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Libe R E n g e l s k a


Anna Windirsch
E ng e l s k a

ISBN 978-91-47-14802-8

© 2023 Anna Windirsch och Liber AB

projektgrupp och redaktion Tina Tärnrot, Maria Jones, Kirsi Terimaa Bengtsson, Anna Karlberg produktion Emilie Szakál, Eva Runeberg Påhlman form Lisa Lanning

bildredaktör Marie Olsson

illustrationer Maria Källström (3:1, 3:3, 6, 7, 11, 13, 15, 16, 22, 24, 33:21, 42, 44, 45, 46, 59, 66, 68, 69, 78, 81:1, 92, 93, 94, 118:1–6, 118:8, 120, 121, 122:2, 138, 140, 141, 142) Kalle Landgren (14, 26, 27, 38:4, 48, 50, 86, 96, 107, 118:7, 118:9–10, 122:1), Bettina Johansson (2, 3:2, 20, 21, 23, 25, 29, 30, 33:1-20, 35:1, 36, 38:1-3, 40, 41, 51, 52, 53, 62, 70, 81:2–6, 85, 97, 99, 112:2–7, 115), Lisa Lanning (72, 88:1, 102, 104)

omslag Lisa Lanning och Eva Jerkeman (grundidé) språkgranskning Robbie Stevens

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repro Repro 8 AB, Stockholm tryck Graphycems, Spanien 2023


57 Alamy Stock Photo/TT

76 The Old Major/Shutterstock.com

84 (2) mikecphoto/Shutterstock.com

84 (3) Dave Rushen/SOPA Images/TT

84 (4) LiTsai/Shutterstock.com

84 (6) Marco Tiberio/Shutterstock.com

90 Andrew Gombert/EPA/TT

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(10, 19, 34, 35:2, 43, 47, 49, 58, 63, 71, 73, 74, 77, 84:1, 84:5, 84:7–8, 88:2, 89, 106, 108, 109, 112:1, 118:11, 127, 129, 132, 133, 137)


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4 THE ART OF LEARNING A LANGUAGE 6 1 My Family and Colourful Clothes 6 Me and My Family 10 Family and Friends Are Everything 14 Buying New Clothes 18 Dress for School 22 GRAMMAR Substantiv – singular och plural 24 GRAMMAR Obestämd och bestämd artikel: a – an – the 26 2 Food and Numbers 26 At the Restaurant 30 At the Grocery Shop 34 Our Favourite Apple Pie Recipe 38 Lunchtime at School 42 GRAMMAR Personliga Pronomen 44 GRAMMAR Presens -s 46 3 Holidays and the Seasons of the Year 46 Seasons and Weather 51 A Birthday Celebration 55 How Do You Spell That? 58 A Merry Christmas 62 Speed of Winter 66 GRAMMAR Sight Words 68 GRAMMAR WH-questions – Frågeord
3 70 4 English Speaking Countries in Europe 70 Explore the United Kingdom 74 Nana Tells Us about the Emerald Isle 78 St. Patrick's Day 82 My Travel Guide to London 85 A Treasure Hunt 89 Meet Emma Watson 92 GRAMMAR Prepositioner 94 GRAMMAR Verbet Be (am-is-are) 96 5 Body Parts and Sports 96 At the Doctor's 100 An Ordinary Day 104 The Sporty Week 108 Sports Around the World 112 Interesting Records and Fun Facts 116 True or Not True? 120 GRAMMAR Verbet Have 122 GRAMMAR Sammandragna former 124 6 Friendship in Literature 124 Wonder 127 The Boy at the Back of the Class 130 Meet the Authors 133 The New Kid 138 GRAMMAR Skrivregler 140 GRAMMAR There is – There are 142 How to Better Understand a Text Level 1 Level 2 Level 3


Exercises in Workbook

Arbetet med att lära sig engelska börjar i textboken där du får läsa olika typer av texter som handlar om spännande och intressanta ämnen, personer och händelser.

I den här arbetsboken bygger du upp ditt ordförråd, tränar på att läsa, lyssna, tala och skriva engelska samt övar på grammatik.

Symbolen visar att du övar på ord. Ordförråd heter Vocabulary på engelska.

Symbolen visar att du övar på läsförståelse. Läsning heter Reading på engelska.

Symbolen visar att du övar på att skriva – Writing

Symbolen visar att du övar på hörförståelse – Listening.

Symbolen visar att du övar på att tala och samtala på engelska – Speaking

1. Match the Descriptions with the Words

Read the descriptions. Which words are described? Draw lines. Para ihop beskrivningarna med rätt ord.

1. To talk with friends or classmates. •

2. To read different kinds of texts. •

3. To put words down on paper. •

• Reading

• Writing

• Listening

4. To use your ears and understand what someone is saying. •• Speaking

5. To work with new words. •

• Vocabulary


2. True or False?

Read the text. Mark with a cross if they are true or false.

1. A text has a lot of words, and the words create sentences that tell a story.

2. The more you listen the better you understand.

3. When you talk you get better at saying things.

4. You can create a text when you put words together and write them down.

5. You cannot have fun at the same time as you are learning a new language.

6. You need to work and practise to learn a new language.

3. What is your Favourite Word in English?

My favourite word in English is ____________________________________________________________ because

4. What do you Want to Learn in English?

Work in pairs. Talk about what you would like to learn in English.

I Would like to learn … to read to write to listen to speak to discuss to understand (förstå) to pronounce (uttala) themes like … (ämnen som ) words like …

Look at the symbols next to the exercises on page 4–5. What kind of exercise is not on these two pages?


My Family and Colourful Clothes

Me and my Family

1. Leah's Family

Find the information about the family members in the text. Fill in the form.

Hitta information om familjemedlemmarna i texten. Fyll i blanketten.



Age City


Favourite colour

Dad Name




Favourite colour


Name Age


Favourite colour


2. Crossword


the crossword. Across
1. pappa 2. bok 3. trädgård 4. huvudstad 5. för att Down 4. bil 6. favorit 7. bor 8. bror
1 5 2 4 6 7 3 8 9 Pet Name Age Hobby Favourite colour Grandmother Name Age Hobby Favourite colour CHAPTER1
9. namn

3. My Family Portrait PART 1

Write about your family. Introduce yourself and a family member. Skriv och berätta om din familj på samma sätt som Leah gjorde i texten. Berätta om dig själv och en familjemedlem.

My name is ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I am ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ years old.

I live in .

I like to ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .

My favourite colour is ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I am good at ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ . .

Something that makes me happy is __________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Introduce a family member.

This is my .

His/her name is .

He/she is .

He/she likes ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

His/her favourite colour is .

He/She is good at ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .


4. What's your Favourite Colour?

Four friends are talking. Listen and find out about their favourite colours. Put a cross in the correct box.

5. My Family Portrait PART 2

Present your family to a classmate.

1. Now, use your family portrait. Tell a classmate about yourself.

2. Tell your classmate about a family member.

3. Listen to your classmate’s family presentation.

6. Mingle in the Classroom

Walk around in the classroom and talk to your classmates.

• What is your name?

• Where do you live?

• How old are you?

• What is your favourite colour?

Lucy yellow purple Ryan yellow red Sarah green pink Will white blue You red orange yellow green blue purple brown black

Family and Friends are Everything

1. Match the Words

Write the number by the correct translation. Skriv siffran vid rätt översättning.

1. viktig relatives

2. släktingar treehouse

3. snickare solve

4. trädkoja jokes

5. lösa freckles

6. korsord crossword

7. skämt important

8. fräknar carpenter

2. In English, please.

Translate the words into English.

1. Frankie gillar bergsklättring. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Alex gillar inte spindlar. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Charlie bor bredvid.

4. Frankie är gift med min farbror.

5. Alex har alltid på sig en keps. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


3. Who is being Described?

Write the sentences under the person they describe.

has short grey hair. worked as a carpenter. wants to be an astronaut. works as a photographer. doesn’t like spiders. likes to solve crosswords. likes rock climbing.

has got dark curly hair. has got long brown hair.

This person ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

This person

This person ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


4. An important Person in My Life PART 1

Write about a person that is important to you. Tell us what the person:

• does (work/school or hobby)

• looks like

• likes

• why he/she is important to you

It can be someone in your class, someone in your family or a famous person.

Skriv om en person som är viktig för dig. Skriv om vad personen gör (jobb, skola eller hobby), vad de gillar, hur de ser ut och varför de är viktiga för dig. Det kan vara någon i din klass, någon i din familj eller en känd person.

I am going to write about ... ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. A Message

Write a message to someone important in your life. Let the person know that you are happy to have him/her in your life and why.

For example :

Najma, I really like you because we have fun together and I can talk to you about anything. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


6. Who is it?

You will hear three descriptions. Who is it? Listen and put a cross in the box next to the correct picture.

7. An Important Person in Your Life PART 2

Work in pairs. Read your text about an important person in your life. Let your classmate guess who it is. Start by saying if it is someone in your class, someone in your family or someone famous.

8. What is Different?

Work in pairs. One of you looks at the picture on this page and one of you looks at page 9 in the textbook. Find five things that are different in your pictures.

Ask each other questions like:

– What colour is the hair?

– What is the colour of the cap?

– Does he/she wear glasses?

1. Sam 2. Marie 3. Leah

Liber Engelska 4 WORKBOOK

I arbetsboken följer ni upp texterna i textboken genom att träna på läsförståelse och ordkunskap. Skrivuppgifterna har tydliga stödstrukturer och modellfraser så att ni kan producera egna texter. Varje text har en hörövning antingen kopplad till textens innehåll eller till temat så att ni kan träna på hörförståelse. Det finns många muntliga uppgifter där ni kan öva på att tala och prata med varandra i klassrummet.

I arbetsboken finns också flera avsnitt som fångar upp grammatiska moment från texterna.

Låt Liber Engelska bli vägen till språklig framgång!

För mer information om samtliga delar, se www.liber.se.

LI B ER E N G E LSKA ett basläromedel för åk 4–9 Best.nr Tryck.nr 47-14802-8 47-14802-8
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