her interests led her to study a number of other healing disciplines aside from allopathic medicine. She has enjoyed having a ‘foot in both worlds’ as this has given her an insight into the spectrum of health care practices and health care consumer demands. She recently left the medical world to pursue her interests in mental health and mind-body counselling/coaching, teaching and writing. Dr Fyans is author of ‘The Wounding of Health Care – From Fragmentation to Integration’.

Charles Snelleksz-Mathelot Gaian Heart Wisdom

Charles has trained and worked with Earth wisdoms keepers, spiritual teachers and elders from cultural traditions Earth wide. He is an Earth poet, Earth medicine man, Earth gardener, an author, sacred musician, and food alchemist. Before self-employment, Charles served in the community sector for over 20 years in youth advocacy and family support.In 2010, Charles co-founded Gaian Heart Wisdom with his wife, Christel Mathelot to share Gaia’s wisdom teachings with the world. In 2020, they co-founded Wild Gaia Plants to support their community in growing and eating clean food. Charles lives with his family in the beautiful Perth hills on their urban farm. He lives his life through, and is informed by, what he calls the Three Sacred Elements of Life: Sacred Service, Sacred Practice, and Sacred Community. His service to community is offered through a variety of pathways; Earth wisdom and natural law practices; Earth wise gardening practices; sound healing; medicine wheel work; spiritual mentoring and guidance; prayer and manifesting circles; food alchemy.

Freya Sampson

Eartheart Custodian

Freya Sampson is the Founder and Custodian of, ‘A New Eartheart Foundation Ltd’ in Fremantle, WA. Her transformational awakening in 1999 catapulteD her into a life in service to humanity, the Earth and all sentient life upon it. Freya has worked extensively with the Australian Aboriginal culture and with world leaders in the movement of Consciousness-Change. She is an internationally renowned shaman, healer and teacher. Her huge heart overflowing with compassion and ability to get to the core of the issue has allowed countless peoples dis-ease to be transformed into ease and grace. Freya shares her wisdom in her body of work, ‘Tree of Life, Pathway to Empowerment’. Her passion is awakening hearts, to together, transform life on Earth.

Jane Offer Sub Editor

Jane is a counsellor, teacher, health practitioner with a Masters in Metaphysical Science. Through family illness, Jane became fascinated by the holistic approach to wellness, founding Spectrum Health Trust UK in 1991, facilitating life empowerment workshops, meditation, healing courses and health management programmes, helping many people to explore their potential. In 2007, Jane relocated to Australia opening The Purple Dragonfly in Warrandyte Victoria and launched The Oak Tree Organisation Australia continuing her passion of promoting personal empowerment. “I believe that everyone has infinite potential, which remains undiscovered when the pain from the past overshadows the present. We are amazing and unique with a definite purpose in life and, when fear and uncertainty are swept away, our possibilities are limitless. The joy and privilege of watching a person rediscover their own power touches my soul every time.”


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Contributor Bios


Lia is an award winning Interior Architect/Designer, Furniture/Product Designer with over 30 years’ experience utilising intuitive skills to create environments and spaces that are nurturing, aesthetically pleasing, functional and supportive. As an artist Lia explores her creativity with drawing, painting, photography and printmaking. A qualified senior educator, Lia assists her clients to investigate and go deep into the psyche to reveal insights, viewpoints and a creative perspective in real world realms. Lia is a qualified Quantum Medical Intuitive/Energy Healer, Newlife Reiki Seichim practitioner, Matrix Energetics and is Clairvoyant. As a lead singer/vocalist and musician, Lia utilises voice, tone and sound in her vibrational healing work. With over 12 years in practice and a life time of intuitive experiences, Lia is an empath who assists clients to understand their own dis-ease and issues that lie beneath the surface of dysfunction for ongoing wellbeing and happiness.

Earth Walker, Nature Advocate

Louise Clarke Life Art Enthusiast

Louise was born in South Africa and has spent the majority of the past decade traveling the world to feed her passion of sacred sites, sustainable eco-communities and the wisdom of indigenous tribes. A dedicated advocate for freedom, Louise co-founded a global liberation movement in 2011 called Ubuntu. She actively contributes on the boards of several eco-villages around the world, and manages her own international team of freedom loving individuals promoting health, financial prosperity and environmental conservation Louise is unapologetically a ‘bush girl’ and spends much of her time in nature exploring the connection between walking, wilderness and wellbeing. Walking 400km in Mozambique in 2021, she was inspired to create an online store showcasing the life art of rural artisans, so connecting them to the global market.

Melanie Dufty Astrologer

Melanie Dufty Astrologer and Writer. Melanie is a Federation of Australian Astrologers qualified astrologer and author of metaphysical fantasy novel I Am Lilith. Based in Perth with her husband and two teenage sons, Melanie previously spent nine years in London and Sydney working in corporate communications (banking and retail), and highly sceptical about the non-material realms. During the homebirth of her first son, and in the year that followed, she hit the spiritual road, becoming passionately interested in the soul’s journey and energy medicine. Melanie began with Pranic Healing, and the last 10 years has been devoted to Mahat Meditation and Integrated Therapeutic Alignment (ITA) energy medicine. Reconciling light and dark has been a big theme in Melanie’s life, leading to a quest to understand duality and to embody the truth that transcends it - unity.

Medium. Numerologist, DreamSpell

ShirleySienna Coventry and Divine Symmetry

ShirleySienna is recognised throughout Australia and around the globe, by her clients and peers as a highly perceptive and accurate Psychic Medium, Tutor, Speaker, and Demonstrator. Proficient in many modalities of Spiritual and Galactic communication and connection, ShirleySienna’s passion and international acknowledgment as a Crystal Skull Caretaker and Earth-Spirit Wisdom Keeper, has enabled her to travel and integrate a diversity of unique teachings and experiences into both her personal and professional life. In turn she assists others as they endeavour to access and understand the many areas of their own ‘Divine Soul Symmetry’. ShirleySienna facilitates public and private events, workshops, classes and lectures in many areas of spiritual and psychic development as well as private consultations.

Supernal Magazine 55

UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH OF WHO YOU ARE Available for consultations and workshops.

Phone 0490 813 214


(Dip. Federation of Australian Astrologers) Who are you, why are you here, what’s up now?

Jacqui Dunbar 0410 102 200 Honey & Pollen

Honey & Pollen

56 Supernal Magazine

If you are ready to Re-Wild your Water contact Anthony Kilner, Freya Sampson or Louise Clarke

Shirley Sienna At Divining Me Divine Symmetry Mediumship/Oracle/Tarot/Numerology/Psychic Readings Public and Private Events Crystal Skull Wisdom Keeper

Consultations by Appointment Email: Tel: 0403 484 892

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Articles inside

Contributor Bios

pages 54-55

Videos & Podcasts

page 53

Ad Directory

page 52


page 51

Quote of the Month

page 50

Pathways to Conscious Health

pages 36-39

Sacred Sites

pages 42-43


pages 40-41

A New Earth - Now

pages 46-49

Divine Time

pages 44-45

Hoody’s Helpers

pages 34-35

Just Get Over It

pages 26-29

Human by Design

pages 30-33

Steve Roberts – Parents with Questions

pages 14-15

Ed’s Letter

pages 6-7


pages 9-11

Bridget Brocklebank – Parents with Questions

page 13

Life of Riley

pages 16-21

Adam Gibson – Parents with Questions

page 12


page 8

Mental Health First Aid for Children

pages 22-25
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