Advantage Magazine | October 2022

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Advertising Information: Brent Ackerman

Advantage Information and Questions: Sophia van Oss

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Cheryl Krage 507-424-5699


John Eckerman

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At Large Steve Dunn

Santhi Arunachalam

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Doug Holtan


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Jarett Jones

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Sharon Schneller

Gwen Stevens

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125 Live Somali American Social Service Assoc.

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Editor: Katie Becker


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This November’s ballot will include Olmsted County Commissioners, Rochester Mayor and Rochester City Council Members in addition to other statewide, county and local positions. Hear from the local candidates on why they are running and where their priorities lie.


Q: Why are you running for county commissioner and how does your experience qualify you for the position?


A: I am running for county commissioner due to my family’s long history of serving on school boards or working for their township. I am very passion ate about running and am excited to work towards my priorities of cre ating a more beautiful future for our community. I have spent the past 35 years working as a doctor and also serving the community in various avenues. I have served as the President of Hiawatha Children Home, been a board member for the Rochester Foundation’s First Homes Exec utive Board, been on the Executive Council for Tee it up for the Troops, served on the board for Olmsted County and Olmsted Medical Center, in addition to serving in numerous committees, boards, and clubs throughout Rochester. I am here to listen to your concerns and I will work to address them as Commissioner.

Q: What are your top two priorities or issues as a candidate for county commissioner?

A: It is important to note that the issues I am focused are predicated on appropriate funding. It is important that all constituents are getting the best possible service for dollars spent. I am all about affordable hous ing and continued improvements for public safety, particularly when it comes to youth mental health. The mental health issues that our youth face post-covid is brutal. We need to bring care and support for youth mental health here in Olmsted County to help our youth and provide them the services and help that they need. Families should be able to get their children the care they need here in Olmsted County. Affordable housing is another priority of mine. The county needs to work to promote affordable housing. This partnered with increased resources for youth mental health will improve the public safety of our communities in Olmst ed County. I am eager to get to work to accomplish these goals.


The opinions expressed in the candidate profiles are the sole views of the candidates. They do not reflect the opinions or views of the Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce or its members. The publication of the candidate’s statements therein do not imply the expression of any endorse ment whatsoever by the Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce or its members.

Advantage Magazine | 5October 2022
Feature F


Q: Why are you running for county commissioner and how does your experience qualify you for the position?

A: I am running for County Commissioner because I believe in the power of civil service to improve the everyday lives of people. As a dedicated community leader I bring strong collaborative skills, optimistic thinking, and creative problem solving to local government. With 20 years of experience in education, healthcare, and small business, I understand the importance of working together to get things done. It is vitally im portant that our elected officials have meaningful lived experience in the communities they seek to represent. I am a nearly lifelong resident of Kutzky Park and I talk with voters every day. Over the past several years in preparation for public office I study the issues closely, I meet regular ly with local leaders, I attend community events, I pay close attention to what’s happening in District 1 neighborhoods, and I serve on numerous non-profit boards, commissions, and local councils. This is my way of beginning the work of advocacy and community empowerment I aim to continue once elected to the county board.

Q: What are your top two priorities or issues as a candidate for county commissioner?

A: 1. Affordable Housing: Olmsted County is experiencing a critical housing shortage. As a Rochester Area Foundation First Homes board member I understand the urgent need for safe and affordable housing, par ticularly in low income, workforce, and senior housing options. The greatest barrier these populations face is finding safe and affordable housing that is not a cost burden (more than 30% of gross income). The solution to Olmsted County’s housing crisis requires long-range efforts on the part of state, city, and county leader ship to work with builders, business leaders, non-profits, and the greater community to prioritize affordable housing for all Olmsted County residents. 2. Public Safety: Law enforcement, emergency preparedness, and public safety are critical services Olmsted County provides to the community. When elected County Com missioner I will use my experience as a Safety Advocate and emergency preparedness trainer to support public safety initiatives, including victim services, community corrections, and crime prevention. I also sup port Olmsted County’s efforts to reduce recidivism, such as pretrial services, outreach specialists, employ ment assistance, chemical dependency treatment, drug court, and mental health services.

| Advantage Magazine6 Feature October 2022 F



A: I am running to represent my neighbors by bringing fresh ideas, experiences and leadership to the Olmsted County Board. I see great opportunities ahead in Olmsted County, with the continued impact of Destination Medical Center and I see challenges in infrastructure and affordable housing investments. My leadership experiences working in transportation and public health have given me the insight to become an effective and influential County Commissioner. Working at the Minne sota Department of Transportation has grounded me in the areas of in frastructure, project management, and finance. Prior to MnDOT, I worked for the America Cancer Society and assured passage of coverage of pa tients costs in clinical trials, off label prescription drugs for cancer patients, while addressing medical disparities. My experience in leading organizational change efforts can benefit making improvements in streamlining processes and making improvements to programs.

Q: What are your top two priorities or issues as a candidate for county commissioner?

A: My top priority is infrastructure. The cost of affordable housing is becoming unsustainable. We have excel lent builders! I would love to see more partnerships/incentives between the County and builders to stream line processes, identify shovel ready projects which will benefit business and those needing housing. We need to stay on top of our public infrastructure investments. The fact that our state legislators and Governor failed to deliver a bonding bill is unacceptable. As a result, safety improvements like an interchange at Olmsted County 44 and U.S. Hwy 14 will be delayed for several years and the costs will increase. My second priority is public health/safety. The Olmsted County Board of Commissioners is the local board of health. During covid, we learned how important and how vulnerable our public health infrastruc ture is. We need to use what we have learned and be ready for the next public health crisis. We must also not forget the demand and need for mental health resources and the impact of not providing resources will have on law enforcement resources.

Q: Why are you running for county commissioner and how does your experience qualify you for the position?
Advantage Magazine | 7October 2022 Feature F


Q: Why are you running for county commissioner and how does your experience qualify you for the position?

A: I am running for Olmsted County Commissioner out of a deep sense of public service. Being a commissioner satisfies a personal desire to serve people and our community. Making Olmsted County the best place anywhere to live, work, and raise a family is my priority. I have served Rochester on the Park Board, City Council and in the Minnesota Senate.

It is not those experiences that qualify me, it is about what I have done with the experiences. I led on bringing Destination Medical Center to Rochester creating investments and many jobs. I led on the Mayo Civic Center expansion, completing Highway 14 from Dodge Center to Owa tonna, bringing a new sewer and water system to Oronoco, dredging Lake Zumbro, creating a University of Minnesota Rochester, creating the Minnesota Bio business Center, the establishment of a Regional Men tal Health Crisis Center in Rochester and much more. I know how to put ideas and people together to get things done. Results more than anything is what I believe, qualifies me to be a commissioner.

Q: What are your top two priorities or issues as a candidate for county commissioner?

A: First and foremost, my top priority is to be a commissioner who serves the citizens of Olmsted County well. This would certainly include the policy areas but as importantly to be the best commissioner possible from the standpoint of constituent focus and service. I believe to my core that government exists to serve the needs of people and that elected officials have a primary obligation to make sure that focus is always present. If elected, I want people to say at the conclusion of my term. “Job well done.”

Secondly, I believe the role of any elected official is to see the future and go there. Climate and environmental sustainability are extremely important issues for me. If elected I want to help lead Olmsted County towards focusing on decarbonizing its systems and operations and making sure the practices of the county are as environmentally sustainable as possible.

| Advantage Magazine8 Feature October 2022 F

Q: Why are you running for county commissioner and how does your experience qualify you for the position?

A: I am running for county commissioner to serve the community. I feel that giving people the opportunity to have choices when they are voting is important. It is important to me that all constituents in the district feel they have representation and a voice when there are topics that impact their daily lives. During my time as a district sales manager, I have been able to develop relationships working with collective bargaining labor groups, large corporate organizations and small business owners. I understand the vital impact each of these groups has on a community.

I have worked through the bid process with many federal and state funded organizations, and appreciate the fiduciary responsibility of this position. I also have a strong working understanding of property manage ment, as well as county and state policy around building use and facility maintenance needs.

Q: What are your top two priorities or issues as a candidate for county commissioner?

A: The first priority would be to empower and reflect the collective thought processes of those living in Dis trict 3. It is important that I continue to connect and hear the people that I represent. I have had the oppor tunity to meet and talk with many of the residents of district 3 and I plan to continue to find ways to connect and provide opportunity for input, for those who want to share.

The second priority would be to work with current employees, grant processes and policies to work to address the housing shortage that in turn, creates an employment shortage. There are great opportunities for a county, like Olmsted, to develop sustainable affordable housing models that will then support employees who can live and work in our county.

A: I quit my career in education after 48 years to become a full-time county commissioner. I chose to run for commissioner because I wanted to continue working in a position that serves the general public and contributes to Olmsted County’s development. In my past role as an educator, I was involved with the state-wide faculty group that provided opportunities to lobby at the state legislature, speak to groups, negotiate contracts, and meet with the general public. I have learned the skills and art of collaboration to move a goal forward. In my past six years as a county commissioner, I have helped the county government remain steady, fiscally sound, and respected. In spite of diminishing financial assistance from the legislature, I have done my part to ensure that county services continue to be provided in the most fiscally responsible way.

Q: What are your top two priorities or issues as a candidate for county commissioner?

A: I will continue to work on housing for low-income residents including the elderly and disabled. This in cludes seeking more State and Federal funding for housing. It also includes working and collaborating with community partners and other government agencies. Another issue that will receive my attention is maintaining the general public’s trust in local government. The County Board is highly respected by the residents because the Board is deliberative in its actions and responsive to county needs. I will continue to contribute to the steady progress of the Board, the calm approach to problem solving, and the open dialog necessary to reach good outcomes. Maintaining the faith of the people in good government is always a priority.

Q: Why are you running for county commissioner and how does your experience qualify you for the position?
Advantage Magazine | 9October 2022 Feature F


Q: Why are you running for county commissioner and how does your experience qualify you for the position?

A:I had been on the Rochester Township board for 18 years and have an interest in local government. In my time on the board, I had to deal with annual budgeting, equipment updating and purchasing, employee work groups and road maintenance issues. The township is also able to do planning and zoning with valuable help from TCPA. I have been self-em ployed for 29+ years, so I understand many areas of small business and it is very important to be fiscally responsible. I believe my experience will be beneficial in integrating with the rest of the commissioners, because there will be a large learning curve in dealing with the many issues at the county level. Then I can start serving the residents of Olmsted County.

Q: What are your top two priorities or issues as a candidate for county commissioner?

A: It is difficult to label just two top priorities with the many programs the county is involved in. Several very important areas are housing rehabilitation, care of vulnerable adults, senior citizens and at-risk youth. We don’t want them to fall into homelessness. I believe housing rehabilitation would help families and neighbor hoods. This would be important in small communities and cities. Homes falling into disrepair is not good for anyone.

Q: Why are you running for county commissioner and how does your experience qualify you for the position?

A: In order for rural communities to thrive, there needs to be a different focus from the past few decades. It takes more than a focus on road maintenance and rural land use to ensure that the people in our commu nities thrive. The County has purview over millions of dollars in social sup port, and yet most constituents do not know that. I will be the strongest candidate for this position because I have an educational background in public policy, and 20 years of leadership experience leading very large complex projects that require sound decision making skills, communica tion skills, and diplomacy skills. My work on the Olmsted County Human Rights Commission, my leadership on the board of IMAA and the NAACP have been additional volunteer experience to add to my qualifications for the position. I am also incredibly grateful to the Rochester Chamber of Commerce for having been a part of their program Leadership Greater Rochester, and am proud to be an alumni of that group.

Q: What are your top two priorities or issues as a candidate for county commissioner?

A: 1. The County has purview over a significant scope of social services. For decades, our communities have been experiencing a market failure where daycare and long term care are too expensive, and yet no one can make money in these spaces. I will prioritize policy that will help solve these crippling issues, while staying in the lane of what the government should get involved with. 2. Government policies, or poor gov ernment policies are many times what undermines the social and environmental progress that is needed. I intend to spend time understanding why Olmsted County’s land use policies are not guided by principles of environmentalism. From a business perspective, there is a significant amount of opportunity to make mon ey at the same time as we innovate for the environment. The government does not need to get involved in issues of businesses and nonprofits, but can significantly impact their success or failure through policy.

| Advantage Magazine10 Feature October 2022 F

Q: Why are you running for county commissioner and how does your experience qualify you for the position?

A: I am running for Olmsted County Commissioner District 5 to apply my experience to the Olmsted County Board to build on the policies and direction set by previous boards and reimagine how to deliver services to meet everyone’s needs. I believe government works best when commu nity members are involved and their lived and learned experiences are listened to and included in policy change. I bring broad volunteer and work experience to this role. My volunteer background includes working with agencies that represent individuals with developmental disabilities, mental health, the arts, professional organizations, women in leader ship, and racial equity in our schools. In my professional career, I have worked in many sectors including high tech, higher education, banking, and non-profit. I have led during times of prosperity and during challenging times and I have never shied away from making tough decisions. I analyze data, listen to multiple perspec tives, and conduct my own research to arrive at the best decisions.


Q: What are your top two priorities or issues as a candidate for county commissioner?

A: My top two priorities as a candidate for Olmsted County Commissioner District 5 are effective and effi cient government and strengthening our communities so they are healthy and inclusive for all citizens. For effective and efficient government, I will examine how we are investing tax dollars to assure we are allocat ing resources responsibility and work with Olmsted County staff to identify ways to streamline processes for the highest efficiency and delivery of services. For healthy and inclusive communities, I will be an advocate for the passed resolution of racism as a public health issue, assistance for our people to assure they are able to live their best lives, and work with our local governments, non-profit, and private sectors to evolve incen tives for creating affordable housing. As an Olmsted County Commissioner, I would work towards ensuring representation for all constituents to help Olmsted Country grow in a positive direction.

Q: Why are you running for county commissioner and how does your experience qualify you for the position?

A: When Commissioner Jim Bier decided not to run for re-election after serving for 20 years, I saw this as an opportunity to apply my diverse skill set and experience to give back to society. I”ve always been interested in public service which is evidenced by my engagement in groups like 4-H, Olmsted County Extension Committee, Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Byron FFA Alumni and Supporters, Farm Bureau and the Governor’s Food Safety and Defense Task Force. Throughout my career I have developed extensive experience in strategic planning, budget management, group facilitation and organizational leadership. My knowledge of fiscal re sponsibility, resource management and planning has been further devel oped as a small business owner. I’m also a trained scientist, so I’m com fortable utilizing data in decision making. My sons are the fourth generation in our family to steward the land on our farm and I am committed to helping to ensure that Olmsted County remains a thriving and safe community where they can raise a family and build a fulfilling life.

Q: What are your top two priorities or issues as a candidate for county commissioner?

A: I will prioritize interacting with the residents of District 5 to listen as they provide input on topics of interest to them that are impacted by county government. I’m committed to understanding how I can best repre sent citizens as I work with my fellow commissioners to build programs and enhance services that are sup portive of healthy and thriving communities. The growth we’re seeing to the NW of Rochester is impacting my district. I must educate myself on the infrastructure needs as well as the relationships with our outlying towns and townships impacted by this growth. With growth, comes an increased demand for social services and I look forward to applying creative and tactical thinking to maximize impact for county residents. In addition, playing a role in the forecasting of financial needs and making strategic decisions on resource use and prioritization is something I look forward to once elected.

Advantage Magazine | 11October 2022 Feature F


Q: Why are you running for county commissioner and how does your experience qualify you for the position?

A: When the redistricting process this spring required six of the seven County Commissioner districts to be on the ballot in November, the four longest-serving County Commissioners decided to retire. Having up to five new members of the County Board would make it difficult to provide continuity in decision-making for the many county services our residents rely on. I concluded my many years of experience and deep knowledge of county operations are an asset at this time of transition and, consequently, I decided to run for a final term. Since I am running un opposed, I am assured of serving that term and I am looking forward to assisting the new County Board members as they take on their new responsibilities.

Q: What are your top two priorities or issues as a candidate for county commissioner?

A: Housing that meets the needs and the budgets of our residents is a critical factor for our communities’ health and vitality. There is simply not enough supply of housing that meets the diverse needs of all our residents at rates they can afford. Solving our housing supply needs requires a broad community effort and is not easily resolved. Olmsted County has a well-deserved reputation as an organization that provides high-quality services, has prudent financial management, and seeks to innovate. I will continue to actively support the County’s focus on developing prevention and continuums of services and care for our residents who need assistance. Sometimes there is a specific project that seems to have been overlooked and which claims your attention. For me, that has been the restoration and development of Graham Park as a com munity resource and venue where members of our communities can gather, celebrate, and learn. It is my hope that the Graham Park Master Plan will be fully implemented by the end of my next term.


State and local offices will be on the ballot, make sure your voice is heard! Learn how to register to vote, find your polling place and view what your ballot will look like at the Minnesota Secretary of State’s website,

Vote by mail or early in-person now thru Novermber 7th.

| Advantage Magazine12 Feature October 2022 F


Q: Why are you running for city council and how does your experience qualify you for the position?

A: I’ve been a Rochester resident for over 40 years. Living all of it in the Meadow Park area, I know Rochester. Working at a small locally owned restaurant and as a registered nurse. I’ve been an active or passive participant in the Boy scouts, Youth Commission, RN Neighborhood’s, the YMCA, Rochester Track club to name a few. Once the YMCA closed, I felt I could do more for my community and its local residents. I believe my hard-working, driven personality makes me a perfect candidate. I strive to succeed. My twenty-five plus years of nursing experience has fine-tuned my critical thinking skills and taught me how to work in small groups, sometimes in high intensity situations, stay calm, and resolve the issue at hand.

Q: What are your top two priorities or issues as a candidate for city council?

A: 1. To advocate for the residents of Ward one and Rochester itself. To be fiscally responsible in the decisions made that impact Rochester residents and our city. To think inclusively for all Rochester residents, having an open relationship with everyone and advocating for our small business’ owners inside, and outside the downtown area. 2. As Rochester grows and expands so does our network of streets. Anoth er priority I have is for safe streets. Whether that be from well maintained and visible roads, bike paths, or sidewalks. Feeling comfortable walking, biking, or driving home from work or school. Or just enjoying the enormous network of recreational trails. We all deserve to feel safe. Safe streets also need well trained and responsive police persons. I will continue to make sure they have the funds they need to keep us safe. As well keeping our park and rec staff and public works staff visible and safe as they keep our roads and parks clean and safe.

Q: As the city of Rochester continues to grow and develop, how do you envision Rochester ten years from now? How can the city council support that vision?

A: I’m excited for Rochester Future. In 10 years though, my vision of Rochester doesn’t change much. The issues we have now will still be here. If the city continues to grow as predicted, and the slow housing development continues we will still need affordable housing. We can continue to work with contractors, Rochester builders’ association, and Olmsted County to alleviate some of the housing crunch. Vehicular congestion is increasing ALL over, not just downtown, The link system is exciting but it only alleviates conges tion on a 2.5 mile section of city roads. With commuters estimated to increase by 52,000 by 2040, and most employed people working outside of the downtown area this extra traffic burden falls on them. We need to start looking at increased traffic flow through some of our bordering residential areas. The city council can work with public works, city engineers, and neighborhoods to track and record this flow and devise a plan. And might I mention slower speed limits save lives.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Commissioner Kiscaden is running unopposed in the race for the Olmsted County Commissioner District 6
Advantage Magazine | 13October 2022 Feature F


Q: Why are you running for city council and how does your experience qualify you for the position?

A: My dedication to our community and to my citizenship, along with a successful career in the complex field of technology helps qualify me. I bring creative problem-solving skills to address the issues young families are facing, and I have the energy and the empathy to successfully represent our growing seniors and their unique demands on the city. As current representative for Ward 1, it has been an honor to work on behalf of business and citizens to shape the direction of our community.

Q: What are your top two priorities or issues as a candidate for city council?

A: 1. I will work to make our city responsive: In those times that you have important City Business. I will CONNECT you to our staff and advocate to get you a fair hearing, and 2. I will work for an efficient local government: I will provide operational oversight focusing on City Services where requests for service are tracked and outcomes are measured. The sources and uses of public resources will be openly shared and public input in a part of the process.

Q: As the city of Rochester continues to grow and develop, how do you envision Rochester ten years from now? How can the city council support that vision?

A: Rochester will have a healthy mix of urban, suburban, and country housing options with neighborhoods being the building blocks that make up our future city. Our economy will be Health Care based, and it will also have more economic diversity with growth in complementary medical services companies along with new industries taking advantage of available resources like the IBM complex in NW Rochester. Our new East / West LINK rapid transit will make public transportation more dependable / usable to the point that urban traffic is less congested . Last mile transit companies thrive with new users, and new processes that address the messiness of scooters in our right-of-way.

| Advantage Magazine14 Feature October 2022 F

A: There’s a legacy of public service in my family. I feel a strong sense of duty to serve in my community at non-profits, as a Human Rights Commissioner, and Golf League President. I know that a thriving community relies on residents to care and be involved in keeping our city safe and welcoming. I want to ensure the City Council uses an equitable data driven decision making process. People with no relevant experi ence have held public office at the highest levels. The question about qualifications always seems immaterial. However, my degree is in Political Science/Public Administration, was on Governor Dayton’s Task Force that helped create the strongest Anti-bullying law in the nation, and as a Vic tory Institute Fellow I spent a year learning about leadership and gover nance. My 12 years of community service working with various government bodies and non-profit agencies isn’t enough experience for some folks; the way I look and who I love is an issue to them. It doesn’t mean I won’t have their best interest at heart and needs in mind.

A: Affordable and accessible housing is the most pressing issue in Ward 3. More workforce housing is being built, however it’s not as affordable as people would think. If you make less than $40,000 a year, which is what most skilled labor or entry-level positions pay, you can afford housing but not very much more than that. It’s not the Avocado toast that’s keeping young professionals from spending more money downtown. Housing is a policy issue, and it takes political will and visionary leadership to reimagine housing for everyone. Rochester should implement policies that are focused on environmental sustainability such as higher density housing with less sprawl, housing closer to downtown, and increased public transportation. My campaign also believes everyone has the right to easy access to green spaces, regardless of where their neighborhood is. Finally, we should invest in green energy. As a city we have to do our part to address the environment and climate crisis.

A: In 2032, Rochester’s expected population is 140,000 with an additional job growth of up to 20,000. With the largest growth in health & human services, and other customer service-oriented jobs. The demographics of both our residents and workforce are changing. They are younger, more diverse, and have more progressive views and political ideas. If the City is expected to grow at that pace leadership must be able to innovate and respond to an impending labor force gap. I’m running to represent Ward 3. DMC has helped encourage growth and innovation which attracts new residents and skilled workforce. That’s helped grow NW Rochester, however it also creates transportation issues and lack of activities for young professionals. We may be able to attract but we need to focus on retaining our skilled workforce and young professionals. That would both include addressing public safety through community engagement. And providing appro priate nightlife and entertainment not just for young families but for single young professionals. Creating a robust community that is safe, connected, and welcoming for all.

Q: Why are you running for city council and how does your experience qualify you for the position?
Q: What are your top two priorities or issues as a candidate for city council?
Q: As the city of Rochester continues to grow and develop, how do you envision Rochester ten years from now? How can the city council support that vision?
Advantage Magazine | 15October 2022 Feature F


Q: Why are you running for city council and how does your experience qualify you for the position?

A: Having spent a lifetime career in public service--leading small and large organizations and helping people overcome obstacles in life--serving on the city council is an extension of work I have done and enjoy. I do not come with a specific agenda, but instead want to provide practical and responsible leadership at the highest level of Rochester governance. With the incumbent withdrawing from the race after eight splendid years of service, I was asked to file for office. My ex perience of leading a large 4300 member church in Rochester for more than 24 years has prepared me to listen to all sides of an issue, note differ ences, overcome division, and lead an organization to goals that propel us forward. I served on a school board for six years in south central Minne sota, and I served on the Augsburg University Board of Regents for 12 years. I have served in board positions locally, regionally and nationally.


Q: What are your top two priorities or issues as a candidate for city council?

A: My top two priorities are the priorities of the people of Ward 3, and likely priorities of the entire city. As I have knocked on thousands of doors in the Ward, two topics continually arise: taxes constantly increasing and public safety. I will come to the council as a fiscal conservative who will monitor property taxes so that we do not, from the city’s side, tax people out of homes and businesses. I will seek to work with the coun cil and with staff to identify areas in which funds may be saved and allotted to projects that will benefit the city. I will be a strong voice for public safety so that we can continue to thrive as a city. Rochester has a great police chief, and we have superb officers, fire fighters, and emergency responders. We need to continue to support them--not just with dollars, but with our presence and our words of encouragement. We need to recognize where problems exist and devote resources to those areas.

Q: As the city of Rochester continues to grow and develop, how do you envision Rochester ten years from now? How can the city council support that vision?

A: Rochester has been on a predictable trajectory since I moved into the region in 1965! There is nothing that suggests Rochester will not continue to grow and develop over the next ten years, particularly as the economic engine of Rochester and all of Southeastern Minnesota, the Mayo Clinic, continues to grow and serve the medical needs of people from the area and from all over the world. As a council we need to be in good partnership with the Mayo Clinic, being very careful to articulate the needs of the city and development of city services as more people migrate to Rochester for work, homes, schooling, recreation, and retirement. The City Council will continue to oversee that growth and will need to work with neighborhoods and developers to provide housing and commerce that serves the public well. The council will need to work with police and fire to ensure that we can adequately serve and protect an expanded city. We need to ensure that Rochester remains a terrific place to live.

| Advantage Magazine16 Feature October 2022 F

Q: Why are you running for city council and how does your experience qualify you for the position?

A: As a Rochester citizen, I feel that our diverse community is growing for the better. Our city is growing infrastructure wise, and our communities needs are as diverse as our community. I am running for City council for ward 5 to help create a harmonious community where everyone feels they belong. My experience in working with vulnerable adults and chil dren in the last 12 years have given me a remarkable opportunity to see members our community that is often not visible to many. I have seen and heard modest amount of their needs and what they go through day to day. I want our city and its policies to impact this group more positively than in the past. I am running because I feel we need to improve housing and home ownership. I am running because I feel that as a city, Roches ter can eliminate homelessness. I am running because I feel we can cre ate a path for our young adults to create a sustainable future for themselves by offering them training system to be part of the work force.

Q: What are your top two priorities or issues as a candidate for city council?

A: 1. Affordable housing, Fair Housing and home ownership: Tackle the housing situation and find a way to make sure that all families no matter the size have a place they can call home and feel comfortable. Promote and build homes that accommodate large-size families: home buying accessibility: The goal, if elected, is to make our city a humble welcoming city where our communities feel at home. 2. Park and rec reation: Our families need an affordable Park and rec. A place they can use for activities for their children and gathering for family events. Similar to the Y.

Q: As the city of Rochester continues to grow and develop, how do you envision Rochester ten years from now? How can the city council support that vision?

A: Although ten years seems far, I believe that in the next ten years Rochester will be in the midst of its growth. The growth I envision for Rochester is one that is inclusive with a sustainable community. I envision a community that feels proud to call Rochester home. To achieve this our city council members must listen to our community and what is important to our young families, young adults, and youth as well as our senior citizens. A Diverse community needs diverse plans that will work for all.

Q: Why are you running for city council and how does your experience qualify you for the position?

A: I am running for office this cycle because my primary goal as the councilperson for the 5th ward is to be supportive of the citizens of Roch ester and make sure that their voices are heard when the city is making decisions critical to the future of our neighborhoods. This is still my goal, and I have been working hard at this. As the current City Council mem ber representing the 5th Ward, my actions speak for what I bring to the city. I have served as the President of the Camp Olson YMCA board for two terms and I was a past member and chairman of the Olmsted Coun ty environmental committee. I am also an Eagle Scout and born and raised in Rochester. I am also a member of the Chamber.

Q: What are your top two priorities or issues as a candidate for city council?

A: When I campaigned last time, I campaigned on more involvement from citizens in the process of deci sion making, an example would be the reconstruction of North Broadway. Also Parks, we need to update the governess of our park department, we need a clear line of responsibility so we can represent the needs of our community.

Q: As the city of Rochester continues to grow and develop, how do you envision Rochester ten years from now? How can the city council support that vision?

A: Rochester is an international community with many different cultures, and we need to make sure we are welcoming to all, we need to honor our pass and look to the future, we also need to support our small business community. We need to do a better job of listening and communicate what steps the city is taking to improve communication.

Advantage Magazine | 17October 2022 Feature F


Q: Why are you running for Mayor and how does your experience qualify you for the position?

A: I love this community, and I want to ensure that the family-focused, high quality of life that my family has enjoyed is available to all who live here today and in the future. I believe that my extensive experience in public service – nearly 4 years as Rochester’s Mayor, 10 years in the Minnesota state legislature and 8 years on Rochester’s school board -makes me the best choice to lead as we plan for our city’s future. I have led our city in good times and in tough times, providing the sensible and steady leadership we need to continue moving forward together. I’m proud of what we have accomplished as a community and the goals we are setting. My collaborative approach to problem-solving, my commitment to fair and evidence-based decision-making and my dedication to respecting all voices in our community will allow me to continue being an effective leader.

Q: What are your top two priorities or issues as a candidate for Mayor of Rochester?

A: Throughout my first term I worked with the council and staff to respond to the needs of our community. I prioritized the public’s health and worked to protect us from the devastating economic impacts brought by the pandemic. I also helped the city qualify for significant funding and training opportunities for city staff that will help us meet needs identified by both our residents and our businesses more effectively. I’m proud of what we have accomplished as a community and the goals we are setting. Moving forward, my top two priorities are:


•Exploring new ways to provide effective, equitable city services with an emphasis on public safety to maintain a high quality of life for all who live here

•Building strong relationships with community members and businesses to provide economic stability, help our city grow and create new opportunities for all to prosper and remain resilient

Q: How can city government improve to best serve its citizens and area businesses?

A: During my term as Mayor we have pursued a number of exciting projects to address issues identified by community members and business owners. When local businesses told us they are having difficulty in filling jobs in the construction industry, I helped Rochester compete for and win nearly $2 million in funding to help train workers for these high-demand jobs. Because effective problem-solving and decision-making skills also position the City to be responsive to those we serve, I also helped acquire funding for city staff to learn more about how to use data to make smart and fair decisions. These efforts are good examples of how forward-thinking city governments should operate, and they will help us respond effectively to any new challenges and opportunities that arise in the future.

| Advantage Magazine18 Feature October 2022 F


A: I am running for the sake of my ancestors and my children. Rochester is on the wrong track. I want to keep Rochester on her natural trajectory of incremental and stable growth. I believe the reliance on bureaucratic elites and highly paid consultants is leading Rochester toward minneapolization. I don’t want Rochester to repeat the mistakes that lead once prosperous cities into decline. I will provide local, organic leadership that is focused on the citizens’ voices. My practical knowledge and experience bring a rational, common-sense approach to problem solving. As the only home-grown candidate, I have a deep commitment to the city that my ancestors helped build. A key component of Rochester’s future prosperity is growing and evolving while preserving the culture and best practices that delivered our original success. Nobody goes to Zurich to see Portland. Rochester leaders could benefit from this lesson.

Q: What are your top two priorities or issues as a candidate for Mayor of Rochester?

A: My top priority is public safety. This is the most important job of City Hall. The level of crime in Rochester has been too high for decades. We now face increased violence in our schools, under-enforcement of our laws and under-prosecution of crime.. Under my leadership, Police and Fire will have the full support of City Hall. Saying Rochester’s crime level is lower than Minneapolis is a very poor measure of success. My second priority is the runaway spending and volatile growth related to DMC. As a de facto second layer of government, DMC is pushing projects and agendas that do not have the support of the citizens. Vulgar amounts of money are being spent on “new shiny thing” projects that have little or no added value for citizens. Wasteful spending and unneeded bureaucrats are bloating the city budget and increasing the tax levy. This is not a template for success. Finally, divisive partisan social agendas and other contested ideas should not be allowed to become government policy. If all citizens are to have faith in City Hall, we must leave controversy to non-governmental entities.

Q: How can city government improve to best serve its citizens and area businesses?

A: I do not think the success of local businesses should depend on government programs or entitlements. This creates an artificial market that is not fair or sustainable. Alternatively, cutting excessive and redundant regulation can smooth the path to business formation and success. Reducing bureaucracy at City Hall and placing more trust in citizens and business owners to act responsibly will create more opportunity. The goal should be to have as many business and property owners as possible. City Hall can better serve her citizens and businesses by allowing them to keep more of their money. The objective should be to have the government focus on their prescribed duties and not look to take on new initiatives best left to free choice and the private sector. City Hall will serve citizens best when using cost benefit analysis and not partisan agendas.

Q: Why are you running for Mayor and how does your experience qualify you for the position?
Advantage Magazine | 19October 2022 Feature F


Adults and children of all abilities deserve to have opportunities to contribute and connect with their community. At PossAbilities, creating these opportunities for children and adults with disabilities is at the forefront of their mission.

Executive Director, Sue Mackert, provided us with more information about this local area non-profit.

Q: Tell us about PossAbilities. What does your company offer to the Rochester region?

A: PossAbilities provides programs to assist people with disabilities to live a fulfilling life of their choosing. For some, employment in the community is preferred; others come for day services that may include recreation, life skills training, socialization, companionship, or activities. For adults with disabilities who are unable or prefer not to work, we seek volunteer programs in the community to promote self-esteem and independence. Our newest program, ArtAbilities, is designed for artists with disabilities. ArtAbilities includes instruction, studio space, supplies, and guest lecturers.

We also provide the tools, resources, and oversight of employees for families or for individuals with a disability who wish to self-direct their care while living in their own home. This enables parents to work outside the home, be paid as care-givers, or have respite opportunities. For people with disabilities, this program, which serves nearly 100 families in southeastern Minnesota, enables them to live independently surrounded by family and friends.

Q: How did it start for PossAbilities?

A: The fortitude of three mothers in 1950 who had children with disabilities changed prominence for disabilities in Rochester. Options for their children included placing them in an institution or keeping them home, without any services or education. Jean Peterson, Louise Shefelbine, and Laura Schunke are credited for their role in advocacy and in obtaining legislation in 1961 to develop the Olmsted County Day Activity Center (DAC), predecessor to PossAbilities. In 1993, the DAC officially became known as PossAbilities.

Q: PossAbilities became a member of the Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce in 1991. What do you find valuable in your membership to the organization?

A: We are proud members of the Chamber, doing our part to ensure a strong and vibrant business community. Rochester’s nonprofit organizations are dependent upon a strong business community for commerce, financial support, volunteers, and sharing of best practices. A strong

ArtAbilities Program Director Joel Pralle (right) offers classes on various art forms to people with disabilities. He has a degree in art and has been working with people with disabilities at PossAbilities for 26 years.
| Advantage Magazine20 Meet the Member October 2022 M

business environment also denotes a healthy community which, in turn, brings secondary benefits such as educational opportunities, accessible healthcare and social/human services, and a solid infrastructure. The payback for us, as a nonprofit, is continuous in the connections we make, the programs we attend, and the ability to have a voice in strengthening the economic condition of our community.

Q: What is a unique fact people should know about PossAbilities?

A: When trying to secure a professional who may have a family member with a disability, Human Resource professionals use us as part of their recruitment tool. We have a strong reputation for our programs which aids in bringing new professionals to the area.

Q: What is the outlook for your business and industry?

A: As the number of people with disabilities continues to increase, we will always have access to more business than we can handle. Current statistics show 12,500 persons with one or more disability in Olmsted County. We want to be prepared to serve them, so we must, as an agency, become more creative and innovative in how we staff, fund, and forge collaborative relationships. These business needs for us are addressed in the connections we make through the Chamber.

To learn more about PossAbilities, visit them online at

Program Director Sarah Storandt (right) assists Christine Nilsen (left) who is part of the Life Enrichment program at PossAbilities. Christine likes art, field trips, and community volunteer opportunities.
Advantage Magazine | 21October 2022 Meet the Member M

hosted by

hosted by

AM Espresso is a monthly Networking PLUS event brought to you by the Chamber. Come join fellow Chamber and community members to expand your network, promote your business, and enjoy delicious breakfast refreshments. We believe there is value for all in building a supportive business community. As the local economy shifts towards recovery, it is more important than ever to interact with each other to share ideas and best practices.

ONB Bank takes pride in having served the community since 1996. They are locally owned and managed. They are “Rochester’s Community Bank.’’

Come join fellow Chamber and community members to expand your network and promote your business. In October, you are invited to ONB Bank!

Date: Friday, October 7, 2022

Time: 7:30am-9:00am

Location: ONB Bank, 975 34th Ave. NW, Suite 101, Rochester, MN

Admission: Free, registration required

Register here:

Join us for Business after Hours (BAH), a monthly networking function which brings professionals together to network and build valuable business relationships. Enjoy delicious food and drinks while connecting with a variety of businesses and organizations operating in the greater Rochester area. This event is a great opportunity to increase your organization’s visibility and generate productive business leads.

Altra is a nationwide cooperative financial institution providing both personal & business loans, deposits & cash management services, as well as financial investment & retirement planning.

Come and connect, expand your network, and build community at Altra Federal Credit Union!

Date: Thursday, October 20,, 2022

Time: 4:30pm-6:30pm

Location: Altra Federal Credit Union, 3833 Cascade St. NW, Rochester. MN

Admission: Free, registration required

Register here:

| Advantage Magazine22 Chamber News October 2022 C



Presenting Sponsor:

The STEAM Summit encourages more than 1,700 middle and high school students to pursue science, technology, engineering, art, and math careers by connecting them to business and higher education institutions which offer STEAM courses in a highly interactive, hands-on format.

The future success of the Southeast Minnesota economy depends on a well-prepared pipeline of students with the education and skills needed to keep the region’s business and industry competitive. This summit brings together business, higher education, local government, and our community to prepare students for an increasingly competitive global marketplace and to encourage interest in in-demand careers.

As a direct result of STEAM Summit, our student surveys found of those who attended: 85% of the students had a positive, fun experience, 78% learned something that they could not have learned in the classroom and 57% identified a career or field that they’d like to pursue in the future.

Register at to participate as an interactive exhibitor!

Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Time: 9:00am-2:30pm

Location: RCTC Regional Sports Center, 851 30th Ave. SE, Rochester, MN

Admission: Free, registration required

Host Sponsor:

Silver Sponsor:

Advantage Magazine | 23October 2022 Chamber News C


• Rochester Community and Technical College

• University of Minnesota Rochester

Pal Koak, B.S. in Health Science, Graduating ‘23

• Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota

Joseph Schauf, B.A in Finance and B.A. in Management, Graduating ‘23

• Winona State University – Rochester

Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 Time: 8:30am-10:30am

Location: Admission: $30 members

$45 general admission

Register here:

Higher education plays a key role in training our future leaders and also employs a significant number of residents in the Rochester region. It is crucial that the business community remains engaged and close with our higher education institutions.

Higher Education Outlook is an opportunity for the region’s higher education institutions to share an outlook on their campus, ranging from updates on projects and initiatives to identifying emerging work force trends.

Join us on Tuesday, October 11th from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. as the panel of administrators discuss the outlook on higher education in the Rochester region.

Following the leadership discussion, a panel of stu dents will share their experience in higher education and the role that their institution has played when it comes to their workforce readiness.

Current agenda to include:

Higher Education Leadership Panel:

• Dr. Jeffery Boyd, President, Rochester Community and Technical College

• Dr. Lori Carrell, Chancellor, University of Minnesota Rochester

• Dr. Scott Olson, President, Winona State University – Rochester

• Dr. Matthew Gerlach, Interim Provost and Dean of Faculties, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota

Student Perspective Panel:


Presenting Sponsor:

Table Sponsor:


Host Sponsor:

| Advantage Magazine24 Chamber News October 2022 C



Rochester Nonprofit Consortium has announced its intent to become a program of Rochester Area Foundation (RAF). The Consortium is currently a fis cally sponsored project under the RAF umbrella. This move will solidify the relationship between the two entities providing greater stability and enhanced support for the Consortium from RAF staff.

The Consortium was founded in 2016 as an informal group of nonprofit executive directors interested in finding new ways to work together and create efficiencies for their organizations. Funding from Otto Bremer Trust, Mayo Clinic, and Rochester Area Foun dation, as well as guidance by an Executive Com mittee of nine diverse nonprofits, produced a thriving organization working to develop shared services and resources to increase operational efficiency among nonprofits. In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the Consortium quickly became a hub for cross-sector collaboration on complex issues facing our commu

nity. “Rochester Area Foundation has been a won derful partner in helping us to grow the Consortium and provide value to Rochester’s nonprofit commu nity,” said outgoing Consortium Executive Director Terri Allred. “They are committed to keeping mem ber priorities at the heart of this program and I am confident that this move is the right one for the Consortium and the membership.”

“We are delighted to provide further support to and strengthen our relationship with the Rochester Nonprofit Consortium,” RAF President Jennifer Woodford shares. “RAF’s mission is in direct alignment with the mission of the Consortium with both organizations committed to bringing people together to solve complex community problems.”

Upon this transition, Carrie Moscho, RAF Community Impact Officer, will take the lead in coordinating Consortium activities and serving members.

Advantage Magazine | 25October 2022 Community News C
MAKE A DIRECT IMPACT We’re Building Our Rochester Team! View ISG’s local career opportunities! 100PERCENT E MPLOYEE OWNE D Architecture + Engineering + Environmental + Planning |



If the past few years have taught small business owners anything, it’s the unpredictability of life. If your small business weathered the pandemic, you are understandably concerned about shoring things up ahead of the next crisis. My visits with CEOs has revealed that during this time, they struggled most with having to staff the operation when employees are gone for an extended period of time. If you are already in business or just starting your own company, you’ll want to adopt a few tried-and-true practices to guard against the unexpected.

Tiffany Delmore, one of our SCORE content partners has written a few practical suggestions that I will share for your consideration. She co-founded, a company helping to develop safer educational environments.

You can safeguard your company by sticking with a few simple practices. While the backup procedures presented below are not complicated, they are not automatic. All of them require diligence and follow-through.

In the day-to-day hustle of providing products and services, it’s often all too easy to let these backup procedures slide. Given the stakes (and recent events), neglect is unwise.

All of the practices listed below are preparatory. None of them will do you much good in an emergency. Instead, they help you keep your small business humming along smoothly as unanticipated events arise. As you implement these, keep asking yourself, “What’s the worst that could happen?” Do this without becoming morbid or panicky.

1. Prepare for the unexpected through cross-team collaboration.

No single individual should hold the “keys” to anything you need to keep your small business running smoothly…not even you! In our age of high-tech, cloud-based solutions, there’s been more than one small business to face setbacks because no one thought to get Bob’s login credentials before he took off to a remote location with zero cell service.

Similarly, using the example above, at least one other person (preferably two or three) should know the ins and outs of Bob’s daily work routine. True, they may not be as highly skilled as Bob, but they at least hold a comprehensive understanding of how he gets his job done. Be sure to put a plan in place for every key position in your organization. If you have not yet begun a regular, thorough program of cross-team collaboration among your employees, the time is now

To read more, visit SCORE’s website at

| Advantage Magazine26 Community News October 2022 C


Updates from the Chamber member community.

ExercisAbilities is rebranding

ExercisAbilities is getting a new name and a new look – EA Therapeutic Health! Since 2011, they have grown into a powerhouse provider of various therapies and adaptive health and fitness options for children and adults. Their state-of-the-art programming helps people move well, feel well, and live well. Learn more:

New Director of Family Support and Assistance

Meridee Braun is continuing her career with Olmsted County as the next director of Family Support and Assistance (FSA). Braun officially assumed the role on Monday, September 12, 2022. This news follows the departure of former Olmsted County FSA Director Corrine Erickson.

Altra Recognized for Workplace Excellence

For the fourth consecutive year, Altra Federal Credit Union has been certified a Great Place to Work® and recognized as a Fortune Best Workplace for the third consecutive year. Great Place to Work® recognizes employers who create an outstanding employee experience.

New Faces for Clean and Safe Program

Cam Hurd (left), Clean and Safe Ambassador Program operations manager, joined in April 2022. Mark Bilderback (right), Clean and Safe Ambassador Program advisor, joined in Sep. 2022.

New RDA Team Members

Juli Gifford (left), Rochester Downtown Alliance (RDA) event lead, joined RDA in June 2022. In this role, Juli is responsible for helping plan and execute the RDA’s events portfolio. Clare Tarr (right), RDA administrative and grants coordinator, joined RDA in September 2022 In this role, Clare is responsible for keeping order and ease within the RDA office workings.

Strapp Promoted to Mortgage Lender

Beth Strapp has been promoted to Mortgage Lender at Merchants Bank. With Merchants since 2017 as a Mortgage Loan Processor, she is looking forward to serving customers throughout the mortgage process. Beth is located at the Bank’s Rochester-North west office. Get to know her at merchants

Advantage Magazine | 27October 2022 Newsreel N


Travel Leaders

Travel Leaders celebrated their new Chamber membership and new location with a ribbon cutting on July 28th. President, Dave Lovick cut the ribbon.

3135 Superior Dr. NW, Rochester, MN

TerraLoco celebrated their 10th Anniversary and remodel with a ribbon cutting on August 2nd. Owner/Manager, Tiffany Piotrowicz, cut the ribbon.

1190 16th St SW Suite 150, Rochester, MN

State Farm: David Jorgenson Agency celebrated their new Chamber membership with a ribbon cutting on July 29th. Agent, David Jorgenson, cut the ribbon.

401 16th Ave. NW, Suite 105, Rochester, MN

Med City Discount Outlet

Med City Discount Outlet celebrated their Grand Opening and new Chamber membership with a ribbon cutting on August 11th. Co-Owner, Katie Grabow, cut the ribbon.

1310 7th Street NW, Rochester, MN

Hanai Pet Cremation celebrated their new Chamber membership and Grand Opening with a ribbon cutting on August 2nd. Owner, Gilmore, cut the ribbon.

3232 E. River Rd NE, Rochester, MN

Compcare Physical Therapy

Compcare celebrated the Grand Opening of their second location with a ribbon cutting on August, Director of Physical Therapy, Daniel Van House, cut the ribbon.

4224 E. Frontage Road, Rochester, MN

State Farm: David Jorgenson Agency Congratulations to the following members on their successful Ribbon Cuttings! Hanai Pet Cremation TerraLoco
| Advantage Magazine28 Ribbon Cuttings October 2022 R

Winona State University - Rochester

Winona State University - Rochester celebrated their new expansion with a ribbon cutting on August 18th. Dean, Julie Anderson, cut the ribbon.

400 S Broadway, Rochester, MN

Eureka Kids

Eureka Kids celebrated the Grand Opening of their second location with a ribbon cutting on August 23rd. President, Hema Sai Kishore, cut the ribbon.

3648 9th St. NW, Rochester, MN

The Home Collective

The Home Collective celebrated their new location with a ribbon cutting on August 29th. General Manager, Todd Wickre, cut the ribbon.

1219 7th St NW, Rochester, MN www.

Downtown Oronoco Gold Rush Days

Downtown Oronoco Gold Rush Days celebrated their 50th Anniversary with a ribbon cutting on August 19th. Mayor, Ryland Eichhorst, cut the ribbon.

Oronoco, MN

Rentex Rentals

Rentex Rentals celebrated their new Chamber membership with a ribbon cutting on August 24th. Owner, Abigayle Johnson, cut the ribbon.

612 11th Ave. NW, Rochester, MN

Red Cow

Red Cow celebrated their Grand Opening and new Chamber membership with a ribbon cutting on August 30th. General Manager, Joseph Johnson, cut the ribbon.

217 14th Ave SW, Rochester, MN

Advantage Magazine | 29October 2022 Ribbon Cuttings R


Introducing our newest members.

EZ Camper Rental

Eddy Kruger

(507) 358-7097

650 S Pointe CT SW, Rochester, MN

Rochester Neuropsychology Services, PLLC

Holly Quimby Tremain (507) 601-8349

4115 26th ST NW, STE 104, Rochester, MN

Ever After Entertainment

Brent Robertson (507) 216-8900

703 South Pointe Ct SW, Rochester, MN

Rory’s Home Improvement LLC

Heidi Halling (507) 696-4821

1131 3rd Ave SE, Rochester, MN

Med City Art Festival

Ivete Martinez

(507) 250-3556

611 N Broadway Ave., Rochester, MN

Birchlawn Place Counseling Center, INC

Brittni Timmerman, MS, LPCC, NCC, RPT-S

(507) 258-3287

3520 East River Road NE, Rochester, MN

Service Restoration

Ray Sandey

(507) 461-7822

1928 32nd Avenue NW, Rochester, MN

Echelon Wealth Partners

Brittany Pilling (507) 281-4341

4115 26th Street NW, STE 100, Rochester, MN lon-wealth-partners

Popus Gourmet Popcorn

D’Angelo Tines (651) 331-9132

Rochester, MN

Legal Assistance of Olmsted County

Karen Nath

(507) 287-2036

1700 N. Broadway, STE 124, Rochester, MN

Marco Technologies

Nolan Grose

(507) 661-5500

1014 Bel Air Ln NW, Rochester, MN

Hanai Pet Cremation

Gilmore (507) 403-7387

3232 E River Rd NE, Rochester, MN

Do you know of a business that has recently opened in Rochester? Are you connected to a business-owner looking to expand their network? Then a Chamber membership is right for them!

Please contact with any referrals.

| Advantage Magazine30 Welcome October 2022 W



AM Espresso - ONB Bank

Date: Friday, October 7

Time: 7:30am-9:00am

Location: 975 34th Ave. NW, Suite 101, Rochester, MN

FREE - Registration required

11 2022 Higher Education Outlook

Date: Tuesday, October 11

Time: 8:30am-10:30am

Location: TBA $30 Members, $45 GA

27 Hospitality 1st Roundtable

Date: Thursday, October 27 Time: 9:45am-11:00am

Location: 30 Civic Center Dr. SE, Rochester, MN

FREE - Registration required

27 WE Forum - Connect

Date: Thursday, October 27 Time: 4:30pm-6:00pm Location: TBD

FREE - Registration required


20 Business After HoursAltra Federal Credit Union

Date: Thursday, October 20

Time: 4:30pm-6:30pm

Location: 3833 Cascade St. NW, Rochester, MN

FREE - Registration required

21 Women’s Roundtable

Date: Friday, October 21

Time: 7:30am-9:00am

Location: 220 S Broadway Ave. Suite 100, Rochester, MN

FREE - Registration required

04 AM Espresso - United Way of Olmsted County

Date: Friday, November 4

Time: 7:30am-9:00am

Location: 903 West Center St., Suite 100, Rochester, MN

FREE - Registration required

15 2022 STEAM Summit

Date: Tuesday, November 15

Time: 9:00am-2:30pm

Location: 851 30th Ave. SE, Rochester, MN

FREE - Registration required

17 WE Forum - Investing in Your Business

Date: Thursday, November 17 Time: 8:00am-9:00am

Location: 2900 19th St. NW, Rochester, MN

FREE - Registration required

17 Business After HoursMerchants Bank

Date: Thursday, November 17 Time: 4:30pm-6:30pm

Location: 1600 Greenview Dr. SW, Rochester, MN

FREE - Registration required

18 Women’s Roundtable

Date: Friday, November 18

Time: 7:30am-9:00am

Location: 220 S Broadway Ave. Suite 100, Rochester, MN

FREE - Registration required


02 AM Espresso - Haley Comfort Systems

Date: Friday, December 2 Time: 7:30am-9:00am

Location: 3708 N Broadway Ave., Rochester, MN

FREE - Registration required

Advantage Magazine | 31October 2022 Event Lineup E

220 South Broadway, Suite 100 Rochester, MN 55904 507-288-1122


Work On The Plus Side

For me, it’s all about the down-to-earth culture. Our open, honest, and candid conversations allow for great teamwork and create an enjoyable workplace.

- Mike Y.


Join a culture that fosters individual strengths and encourages team collaboration.

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