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Engelska 5, 6 och 7 (gymnasiet)


รถvningar i ENGELSKA Jรถrgen Gustafsson


Libers ISBN 978-91-47-90645–1

Projektledare och redaktörer: Anna Granlund, Pernilla Hallqvist Formgivare: Eva Jerkeman Produktion: Anna Törnqvist Göpel Språklig granskning: Michael Knight Första upplagan 1

övningar i ENGELSKA

© 2011 Jörgen Gustafsson och Liber AB


Kopieringsförbud Detta verk är skyddat av upphovsrättslagen. Kopiering, utöver lärares rätt att kopiera för undervisningsbruk enligt BONUS-avtal, är förbjuden. BONUS-avtal tecknas mellan upphovsrättsorganisationer och huvudman för utbildningsanordnare, t.ex. kommuner/universitet. Den som bryter mot lagen om upphovsrätt kan åtalas av allmän åklagare och dömas till böter eller fängelse i upp till två år samt bli skyldig att erlägga ersättning till upphovsman/rättsinnehavare. Undantag Kopiering är tillåten av de sidor som är markerade med Kopiering tillåten. Kopiering får dock endast ske till eleverna på den egna skolan, och kopiorna får inte på något sätt spridas utanför den egna skolans verksamhet. Liber AB, 113 98 Stockholm Tfn 08-690 92 00 www.liber.se Kundservice: tfn 08-690 93 30, fax 08-690 93 01 e-post: kundservice.liber@liber.se 2

Innehåll Förord

s. 7

Punctuation Introduction: full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and commas

s. 8

Exercise 1 *

s. 10

Exercise 2 **

s. 11

Introduction: colon, semi-colon, etc.

s. 12

Exercise 1 **

s. 14

Exercise 2 ***

s. 15

Spelling Exercise 1 *

s. 16

Exercise 2 *

s. 18

Exercise 3 *

s. 20

Introduction: Short Forms *

s. 24

Exercise 1 *

s. 24

Exercise 2 *

s. 25

Exercise 3 **

s. 26

Exrecise 4 **

s. 27

Abbreviations 1 *

s. 28

Abbreviations 2 **

s. 30

Abbreviations 3 ***

s. 32

Register Introduction: Who? Why? What? *

s. 34

Quiz: True or False? *

s. 35

Quiz: Formal or informal? *

s. 36

Context Discussion **

s. 37

Type of Text and Context **

s. 38

Formal and Informal Words Introduction *

s. 39

Word Exercise 1 Crossword Puzzle *

s. 40

Word Exercise 2 Slang *

s. 41

Word Exercise 3 Get *

s. 42

Word Exercise 4 Gonna and Wanna *

s. 44

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Contractions and Abbreviations


Informal into Formal Choose the Right Word 1 *

s. 45

Choose the Right Word 2 *

s. 47

Choose the Right Word 3 **

s. 48

Find the Word 1 *

s. 49

Find the Word 2 **

s. 50

Match the Right Words **

s. 51

Replace the Word 1 **

s. 52

Replace the Word 2 **

s. 53

Read and Rewrite ***

s. 54

Grammar Tenses in Reported Speech *

s. 55

Passives A–C **

s. 56

Concord **

s. 59

Adverbs **

s. 61

Adverb + Adjective ***

s. 63

Inversions ***

s. 64

Collocations Adjective + Noun **

s. 66

Noun + of + Noun **

s. 67

Prepositions **

s. 68

Find the Correct Collocation **

s. 69

Phrasal Verbs 1 *

s. 70

Phrasal Verbs 2 **

s. 71

Introduction *

s. 72

Common Linking Words *

s. 73

Spot the Linking Words **

s. 74

Comparisons and Contrasts **

s. 75

Adding Information **

s. 77

Reason and Result ***

s. 78

Emphasis ***

s. 79

Linking Adverbials ***

s. 81

Making References in a Text **

s. 83

Reporting Verbs ***

s. 84

Integrating References ***

s. 86

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Linking Words


Translation Exercises Public Notices *

s. 88

Parts of a Sentence *

s. 89

Find the Word *

s. 90

Choose the Right Word **

s. 91

Formal Phrases 1 **

s. 92

Formal Phrases 2 ***

s. 93

Linking Words **

s. 94

Read and Translate ***

s. 95

Short Letter Information **

s. 96

Short Letter Article ***

s. 97

Review ***

s. 98

Writing Paragraphs Introduction *

s. 99

Divide a Text: Indented Paragraphs *

s. 100

Divide a Text: Blocked Paragraphs *

s. 101

Find the Topic Sentence **

s. 102

Write a Paragraph *

s. 104

Topic Sentences into Paragraphs ***

s. 105

Short Essay Writing 1 **

s. 107

Short Essay Writing 2 ***

s. 108

Coherence ***

s. 109

Informal Letter 1 What Makes a Letter Informal? *

s. 110

Informal Letter 2 First Names *

s. 111

Informal Letter 3 Opening Greetings and Closing Phrases *

s. 112

Informal Letter 4 A Postcard **

s. 113

Formal Letter 1 Opening Greetings and Closing Phrases *

s. 114

Formal Letter 2 Invitation for Christmas **

s. 116

Formal Letter 3 Rewrite a Letter of Application ***

s. 117

Formal Letter 4 Compare Style ***

s. 119

Formal Letter 5 Letter of Complaint ***

s. 121

Formal Letter 6 Letter to the Editor ***

s. 122

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Writing Assignments: Letters


Writing Assignments: Formal/Informal Writing Introduction to the Writing Process *

s. 123

Mind Maps *

s. 125

Argumentative Essays vs. Discursive Essays **

s. 126

Writing Assignment Agony Aunt *

s. 128

Writing Assignment Writing E-mails *

s. 129

Writing Assignment Writing a Review **

s. 130

Writing Assignment Character Reference ***

s. 131

Writing Assignment The Exchange Student ***

s. 133

Writing Assignment Animal Rights ***

s. 134

Writing Assignment Film and Violence ***

s. 135

Writing a Report Useful Language * Writing Exercise Writing a Report ***

s. 00 s. 136

Referencing Introduction and Exercise *

s. 137

Direct Quotations (Quotes) **

s. 138


s. 140


s. 141

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Edit your Writing



Förord Libers övningar i engelska: Writing är ett skrivmaterial för gymnasieskolans samtliga program och kurser samt för motsvarande kurser på komvux och andra utbildningar. Materialet får fritt kopieras på din skola. Materialet är mycket omfattande med övningar på allt ifrån grundläggande färdighetsträning på Punctuation, Contractions, Abbreviations och Spelling till något svårare övningar i Grammar och Translation och fria skrivövningar såsom Writing E-mails, Writing A Review, Letter of Application, Character Reference, Letter to the Editor och mycket annat. Stor vikt läggs på en rad språkliga moment, t.ex. Collocations och Linking Words, samt skillnaden mellan Formal English och Informal English. En lång rad tips och råd ges, t.ex. om skrivprocessen (the Writing Process), hur man skriver en Mind Map, olika sätt att bygga upp ett stycke (Paragraph), Checklist samt en lång rad nyttiga ord och fraser i samband med övningarna. Det finns även övningar på att skriva referenser (References), citat (Quotations) med mera. Övningarna är graderade efter svårighetsnivå. En asterisk (*) avser lättare övning, två asterisker (**) svårare övning och tre asterisker (***) avancerad övning. Facit finns till samtliga övningar.

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Jörgen Gustafsson



Introduction: full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and commas

Introduction: full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and commas The full stop (punkt) (AmE period) is used at the end of a sentence.

I closed the door behind me. Then I went up to the woman standing by the window. The second sentence (= new idea) starts with a capital letter (Then … ). Questions marks (frågetecken) and exclamation marks (utropstecken) (AmE exclamation points) are also used to end sentences.

Why do we spend so much money on cars? You have no right to say a thing like that! Exclamation marks often express strong emotions such as surprise, shock, anger or fury. Commas are used in many different ways. The general principle is that you use a comma where you would naturally make a slight pause when talking. Here are some guidelines. 1 Put a comma between words in a list (and sometimes, especially in AmE, before and/or).

We went to Switzerland, France, Spain and Portugal. Ben, Joe, Liza or Pat will probably win this contest. NB Long clauses which are connected with and, but, or or are often separated by commas, especially when the subject in the seond clause is different from the

We decided to go to Spain, and Julia and Andy decided to go to Portugal.

(comma – long sentence)

Ralf was poor but very intelligent.

(no comma – short sentence)

2 Commas are often used to ‘highlight’ one or many words.

However, nothing happened that changed my mind.

(comma after ‘however’)

Then I fell asleep, totally exhausted.

(comma before ‘totally exhausted’)

We were, at least to a certain extent, unaware of what was happening.

(commas before and after ‘at least … extent’)

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subject in the first clause.



Introduction: full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and commas

3 Commas are used at the end of direct speech.

‘Let’s go now,’ she whispered. 4 Commas are used before question tags.

That’s very smart, isn’t it? 5 Commas are used when a subordinate clause (bisats) begins the sentence.

If you say a thing like that again, I will smack your face.


I will smack you face if you say a thing like that again.

(no comma when the subordinate clause comes at the end)

6 Use a comma before who/which (= som) if the following relative clause adds new information (and is not necessary to make good sense).

Sam speaks several languages, which is very useful these days.

(the relative clause is not necessary to make good sense – use a comma)

The comma is NOT used if the relative clause is absolutely necessary.

That’s the girl who helped me with my suitcase.

(the relative clause is necessary to make good sense)

7 Commas are NOT used before ‘that’ (när ”that” motsvarar svenskans att/som).

No one realized that I didn’t understand a word of what they were saying.

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This is the face that launched a thousand ships.



Exercise 1 *

Exercise 1

Where should the full stops go in this text? I don’t like wasps I’m not prejudiced but I don’t like them it’s as simple as that they’re aggressive and they sting I also think that I’m allergic to wasps so I have every reason in the world to avoid them I remember a picnic some time ago we were sitting on the grass and suddenly one of those nasty little things attacked me I jumped to my feet and ran 100 yards to get rid of my enemy if I had been stung I would probably have ended up in hospital luckily I survived there may be people who appreciate wasps for what they are but I’m certainly not one of them Example:

I don’t like wasps. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

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Exercise 2 **

Exercise 2


Where could a comma go in these sentences? Also write the rule after each sentence (see pages 8–9). 1 I decided to invite my two brothers my sister two of my best friends and also my boyfriend to the party.


I decided to invite my brothers, my sister, two of my best friends and also my boyfriend to the party. Rule: Words in a list. (Uppräkning.) 2 Strangely enough he made exactly the same mistake a second time. Rule:____________________________________________________________________ 3 ‘Listen carefully because I don’t want to explain this again’ she said. Rule:____________________________________________________________________ 4 I was believe it or not falling in love with him at first sight. Rule:____________________________________________________________________ 5 New York which is where I was born some fifty years ago is very well worth a visit. Rule:____________________________________________________________________ 6 I think it is very important that we keep the promises we have made. Rule:____________________________________________________________________

rest of my life. Rule:____________________________________________________________________ 8 Let’s call it a day shall we? Rule:____________________________________________________________________

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7 When I first arrived in this town I never thought that I would stay here for the


Contractions and Abbreviations

Introduction: Short Forms *

Introduction: Short Forms

Short forms of verbs (Contractions), for example I’m, you’re and we’ll, are often used in informal language/texts. In formal language/texts, you should use the full forms — I am, you are and we will.

Exercise 1

Write the short forms of the verbs in these sentences. Example:

What is going on?

What’s going on?

1 Where is the toilet?

1 ________________________________________________

2 I will never forget that day.

2 ________________________________________________

3 Mum has helped us quite a lot.

3 ________________________________________________

4 John does not like his new job at all.

4 ________________________________________________

5 You cannot come in right now.

5 ________________________________________________

6 I do not know who has been here.

6 ________________________________________________

7 Jill and Jack are not American, are they?

7 ________________________________________________

8 We are back at school now.

8 ________________________________________________

9 Who is that girl over there?

9 ________________________________________________

10 They were not very helpful.

10 ________________________________________________

11 You should not have done that!

11 ________________________________________________

12 We did not know what to do about it.

12 ________________________________________________

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Contractions and Abbreviations

Exercise 2

Exercise 2 *

A Choose the correct alternative in these sentences. 1 I really like you’re/your sense of humour.

1 ________________________________________

2 It’s/Its always nice to be appreciated.

2 ________________________________________

3 My sister’s/sisters not very well today.

3 ________________________________________

4 I know John but not his/he’s plans for the future.

4 ________________________________________

5 I love Manhattan and its/it’s wonderful buildings.

5 ________________________________________

6 I wonder whose/who’s done this?

6 ________________________________________

7 I think you’re/your being stupid.

7 ________________________________________

8 Any idea what they’re/their up to?

8 ________________________________________

9 I don’t know who’s/whose show is the best.

9 ________________________________________

10 There’s/Theirs something strange about all this.

10 ________________________________________

11 He’s/His apologized for his mistakes.

11 ________________________________________

12 Our team played much better than there’s/theirs.

12 ________________________________________

B Translate the sentences into Swedish. 1_ ______________________________________________________________________ 2_ ______________________________________________________________________

4_ ______________________________________________________________________ 5_ ______________________________________________________________________ 6_ ______________________________________________________________________ 7_ ______________________________________________________________________ 8_ ______________________________________________________________________ 9_ ______________________________________________________________________ 10_ _____________________________________________________________________ 11_ _____________________________________________________________________ 12_ _____________________________________________________________________

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3_ ______________________________________________________________________


Contractions and Abbreviations

Exercise 3

Exercise 3 **


Write the short forms of the words in italics.


What is the matter with you? What’s 1 How is your mum doing?

1 _____________________

2 Tyra said she would come back tomorrow.

2 _____________________

3 We will not be able to finish this in time.

3 _____________________

4 I think we had better leave right away.

4 _____________________

5 Who would have guessed that things would go completely wrong?

5 _____________________

6 I think there will be a lot of problems if we do not take action right away.

6 _____________________

7 Had we not told him he never would have known 7 _____________________

8 Let us not get angry, OK?

8 _____________________

9 Why do you talk to me like that? You are not my boss!

9 _____________________

10 Is Linn here? – No, she is not coming tonight.

10 _____________________

11 I would have helped you if you had asked me.

11 _____________________

12 I shall not be able to come to the party.

12 _____________________

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the whole truth about this.


Contractions and Abbreviations

Exercise 4

Exercise 4 **


The following sentences are all spoken and informal. Use contractions instead of full forms.


I would like to go to New Zealand after graduation. → I’d like to go to New Zealand after graduation. 1 You are not afraid of snakes, are you?


2 I think we will be there very soon.


3 Here is our bus. Let us hop on.


4 Sam does not think there is any point in going there.


5 I could not help laughing at her silly jokes.


6 We have done everything that is possible to do.


7 My sister is not very well. She will not be coming to school _________________

8 She said she had seen the film before.


9 I think I would have done the same thing in your situation.


10 What has been done to increase security on the roads?


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Formal and Informal Words

Introduction *


Formal words are used when you have to be careful about how you express yourself, for example in polite conversations with strangers or in business meetings, or when writing a report or a letter to the editor of a newspaper. Examples: commence, thank you. Informal words are used in more everyday situations, for example conversations with friends or emails to your own family. Examples: start, thanks.

Place these words in the correct column. Remember that the short word is usually informal. ad


examination Mon

lab veterinary











laboratory Monday











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When working with “Formal and Informal Words” in this chapter, also practise translation exercises: ”Formal Phrases” on pp. 92–93.


Formal and Informal Words

Word Exercise 1 Crossword Puzzle *

Word Exercise 1 Crossword Puzzle

Read the clues to find the words in the puzzle. 7



1 3



9 11

Across Down 3 In an email you can write GR8 which

1 An informal word for friends.

means …

The first letter is ’m’.

5 The opposite of formal

4 A formal word for grandma

8 Children sometimes say tummy when

7 If you tell someone to hang on,

they mean … 9 A more formal word for dad … 11 A more formal word for till is u… 13 Thru is informal spelling for …

you want them to w…

10 Bril is an informal word for …

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Linking Words

Introduction *


Linking words (conjunctions/adverbs) (bindeord) are words which in various ways link words or sentences. The most common linking word is and.


I like football and floorball. (and links two words – football + floorball) Pat plays football and she also plays floorball. (and links two clauses/sentences – Pat plays football + she also plays floorball) Another linking word is because (därför att, eftersom). It always links two clauses/ sentences.


I can’t come tonight because I don’t feel well. (because is the link between ’I can’t come’ and ’I don’t feel well’) Here are some very common linking words:

and = och but = men or = eller because = därför att, eftersom when = när if = om, ifall that = att/som

Choose between and, but, or, that, because, when and if to make complete sentences. 1 Sam said _________________ she would come and see me some time next week. 2 I don’t do well enough at school _________________ I hardly ever do my homework. 3 Please give me a ring _________________ you get back home. 4 I like Sandra and Jim a lot _________________ I don’t see them very often. 5 Which continent do you find most fascinating — Africa, Asia _________________ South America? 6 It was really great fun, we danced _________________ laughed all night. 7 I’m prepared to help you _________________ you will just tell me what you want me to do.

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When working with “Linking Words” in this chapter, also practise translation exercise ”Linking words” on page 94..


Linking Words

Common Linking Words *

Common Linking Words

Here are some common linking words:

although = fast/än/, trots att as = när, just som, medan as = eftersom rather than = hellre än, snarare än since = sedan, alltsedan unless = om … inte whereas = medan /däremot/ while = medan, så länge som

Choose the correct alternative in these sentences. 1 I’ve lived in this town as/since I was ten years old. 2 I was doing a sudoku while/unless I was in the bath. 3 We’ll never save this planet as/unless we start now. 4 I failed the driving test although/since I had practised a lot. 5 I noticed someone outside the hotel entrance as /whereas I was stepping into the taxi. 6 John looks his age when/whereas his wife looks much younger. 7 I decided to give up the match rather than/although make a fool of myself.

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8 We should all help Oktay unless/as his English is not yet good enough.



omslagsfoto: photoDisc Volume 35

• punctuation • spelling • Writing e-mails

• Writing a review • letter of application • Collocations

• linking Words • Formal/informal english … och mycket mera

Materialet ligger tryckt som pdf-fil på en cd-rom. Det är bara att skriva ut den aktuella övningen. kopieringen är fri på din skola!



Libers övningar i engelska: Writing är ett skrivmaterial för gymnasieskolans samtliga program och kurser samt för motsvarande kurser på komvux och andra utbildningar. Materialet är mycket omfattande med övningar på allt från grundläggande färdighetsträning till svårare, friare skrivövningar. övningarna är graderade efter svårighetsgrad. exempel på innehåll:






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